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Stress Management: Department of Education Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh B.Ed

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B.ED 2011
End –term
Examination: 70
Sessional: 30
Maximum Marks: 100
Course Objective: To enable prospective teachers to develop deeper insight in the basic
physiological responses in learners to various type of stresses and various
technique to manage these stressors.
Course Outcomes: After completion of the course, the pupil-teachers will be able to:
1. Define component of Stress.
2. Enlist characteristics of Stress.
3. Identify symptoms and causes of Stress.
4. Summarize various physical, cognitive, social, emotional and moral changes.
5. Explain the concept of stress and its impact on educational achievement.
6. Analyze different problems of learners
7. Prioritize the role of family, peer group and teachers in helping stress management.
8. Understand various Psychological test for measuring stress.
9. Explain various techniques of management of stress.
10. Understand the effect of stress or academic achievement


1. Meaning and Definition and Components of Stress
2. Characteristics of Stress
3. Symptoms and signs of Stress
4. Sources of Stress
5. Factors Affecting Stress and its Remedial Measures

UNIT –II different types of stress

1. Meaning, Definition and Importance of Stress Management
2. Sources of Stress management
3. Cognitive Stress: Meaning, Definition, Symptoms and its Management
4. Physical Stress: Meaning, Definition, Symptoms and its Management
5. Behavioural Stress: Meaning, Definition, Symptoms and its Management

UNIT – III Stress and Psychological tests

1. Emotional Stress: Meaning, Definition, Symptoms and its Management
2. Acute Stress: Meaning, Definition, Symptoms and its Management
3. Episodic Stress: Meaning, Definition, Symptoms and its Management
4. Chronic Stress : Meaning, Definition, Symptoms and its Management
5. Psychological Test in stress Management

UNIT – IV Management of Stress

1. Components of Healthy Stress Management
2. Models of Stress Management
3. Techniques of Stress management
4. Stress Management Programme
5. Effects of Stress on Academic Achievement
1. Cooper,Cary L Edited (1983):Stress Research Issues for the Eighties ,John Wiley&Sons, New
2. Gottlieb,Benjamin H(1997):Coping with Cronic Stress Plenum Press New York ISBN 0-306-
3. Grey, Jeffrey Alan (1987): The Psychology of Fear and Stress, Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge ISBN 0-521-27098-7
4. Hussain , Akbar&Gulrez,Naima(2003):Managing Stress: A Practical Guide ,Friends
Publications, New Delhi ISBN 81-7216-069-0
ISBN 978-81-321-1088-0(PB)
5. Jerry, Tew (2011): Social Approaches to Mental Distress Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke,
(paperback), ISBN 978-0-23-054507-6
6. John A Romas (2006): Practical Stress: A Comprehensive Workbook for Managing Change and
Promoting Health (4th Edition) Benjamin Cummings; 4 edition ISBN- 978-0805349115
7. Khubalkar, Rupashree(2008):Know Your Stress Manage Your Stress,Neelkamal
Publications,New Delhi ISBN 81-8316-188-x
8. Martha,Kent(2013):The Resilience Handbook Approaches to Distress and Trauma Routledge; 1
Edition ISBN-13: 978-0415818834
9. Pestonjee, DM & Pandey Satish(2013):Stress and Work :Perspectives on Understanding and
Managing Stress, Sage Publication Ltd. New Delhi
10.Shafar,Walt(2000):Stress Management,Wodsworth,Cengage Learning India Pvt.Ltd. New Delhi
ISBN 978-81-315-0404-8
11. Srivastava A.Kk (1990): Management of Occupational Stress: Theories and Practice Gyan
Publishing House New Delhi ISBN 81-212-0666-9
12. Srivastava, Kiran Bala(1991):Stress and Cancer: Psychological Approach National
Psychological Agra ISBN 81-85316-25-2

Course Outcomes Mapping With Programme Outcomes

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