Earthdawn Barsaive in Chaos 2e

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FCARTHDAWN Barsaive In _ Barsaive In. CHAOS LIVING ROOM GAMES VV VV VV VES ai CTT TY Table of Contents INTRODUCTION S$ _ OTHERADVENTUREIDEAS ‘GAMEMASTERING NOTES 6 War With the Legion Making Tests 6 “TheNew Bazaar HOW TOUSE THIS BOOK 6 __LOOSEENDS ‘Adventure Frameworks 2 THE MARCH OF THE UNDEAD PREPARING ADVENTURES 7 ‘THEEXODUS BEGINS Threat Level 2 BACKGROUND Awarding Lagend Points 7 VIVANE: CITY OF THE DEAD RUNNING BARSAIVEIN CHAOS 8 “The Monster Who Wouldbe Queen “TheEventsof Prelude to War 8 TheRebuidingoP Vivane “The Events of Barsave at War 8 Thettidlen War The Events ofBarsaivein Chaos 8 The Wealthof Vivane Using the Eventsin Campaigns 8 ‘Ambassadorsofthe Dead BARSAIVEINCHAOSANDYOURCAMPAIGN 10 “Travelin Vine ‘THE HORROR STALKER CRUSADE Ol Landmarksofthe New Vivane ‘AGAINST THE UNENDING SCOURGE 12 —_EVENTSYNOPSIS BACKGROUND 12 IMPORTANT CHARACTERS EVENTSYNOPSIS 8 ‘Admiral Khorden Reise TheSeythen Cansade 8 ‘Adal Raglond Hartmallen Soya 8 Diherabyes-of Straw IMPORTANT CHARACTERS 8 Gooden Grathusthe Unyilding 8 Haclos Aerdane Leader ofthe Sythan Crisade 8 Lord Goorme Lithen Tremous 4 Lucian Naemonicus Alaina Dakstider 4 Queen Twicebom ‘Taranusthe Serie 8 Scalor Baodros RUNNING THE SCYTHAN CRUSADE 8 “Tolemy Foer Introducing the Event 8 Torgple ‘Adventure Frameworks 6 “TheFlamoof Purity “The Road toSoytha 16 JocthDrawne Joiningthe Crusede 19 Herod Wolfkind OTHERADVENTURE IDEAS 2 BrauthisEnnder SeythenCraders, 2 Renf tteron ArtfactEscort a KoelynSwitbreeze LOOSE ENDS 2 “TherolBetrox ‘TO STRAIN AGAINST THE SHACKLES 23 Korben Ezermuna PROLOGUE 24 RUNNING THEMARCH OF THEUNDEAD BACKGROUND Py Ineroducingthe Event: EVENTSYNOPSIS 24 ‘Adventure Frameworks IMPORTANT CHARACTERS a Somethingis Rttenin Haven Cordla m4 Agents ofthe Queen Pheargus One-Fye 3 Strange Fmisaies Rahestra Leader ofthe Underground 25 OTHERADVENTUREIDEAS Sherk and his guards 2 Meettthe New Boss Starlehena 8 ‘The OtherSideof the Coin Threash 8 “TheFree Vivane Import-Export: Wain % “Trading Company Zarasleethought 2 “The Guided Tour RUNNING TOSTRAINAGAINSTTHESHACKLES 27 ‘The Governor's Taxes Introducing the Event 2 TheSecond March Adkentore Frameworks 2 TumAbout Welcometo Cara abd 28 TheQueeris Court “The Underground 29 FoolsRushln ToZaras’Aid 38 2 EARTHDAWN EOBBBBE BURSESLSSLSHSSSHKHRKFRRESSRERSRSS SSSR SESH RRRRE a TOV VV VV CON TTT TTS TheEndls Near How 8adDoYouWant Him? LOOSE ENDS ‘THE DEATH OF A DENAIRASTAS BACKGROUND EVENT SYNOPSIS. IMPORTANT CHARACTERS BythVesten Phgyam Tor Briana Wind-Rder (Chords Morin Ferrin Aric KosSteelaze MaraConmven Geld Denarastss TKothSalleaver Hurin Durinar OriaDraneth lopanSolden/Talcon Guards Frrescale Raiders RUNNING THE DEATH OF A DENAIRASTAS Infrodueingthe Event Adventure Frameworks Heartsof araess FulCrele ‘OTHER ADVENTURE IDEAS UntProveninnocent “Titckor Treaties LOOSE ENDS ASTORMOF HORRORS. BACKGROUND. EVENTSYNOPSIS. IMPORTANT CHARACTERS Bohavs ‘Captain ChurgarlgLoud Below Domek Fodobargis Mesthis Soar “ThystraSivermane Captain Vilesthar Xelertioe (CREATURES WITHIN FENARIA Fre Faglsof Fenarta Hethounds of Fenera Sane Lonsof nara RUNNING STORM OF HORRORS Introdbetng the Event Adventore Frameworks ‘Ainhip Down Remember Vivane ‘OTHER ADVENTURE IDEAS Ina Wy ‘Seen One, Seen‘em ll Bunda BRRSEs BSE SSSSSSSSAAARRPASNRTYAAYASSBRSVVRLLASRRARRARASSSSS ‘THERE MUST BE CHAOS BACKGROUND, TheStateofthe King ‘TheShadow oF Thera Jems ‘TheCarafahd Embassy ‘TheEarthdawn Undercurrent The Hive EVENTSYNOPSIS IMPORTANT CHARACTERS AAldevalen Ueraven Isom Derr Ruanen EndorenOakhaft ‘The Whisperers Crownbreaker Assasins Roysl Guard/Crownbresker Fanatics Throale Soltiers/Consprators Theliveof Ashes ‘Thwoal Character Table RUNNING THERE MUST BE CHAOS Introducingthe Event Adventure Frameworks ‘The Caulcron Preparations and Despair TheCoup OTHERADVENTURE IDEAS “TheHunt forthe Whisperers ‘The Creationof the Huntersof Throal “The CleansingoFthe Hive SonsoAir LOOSE ENDS ‘APPENDIX ONE: HORROR CONSTRUCTS Ashen Corpse Black Books Bloated Ones BlodGeunts Blood Shards Bone Sprite Dust Men TheFoj Ghost Guards Grinder Nome-takers OpreZombies Quideazor Rain Riders Redrmwd Shadow Withers ‘TheSkeletal Steed Vornpines The Wingless Common Wraith ‘TheWaithsof Vane EARTHDAWN BSRRELESERK| 87 107 TTT SEO TTT TTT TT GHOSTS 110 Leaders 110 Maddening Crowd m Poltergeists m Thwead Cutters 112 HORRORS, 112 Seythan Cape m2 ‘APPENDIX TWO: LIGHTBEARERS 13 ‘ORIGINS 14 ORGANIZATION 16 “THE GREAT PATTERN 15 BECOMINGA LIGHTBEARER 1S Initiation 18 LIGHTBEARER TALENT 16 LIGHTBEARER ABILITIES 16 Using Lightbearer Abilities 16 Rank Abilities 16 ‘APPENDIX THREE: PURIFIERS 18 ‘APPENDIX FOUR: HORRORSTALKERS. 11 INDEX 124 Coen Copa on MARAE I CHAOS eT of FAS Crp opt 224A Conn Re Ree _BARSAIVE IN CHAOS: ‘AN EARTHDAWN EPIC Initial Concept Lou Prosperi Damon Farley, Gary McBride, Austin Mills, Patrick Quales, ‘Aaron Robb, Mike Williams ee Joe Chan, Marco Soro Earthdawn Line Developer Mike “Woodchuck” Wiliams Editorial Saf ‘Senior Editor ‘Scot Greisch ‘Special Thanks ‘Aaron Johnson, Kent Raymond Production Department ‘Ant Director ‘Shitley Soro Cover Art Patrick Keith Cover Design Shitley Soto Interior Itsratons Oliver Eriksen, Stephanie Folse, Christ Smith Hayden Jason Ker Mark Mandl, Jacob Minot, Matthew Minor, Melinda Picard, Luis Corte Real, Shisley Soto, Martin Vellinger, Inge Vermeylen Layout Marco Soro 4 EARTHDAWN INTRODUCTION a EARTHDAWN 5 VON VV VV Voor Oma NTT TTT ‘Thousands of years ago there existed the age of Earthdawn, a time of magic and adventure. People could draw upon the magic that flowee through the land ro perform both common tasks and marvelous feats. However, when the level of magic was tis pak, there came a plague of beings from deep within astral space called the Horrors. ‘Drawn to the Earth by the magic they needed to survive, the Horrors consumed everything in their path. For four hundred years, during a time chat was later known as the Scourge, the people of Each hid from the Horrors. Now, asthe levels of magic have started to subside, the people of Earth are coming out of their sealed kaers and citadels to restore their word, while protecting their people from both the Horrors and the oppressive yoke of the Theran Empire. Ina land known as Barsaive, heroes strive to explore their workd, search for treasures lost long ago, and slay the remaining Horrors that plague the land. Spellcasters weave the threads of magic to hares the mystical energies of the universe, while Adepts use ths same power to enhance their ‘natural abilities. Armed with magic, skill, and courage, the people of Barsive step out from the shadows left by the Scourge and into the light ofthe age of Earthdawn to rebuild their homeland, Barsaive in Chaos is a campaign supplement that introduces a series ofsignificant events that wil change the face of Barsve forever ‘Taken together, the events in Barsaive in Chaos form an epic-syle Earthdawn campaign, one in which the player characters take a central role. The adventures and events in each section of Barsaive in Chaos ‘ean stand alone; they also form part ofa much larger picture. As the ‘characters progress through the Barsaive in Chaos adventures, they participate in events that an shape the future direction of Barsaive, for better or for worse. More to the point, the adventures in this book place the characters atthe center ofthese events. The characters success or failure in these adventures can havea serious impact on the future. ‘The goal ofthis producti to place the player characters in the staring rolesin an epic ale of heroism and adventure, tale in which the Furure of Barsive is forged by the actions of heroes. GAMEMASTERING NOTES Asnoted above, the events in Barsaive in Chaos are designed to take place in a particular order. The gamemaster should feel fee t0 adjust this order to suit his or her individual campaign. Before incorporating any ofthese events in his campaign, the gamemaster should be thoroughly familiar with the contents ofthis book, and both the players ancl gamemaster should be falar with the Earthdaven ‘Second Edition rulebook (ED2) and the Earthdawn Second Edition ‘Companion. MAKING TESTS, ‘Whenever player characters attempt to take ations such as casting spell, swinging a sword at an opponent, tracking a Horror, or fiting ‘with a barmaid, the Gamemaster or the player rolls dice against a Difficulty Number to determine the actior’s outcome. These dice rolls are called Tests. To make a Test, the player or Gamemaster rolls the appropriate Action Dice based on the Step Number of the ability being used (sce the Step/Action Dice Table, p.36, ED2). Ifthe dice roll result sequal to or greater than the Difficulty Number, the Test suceeds andthe character accomplishes hisaction. Ifthe results lower than the Difficulty Number, the Tet fils and the character does not 6 EARTHDAWN accomplish his action. In Tests that deal with magic the dice rol result often determines the duration ofa magical effect as well. Frequently, a Test esul determines not only success o failure, but also the evel of succes. A Test may have one of five sucess levels: Poor, ‘Average, Good, Excellent, and Extraordinary. A Poor succes level indicates failure chat causes unpleasant side effects. An Average success ~equal oor barely exceeding the Difficulty Number-—means tha the character just barely accomplished his action. A somewhat better dice roll yields a Good success, and a result close to double the Difficulty [Number meansan Excellent succes To achieve Extraordinary sucess requiresan even better roll. Any succes level greater than Average may give the character some gin for his actions or valuable extra information. ‘The amount of gain for each success level is determined by the ‘Gamemaste, unless otherwise noted. ‘in many cases, when the player characters must make a Test, the required ability is noted, fllowed by the Difficulty Number of the task in parentheses. For example, a Perception (13) Test means that a player character must use his Perception ability against a Difficulty Number of 13 HOW TO USE THIS BOOK Aside from the Earthdawa Second Edition rulebook and Earthdawn Second Edition Companion, this book contains everything required to run Barsaive in Chaos. However, this product draws fairly heavily on many previously published Earthdawn products, and includes references and connections to many of those products. In addition, several loose ends left in previous products ae tied up or explained, while new ones are created. There are specific referencesin this product to Barsaive at War, Prelude to War, the Sky Point & ‘Vivane Campaign Set, Cara Fahd, and Throal: The Dwarf Kingdom. Gamemasters will find ie especially useful to have those products available when reading and preparing to use Barsaive in Chaos. ‘Gamemasters may also find the Barsaive Campaign Set, the Parlainth: ‘The Forgorten City Campaign Set, and the Creatures ofBarsaiveand Horrors sourcebooks useful. ‘The gamemaster should read each of the events carefully to familiarize himself with the backgrounds, characers, and plotlines of cach before beginning to incorporate these Events in ther Earthdawn ‘campaign. As always, be prepared to deal with the unexpected, The Running Barsaive in Chaos section which appears later in this Introduction offers advice to the gamemaster on running adventures based on the Eventsin Barsave in Chaos, and incorporating them into an extended Earthdawn campaign. Each ofthe sections in this book describes one ofthe Events that thas aken place, or willsoon take plac, in Barsaiv. Each section begins with a short prologue followed by a section entitled Background, ‘which provides the gamemaster with the background behind the yents: who involved, why the even has happened, and other specifics about the event. After the Background, there isa section called Event ‘Synopsis. Depending on the type of event, this section describes the situation created by the event, or the story arc that follows the event. In ‘most cases itis this storyline cha the character will become involved ‘The next section, entitled Important Characters, provides descriptions and statistics forall ofthe major characters chat play apart VVVV VV VV VENOM NTT TTY in the event. In many cases, abbreviated statistics are used here. Following Important Characters isa section that describes to the ‘gamemaster how he can introduce the eventint his campaign. This includes ways to offer hints and ces about the event before it occurs, and how to arrange for the characters to leatn of the event. Following thisarea number of Adventure Frameworks, arype of shorthand adventure (se below)."The adventures presented here cither relate to the event in some way or, when used together, forma story are based on the event. For instance, the Adventure Frameworks in There “Mast Be Chaosall fic together to forma story arcin which the player characters become involved in an attempt to overthrow King Neden as ruler of Throal. ‘After Adventure Frameworks are number of Adventure Ideas. ‘These are short synopses of possible adventures the gamemaster can run based on the event. Gamemasters can flesh our these Adventure Ideas using the Adventure Frameworks as described below. In some cases these Adventure Meas relate directly to one or more ofthe tories in the Adventure Frameworks, while in other cases, they are independent stories. Each event concludes with a section entitled Loose Ends, which describes the after-effects of the event itself, as well as that of the Adventure Frameworks or other adventures based on the event. This section, along with the Loose Ends sections ofthe other Events, when taken together, describe the state of Basaive afterall ofthe Eventsin thisbook have occurred. ADVENTURE FRAMEWORKS Asaway offiting as many adventures into this book as possible, we've used a shorthand type of adventure called an Adventure ‘Framework to present the adventures in this book. This format has appeared in previous Earthdawn products, inchuding the Parlainth: ‘The Forgotten City Campaign St, the Sky Point & Vivane Campaign. Set, Throal: The Dwarf Kingdom, Prelude to War, and Barsaive at ‘War. The adventure framework formatissimply a method of outlining adventures that enables gamemasters to plan out the events of an adventure while maintaining maximum flexibility. Each Adventure ramework has five parts: Premise, Set-Up, Events, Climax and Sequels. ‘The Premise briefly summarizes the adventure and describes ies ‘major sources of conflict or drama. The Set-Up describes how the adventure begins and how the characters become involved in it. This section may also include events that have led to the adventure, and background on other ideas touched on in the Premise. This section is often the longest and most detailed in the framework. Following the ‘Set-Up are a number of Events. These describe encounters and events that occur during the course ofthe adventure. These may include situations that pose problems for the characters, actions by the adventures antagonists, creature encounters, o simply unexpected ‘occurrences. In other words, Events re the obstacles or problems the player characters must overcome to complet the adventure sucesflly ‘The Climaxis the conclusion or esolution ofthe adventure, and describes how the adventure i likely to end. Because the Climax is ‘usually the likeliest resolution based on actions thar the gamemaster expects the players to take, it may differ considerably from the way the adventure actually ends, because player groups often take unexpected actions. Therefore, planning for more than one possible climax is a ‘good idea. After the Climax, there is section called Sequels. These are stories that might happen afier the adventure or as a result of the adventure. Sequels may be adventures that feature the same non-player ‘characters or include a magical item discovered inthe frstadventue, Sequels help createa sense of continuity ina campaign. PREPARING ADVENTURES Creating published adventures that provide an appropriate ‘opposition level for diverse groups of player characters is impossible, because some groups are inherently more powerful than others. ‘Therefore, gamemasters may need to adjust the game statistics and capabilities of some ofthe characters that appear in this book in order to provide her players with an appropriate challenge. [fan adventure doesnot suit che player characters’ strengths and weaknesses, use it asa blueprint to develop an adventure of your own. Os, ifit works well «except fora glitch here and there, modify the plot or events to make the adventureabetcer one. Keep in mind that as the gamemaster, you have a unique responsibilty to make th adventure exciting, keep the players involved, and keep the story ontrack. In describing the world of Earthdawn, try toanswerall of the players’ questions about what the characters see, hear, touch, smell and taste, eel free to go beyond the descriptions provided in this book when evoking places and moods. To keep the playets connected to the action, ask, “What do you do2” cach time you describe a new scene to them. By describing what they want their characters to do, the players help tell he story and add to their own enjoyment. Ifthe players wander from the story line, nudge them back inthe right direction. If the players make choices that interrupt the story or make them mis a vital clue, drop hints to encourage them to

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