The Magic World of Literature

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Lesson Plan

Teacher: Ciorbă Cristina

Theme: The Magic World of Literature

Form: the 8th form ( as a 2nd language)

Type of the lesson: Introducing new contents (vocabulary, reading, speaking, and listening).

Competences: 1. Communicative and pragmatic competence- oral messages producing and their interacting

2. Communicative competence:-perception of the written massages

Sub-competences: 1. Identification of the basic information from the oral message

2. Identification of the message general meaning, main idea expressing in one sentence.

3. General information selecting to accomplish the given task.

Objectives: O1-to make a warm connection with students;

O2- to define the word "fable";

O3-to debate the idea "what a fable is ..."

O4-to talk in the proposed theme;

O5-to use new vocabulary;

Time: 45 minutes

Materials: text-books, copy-books, felt-tip pens, papers, cards, pictures, note-book, computer.
Motivation Pre-conditions Operational objectives
Pupils are explained the role of books, Recognize the words and word Understanding the meaning of the new
especially novels in their life. combinations related to the topic. Have words in different sentences. Ask and
the potential to make up sentences and answer questions based on the text.
expressions. Analyze the given texts Give arguments based on the text.
and phrases.

Stages of Teacher’s activity Students’activity Strategies Evaluation Time

the lesson (methods, techniques)

Evocation Greeting. Students complete the Brainstorm The ability to 5 min

Checking h/w. spidergram: spidergram make word
What do you think about book Word association. association.
when you pronounce
Today we’ll continue to
speak about books.
The teacher with the help
of the students provides
the objectives of the

Meaning Presenting the new Students listen and repeat the Individual work. -the ability to 5 min
realization Vocabulary. words. Make up sentences. Questions/ give full
Make up sentences. Answers. answers and to
Arguments. give reasons.
Pre-listening. Listen to the dialogue. Reading for
Listen carefully the A fable is a short story that general 2 min
dialogue and tell me teaches a moral lesson. There is information. -the ability to
what a fable is. a proverb in the last line. Listening. express
themselves on
Visualize a cartoon and Students answer the questions: the topic. 5 min
be ready to answer the 1.Who is the fable’ writer? -the ability to
questions based on the 2.What are the characters? Whole class give opinions
text. 3.Where does the action take work. and comment
Who … place? Questions/ them;
What … 4.When does it happen? answers.
When … 5.Why did the lion let the mouse Speaking.
Why … free? Why did the mouse help
Where … the lion?

Reflection Describe the lion and the Pupils describe each character Individual work. -the ability to 5 min
mouse using the The lion….. give
adjectives from your desk The mouse…. information
and stick them on the about a
flashcards. particular
As a fable teaches a 5 min
moral lesson, it has a
proverb in the last line.
Find a proverb, putting in Little friend may prove great Analyzing. -applying the
the right order the friends. Individual work. knowledge in
words. Write and learn A friend in need is a friend practice;
them by heart. indeed.
Match the words to their Friendship begins with a smile. Group work. -the ability to 5 min
definitions, give think critically
examples. on the task;

Each group will role play Students role play the stories. Pair work. -applying the 10
a paragraph from the a Role play. knowledge in min
tale. The rest will guess practice;
its title.

Extension Appreciation and Students assign their home task. Listening. 3 min
assessement Writing.
Write about your favorite
fable in 10 lines.

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