1 Englishtoolkit Cycle2

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Cycle 2

Name: ______________
Now I know my
ABCs, next ti me won’t
you si ng with me.

é Aa bi Bb ci Cc di Dd

apple bee cat dog

i Ee eff Ff dji Gg étch Hh

egg fish gi ft heart

aïl Ii djé Jj ké Kk èll Ll

ice-cream jar kite lion

èmm Mm ènn Nn o Oo pi Pp

monkey nest orange penguin

kiou Qq ar Rr èss Ss ti Tt

queen rabbit sun turtle

iou Uu vi Vv dabeliou Ww èks Xx

unicorn volcano watermelon x-ray

ouaille Yy zi Zz

yogourt zebra
1 © Miss amelie' s Box


Dominique Leblanc CSPN and Anita Romano CSDM, 2017

I feel ______.
I am ______.

happy sad excited angry worried

scared shy surprised proud bored

good morning good a fternoon good night

thank you!
How are

3 © Miss amelie' s Box


beige black blue

brown green grey/gray

orange pink purple

red white yellow

Add the words dark or light to better describe all the colours except for white and black.

Dominique Leblanc CSPN and Anita Romano CSDM, 2017

This is a/an

rectangle oval triangle

circle square star

diamond heart

© Miss amelie' s Box
I am polite! Please,
thank you! 

raise your hand be quiet sit down

stand up pay attention clean up

repeat wait your turn show me

© Miss amelie' s Box 6
Can you help me,

look listen sing

color write paste/glue

count read cut

draw circle match

7 © Miss amelie' s Box
complete choose underline

sch__ __ l school

trace unscramble point

close/open highlight think

hand in hand out repeat

ask answer play

Dominique Leblanc CSPN and Anita Romano CSDM, 2017

The date is

The seasons

Months of the year

© Miss amelie' s Box
Outside, the
weather is _____.

sunny cloudy windy

rainy snowy partly cloudy

hot cold stormy

© Miss amelie' s Box 10

Basic sentence

to like to be to have

I like I am I have
You like You are You have
He likes He is He has
She likes She is She has
It likes It is It has
We like We are We have
You like You are You have
They like They are They have

Articles a/an

Place article before noun.

a car (“a” before a consonant)
an apple (“an” before a vowel)
apples (no article before plural)

11 Dominique Leblanc CSPN and Anita Romano CSDM, 2017

Question words

What ? an action, an object

Regular plurals: add s What is on the table?

chair …… chairs
dog……….. dogs Where? a place
Where is the teacher?

Irregular plurals
When? a time
man ………… men When is the hockey game?
child………… children
foot…………. feet Who? a person
Who is your teacher?
mouse………. mice

Why? a reason
Why are you happy?

Possessive Adjectives
his/her How? a quantity, a number, age
How old are you?

Word Order

Place adjectives before nouns.

Size + colour + noun

red car

small brown dog

black hair

Dominique Leblanc CSPN and Anita Romano CSDM, 2017 12


morning / matin before yesterday / avant-hier

afternoon / après-midi yesterday / hier
evening / soir today / aujourd’hui
day / jour tomorrow / demain
week / semaine day after tomorrow / après-demain
month / mois second / seconde
year / année minute / minute
hour / heure

to the left of to the right of

13 Dominique Leblanc CSPN and Anita Romano CSDM, 2017

Everyday Language (1)
Permission (May I …? Can I …?)
1- Can I speak French? (Est-ce que je peux parLer français?)

2- May I go to the washroom please? (Est-ce que je peux aller aux toilettes svp?)

3- Can I go drink please? (Est-ce que je peux aller boire svp?)

4- May I sharpen my pencil? (Est-ce que je peux aiguiser mon crayon?)

5- Can I borrow a « pencil » please? (Est-ce que je peux emprunter un “crayon” svp?)

6- Can I turn on / off the light? (Je peux ouvrir / fermer la lumière?)

7- May I hand out …? (Puis-je distribuer ….?)

8- Can I go get my homework please? (Est-ce que je peux aller chercher mon devoirs?)

9- I forgot my homework (my agenda, my binder,…) (J’ai oublié mes devoirs)

Can I go get it? (Est-ce que je peux aller les chercher?)


1- I don’t understand. (Je ne comprends pas)

2- I don’t know. (Je ne sais pas)

3- Can you repeat pLease? (Peux-tu répéter svp?)

4- How do you say « nuage » in EngLish? (Comment dit-on “nuage” en anglais?)

5- How do you speLL « appLe »? (Comment écrit-on « appLe »?) A-P-P-L-E

6- What does “desk” mean in French? (Que veut dire le mot “desk”?)

7- It means « bureau ». (Ca veut dire « bureau »)


1- Can you heLp me pLease? (Peux-tu m’aider svp?)

2- HeLp me pLease! (Aide-moi svp) I need heLp! (J’ai besoin d’aide.)

3- Can I heLp you? (Est-ce que je peux t’aider?)


1- Hi! / HeLLo! (SaLut)

2- Good morning. (bonjour… le matin) Good afternoon. (bonjour…l’après-midi)

3- How are you? (Comment vas-tu?) I’m fine thank you, and you? (Je vais bien, merci. Et toi?

4- See you Later. (A plus tard.) See you soon. (A bientôt) See you tomorrow. (A demain)

5- Goodbye! (Au revoir)

6- Have a nice weekend. (Bonne fin de semaine)

mariesl walls
Everyday Language (2)
Thanking and apoLogizing
1- Excuse-me. (Excuse-moi. / Pardon) I’m sorry. (Je suis désolé(e).)

2- Thank you! (merci!) Thank you very much! (Merci beaucoup!)

3- PLease. (svp)


1- I Like. (J’aime) I Love… (J’adore…) I Like…a lot! (J’aime beaucoup…)

2- I prefer… (Je préfère…, j’aime mieux…)

3- I want… (Je veux…) I would like… (Je voudrais…)

4- I don’t like… (Je n’aime pas…) I don’t want… (Je ne veux pas…)

5- Do you like…?(Est-ce que tu aimes…?) What is your favourite…? (Quel est ton (ta) …préféré(e)?)


1- Do you agree? (Es-tu d’accord?) What do you think? (Qu’est-ce que tu en penses?)

2- I agree. (Je suis d’accord.) OK Fine (Bien sûr!)

3- That’s a good idea! (C’est une bonne idée!)

4- I’m not sure. (Je ne suis pas certain(e).) Maybe (Peut-être)

5- I don’t agree. / I disagree. (Je ne suis pas d’accord.)

6- I don’t think so. (Je ne crois pas.)

Team work

1- Whose turn is it? (C’est à qui le tour?)

2- It’s my turn. (C’est mon tour) It’s your turn. (C’est ton tour.)

3- Quiet! (Silence!)

4- Do you want to work with me? (Veux-tu travailler avec moi?)

5- Good job! / Well done! / Way to go! (Bon travail!)

Other Expressions

1- Do you speak English? (Parles-tu Anglais?) Yes, I do. (oui) A little bit. (un peu) No, I don’t. (non)

2- One minute please. (Un instant svp.) Wait a minute please. (Attends un peu.)

3- I’m ready! (Je suis prêt(e)) I’m not ready. (Je ne suis pas prêt(e))

4- What time is it? (Quelle heure est-il?) It is recess time! (C’est l’heure de la récré!)

15 5- Time’s up! (C’est terminé!) Time out! (Pause)

mariesl walls

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