AG SCI 208 - Advance Ruminant Production and Management Syllabus

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Republic of the Philippines


The Premier University in Zamboanga del Norte
Main Campus, Dapitan City Registration No. 62Q17082

Program: Master of Science in Agriculture

Instructor/Professor: Isaias B. Catian
Pre-Requisites: None Day & Time:SAT; 4:00 – 7:00 P.M
Unit Credit: 3 units Course Code AG SCI 208 Room: TBA
No. of Hours: 54 hours Consultation Hours:
Course Title Advance Ruminant Production and Management

PHILOSOPHY Jose Rizal Memorial State University adheres to the principle of dynamism and cultural diversity in building a just and humane society.

VISION A dynamic and diverse internationally recognized University.

Jose Rizal Memorial State University pledges to deliver effective and efficient services along research, instruction, production and extension.
It commits to provide advanced professional, technical and technopreneurial training with the aim of producing highly competent, innovative and self-renewed professionals.

GOALS Jose Rizal Memorial State University focuses on developing graduates who are exemplars of Rizal’s ideals that can:

E – xhibit relevant and responsive competencies across disciplines towards

X – enial delivery of services;
C – ommunicate ideas proficiently in both written and spoken form;
E - ngage in lifelong learning;
L – ead effectively and efficiently amidst socio-cultural diversity;
L – ive up to the challenges of the global community;
E – mbody professional, social and ethical responsibilities;
N – urture a harmonious environment;
C – onserve and promote Filipino cultural heritage; and
E – valuate their contribution to the local and global communities.

Globally Competitive
Graduate Industry Relevant
Attributes of Innovative
Illustrado Tribe
Life-long learner
Service Driven
Course Description The Advance Ruminant Production and Management is a course for the graduate students pursuing their Master of Science in Agriculture (MSA). This course covers the basic principles
of production, marketing, and waste utilization of ruminant animals including pasture production and utilization. The knowledge of this course can bail the student out either in actual ruminant
production exercise, in extension work with animal raisers or in research work on ruminant production. It is believed that graduates of this course will later help to solve the problem of food
deficiency through advancing ruminant production locally, nationally and globally.
Program Outcomes 1. Produce graduates who exemplify competence in providing technical and policy advice in implementing programs that would promote sustainable agricultural development in the
Addressed by the regional, national and global
Course 2. Demonstrate the skills required in the management practices of raising crops and animals.
3. Employ post-production and value adding strategies.
4. Own and mobilize resources and information for gainful and sustainable development of the agricultural and food system resources.
5. Advocate entrepreneurial, economic and sustainable activities in the field agriculture without compromising the environmental and human health

Course Outcomes Learning Outcomes Topics References Learning Activities Learning Materials Formative Assessment

 Robinson, T. P.,
Listing down the Thornton, P. K.,
importance of Importance of Franceschini, G., Kruska,
Classifying and
ruminant animals and Ruminants and its R. L., Chiozza, F., Research, Writing, Worksheet
Tabulating Report
compare its Production Systems Notenbaert, A. M. O., & and Analyzing
production system See, L. (2011). Global
livestock production
systems. FAO and ILRI.
To produce and Conduct Sketching & Writing Worksheet Sketching with label
manage different demonstration on the  Clark, J. A. (2013).
classes of ruminant construction of Environmental aspects of
animals by providing ruminant shed, and Farm Building Sketching and
them the appropriate housing for animal Worksheet Sketch with label
identify different Facilities labeling
shelter and feed production facilities production. Elsevier. and Writing
resources for needed. Written
attaining their
Assessment and
maximum To characterize and Pasture Production  Minson, D. (2012). Forage Technological
performance and for select pasture and Management in ruminant nutrition. Advising
better market quality species ideal r the
Elsevier. Actual specimen in
of the animals. tropics, and be Planting pasture
the ruminant project, Document, report,
Moreover, to manage appraised of its grasses and legumes
and utilize properly establishment and
their waste products maintenance.
for sustainable
environment. To categorize Feed Resources and  Minson, D. (2012). Forage
nutrients needed by Ruminant Feeding in ruminant nutrition.
ruminants and their Actual specimen in
Elsevier. Harvesting and Sketch with label and
sources, and the ruminant project,
Feeding, tabulating report
formulate practical Worksheet

To apply the Ruminant Herd  Janssen, B. (2013). Herd Administering

management Management Syringe and needles,
management: labor vitamins, minerals,
requirements of biologicals, dewormers, Document, report
strategies in local food dewormers and other
different classes of medicine
production. Anthropology medication
ruminant animals of Work Review, 34(2), 68-

To classify the Livestock Grading  Lesser, W. H. (2018).

marketability of and Marketing Marketing livestock and Grading, labeling and Worksheet
Sketch with label
livestock animals meat. CRC Press. pricing

To apply given Ruminant Waste  El Haggar, S. (2010).

principles in the Management and Sustainable industrial
ruminant waste Utilization
design and waste
management: cradle-to-
cradle for sustainable
development. Academic Actual specimen in
Vermicomposting and
Press. the ruminant project, Document, report
Christensen, T. (Ed.). (2011).
Solid waste technology and
management. John Wiley &


raw score
Grades are computed using the following formula: Grade= [ total no . of items ]
x 50 + 50

The term grade is computed using the formula:

40% - Performance Tasks/Projects (Written report, Sketching and Labelling, Survey and Assessment report )
30% - Major Requirements (Writing and technological advising)
30% - Formative Assessment (Submission of FA activities-25%, student engagement-5%)

Midterm Grade = 100% Midterm Grade (if applicable)

Final Grade = 50% Midterm Grade + 50% Final Term Grade (if applicable)


1. Course requirements must be submitted as to schedule.

2. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. Be aware that plagiarism in this course would include not only using another’s word, but another’s intellectual posts in social media.
Assignments must be done independently and without reference to another’s work. Any outside sources used in completing an assignment, including internet references
must be fully cited on any homework assignment or exercises.
3. All students should feel free to talk to the instructor face-to-face or through media during office hours.
4. Academic accommodations are available for students with special needs. Students with special needs should schedule an appointment with the instructor early in the
semester to discuss any accommodations for this course.

Prepared by Verified by Noted by: Approved/Disapproved:

Associate Professor V Program Chair, MSA System Dean, CAF OIC, Office of the VPAA

Date: February 20, 2021 Date: Date: Date:

Date Revised: ______________

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