Sentence Transaltion For Kannada Using M
Sentence Transaltion For Kannada Using M
Sentence Transaltion For Kannada Using M
Infixes: Infixes are attached in between some phonemes The most competent approach to morphological
of a stem. generator is using Finite State Transducers (Alicia
Garrido,, 1999). Letter transducers based
Transfixes: Transfixes are a special kind of infix involves morphological analyzer and generator was developed by
not only discontinuous affixes but also discontinuous Alicia Garrido. Perez Aguiar has used an intuitive pattern-
bases. matching approach for developing morphological
generator to Spanish language. Guido Minnen and his
2.1 THE ROLE OF MORPHOLOGY IN team has developed a morphological generator based on
DIFFERENT LANGUAGES Finite state techniques and it is implemented using the
widely available Unix Flex utility (Guido Minnen,,
Morphology is not equally prominent in all spoken 2000). For Indian languages many attempts have been
languages. What one language expresses morphologically made to build morphological generator. A Hindi
[3] may be expressed by a separate word or left implicit in morphological generator has been developed based on
another language. For example, English expresses the database driven approach (Vishal Goyal,, 2008). Tel-
plural nouns by means of morphology (the forms like More Morphological generator for Telugu is based on
boys, spies, vehicles where the morpheme, with its variant linguistic rules and Perl program (Madhavi G,, 2006).
forms expresses the plurality) but Yoruba (a language of Morphological generator has been designed for syntactic
south-western Nigeria) use separate word expressing the categories of Kannada using Paradigm based approach and
same meaning. Thus, ‘ookunrin’ means the man, and ‘a sandhi rules (P.Anandan,, 2001). Finite state
won’ can be used to express the plural: ‘the men’. Quite machines are used for developing morphological generator
generally, we can say that English makes more use of for Kannada (A. G. Menon
morphology than Yoruba. But there are many languages
that make more use of morphology than English. For 4. KANNADA MORPHOLOGY
instance Sumerian uses Morphology to distinguish
between ‘he went’ and ‘I went’, and between ‘he went’ Kannada is a morphologically rich language in which
and ‘he went to him’, where English must use separate morphemes combine with the root words in the form of
words. The terms analytic and synthetic are used to suffixes. Kannada grammarians divide the words of the
describe the degree to which morphology is made use in a language into three categories namely:
language. Languages like Yoruba, Vietnamese or English,
where morphology plays a relatively modest role are i) Declinable words (namapada): Morphology of
called analytic. Traditionally, linguists discriminate declinable words, as in many Dravidian
between the following types of languages types of languages is fairly simple compared to verbs.
languages with regard to morphology: Kannada words are of three genders- masculine,
feminine and neutral. Declinable and Conjugable
· Isolating languages (e.g. Mandarin Chinese): there are words have two numbers- singular and plural.
no bound forms. E.g., no affixes that can be attached
to a word. The only morphological operation is ii) Verbs (kriyapada) or Conjugable words: The
composition. verb is much more complex than the nouns.
There are three persons namely first, second and
third person. Tense of verbs is past, present or
future. Aspect may be simple, continuous or
perfect. Verbs occur as the last constituent of the In order to identify the legitimate roots/stems, the
sentence. They can be broadly divided into finite dictionary of root/stem needs to be as exhaustive as
or non-finite forms. Finite verbs have nothing possible. Considering this fact, the analyzer is designed to
added to them and are found in the last position provide three types of outputs such as:
of a sentence. They are marked for tense with
Person-Number-Gender (PNG) [6] markers. The Correct analysis: This is obtained on the basis of a
Non-finite verbs, on the other hand cannot stand complete match of suffixes, rules and the existence of the
alone. They are always marked for tense without analyzed stem/root in the root dictionary.
PNG marker.
Probable analysis: This is obtained on the basis of either
a matching of the suffixes and rules, even if the root/stem
is not found in the dictionary or a matching of the suffixes,
but not any supporting rule or existing root in the
Fig 1: A formal Grammar for Kannada Nouns dictionary.
The paper is about the design and development of [7]. Mallamma.V.Reddy, Dr.M.Hanumanthappa, “CLIR
morphological analyzer and generator for Kannada Project (English to Kannada and Telugu)”
Language. Dictionaries are of critical importance in
machine translation. A bilingual dictionary or translation
dictionary is a specialized dictionary used to translate
words or phrases from one language to another. They are
the largest components of an MT system in terms of the
amount of information they hold. The proper functioning
of a morphological generator necessitates efficiency in the
generation of a word, once provided its Root or Stem and
the corresponding feature values. The Suffix Stripping for
morphological analyzer and the Suffix Joining for the
morphological generation of words proved to be an
efficient method. Since words are formed by the suffix
addition with root, most of the words can take the POS tag
based on the root or stem. The results of the first phase of
the suffix stripping approach have been fairly
encouraging. It was observed, that with an average of 8000
to 9000 root entries, the affix stripping approach gives
around 70% coverage. The coverage of the system is
directly related to the size of the dictionary. We hope to
expand and make the system more robust by increasing the
dictionary size.