Organization and Management: Quarter 1

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Week 1-2
In this module, you will discover that all organizations – public or private, large, medium-size, or small – profit or
non-profit need good managers in order to accomplish their goals; that organizational management is, definitely, not an
easy task; and that coordination, efficiency, and effectiveness are required to carry it out.

Write TRUE if the statement is true and FALSE otherwise.
____________1. Management is the process of Coordinating and Overseeing the work performance of individual
working together in organizations.
____________2. The function of management that entails influencing or motivating subordinates to do their best so
they would be able to help the organization’s endeavor to attain their set goals is called Planning.
____________3. Planning is one of the functions of management.
____________4. Board of directors, president, vice president and CEO belongs to the Top-level management.
____________5. Efficiency is the character of being efficient or being able to yield maximum output from a minimum
amount of input.
____________6. Management strategies changes over time.
____________7. Lower-level managers are also called front liner manager
____________8. An individual engaged in management activities is called a Manager.
____________9. Managerial roles according to Mintzberg are Interpersonal, Informational and decisional.
____________10. Conceptual skills enable managers to think of possible solutions to complex problems.

Lesson 1
 Definition and Functions of Management
Management is the process of coordinating and overseeing the work performance of individual working
together in organizations, so that they could efficiently and effectively accomplish their goals. It is also defined as the
process of designing and maintaining an environment for efficiently accomplishing selected aims.
PLANNING Involves determining organization’s goals or performance objectives, defining
strategic actions that must be done to accomplish them, and developing
coordination and integration activities.

ORGANIZATION Demands assigning tasks, setting aside funds, and bringing harmonious relations
among the individuals and work groups or teams in the organization.

STAFFING Indicates filling in different job positions in the organization’s structure; the
factors that influence this function includes; size of the organization, types of
jobs number of individuals to be recruited, and some internal and external

LEADING Entails influencing and or motivating subordinates to do their best so that they
would be able to help the organization’s endeavor to attain their set goals.

CONTROLLING Involves evaluating and if necessary, correcting the performance of the
individuals or work groups or teams to ensure that they are all working toward
the previously set goals and plans of the organization.

Organizational Structure Sample

 Coordination, Efficiency, and Effectiveness: Intrinsic to the Nature of

Management functions – Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Leading and Controlling will all go to waste if
coordination, efficiency, and effectiveness are not practiced by the organization’s appointed
managers. In other words, top level managers (Board of directors, president, vice-president and
CEO), middle-level managers (General manager, department manager), and team leaders or
supervisors must all be conscious of the said practices of successful organizations as they perform
their management functions.

COORDINATION Harmonious, integrated action of the various parts and

processes of an organization.

EFFICIENCY The character of being efficient or being able to yield the

maximum output from a minimum amount.

EFFECTIVENESS Being adapted to produce an effect , or being able to do things


When applied to management functions, coordination ensures that all individuals, groups or teams are
harmoniously working together and moving toward the accomplishment of the organization’s vision, mission,
goals and objectives; efficiency, meanwhile, refers to the optimal use of scarce resources of the organization for
example the human, financial, physical and mechanical – in order to bring about maximum productivity; and
effectiveness which means “ doing things correctly” when engaged in activities that will help he organization
reach its aim.

Learning Review
1 whole sheet of paper – Copy and answer (Week 1 Activity 1)
1. In your own words, define management. Compare your definition with the given definitions
in this lesson and point out the differences and similarities.
2. Explain why coordination, efficiency, and effectiveness are essential to the nature of the
3. Enumerate the five functions of management and describe each.
4. What is productivity? Is high productivity possible if efficiency is low? Explain your answer.

 Evolution of Management Theories
Evolution is usually defined as slow stages of growth and development, starting from simple form to more
complex forms. This too, could be applied in management theories which have evolved from simple
improvement of work methods to more complex ones which focus not only on work method improvement but
also on customer satisfaction and the conduct of people at work. Studying the evolution of management theories
will help you understand the beginnings of present-day management practices.
- This management theory make use of the step-by-step, scientific methods for finding the single
best way for doing a job.
- By Frederick W. Taylor also known as the Father of Scientific Management. (1856-1915). While
working in a steel company in Pennsylvania as a mechanical engineer, he could not help but notice
the workers’ mistakes and efficiencies in doing their routine jobs, their luck of enthusiasm, and the
discrepancies between abilities and aptitudes and their work assignments, thus resulting to low
output. Thus, because of this he identifies clear guidelines for the improvement of their
Taylor’s Scientific Management Principles:
 Develop a science for each element of an individual’s work to replace the old rule of thumb
(Thumb method refers to a method of doing something based on practical experience rather
than theory)
 Scientifically select and then train, teach and develop the worker.
 Heartily cooperate with the workers so as to ensure that all work is done in accordance with the
principles of the science that has been developed.
 Divide work and responsibility almost equally between management and workers.
- Concentrates on the manager’s functions and what makes up good management practice or
- By Henry Fayol (184-1925) and Max Weber (1864-1920). Fayol’s writings were concern with
managerial activities which he based on his actual experience as a managing director in a big coal
mining company. He believed that management is an activity that all organizations must practice
and viewed it as separate from all other organizational activities such as marketing, finance,
research and development. Weber, a German sociologist wrote that ideal organizations, especially
large ones, must have authority structures and coordination with others based on what he
referred to as bureaucracy.

Fayol’s and Weber’s Contributions to General Administrative Theory

Henri Fayol’s Management Principles Bureaucracy according to Weber

1. Work division or specialization According to Weber, bureaucracy is an organizational

2. Authority form distinguished by the following components:
3. Discipline
 Division of Labor
4. Unity of Command
5. Unity of Direction  Hierarchical identification of job positions
6. Subordination of individual interest to general  Detailed rules and regulations
interest  Impersonal connections with one another
7. Remuneration/Pay
8. Centralization
9. Scalar chain of authority
10. Maintenance of order
11. Equity/Fairness
12. Stability/Security of tenure of workers
13. Employee initiative
14. Promotion of team spirit or esprit de corps


- A management philosophy that focuses on the satisfaction of customers, their needs, and
- W. Edward Deming (1900-1993), and Joseph M. Moran (1904-2008) introduced this customer-
oriented idea in the 1950’s; however the concept had few supporters because the Americans did
not immediately take the idea because they are enjoying supremacy in global market at the time.
Japanese manufacturers, on the other hand, took notice of it and enthusiastically experimented
on its application. When Japanese firms began to be recognized for their quality products,
Western managers was forced to give a more serious consideration on Deming’s and Juran’s
modern management philosophy that eventually became the foundation of today’s quality
management practices.

Deming’s 14 Points for Top Management Fitness of Quality according to Juran

1. Create constancy of purpose for improvement 1. Quality of design – through market research,
of products and services. product, and concept.
2. Adopt the new TQM philosophy. 2. Quality of conformance – through
3. Cease dependence on mass inspection by management, manpower, and technology.
doing right and doing it right the first time. 3. Availability – through reliability,

4. End the practice of awarding business on the maintainability, and logistic support.
basis of price tag alone. 4. Full service – through promptness,
5. Constantly improve the system of production competence, and integrity.
and services.
6. Institute training. Juran’s Quality Planning Roadmap
7. Adopt and institute leadership.
8. Drive out fear.
9. Break down barriers between staff areas. 1. Identify your customer.
10. Eliminate slogans, focus on correction of 2. Determine their needs.
defects in the system. 3. Translate them into ones language.
11. Eliminate numerical quota for the workforce. 4. Develop a product that can respond to needs.
12. Remove barriers that rob people of “pride of 5. Develop processes which are able to produce
workmanship”. those product features.
13. Encourage education and self-improvement 6. Prove that the process an produce the
for everyone. product.
14. Take action to accomplish the transformation. 7. Transfer the resulting plans to the operating


- Involves the study of the conduct, demeanor, or action of people a work. Research on behavior helps
managers carry out their functions which is leading, team building, resolving conflict, and others. Robert
Owen, Mary Parker Follet, Hugo Munsterberg, and Chester Bernard were the early supporters of the OB
approach. During the late 1700’s, Owen noticed lamentable conditions in workplaces and proposed ideal
ways to improve the said conditions. Follet, in the early 1900’s, introduced the idea that individual or
group behavior must be considered in the organizational management. Likewise in the early 1900’s,
Munterberg proposed the administering of the psychological tests for the selection of the would-be
employees in companies. Barnard in the 1930’s, suggested that cooperation is required in organizations
since it is, mainly, a social system.

1 Whole Sheet of Paper – Copy and answer (Week 1 Activity 2)
1. Who is considered as the Father of Scientific Management? Briefly enumerate his contributions
to scientific management.
2. What is the main concern of Henri Fayol’s Management Theory? How does his Management
Theory differ from that of Max Weber?
3. What do the acronyms TQM and OB stands for? Discuss these management theories and give
your comments regarding their usefulness to present-day management practices.
4. In your opinion, who among the management theorist discussed had the best contribution to
management practices? Explain your answer.

An individual engaged in management activities is called a manager. Managers supervise, sustain, uphold
and assume responsibility for the work of others in his or her work group, team department, or the organization,
in general. It is therefore, safe to assume that organizational success is dependent on managers who practice
optimal utilization of their human and material resources, and who encourage high levels of performance,
effectiveness, and efficiency among the individuals under their care.


Top-level Composed of organization’s Chairman or Chairwoman, Chief
Managers Executive Officer, President, Managing Director, and other high
ranking company executives
General Managers, Department Managers
Middle-level Managers
(Tactical managers)

Supervisors, Foreman, line boss, Shift

Frontline Managers or Lower Level boss and other supervisory personnel
Managers (Operational Managers)

Top-level Managers – are the general or strategic managers who focus on long-term organizational concerns and
emphasize the organization’s stability, development, progress, and overall efficiency and effectiveness. They too,
are concerned with the organizations inter-relationships with their external environment. They have the
authority over all the human resources of their organization. Traditionally, top-level executives set the
companies general direction by designing strategies and by controlling various resources. At present, however,
they too must act as organizational guides who must elaborate on the wider purpose of their organizational
existence, so that their subordinates could identify and be committed to its success.
Middle-level Managers – are the tactical managers in-charge of the organization’s departments. They formulate
specific objectives and activities based on the strategic or general goals and objectives developed by top level
managers. Their traditional task is to act as go-betweens between higher and lower levels of the organization;
they announce and interpret top management priorities to human resources in the middle hierarchical level of
the company. It has been observed that the middle-level managers are more aware of the company’s problems
compared to the managers in the higher level because of their closer contacts with customers, frontline
managers, and other subordinates. To be an ideal middle-level manager, one must be creative so that they could
provide sound ideas regarding operational skills that will help keep the organization afloat.
Frontline or Lower-level Managers – also known as operational managers and are responsible for supervising
the organization’s day-to-day activities; they are the bridges between management and non-management
employees. Traditionally, they are controlled and instructed by top and middle-level managers to follow their
orders in support of the organization’s major strategy. Lately, however, their role has been expanded in large
companies, as they are now encouraged to be more creative and intuitive in the exercise of their functions, so
that they too could contribute to their company’s progress and the development of new projects.

Managerial Roles According to Mintzberg

1. Interpersonal  Leader – a manager should provide leadership

for his team or department; and it’s where
The managerial role in this category involves
he/she manage the performance and
providing information and ideas.
responsibilities of everyone in the group.
 Liason – manager must communicate with
external and internal contacts. He/she must
be able to network effectively on behalf of
his/her organization.
 Figurehead – as a manager, one must have
social, ceremonial and legal responsibilities.
He/she is expected to be a source of
inspiration. People look up to him/her as a
person with authority.

2. Informational  Monitor – a manager must regularly seek out

information related to his/her organization
The managerial role in this category involves
and industry, looking for relevant changes in
processing information.
the environment. He/she also must monitor
his team, in terms of both their productivity,
and their well-being.
 Disseminator – This is where a mnager
communicate potentially useful information to
his or her colleagues and team.
 Spokesperson – managers represent and
speak for their organization. In this role, the
manager is responsible for transmitting
information about the organization and its
goals to the people outside it.

3. Decisional or Decision-making  Disturbance Handler – when an organization

or team hits an unexpected roadblock, it’s the
The managerial roles in these category involves
manager who must take charge. He/she also
using information.
needs to help mediate disputes within it.
 Resource Allocator – the manager also needs
to determine where organizational resources
are best applied. This involves allocating
funding, as well as assigning staff and other
organizational resources.
 Negotiator – a manager needs to take part in,
and direct, important negotiations within the
team, department or organization.
 Entrepreneur - a manager should create and
control change within the organization. This
means solving problems, generating new
ideas, and implementing them.

Managerial skills may be classified as:
1. Conceptual Skills – enable managers to think of possible solutions to complex problems. Through their
ability to conceptualize abstract situations, they develop a holistic view of their organization and its
relation to the wider external environment surrounding it. Top-level managers must have these
conceptual skills in order to be successful in their work.
2. Human Skills – enable managers to relate well with people. Communicating, Leading, Inspiring, and
motivating them become easy with the help of human skills. Dealing with people, both in the
organization’s internal and external environment, is inevitable, so it is necessary for managers to develop
these human skills.
3. Technical Skills – important for managers for them to perform their task with proficiency with the use of
their expertise. Lower-level managers find this skills very important because they are the ones who
manage the non-management workers who employ varied techniques and tools to be able to yield good
quality products and services for their company.

1 whole sheet of paper – Copy and answer (Week 1 Activity 3)
1. How do organizations classify managers according to their functions? Describe the
respective functions of each type of manager.
2. Among the different types of managers discussed in this lesson, which type of managers
are more aware of their organization’s problems? Explain your answer.
3. Enumerate the three managerial roles suggested by Mintzberg. Are these roles equal in
importance? Explain your answer.
4. Have the managerial functions remained the same through time? Why do you say so?

WEEK 3-4

Background Information for Learners:

Just like human beings, business enterprises do not exist in isolation. Each business firm is not an island
unto itself; it exists, survives and grows within the context of the element and forces of its environment. While an
individual firm is able to do little to change or control these forces, it has no alternative to responding or adapting
according to them. A good understanding of environment by business managers enable them not only to identify
and evaluate, but also to react to the external forces.
Definition of terms:
1. Environmental scanning means seeking for and sorting through data about the environment
2.External business environment refers to the factors/elements outside the organization which
may affect, either positively or negatively, the performance of the organization.
3.Internal business environment refers to the factors/elements within the organization which
may affect, either positively or negatively, the performance of the organization


4.Micro-environment includes those players whose decisions and actions have a direct impact
on the company. Production and selling of commodities are the two important aspects of
modern business. Accordingly, the micro-environment of business can be divided.
5.Macro-environment is the condition that exist in the economy as a whole, rather than in a
particular sector or region. In general, the macro environment includes trends in the gross
domestic product (GDP, inflation, employment, spending, and monetary and fiscal policy.

The various constituents of micro-environment are as under:
1. Suppliers of inputs: An important factor in the external micro-environment of a firm is the
supplier of its inputs such as raw materials and components. Normally, most firms do not
depend on a single supplier of inputs. To reduce risk and uncertainty business firms prefer to
keep multiple suppliers of inputs.
2. Customers: The people who buy and use a firm’s product and services are an important
part of external micro-environment. Since sales of a product or service is critical for a firm's
survival and growth, it is necessary to keep the customers satisfied. A concern for customers’
satisfaction is essential for the success of a business firms. Besides, a business firm has to
compete with rival firms to attract customers and thereby increase the demand and market
for its product.
3. Marketing intermediaries: In the firm's external micro-environment, marketing
intermediaries play an essential role of selling and distributing its products to the final
customers. Marketing provides an important link between a business firm and its ultimate
4. Competitors: Different firms in an industry compete for sale of their products. This
competition may be based on pricing of their products and non- price competition through
competitive advertising such as sponsoring some events to promote the sale of different
varieties and models of their products. Because of liberalization and globalization of the Indian
economy since the adoption of economic reforms there has been a significant increase in the
competitive environment of business firms. Now, Indian firms must compete not only with
each other but also with foreign firms whose products can be imported. In America,
American firms faced a lot of competition from the Japanese firms producing electronic goods
and automobiles.

5. Publics: Finally, publics are an important force in external microenvironment.

Environmentalists, media groups, women’s associations, consumer protection groups, local
groups, Citizens Association are some important examples of publics which have an
important bearing on the business decisions of the firm. The existence of various types of
publics influences the working of business firms and compels them to be socially responsible.
External Macro Environment
Apart from micro-environment, business firms face large external environmental forces. An
important fact about external macro environmental forces is that they are uncontrollable by the
management. Because of the uncontrollable nature of macro forces a firm must adjust or adapt it to these
external forces. These factors are:
1.Economic Environment: Economic environment includes all those forces which have an
economic impact on business. Accordingly, total economic environment consists of
agriculture, industrial production, infrastructure, and planning, basic economic philosophy,
stages of
economic development, trade cycles, national income, per capita income, savings, money
supply, price level and population.
2.Political-legal Environment: Business firms are closely related to the government. The
political- legal environment includes the activities of three political institutions, namely,
legislature, executive and judiciary which usually play a useful role in shaping, directing,
developing and controlling business activities.

3.Technological Environment: Technological environment is exercising considerable influence

on business. Technology implies systematic application of scientific or other organized
knowledge to practical tasks or activities. Business makes it possible for technology to reach
the people in proper format.
4.Global or International Environment: Global environment plays an important role in shaping
business activity. With the liberalization and globalization of the economy, business
environment of an economy has become totally different wherein it has to bear all shocks
and benefits arising out of global environment.
5.Socio-cultural Environment: Social and cultural environment also influences the business
environment indirectly. These include people’s attitude to work and wealth, ethical issues,
role of family, marriage, religion and education and also social responsiveness of business.

6.Demographic Environment: The demographic environment includes the size and growth of
population, life expectancy of the people, rural-urban distribution of population, the
technological skills and educational levels of labor force. All these demographic features have
an important bearing on the functioning of business firms.
7.Natural Environment: Natural environment influences business in diverse ways. Business in
modern times is dictated by nature. The natural environment is the ultimate source of many
inputs such as raw materials and energy, which firms use in their productive activity. The
natural environment which includes geographical and ecological factors such as minerals and
oil reserves, water and forest resources, weather and climatic conditions are all highly
significant for various business activities.
8.Ecological Environment: Due to the efforts of environmentalists and international
organizations such as the World Bank the people have now become conscious of the adverse
effects of depletion of exhaustible natural resources and pollution of environment by
business activity. Accordingly, laws have been passed for conservation of natural resources
and prevention of environment pollution. These laws have imposed additional
responsibilities and costs for business firms.
Internal Environment
The factors in internal environment of business are to a certain extent controllable because
the firm can change or modify these factors to improve its efficiency. However, the firm may
not be able to change all the factors. The various internal factors are:
1. Value system: The value system of an organization means the ethical beliefs that guide the
organization in achieving its mission and objectives. It is a widely acknowledged fact that the
extent to which the value system is shared by all in the organization is an important factor
contributing to its success.
2. Mission and objectives: The business domain of the company, direction of development,
business philosophy, business policy etc. are guided by the mission and objectives of the
company. The objective of all firms is assumed to be maximization of profit. Mission is defined
as the overall purpose or reason for its existence which guides and influences its business

decision and economic activities.
3. Organization structure: The organizational structure, the composition of the board of
directors, the professionalism of management etc. are important factors influencing business
decisions. The nature of the organizational structure has a significant influence over the
decision-making process in an organization. An efficient working of a business organization
requires that the organization structure should be conducive for quick decision-making.
4. Corporate culture: Corporate culture is an important factor for determining the internal
environment of any company. In a closed and threatening type of corporate culture the
business decisions are taken by top level managers while the middle level and lower level
managers have no say in business decision- making. This leads to lack of trust and confidence
among subordinate officials of the company and secrecy pervades throughout the
5. Quality of human resources: Quality of employees that is of human resources of a firm is an
important factor of internal environment of a firm. The characteristics of the human
resources like skill, quality, capability, attitude and commitment of its employees etc. could
contribute to the strength and weaknesses of an organization.
6. Labor unions: Labor unions collectively bargains with the managers for better wages and
better working conditions of the different categories of workers. For the smooth working of a
business firm good relations between management and labor unions is required.
7. Physical resources and technological capabilities: Physical resources such as, plant and
equipment and technological capabilities of a firm determine its competitive strength which
is an important factor for determining its efficiency and unit cost of production. Research
and development capabilities of a company determine its ability to introduce innovations
which enhances productivity of workers.
Specific Components of the External Business Environment
Stakeholders, Customers, Suppliers, Pressure groups, Organization’s investors or owners
and Employees.
Component of the Internal Business Environment
1. Resources – financial, physical, mechanical, technological, and human resources
must be subjected to internal analysis (SWOT)
What Is a SWOT Analysis?
A SWOT analysis is a technique used to determine and define your Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT). SWOT analyses can be applied to an entire company or organization,
or individual projects within a single department. Most commonly, SWOT analyses are used at the
organizational level to determine how closely a business is aligned with its growth trajectories and success
benchmarks, but they can also be used to ascertain how well a particular project – such as an online
advertising campaign – is performing according to initial projections.

Porter’s Five Forces
Porter’s Five Forces analysis is a framework that helps analyzing the level of competition within a
certain industry. It is especially useful when starting a new business or when entering a new industry sector.
According to this framework, competitiveness does not only come from competitors. Rather, the state of
competition in an industry depends on five basic forces: threat of new entrants, bargaining power of suppliers,
bargaining power of buyers, threat of substitute products or services, and existing industry rivalry

PESTEL Analysis.
A PESTEL analysis or PESTLE analysis (formerly known as PEST analysis) is a framework or tool used
to analyses and monitor the macro-environmental factors that may have a profound impact on an organization’s
performance. This tool is especially useful when starting a new business or entering a foreign market. It is often
used in collaboration with other analytical business tools such as the SWOT analysis and Porter’s Five Forces to
give a clear understanding of a situation and related internal and external factors. PESTEL is an acronym that
stands for Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal factors.

Components of Environmental Scanning
1. Developing a competitive mindset – by seeking and sorting through data about environment,
you may be able to understand and predict the various changes, opportunities and threats
that may affect organizations in the future.
2. Considering future business scenarios – by realistic consideration of both worse- case
scenario or unfavorable future conditions, as well as middle ground possible conditions, you
will have an idea or what to do in the future
3. Business prediction (also known as business forecasting) – is a method of predicting how
variables in the environment will alter the future of business. It could be used in making
decisions regarding offshoring, branching out locally, and expanding or downsizing the
company. However, the accuracy of such business predictions cannot always be assured.
Benchmarking – the process of measuring or comparing one’s own products, services, and
practices with those of the recognized industry leaders in order to identify areas for improvement.

This activity sheet serves as your self-learning guide. It tests your ability to observe and
analyze how environment affects business particularly in your community.

Learning Competency:
Analyze various forces/elements influencing local and international business environment using
PEST and SWOT strategies (ABM_AOM11-Ic-d-4-6)

Activity I. Mind Mapping

Direction: Write any word, phrases or sentences that you think describes business
Activity II: Short Answer Type Question

Direction: Based from the Mind Mapping exercise, answer the following questions with 2-3
sentences only.
1. What is your idea about business environment?

2. Why is it important for business enterprises to understand their environment?

Explain briefly.

3. Mention the various dimensions of business environment.

Activity III: Let Me Think Deeper!

Directions: Going deeper with the business environment, determine what analysis should be used
before engaging with the following business event or activity. Write S when SWOT Analysis is
to be used and P if PESTLE Analysis is to be used.

1. Launching a new initiative

2. Revamping internal policies
3. Pivoting business direction
4. Changing a plan during its execution
5. Evaluating the effectiveness of the decision made
6. Entering a new country, region, or marke

Activity IV: Rebus Puzzle with a Twist.

Directions: Determine the word described in each statement below. Draw your answer from the
Rebus Puzzle.
1. These are the internal, positive attributes of your company.

2. These are the things that you need to improve to be competitive.

3. These are the external factors in your business environment that are likely to
contribute to your success.

4. You may convert this as your strength when it occurs.


Activity V. SWOT Analysis

Directions: Using the template below, perform a SWOT Analysis for an Internet Café that you are planning
to put up in your own municipality. Based on your analysis, is it possible that your internet cafe will
succeed? Explain your answer. Use separate sheet for your answers.


PESTLE Analysis
As early as January of 2020, you are already thinking of putting up a grocery store in your public
market on or before September 2020. September 2020 is fast approaching but several factors
have prompted into your mind whether to continue the opening of your business or not due to
the problem of COVID 19.
Question: Identify changes in business environment under different heads — economic, social,
technological, political and legal that have facilitated the companies’ decisions to plan significant
investments in organized retailing. Use the template below for your answer.

Rubrics for Scoring:

References for learners:

1. Iñigo, Conrado E. (2005). Management for Filipinos. Parañaque City: Nelson
2. Echanis, Erlinda S. & Rodriguez, Rafael A. (2001). Fundamentals of Management
Text & Philippine Cases. Mandaluyong City: Diwata Publishing Inc.
3. Cabrera, HM, Altajeros,A DC, & Benjamin (2016). Organization and Management


Background Information for Learners:

Small and large businesses drive economic stability and growth by providing valuable
services, products and taxes that directly contribute to the health of the community. They also
provide jobs, strengthening the economic health of each community where a business is based.
Even if a business is headquartered elsewhere, employing people at each local business contributes
to the success of that region, as with the wages they earn, people buy property, work, shop and
otherwise invest in where they live. Hence, success in business translates to the economic well-
being of a company and its residents through job creation and offering improved quality of life for
the country’s citizens.
As business students, you need to be familiar to the forms of the business organizations
which contribute a great impact on the economic development wherein you may choose the best
business organization you wish to engaged with.
This activity sheet is intended to assessed your deep understanding of the different forms of
business organization and examine each economic roles in the community and to the world.

Learning Competency:
Analyze the forms and economic roles of business organizations (ABM_AOM11-Ic-d-7)
Activity I. Fill Me Up!!!
The matrix shows the characteristics of each forms of business organization.
Directions: Fill-out the blank by giving the items needed in each column. You will be
given 1 point in each correct answer.

Items Partnership Corporation Cooperatives
1. Number of possible

2. Management (who
manages the business

3. Termination of the business

4. Government agency
assigned primarily to regulate

5. Transfer of ownership

6. Liability of Owners

Activity II. Assessing Scenarios in Business Organization. This will test your ability to
distinguish the different forms of business organization.

Direction: Assess the following scenario and answer the questions following it.
1. Suppose you want to open your own sari-sari store that will need PHP10, 000 to start and
you used your PHP10, 000 savings to start the said business. You are the sole owner of the said
sari- sari store. What form of business you are to engage with?

2. What if the needed amount to start your dream sari-sari store is PHP50, 000 and you only
have PHP25, 000 cash savings. You ask Juan, your friend if he is willing to invest his PHP25, 000
and become part owner of the sari-sari store. Assuming he agrees, what form of business
organization was created?

3. Assuming your dream is to open a grocery store and not just a sari-sari store but you will
need PHP1, 000, 000 to start the said business. You have only PHP25, 000, your friend Juan has
PHP25, 000, and your mother is willing to invest her PHP50, 000, but still these are not enough
to start your dream grocery store. Where will you get the money to raise the PHP1 million?
What form of business will you set up?

Activity III. Short answer question. Answer the following in 2-3 sentences.
1. What is the role of business in the market?

2. What is the role of business trade and commerce?

3. What is the role of business in product or service specialization?

4. What is the role of business in the economy?

Exercise V. Essay.

1. In your opinion, what is the difference between profit and non- profit business
organization? Which is easier to manage? Explain your answer.

2. If you choose a business which will contribute to the development of economy,

which among the business organization you wish to engage with: Single proprietorship,
Partnership, Corporation, or Cooperative. Why?

Rubrics for Scoring:

Rubrics for scoring Essay

Features 4 3 2 1

Quality of Very Somewhat Give new Give no new

Writing informative and informative and information but information and
well-organized organized poorly very poorly
organized organized

Ideas Present ideas in Presents ideas Ideas are too Ideas are vague
an original in a consistent general or unclear
manner manner

Understanding Writing shows Writing shows a Writing shows Writing shows

strong clear adequate little
understanding understanding understanding understanding

Grammar Virtually no Few spelling A number of So many

spelling and and spelling and spelling and
grammatical grammatical grammatical grammatical
errors errors errors errors

Reference for learners:
1. Iñigo, Conrado E. (2005). Management for Filipinos. Parañaque City: Nelson
2. Echanis, Erlinda S. & Rodriguez, Rafael A. (2001). Fundamentals of Management
Text & Philippine Cases. Mandaluyong City: Diwata Publishing Inc.
3. Cabrera, HM, Altajeros,A DC, & Benjamin (2016). Organization and Management


Background Information for Learners:

Although material wealth accumulation is among the concerns of genuine economic development, its
greater concern is the total improvement of the quality of people’s lives. This in turn, is related to sustainable
economic development issues in a country which greatly influences business management.
Sustainable economic development ensures that the present needs of particular generation are fully met
without endangering the ability of future generations to also fully meet their own needs. Hence, as future
business managers you must be conscious of your own decisions for in maintaining the ecological elements
in its safe state.
This learning activity will teach you how differentiate the phases of economic development and learn
its impact to business environment.
Learning Competency:
Differentiate the phases of economic development and its impact to business environment
Activity I. Jumbled Letters with one Word.
This will test your ability to distinguish the kinds of economic system.
Directions: Identify what word that the following statements convey. As a clue, find the one-
word answer from the jumbled letters. Note: Not all the letters are included in your answer.
1. Privately owned capital, and property rights are privately invested with the ultimate
aim of personal gain. MIMPITTAALASC.
2. The ownership of production and capital by the government and the regulation by
society as a whole, of the process of production and distribution, and of the giving of
essential services. LIMSSCCIIOA.
3. The collective ownership by the government of consumption goods and production goods.

Activity III. Script Writing.
Write a script portraying the different phases of economic development as to extent of economic
activity. Imagine that you will perform this script for 7-10 minutes. (Use Separate Sheet)

Activity IV
Compare and contrast the phases of economic development base on the medium of exchange used using VENN

Activity V. Essay. Explain the means of livelihood in the economic development and its great
impact in business environment.

Rubrics for Scoring:

Scoring Rubrics

Features 4 3 2 1
Quality of Very Somewhat Gives new Gives no new
Writing informative and informative and information but information and
well-organized organized poorly organized poorly organized
Ideas Presents original Presents ideas in Ideas are too Ideas are vague
and organized a consistent general or unclear
ideas manner
Understanding Writing shows Writing shows a Writing shows Writing shows
strong clear adequate little
understanding understanding understanding understanding
Grammar Virtually no Few spelling A number of So many
spelling and and grammatical spelling and spelling and
grammatical errors grammatical grammatical
errors errors errors

WEEK 5-6
Nature, Levels and Types of Planning
Background Information for Learners

Planning is the most basic of all managerial functions. It is the process by which managers
establish goals and define the methods by which these goals are to be attained. It requires decision
making, which is choosing among alternative future courses of action. It may also be treated as a
process of thinking before doing.
Management has to plan by looking ahead into the future, by estimating and evaluating the future
behavior of the relevant environment and by determining the enterprise's own desired role.
Plans have two (2) basic components: goals and action statements.
Goals represent an end state – the targets and results that managers hope to achieve. Action
statements represent the means by which an organization goes ahead to attain its goals.

The nature of planning can be understood by examining its four (4) major aspects:

 Every plan and all its support should contribute to the achievement of the
organization’s purpose and objectives through willing and purposeful co-
 Planning comes first before execution of all other managerial functions as it
involves establishing the objectives necessary for all group efforts.
 Planning is a unique and universal function of all managers.
 Plans are efficient if they achieve their objective at a reasonable cost, when such
a cost is measured not only in terms of time, money, or production, but also in
terms of satisfaction of the individual or group.


1. Strategic Plan – This is a high-level overview of the entire business, its vision,
objectives, and value. This plan is the foundational basis of the organization and will
dictate decisions in the long- term. The scope of the plan can be two (2), three (3), five
(5), or even 10 years. The strategic plan must be forward-looking, robust but flexible, with
a keen focus on accommodating future growth. The components of a strategic plan are:
Vision – Where does the organization want to be five years from now? How does it
want to influence the world?
Mission – The mission statement is a more realistic overview of the company’s
aim and ambitions. Why does the company exist? What does it aim to achieve
through its existence?
Values –These values will guide managers and influence the kind of employees you hire.


VISION To refresh the world.

To inspire moments of optimism and happiness. To
create value and make a difference.

MISSION Maximize long-term return to shareowners while
being mindful of our overall responsibilities.
Be a responsible citizen that makes a difference by
helping build and support sustainable communities.
Bring to the world a portfolio of quality beverage
brands that anticipate and satisfy people's desires
and needs.
VALUES Leadership: The courage to shape a better
UPHOLD future Collaboration: Leverage collective
genius Integrity: Be real
Accountability: If it is to be, it's up to
me Passion: Committed in heart and
mind Diversity: As inclusive as our
brands Quality: What we do, we do
2. Tactical Plan – A tactical plan answers "how do we achieve our strategic plan?" It breaks
down the broader mission statements into smaller, actionable chunks. Creating tactical plans is
usually handled by mid-level managers.

There are some components shared by most tactical plans:

Specific Goals with Fixed Deadlines
The tactical plan will break down the broad ambition into smaller,
actionable goals. The goal should be highly specific and have fixed
This should include the budget for hiring personnel, marketing,
sourcing, manufacturing, and running the day-to-day operations
of the company.
The tactical plan should list all the resources you can gather to achieve
the organization’s aims. This should include human resources, IP, cash
resources, etc.
Marketing, Funding, etc.
Finally, the tactical plan should list the organization’s immediate marketing,
sourcing, funding, manufacturing, retailing, and PR strategy.

1. Provide training for managers

Specific goals with and supervisors. Deadline: July-August,
deadline 2020
2. Conduct job fairs at local
schools. Deadline: April-
June, 2021
Budget (estimated amount) 3. ₱150,000.00
Marketing and funding 4. Promote through Social Media and
tarpaulins. Online Fundraising, T-shirt
fundraising, Promos.

2. Operational Plan – This plan describes the day-to-day running of the company.
The operational plan is created to achieve the tactical goals within a realistic
timeframe and the responsibility of low-level managers and supervisors. This plan
is highly specific with an emphasis on short-term objectives.
Examples of operational goals:
“Process 150 sales applications each week”, “Publish 20 books this
quarter”, “Increase sales to 150 units/day” “Hire 50 new employees”
Operational plans can be either single use, or ongoing, as described below:
Single Use Plans – These plans are created for events/activities with a
single occurrence. This can be a one-time sales program, a marketing
campaign, a recruitment drive, etc. Single use plans tend to be highly
Ongoing Plans – These plans can be used in multiple settings on an
ongoing basis. Ongoing plans can be of different types, such as:
Policy – A policy is a general document that dictates how managers
should approach a problem. It influences decision making at the micro
level. Specific plans on hiring employees, terminating contractors, etc. are
examples of policies.
Example: “All servers and crews must be at least 18 years old.” “Zero-
tolerance” for harassment.” “Observe proper dress code.”
Rules – Rules are specific regulations according to which an organization
functions. The rules are meant to be hard coded and should be enforced
Example: “No smoking within premises”, or “Employees must report by 9 a.m.”
Procedure – A procedure describes a step-by-step process to accomplish
a particular objective.
Example: Detailed guidelines on hiring employees (screening, interview,
assessment, background check, medical, decision)


Discuss the nature and levels of planning and types of plans. (ABM_AOM11-Ie-g-10-11)
DIRECTIONS: Identify the word being asked in each item, afterwards, locate the
word from the grid below by using straight lines. Avoid erasures. Good luck and enjoy

1. A_ _ E_N_TI_E – one of 9. O_ _E_TI_ _ – is

the courses of action that something you are trying
can be chosen. to achieve.
2. EF_E_ _IV_ – successful in 10. _ _ G_ _I_ATI_ _ – a
achieving a desired or collection of people working
intended result. together for a common
3. _FF_CI_ _T – achieving purpose.
objectives at a reasonable 11. _ _A_N_ _G – the process
cost. of deciding how to do
4. F_U_ _AT_ _N – an something before you start
underlying basis. to do it.
5. _UN_ _I_N – the purpose 12. _TR_N_T_ – qualities and
of a person or thing in a abilities that people have
plan. which are an advantage to
6. _U_UR_ – events that them.
will likely to happen in time 13. T_ _G_T – direct toward
to come. a specific object.
7. G_ _ _ – an aim, desired 14. _N_V_R_A_ – applicable in
result. all cases.
8. _AN_GE_ – an 15. W_A_N_S_ – an
individual who assumes inadequate or
responsibility for the work defective quality.
of his team.

DIRECTIONS: Arrange the following sentences in the boxes below following the
steps in the planning process.
 Write the appropriate sentence in each box. Anticipate future
events and identify the things that may help or hinder progress
toward your goals.
 Define your goals or by identifying desired outcomes in very specific ways.
 Determine where you stand in relation to set goals; know your
strengths and weaknesses.
 Implement the plan and evaluate results; take corrective action and
revised plans needed.
 Analyze and choose among action alternatives; list and carefully
evaluate possible actions and choose the alternative most likely to
accomplish goals.


DIRECTIONS: Determine the plan of your school for the next five years by
interviewing any personnel from the Administrative department (through online
or call/text in observance of the proper health protocol) then answer the
activity below. Avoid erasures.


Directions: Write down the vision, mission, and values to be upheld by

your school for the next five (5) years.




Directions: Based on the answers on strategic plan, write down the
specific goals with deadlines, budgets, resources, marketing, and
funding of your school for the next five (5) years. Answer briefly.

goals with



Marketing and funding


Directions: Write down the policies, rules, and procedures of your
school for the next five (5) years.





1. How would you describe strategic, tactical and operational plans?

2. What is the importance of each plan in an organization?


Orderliness 5 4 3 2 1
The procedure followed carefully.
Accuracy 5 4 3 2 1
The information in the chart are CORRECT.
Neatness 5 4 3 2 1
The output is neat and legible.
Creativeness 5 4 3 2 1
The output is presentable and has an impact to the
Originality and Precision
The content of the output is correct and it was not copied 5 4 3 2 1
other outputs.




Scoring: 1 point for the correct term and 1 point for the correct location on the grid.

1. Define your goals or by identifying desired outcomes in very specific ways
2. Determine where you stand in relation to set goals; know your strengths and weaknesses.
3. Anticipate future events and identify the things that may help or hinder
progress toward your goals.
4. Implement the plan and evaluate results; take corrective action and revised plans needed.
5. Analyze and choose among action alternatives; list and carefully evaluate
possible actions and choose the alternative most likely to accomplish goals.



Planning Tools and Techniques

Background Information for Learners

One of the basic but meticulous aspect of building and keeping a business is planning in decision
making. Leaders of either big or small businesses are faced of making hundreds of decisions every
day and every decision may break or make the business’ success. That’s why, planning before
making a decision for the business requires rigid and careful attention.

Before jumping into a decision for your business, leaders must identify first the problem, gather
realistic information, identify alternatives, choosing among the alternatives and review the results. In
doing so, there are different techniques that can be used by the leaders to help choose among the
alternatives and come up with the best decision.

Planning Tools and Techniques

A. SWOT Analysis/SWOT Diagram  SWOT acronym stands for Strength, Weaknesses,
Opportunities and Threats.
 The primary objective of SWOT analysis is for the
leaders/managers to become aware of their environment
and discover a strategy that highlights their strengths and
opportunities and to overcome weaknesses and threats.
 To identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities
and threats, you should be acquainted with the internal and
external factors in a business enterprise.

Internal Factors
1.1 Financial resources (funding, investments opportunities, source of income)
1.2 Physical Resources (location, facilities, and equipment)
1.3 Human Resources (employees, volunteers and target market)
External Factors
External factors are typically things and situations that your company do not
control. These are directly or indirectly linked to an Opportunity or a Threat to
the company. They are as follows:
2.1 Market Trends (new products, technology advancements and a change in
the people’s needs and interest)
2.2 Economic trends (local, national and international financial trends, fluctuations)
2.3 Relationship with suppliers and partners
2.4 Political, environmental and economic regulations
2.5 Other business enterprises that offer similar products and services

Now that you are acquainted with the internal and external factors, you are
now ready to plot your SWOT Diagram. In plotting your SWOT Diagram,
consider the following guide questions:

 Strengths: What does your business do best? What makes the business
better than others?
 Weaknesses: What are the negative things your company can improve?
 Opportunities: What are the things that your business lack? What can you
give more to your customers?
 Threats: Determine what challenges stand in the way of achieving your goals.
Mang Inasal is one of the biggest and known fast food restaurants in the Philippines. Let’s
consider the profile of Mang Inasal in this diagram. After completing the diagram, let’s plan for a
recommendation and strategies to leverage strengths and opportunities and to cope with the
weaknesses and threats.

a. Open more job opportunities to small employees and entrepreneurs by
opening franchise in rural areas.
b. By doing so, delivery service may also be accessible to areas not reachable
within the original routes.
c. Opening a franchise abroad to promote Filipino food in the international
setting just like Jollibee.
d. Introduce a variation of products similar to the products craved by the many
(like milk tea, pinoy version of samgyupsal)

It is a way of evaluating business performance by comparing them to similar performances in
one or more sources. It is done by searching for the best practices among competitors and
non-competitors that may lead to their superior performance.


One of the services offered in a fast food restaurant is their drive-thru service. Restaurant A also
offers the same service however, there is a need to improve customers’ satisfaction. As drive-thru is
supposed to be fast and accurate, it will study the drive-thru practices of the key competitors. So,
the manager of the restaurant will send an employee as a costumer to gain direct experience and
observe on the practices of the key competitor. After a close study of the competitors’ performance,
they will attempt to adapt their services like improving the menu, the speaker boards and ordering

Developing scenarios that allow managers determine in advance what their actions
should be should a considered event actually occur. It is basically preparing for a
plan B, in case Plan A doesn’t work.
What should be included in the contingency plan?
Here are the key elements to include:

Element Description Examples

Scenarios These are situations, cyber-attacks,
conflicts that could prolonged staff
possibly happen before absences, IT
or while the business is malfunctions, loss of
under operation. suppliers, serious
outages, or structural
Response This is a brief For IT malfunctions,
description of the action come up with backup
or strategy that you will files both soft and hard
follow in response to the copy
identified scenarios.

Who to Inform These are specific or Employees, suppliers,

group customers, and the
of people who needs to wider public, as
know about the appropriate.

Key Responsibilities Define who's For IT malfunctions,

responsible for each the IT Head should be
element of the plan, who responsible for the soft
will be in charge at each copy of back up files
stage, and what you and the Records
expect them to Custodian
accomplish. should keep a hard copy.
Timeline Indicates what should be This could be as simple
done and when it should as, "Inform employees
be done. of the situation

Strengths Weaknesses
 Easily available because of many branches  Delivery service is limited to locations
 Food and ambiance cater to general  Not currently using food delivery
Filipino taste and culture app/technology
 Price range for every product is affordable  Food service is limited to Filipino classics
 The company has merged with Jollibee
Foods Corporation which is the largest
food service network in the Philippines
 Sufficient number of employees
Opportunities Threats
 Growing interest for franchise in many Rapid change of customer’s food
regions of the Philippines preference (people seem to love
 Possible franchise abroad international food like Samgyupsal, Milk
Tea, Burger and Pasta)

(This format is based from
Here is an example of a Contingency Plan with a minor possible business
problem. Take note of how the scenario will be addressed in case it might happen
in the business.



The only Assign other Head of of Oversee Alert As soon
team employees department depart situation. head as
member who are - ment of absence
who is expert in depart is
expert in ICT and ask - confirmed
your them to take ment. .
system turns in Team Team
programs studying the Team manag Identify manager As soon
suddenly system manag er the and as
filed an through the er members team possible.
indefinite manual and of the member
leave of divide the team who s to be
absence. work to are informed
themselves. experts of
or situation
advanced and
in ICT necessa

Team ed Adapt Assess As soon
member team workload and as
s membe to take redistrib possible.
r s who on u te
are ICT additional workload
experts tasks, accordin
and g to
report organiza
challenge ti onal
s priorities.
s to

(This template is based from

Are you ready to apply what you have learned? Before moving on, let’s have a
self- assessment.

Images from

Learning Competency with code

Apply appropriate planning techniques and ABM_AOM11-Ie-g-13


Exercise 1. SPOT THE SWOT

Directions/Instructions: Let’s see if you can differentiate and name the following
scenarios as Strength, Weakness, Opportunity or Threat. Write S on the blank if
the statement is considered as Strength, W for Weakness, O for Opportunity and T
for Threat.
1. The employees have equally undergone trainings on their respective fields.
2. The location of the restaurant is within the commercial center.
3. The delivery service of Ninja Van takes usually longer than 5 days after the
expected delivery dates.
4. The location of your new hotel is 30 km away from the city.
5. You have opened an internet café near a high school in your community
and observed that aside from computer units, Xerox machine is also much
needed by the students.
6. Globe users are complaining because of slow internet connection and
hidden charges.
7. You have opened your panciteria and have been gaining costumers however, a new
panciteria has opened near yours.

8. You want to have a poultry and hog farm but the government policies
require you to put your farm far away from the residences, and make sure to
cure animal waste to prevent possible threat of sickness.
9. The new restaurant in the city has gained costumers after a social
media advertisement.
10. Your thrift shop business has been closed for months now and can still
remain close

Exercise 2. IT’S SWOTTIME!

Directions: Choose one of the most successful or well-established business in your
community or the nearest in your community. Then, come up with a
recommendation or strategy by identifying the business’ strength, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats by filling out the SWOT Diagram. Make sure to align your
recommendations from what you have listed.

Strengths Weakness

Opportunitie Threats


Exercise 3. PLOT THE PLAN

Directions: The template below is an incomplete Contingency Plan for the next school year. In the
box that follows are the elements to complete the plan. To complete the plan, analyze the use of the
elements in the box and plot it accordingly in the template.

An urgent need for online classes due to the  There is a need to train teachers on different
restriction of face to face classroom modes of teaching especially on ICT
instruction platforms to deliver instruction
 ICT coordinators  1 month before opening of classes
 2months before opening of classes  To participate in the training and to be able
 To be able to train and assist the teachers in to master at least 2 online platforms and
mastering online platforms for delivery of also to come up with modules in their
instruction respective subjects
 To implement a crash course training on the  Teachers
use ICT platforms and modular sessions for  the teachers to come up with modules in
teachers to ensure quality learning despite their respective subjects
physical restrictions to students.

Complete Me! (Choose your answer from the table above)


. School
School Head To
for the
To share
in the use
of ICT in
delivery of
, to be able

and offer
e to the
s are

Exercise 4. WHAT IF NO MORE!

Directions: Come up with a contingency plan for your imaginary business.

Given the following conditions, plan on how you are going to manage future
conflicts in your business. Use the template below. You may alter the number of
columns depending on the number of people whom you think are necessarily
involved in the mitigation of the conflict.

You own a grocery shop in your community and you have one
competitor. You offer almost the same products and you have the same
supplier for some of the products you are selling in your shop. Supposed one
of your suppliers have stopped production due to circumstances. How are you
going to manage the situation? Plot your plan in the template below.



One of your
and you
have no
back up

Guide Question
1. What is the importance of using planning tools and techniques in making
business decisions?

Rubric for scoring

Score Content Development Relevance and

4 Answer is appropriate Develops each point Answers are factual
to the question. with specific details. and are related to
Content is factually Answers question each of the ideas
correct. completely. presented.
3 Answer is appropriate Each point supported Answers are factual
to the question. with some details and however some are
Content may have evidence. All important irrelevant to each of
one or two factual points are included. the ideas presented.
errors on facts
2 Content relates Few details or Answers are factual,
peripherally to the evidence was some are biased and
question; contains presented and some are not closely
significant errors. question only partially related to each of the
answered. ideas presented.
1 Contents are Statements are Answers are biased
unrelated to question. unsupported by any and are not closely
detail or explanation. related to each of the
Repetitious, ideas presented.
incoherent, illogical

Exercise 2. IT’S SWOTTIME!

Note: If the students will choose a Jollibee branch near their community.

**These are possible answers only. Students’ answers may vary.

1. Update the menu with healthier options and foods that promotes Filipino food.
2. Being an agricultural country, full integration in sourcing raw materials could be done.
3. The quality and quantity of the servings should be true to the advertisement.

**These are possible answers only. Students’ answers may vary.

Exercise 3. PLOT THE PLAN


. School
 An urgent need  There is a School Head  To To gather
for online need to Head implement teachers and 2month
classes due to train a crash trainers for s before
the restriction of teachers course the training opening

face to face on training on of
classroom different the use ICT classes
instruction modes of platforms
teaching and
especially modular
on ICT sessions
platforms for teachers
to deliver  ICT
instruction  ICT coordina To share  To be 1
coordina tors their able to month
tors expertise in train and before
the use of assist the openin
ICT in the teachers g of
delivery of in classe
instruction, to mastering s
be able online

online platforms
platforms and for delivery
offer technical of instructio
assistance to n
the teachers
Teachers Teachers  To
participate the teachers While
in the to come up classes
training and with modules are on
to be able in their going
to master at respective
least 2 subjects
and also to
come up
modules in
Exercise 4. WHAT IF NO MORE!


. Owner Inform the
One of your Look for Costumers customers of the To cope
suppliers alternative delay of supplies with the As soon as
have supplier as and directs them delay and possible
stopped soon as for provide
production possible alternatives; customers
and you mobilize other alternative
have no back staff to look for products
up supplier other suppliers

Staff To look for To look As soon as
suppliers who for possible
offers the same suppliers
product at the who offers
lower price or the same
the same price product at
with the the lower
previous price or
the same
price with


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