Effectiveness of Online Job Recruitment System: Evidence From The University of The East

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IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol.

10, Issue 4, No 1, July 2013

ISSN (Print): 1694-0814 | ISSN (Online): 1694-0784
www.IJCSI.org 152

Effectiveness of Online Job Recruitment System: Evidence

from the University of the East
Mary Grace G. Ventura1 and Rex P. Bringula2
College of Computer Studies and Systems, University of the East
Manila, 1008, Philippines

Abstract importance of the position to be filled. Finally,

performance tests and other evaluation aids can help in
The purpose of the study was to develop an online recruitment finding the best person for the job [3]. However, this
software that would facilitate the fast and accurate selection of method may take much time and effort.
qualified applicants. The Modified Waterfall Model was
utilized in the development of the software. The developed The traditional hiring process (i.e., from advertisement of
software was then evaluated by six groups of respondents to
job positions to hiring of successful applicants) has its
determine the effectiveness of the system in terms of
performance, reliability, security, and cost-effectiveness. own inherent weaknesses. The advertisement of job
Descriptive statistics revealed that the software was effective. positions alone may pose a problem. It is costly to
Analysis of variance showed that there was no significant advertise through print media (e.g., newspapers or
difference in the evaluation of the six groups on the magazines). Thus, the publication of job positions can
effectiveness of the developed online recruitment system. This only be advertised for a short period of time. Also, the
indicated that the six groups of respondents had the same rating system of submission requires the physical presence of the
on the effectiveness of the software. It implies that the software applicant to hand over the resume. This hampers the
would perform its function effectively by selecting qualified application of competent yet geographically secluded job
applicants within a shorter period of time. Thus, it was
seekers. It is worth noting that the Philippines is a country
recommended that the system be adopted by the University.
Recommendations to improve the software were also offered. composed of 7,100 islands. Thus, old recruitment
Keywords: Cost-effectiveness, Online Recruitment, practices might not be suitable in today’s competitive
Performance, Recruitment, Reliability, Security. environment [2].

This problem can be addressed by an online recruitment

1. Background of the Study system. Online recruitment is set to change the way in
which companies recruit their workers. Online
Normally, the quality of people hired is the key metric for recruitment, as a fundamental business process, is the
measuring the effectiveness of the employment function, removal of complex and unnecessary paper works, and the
but in certain circumstances, the speed of hiring may introduction of streamlined workflow systems, reliable
actually be a more significant contributor to quality hiring database applications, and efficient communication
[1]. A good productive hiring is not a matter of putting an channels between job seekers and managers. “At a
advertisement in the newspaper, setting up some chairs relatively low cost, the Internet offers employers and job
and tables on the appointed day, and then taking in some searchers access to detailed and up-to-date information
resumes to be followed up later. The purpose of a hiring about job searchers and job vacancies in different
event is to reach out to prospective employees and bring locations around the world” [4, p. 94]. In this manner,
the specific kind of skills and experiences in the companies can commit themselves to equal opportunities
organization especially those which cannot be built from as job providers and can attract new and qualified
within [2]. The question is how this could be made candidates [2].
The University of the East (UE) is committed to this
Basic traditional recruiting begins with processing an advocacy. UE over the last half-century evolved into one
application form. In addition, detailed employment of the largest private institutions for higher learning in
standards are set and a job description for each position is the country. It has three campuses which are situated in
offered. Application forms and resumes should be verified Manila, Caloocan, and Quezon City. One of the
with the scope of verification increasing according to the institutional objectives of the University is to program its

Copyright (c) 2013 International Journal of Computer Science Issues. All Rights Reserved.
IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 10, Issue 4, No 1, July 2013
ISSN (Print): 1694-0814 | ISSN (Online): 1694-0784
www.IJCSI.org 153

educational offerings to meet the needs of modernizing candidates (64%), a larger candidate pool (53%), ease of
society as well as the demands of the emerging world of use for the organization (52%), speed to hire (52%), and
the 21st century (Faculty Manual of UE, 2002). To achieve company policy (50%). On the other hand, the less
this goal, much will depend on the discovery, creation, common reasons were success in finding candidates
integration, transmission, and application of knowledge, (44%) and keeping ahead of competitors (32%).
as faculty members teach, conduct research, and perform
academic, clinical and public services, as well as get The interview results supported these findings. The
involved in outreach and extension activities. The interviewees disclosed that the company used online
management and its staff also play a vital role in recruitment in order to reduce recruitment costs and to
maintaining, managing, and organizing the list of improve the efficiency of the recruitment process. These
responsibilities and tasks that this organization should were the significant drivers for the adoption of both
accomplish. Hand-in-hand, they work hard to put into corporate and commercial websites. In the same study,
action their shared vision and mission. about half of the interviewees suggested that the need to
“move with the times” or to “keep up with other
To realize the desired outcomes, the University hires only organizations” be the primary motivation to adopt online
competent and dedicated faculty members and non- recruitment.
teaching staff. Challenged by the present problems in
recruiting qualified applicants, this study was conceived. It was also found out that interviewees who had positive
It aimed to develop an online job recruitment system that experiences of online recruitment believed that this form
would be utilized in the University of the East. The of recruitment could minimize the time taken to hire
effectiveness of the software was evaluated in terms of employees because posting advertisements on the Internet
performance, reliability, security, and cost-effectiveness. was faster. Interviewees also described the online
Furthermore, it determined whether the evaluation of the recruitment as cost-effective since it reduced the use of
effectiveness of the software significantly differed as paper. As regards the success of the online recruitment,
perceived by the six groups of respondents. mixed results were reported. Interviewees described the
success of online recruitment in terms of sufficient
It was hypothesized that there is no significant difference generation of shortlist candidates or the ability to attract
in the respondents’ evaluation on the effectiveness of the good-quality applicants. However, this was not true for all
developed Online Job Recruitment System for the who were interviewed.
University of the East in terms of performance, reliability,
security, and cost-effectiveness. Kar and Bhattacharya [6] conducted a similar study. They
determined the factors that could contribute to the
effectiveness of the job portals and the elements of the job
2. Literature Review portal that could help increase the users’ satisfaction on
the use of the portal. Survey method and personal
Parry and Tyson [5] conducted a study on the recruitment interviews were conducted to meet these objectives. Two
activities of corporations for a period of six years with the hundred fifty (250) purposively selected respondents
use of survey and interview methods, questions were participated in the study.
asked as to why the respondents utilized or did not
employ online recruitment, whether they predicted their The study established that the age group 18-22 years old
use of the Internet for recruitment to change, and what and 33 years old and above had more likely to search jobs
impact they expected Internet recruitment to have on the through job portals. The curriculum vitae distribution and
use of other recruitment methods. Human Resource the face-to-face interaction were the key factors
directors and managers, finance directors, managing contributing to the popularity of job portals. Respondents
directors and recruitment specialists from a sample of UK believed that they would be more satisfied with the job
organizations with over 25 employees were the portals if chat facility, online test, and help desk/call
respondents of the study. There were 25,524 responses in center facilities were available at the job portals.
the survey and twenty (20) HR or resourcing managers
were interviewed. Sylvia and Mol [7] examined the perceptions of applicants
towards web-based procedures. There were 1,360
The results of the survey showed that the most common respondents who were applicants for jobs in multinational
reasons of using corporate or commercial websites in their financial services organizations in the United Kingdom,
recruitment were cost-effectiveness (75%), ease of use for the Netherlands, and Belgium. With respect to the

Copyright (c) 2013 International Journal of Computer Science Issues. All Rights Reserved.
IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 10, Issue 4, No 1, July 2013
ISSN (Print): 1694-0814 | ISSN (Online): 1694-0784
www.IJCSI.org 154

demographics, it was disclosed that external applicants 3. Methodology

(as opposed to the internal applicants), Belgian (as
opposed to Dutch), and Internet savvy (as opposed to less
savvy) candidates were more satisfied with the online 3.1 Research Design, Subjects, Sample, and Sampling
application procedure. It was also revealed that the
features of the website, perceived efficiency, and user- Design
friendliness were the most important determinants of
applicant satisfaction.
Descriptive approach was used to collect data to
Haroon and Zia-ur-Rehman [8] also investigated online determine if the objectives of the study were met. The
recruitment in Pakistan. A total of sixty-five (65) respondents of the study came from the following groups.
respondents from small and large firms of the different  Human Resource Department (HRD) staff were
sectors of the industries in Pakistan participated in the responsible in operating the system. In the said
study. Data were collected through telephone interviews. department, only four (4) among the staff performed the
Haroon and Zia-ur-Rehman [8] showed that preference screening of job application forms.
was given to small firms as compared to large firms in  The head of the different departments with teaching
terms of using internet recruitment. They also showed and non-teaching staff knew the manpower needs of the
that large firms had their own websites and use them for department and they issued requests for vacant
recruitment as compared to small firms. They also positions to be filled up. Of the different departments in
revealed that online recruitment became a new medium the university, fifty-two (52) were appointed as
that was going to replace the other traditional sources of department heads. Only twenty percent (20%) or ten
recruitment because online recruitment offered reduced (10) were chosen as respondents of the study.
recruitment costs, time-saving capability, quick response  Newly hired teaching and non-teaching staff used the
features in checking application status, and online resume developed system in their job application in the
development. University of the East. A total of one hundred fifty-five
(155) was newly hired in 2010. Only twenty percent
Lastly, the effect of e-recruitment on the design of the (20%) or thirty-one (31) were chosen as respondents of
recruitment process was also examined. Holm [9] made the study.
three explorative case studies in three large organizations  Regular/full-time teaching and non-teaching staff
in Denmark from 2008 to 2010. The companies selected evaluated the online recruitment system in terms of
were all multinational corporations originating from, and speed, ease, and cost-effectiveness. There was a total of
with headquarters in, Denmark. The study investigated six hundred fifty-four (654) regular teachers and staff.
the possible changes in the tasks, subtasks, and activities Ten percent (10%) or sixty-five (65) regular/full-time
of the business process of recruiting which was attributed teaching and non-teaching staff were chosen as
to the use of e-recruitment. Using in-depth, face-to-face, respondents of this study.
semi-structured interviews with a number key informants
(e.g., Human Resource partners and employer-brand Purposive sampling method was utilized in choosing the
managers, recruitment planners, and other people who respondents. The following criteria were set in choosing
were involved in the recruitment process), it was shown the respondents.
that e-recruitment transformed the traditional recruitment  For the Human Resource Department (HRD) staff, their
process into a time- and space-independent, collaborative job description includes processing of job application
hiring process. These findings were consistent with those form.
in the studies previously presented. It was also shown that  For the Department Heads, they were authorized to
the most significant changes in the process were in the issue requests for manpower needs.
sequence and increased divisibility of the main  For the newly hired teaching and non-teaching staff,
recruitment tasks and subtasks. whose bachelor’s degrees were somewhat related to I.T.
and who had a background on how online recruitment
worked, they would attest to the significance of the
developed online recruitment system.
 For the regular/full-time teaching and non-teaching
staff who applied and who were hired through the use
of the previous system, they could compare the previous

Copyright (c) 2013 International Journal of Computer Science Issues. All Rights Reserved.
IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 10, Issue 4, No 1, July 2013
ISSN (Print): 1694-0814 | ISSN (Online): 1694-0784
www.IJCSI.org 155

method of job application system with the present 3.4 Software Process Model, the Developed Software,
developed online job recruitment system. and Software Evaluation

The development of the software followed the Modified

3.2 Research Instrument Waterfall Model [10]. This model was adapted since it
ensured that all flaws were addressed before proceeding to
A survey questionnaire was utilized as the research
the next step of the software development life cycle. This
instrument. It consisted of two parts. The first part
was highly applicable to the context of the study since it
gathered the demographics of the respondents, such as sex,
would minimize the time needed to interview the
age, gender, length of service in the University,
respondents of the study. In this manner, their job would
educational attainment, designation, level of computer
not be interrupted.
literacy, and frequency of Internet usage. The second part
gathered the perceptions of the respondents on the
With the use of the developed software, the Human
effectiveness of the online job recruitment system. A 5-
Resource Department could publish their job
point Likert-scale type was used to measure the
advertisements. All advertisements were supported by
effectiveness of the online job recruitment system. The
agreed job descriptions, person specification, and further
scale, mean range, and the verbal interpretation are
information about the department or section in which the
shown in Table 1.
job was located. Department Heads of different colleges
Table 1. Rating Scale, Mean Range, and Verbal Interpretation
looking for candidates in the field of teaching were also
Scale Mean Range Verbal Interpretation capable of posting their job requirements and person
5 4.51-5.00 Very Effective specifications for the job vacancy. Both concerned parties
4 3.51-4.50 Effective could create job-ads using templates.
3 2.51-3.50 Moderately Effective
2 1.51-2.50 Slightly Effective
1 1.00-1.50 Not Effective The system automatically shortlisted the application forms
according to years of experience, skills, and educational
The content of the questionnaire was validated by attainment relevant to the job vacancy. The system was
Computer Science faculty members, Human Resource able to provide sending of automated responses to
Department personnel, an Advertising expert, and a qualified applicants. On the other hand, applicants could
Psychology professor, all of whom were not involved in view further particulars of the post, which included
the study. Comments and suggestions were taken into background information concerning the University,
consideration to improve the questionnaire. faculty, department, the job description, and person
specifications. They could fill out the application form
3.3 Data-Gathering Procedure online, and easily update their profiles. Sample screen
shot is shown in Figure 1.
An observation was conducted on how the University was
practicing its traditional way of hiring. This observation
prompted the researcher to strengthen the need to develop
a new and an effective way of attracting the best
applicants for the job positions.

An interview was done with the HRD staff who have

worked with the University for at least five (5) years.
First, a letter was sent to the Human Resource Department
Head for approval to do the interview. Then, a face-to-
face interview was conducted on the scheduled date. A
questionnaire was prepared to make sure that essential
data needed for the study were gathered. The interview
was held at the Office of the Head of the Department.
Fig. 1 A sample screen shot

Copyright (c) 2013 International Journal of Computer Science Issues. All Rights Reserved.
IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 10, Issue 4, No 1, July 2013
ISSN (Print): 1694-0814 | ISSN (Online): 1694-0784
www.IJCSI.org 156

However, the system was not capable of doing such task was capable of reaching potential employees at a longer
as detecting errors on entered data of applicants. The period of time.
system could not determine whether the data provided by
the applicants were correct. Typographical errors were not
detected by the system. The system could not also verify 3.4 Statistical Treatment of Data
if all skills, knowledge, experience, and education
specified by the users were true. Frequency counts, percentage, and arithmetic mean were
used to describe the data. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
Software evaluation was conducted to find out the was utilized to find the significant differences on the
acceptability of the software. Software evaluation was evaluation of the six groups of respondents on the
based on FURPS (Functionality, Usability, Reliability, effectiveness of the system. A 5% level of probability and
Performance, and Security) Quality Factors [11]. Only 95% reliability were employed to determine the
three quality indicators (Performance, Reliability, and significance of the findings.
Security) were selected from FURPS because only these
three criteria were deemed applicable in this study.
Moreover, Performance and Functionality were treated as 4. Findings and Discussion
one criterion since both referred to the effective processes
of the software. Lastly, Cost-effectiveness was included
since it was asserted that the software could save costs to 4.1 Demographic Profile of the Respondents
the University.
Table 2 presents the percentage distribution of the
Performance refers to the capability of online recruitment respondents’ demographic profile. As can be gleaned
system to generate a list of applicants suitable for the job from the table, there were four (4) or 4% HRD personnel,
vacancy in a quick manner. The software could facilitate ten (10) or 9% department heads, thirty-five (35) or 32%
efficient filtering of qualified candidates and could regular faculty members, twenty-one (21) or 19% newly
provide a well-matched shortlist of qualified applicants. hired faculty members, thirty (30) or 27% regular non-
Moreover, the system came up with recruitment policies teaching staff and ten (10) or 9% newly hired non-
which were free from errors and inconsistencies. teaching staff chosen as respondents of the study. Majority
of the respondents were regular faculty members. The
Reliability is the extent to which a program can be number of respondents for each designation was not
expected to perform its intended function [12]. The randomly selected. It was based on purposive sampling
system could produce the required results with precision through inquiry before the respondents were allowed to
in terms of the quality of the applicant being hired for the evaluate the system. Those who fell under the criteria
job vacancy. It could filter out applicants’ forms without specified by the study were chosen.
anomalies and any form of discrimination. Moreover, it
provided correct results with minimum expenditure of As to gender, fifty-nine (59) or 54% of the respondents
time and effort. were female, while fifty-one (51) or 46% were male. In
terms of age of the respondents, majority of the
Security is the availability of mechanisms that control or respondents were below thirty (30) years old (f = 54, 49%)
protect programs and data. It had the mechanism to and about 47% (f = 52) belonged to the age bracket of 31-
protect and control programs and data, and it provided its 40 years old. With regard to the length of service to the
users passwords as security against unauthorized users University, most of the respondents (f = 58, 53%) have
[12]. It was capable of securing the confidentiality of data just been newly hired or have just started working at the
received from different types of applicants. University. As per educational attainment, majority of the
respondents, which was equal to forty-six (46) or 42%,
Cost-effectiveness refers to the justification on the were bachelor’s degree holders and were enrolled in the
amount spent for the investment which commensurate graduate school. About thirty-three (33) or 30% were
with effectiveness. Online recruitment was more master’s degree holders. Only one (1) or 1% of the
inexpensive compared to the other means of recruitment respondent was a doctoral degree holder.
such as print media advertising. It could provide sufficient
space to outline enough information for the candidate to
understand the position and the institution. Moreover, it

Copyright (c) 2013 International Journal of Computer Science Issues. All Rights Reserved.
IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 10, Issue 4, No 1, July 2013
ISSN (Print): 1694-0814 | ISSN (Online): 1694-0784
www.IJCSI.org 157

Table 2. Demographic Profile of the Respondents Table 2 also shows that all respondents accessed the
DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE Internet. Thus, the respondents of the study could easily
f % adapt to the proposed software.
HRD 4 4
DH 10 9 4.2 Effectiveness of the Developed Online Job
RFM 35 32 Recruitment System
NHFM 21 19
RNTS 30 27 Table 3 presents the status of the online recruitment
NHNTS 10 9 system in terms of Performance, Reliability, Security, and
Gender Cost-effectiveness of the software as perceived by the
Male 51 46 respondents. In terms of Performance, NHFM and
Female 59 54 NHNTS gave a “very effective” rating on this criterion.
Age NHNTS gave the highest mean rating (mean = 4.77,
Below 30 years old 54 49 Verbal Interpretation (V.I.) = “Very Effective”) while
31-40 years old 52 47 HRDP gave the lowest rating (mean = 3.93, V.I. =
41-50 years old 3 3 “Effective”). Nonetheless, the rating of HRDP was still
51-60 years old 1 1 “effective”. Thus, all respondents agreed that the software
Length of Service was acceptable in terms of the performance of the
0-5 years 58 53 software. This implies that the software could a generate
6-10 years 40 36 list of applicants for a job vacancy in a quick manner and
11-15 years 12 11 could also facilitate efficient filtering of qualified
16 years and above 0 0 candidates.
Educational Attainment
Bachelor's Degree 17 15 Table 3. Effectiveness of the Developed Online Recruitment System in
Bachelor's Degree with Masters 46 42 terms of Performance, Reliability, Security, and Cost-Effectiveness
Software Criteria Respondents Mean V.I.
Master's Degree 33 30
HRDP 3.93 Effective
Master's Degree with Doctoral Units 13 12 DH 4.20 Effective
Doctoral Degree 1 1 RFM 4.50 Effective
Level of Computer Literacy NHFM 4.65 Very Effective
RNTS 4.49 Effective
Beginner 29 26 NHNTS 4.77 Very Effective
Average 65 59 HRDP 4.63 Very Effective
Expert 16 15 DH 4.48 Effective
RFM 4.30 Effective
Frequency of Internet Usage Reliability
NHFM 4.46 Effective
Always 29 26 RNTS 4.23 Effective
Often 46 42 NHNTS 4.22 Effective
Seldom 35 32 HRDP 3.75 Effective
DH 3.97 Effective
Never 0 0 RFM 4.11 Effective
TOTAL 110 100 NHFM 4.19 Effective
Legend: RNTS 4.04 Effective
HRD = Human Resource Department Personnel NHNTS 4.07 Effective
DH = Department Head HRDP 4.00 Effective
RFM = Regular Faculty Members DH 4.07 Effective
NHFM = Newly Hired Faculty Members RFM 4.08 Effective
RNTS = Regular Non-Teaching Staff NHFM 3.78 Effective
NHNTS = Newly Hired Non-Teaching Staff RNTS 4.16 Effective
f = frequency NHNTS 4.30 Effective
% = percentage
The reliability of the software was also “effective” based
Regarding computer literacy, majority of the respondents on the evaluation of DH (mean = 4.48), RFM (mean =
(f = 65, 59%) were of average level. There was only a 4.30), NHFM (mean = 4.46), RNTS (mean = 4.23), and
small percentage (15%) of respondents who were experts. NHNTS (mean = 4.22). It is important to note that HRDP
They were professional end-users who had formal rated the software as “very effective” (mean = 4.63). This
knowledge and education about computer. Nonetheless, is a good indication that the software met its intended
most of the respondents (f = 81, 74%) were computer function with precision without using too much time and
literate and were able to use the proposed software. Lastly,

Copyright (c) 2013 International Journal of Computer Science Issues. All Rights Reserved.
IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 10, Issue 4, No 1, July 2013
ISSN (Print): 1694-0814 | ISSN (Online): 1694-0784
www.IJCSI.org 158

effort. The security features of the software were also The findings of ANOVA disclosed that the perceptions of
evaluated as “effective” by all the respondents (HRDP, the six groups of respondents in terms of the different
mean = 3.75; DH, mean = 3.97; RFM, mean = 4.11; software criteria did not differ from one another. In other
NHFM, mean = 4.19; RNTS, mean = 4.04; and NHNTS, words, they all had the same evaluation of the software in
mean = 4.07). In other words, the mechanisms of the terms of the four criteria. This implies that they all
software to control or protect data from unauthorized perceived that the system was effective in terms of
access were effective. Thus, it can be assured that the performance, reliability, security, and cost-effectiveness.
applicants’ information could not be exploited and their
Table 5. Differences in the Evaluation of the Respondents as regards the
privacy was maintained. Effectiveness of the Developed Online Job Recruitment System
Software Respond Mean F- p- Significance
As regards the Cost-effectiveness of the developed online Criteria ents value value
recruitment system, NHNTS gave the highest mean rating HRDP 3.93
DH 4.20 Not
of 4.30 while NHFM gave the lowest mean rating of 3.78. RFM 4.50 2.28 0.062 Significant
Nonetheless, all of the evaluation had verbal rating of Performance
NHFM 4.65
“effective”. This revealed that they perceived the software RNTS 4.49
to be “effective” in reducing the cost of the recruitment NHNTS 4.77
HRDP 4.63
process. This finding supported the studies of Brencic and DH 4.48 Not
Norris [4], Parry and Tyson [5], and Haroon and Zia-ur- Reliability
RFM 4.30 1.76 0.128 Significant
Rehman [8]. NHFM 4.46
RNTS 4.23
NHNTS 4.22
Table 4 shows the summary of results on the effectiveness HRDP 3.75
of the developed online recruitment system. The four (4) DH 3.97 Not
RFM 4.11 0.37 0.866 Significant
criteria were rated by the respondents as “effective” with Security
NHFM 4.19
the overall mean rating of 4.22. Though Security got the RNTS 4.04
lowest mean rating, its verbal interpretation was still NHNTS 4.07
“effective”. On the other hand, Performance of the HRDP 4.00
DH 4.07 Not
software got the highest mean rating of 4.42. This Cost- RFM 4.08 0.77 0.574 Significant
indicates that the developed Online Recruitment System Effectiveness NHFM 3.78
was working effectively based on all criteria used in the RNTS 4.16
NHNTS 4.30
Table 4. Summary of Results on the Effectiveness of the Developed Online It is also suggested that upon the implementation of the
Recruitment System software, the users of the software (i.e., the respondents of
Software Criteria Composite Mean Verbal Interpretation the study) adopt the system. Since the users have the same
Performance 4.42 Effective level of user-experience in the system, fewer errors may
Reliability 4.39 Effective
be committed while using the software. It can also be
Security 4.02 Effective
Cost-Effectiveness 4.08 Effective argued that because of the respondents’ positive
Overall Mean 4.22 Effective evaluation on the system, there will be less resistance in
changing the recruitment process. Nonetheless, it is
4.3 Differences in the Evaluation of the Respondents recommended that follow-up studies be conducted to shed
as regards the Effectiveness of the Developed Online more light on this matter.
Job Recruitment System

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used on the 5. Conclusions and Recommendations

perception of the respondents on the different software
criteria. As shown in Table 5, there was no significant In view of the foregoing findings, the null hypothesis
difference in the perceptions of the respondents in the stating that there is no significant difference in the
software criteria in terms of Performance (F-value = 2.28; respondents’ evaluation on the effectiveness of the
p < 0.05), Reliability (F-value = 1.76; p < 0.05), Security developed Online Job Recruitment System for the
(F-value = 0.37; p < 0.05), and Cost-effectiveness (F- University of the East in terms of performance, reliability,
value = 0.77; p < 0.05). security, and cost-effectiveness was accepted. It is
concluded that the developed software was effective in
selecting qualified applicants within a shorter period of

Copyright (c) 2013 International Journal of Computer Science Issues. All Rights Reserved.
IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 10, Issue 4, No 1, July 2013
ISSN (Print): 1694-0814 | ISSN (Online): 1694-0784
www.IJCSI.org 159

time. Hence, it would become a significant contributor to [8] M. Haroon, and M. Zia-ur-Rehman, “E-recruitment: Across
quality hire. It is also concluded that Performance, the small and large firms in Pakistan”, Interdisciplinary
Reliability, Security, and Cost-effectiveness could be Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, Vol. 2, No.
1, 2010, pp. 179-191.
utilized as criteria in evaluating online recruitment
[9] A. B. Holm, “E-recruitment: Towards an ubiquitous
software. recruitment process and candidate relationship
management”, Zeitschrift für Personalforschung , Vol. 26,
Based on the conclusions drawn, it is recommended that No. 3, 2012, pp. 241-25.
the software be implemented in the company. After [10] N. Mo. A. Munassar, and A. Govardhan, “A comparison
implementation, it is proposed that the impact of the between five models of software engineering”, International
system on the recruitment processes in the University be Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 7, Issue 5, 2010,
determined and that the changes in the recruitment pp. 94-101.
processes with introduction of the online recruitment [11] R. B. Grady, and D. L. Caswell, Software metrics:
Establishing a company-wide program, New Jersey, USA:
software be investigated. It is suggested that studies on the
Prentice Hall, 1987.
user-experience, adoption or non-adoption of the software, [12] R. S. Pressman, Software engineering: A practitioner’s
and errors committed in using the software be conducted approach, 5th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001.
and that Usability criterion of FURPS be assessed.

In terms of enhancement of the software, it is strongly Mary Grace G. Ventura received her bachelor’s degree in Computer
recommended that an online exam be incorporated in the Science from City College of Manila and her Master’s degree in
Information Technology at Adamson University. Currently, she is
recruitment and that extra security features such as the pursuing her doctorate in Technology Management at the
level of access classified according to the position in the Technological University of the Philippines. She is presently the
company also be incorporated in the software. Chairperson of Entertainment and Multimedia Computing of the
College of Computer Studies and Systems (CCSS), University of the
East. She has been teaching Web Page design, Database
Managament, Systems Quality Assurance and Computer Ethics for
almost 10 years at CCSS. Her research interests include blended
Acknowledgments learning, e-learning, and web-based systems such as e-recruitment.

The authors are greatly indebted to Dr. Ester A. Garcia, Rex P. Bringula, Ph.D., is a professor at the University of the East
Dr. Linda P. Santiago, Dr. Olivia C. Caoili, Dr. Leila (UE), College of Computer Studies and Systems. He received his BS
Gano, Dr. Socorro R. Villamejor, and Dean Rodany A. Computer Science degree from UE as a Department of Science and
Technology scholar. He obtained his Master in Information
Merida. This paper is partially funded by the University of Technology and Ph.D. in Technology Management degrees from the
the East. Technological University of the Philippines. He has been involved in
conducting school- and government-funded research projects, and
he has been presenting papers in local and international conferences.
References He is an active editorial board member of local and international
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