AQA Bioenergetics Knowledge Organiser
AQA Bioenergetics Knowledge Organiser
AQA Bioenergetics Knowledge Organiser
Photosynthesis The Effect of Light Intensity on the Rate of Photosynthesis (RPI) Interaction of Limiting Factors (HT only)
Photosynthesis is a chemical reaction which takes place in The amount of light a plant receives affects the rate of photosynthesis. If a plant The limiting factor for the reaction will depend on the environmental
plants. It converts carbon dioxide and water into glucose and receives lots of light, lots of photosynthesis will occur. If there is very little or no conditions.
oxygen. It uses light energy to power the chemical reaction, light, photosynthesis will stop. For example:
which is absorbed by the green pigment chlorophyll. This means At night, light intensity is the limiting factor.
Tank/beaker of water between lamp & pondweed
that photosynthesis is an example of an endothermic reaction. In winter, temperature is the limiting factor.
The whole reaction takes place inside the chloroplasts which In other conditions, carbon dioxide is usually the limiting factor.
are small organelles found in plant cells. Boiling tube
(clamped in place)
Plants acquire the carbon dioxide via diffusion Water
through the stomata of their leaves. The water lamp Pondweed
is absorbed from the soil through the roots and with paperclip
transported to the cells carrying out photosynthesis, Metre ruler
via the xylem. Method
1. Measure 20cm³ of sodium hydrogen carbonate solution and pour into a
boiling tube. From the graph, you can see that increasing one of the factors will also
increase the rate of reaction, but only for so long before it plateaus.
2. Collect a 10cm piece of pondweed and gently attach a paper clip to one end.
This is because another factor will have then become the limiting
3. Clamp the boiling tube, ensuring you will be able to shine light onto the
pondweed. factor. E.g. you could increase the supply of carbon dioxide, but if there
The glucose made in photosynthesis is used for respiration, is not enough chlorophyll to absorb the sunlight, then the sunlight will
4. Place a metre rule next to the clamp stand.
stored as starch, fat or oils, used to produce cellulose or used become the limiting factor instead.
5. Place the lamp 10cm away from the pondweed.
to produce amino acids for protein synthesis.
6. Wait two minutes, until the pondweed has started to produce bubbles. Greenhouse Economics (HT only)
The Rate of Photosynthesis and Limiting Factors
7. Using the stopwatch, count the number of bubbles produced in a minute.
A limiting factor is something which stops the photosynthesis To grow plants in the most suitable conditions, a greenhouse can be used.
8. Repeat stages 5 to 7, moving the lamp 10cm further away from the
reaction from occurring at a faster rate. Temperature, light A greenhouse traps the sun’s radiation as heat inside the greenhouse,
pondweed each time until you have five different distances.
intensity and carbon dioxide level are all limiting factors. so that temperature is not a limiting factor for the rate of photosynthesis.
9. Now repeat the experiment twice more to ensure you have three readings for
Increasing the temperature of the surroundings will increase each distance. Artificial lighting can be installed in the greenhouse to provide constant light
the rate of reaction, but only up to around 45°C. At around energy and prevent light intensity being a limiting factor.
The independent variable was the light intensity.
this temperature, the enzymes which catalyse the reaction A paraffin heater can be used in the greenhouse to not only maintain a
The dependent variable was the amount of bubbles produced. Counting the bubbles
become denatured. suitable temperature, but the by-product of the combustion off the paraffin
is a common method, but you could use a gas syringe instead to more accurately
Increasing the light intensity will increase the rate of reaction is carbon dioxide.
measure the volume of oxygen produced.
because there is more energy to carry out more reactions. The control variables were same amount of time and same amount of pondweed. Enclosing the crops in a greenhouse and regulating all the conditions in
Increasing the carbon dioxide concentration will also A bench lamp is used to control the light intensity and the water in the test tube this way can be expensive; however, it is often outweighed because the
increase the rate of reaction because there are more reactants harvest of the crop is much healthier, faster-grown crops. Furthermore, the
containing the pondweed is monitored with a thermometer to monitor and control
available. enclosed conditions mean that disease and pests can be easily controlled
the temperature.
and prevented.
AQA GCSE (Combined Science) Unit 4: Bioenergetics Higher
Inverse Square Law and Light Intensity Respiration Effect of Exercise
The inverse square law is used to describe the light intensity at Respiration is the chemical reaction which occurs inside the mitochondria When a person exercises, their body (specifically their muscles) need much
different distances from the source. of all living cells to release energy for living functions and processes, e.g. more energy. To release more energy, the amount of respiration reactions
movement, warmth and building larger molecules for growth and repair. The occurring has to increase.
The inverse square law states that: the intensity of light is
reaction is exothermic, meaning that energy is released to the surroundings. The heart pumps faster and the breathing rate and breath volume all
inversely proportional to the square distance from the source.
increase to supply more oxygen to the muscles via the bloodstream.
light intensity Respiration can be either aerobic (using oxygen) or anaerobic (without
¼ using oxygen). If the muscles are not receiving enough oxygen to keep up the demand
¼ 9
1 needed by the respiration reactions, then anaerobic respiration begins to
occur. This incomplete oxidation of the glucose produces lactic acid, which
can build up in the muscles and results in an oxygen debt.
After long periods of exercise, the muscles can become fatigued and stop
distance from light source contracting. You might experience a pain commonly called a stitch.
3 In anaerobic respiration, the glucose is not completely oxidised. This means
Light intensity is calculated by the following equation:
that there is less energy released than in aerobic respiration.
Metabolism Oxygen Debt (HT only)
light intensity ∝ 1
Metabolism is the combination of During vigorous exercise, the body
• The symbol, ∝, means ‘is proportional to’. all the reactions in a cell or in the can begin to carry out anaerobic
• Distance is measured in metres, m. body. respiration and produces lactic acid.
In other words, if an object is moved twice as far away from Energy released during respiration Lactic acid is transported via the
the light source, the light intensity received is reduced to just is used during metabolic processes bloodstream to the liver. The liver
one quarter. to synthesise new molecules: converts the lactic acid back into
In plants and yeast, anaerobic respiration makes some different products.
Worked example: • Glucose is converted to starch, glucose. However, oxygen is needed
The reaction is also called fermentation and is used in bread-making and glycogen and cellulose.
If the light source is 10cm from a plant, calculate the light to carry out this reaction.
intensity reaching the plant. • Glycerol and three fatty acids are
The oxygen debt is the amount of
joined to form a lipid molecule.
1 ÷ (distance²) the oxygen required by the body to
1 ÷ (0.10 × 0.10) • Glucose and nitrate ions are joined convert the built-up lactic acid back
ethanol to form amino acids.
1 ÷ 0.01 into glucose and remove it from the
C 2H 5 OH • Amino acids are joined to form respiring cells.
= 100 arbitrary units
If the light source is moved 25cm from the plant, calculate the
light intensity reaching the plant. • Excess proteins are broken down
1 ÷ (distance²) and released as urea during
1 ÷ (0.25 × 0.25)
1 ÷ 0.0625 Respiration itself is also a process
= 16 arbitrary units which is included in metabolism.