Cat 992B Wheel Loader Specs
Cat 992B Wheel Loader Specs
Cat 992B Wheel Loader Specs
EM ^0
Wheel Loader
Reliable Cat D348 60° V-12 Diesel Engine, with excellent low Variable capacity torque converter lets the operátor distribute
speed response necessary for stop and start operations, pro- power between hydraulics and the drive train to match job
vides fast cycle times and good loader production. Twin duál requirements. With a lever controlling a clutch-and-impeller in
overhead camshafts with four valves per cylinder make breath- the torque converter, he can direct additional engine horse-
ing easy. Twin turbochargers pack more air into cylinders for power through the converter (full match) for maximum rim-
more power, and enable engine to deliver rated power up to pull. Oř he can limit converter power to boost hydraulic systém
10,000 ft. (3000 m) altitude. Hydraulically boosted governor output and control wheel slip when bank loading. Between
gives fast engine response. Individual interchangeable injection these two extremes, he can select any setting appropriate to
pumps for each cylinder require a minimum of service — and the job.
large injection valve openings help prevent carbon build-up, Two impellers in the torque converter are the key to controlled
even during idling. Resilient mounts isolate engine vibrations variable performance. The inner impeller always rotates ať
and reduce noise levels. engine speed. The outer impeller connects to a clutch, which
can gradually engage the impeller to send more oř less power
through the converter for more oř less rimpull.
ROPS sound-
suppressed cab
Large mufflers
Louvered Resilient'
hood group mounting strip
Enclosed engine Louvered
compartment radiátor guard Pins
M !L i\ Hardened-steel pin
Box-section main frame and loader tower resist twisting and bending on rough ground. Oil-disc brakes, standard on the 992B,
Two hardened-steel pins couple the front and rear frames. The bottom pin rides in háve 3,166 sq. in. (2.04 m2) of braking
double-tapered roller bearings; the upper, in a wide-contact manganese bronze bush- surface per wheel. Each brake has 6
ing. Loader tower has four rolled-steel plates to straddle-mount the lift cylinders, discs and 5 plates that are cooled by
eliminating cantilever mounting stresses and protecting the lift cylinders. a large reservoir of oil for long life and
fade-resistant operation. They are com-
pletely sealed, require no adjustment.
Steel shoes
Liftarms l
Tilt cylinders
Lift cylinders
mounting belt
CAT PLUS — the most com-
Caterpillar Beadless Tires use Sealed loader linkage can ex prehensive, total product sup-
a unique design that provides tend intervals between greas- port systém in the industry
increased tire life, reduced ings to as much as 100 ser- In-line lift arms, cylinders and — comes with every 992B.
total tire costs, greater ma- vice meter units on lift ann linkage transmit hydraulic Your Caterpillar Dealer pro-
chine productive capabilities. pins and 50 SMU on bucket forces in a straight line to vides product application
Steel shoes protéct against hinge pins. Lip-type seals on the bucket. Linkage points counseling and flexible fi-
sudden tire failure from rock each pin hold the lubricant are supported on both sides nance planning before you
cuts and short tread life from in and keep out wearing grit. to absorb shock loads from buy, and these services after:
abrasion. They bolt directly Pins and bushings last longer, the bucket, which can occur Planned inspection and pre-
to a replaceable mounting and less time and money are any pláce along the cutting ventivě maintenance pro-
belt. Oval air chamber car- spent for routine mainte- edge. grams • Parts support • Parts
cass is helically wound with nance. Exchange Service • In-field
tough steel cable for strength service • Machine customiz-
and protection. Two-piece ing services • Personnel train-
rim bolts together for easy ing for operators and me-
assembly. chanics • Cat Care seminars
• Complete range of technical
Operating specifications
General Purpose Straight V-type Rock
Bucket Type Without teeth With teeth Without teeth With teeth
Capacity, Rated § 10.0 cu. yd. 10.0cu.yd. 10.0 cu. yd. 10.0 cu. yd.
(nominal heaped) (7.65 m') (7.65 m') (7.65 m3) (7.65 m')
Capacity, struck 8.36 cu. yd. 8.36 cu. yd. 8.8 cu. yd. 8.8 cu. yd.
(6.39 m3) (6.39 m3) (6.72 m3) (6.72 m3)
Heaped capacity with optional
spill plate extension 10.82 cu. yd. 10.82 cu. yd.
(8.27 m3) (8.27 m3)
Cutting edge, width 169.8" (4310 mm) 169.8" (4310 mm) 169.8" (4310 mm) 169.8" (4310 mm)
Dump clearance @ full lift and
45° discharge § 15'2" (4620 mm) 14'4" (4370 mm) 14'3" (4340 mm) 13'5" (4090 mm)
Reach @ 45° discharge angle,
7" (2130 mm) clearance § 9'2" (2790 mm) 9'11" (3020 mm) 9'11" (3020 mm) 10'7" (3230 mm)
Reach @ full lift and 45° discharge § 5'5" (1650 mm) 6'3" (19 10 mm) 6'4" (1930 mm) 7'2" (2180 mm)
Overall length § 35' (10 670 mm) 36'2" (11 020 mm) 36'4" (11 070 mm) 37'5" (11 400 mm)
Overall height (bucket raised) § 26' (7920 mm) 26' (7920 mm) 27'4" (8330 mm) 27'4" (8330 mm)
Loader clearance circle (bucket in
carry position) § 64' (19 510 mm) 64' (19 510 mm) 64'5" (19 630 mm) 64'5" (19 630 mm)
Static tipping load, straight * § 99,780 Ib. 98,680 Ib. 97,470 Ib. 96,390 Ib.
(45 260 kg) (44760 kg) (44210 kg) (43 720 kg)
Full 35° turn * § 90,370 Ib. 89,270 Ib. 88,100 Ib. 87,010 Ib.
(40 990 kg) (40490 kg) (39960 kg) (39 470 kg)
Breakout force * § 80,300 Ib. 79,260 Ib. 63,070 Ib. 62,020 Ib.
(36420 kg) (35 950 kg) (28 610 kg) (28 130 kg)
Operating weight ** 144,520 Ib. 145,360 Ib. 146,210 Ib. 147,060 Ib.
(65550 kg) (65 935 kg) (66 320 kg) (66 710 kg)
With Beadless Tires:
Static tipping load *
Straight § 90,220 Ib. 89,120 Ib. 87,950 Ib. 86,870 Ib.
(40 920 kg) (40 420 kg) (39 890 kg) (39 400 kg)
Full 35° turn § 82,160 Ib. 81,020 Ib. 79,930 Ib. 78,840 Ib.
(37 270 kg) (36 750 kg) (36 260 kg) (35 760 kg)
Breakout force * § 80,360 Ib. 79,310 Ib. 63,1 10 Ib. 62,060 Ib.
(36 450 kg) (35 975 kg) (28 630 kg) (28 150 kg)
Operating weight 147,010 Ib. 147,850 Ib. 148,700 Ib. 149,550 Ib.
(66 683 kg) (67 060 kg) (67 450 kg) (67 840 kg)
•Measured 4" (102 mm) behind tip of cutting edge with bucket hinge pin as pivot point.
"Static tipping load and Operating weight shown include standard cab and 6540-39, 30 PR (L-5) tires with 8,500 Ib. (3860 kg) CaCI: solution in rear
Machine stability is affected by tire size, tire ballast and ROPS cab. Add tne following to machine Operating weight and static tipping load:
Change in Change in Articulated
Operating Weight Static Tipping Load
Remove ROPS cab -3,800 Ib. (1720 kg) -3,300 Ib. (1490 kg)
Tires with 75% CaCl2 in rear tires:
37.25-35, 30 PR (L-5) -1,310 Ib. (590 kg) -l,1401b. (640 kg)
6540-39 30 PR (L-4) -2,120 Ib. (960 kg) -l,2901b. (590 kg)
dimensions (approximate)
37.25-35 6540-39 (L-5) Beadless
Tires Tires Tires
Tread width 115.5" 115.5" 115.5"
(2930 mm) (2930 mm) (2930 mm)
Width ověř tires 152" 157" 155.5"
(3860 mm) (3990 mm) (3950 mm)
Ground clearance .... 22.9" 23.8" 20.8"
(580 mm) (600 mm) (530 mm)
Decrease in vertical 0.9" 3.4"
dimensions (23 mm) (86 mm)
Rock and generál purpose buckets are generál purpose edge is extended and Rock bucket with Modulok features a
shell-tine constructed from thick, high- 2" (51 mm) thick. Either bucket is quick-change cutting edge which signifi-
resistant steel plate and bracing, joined available without teeth oř with eight cantly reduces replacement time. The
by deep 100% penetration welds. Slop- weld-on flush-mounted teeth with re- Modulok edge includes replaceable
ing floor V-edge rock bucket cutting placeable tips. Rock buckets háve wear plates for longer bucket life and
edge is beveled and 2.25" (57 mm) thick; heavy-duty see-through spill guards. flush-mounted teeth for better work
area clean-up. Weld-on adapters are
protected by covers, so that the entire
edge can be replaced without cutting
oř welding.
optional equipment
standard equipment
(with approximate installed weights)
Air conditioner 170 Ib. (77 kg)
Power shift transmission. Cab pressurizer. Beadless Tire Arrangement See Operating Specifications
Variable capacity torque Stop light. Buckets:
converter. Two 12-volt batteries. General purpose, with
Sealed loader linkage. 50-amp alternátor. 8 weld-on teeth 10,740 Ib. (4870 kg)
Automatic bucket Electric starting. Without teeth 9,880 Ib. (4480 kg)
positioner. Blower fan. Rock, V-type, with
Automatic adjustable Ether starting aid. 8 weld-on teeth 13,520 Ib. (6130 kg)
dump kickout. Mufflers. Without teeth 12,620 Ib. (5720 kg)
Automatic lift kickout. Fuel priming pump. Rock, with Modulok and 9 teeth,
Tinted front glass. Duál dry-type air cleaners. Straight edge 14,500 Ib. (6580 kg)
Windshield wipers and Transmission filter. V-type edge 15,200 Ib. (6890 kg)
washer. Gauges and indicators: Cab, non-ROPS (outside U.S.A. only) 712 Ib. (320 kg)
Adjustable šidě Windows. Hydraulic oil level. Extension, General purpose bucket
Adjustable seat. Hydraulic filter. spill plate 430 Ib. (195 kg)
Seat belt. Air cleaner. Fast-fill fuel systém, automatic shut-off 25 Ib. (11 kg)
Warning horn. Transmission filter. 3 Ib. (1.3 kg)
Steering wheel spinner Parking brake. Manuál shut-off
Hour meter. Guard, crankcase (included in
spectator sound suppression) 350 Ib. (159 kg)
ROPS cab. Torque converter oil
Counterweight. temperature. Heater, cab 30 Ib. (14 kg)
Fenders. Engine water temperature. Engine coolant 20 Ib. (9 kg)
Vandalism protection Ammeter. Spectator sound suppression 900 Ib. (408 kg)
locks. Engine oil pressure. Suspension seat 30 Ib. (14 kg)
Rear view mirrors. Fuel pressure. Starting receptacle 5 Ib. (2 kg)
Dash lights. Hydraulic brake pressure. Steering systém, supplemental 70 Ib. (32 kg)
Tail lights. Hydraulic oil temperature. Teeth, flush-mounted, 8 800 Ib. (363 kg)
Reverse alarm. Tires See Operating Specifications
Tool kit 18 Ib. (8 kg)
AEHQ9301 (5-77)
Caterpillar, Cat and D3 are Trademarks of Caterpillar Tractor Co. Printed in U.S.A.
Replaces AEHQ9223-Reu01