The document contains 15 questions related to advanced mathematical methods for finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices. The questions cover various methods like Jacobi, Givens, Householder transformations, and Lanczos algorithm to transform matrices into tri-diagonal form. They also discuss deflation methods to successively find all eigenvalues and eigenvectors of symmetric matrices.
The document contains 15 questions related to advanced mathematical methods for finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices. The questions cover various methods like Jacobi, Givens, Householder transformations, and Lanczos algorithm to transform matrices into tri-diagonal form. They also discuss deflation methods to successively find all eigenvalues and eigenvectors of symmetric matrices.
The document contains 15 questions related to advanced mathematical methods for finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices. The questions cover various methods like Jacobi, Givens, Householder transformations, and Lanczos algorithm to transform matrices into tri-diagonal form. They also discuss deflation methods to successively find all eigenvalues and eigenvectors of symmetric matrices.
The document contains 15 questions related to advanced mathematical methods for finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices. The questions cover various methods like Jacobi, Givens, Householder transformations, and Lanczos algorithm to transform matrices into tri-diagonal form. They also discuss deflation methods to successively find all eigenvalues and eigenvectors of symmetric matrices.
nd√all theeigenvalues and the corresponding eigenvectors √1 3 √4 of the matrix A = 3 √5 3. 4 3 1 2. Using Jacobi method, nd all the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectros for 1 3 −2 the matrix 3 1 2 . −2 2 −2 5 0 1 3. Find all the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the matrix 0 −2 0, using Jacobi 1 0 5 method. √ 2 1 √3 4. Using Givens method transform the matrix A = √1 √2 3 to tri-diagonal 3 3 3 form. Using Sturm's sequence, obtain exact eigen values. 2 −1 −1 5. Tri-diagonalize the matrix A = −1 2 −1 by Givens method and nd the −1 −1 2 sturm sequence. 1 3 4 6. Using Householder transformation, reduce the matrix A = 3 1 2 to tri- 4 2 1 diagonal form. 4 1 0 0 1 4 1 0 7. Find the eigenvalues of the following tri-diagonal matrix 0 . 1 4 1 0 0 1 4 8. Transform, using the Givens method, the symmetric matrix A,by a sequence of orthogonal √ √ transformation to tridiagonal form. Use exact arithmetic A = √1 2 2 √2 2 −2 −1 √ √ √2. 2 −1 √ √2 2 2 2 2 −3
Department of Mathematics, School of Advanced Sciences, Page 1
Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore632014,T.N., India. 4 1 −2 9. Reduce the matrix A = 1 2 0 to the tri-diagonal form using Householder −2 0 3 transformation. −1 10. If λ1 = 2 is an eigenvalue and v1 = 0 is the corresponding eigenvector of a 1 2 −1 0 matrix A = −1 2 −1 , then using deation nd a 2 × 2 matrix B which 0 −1 2 contains the same eigenvalues as those of A except λ1 . 11. Briey discuss the process of deation to reduce a square matrix A to a matrix F of one lesser order. Also show that the resultant matrix F retains the eigenvalues of A except the one which is deated. 12. Write in steps, the Lanczo's algorithm for tri-diagonalization of a symmetric matrix of order 3. 1 1 3 13. Reduce the matrix A = 1 5 1 into a tri-diagonal matrix by Lanczo's method. 3 1 1 10 −6 −4 14. Consider a symmetric matrix A = −6 11 2 . Find all the eigenvalues of −4 2 6 this matrix using the power method together with method of deation. Let the T dominant eigenvalue is 18 and 1 −1 −1/2 . 4 −3 3 −9 −3 6 −3 11 15. Consider A = has largest eigenvalue λ1 = −5 and associated 0 8 −5 8 3 −3 −3 −8 unit eigenvector v1 = (1, −1, −1, 1)T . Find all the eigenvalues of this matrix using Wielandt Deation Method.
Department of Mathematics, School of Advanced Sciences, Page 2
Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore632014,T.N., India.