Your Best Job Interview Coach Since 2011: Dental School Interview Questions

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Your Best Job Interview Coach Since 2011
Dental School Interview Questions

1. Why did you decide for dentistry?

2. Why our dental school? Why not some other place?
3. Dental school is hard. How do you plan to handle the workload?
4. What will you do if you do not get to a dental school?
5. What do you don’t like about dentistry?
6. What do you plan to do in your free time while studying at our dental school?
7. Are there any dentists in your family? What impact did they have on your
decision to study dentistry?
8. Where do you see yourself in ten years time from now?
9. What is the last book you read, or are reading at the moment?
10. Where do you see yourself practicing dentistry once you graduate from dental
11. What are your expectations on teachers, school administrators, and fellow
12. In your opinion, what characterizes an excellent dentist?
13. A patient, 35 years old, wants you to pull out their tooth, one that has been
bothering them for a while. You know that the tooth can be saved, but it will
cost a lot of money and they will have to visit your office repeatedly. What will
you do? What will you say to the patient? Will you eventually pull our their
tooth if they do not agree on your proposed interventions to save it?
14. A mother comes with a crying child to your practice. The child keeps crying
and tries to run out of your office, not wanting to let you look into their mouth.
How will you react in such a situation?
15. If the Prime Minister/President were to ask your advice on one change that
could be applied to the healthcare system that would improve it enormously and
have the greatest positive effect, how would you answer?
16. A representative of a company that manufactures some anesthetics, accredited
by the local authorities, visits you in your office. You already have your
supplier and are satisfied. But the sales rep offers you a holiday voucher (or
other tangible benefit) if you decide to switch suppliers and start ordering
anesthetics from their company. What will you do in this situation, and what
factors will you consider while deciding whether you should change the
supplier or not?
17. Your best friend, Jennifer, calls you to tell you that she has been rejected for the
3rd time from all dental schools that she had applied to during the previous
application cycle. She invites you over to her house to have a chat about her
future plans. Go inside the room and speak with Jennifer.
18. A member of your family decides to depend solely on alternative medicine for
treatment of his or her significant illness. What would you do?

Source & answers to the questions:


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