ae Me a
eee, ee
‘On Being Dwarf in Barsve
On Dwatsae Builders
‘On the Making of Tools
Onthe importance of Buldng Al Things
One's ome
(On Connections between Craftsmanship
and Artists
On the Reasons and Source of Trade
Buiding the intangble
Loyalty among the Dwarfs
‘On the Claims of Family
On Tribal Loyalties
On Loyalty t Nations
Gn Fealty tothe Kingdom
‘On the Place of the Dwarfs in Barsaive
On the Meaningof Dwarf Fables
On the Manner oF Dwarfs Toward Other
‘On the Culture of Dwarfs
‘On Artistic Endeavor and Craftsmanship
On kuale Morkingthe Passage oF Life
(On How Alfinty forthe Earth Shapes Behavior
‘On the importance of Language and the Law
nthe Fascinating Wage oF the Khavro'am
‘tist Encounter With an Obsidinan
On the Nature of Obsidimen :
‘On Appearance and Physical Nature
Ont lings and chavcr pong Osinen
nthe Reason for Venturng Out ito the World
Onthe Obsidian Way of Life
'An Obsidian Myth of Creation
Onthe Brotherhood as Family
Onthe Signficance ofthe Liferock
On bith and Comngol Aap
Onthe Te Known os the Dreaming
Onthe Final Return tothe ifeock
On Obsidiman Culture and Myths
Concerning the Valley of Elders and
the Counahof rou
On Astistic Endeavor
OnObsatinan craft
On Meaningful Adoraments
nthe Worchous Compenties of
‘Obsidiman Language
On tothe Perception of Tne Shapes
the spoken Word,
nthe Structure ofthe Obsidiman Tongue
‘A Discourse on Writing among the Obsidimen
On Dealings with the World ancl is Residents
On Ohsidmen and the Disiplines
On Obsidimen and Thera
‘On Obsidimen and the Passions
onbrereg shone anergy
Regarding the Custom of the Send
Obzenations onGathenags
On customs Common to
Towns rd cites
‘On Pricing Freedom above All
On Livingond Dying well
(On Seizing Life and shakingtt
‘On Rebelion and change
nthe Three Ways of Orks
On the Buming ear of Gahad
On Grks and the Passions
OnOrk Ways and Customs
‘On Arts: among Orks
On Grk Craftsmanship
Onstyes of Dress
On Weapons and Armor
OnOnk architecture
‘On Manner Behavior among Orks
‘On Customs of Love, Marriage, and Family
‘On the Ways of Men and Women
Ontiow Oaks View Other Races
On Pood and Drink Dear to Orks
Word on Generalizations
On the Dual Nature of Trolls
On the Many Meanings oF Honor
On Speituaty anongrols
The Socety of Trolls
‘On the Ways oF Highland Trolls
On Lowland Trolls
‘On the Various Rituals of Life
On the Ordeal of Birth
sidimen in
60Ontomes and Naming
On the Age of Passage and Its Rites
Ontomoge Custons
On the Tra Acceptance of Death
Onbnerse Aspects Tall Clore
On Tales and Heroes
On the Creation of Art
On reftanorebip mong Trolls
On Matters of Manners and Social Custom
On Finding Privacy Within
Onthe Signfeance of Horns
‘OnGreetings and Partings
On the Curious Custom of Boasting,
On Trolls’ Views of Other Races
aye HrorwATON
roleplay nts
New Disciplines
Outeast Warrior
Now Talents
‘boxy Control
Eecape Diynation
r ale Shae ‘kles.
Tree wind
Treedom Search
reedom Song
Heal Slave
Heart of Freedom
Heart oF Rebellon
Hoard Blows
Impossible Hide
Wid Bode
Power Mask.
Prison Call
Ruel oF Atonement
Shockle shrog
Shoutof kee
Special Rules
Volume 2
Diane Piron-Gelman
Robert “Granite Bone” Cruz
Louis J Prospert
Robin D. Laws
Mike Mulvill
Nigel D. Findley
Jim Nelson
Mike Nielsen
Louis J. Prosperi
Mike Mulvihill,
Editorial Staff
editorial Director
Donna Ippolito
Managing Eaitor
Sharon Turner Mulvibill
Associate Eiitors
Diane Piron-Gelman
Robert “Granite Bone” Cruz
Production Staff
Art Director
Jim Nelson
Project Manager
Mike Nielsen
Cover Art
Janet Aulisio Dannheiser
Cover Design/Color Section Design
Jim Nelson
Black & White Ilustrations
Janet Aulisio Dannheiser, Joel Biske, Tom Baxa,
Earl Geier, Jeff Laubenstein, Larry MacDougall,
Darrel Midgette, Jim Nelson, Mike Nielse
Tony Szczudlo
Color Plates
Janet Aulisio Dannheiser, Tom Baxa,
Jeff Laubenstein, Tony Szemudlo
‘Mark Ernst
Aitighs Rest Pane intieSA.
How many of us can claim friends or acquaintances of every Name-giver race other than our own? Indeed, in the after-
‘math of the Scourge that isolated many of us in our own racial enclaves, how many of us have any knowledge of another
race other than the superficial? Who but the dwarfs know what it means to truly love the work of their own hands? Do any
folk but the orks know in their bones the injustice of slavery and the value of freedom? Who but the trolls will sacrifice all
for honor? Do any but obsidimen hear the song of the earth in their hearts? Few Barsaivians can answer these questions, but
alll of us should have such knowledge. In order to give us a truer understanding of each other, Land my assistants have ere-
ated this remarkable work, entitled Denizens of Barsaive.
During the compilation of An Explorer’s Guide fo Barsaive, Land my colleague Jerriv Forrim traveled extensively
throughout the land and met many Name-givers of whose ways we knew litte or nothing. It ame to Jerriv and me that our
ignorance of our fellow Name-givers was no less inexcusable than our former ignorance of the wonders and dangers of
Barsaive, and so we determined to somehow correct that fault. Together, we conceived the idea of writing several volumes
‘on the nature and ways of Barsaive's Name-giver races, each volume devoted to a particular people.
‘We presented our idea to Merrox, Master of the Hall of Records, who swiftly saw the wisdom of our proposal and gra-
useful and pleasing to lookaat, Ina dwarf’ eyes, useful but ugly items show litle sil; beautiful Peopte’s arristte
‘but impractical items show no sense. Only items tha fulfil some purpose efficiently and display TRADITIONS ane
superior artistry are truly beautiful by dwar standards. vastly SUPERIOR
‘The growth of trade in Barsaive created opportunities for craftsmen—including many dwarf TO ANVONE'S.
craftsmen—to profit by selling goods they had produced. As dwarf craftsmen began earning RIoRaN
income, some began purchasing items rather than crafting all they used. They therefore had more WEAPONSE>NTD
time to refine their skill a particular crafts, and could in turn command higher prices for their OF JERRIS
‘works. Dwarf craftsmen began to specialize, each devoting all his energies to mastering and sur-
passing the traditions of his particular craft. This specialization, combined with the race's natural love of creating things,
has made dwarf craftsmen in general the envy of other Name-giversMost dwarf craftsmen prefer to work with metal, stone, and gems because they are part and parcel ofthe earth. Dwarfs
love the earth above all other elements in the Universe becauise all living things spring from it. They also value its solidity,
seeing a connection between the texture and weight of earth, and the solidness of flesh. Though the element of wood shares
cearth’s tangible properties, dwarfs regard it as lesser than earth, because wood owes its life to the earth rather than the
‘other way around. Many dwarf craftsmen work in wood, but they regard it as a distant second to earthen materials.
On Architecture and Affinity with the Earth
Carefully designed and sturdily built, dwarf residences and other buildings are most often made of stone, wood, or a
combination of both. Where possible, particularly inthe Kingdom of Throal, dwarfs build exclusively with stone and even
carve their homes from beneath the solid rock. Numerous tales ofthe frst dwarfs describe them as living in underground
settlements, and a large portion ofthe ancient Kingdom of Scytha was said to be underground, Where they
cannot build with stone, dwarés make their houses of wood.
‘As [understand it, dwarfs express their love ofthe earth by living within it or close
tot For this reason, a dwarf who lives on the surface ofthe earth almost always makes his
home a single-story dwelling, oF lives on the ground floor of a multistoy building
Anything else takes him too far from physical contact with the eat, separating him
from the fist source of life and making him extremely uneasy. In contrast to homes,
many places of business comprise several stores, particularly in Throal’ thriving
cities. Most dwarfs fel perfectly at ease conducting business above the ground
floor or using the upper levels to store goods.
Inkeeping with the dwarf tradition of hospitality, many dwarf homes are built
to comfortably accommodate most Name-givers save the truly immense obsidi-
:men and tolls). Doorways often reach heights of sx to seven fet, and ceilings 8
foot or two higher n addition, by constructing houses larger than the average
dwarf requires, a dwar builder creates a feeling of spaciousness particularly
appreciated by those dwarf living underground, Many dwarfs of Throal, ving as
they doin underground cities, have helped to popularize this sense of space among,
their own people. As more ofthe other Name-giver races move into the kingdom,
‘homes built exclusively to suit dwar size are growing increasingly rare.
‘Dwarf houses are less intricately decorated than other dwarf handiwork, pri
marily because a dwarf architect regards the lines and space ofthe house itself as
ornament and therefore sees no need to decorate it further with carvings, pillars,
reliefs, and such, The graceful upward sweep ofa ceiling arch, the gentle curve of a
doorway, and the ways in which the roms themselves frame space ae all elements of
a home's design that perfectly combine craft and art in the dwarf manner. Compared to
many human dwellings, of course, a dwarf home sil seems abundantly ornamented, Only careful comparison between the
house and the things in it allowed me to notice a difference,
On clothing, Weapons, and Furnishings
Most dwarfs make atleast some of these everyday items themselves though they may buy others from fellow dwarfs
specializing in a particular craft. All are intricately ornamented, often with rune-tike designs or sigs somehow representa-
tive ofthe Passions important to a dwarf’s Discipline or profession
Many dwarfs prefer loosefitting robes and tunics with large sleeves and several deep pockets in which they may
carry carving tools, scrolls, pens engraver’s to's, and so on. Some dwarfs favor deep brown, dusty reds, and blacks that
express their affinity for the earth; many others prefer colors so bright as to border on the garish. According to my
learned friend Merrox, Master of the Hall of Records in Throal, vars first began to wear bright color in unustal com-
binations during the Scourge, as a symbol ofthe many colors ofthe world they intended one day to reclaim from the
Horrors. Ever since those dark times, dwarfs have worn bright garments out of expect for their long-dead ancestors
Occasionally, a dwarf weaver incorporates ornamental patterns or symbols into the fabric itself, but most often tailors
add them tothe finishes garmentWarriors across Barsaive prize dwarf-made weapons and armor for their superior construction and artistic design.
Runic carvings on swords, daggers, and shields are often traced in silver, gold, precious gems, or (rarely) orichalcum,
Dwarf weaponsmiths tend to use these precious materials sparingly, and they are masters at maximizing their ornamental
‘effect. Many weaponsmiths favor symbols of Thystonius, the Passion of Conflict and Valor. Though they prefer working
with metals, dwarf weaponsmiths and armorers occasionally use crystal or wood.
Most furnishings and other useful objects in a dwarf’s home (cooking pots, wine jugs, plates, and trenchers) are fash-
ined of stone, wood, and metal—most often iron. Softer metals such as gold or silver are used in small quantities, most
‘often for decoration. Many dwarfs place symbols associated with the Passion Garlen on household items because of that
Passion’s connection with the home.
Building or crafting anything requires raw materials. For dwarfs, necessary raw materials include wood, fabries and
fibers, steel, iron, gems, and precious metals, Because dwarfs did not produce some of these materials, such as wood and
fabrics, dwarf craftsmen began to trade for them. As more and more craftsmen profited from such trading, they founded
the first of the great dwarf trading houses, Dwarf miners, who had extracted gems and precious metals from the earth for
their own uses, fueled the growth of trade by supplying their underground bounty to other craftsmen and by trading gems
and precious metals for other raw materials, Beginning within their own race and soon spreading beyond it, the dwarfs of
Barsaive built the vast, intricate trading network that today links all of Barsaive's far-flung peoples.
For the most part, dwarfs build tangible things. Tools, furnishings, weapons,
armor—all these items can be touched, held, and shaped by the hands ofa skilled crafts
‘man. Many dwarfs see this tangibility as proof of an item’s value. Many others, howev~
er, see a connection between building the tangible and the intangible. Just as a dwarf
‘woodworker uses wooden planks and tools to create a dining table on which to eat, $0
Ihave Barsaive's greatest dwarf scholars used words and ideas to build the systems of law
and government that have sustained the Kingdom of Throal and the land of Barsaive
since the Scourge. Some dwarfs even argue that these systems are as tangible in their
‘own way as a chair ora sword: though one cannot pick up and hold a method of gov-
‘ernment, that government has a tangible effect on the lives of those governed.
Interestingly enough, the scholars of the Great Library of Throal see their domain as
arising from the same impulse to build. Just as a dwarf craftsman creates the tools with
‘which he can build other objects, the library's founders created a tool—a storehouse of
knowledge—with which all of Barsaive may build its culture and civilization
In ancient times, a dwarf felt himself bound by ties of loyalty to four groups: his family, tribe, nation, and kingdom.
‘These days, only the first and last of these loyalties retain their original strength. However, one must consider all four of
these loyalties when attempting to understand dwarf society of our own time. Even though the nations have largely van-
{shed and the tribes have intermarried for generations, echoes of the old, fierce loyalties still remain in every dwarf's heart
‘and soul. Therefore, I shall discuss dwarf society in both its ancient and modern aspects.
[Asis common among most human families of my acquaintance, the dwarf family begins with a mother, a father, and a
child, But unlike humans, the dwarfs consider other blood relatives—uncles, aunts, cousins, grandparents—as closely
bound to each other as parents are to children. While humans draw a distinction between immediate and more distant kin,
the dwarfs see only “those of the blood.” For example, a dwarf child regards his mother and his aunt with equal affection
and devotion, and the mother and aunt regard the child similarly.Ofall their bonds of loyalty, the family bond is by far the strongest among the dwarfs. But a dwarf has many loyalties, and
‘occasionally those loyalties conflict. When this happens, the dwarf is tom, because he must break one faith to keep another.
ow is he to choose in such a case? Where does the dwarf’s primary loyalty ie? The answer, as any dwarf will tell you, is with
his family. Therefore, the dwarfs emphasize the ties of blood above all others by giving the same loyalty to all blood kin.
‘Though the dwarfs have always held the ties of blood in great reverence, the dark years of the Scourge intensified that
tradition. During those years, children lost parents, brothers lost sisters, and wives lost husbands to the Horrors and their
minions almost daily. Far too many watched powerlessly as the hardships of life in the kaers drove their dearestloved kin-
folk mad. Itis no wonder that surviving kin of any relation became doubly precious. One who mourned a lost sister could
find comfort in the presence of that sisters child and could easily see the stll-living relative as a connection to the departed.
For those who had lost so much already, those family ties that remained—however distant, to our way of thinking—were
an anchor to cling to in a world gone dreadfully wrong,
When the peoples of Barsaive finally emerged from their kaers, survivors ofthe same family often discovered each
other after spending centuries in different kaers. Those first years after the Scourge were atime of despair for many; the
Horrors had left the world blighted almost beyond recognition, and many succumbed to attacks by those powerful Horrors
that still lingered in Barsaive. Against this backdrop, the discovery of kin they had never seen became a sign to the dwarfs.
‘And so they loved these long-lost kinfolk as much as those with whom they had spent all their lives. Thus the Scourge and
its aftermath deepened family bonds already grown strong throughout the many centuries of dwarf history.
Onthe 5
In truth, one kin tie among the dwarfs is more special than any other. The relationship between dwarf grandparents
and their grandchildren holds a place in the life of each dwarf that no other relationship can claim, for the dwarf grandpa
ent passes the traditions of the family to the grandchild. Thus, the oldest living generation gives the youngest the greatest
silt that any dwarf can give another.
The dwarfs value tradition above all things. Many other Name-giver races see customs and traditions as phenomena
that simply happen, practices that people take up because they seem to make sense at the time. Dwarfs view tradition as
something chosen, crafted, labored over. One might think of a dwarf’s family traditions as a house, begun as a single room
in the family’s first generation and expanded by diverse kinfolk over decades, even centuties, Each generation values what
the previous generations built and takes inspiration for its own additions from what has gone before. The grandparent,
then, takes the grandchild through all the rooms in the house and explains precisely why each one was built in a certain
way. The grandparent teaches the child what it means to be a member of his family.
Of course, every family has two sides—the paternal and the maternal. Among dwarfs, as among many humans, a gitl
tends to feel herself her mother’s daughter; a boy, his father’s son. This is only natural, but it means the child grows up with
« particular fondness for those pieces ofthe family tradition most strongly identified with only one parent. To ensure that a
child learns the traditions ofthe entire family, a specific grandparent passes on the traditions to each child. The paternal
‘grandmother teaches her granddaughters, and the maternal grandfather teaches his grandsons.
The special relationship between grandparent and grandchild begins atthe grandchild’ birth, when the grandparent
‘chooses one of the child’s Names. At certain times during childhood—the first month, and the tenth and sixteenth birth=
ddays—the grandparent gives the child a gift that symbolizes something of significance from the family’s past.
At the age of sixteen, a dwarf comes of age and leaves his childhood behind. During the last summer before the child’s
sixteenth birthday, he leaves the family home to live with his grandparent, In ancient times, dvvarfs living in villages and
small settlements would take their grandchildren into the deep woods or out on the wide plains, caring for them and teach-
ing them apart from other kin and neighbors, Such sojourns are rare in these more treacherous days, for too many dangers
Turk in the wild lands. Instead, the grandparent and grandchild leave the extended family’s home (with appropriate pomp
and cereinony, as dwarfs judge such things) and take up residence in a small house. Most of these so-called summer houses,
have been used by dwarf families for generations for this specific purpose.
I Role of Grandparents
‘The importance of tribe loyalty has lessened considerably since ancient times. In the heyday of the great kingdoms and
city-states of Barsaive, tribal ties rivaled family bonds in importance, and dwarfs of different tribes fought many wats out of
tribal loyalty. Nowadays, the typical dwarf knows his tribe and takes pride in his heritage, but no longer needs to attackanother's tribe to proclaim the superiority of his own. The waning strength of tribal loyalties among Barsaive’s dwarfs can
bbe attributed to two factors: the Therans and the Scourge.
The fect of the Therans on Trbal Loyalties
‘The Therans provided a common enemy for the different dwarf tribes of Barsaive. Those
who believe that the dwwarfs fared well under Theran domination while the rest of the Name-
givers suffered see only a tiny portion of the truth. As administrators of our province, the
«dwarfs performed essential work for the Therans and so could not be molested or mistreated
indiscriminately without greatly inconveniencing Thera. Still, more than a few Therans resented
the dwarfs’ having anything to do with their empire. The dwarfs’ constant efforts to mitigate
‘Theran brutality toward other Name-givers only sharpened Theran anger in some quarters, and
‘many a Theran official found persecuting dwarfs rewarding enough to risk disruption of the
Theran Empire's daily business. And even dwarfs not maltreated resented losing the freedom
they had held by right in every dwarf realm for centuries, As the Therans tightened their grip on
Barsaive, the dwarfs’ common experience of oppression taught them to see each other as kin
dred in a way that they had not before.
The tffects ofthe Scourge on Tribal Loyalties
The overwhelming treat of the Scourge further strengthened the growing unity among the
<éwarfs. Tribes of dwarfs that in past generations might have refused to acknowledge one anoth-
er'sexistence worked side by side to build the kaers before the Horrors reached our world in
force. The tribes provided similar aid to other Name-givers, whose differences made the distine
tions between dwarf tribes seem inconsequential
Life in the kaers unified the dwarf tribes even further. Though diferent tribes had lived
within the borders of single nations for years they had found it a simple ting to Keep separate
‘because they had plentiful land over which to expand their tribal enclaves. But the kaers
enclosed many different tribes in much closer quarters than any of themn might have desired.
Inevitably, young dwarfs from different tribes met, worked, and played together. Equally
Inevitably, some of them fll in love and married. Within the fist two centuries of kar ile, a
few dwarf tribes had intermarried so completely that they formed distinct new tribes; the
Kaisthi and the Dwalithi ofthe lowiand plains, now known as the Kalithi, are the best-known,
example. Such intermarriage gave the death blow to tribal loyalty a a source of conflict and the