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A Taste of Dama Dmbok

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7/25/2019 A Taste of Dama Dmbok

1 Introduction
Chapter 1 introduces the importance of data assets in the information age, the data
management function, the data management profession, and the goals of the DAMA-

DMBOK Guide. It sets the stage for presenting a Data Management Overview in the
next chapter.

1.1 Data: An Enterprise Asset

Data and information are the lifeblood of the 21 st century economy. In the Information
 Age, data is recognized as a vital enterprise asset.

“Organizations that do not understand the overwhelming importance of managing data

and information as tangible assets in the new economy will not survive.”

Tom Peters, 2001

Money and people have long been considered to be enterprise assets. Assets are
resources with recognized value under the control of an individual or organization.
Enterprise assets help achieve the goals of the enterprise, and therefore need to be
thoughtfully managed. The capture and use of such assets are carefully controlled, and
investments in these assets are effectively leveraged to achieve enterprise objectives.

Data, and the information created from data, are now widely recognized as enterprise

No enterprise can be effective without high quality data. Today’s organizations rely on
their data assets to make more informed and more effective decisions. Market leaders
are leveraging their data assets by creating competitive advantages through greater
knowledge of their customers, innovative uses of information, and operational
efficiencies. Businesses are using data to provide better products and services, cut costs,
and control risks. Government agencies, educational institutions, and not-for-profit
organizations also need high quality data to guide their operational, tactical, and
strategic activities. As organizations need and increasingly depend on data, the
business value of data assets can be more clearly established.

The amount of data available in the world is growing at an astounding rate.

Researchers at the University of California at Berkeley estimate that the world
produces between 1 and 2 billion bytes of data annually. It often seems we are drowning
in information.

 Yet for many important decisions, we experience information gaps – the difference
between what we know and what we need to know to make an effective decision.
Information gaps represent enterprise liabilities with potentially profound impacts on
operational effectiveness and profitability.

Every enterprise needs to effectively manage its increasingly important data and
information resources. Through a partnership of business leadership and technical

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expertise, the data management function can effectively provide and control data and
information assets.

1.2 Data, Information, Knowledge

 Data  is the representation of facts as text, numbers, graphics, images, sound or video.
Technically, data is the plural form of the word Latin word datum, meaning “a fact.”
However, people commonly use the term as a singular thing. Facts are captured, stored,
and expressed as data.

Information  is data in context. Without context, data is meaningless; we create

meaningful information by interpreting the context around data. This context includes:

1. The business meaning of data elements and related terms.

2. The format in which the data is presented.

3. The timeframe represented by the data.

4. The relevance of the data to a given usage.

Data is the raw material we interpret as data consumers to continually create

information, as shown in Figure 1.1. The resulting information then guides our

Figure 1.1 Data, Information, and Knowledge

The official or widely accepted meanings of commonly used terms also represent a
valuable enterprise resource, contributing to a shared understanding of meaningful
information. Data definitions are just some of the many different kinds of “data about
data” known as meta-data. Meta-data, including business data definitions, helps
establish the context of data, and so managing meta-data contributes directly to
improved information quality. Managing information assets includes the management
of data and its meta-data.

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Information contributes to knowledge. Knowledge is understanding, awareness,

cognizance, and the recognition of a situation and familiarity with its complexity.
Knowledge is information in perspective, integrated into a viewpoint based on the
recognition and interpretation of patterns, such as trends, formed with other
information and experience. It may also include assumptions and theories about causes.
Knowledge may be explicit—what an enterprise or community accepts as true–or tacit– 
inside the heads of individuals. We gain in knowledge when we understand the
significance of information.

Like data and information, knowledge is also an enterprise resource. Knowledge

workers seek to gain expertise though the understanding of information, and then apply
that expertise by making informed and aware decisions and actions. Knowledge workers
may be staff experts, managers, or executives. A learning organization is one that
proactively seeks to increase the collective knowledge and wisdom of its knowledge

 Knowledge management  is the discipline that fosters organizational learning and the
management of intellectual capital as an enterprise resource. Both knowledge
management and data management are dependent on high quality data and
information. Knowledge management is a closely related discipline, although in this
document, knowledge management is considered beyond the scope of data management.

Data is the foundation of information, knowledge, and ultimately, wisdom and informed
action. Is data truth? Not necessarily! Data can be inaccurate, incomplete, out of date,
and misunderstood. For centuries, philosophers have asked, “What is truth?”, and the
answer remains elusive. On a practical level, truth is, to some extent, information of the
highest quality – data that is available, relevant, complete, accurate, consistent, timely,
usable, meaningful, and understood. Organizations that recognize the value of data can
take concrete, proactive steps to increase the quality of data and information.

1.3 The Data Lifecycle

Like any asset, data has a lifecycle, and to manage data assets, organizations manage
the data lifecycle. Data is created or acquired, stored and maintained, used, and
eventually destroyed. In the course of its life, data may be extracted, exported,
imported, migrated, validated, edited, updated, cleansed, transformed, converted,
integrated, segregated, aggregated, referenced, reviewed, reported, analyzed, mined,
backed up, recovered, archived, and retrieved before eventually being deleted.

Data is fluid. Data flows in and out of data stores, and is packaged for delivery in
information products. It is stored in structured formats–in databases, flat files, and
tagged electronic documents–and in many less structured formats–e-mail and other
electronic documents, paper documents, spreadsheets, reports, graphics, electronic
image files, and audio and video recordings. Typically, 80% of an organization’s data
assets reside in relatively unstructured formats.

Data has value only when it is actually used, or can be useful in the future. All data
lifecycle stages have associated costs and risks, but only the "use" stage adds business

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When effectively managed, the data lifecycle begins even before data acquisition, with
enterprise planning for data, specification of data, and enablement of data capture,
delivery, storage, and controls.

Projects accomplish the specification and enablement of data, and some of the planning
for data. The System Development Lifecycle (SDLC), shown in Figure 1.2, is not the
same as the data lifecycle. The SDLC describes the stages of a project, while the data
lifecycle describes the processes performed to manage data assets.

The Data Lifecycle

Create & Maintain  Archive &
Plan Specify Enable  Acquire & Use Retrieve

Plan Analyze Design Build Test Deploy Maintain

The System Development Lifecycle (SDLC)  

Figure 1.2 The Data Lifecycle and the System Development Lifecycle

However, the two lifecycles are closely related because data planning, specification and
enablement activities are integral parts of the SDLC. Other SDLC activities are
operational or supervisory in nature.

1.4 The Data Management Function

Data management (DM) is the business function of planning for, controlling and
delivering data and information assets. This function includes

•  The disciplines of development, execution, and supervision

•  of plans, policies, programs, projects, processes, practices and procedures

•  that control, protect, deliver, and enhance

•  the value of data and information assets.

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Data management is known by many other terms, including:

•  Information Management (IM).

•  Enterprise Information Management (EIM).

•  Enterprise Data Management (EDM).

•  Data Resource Management (DRM).

•  Information Resource Management (IRM).

•  Information Asset Management (IAM).

 All these terms are generally synonymous, but this document consistently refers to Data

Often the word “enterprise” is included in the function name to emphasize the

enterprise-wide focus of data

Management or Enterprise management Enterprise-wide
Data Management. efforts, i.e., Enterprise Information
data management is a
recommended best practice. However, data management may also be performed
effectively in a local context without an enterprise-wide mandate, although with less
business benefit.

The data management function includes what is commonly referred to as database

administration–database design, implementation, and production support–as well as
“data administration”. The term “data administration” was once a popular way to
vaguely refer to all the functions of data management except database administration.
However, as the data management function matures, its specific component functions
are better understood. The data management function is important to enterprises
regardless of their size and purpose.
The scope of the data management function and the scale of its implementation vary
widely with the size, means, and experience of organizations. The nature of data
management remains the same across organizations, even as implementation details
widely differ.

1.5 A Shared Responsibility

Data management is a shared responsibility between the data management
 professionals  within Information Technology (IT) organizations and the business data
stewards  representing the collective interests of data producers and information
consumers. Data stewards serve as the appointed trustees for data assets. Data
management professionals serve as the expert curators and technical custodians of
these data assets.

Data stewardship is the assigned accountability for business responsibilities in data

management. Data stewards are respected subject matter experts and business leaders
appointed to represent the data interests of their organizations, and take responsibility
for the quality and use of data. Good stewards carefully guard, invest, and leverage the

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resources entrusted to them. Data stewards ensure data resources meet business needs
by ensuring the quality of data and its meta-data. Data stewards collaborate in
partnership with data management professionals to execute data stewardship activities
and responsibilities.

Data management professionals operate as the expert technical custodians of data

assets, much like bank employees and money managers serve as the professional
custodians of financial resources for their owners and trustees. While data stewards
oversee data assets, data management professionals perform technical functions to
safeguard and enable effective use of enterprise data assets. Data management
professionals work in Data Management Services organizations within the Information
Technology (IT) department.

Data is the content moving through the information technology infrastructure and
application systems. Information technology captures, stores, processes, and provides
data. The IT infrastructure and application systems are the “pipes” through which data
flows. As technological change has exploded over the past fifty years, IT organizations
have traditionally focused primarily on maintaining a modern, effective hardware and
software infrastructure, and a robust application system portfolio based on that
infrastructure. Most IT organizations have been less focused on the structure, meaning,
and the quality of the data content flowing through the infrastructure and systems.
However, a growing number of IT executives and business leaders today recognize the
importance of data management and the need for effective Data Management Services

1.6 A Broad Scope

The overall data management function, shown in Figure 1.3, encompasses ten major
component functions:

  Data Governance: Planning, supervision and control over data management and


  Data Architecture Management: Defining the blueprint for managing data


  Data Development: Analysis, design, implementation, testing, deployment,


  Data Operations Management: Providing support from data acquisition to


  Data Security Management: Insuring privacy, confidentiality and appropriate


  Data Quality Management: Defining, monitoring and improving data quality.

  Reference and Master Data Management: Managing golden versions and


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•  Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence Management: Enabling reporting

and analysis.

•  Document and Content Management: Managing data found outside of databases.

Meta-data Management: Integrating, controlling and providing meta-data.

Data Management


Document &
Management Management

Warehousing Reference &
& Business Master Data
Intelligence Management

Figure 1.3 Data Management Functions

1.7 An Emerging Profession

The management practices for established assets like money and people have matured
over many years. Data management is a relatively new function and its concepts and
practices are evolving rapidly.

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Within the IT community, data management is an emerging profession–an occupational

calling requiring specialized knowledge and skills. Specialized data management roles
require unique skills and experienced judgments. Today’s data management
professionals demonstrate a sense of calling and exceptional commitment to managing
data assets.

Creating a formal, certified, recognized, and respected data management profession is a

challenging process. The current environment is a confusing mixture of terms, methods,
tools, opinion, and hype. To mature into an established profession, the data
management community needs professional standards: standard terms and definitions,
processes and practices, roles and responsibilities, deliverables and metrics.

Standards and recognized best practices can improve the effectiveness of data stewards
and data management professionals. Moreover, standards help us communicate with
our teammates, managers, and executives. Executives especially need to fully
understand and embrace fundamental data management concepts in order to effectively
fund, staff and support the data management function.

1.8 A Growing Body of Knowledge

One of the hallmarks of an emerging profession is the publication of a guide to a
recognized consensus body of knowledge.  A “body of knowledge” is what is generally
accepted as true in a professional field. While the entire body of knowledge may be quite
large and constantly growing, a guide to the body of knowledge introduces standard
terms and best practices.

1.9 DAMA–The Data Management Association

The Data Management Association (DAMA International) is the  Premiere organization
 for data professionals worldwide. DAMA International is an international not-for-profit
membership organization, with over 7500 members in 40 chapters around the globe. Its
purpose is to promote the understanding, development, and practice of managing data
and information to support business strategies.

The DAMA Foundation is the research and education affiliate of DAMA International,
dedicated to developing the data management profession and promoting advancement of
concepts and practices to manage data and information as enterprise assets.

The joint mission of DAMA International and the DAMA Foundation, collectively
known as DAMA, is to Lead the data management profession toward maturity. DAMA
promotes the understanding, development, and practice of managing data, information,
and knowledge as key enterprise assets, independent of any specific vendor, technology,
and method.

DAMA International seeks to mature the data management profession in several ways.
 A few of these efforts include:

  DAMA International conducts the annual DAMA International Symposium, now

the Enterprise Data World, the largest professional data management conference

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in the world, in partnership with Wilshire Conferences. Workshops, tutorials,

and conference sessions at the Symposium provide continuing education for data
management professionals.

•  DAMA International conducts the annual DAMA International Conference

Europe, the largest professional data management conference in Europe, in
partnership with IRMUK. Workshops, tutorials, and conference sessions at the
Conference provide continuing education for data management professionals.

•  DAMA International offers a professional certification program, recognizing

Certified Data Management Professionals (CDMP), in partnership with the
Institute for Certification of Computing Professionals (ICCP). CDMP
certification exams are also used by The Data Warehouse Institute (TDWI) in the
Certified Business Intelligence Professional (CBIP) program.

•  The DAMA International Education Committee’s Data Management Curriculum

Framework offers guidance to US and Canadian colleges and universities
regarding how to teach data management as part of any IT and MIS curriculum
in the North American higher education model.

1.10 Purpose of the DAMA-DMBOK Guide

DAMA International produced this document, The Guide to the Data Management Body
of Knowledge (the DAMA-DMBOK Guide), to further the data management profession.
The DAMA-DMBOK Guide is intended to be a definitive introduction to data

No single book can describe the entire body of knowledge. The DAMA-DMBOK Guide
does not attempt to be an encyclopedia of data management or the full-fledged discourse
on all things related to data management. Instead, this guide briefly introduces
concepts and identifies data management goals, functions and activities, primary
deliverables, roles, principles, technology and organizational / cultural issues. It briefly
describes commonly accepted good practices along with significant alternative

1.11 Goals of the DAMA-DMBOK Guide

 As a definitive introduction, the goals of the DAMA-DMBOK Guide are:

1.  To build consensus for a generally applicable view of data management


2.  To provide standard definitions for commonly used data management functions,
deliverables, roles, and other terminology.

3.  To identify guiding principles for data management.

4.  To overview commonly accepted good practices, widely adopted methods and
techniques, and significant alternative approaches, without reference to specific
technology vendors or their products.

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5.  To briefly identify common organizational and cultural issues.

6.  To clarify the scope and boundaries of data management.

7.  To guide readers to additional resources for further understanding.

1.12 Audiences of the DAMA-DMBOK Guide

 Audiences for the DAMA-DMBOK Guide include:

  Certified and aspiring data management professionals.

  Other IT professionals working with data management professionals.

  Data stewards of all types.

  Executives with an interest in managing data as an enterprise asset.

  Knowledge workers developing an appreciation of data as an enterprise asset.

  Consultants assessing and helping improve client data management functions.

  Educators responsible for developing and delivering a data management


  Researchers in the field of data management.

1.13 Using the DAMA-DMBOK Guide

DAMA International foresees several potential uses of the DAMA-DMBOK Guide,

  Informing a diverse audience about the nature and importance of data


  Helping standardize terms and their meanings within the data management


  Helping data stewards and data management professionals understand their

roles and responsibilities.

  Providing the basis for assessments of data management effectiveness and


  Guiding efforts to implement and improve their data management function.

  Pointing readers to additional sources of knowledge about data management.

  Guiding the development and delivery of data management curriculum content

for higher education.

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•  Suggesting areas of further research in the field of data management.

•  Helping data management professionals prepare for CDMP and CBIP exams.

1.14 Other BOK Guides

Several other professions have published a Body Of Knowledge document. Indeed, the
existence of a Body of Knowledge document is one of the hallmarks of a mature
profession (see Chapter 13).

The primary model for the DAMA-DMBOK Guide is A Guide to the Project
Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK ®  Guide), published by the Project
Management Institute (PMI®). PMI® is a professional organization for project managers.
 Among its many services, PMI® conducts the Project Management Professional (PMP)
certification program.

Other Body of Knowledge documents include:

•   A Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK), published

by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). IEEE has begun
to offer a certification program for software engineers.

•  The Business Analysis Body of Knowledge  (BABOK), published by the

International Institute of Business Analysis.

•  The Common Body of Knowledge  (CBK) published by the International

Information Systems Security Certification Consortium ((ISC).  The CBK is the
information tested to achieve the Certified Information Systems Security
Professional (CISSP) designation.

  The Canadian Information Technology Body of Knowledge (CITBOK) is a project
undertaken by the Canadian Information Processing Society (CIPS) to outline
the knowledge required of a Canadian Information Technology Professional.

1.15 The DAMA Dictionary of Data Management

The DAMA Dictionary of Data Management is a companion volume to the DAMA-
DMBOK Guide. Originally developed as an extensive Glossary for the DAMA-DMBOK
Guide, DAMA International published it separately due to its size and business value.
Definitions for terms found in the Dictionary are consistent with their usage in the
DAMA-DMBOK Guide. The Dictionary is available for purchase as a CD-ROM.

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