The document provides patient registration information for the month of May 2021 in the FLAMBOYAN room. It lists 38 patients by name and medical record number. It also includes diagnoses, length of stay, admission date, and total claims for each patient. Dr. H. Lukman Pura is identified as the attending physician for the month.
The document provides patient registration information for the month of May 2021 in the FLAMBOYAN room. It lists 38 patients by name and medical record number. It also includes diagnoses, length of stay, admission date, and total claims for each patient. Dr. H. Lukman Pura is identified as the attending physician for the month.
The document provides patient registration information for the month of May 2021 in the FLAMBOYAN room. It lists 38 patients by name and medical record number. It also includes diagnoses, length of stay, admission date, and total claims for each patient. Dr. H. Lukman Pura is identified as the attending physician for the month.
The document provides patient registration information for the month of May 2021 in the FLAMBOYAN room. It lists 38 patients by name and medical record number. It also includes diagnoses, length of stay, admission date, and total claims for each patient. Dr. H. Lukman Pura is identified as the attending physician for the month.
1 Ny. Sri Juarni 04.06.18 dm tipe II dgn hipokalemia, riwayat cad 2 Tn. Daryus 06.43.78 abdominal pain, dispepsia TOTAL Hari Pemeriksaan Penunjang No.Sep Tanggal Masuk Tanggal Pulang Obat Rawat Lab Radiologi 1738 4/17/2021 4/19/2021 2 1778 4/16/2021 4/18/2021 2 Pemeriksaan Penunjang Total Klaim PMI Lain-lain
KotaBaru, 2021
Kepala Ruangan Bedah
Ns.Yakubus Wahyudi S.Kep
NIP : 19790815 200701 1 004 Ruangan : MAWAR/BEDAH
Bulan : APRIL 2021
Dpjp : dr. Dobi S. Burni, Sp.Pd
No Nama Pasien No. MR
1 Tn. Mukijo 15.91.66 2 Ny. Nilayati 12.06.67 3 Nn. Yulia 15.85.84 4 Ny. Non Aini 05.41.11 5 Ny. Lenayati 15.49.51 6 Tn. Ingwanto 13.33.64 7 Tn. Beni Lesmana 16.02.31 8 Tn. Sepran 11.76.93 9 Ny. Alyentina 06.43.35 Diagnosa No.Sep Tanggal Masuk hematemesis melena ec perdarahan 3444 3/30/2021 Gerd, hipokalemia 0211 4/3/2021 ca tiroid 0212 4/4/2021 massa paru kanan 0208 4/4/2021 atypical chest pain, dm tipe II dengan neuropati dm 1929 4/17/2021 choleshistitis 2151 4/20/2021 efusi fleura bilateral 2130 4/20/2021 syok kardiogenik, superimposed, syok sepsis 2241 4/23/2021 viral infection ec demam dengue 2921 4/27/2021 TOTAL Hari Pemeriksaan Penunjang Tanggal Pulang Obat Rawat Lab Radiologi PMI 4/2/2021 3 4/4/2021 1 4/5/2021 1 4/5/2021 1 4/20/2021 3 4/21/2021 1 4/22/2021 2 4/25/2021 2 4/29/2021 2
KotaBaru, 2021
Kepala Ruangan Bedah
Ns.Yakubus Wahyudi S.Kep
NIP : 19790815 200701 1 004 enunjang Total Klaim Lain-lain
, 2021
Kepala Ruangan Bedah
s.Yakubus Wahyudi S.Kep
P : 19790815 200701 1 004 Ruangan : MAWAR/BEDAH
Bulan : APRIL 2021
Dpjp : dr. Heri Aprijadi, Sp.Pd.K.Hom
No Nama Pasien No. MR
1 Ny. Yati Sopyati 15.97.99
Diagnosa No.Sep Tanggal Masuk Tanggal Pulang
ileus obstruktif ec ca deudenum 3254 3/29/2021 4/3/2021
TOTAL Hari Pemeriksaan Penunjang Obat Rawat Lab Radiologi PMI Lain-lain 5
KotaBaru, 2021
Kepala Ruangan Bedah
Ns.Yakubus Wahyudi S.Kep
NIP : 19790815 200701 1 004 Total Klaim
2021 Ruangan : MAWAR/BEDAH
Bulan : APRIL 2021
Dpjp : dr. Aprilyanda, Sp.P
No Nama Pasien No. MR
1 Tn. Zainuddin 15.96.42
Diagnosa No.Sep Tanggal Masuk Tanggal Pulang
tb on terapi, DIH, dispepsia 3050 3/28/2021 4/2/2021
TOTAL Hari Pemeriksaan Penunjang Obat Rawat Lab Radiologi PMI Lain-lain 5