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2109 13108
arXiv:2109.13108v1 [math.CO] 27 Sep 2021
Abstract. This paper gives the first quantitative bounds for the inverse theorem for the Gowers
U 4 -norm over Fn
p when p = 2, 3. We build upon earlier work of Gowers and Milićević who solved the
corresponding problem for p ≥ 5. Our proof has two main steps: symmetrization and integration
of low-characteristic trilinear forms. We are able to solve the integration problem for all k-linear
forms, but the symmetrization problem we are only able to solve for trilinear forms. We pose
several open problems about symmetrization of low-characteristic k-linear forms whose resolution,
combined with recent work of Gowers and Milićević, would give quantitative bounds for the inverse
theorem for the Gowers U k+1 -norm over Fn p for all k, p.
1. Introduction
A central problem in additive combinatorics is to understand the inverse theory of the Gowers
uniformity norms. Given a 1-bounded function f : G → C with large Gowers uniformity norm
where G is a finite abelian group, the goal is to show that f must correlate with some structured
This problem has primarily received attention in the cases that G is a cyclic group of prime
order or a finite field vector space. For G = Z/N Z the structured objects require the theory of
nilsequences to discribe, as proved by Green, Tao, and Ziegler [9, 10]. For finite field vector spaces
the situation is known to be somewhat simpler. For p ≥ k, a 1-bounded function f : Fnp → C
has large U k+1 -norm if and only if it correlates with a (classical) polynomial phase function, i.e.,
e2πiP (x)/p for a polynomial P : Fnp → Fp of degree at most k, as shown by Bergelson, Tao, and
Ziegler [2, 16] (see also [3] for a discussion of the p = k case). For p < k, one needs the theory of
non-classical polynomials to describe the structured objects [17].
The original proofs of these inverse theorems give extremely bad or even ineffective quantitative
bounds. Recently Manners proved quantitative bounds for the U k+1 -inverse theorem over Z/N Z
[14] and Gowers and Milićević proved quantitative bounds for the U k+1 -inverse theorem over Fnp
when p > k [6, 5].
The goal of this paper is to build upon the work of Gowers and Milićević to give quantitative
bounds for the U 4 -inverse theorem over Fnp in the low-characteristic regime p = 2, 3. Our proof has
two main steps: symmetrization and integration of low-characteristic trilinear forms. We are able
to solve the integration problem for all k-linear forms, but the symmetrization problem we are only
able to solve for trilinear forms.
1.1. Statement of main result. In this paper we always use V to denote a finite-dimensional
Fp -vector space and we write ω = e2πi/p . Given a function f : V → C and a shift h ∈ V , we write
∂h f (x) = f (x + h)f (x) for the multiplicative derivative.
Definition 1.1. Given a function f : V → C and d ≥ 2, the Gowers uniformity norm kf kU d is
defined by
kf k2U d = Ex,h1,...,hd ∈V (∂h1 · · · ∂hd f )(x).
The author was supported by NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program DGE-1745302.
This definition has many useful properties, including being a well-defined norm for all d ≥ 2. See
[17, Lemma B.1] for more properties and references about the Gowers uniformity norms.
Consider a function f : V → G where G is an abelian group. Given a shift h ∈ V , we write
∆h f (x) = f (x + h) − f (x) for the additive derivative. It follows from the definition of the Gowers
uniformity norm that a 1-bounded function f : V → C satisfies kf kU d ≤ 1 with equality if and only
if f = e2πiP where P : V → R/Z satisfies ∆h1 ∆h2 · · · ∆hd P (x) = 0.
Definition 1.2. A non-classical polynomial of degree at most k is a map P : V → R/Z that
(∆h1 · · · ∆hk+1 P )(x) = 0
for all h1 , . . . , hk+1 , x ∈ V . We write Poly 6k (V → R/Z) for the set of non-classical polynomials of
degree at most k.
A classical polynomial is a map P : V → Fp satisfying the same definition. Thus we use
Poly6k (V → Fp ) to denote the set of classical polynomials of degree at most k. In this paper
we commonly abuse notation to identify Fp with {0, 1/p, . . . , (p − 1)/p} ⊂ R/Z when convenient.
In this way we consider Poly 6k (V → Fp ) to be a subset of Poly6k (V → R/Z).
Theorem 1.3. Fix a prime p and δ > 0. There exists
1/ǫ = exp exp exp Op log(1/δ)O(1)
such that the following holds. Let V be a finite-dimensional Fp -vector space. Given a function
f : V → C satisfying kf k∞ ≤ 1 and kf kU 4 > δ, there exists a non-classical cubic polynomial
P ∈ Poly63 (V → R/Z) such that
Ex∈V f (x)e−2πiP (x) ≥ ǫ.
Thus the object ∆a ∆b ∆c P (x) naturally appears. We call this object the total derivative of P . The
total derivative of P clearly does not depend on x, and is symmetric and trilinear in a, b, c.
Thus our next step is to massage Eq. (1.1) to turn the triaffine form T into a symmetric trilinear
form. For simplicity of exposition, let us assume that T is a trilinear. (The parts of T that are not
trilinear can often be removed by an appropriate application of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality.)
Symmetrization: We start with an argument based on an idea of Green and Tao. By several
applications of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, Eq. (1.1) implies that T (a, b, c) is “close” to T (b, a, c),
more precisely, we can prove that the map (a, b, c) 7→ T (a, b, c) − T (b, a, c) has bounded rank, and
similarly for all other permutations of a, b, c.1
To conclude the symmetrization step, we define
S(a, b, c) = (T (a, b, c) + T (a, c, b) + T (b, a, c) + T (b, c, a) + T (c, a, b) + T (c, b, a)) . (1.2)
Clearly S is a symmetric trilinear form. Furthermore, by the Green-Tao argument, we know that
rank(T − S) ≪η 1.
Integration: We now integrate the symmetric trilinear form S to a cubic polynomial P . Namely,
P (x) = S(x, x, x). (1.3)
One can easily check that ∆a ∆b ∆c P = S(a, b, c).
Starting from Eq. (1.1), with some involved but not particularly interesting additional inequali-
ties, we can conclude that kf ω P kU 3 ≫η 1. Applying the U 3 -inverse theorem lets us complete the
1.3. Low characteristic. Now we explain the difficulties that appear in characteristic p < 5.
Fortunately the bulk of the proof, up to Eq. (1.1), works in arbitrary characteristic. The Green-
Tao argument also goes through, showing that T is close to each of its permutations. However,
the remainder of the symmetrization step and the integration step, which were essentially trivial
in high characteristic, fail badly when p < 5. In particular, Eq. (1.2) and Eq. (1.3) both involve
dividing by 6.
For p ≥ 5 we have the convenient classification that S satisfies S(a, b, c) = ∆a ∆b ∆c P for some
cubic polynomial P if and only if S is a symmetric trilinear form. However, this is no longer the
case in low characteristic.
Following Tao and Ziegler, we define a classical symmetric trilinear form (or CSM for short) to be
a trilinear form S : V 3 → Fp that satisfies S(a, b, c) = ∆a ∆b ∆c P for some classical cubic polynomial
P . As part of their proof of the inverse theorem Tao and Ziegler classified CSMs. In the same
vein, we define a non-classical symmetric trilinear form (or nCSM for short) to be S : V 3 → Fp that
satisfies S(a, b, c) = ∆a ∆b ∆c P for some non-classical cubic polynomial P . One problem we solve
in this paper is the classification of non-classical symmetric multilinear forms.
In particular, we show that if S is a symmetric trilinear form and also has some further symmetries
which will be defined in Section 3, then we can integrate S to a non-classical cubic polynomial P
(i.e., ∆a ∆b ∆c P = S(a, b, c)). We are able to classify non-classical symmetric k-linear forms for all
k, which solves the integration problem necessary for the U k+1 -inverse theorem for all k.
For the symmetrization problem, we have a trilinear form T which we know is close in rank to
all of its permutations. We wish to find, for p = 2, an nCSM S such that rank(T − S) ≪ 1 and,
for p = 3, a CSM S such that rank(T − S) ≪ 1.
Even the problem of finding a symmetric multilinear S that is close to T is quite hard and we
do not know how to solve it for general k. When k = 3, the hypothesis that T is close to all of
its permutations implies that there is a subspace U ≤ V of bounded codimension so that T |U is
1See Section 2 for the definition of tensor rank that we use in this paper.
symmetric. This lets us easily find a symmetric trilinear S ′ such that rank(T − S ′ ) ≪ 1. For p = 3,
turning S ′ into a CSM is easy. For p = 2, we need to turn S ′ into an nCSM which takes some more
work, but we are able to do.
Structure of paper. We give the necessary preliminaries in Section 2. We solve the integration
problem for all k in Section 3 and the symmetrization problem for k = 3 in Section 4. We combine
these tools to prove our main result in Section 5. In Section 6 we give some conjectures.
Acknowledgements. The author thanks Aaron Berger for many helpful discussions.
2. Preliminaries
We gave a local definition of non-classical polynomials in Section 1. There is an equivalent
global definition known. (Also see [17, Lemma 1.7] for some more basic facts about non-classical
Lemma 2.1 ([17, Lemma 1.7(iii)]). P : Fnp → R/Z is a non-classical polynomial of degree at most
k if and only if it can be expressed in the form
X ci1 ,...,in ,j |x1 |i1 · · · |xn |in
P (x1 , . . . , xn ) = α + (mod 1),
0≤i ,...,i <p, j≥0:
1 n
0<i1 +···+in ≤k−j(p−1)
for some α ∈ R/Z and coefficients ci1 ,...,in ,j ∈ {0, . . . , p − 1} where | · | is the standard map Fp →
{0, . . . , p − 1}. Furthermore, this representation is unique.
Definition 2.2. Given a k-linear form T : V k → Fp we use two different notions for the rank of T .
The analytic rank of T , denoted arank(T ), is defined by the equation
h i
p− arank(T ) = Eh1 ,...,hk ∈V ω T (h1 ,...,hk ) .
The partition rank of T , denote prank(T ), is the length of the shortest decomposition of T as
a sum of partition rank 1 forms. We define T : V k → Fp to have partition rank 1 if we can write
T (h1 , . . . , hk ) = R(hI )S(h[k]\I ) where R : V I → Fp and S : V [k]\I → Fp are multilinear forms and
∅=6 I ( [k].
These definitions of rank enjoy many useful properties. One which will be important to us is the
subadditivity of rank. Obviously prank(S + T ) ≤ prank(S) + prank(T ). For analytic rank, we also
have arank(S + T ) ≤ arank(S) + arank(T ), but the proof is more subtle [12, Theorem 1.5].
For k = 2, the partition rank and analytic rank coincide and both are equal to the usual notion
of matrix rank. For general k we have the following bounds.
Theorem 2.3. There are constants Cp,k and Dk such that for a k-linear form T : V k → Fp we
have the bounds
arank(T ) ≤ prank(T ) ≤ Cp,k arank(T )Dk .
The lower bound is due to Lovett [12] and the upper bound independently by Milićević [15] and
Janzer [11]. Note that a recent result of Cohen and Moshkovitz and independently Adiprasito,
Kazhdan, and Ziegler improves the upper bound to linear when k = 3 and p > 2 [4, 1].
where cj1 ,...,jk ∈ Fp . For a tuple j = (j1 , . . . , jk ), define i(j) = (i1 , . . . , in ) such that iℓ is the
number of j1 , . . . , jk which are equal to ℓ. With this notation, we can say that a multilinear form
T is symmetric if and only if cj1 = cj2 whenever i(j1 ) = i(j2 ).
Finally define i′ (j) = (i′1 , . . . , i′n ) where i′ℓ = 0 if iℓ = 0 and otherwise i′ℓ ∈ {1, . . . , p − 1}
satisfies i′ℓ ≡ iℓ (mod p − 1). We can see that a multilinear form T is an nCSM if and only if
cj1 = cj2 whenever i′ (j1 ) = i′ (j2 ). Thus | nCSMk (V )| = pDk where Dk is the number of tuples
i′ ∈ {0, . . . , p − 1}n such that there exists j ∈ [n]k such that i′ = i′ (j). Clearly the only constraint
on such a tuple i′ ∈ {0, . . . , p − 1}n is that s = i′1 + · · · i′n satisfies 0 < s ≤ n and s ≡ n (mod p − 1).
Thus we see that Ck = Dk , proving the desired result.
p− arank(A−A(12) ) = Eu,v ω A(u,v)−A(v,u) ≥ δ8 .
Proof. By an application of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality and the 1-boundedness of b2 , we have
δ2 ≤ Eu,u′ ,v∈V b1 (u)b1 (u′ )b3 (u + v)b3 (u′ + v)ω A(u−u ,v) .
We make the change of variables u′′ = u + u′ + v. Rearranging, we obtain
′ ′′ ′
δ2 ≤ Eu,u′ ,u′′ b1 (u)b1 (u′ )b3 (u′′ − u′ )b3 (u′′ − u)ω A(u−u ,u −u−u )
′ ′′ ′
′ ′
= Eu,u′ ,u′′ b1 (u)b3 (u′′ − u)ω A(u,u −u) b1 (u′ )b3 (u′′ − u′ )ω A(−u ,u −u ) ω A(u ,u)−A(u,u ) .
Write B = A − A(12) . By first averaging over u′′ and then choosing b′1 , b′2 : V → C appropriate
1-bounded functions, the above inequality becomes
δ2 ≤ Eu,u′ b′1 (u)b′2 (u′ )ω B(u,u ) .
Then there exists a subspace U ≤ V satisfying codim U ≤ 8 log2 (1/δ) such that T |U ∈ nCSM3 (U ).
A(x + x′ , y) = T (x + x′ , x + x′ , y) + T (x + x′ , y, w0 )
= T (x, x, y) + 2T (x, x′ , y) + T (x′ , x′ , y) + T (x, y, w0 ) + T (x′ , y, w0 )
= A(x, y) + A(x′ , y).
δ8 ≤ Ex,y (−1)A(x,y)−A(y,x) .
Note that
by the symmetry of T .
Define B : V 2 → F2 by B(x, y) = T (x, x, y) − T (x, y, y). Note that B is bilinear. (This can be
seen since B(x, y) = A(x, y) − A(y, x) or by direct computation.) We have shown that arank B ≤
8 log2 (1/δ). Let U be the nullspace of B. This satisfies codim U = prank B = arank B ≤ 8 log2 (1/δ).
Furthermore B(x, y) = 0 for all x, y ∈ U , which implies that T |U is an nCSM.
This essentially implies the desired symmetrization result. To put the result in the form we
need, we use the following application of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality which will also appear
again later in the paper.
Lemma 4.7. Let φ : V 3 → Fp be a triaffine form. Suppose there are 1-bounded functions b1 , . . . , b7 : V →
C such that
b (x)b (y)b (z)b (x + y)b (x + z)b (y + z)b (x + y + z)ω ≥ δ.
Ex,y,z∈V 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Let T : V 3 → Fp be the trilinear part of φ. Then there exist 1-bounded functions b′1 , . . . , b′7 : V → C
such that
Ex,y,z∈V b′1 (x)b′2 (y)b′3 (z)b′4 (x + y)b′5 (x + z)b′6 (y + z)b′7 (x + y + z)ω T (x,y,z) ≥ δ8 .
Proof. This result follows from three applications of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, one in each
variable. We have
δ2 ≤ Ey,z b2 (y)b3 (z)b6 (y + z)Ex b1 (x)b4 (x + y)b5 (x + z)b7 (x + y + z)ω φ(x,y,z)
≤ Ey,z |b2 (y)b3 (z)b6 (y + z)|2
· Ex,x′ ,y,z b1 (x)b1 (x′ )b4 (x + y)b4 (x′ + y)b5 (x + z)b5 (x′ + z)
· b7 (x + y + z)b7 (x′ + y + z)ω φ(x−x ,y,z) .
where b is a product of the b7 ’s evaluated at sums of the six variables. Note that φ(x − x′ , y − y ′ , z −
z ′ ) = T (x − x′ , y − y ′ , z − z ′ ). Then by averaging, we can find x0 , y0 , z0 such that
δ8 ≤ Ex,y,z b(x + x0 , x0 , y + y0 , y0 , z + z0 , z0 )ω T (x,y,z) .
Tracing through the proof, we can see that b(x + x0 , x0 , y + y0 , y0 , z + z0 , z0 ) has the desired
Corollary 4.8. Let T : V 3 → F2 be a trilinear form. Suppose there are 1-bounded functions
b1 , . . . , b7 : V → C such that
Ex,y,z∈V b1 (x)b2 (y)b3 (z)b4 (x + y)b5 (x + z)b6 (y + z)b7 (x + y + z)(−1)T (x,y,z) ≥ δ.
Then there exists S ∈ nCSM3 (V ) such that prank(T − S) ≤ 432 log 2 (1/δ).
Proof. By Corollary 4.2, we have that arank(T − Tπ ) ≤ 16 log 2 (1/δ) for all π ∈ S3 . Then applying
Proposition 4.3, there exists a subspace U ≤ V with codim U ≤ 80 log 2 (1/δ) such that T |U : U 3 →
F2 is a symmetric trilinear form.
By averaging, there exist cosets x0 + U, y0 + U, z0 + U such that
T (x,y,z)
δ ≤ Ex∈x0 +U b1 (x)b2 (y)b3 (z)b4 (x + y)b5 (x + z)b6 (y + z)b7 (x + y + z)(−1)
y∈y0 +U
z∈z0 +U
= Ex,y,z∈U b′1 (x)b′2 (y)b′3 (z)b′4 (x + y)b′5 (x + z)b′6 (y + z)b′7 (x + y + z)(−1)T (x0 +x,y0+y,z0 +z) .
We can now apply Proposition 4.6 to find a subspace W ≤ U such that codim W ≤ 144 log 2 (1/δ)
and such that T |W ∈ nCSM3 (W ). Pick an arbitrary decomposition V = W ⊕ W ′ and then define
S(w1 ⊕ w1′ , w2 ⊕ w2′ , w3 ⊕ w3′ ) = T |W (w1 , w2 , w3 ). Then S ∈ nCSM3 (V ) and clearly prank(T − S) ≤
432 log 2 (1/δ).
Proof of Theorem 1.3. Applying Theorem 5.1, we find a triaffine form φ : V 3 → Fp such that
Ex,h1,h2 ,h3 ∈V (∂h1 ∂h2 ∂h3 f )(x)ω φ(h1 ,h2 ,h3) ≥ ǫ.
Let T be the trilinear part of φ. First average over x and expand out the derivative to conclude
that there exist 1-bounded functions b1 , . . . , b7 : V → C such that
Ex,y,z∈V b1 (x)b2 (y)b3 (z)b4 (x + y)b5 (x + z)b6 (y + z)b7 (x + y + z)ω ≥ ǫ.
Then applying Lemma 4.7 and then Corollary 4.2, we see that arank(T − Tπ ) ≤ 16 log p (1/ǫ) for all
π ∈ S3 . By Theorem 2.3, we conclude that prank(T − Tπ ) ≤ poly logp (1/ǫ) for all π ∈ S3 .
Now for p ≥ 3, we can apply Corollary 4.5 to find S ∈ CSM3 (V ) such that prank(T − S) ≤
poly logp (1/ǫ). Then by Proposition 3.3, there exists a classical cubic polynomial P ∈ Poly63 (V →
Fp ) such that d3 P = S. For p = 2, we apply Corollary 4.8 to find S ∈ nCSM3 (V ) such that
prank(T − S) ≤ poly logp (1/ǫ). Then by Proposition 3.5, there exists a non-classical cubic polyno-
mial P ∈ Poly63 (V → R/Z) such that d3 P = S.
Now in either case we have a decomposition T − S = ri=1 γi where each γi : V 3 → Fp is the
product of a linear form in one of the variables with a bilinear form in the other two variables and
r = poly logp (1/ǫ). Write Γ : V 3 → F2r p for the list of 2r linear and bilinear forms that factor the γi ’s.
For example, if γ1 (x, y, z) = α(x)β(y, z), then we define Γ1 (x, y, z) = α(x) and Γ2 (x, y, z) = β(y, z).
Define g = f ω P . Note that (∂h1 ∂h2 ∂h3 g)(x) = (∂h1 ∂h2 ∂h3 f )(x)ω S(h1 ,h2 ,h3 ) . The inequality we
started with can now be written as
Ex,h1,h2 ,h3 b(h1 , h2 , h3 )ω i=1 γi (h1 ,h2 ,h3) (∂h1 ∂h2 ∂h3 g)(x) ≥ ǫ
where b(h1 , h2 , h3 ) is a product of linear and bilinear phase functions. We first remove the middle
By averaging, there exists c ∈ F2r p such that
Since Γ is a list of linear and bilinear forms, the middle term, ω (Γ(h1 ,h2 ,h3)−c)·ξ0 , is the product of
linear and bilinear phase functions. Thus we conclude that
Ex,h ,h ,h b′ (h1 , h2 , h3 )(∂h ∂h ∂h g)(x) ≥ ǫp−2r ,
1 2 3 1 2 3
where is the product of linear and bilinear phase functions.
b′ (h1 , h2 , h3 ) = ω β1 (h2 ,h3 )+β2 (h1 ,h3 )+β3 (h1 ,h2 )+α1 (h1 )+α2 (h2 )+α3 (h3 ) .
Expanding this out, we see that this inequality is of the correct form to apply Lemma 4.1 which
then implies that arank(β1 − (β1 )(12) ) ≤ 8(2r + logp (1/ǫ)) ≤ 24r. The same is true of β2 , β3 .
The next step is to find β1′ , β2′ , β3′ ∈ nCSM2 (V ) such that prank(βi − βi′ ) ≤ 48r. First note that
for bilinear forms we have arank(βi ) = prank(βi ). Thus there is a subspace U ≤ V of codimension
at most 24r such that βi − (βi )(12) vanishes on U × U . This is the only condition we need to imply
that βi |U is an nCSM. Extending βi |U to βi′ ∈ nCSM2 (V ) arbitrarily, we have prank(βi − βi′ ) ≤ 48r.
Finally, by Proposition 3.3, there exist non-classical quadratic polynomials Qi ∈ Poly62 (V → R/Z)
such that d2 Qi = βi′ .
We repeat the same averaging and Fourier analysis argument from above to conclude that
′ ′ ′
Ex,h1,h2 ,h3 b′′ (h1 , h2 , h3 )ω β1 (h2 ,h3 )+β2 (h1 ,h3 )+β3 (h1 ,h2) (∂h1 ∂h2 ∂h3 g)(x) ≥ ǫp−300r ,
where b′′ (h1 , h2 , h3 ) is a product just of linear phase functions, say b′′ (h1 , h2 , h3 ) = ω L1 (h1 )+L2 (h2 )+L3 (h3 ) .
Now define
g000 = f ω P ,
g001 = f ω P +Q1 ,
g010 = f ω P +Q2 ,
g011 = f ω P +Q1+Q2 +L3 ,
g100 = f ω P +Q3 ,
g101 = f ω P +Q1+Q3 +L2 ,
g110 = f ω P +Q2+Q3 +L1 ,
g111 = f ω P +Q1+Q2 +Q3 +L1 +L2 +L3 .
One can verify that the inequality above can be rewritten as
|Ex,h1,h2 ,h3 g000 (x) g001 (x + h1 )g010 (x + h2 )g011 (x + h1 + h2 )g100 (x + h3 )
·g101 (x + h1 + h3 )g110 (x + h2 + h3 )g111 (x + h1 + h2 + h3 ) ≥ ǫp−300r .
The left-hand side is in the correct form to apply the Gowers-Cauchy-Schwarz inequality [17,
Lemma B.1.(iv)], which implies that kf ω P kU 3 ≥ ǫp−300r ≥ p−O(logp (1/ǫ) ) . Finishing with a
single application of the U 3 -inverse theorem, we prove the desired result.
6. Concluding remarks
The symmetrization results in this paper are very specific to trilinear forms. We pose the
following conjecture, which seems surprisingly difficult and may be of independent interest.
Conjecture 6.1. Let T : V k → Fp be a k-linear form. Suppose that T is close to symmetric in the
sense that prank(T − Tπ ) ≤ r for all permutations π ∈ Sk . Does there exists a symmetric k-linear
form S : V k → Fp such that prank(S − T ) ≤ r ′ where r ′ is a polynomial function of r?
NotePthat this conjecture is only interesting if p ≤ k, since for p > k, the symmetric form
S = k! π Tπ can easily be seen to satisfy prank(S − T ) ≤ k!r.
Combined with the recent work of Gowers and Milićević [5], Conjecture 6.1 is the missing in-
gredient which would suffice to give quantitative bounds on the U p+1 -inverse theorem. For the
U k+1 -inverse theorem with k > p there is additional symmetrization necessary to produce a non-
classical symmetric multilinear form from a symmetric form.
for some 1-bounded functions bI : V → C. Does there exists S ∈ nCSMk (V ) such that prank(S −
T ) ≤ r ′ where r ′ is a polynomial function of log(1/ǫ)?
Combined with the work of Gowers and Milićević and this paper’s integration result, Proposi-
tion 3.5, this result would give quantitative bounds on the U k+1 -inverse theorem over Fnp for all
k, p.
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