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Connected Sb4

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Christopher Wenger

CONNECTED is a six-level General English course taking young adult/adult learners from
Beginner to Advanced levels (CEFR: A1 to C1).
• Get motivated through frequent personalization of target language points, personal
learning paths, and self-assessment of progress toward your goals.
• Maximize your classroom time learning English with lexical support in your first
language and logs for you to record and build on the language you want to use.
• Join
¡Es una marcathe community
de agua with the
para la versión Connected
de prueba, online
conviértete en platform, an online
VIP para obtener community
la versión for you
to extend your practice of English and for instructors to develop and share their skills in
Beneficios withVIP:
para cuenta the series.

CONNECTED Components
• Student
1. Convierte Book
todos los documentos. • Teacher's Guide
• Workbook
2. No hay • Assessment
marca de agua de prueba en los documentos de salida.

• Online Workbook Plus • Split Combo Editions


Student Site Teacher Site
• Pronunciation Audio • Basecamp Training Videos and Blog
• Connected Videos • Student Book and Assessment Audio
• Lexical Lists • Video Scripts and Worksheets
• Personal Path Tools Level 4

Christopher Wenger
9 781647 630119

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Christopher Wenger

CONNECTED-SB4-FM-200430.indd 1 4/30/20 1:54 PM

Director of Product Marketing: Brian Romeo
Managing Editor: Karen Clevidence
Copyright © 2020 Green Mountain Education

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any
form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written
consent of Green Mountain Education, including, but not limited to, network storage or
transmission, or broadcast for distance learning.

Original edition published in 2015 as Connected B2 Student Book by

Knowledge Transmission Ltd. Adapted with permission.

For rights/permissions inquiries, please contact:

Green Mountain Education
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Cover design: Jesus Manuel Beltran Quintero

Interior design: Linda Punskovsky
Page layout: Jesus Manuel Beltran Quintero
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Series information and instructor/learner support materials available at:


ISBN: 978-164763-011-9

Printed in Mexico
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CONNECTED-SB4-FM-200430.indd 2 4/30/20 1:54 PM

SCOPE & SEQUENCE..........................................................................................................................................ii
TO THE STUDENT................................................................................................................................................. vi
UNIT 1 MEMORABLE MOMENTS........................................................................................... 1
UNIT 2 MY BRIGHT FUTURE..................................................................................................... 11
UNIT 3 GREAT ACHIEVEMENTS........................................................................................... 21
UNIT 4 EXCUSES................................................................................................................................ 31
UNIT 5 FRUSTRATIONS................................................................................................................ 41
UNITS 1–5 REVIEW, ASSESSMENT, CONNECT & EXTEND.................................... 51
UNIT 6 NO REGRETS.....................................................................................................................53
UNIT 7 SOMETHING CAME UP............................................................................................63
UNIT 8 WHICH ONE DO YOU MEAN?..............................................................................73
UNIT 9 DO YOU REMEMBER?................................................................................................83
UNIT 10 A CHANGING WORLD...............................................................................................93
UNITS 6–10 REVIEW, ASSESSMENT, CONNECT & EXTEND.................................103
UNIT 11 MY PATH..............................................................................................................................105
UNIT 12 OUT OF CHARACTER................................................................................................ 115
UNIT 13 PART OF THE TEAM................................................................................................... 125
UNIT 14 I WOULDN'T HAVE DONE THAT...................................................................... 135
UNIT 15 HE SAID HE'D MEET US......................................................................................... 145
UNITS 11–15 REVIEW, ASSESSMENT, CONNECT & EXTEND................................. 155
UNIT 16 TRAVEL INFORMATION...........................................................................................157
UNIT 17 LISTEN CAREFULLY....................................................................................................167
UNIT 18 GETTING THINGS DONE........................................................................................177
UNIT 19 WHAT WILL YOU BE DOING?.............................................................................187
UNIT 20 BY THE TIME I'M 70......................................................................................................197
UNITS 16–20 REVIEW, ASSESSMENT, CONNECT & EXTEND.................................207

CONNECTED-SB4-FM-200430.indd 3 4/30/20 1:54 PM


1 MEMORABLE Embarrassing Telling a friend an Word stress for Present tense: Simple
MOMENTS moments interesting anecdote important details and continuous
Past tense: Simple
and continuous


A happy accident People discussing Discussing Writing about an
embarrassing embarrassing moments embarrassing or
experiences and coincidences funny moment

Positive attributes Chatting about what Vowel reduction Review of future
Future aspirations brings life happiness tenses


Which degree is right People talking about Talking about future Writing about what
for you? the careers they goals and plans your city will be like
want in the future

3 GREAT Great human Discussing who Auxiliary verb Passive verbs in the
ACHIEVEMENTS achievements invented the reduction present and past


Beautiful Barcelona People talking Talking about your Writing about a
about their favorite favorite monument or useful invention
monument work of art

Chores Giving excuses for Reduction of /h/ in Review of present
EXCUSES not doing chores haven’t / hasn’t perfect
Present perfect


Excuses, excuses… People talking about Making excuses Writing about
things they haven’t for something that breaking a promise
done hasn’t been done and making excuses

Time-consuming Talking about why Intonation of surprise Present perfect
FRUSTRATIONS tasks someone is late continuous


Overcoming People describing Talking about what Writing about your
problems their frustrations you’ve been trying to English practice
do or learn



CONNECTED-SB4-FM-200430.indd 2 4/30/20 1:54 PM


Regretful situations Discussing what Reduction of have in Past modals for
someone should past modals speculating
or should not have Past modals for
done expressing regrets


Better late than never People expressing Talking about regrets Writing about what
regrets and what you wish you had
they should’ve done done differently

7 SOMETHING Plans or special Talking about Reduction of had in Past perfect

CAME UP occasions disappointing events the past perfect


Be flexible People talking about Talking about a time Writing about
plans that changed when plans changed causing someone's
plans to change

8 WHICH ONE DO Descriptive details Describing people Reduction of /t/ Defining relative
YOU MEAN? and things in a café clauses with who,
that, which


Buyer beware! People talking about Describing something Writing a comparison
recent purchases you bought of two items based
on ads

9 DO YOU Memories Looking at old Stressing content Defining relative

REMEMBER? photos that bring words clauses with object
back memories pronouns: who, that,


Waiting for love? People talking about Talking about a Writing about a
cherished memories time or event that is special childhood
special to you place

10 A CHANGING Environmental and Arguing and teasing Pauses in non- Non-defining relative
WORLD conservation issues about climate defining relative clauses with who,
change clauses which, where
Adverbial clauses of
cause with because,
since, so
Enough energy for People discussing Talking about an Writing about your
everyone environmental issues environmental issue city’s conservation



CONNECTED-SB4-FM-200430.indd 3 4/30/20 1:54 PM


Life events Talking to someone Final /əl/ Adverbial clauses of
who got a new job time: after, before,
when, since, while,


Follow your passion People talking about Discussing your Writing about a life
their journey to their background event of a friend or
current career family member

12 OUT OF Adventurous Talking about being Different ways to Adverbial clauses of

CHARACTER activities adventurous pronounce -ough contrast: although,
even though, though,


What are you afraid People talking about Talking about a time Writing about your
of? how they conquered when you took a risk biggest fear
a fear

Fundraising Talking about Changing syllable Zero, first, and
organizing a stress in different second conditional
fundraising event parts of speech


Crowdfunding People talking about Talking about Writing about
events they are organizing an event organizing a large
organizing event

14 I WOULDN'T HAVE Feelings and An employee saying Reduction of would Third conditional
DONE THAT challenging she wishes she had have and wouldn’t
situations handled something have


How relaxing! People describing Talking about wishing Writing about how
regrettable situations you had done a person's words or
something differently actions affected you

15 HE SAID HE'D Business Talking to an Different word Review of direct

MEET US arrangements assistant about a prominence carries speech
business trip different meanings Reported speech


Where are my keys? People talking about Reporting what other Reporting what a
plans they’ve made people have said friend told you about
an event



CONNECTED-SB4-FM-200430.indd 4 4/30/20 1:54 PM


16 TRAVEL Travel-related Talking to a y-glide between Embedded questions

INFORMATION activities concierge about syllables or words and statements
travel arrangements


To tip or not to tip People asking Asking embedded Writing questions
questions about an questions about about visiting your
upcoming trip travel plans country

Describing qualities Discussing a Silent /l/ Adverbs of manner
problem that needs Comparative and
to be resolved superlative adverbs


Solving problems People talking about Talking about how Writing about what
how they resolved a you resolved a you want to improve
problem conflict about yourself

18 GETTING THINGS Errands Talking about a busy Stress in causative Causative verbs: get
DONE day running errands verb phrases and have


I can do it later People talking about Talking about things Writing about
what they need to you need to get done errands you did in
get done this week the past week

19 WHAT WILL YOU BE Tasks and obligations Talking about plans Intonation to express Future continuous
DOING? for the next day displeasure


How polite are you? People talking about Talking about Writing about what
what they will be something you have you will be doing in
doing to do soon the future

Future aspirations Talking about future Words with a glottal Future perfect
aspirations stop /ʔ/


Amazing profiles People talking about Talking about your Writing about what
plans for the future future aspirations you will have done by
this time next year



CONNECTED-SB4-FM-200430.indd 5 4/30/20 1:54 PM

Welcome to the CONNECTED Community!
My name is Christopher Wenger. I’m the author of CONNECTED. Like you, I’m
a language learner. I have studied Spanish, French, Japanese, Korean, German,
Portuguese, Tagalog, and American Sign Language. I want to study even
more languages. I love languages. I know that learning a new language can
sometimes be difficult. But it can also be very exciting. For me, these are the
keys to learning a foreign language:

You need to read and listen to the language. You need useful vocabulary and expressions. You
need to both learn and notice how the language is used. The more the better! In CONNECTED,
you can find great language input in the Student Book and Workbook, as well as text, audio, and
videos on the CONNECTED website.

You need to practice the language. Learn and practice vocabulary and grammar. Practice
pronunciation. Practice the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Many learners have
studied English for years, but can’t speak it. CONNECTED gives you many chances to practice
using new language in a clear, easy way.

It is easier to learn a language when you can talk about things that are interesting to you or
useful in reaching your goals. Whenever you see the icon in CONNECTED, this is a chance
for you to give information about yourself or things that you are interested in. In the RACE units,
the icon provides opportunities to practice language for academic situations, and the
icon is for using language in workplace contexts.

This is perhaps the most important tool for language learning. Understanding your own goals
and checking your progress are essential to keeping you motivated in your language learning.
The CONNECTED site provides Personal Path tools for you to assess yourself and opportunities
to connect with me and with other learners using the series.
To see this information in other languages, visit the CONNECTED site.

Para ver esta información en otros idiomas, visite el sitio web de Connected.
Para ver essas informações em outros idiomas, visite o site do Connected.
이 정보를 다른 언어로 보려면 Connected 웹 사이트를 방문하십시오.
Connected Webサイトにアクセスしてください。


CONNECTED-SB4-FM-200430.indd 6 4/30/20 1:54 PM


In this unit, you will practice the following:
Vocabulary Reading
Embarrassing moments A happy accident
Conversation Listening
Telling a friend an interesting anecdote People discussing embarrassing experiences
Pronunciation Speaking
Word stress for important details Discussing embarrassing moments and
Grammar coincidences
Present tense review: Simple and continuous Writing
Past tense review: Simple and continuous Writing about an embarrassing or funny moment

CONNECTED-SB4-U1-200430.indd 1 4/30/20 1:57 PM

Vocabulary  |  Embarrassing moments
A| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.

be caught singing and dancing in my car

fall out of my pocket
hear someone gossiping about a friend
mistake a person for someone else
phone rings in a quiet place
realize something is in my teeth
send an email to the wrong person
set off an alarm accidentally
spill something on my boss
stomach growls
trip and fall

B | Look at the pictures. Choose the answer that best completes each sentence.

1 2

I ____ on my shoelace before a big meeting at Emiko covers her mouth because she ____.
work. a mistakes her husband for her brother
a set off an alarm b realizes something is in her teeth
b fall out of my pocket c is caught dancing in her car
c trip and fall

2  UNIT 1

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3 4 5

Jane is annoyed when Helen is Ida writes an email to her He loses his key when it ____.
caught ____. boyfriend, but then she ____. a trips and falls
a singing and dancing in her car a sets off an alarm accidentally b rings in a quiet place
b tripping and falling b mistakes her uncle for her c falls out of his pocket
c spilling milk on her sister grandfather
c sends it to the wrong person

6 7 8

Mr. Jones is at work when his Nathan hears two co-workers Brenda is talking to her team
____. ____. when ____ because she forgot to
a phone rings a gossip about his best friend turn it off.
b boss sets off an alarm b singing and dancing in their car a her phone rings
c stomach growls c talking about him on the phone b her stomach growls
c she trips and falls

9 10 11

I ____ because they both have We are cooking in the kitchen and The first day at my new job, I
short, black hair. ____. ____.
a spill milk on my mother-in-law a s end an email to the wrong a fall out of my pocket
bm  istake my boss for my person b hear people gossip about me
secretary b set off the fire alarm c spill coffee on my boss
c s end an email to my boss by accidentally
accident c fall out of my pocket

C| Listen and practice saying the sentences One time when I was
on a date, I realized some

in B.
popcorn was in my teeth.

D| Tell a partner about things in A that you

have or haven’t done. Your partner will say True.
True or False.


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A| Read and listen to the conversation.
Matt Cathy, we’re standing in a really long line for this movie.

Cathy I know, and I hate long lines. They can be very embarrassing.

Matt What do you mean?

Cathy Last summer, I was waiting in a long line, and I was talking to my sister on my phone.

Matt I’m sure you were talking loudly as usual.

Cathy I don’t talk loudly.

Matt You’re talking loudly now, Cathy.

Cathy Whatever! I was telling my sister about my mean boss, Mr. Powers.

Matt Did you have a problem with him last summer?

Cathy I was always in trouble with my boss last summer. He thought I talked too much.

Matt You do talk a lot, Cathy.

Matt, whatever! While I was talking to my sister, I got a text

Cathy message. I looked at it, but I didn’t recognize the number.

Matt What did the text message say?

Cathy It said, “Turn around.”

Matt Did you turn around?

Cathy Yes, I did. It was the worst moment of my life!

Matt Why?

Cathy It was my boss! He was right behind me.

Matt You’re kidding! That’s hilarious.

Cathy Whatever! I’m serious. Long lines can be embarrassing.

B | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ___ Cathy was talking to Matt on the phone.
2 ___ Cathy was talking about her boss on the phone.
3 ___ When Cathy was talking on the phone, she got a text message.
4 ___ Cathy's sister was standing behind her in line.
C | Practice the conversation with a partner.
4  UNIT 1

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Pronunciation  |  Word stress for important details
A| Listen. Notice the stress on the words in bold. Then practice.

I forgot to turn my phone off.

She spilled coffee on her boss.
I sent the email to my teacher by mistake.
Then I realized something was in my teeth.
She was right behind me when I was talking about her.
I was in an important meeting when my stomach growled really loudly.

B | Find other examples of this type of stress. Practice.

Grammar  |  Present tense review: Simple and continuous

A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

Simple present Present continuous

I take a break every two hours. I’m taking my break now.
You drive to work every day, don’t you? You’re driving home now, right? TIP
fly flies
She goes out to dinner once a week. She’s going out to dinner tonight. go goes
run running
He flies to New York once a month. He’s flying out again tomorrow.
take taking
We meet for coffee every day. We’re meeting for coffee in an hour.
They run in the park. They’re running there now.

B | Choose the correct word(s) to complete the sentences.

1 We go / are going to the library tonight.

2 I am making / make good grades this semester.

3 He plays / is playing soccer every weekend.

4 You are tripping / trip and fall sometimes, right?

5 It rains / is raining hard tonight.

6 Look! Something is falling / falls out of your pocket.


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Past tense review: Simple and continuous

C| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

I was walking home when suddenly a dog ran up.

You were swimming when you saw it?
It was storming when the electricity went out.
He called while we were studying.
They were watching a movie when it happened.

D | Choose the correct word(s) to complete the sentences.

1 We were / was talking when the teacher walked in.

2 The doorbell ring / rang while he was eating dinner.

3 When I was meeting / met him, he was still living with his parents.

4 What were you doing when they stopped / were stopping by?

5 They were having / had coffee when they heard the news.

E|  Take turns asking and answering the I was sitting in a restaurant when
questions with a partner. this woman’s phone rang. She
talked so loudly! I wasn’t able to
1 Do you get embarrassed easily? Give an example. enjoy my lunch.
2 Do you ever sing or dance when you’re alone? Give
an example.

3 When is the last time you saw someone do something

embarrassing? Give details.

4 When is the last time you heard someone’s phone ring

at an inappropriate time? Give details.

6  UNIT 1

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A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
article just in case
bump offer
covered reception
crowded subway

B | Read the article.

A happy accident
A few years ago, I was riding to work on the subway. I was
standing because the train was crowded. I was reading an
article on my phone and drinking my coffee when someone
bumped into me. I tripped and fell into a woman standing in
front of me. I spilled my coffee all over her. I felt so bad. She
was very nice about it, even though she was covered with
coffee. I offered to pay to have her clothes cleaned or to buy
her new ones. She said it wasn’t necessary, but I gave her my
email address just in case she changed her mind.
A few months later, I was at a wedding. At the reception, I was
standing next to the bar waiting for a drink. Someone came
up behind me and said, “Be careful with those drinks—this is
a nice dress.” It was the same woman! We laughed and talked
all night. We started dating that night. Now, we’re getting
married next month!

C | Choose the correct answer.

1 What was the writer reading on his phone?
a a book b an article
2 What made the writer trip?
a someone bumped into him b the train stopped
3 Who spilled coffee?
a the writer b the woman
4 Where did the man and woman meet again?
a at work b at a wedding


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A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
be fired glare at
colleague hand mirror
copied main character
coughing fit make a funny face
crawl seaweed
expect to her horror

B| Listen. Write the number of the description next to the correct picture. One is not used.

a ______ b ______

c ______ d ______

C| Listen again. Choose the correct answers.

1 Keisha / Sam / Sally had a coughing fit at the movie theater.

2 Keisha / Sam / Sally got some seaweed stuck between her teeth.

3 Keisha / Sam / Sally emailed his boss by mistake.

8  UNIT 1

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Choose one of the topics. Prepare notes for your answer. Use the information in
EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you prepare.

Talk about an embarrassing situation Talk about a funny or coincidental

you have been in.
OR experience you have had.


One time I was telling a Recently I got a text from

colleague about someone I my boyfriend, and I replied
don’t like. Turns out, it was his saying something intimate. I
cousin. I was so worried. But he didn’t realize it, but it was a
just laughed because he doesn’t group text, so my reply went
like him either. to everyone!

When I was taking French

The other day, I took my
classes in France, I became
daughter to see a movie. All
friends with one of my
of a sudden, I realized that
classmates. Later, we realized
one of the actors was an old
we have a lot of the same
friend of mine from college!
friends back home. Small world!

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get

more information.

Were you Did your friend

Was your colleague embarrassed? used to act back in
offended? college?


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A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

One time when my parents were out to dinner, it started

raining, so my dad went to get the car and drove it
to the door of the restaurant to pick up my mom. She
rushed out of the restaurant so she wouldn’t get too wet
and jumped in the front seat. You’ll never believe what
happened next. When she turned to say something to my
dad, it wasn’t my dad, but a complete stranger! My dad
was in the car right behind, honking the horn. I wasn’t
there that night, but it sounded pretty funny. We like to
retell this story because it totally embarrasses my mom.

• Why did the writer’s dad go get the car?

• What happened when the writer’s mom got in the car?
• What’s a funny story like this that has happened to you or someone you know?

B| Write about an embarrassing or funny moment that happened to someone you know.

Use the information in EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you.


Once /One day/One ti You’ll never believe

my… what happened next
brother was… I still…
cousins were… laugh when I think
about it.
my friend was… remember the look
on her

ddenl y __
He/She/They su
found out

10  UNIT 1

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In this unit, you will practice the following:
Vocabulary Reading
Positive attributes Which degree is right for you?
Future aspirations Listening
Conversation People talking about the careers they want
Chatting about what brings life happiness Speaking
Pronunciation Talking about future goals and plans
Vowel reduction Writing
Grammar Writing about what your city will be like in the
Review of future tenses future


CONNECTED-SB4-U2-200430.indd 11 4/30/20 1:57 PM

Vocabulary  |  Positive attributes
A| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.


B | Look at the pictures. Choose the answer that best completes each sentence.

1 2 3

My cousin’s going to be wealthy You’ll be healthy / successful if I’m going to be famous /

/ famous. She already makes a you eat fresh foods. satisfied because I love my work.
lot of money.

4 5

He will probably be satisfied / famous. I know I’ll be successful / healthy

He already has a lot of fans. because I work hard every day.

C| Listen and practice saying the sentences in B.

12  UNIT 2

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Future aspirations

D| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.

be a manager in a large company

drive an expensive sports car
exercise regularly
give a lot of money to charity
grow my own food
have my own restaurant
live a simple life
maintain a healthy diet
own a vacation home near the beach
run my own business
send my kids to a good university
show my work in an art gallery
spend most of my free time with my family
volunteer in my community

E | Look at the pictures. Choose the answer that best completes each sentence.

1 2 3

I have a boss now, but someday Even when I’m wealthy, I’ll live a When I have more time, I will
I’ll run my own business / live simple life / give a lot of money own a vacation home / be a
a simple life / show my work in to charity / grow my own food. manager / grow my own food.
an art gallery.

4 5 6

He loves going fast, so he’ll She loves to be at home, so she I love to cook, so I’m going to
probably maintain a healthy will run a successful business / have my own restaurant / live
diet / drive an expensive sports maintain a healthy diet / spend a simple life / own a vacation
car / send his kids to a good most of her time with her home.
university. family.

CONNECTED-SB4-U2-200430.indd 13 4/30/20 1:57 PM

7 8

I’m going to leave this big city, and then I’ll be a She’s a wonderful artist. She’s going to maintain a
manager at a hospital / move to an even bigger healthy diet / show her work in an art gallery /
city / live a simple life. exercise regularly soon.

9 10

I think school is very important, so I’ll volunteer He is a great team leader, so I think he’ll probably
in my community / send my kids to a good exercise regularly / maintain a healthy diet /
university / be a manager at a large hotel. be a manager in a large company.

11 12

She knows that it is important to stay active, so I love the ocean, so I’m going to live a simple life /
she’ll own a vacation home / exercise regularly / own a vacation home near the beach / run my
grow her own food. own restaurant.

13 14

She enjoys eating well, so she’ll give a lot of They love the city parks, so they’re going to
money to charity / drive an expensive sports volunteer in their community / start their own
car / maintain a healthy diet when she is older. restaurant / open a bank in their neighborhood.

I would love to own a

F| Listen and practice saying the vacation home near the

sentences in E. beach. I love the sound of
the ocean.
G| Which of the activities in D would you

most like to do? Tell a partner.

14  UNIT 2

CONNECTED-SB4-U2-200430.indd 14 4/30/20 1:57 PM

A| Read and listen to the conversation.
Thomas Maylin, hurry up. The movie starts in an hour.

Maylin I’m working this evening, and I have no money to go to the movie! Someday I’ll be wealthy.

Thomas When will you be satisfied with your life?

Maylin I’ll be satisfied when I’m wealthy and successful.

Thomas Well, I’m satisfied now. I’m healthy and happy.

Maylin That sounds boring. In five years, I’m going to be a manager in a large company.

Thomas That sounds boring!

Maylin Thomas, that is not boring. When I’m 25, I’m going to live in a big city like New York or London.

Thomas When I’m 25, I’m going to live a simple life.

I’m going to travel, have a vacation home on the beach, and a house
Maylin in the city. I’m also going to drive an expensive sports car.

Thomas I’m going to grow my own food and spend most of my free time with my family.

Maylin Thomas, you’re not going to have any money!

Thomas After you buy all of those things, you won’t have any money either!

B | Choose the correct answers.

1 What starts in an hour?
a The concert starts in an hour. b The movie starts in an hour.
2 What is Maylin going to be in five years?
a She’s going to be a manager. b She’s going to be a volunteer.
3 Who’s going to have a vacation home on the beach?
a Maylin b Thomas
C | Practice the conversation with a partner.
Pronunciation  |  Vowel reduction
A| Listen. Notice the pronunciation of the letters in bold. Then practice.

family restaurant volunteer community

charity company manager university

B | Find more words with reduced vowel sounds. Practice.


CONNECTED-SB4-U2-200430.indd 15 4/30/20 1:57 PM

Grammar  |  Review of future tenses
A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

Simple present for future

The show starts at 7:00 pm.
The train leaves in ten minutes. TIP
We use the…
Present continuous for future • simple present for scheduled events that are
outside of our control.
We’re having pasta for dinner tonight. • present continuous for arrangements for the
I’m meeting my mother at the airport tomorrow. future that you have already thought about and
discussed with someone else.
Future with will • future with will for making predictions or sudden
decisions about the future.
Someday I’ll be a famous writer. • future with be going to for plans for the future
I know my parents won’t let me go to the party. that you have already thought about.

Future with be going to

This weekend, we’re going to take a painting class.
Are you going to play basketball after school?

B | Choose the correct word(s) to complete the sentences.

1 Tonight I study / am going to study for my English test.

2 The bus leaves / will leave in five minutes. We have to hurry!

3 Look at all the dark clouds! I think it is raining / will rain tonight.

4 I meet / am meeting my friends at the mall in a few minutes to go shopping.

5 The exam starts / will start at 10:00 am. Don’t be late!

6 John is going to travel / is traveling around the world for a few months after he graduates.

7 I have some free time tonight. Maybe I’ll call / I’m calling my grandparents.

C|  Complete the sentences. Then tell a partner. Your partner will ask follow-up questions.
1 This weekend I’m going to _____________
__________________________________ . After class today, I’m
2 If I have free time today, I think I’ll________ going to the grocery
store to pick up a
__________________________________ . few things.
3 My next ___________________________
starts _____________________________ . Are you making
4 After class today, I’m __________________ dinner at home
__________________________________ .

16  UNIT 2

CONNECTED-SB4-U2-200430.indd 16 4/30/20 1:57 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
accounting farming
agricultural livestock
application management
beneficial open house
business degree policy
draft horse sustainable

B | Read the article.

Which degree is right for you?

Do you want to make more money? Do you want to start your own
business? Check out Grand University’s business program.
We have the best business program in the area. You will learn accounting,
management, and other useful skills. Our two-year business degree will prepare
you for your dream job. Eighty percent of our graduates find management jobs soon
after they graduate. Come to our open house next month and find out if this degree
is right for you!
Do you want to help the environment? Do you want to go to
college but hate sitting in a classroom? The farming program at
Organics College might be right for you.
We teach students how to build and manage small farms that are
sustainable and beneficial for the environment. We also teach about
agricultural policy and local food systems. All students will work on our
campus farm. They will learn about livestock, draft horses, and farming
machines. Students will also be able to work in our dairy and visit other
local farms. If you want a great degree that will help you make a difference,
fill out an application today!

C | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ____ Grand University offers a great business degree.

2 ____ At Grand University, you will learn environmental policy.

3 ____ Grand University is offering a three-year business degree.

4 ____ Organics College teaches students how to manage farms.

5 ____ Organics College will teach you how to start your own business.


CONNECTED-SB4-U2-200430.indd 17 4/30/20 1:57 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
diplomacy organization
entrepreneur perfect
gaming raise funds
idealistic the great outdoors
international relations writing code

B| Listen. Write the number of the speaker next to the correct picture. One is not used.

a ______ b ______

c ______ d ______

C| Listen again. Who said it? Write the number of the speaker next to the

correct sentence.
1 ___ I’m majoring in international relations.

2 ___ It’ll be the perfect career for me.

3 ___ I’m going to run my own company.

4 ___ I’m an idealistic person.

5 ___ It’s a new and exciting field.

6 ___ I have a lot of great ideas.

18  UNIT 2

CONNECTED-SB4-U2-200430.indd 18 4/30/20 1:57 PM

Choose one of the topics. Prepare notes for your answer. Use the information in
EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you prepare.

Talk about what a friend or family

Talk about how you picture your future. OR member wants to achieve in the future.


I picture myself married

I see myself someday
with children. I want to raise
owning a piece of land
my children in an urban
and building a house on it.
setting where they can take
I’m going to grow my own
dance and music lessons
vegetables, and I will have
and where we can go to
chickens and goats.
cafés and restaurants.

My best friend wants to Next semester my sister

be a German teacher. starts graduate school.
This summer he is going She’s going to continue
to Germany to learn the her studies in Astronomy.
language and get to know She has always dreamed of
the culture better. being an astronomer.

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get

more information.

How many children

do you want to Is he going to stay
What will you grow? have? with a host family?


CONNECTED-SB4-U2-200430.indd 19 4/30/20 1:57 PM

A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

In the future, I think my city will be even more crowded. The

population is already growing, and I don’t see it stopping. I think
people are going to ride bikes more. They will need to because
there will be too many cars on the road. For the same reason,
I think cars will be smaller. I think my city will also have more
plug-in stations for electric cars. They’re already becoming
more popular. And they are economical and help cut down on
pollution. There might even be more rooftop gardens!

• Why does the writer think the city will be even more crowded?
• What other forms of transportation does the writer think people will use?
• What sorts of changes do you think there will be where you live?

B| Write about what you think your city or neighborhood will be like in the future. Use the

information in EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you.

there aren’t enough
k m y city will… there is already a
I t h in
o r e g r e e n spaces. problem.
have m
he public
improve t t io n system.
apartments are too
o r t a
transp expensive right now
m o r e a ffordable .

h e r e m ig ht even b rk.
T pa
n e w a m usement
o r e a r t galleries.
a r m e r ’s market.

20  UNIT 2

CONNECTED-SB4-U2-200430.indd 20 4/30/20 1:57 PM


In this unit, you will practice the following:
Vocabulary Reading
Great human achievements Beautiful Barcelona
Conversation Listening
Discussing who invented the telephone People talking about their favorite monument
Pronunciation Speaking
Auxiliary verb reduction Talking about your favorite monument or work
Grammar of art
Passive verbs in the present and past Writing
Writing about a useful invention


CONNECTED-SB4-U3-200430.indd 21 4/30/20 1:58 PM

Vocabulary  |  Great human achievements
A| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.

a cure for

B | Look at the pictures. Choose the correct word(s) to complete each sentence.

1 2

Alexander Graham Bell wrote / invented / The Taj Mahal is a monument / sculpture /
sculpted the telephone. skyscraper designed in memory of Mumtaz Mahal,
the third wife of emperor Shah Jahan.

22  UNIT 3

CONNECTED-SB4-U3-200430.indd 22 4/30/20 1:58 PM

3 4

Architects design many buildings, including giant Paul Cézanne discovered / painted / wrote many
monuments / sculptures / skyscrapers. artworks. Today, his paintings hang in museums
around the world.

5 6

The computer is a(n) cure for / invention / When you cross a bridge, you travel over the work
sculptor many people use every day. of a(n) architect / author / scientist.

7 8

Cervantes was a(n) architect / author / scientist. A(n) cure for / invention / sculptor used many
He wrote the novel Don Quixote. different tools to turn marble into this statue.

9 10

Jonas Salk discovered a(n) cure for / invention / Many artists created the authors / sculptors /
sculptor polio. paintings you see in a museum.


CONNECTED-SB4-U3-200430.indd 23 4/30/20 1:58 PM

11 12 13

Greek artists wrote / invented So far, no scientist has Herman Melville wrote /
/ sculpted stone to create this discovered / painted / written a invented / sculpted Moby Dick.
statue. cure for the cold. It’s a famous novel about a whale.

14 15

An artist made this large monument / Many architects / authors /

sculpture / skyscraper from sand. scientists are trying to find a cure for

C| Listen and practice saying the sentences in B.

D| Tell a partner the names of some famous inventors, scientists, sculptors, artists,

authors, or architects you have heard of. What are they famous for?

Toni Morrison was a famous

author from the United Antoni Gaudí was a famous
States. She wrote her first architect. You can see a lot of
novel in 1970. his work in Barcelona, Spain.

24  UNIT 3

CONNECTED-SB4-U3-200430.indd 24 4/30/20 1:58 PM

A| Read and listen to the conversation.
I love my new cell phone. I just sent a text message
Olivia while I was watching a video on my cell phone!

Paco Good. Now we can actually have a conversation without your cell phone!

Olivia Of course!

Thank you. I saw an interesting documentary last night on phones. I learned the telephone
Paco was invented in 1876 and a monument to the first telephone is located in Ontario, Canada.

Olivia Paco, your documentary doesn’t sound very interesting.

Paco Who made the first phone call?

Olivia That’s easy. The first phone call was made by Alexander Graham Bell.

Paco Who dialed the first cell phone call?

Olivia Hmmm. I’ll search the internet on my new cell phone!

Paco The first cell phone call was dialed by Martin Cooper. And it was carried out in 1973.

Olivia That is interesting. Wait. I have an idea.

Olivia starts to dial a number on her cell phone.

Paco Olivia, who are you calling now? We’re having a conversation!

Paco’s cell phone rings.

Answer your phone. The first phone call on
Olivia my cell phone was made by Olivia Vasquez!

B | Choose the correct answers.

1 Where is the monument to the first telephone located?
a It is located in Ontario, Canada. b It is located in Los Angeles, California.
2 When was the first cell phone call made?
a The first cell phone call was made in 1876. b The first cell phone call was made in 1973.
3 Does Olivia call Mr. Cooper on her cell phone?
a Yes, she calls Mr. Cooper. b No, she doesn’t call Mr. Cooper.

C | Practice the conversation with a partner.


CONNECTED-SB4-U3-200430.indd 25 4/30/20 1:58 PM

Pronunciation  |  Auxiliary verb reduction
A| Listen. Notice the reduction of the words in bold. Then practice.

The Brooklyn Bridge was built in 1883. The statue was sculpted by Michelangelo.
The bridge is located in New York City. The buildings were designed by I. M. Pei.
New things are invented every day.

B | Find more sentences with these sounds. Practice.

Grammar  |  Passive verbs in the present and past

A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

The Brooklyn Bridge was built in 1883.

It was designed by John Roebling. TIP
We make the passive with the verb be
The bridge is located in New York City. and a past participle.
New things are invented every day. We normally use the passive when we
are more interested in the action than
The statue was sculpted by Michelangelo. the person or thing that does the action.

B | Change the following active verbs into the passive form.

1 The designers do the artwork for the book covers.
The artwork for the book covers ________________________ by the designers.
2 Vincent van Gogh painted Sunflowers.
Sunflowers ________________________ by Vincent van Gogh.
3 J. K. Rowling wrote the Harry Potter books.
The Harry Potter books ________________________ by J. K. Rowling.
4 People invent new apps for smart phones every day.
New apps for smart phones ________________________ every day.
5 The chefs use fresh ingredients to make the food.
Fresh ingredients ________________________ to make the food.
It’s located in the center of
6 The Beatles sang Hello, Goodbye. Paris, France. It’s very tall.
Hello, Goodbye ________________________ by the Beatles. At first, it was used as a
radio tower.
C | Look at the conversation on page 25.
Underline all the passive verbs. It’s the Eiffel Tower!

D|  Describe famous monuments to a partner.

Your partner will guess what they are.

26  UNIT 3

CONNECTED-SB4-U3-200430.indd 26 4/30/20 1:58 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
cathedral guided tours
church historic
early work inspired
experience opera
gothic unique

B | Read the article.

Beautiful Barcelona
Barcelona is a great place to visit for people who love art, architecture, and fun. Art
lovers can see the city that inspired Picasso early in his career. Picasso lived there
for several years. There is a museum of his early work. The museum building is
almost as beautiful as the artwork inside. There are many other museums to visit.
Antoni Gaudí is a well-known artist and architect.
He lived in Barcelona. Many amazing buildings in
Barcelona were designed by him. He designed the Casa Mila, a beautiful building
with an interesting and unique style. The last thing that he designed was the
Sagrada Família. This beautiful church is still being built. Architects say it will be
completed in 2026, which is 100 years after Gaudí’s
A great example of Barcelona’s gothic architecture
is the Santa Maria del Mar cathedral. It used to take
a long time to build churches. This church was built
in the 1300s. It took 55 years to build. Back then, that
was fast.
If you prefer performances to buildings and paintings, you should visit the lovely Gran Teatre del Liceu. There are
guided tours daily. If you can get tickets, you can see an opera in this historic building. That is an experience no one
should miss!

C | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ____ Picasso never lived in Barcelona.

2 ____ There are many museums in Barcelona.

3 ____ Antoni Gaudí was an artist.

4 ____ The Sagrada Família was finished a long time ago.

5 ____ The Santa Maria del Mar is an example of gothic architecture.

6 ____ There are no tours of the Gran Teatre del Liceu.


CONNECTED-SB4-U3-200430.indd 27 4/30/20 1:58 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
awesome masterpiece
border period
collection protect
elevator pyramid
in memory of structure
marble top

B| Listen. Write the number of the speaker next to the correct picture.

a ______ b ______

c ______ d ______

C| Listen again. Write the correct numbers in the spaces. One is not used.

20 324 1653 1889 2,000 4,500 8,850 10,000

1 The Pyramid of Khufu was built more than ____________ years ago. It was built over a period of
____________ years.

2 The Eiffel Tower was built in ____________. It’s ____________ meters tall.

3 The Taj Mahal was completed around ____________.

4 The Great Wall of China is about ____________ kilometers long. Some of its parts are more than
____________ years old.

28  UNIT 3

CONNECTED-SB4-U3-200430.indd 28 4/30/20 1:58 PM

Choose one of the topics. Prepare notes for your answer. Use the information in
EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you prepare.

Talk about your favorite monument

or building.
OR Talk about a favorite work of art.


My favorite building is
My favorite monument is the
probably “the Gherkin” in
Gateway Arch in St. Louis,
London. I like it because it
Missouri. It was built as a
really stands out against all
memorial to the westward
of the other skyscrapers. It
expansion of the United States.
looks like a pickle!

My favorite works of art

I love the stained glass
are the sunflowers painted
windows in Sainte Chapelle
by Van Gogh. I guess I like
in Paris, France. They cast so
them so much because I feel
many beautiful colors all over
happy when I look at them,
the interior of the chapel.
and I love sunflowers.

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get

more information.

Have you seen any

Have you been to the of them in person? Do you have any
top? pictures of them?


CONNECTED-SB4-U3-200430.indd 29 4/30/20 1:58 PM

A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

The blender is a great invention. I use my blender all the

time, mostly for making smoothies and salsas. It’s also good
for making baby food. A blender has several parts that
all work together. When turned on, the motor in the base
turns the blades at the bottom of the container. This
creates a circular motion, which pulls pieces of food to the
center and then to the bottom, where the blades blend
everything together.

• What does the writer make with a blender?

• What does a blender do?
• What invention do you find useful?

B| Write a description of a useful invention. Use the information in EXPRESS YOURSELF

to help you.

you don’t have to ge
t /helpful t up.
_ _ is / a re a grea I hate being hot.
they cost less and
invention. are
Remote c better for…
Air condit
Electric c

It uses…
a signal t
e c ia l c h emical to
as p
cool air d

30  UNIT 3

CONNECTED-SB4-U3-200430.indd 30 4/30/20 1:58 PM


In this unit, you will practice the following:
Vocabulary Reading
Chores Excuses, excuses…
Conversation Listening
Giving excuses for not doing chores People talking about things they haven’t done
Pronunciation Speaking
Reduction of /h/ in haven’t / hasn’t Making excuses for something that hasn’t
Grammar been done
Review of present perfect Writing
Present perfect passive Writing about breaking a promise and making


CONNECTED-SB4-U4-200430.indd 31 4/30/20 1:58 PM

Vocabulary  |  Chores
A| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.

clean out the refrigerator

dust the furniture
fold laundry
make the bed
mow the lawn
pick up dry cleaning
prepare dinner
put away dishes
straighten up the living room
wash the car

B | Look at the pictures. Choose the answer that best completes each sentence.

1 2

Our dry cleaning hasn’t been picked up / This furniture looks old, but it has been made /
mowed / prepared / cleaned out yet. folded / dusted / mowed today.

3 4

This car hasn’t been washed / straightened up / The living room has been put away / made /
prepared / made in a long time. straightened up / folded because our parents are
going to visit us soon.

32  UNIT 4

CONNECTED-SB4-U4-200430.indd 32 4/30/20 1:58 PM

5 6

Has dinner been prepared / folded / cleaned / The dishes haven’t been put away / made /
washed already? If not, let’s go out to eat! prepared / cleaned out because we were
busy talking.

7 8

Big surprise! My brother’s bed hasn’t Don’t worry. The refrigerator has already been
been cleaned out / folded / mowed / made. prepared / folded / dusted / cleaned out, so you
don’t have to do it.

9 10

The lawn has been straightened up / mowed / Help! The laundry hasn’t been dusted / folded /
cleaned / put away, so your son can study outside. made / cleaned out yet, and my mother is at the

C| Listen and practice saying the sentences in B.

D| How often do you do the things in A? Tell a partner.

I never mow the lawn. I I make my bed every day. If
don’t have a lawn. I live in I don’t make it, I feel like my
a condo. room is a mess.


CONNECTED-SB4-U4-200430.indd 33 4/30/20 1:58 PM

A| Read and listen to the conversation.
Mother Ricardo, Laura. You haven’t done your chores!

Ricardo We’ve been really busy.

Mother The living room hasn’t been straightened up.

Laura Not yet. Ricardo and I had to play my new video game.

Mother What?

Ricardo Laura had to write a report on the video game for class.

Mother The laundry hasn’t been washed or folded.

Laura I had to mow the lawn before I did the laundry.

Mother But Laura, the lawn hasn’t been mowed.

Ricardo She had to wash the car with me first.

Mother But the car hasn’t been washed. And your beds haven’t even been made!

Laura We were tired. We had to take a nap.

Mother Tired? A nap?

Ricardo Yes, thinking about all those chores was a lot of work!

B | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ____ The living room has been straightened up.
2 ____ Laura had to write a report on a video game.
3 ____ The car has been washed.
4 ____ Only Ricardo had to take a nap.
C | Practice the conversation with a partner.
Pronunciation  |  Reduction of /h/ in haven’t/hasn’t
A| Listen. Notice the reduction of the letters in bold. Then practice.

I haven’t eaten yet. He hasn’t made the bed yet.

We haven’t prepared dinner yet. She hasn’t washed the car yet.
They haven’t cleaned the bathroom yet. It hasn’t started to rain yet.

B | Find more sentences with this type of reduction. Practice.

34  UNIT 4

CONNECTED-SB4-U4-200430.indd 34 4/30/20 1:58 PM

Grammar  |  Review of present perfect
A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

Affirmative statements Negative statements TIP

I’ve cleaned the apartment. I haven’t cleaned the apartment yet. I have I’ve / I have not I haven’t
You’ve eaten already. You haven’t eaten yet. He has He’s / He has not He hasn’t
already and yet
He’s put away the dishes. He hasn’t put away the dishes yet. We use already to say that something
happened sooner than expected.
We’ve made the bed already. We haven’t made the bed yet. We use yet in questions or negative
They’ve already dusted the statements to talk about things that we
They haven’t dusted the furniture. expected to happen before now.

Yes/No questions Short answers

Have you cleaned the apartment yet? Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
Has he put away the dishes? Yes, he has. / No, he hasn’t.

B | Write the present perfect form of the verbs in parentheses.

1 Hana ________________________________________ dinner already. (prepare)

2 Young ________________________________________ the bathroom yet. (not / clean)

3 Tom and Allen ________________________________________ their beds already. (make)

4 Susana and I ________________________________________ lunch yet. (not / eat)

5 _______________ you ___________________________ up the living room yet? (straighten)

6 I ________________________________________ the car already. (wash)

C | Look at the picture of Tom’s room. What has he done? What hasn’t he done? Make up
sentences with a partner.

He hasn’t made his

bed yet.


CONNECTED-SB4-U4-200430.indd 35 4/30/20 1:58 PM

Present perfect passive

D| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

The car has been washed.
The dinner has been prepared.
The meeting hasn’t been scheduled yet.
The present perfect passive is useful when describing
The children have been picked up from school. something that was done in the past without a lot of
information about who did it, when, how, why, etc.
The dishes haven’t been put away yet.

Yes/No questions Short answers

Has the car been washed? Yes, it has. / No, it hasn’t.
Have the children been picked up from school? Yes, they have. / No, they haven’t.

E | Rewrite the sentences in the passive.

1 I have put away the dishes.
2 He hasn’t washed the car yet.
3 She has mowed the lawn already.
4 We haven’t picked up the dry cleaning.
5 I’ve folded the laundry already.
6 Have you prepared dinner yet?

F|  Make up sentences about The bed has been made.

things that have or haven’t been The dishes have been
done at your home. Your partner washed and put away. But
will ask follow-up questions. the laundry hasn’t been
folded yet.

36  UNIT 4

CONNECTED-SB4-U4-200430.indd 36 4/30/20 1:58 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
avoid kick
be supposed to Ph.D. student
break down robbed
claim ruined
destroyed start over
dissertation stranded
hit a bump tricked
kangaroo wildlife preserve

B | Read the article.

Excuses, excuses...
Students always find excuses to avoid homework. These teachers have
seen some really strange excuses. Here are some of the most interesting
excuses they’ve heard.
One elementary school student claimed that her homework had been
eaten by a fish. The little girl was on vacation with her parents, and she
took the book she was supposed to read on a boat. The boat hit a bump.
Her book fell into the water. When they turned around to find it, the book
was gone.
Sometimes, there is a whole list of excuses. A high school girls’ basketball team couldn’t do their homework
because their bus broke down. They were stranded all night on the side of the road with no light.
A college professor got the same excuse every week for a month from one student. Every week, this student said
that he had been robbed. The student was being tricked by his roommates. Later, they told the professor what
happened and gave him all of the homework they stole.
One of the strangest stories involves an animal. A dissertation was destroyed by a kangaroo. The PhD student was
working in a wildlife preserve in Australia, and the kangaroo kicked her laptop. The laptop was ruined. She had to
start over.

C | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ____ Students of all ages have excuses for not doing homework.

2 ____ A dog ate the little girl’s homework.

3 ____ The basketball team was stranded in the parking lot.

4 ____ The student was being robbed by his roommates.

5 ____ The dissertation was destroyed by a kangaroo.


CONNECTED-SB4-U4-200430.indd 37 4/30/20 1:58 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
bill oversleep
canceled schedule
fiancée set the alarm clock
load the washing machine work a double shift

B| Listen. Write the number of the speaker next to the correct picture.

a ______ b ______

c ______ d ______

C| Listen again. Choose the correct answers to complete the sentences.

1 The laundry / homework hasn’t been done because she was working / studying.

2 The car payment / phone bill hasn’t been paid because he had to go on a business trip /
work a double shift.

3 The meeting / flight has been canceled because it was snowing / her boss was sick.

4 The bed hasn’t been made / dishes haven’t been washed because he overslept /
had an early class.

38  UNIT 4

CONNECTED-SB4-U4-200430.indd 38 4/30/20 1:58 PM

Choose one of the topics. Prepare notes for your answer. Use the information in
EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you prepare.

Talk about something you needed to do Talk about something you needed to
today that hasn’t been done yet. What is OR do this week that hasn’t been done yet.
your excuse? What is your excuse?


I have to get my bills paid, The dog needs to be

but I’ve been busy doing my walked, but I can’t find the
homework. leash.

I need to do my laundry, I should make a doctor’s

but I don’t have any laundry appointment, but I still
detergent, so it still hasn’t haven’t done it because I
been done. haven’t had the time.

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get

more information.
Don’t you always
Will you be charged keep it in the same Why don’t you go buy
any late fees? place? some?


CONNECTED-SB4-U4-200430.indd 39 4/30/20 1:58 PM

A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

I promised my nephew I would bake cupcakes for his 10th

birthday. That week, I tried to find time to go to the store
and buy the ingredients, but I was so tired every day after
work. So instead, I bought him cupcakes from a bakery. I told
him about my busy week at work and said that the bakery
cupcakes would taste much better than mine anyway. He

• Why couldn’t the writer make the cupcakes?

• Was the nephew upset? How do you know?
• Have you ever broken a promise? Did you make up an excuse?

B| Write about a time you had to break a promise or weren’t able to get something done.

Use the information in EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you.


/sister I totally forgot.
I promised my mom/friend ran out of time.
that I would… just didn’t feel like
come to the party. it.
have coffee with her/hi
make dinner for him/he

I told him
li t t le w hite lie.
the truth e it
that I’d m er.
up to him

40  UNIT 4

CONNECTED-SB4-U4-200430.indd 40 4/30/20 1:58 PM


In this unit, you will practice the following:
Vocabulary Reading
Time-consuming tasks Overcoming problems
Conversation Listening
Talking about why someone is late People describing their frustrations
Pronunciation Speaking
Intonation of surprise Talking about what you’ve been trying to do
Grammar or learn
Present perfect continuous Writing
Writing about your English practice


CONNECTED-SB4-U5-200430.indd 41 4/30/20 1:59 PM

Vocabulary  |  Time-consuming tasks
A| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.

cleaning the house

cooking a big dinner
downloading a file
leaving you a voicemail
practicing for a concert
preparing for a karate competition
searching for my keys
sitting in the waiting room
waiting on hold
working on a report

B | Look at the pictures. Choose the answer that best completes each sentence.

1 2

Nate has been ____ for hours. I’ve been ____ for half an hour.
a working on a report a sitting in the waiting room
b cleaning the house b waiting on hold
c waiting on hold c practicing for a concert

42  UNIT 5

CONNECTED-SB4-U5-200430.indd 42 4/30/20 1:59 PM

3 4

Have you been ____ for school? We’ve been ____ since lunchtime.
a working on a report a practicing for a concert
b waiting on hold b sitting in the waiting room
c sitting in the waiting room c cleaning the house

5 6

She has been ____ since last May. I have been ____ since this morning.
a practicing for a concert a searching for my keys
b waiting on hold b preparing for a karate competition
c sitting in the waiting room c downloading a file

7 8

I’ve been ____ for over an hour now. They’ve been ____ for friends.
a cooking a big dinner a cleaning the house
b leaving you a voicemail b downloading a file
c downloading a file c cooking a big dinner


CONNECTED-SB4-U5-200430.indd 43 4/30/20 1:59 PM

9 10

Your friend has been ____ all day. My sister has been ____ since early last year.
a leaving you voicemails a practicing for a concert
b downloading files b working on a report
c searching for her keys c preparing for a karate competition

C| Listen and practice saying the sentences in B.

D| How many of the things in A cause you the most stress? Tell a partner.

Waiting on hold is very stressful.
Cooking a big dinner for friends really
Nowadays it seems like you always have
stresses me out. It takes a lot of time.
to wait on hold when you call your bank,
Plus, I’m not a very good cook, so when
an airline, or if you call tech support
people come over to eat, I always think
because your wifi isn’t working. That’s
they’ll hate my cooking.
the worst!

44  UNIT 5

CONNECTED-SB4-U5-200430.indd 44 4/30/20 1:59 PM

A| Read and listen to the conversation.
Alicia You’re late! Where were you? I’ve been calling you for the last hour.

Ian I’m sorry. I’ve been talking to my brother in England.

Alicia For an hour? You can’t be serious.

Ian I am serious. I’ve been cooking a big meal with my brother for two hours.

Alicia What do you mean?

Ian He needed to cook a great meal for his girlfriend, but he doesn’t know how to cook.

Alicia I understand. He called you for help.

Exactly. I’ve been giving cooking lessons for the last two
Ian hours, and he’s been cooking for the last two hours.

Alicia Well, I’ve been working on our report all morning!

Ian Great! Did you finish it?

You’re kidding me! I’ve been waiting on you to do your part.

Alicia Well, did your brother’s girlfriend like her special meal?

Ian She didn’t even eat it.

Alicia I can’t believe it!

Ian It’s true. She texted my brother and wanted Chinese food.

Alicia Look on the bright side. Now your brother knows how to cook, and…

Ian …And?

Alicia And you get to finish our report!

B | Choose the correct answers.

1 Who has Ian been talking to in England?
a his sister b Alicia c his brother
2 What has Alicia been working on all morning?
a a report b a special meal c a text
3 What does Ian get to do now?
a talk to his brother b cook dinner c finish their report

C | Practice the conversation with a partner.


CONNECTED-SB4-U5-200430.indd 45 4/30/20 1:59 PM

Pronunciation  |  Intonation of surprise
A| Listen. Notice the intonation of the words in bold. Then practice.

What do you mean? I can’t believe it!

You’re kidding me! You can’t be serious!

B | Find more sentences with this type of intonation. Practice.

Grammar  |  Present perfect continuous

A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

They’re going out for Chinese food? What do you mean?

I’ve been cooking a big dinner for them since 2:00!
Where were you? I’ve been calling and leaving you
voicemails since this morning! TIP
I’m exhausted. I’ve been cleaning the house since early for and since
For is used when specifying the amount of time
this morning. (how long).
She’ll be home late. She’s been working on her report We’ve been sitting in the waiting room for two
all day. hours now.
Since is used when specifying the starting point.
Where’s the doctor? We’ve been sitting in the waiting
I’ve been cooking a big dinner for them since 2:00!
room for two hours now.

B | Write the present perfect continuous form of the verbs in parentheses. Then use either for
or since in each sentence.
1 This computer is so slow. I _________________________________ (download) this file
____________ over an hour.
2 Peter _________________________________ (clean) the house ____________ 9:00am. He’s having
people over tonight.
3 We _________________________________ (cook) a big dinner ____________ four hours now. It’s
our mother’s birthday today.
4 Tomo _________________________________ (come) home late every day. He _________________
________________ (prepare) for a karate competition ____________ the beginning of the month.
5 Ellie and James _________________________________ (practice) for a concert ____________ two
months now. They are performing tomorrow night.

C|  Make up sentences that are true I’ve been playing the

for you. Tell a partner. Your partner will drums for a couple of
ask follow-up questions. years.

I’ve been _____________________________

for __________________________________ .

I’ve been _____________________________

since ________________________________ .

46  UNIT 5

CONNECTED-SB4-U5-200430.indd 46 4/30/20 1:59 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
fired make a mistake
get in trouble overcome
graduate degree severance package
laid off take my time

B | Read the article.

Overcoming problems
A few years ago, I was working at a job I hated. I needed the
money, so I stayed at the job. I wasn’t very good at my job. I
hated my boss, and she didn’t like me. She would leave work
for hours and not tell me. I did her work for her a lot. She
never got in trouble, but I did all the time. One time, she left
for two weeks suddenly. I had to do all of her work for her,
but I didn’t know what I was doing. I made a big mistake.
When my boss came back, I had a meeting with her and her
boss. They decided to fire me.
I was sad. They gave me a severance package, which is
money companies sometimes give you when you are fired
or laid off. The money they allowed me to take my time to
find a new job. I spent time looking at jobs I wanted. I even
took some night classes and decided to get a degree. Once I completed my degree, I found a job I loved. I am really
good at my new job. I’ve got a graduate degree. I get paid more, and I love my boss. Getting fired was the best thing
that ever happened to me.

C | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ____ The writer stayed at her first job because she needed the money.

2 ____ The writer looked for a new job before she left her old one.

3 ____ The writer didn’t make a mistake, but she got fired anyway.

4 ____ The writer got paid some extra money after she got fired.

5 ____ The writer got her degree.


CONNECTED-SB4-U5-200430.indd 47 4/30/20 1:59 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
automated service history essay
break up with irregular verbs
computer crash operator
go mad save a document

B| Listen. Write the number of the speaker next to the correct picture.

a ______ b ______

c ______ d ______

C| Listen again. Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ____ Simone has been working on a history essay for three hours.

2 ____ Tariq has been having trouble remembering irregular verbs.

3 ____ Farah has been waiting for an operator for 20 minutes.

4 ____ Alan has been waiting for Marianne for an hour.

48  UNIT 5

CONNECTED-SB4-U5-200430.indd 48 4/30/20 1:59 PM

Choose one of the topics. Prepare notes for your answer. Use the information in
EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you prepare.

Talk about a hobby or sport a friend or

Talk about a hobby or sport you’ve been OR family member has been learning or
learning or doing for some time.
doing for some time.


I’ve been leaning Italian

I’ve been playing ice hockey
online for a year now. Next
since I was in high school.
summer I’m going to go to
I’m the goalie for my team.
Italy and try out my skills!

My brother’s been playing

My aunt Rosine has been
the piano since he was five
knitting for years. She first
years old. He takes classes
learned as a teenager. Right
every week. He’s very good.
now she’s making a sweater
His favorite music to play is
for my uncle.

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get

more information.

What else has she Does anyone else in

Do you have a virtual knitted recently? your family play a
teacher? musical instrument?


CONNECTED-SB4-U5-200430.indd 49 4/30/20 1:59 PM

A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

To learn English, I have been practicing at home. I watch

TV shows in English online and take notes about vocabulary
and expressions I hear that seem useful. Sometimes I watch
them a second time and hit pause so I can repeat things
that I think are important to be able to say. I also read online
articles in English about things that interest me, like cooking.
And I belong to a group in my town that meets once a week to
discuss topics and play games in English. I think what I do at
home is working better for me because there are many people
in the discussion group that don’t speak English very well.

• When does the writer hit pause?

• What does the writer think of the discussion group?
• What do you do outside of class to help improve your English?

B| Write about what you have been doing to learn English. What has been working well,

and what has been difficult? Use the information in EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you.


I also…
. read the news in En
I… o s in E n g lish online glish.
e watch movies in Engl
watch vid asts in English. ish.
odc have online chats w
listen to p a n c ulture
r ic .
follow Am
p s o n s o c ial media English speakers.
interest g

I can…
hit pause s
li g h t h e lpful word
and phra ul
g a g e in meaningf
e n
50  UNIT 5

CONNECTED-SB4-U5-200430.indd 50 4/30/20 1:59 PM



Vocabulary  |  Complete the crossword puzzle. Use vocabulary from Units 1–5.
1 2
3 1. New York City is known for its ___, like the Empire
State Building.
4. Where’s the doctor? I’ve been sitting in the ___ for
over an hour!
5. The Mona Lisa is a famous ___ by Leonard da Vinci.
6. Someday I’d love to own a ___ home near the beach.
7. We were in a meeting when my stomach ___ loudly!
1. Money doesn’t make a person ___. Happiness does.
2. The living room hasn’t been ___ up yet. I’ve been too
3. I ___ in my community twice a week. I help clean the
7 park.

Grammar  |  Find the error. Write the correct sentence.

1 I take my break now.
2 It rained when the phone rang.
3 Our class started in 15 minutes.
4 You going to play soccer after class?
5 The telephone invented in 1876.
6 I haven’t eaten dinner already.
7 Has she fold the laundry?
8 The car been washed.
9 Have your beds made yet?
10 I’ve been waited on hold for 40 minutes.

Check Yourself  |  How well do you know it? Circle the correct rating for yourself.
Units 1–5 Units 1–5
Vocabulary Grammar RACE  51

Connected-SB4-RACE1-200430.indd 51 4/30/20 1:55 PM


Find someone who…

A | Complete the questions based on the desciptions below. Most of the information is
from Units 1–5.

Questions Names

Have you ever __________________________________?

1 _________________
(embarrassing situation from page 2)
Do you know anyone who is _____________ and _____________?
2 _________________
(two adjectives from page 12)
Do you want to _________________________________ someday?
3 _________________
(future aspiration from page 13)
Do you like to read books by _______________________________?
4 _________________
(name of author)
Have you ever seen a painting by ___________________ up close?
5 _________________
(name of famous painter)
Have you ever visited ___________________________________?
6 _________________
(name of a famous monument)
Do you ____________________________ more than twice a week?
7 _________________
(name of a chore from page 32)
Does _______________________________ give you a lot of stress?
8 _________________
(name of a time-consuming task from page 42)

B | Ask your classmates the questions. Find Have you ever sent
someone who answers yes. Then write his an email to the wrong
or her name.

Try it out

 ive a short presentation about a  eave a voicemail for a co-worker
famous scientist, inventor, or artist. asking for help with a task.

I’d like to tell you about the Scottish Hi, Rob. I’ve been working on the sales
scientist Alexander Fleming. Fleming report for a couple of hours, and I have
discovered penicillin in 1928. Actually, a few questions. Please call me back as
penicillin was discovered by accident…. soon as you get this message. Thanks!

52  RACE

Connected-SB4-RACE1-200430.indd 52 4/30/20 1:55 PM


In this unit, you will practice the following:
Vocabulary Reading
Regretful situations Better late than never
Conversation Listening
Discussing what someone should or should not People expressing regrets and what they should’ve
have done done
Pronunciation Speaking
Reduction of have in past modals Talking about regrets
Grammar Writing
Past modals for speculating Writing about what you wish you had done
Past modals for expressing regrets differently


CONNECTED-SB4-U6-200430.indd 53 4/30/20 1:59 PM

Vocabulary  |  Regretful situations
A| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.

brought an extra charger for your phone

brought his business cards
decided to stay home tonight
gotten gas for the car
gotten lost on his way here
left my bag on the bus
ordered an extra-large coffee
picked up my sister at the airport
practiced my presentation
worn jeans to the party

B | Look at the pictures. Choose the answer that best completes each sentence.

1 2

Oops. I might have ____ on the bus. He should have ____.

a practiced my presentation a brought an extra charger for his phone
b decided to stay home tonight b ordered an extra-large coffee
c left my bag c worn jeans to the party

3 4

You should’ve ____. We could have ____.

a gotten gas for the car a brought our business cards
b picked your sister up at the airport b gotten gas for the car, but we didn’t
c ordered an extra-large coffee c ordered an extra-large coffee

54  UNIT 6

CONNECTED-SB4-U6-200430.indd 54 4/30/20 1:59 PM

5 6

He shouldn’t have ____. She might have ____.

a decided to stay home tonight a left her bag on the bus
b left his bag on the bus b ordered an extra-large coffee
c brought an extra charger for his phone c gotten lost on the way here

7 8

You should have ____. He shouldn’t have ____.

a worn jeans to the party a worn jeans to the job interview
b practiced your presentation b ordered an extra-large coffee
c ordered an extra-large coffee c left his bag on the bus

9 10

She could have ____ to the restaurant. He should have ____ before giving it.
a brought an extra charger for her phone a ordered an extra-large coffee
b brought jeans b practiced his presentation
c brought her business cards c gotten gas for his car

C| Listen and practice saying the sentences in B.

D| Use an item in A to talk about a

regretful situation. Tell a partner. I wore jeans to a party once.
I didn’t know it was a formal
party. It was so embarrassing.


CONNECTED-SB4-U6-200430.indd 55 4/30/20 1:59 PM

A| Read and listen to the conversation.
Maria Roger! You could have met me here on time! You’re 15 minutes late.

You’re right. I shouldn’t have slept so late. I missed

Roger breakfast, too. Is there a waiter around here?

Maria There’s no time to eat now. This is our first meeting with Mr. Miura. He’s very professional.

Roger We’re professional, too. By the way, I forgot my business cards.

Maria What? You should’ve remembered your cards!

Roger I left them at the office.

And you could have dressed more professionally. You

Maria shouldn’t have worn jeans. Mr. Miura is very traditional.
It will be fine. Oh, by the way, you practiced the presentation, right?
Roger I didn’t have time. I watched a really good movie last night.

Maria You could’ve told me earlier!

Roger Hey, is that a waiter over there?

Roger motions to a young man. The young man smiles and walks over to Maria and Roger.

Tom There you are. Hello. My name’s Tom. Tom Miura.

Maria Mr. Miura?

Mr. Miura is my father. He had to stay in Tokyo. I’m Tom. I should’ve

Tom called you. I have Roger’s number, but I forgot to charge my phone!

Roger That’s OK. I couldn’t have taken your call, Tom. I lost my phone yesterday.

Maria I don’t believe this is happening!

Tom That’s a bummer. Hey, Roger, those are great jeans. Where did you get them?

Maria motions to a real waiter.

Maria I shouldn’t have worked so hard. The two of you talk. I’m going to have some coffee.

B | Choose the correct answers.

1 Why is Maria upset with Roger? a he’s late b he's hungry
2 Where are Roger’s business cards? a in his pocket b at the office
3 What did Roger do last night? a practiced the presentation b watched a movie
4 Why couldn't Roger take Tom's call? a Roger lost his phone b Roger forgot to charge his phone
C | Practice the conversation with a partner.
56  UNIT 6

CONNECTED-SB4-U6-200430.indd 56 4/30/20 1:59 PM

Pronunciation  |  Reduction of have in past modals
A| Listen. Notice the reduction of have. Then practice.

I might have left my keys at home.

They might have gone to the airport.
We could have stayed home tonight.
She could have gotten lost on her way here.
You should have ordered an extra-large coffee.
He should have worn a suit to the wedding.

B | Find more sentences with reduced have. Practice.

Grammar  |  Past modals for speculating

A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

She could have woken up late.

She couldn’t have forgotten to set her alarm.
She might have decided to stay home tonight instead.
He might not have had time to get gas before he left.
I may have left my phone on the bus.
You may not have taken your keys with you when you left the house.

B | Match the sentences.

1 ___ I haven’t seen our neighbor for over a month. a She could have gotten lost on her way here.

2 ___ I wonder why Susan isn’t at the party. b I could have left them at the gym.

3 ___ I can’t find my keys anywhere. c She might have gone on vacation.

4 ___ Henry is late for work again. d There might have been an accident.

5 ___ Samantha isn’t in the office. e The train may have been delayed.

6 ___ L
 ynn had to wait 45 minutes for the bus fS
 he couldn’t have left yet because her bag is
this morning. still here.


CONNECTED-SB4-U6-200430.indd 57 4/30/20 1:59 PM

Past modals for expressing regrets

C| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

I should have brought your business cards to the meeting.

You shouldn’t have ordered an extra-large coffee.
We should have practiced our presentation first.
He shouldn’t have worn jeans to the dinner party.
I could have picked you up at the airport.
We could have helped you with the presentation.

D | Match the sentences.

1 ___ Tom was late for work. a I could have picked you up from the airport.

2 ___ Why didn’t you tell me you needed a ride? b They should have left their house sooner.

3 ___ I can’t believe I failed the exam. c He shouldn’t have yelled at his boss.

4 ___ James was fired from work today. d I could have studied harder.

5 ___ Maria spent too much money on her dress. e She could have waited until it went on sale.

6 ___ Peter and Amy missed their flight. f He should have woken up earlier.

E | Look at the conversation on page 56. Underline all the past modals.

F|  Make up sentences of your own. Tell a partner.

1 I don’t know where I put my _________________ .

I could have made breakfast
I might have ______________________________ at home this morning, but I
_______________________________________ . was too busy.

2 I should have _____________________________

before __________________________________ .
3 I shouldn’t have ___________________________
when I _________________________________ .
4 I could have ______________________________
this morning, but I was too busy ______________
_______________________________________ .

58  UNIT 6

CONNECTED-SB4-U6-200430.indd 58 4/30/20 1:59 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
assistant hard work paid off
department presentation
get a promotion public speaking
get past sleep through an alarm

B | Read the article.

Better late than never

Last year, my company had a big meeting. At the time, I
was the assistant manager of my department. I was very
bad at public speaking. I could have been the manager at
that point, but I wasn’t because I couldn’t get past my fear
of speaking in public. I worked late and worked weekends
for weeks before the big meeting so that my boss
would have everything he needed for our department’s
On the day before the meeting, I stayed up late to finish
part of the presentation. I was so tired. I knew that I
should have set more than one alarm. I slept through my
alarm. I was very late to the meeting. When I got there,
my co-worker told me that our boss was sick and couldn’t
give the presentation. I had to give the presentation instead. I might have gotten fired if I didn’t go up on stage. I
was so worried about being late that I forgot about being scared of speaking in front of people. All of my weeks of
hard work paid off when I gave the presentation. I got in trouble for being late to the meeting, but my presentation
was so good that I got a promotion later that year. I never thought that being late could be a good thing.

C | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ____ The writer was doing the work so that he could give the presentation.

2 ____ The writer is scared of public speaking.

3 ____ The writer overslept and was late to the meeting.

4 ____ The writer was sick.

5 ____ The writer didn’t get a promotion.


CONNECTED-SB4-U6-200430.indd 59 4/30/20 1:59 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
cashmere gloves
casual resist
department store silk
didn’t agree with upset stomach

B| Listen. Write the number of the speaker next to the correct picture.

a ______ b ______

c ______ d ______

C| Listen again. Choose the correct information.

1 Mohamed should’ve picked up his brother from the airport / the train station.

2 Ali took the subway / a taxi to the city.

3 Penelope shouldn’t have worked / bought so much at the department store.

4 Penelope needed a new pair of socks / gloves.

5 Ewan should’ve worn casual / formal clothes to the dinner party.

6 Ewan might have to go to his hotel / home to change his clothes.

7 Malia should've stayed home from school / work today.

8 Malia might need to ask a friend to give her a ride to the drugstore / home.

60  UNIT 6

CONNECTED-SB4-U6-200430.indd 60 4/30/20 1:59 PM

Choose one of the topics. Prepare notes for your answer. Use the information in
EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you prepare.

Talk about something you regret Talk about something you did that you
having done.
OR feel you should have done differently.


Last summer I went to Spain. I shouldn’t have lent my

I had a budget, but I blew it. new bicycle to a friend
I shouldn’t have done that whose car broke down. He
because now I have no money wrecked it and doesn’t have
for winter break. the money to get it fixed.

Last time I made chocolate I thought I would do well

chip cookies I used on my last test, so I didn’t
margarine instead of butter. study that hard for it. I
They didn’t turn out very should have studied harder
good. I should have stuck to because I ended up not
my usual recipe. getting a very good grade.

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get

more information.

Did he at least
What did you blow apologize? What grade did you
your money on? get on it?


CONNECTED-SB4-U6-200430.indd 61 4/30/20 1:59 PM

A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

If I could go back and change something in my life, I would have

worked harder at athletics. I was a good athlete, but I should
have taken it more seriously. I was invited to play on a soccer
team in college, but I decided not to join. It would have been
great to play soccer while I was going to school. I wonder if I
would have become a soccer coach. I would recommend that all
young people play sports while they’re in school.

• What does the writer regret not doing?

• What does the writer think he might have become?
• Do you wish you could go back in time and do something differently?

B| If you could go back and change something in your life, what would it be? Write about

what you would have done differently. Use the information in EXPRESS YOURSELF to
help you.

h I wasn’t able to get
I would … d h a r der in hig into
ie the college of my ch
have stud oice.
school. n my monthly paymen
v e b o u g ht such a very high.
ts are
not ha
expensive e outdoors.
I think it’s better th
r e t im just sitting around in
spent mo side.

if I
I wonder… u ld b e d ifferent
e wo
how my lif
had (not)… chosen a differe
if I might d y if I h ad (not)…
tu t)…
field of s d o n e if I had (no
I wound h

62  UNIT 6

CONNECTED-SB4-U6-200430.indd 62 4/30/20 1:59 PM


In this unit, you will practice the following:
Vocabulary Reading
Plans or special occasions Be flexible
Conversation Listening
Talking about disappointing events People talking about plans that changed
Pronunciation Speaking
Reduction of had in the past perfect Talking about a time when plans changed
Grammar Writing
Past perfect Writing about causing someone's plans to change


CONNECTED-SB4-U7-200430.indd 63 4/30/20 2:00 PM

Vocabulary  |  Plans or special occasions
A| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.

attend a graduation party

came in second place
got engaged
have brunch
left all the lights on
make reservations
museum exhibit
sold out
win the competition
quit my job

B | Look at the pictures. Choose the correct words to complete each sentence.

1 2

I wanted to have brunch / attend a graduation She had hoped to buy a ticket for the concert, but
party / get engaged / make reservations, but I they got engaged / won the competition / made
had already made other plans. reservations / sold out in ten minutes.

64  UNIT 7

CONNECTED-SB4-U7-200430.indd 64 4/30/20 2:00 PM

3 4

My brother had wanted to win the cooking By the time I made reservations / quit my job
competition, but he came in second place / got / came in second place / got engaged, I had
engaged / had brunch / quit his job instead. already found a better one.

5 6

When they got engaged / made a reservation / We had planned to have brunch / get engaged
won the competition / came in second place, / sell out / win the competition, but we slept too
they had only known each other for six months. late.

7 8

We had wanted to see the new brunch / When I got home, I noticed that I had made
competition / reservations / museum exhibit, reservations / brunch / left all the lights on in
but Brad had already seen it. the house.


CONNECTED-SB4-U7-200430.indd 65 4/30/20 2:00 PM

9 10

Our team had expected to come in last, but we I had won the competition / made a reservation
ate brunch / made a reservation / won the / left all the lights on, but we still waited an hour
competition! for a table.

C| Listen and practice saying the sentences in B.

D| Tell a partner about a situation or event in the past that involves the vocabulary in A.

My friends Dan and Maria got engaged a few months
ago. It was pretty unusual. They went out to dinner
and Dan asked the waiter to put the engagement
ring in the dessert. After they ate dinner, the waiter
brought the dessert to the table. Maria said, “I’m sorry.
We didn’t order any dessert.” Then she saw the ring. It
was so romantic!

My sister Jackie used to work in a lawyer’s office. It was really

hard, and her boss was not a nice person. She always had to
work late. It was her birthday last week, and her boss asked
her to work late again. She told him it was her birthday and she
had dinner plans. He just looked at her and said, “Well, I guess
you should cancel your plans.” After he left her office, she wrote
“I QUIT” on a sticky note and put it on a stack of papers on her
desk. Then she walked out.

66  UNIT 7

CONNECTED-SB4-U7-200430.indd 66 4/30/20 2:00 PM

A| Read and listen to the conversation.
Nadia How was your weekend?

Eric Claire got upset with me.

Nadia Why?

We took my car to the museum to see the new exhibit Friday evening. By the time we
Eric arrived at eight o’clock, the museum had already closed. So Claire was not happy.

Nadia What did you do instead?

We decided to eat at the new restaurant next to the museum, but we

Eric hadn’t made reservations. So we had to wait for a table.
Oh. How was the food? I read in the newspaper this morning that it
Nadia had been a very busy opening weekend for the restaurant.
We waited for one hour when they told us they had sold out of food! So
Eric we decided to drive to the supermarket and buy some steaks.

Nadia Was the supermarket crowded?

I don’t know. When we left the restaurant and got to the car, we
Eric noticed that I had left the lights on. So the battery was dead.

Nadia Eric, you really aren’t very lucky, are you?

Waiter What would you like?

Nadia I’ll have the lasagna.

Waiter Very good.

Eric I’ll take the lasagna, too.

Waiter I’m so sorry, sir. Your friend just ordered the last lasagna.

Eric You’re right, Nadia, I’m not very lucky at all!

B | Choose the correct answers.

1 Where was the new exhibit?
a at school b at the theatre c at the museum
2 Where did they try to eat dinner?
a at the museum b at the new restaurant c at Claire’s apartment
3 Why didn’t Claire and Eric go to the supermarket?
a It was closed. b Eric’s car wouldn’t start. c They were tired.
4 Why doesn’t Eric get the lasagna?
a Nadia ordered the last one. b He’s not hungry. c He doesn’t like lasagna.
C | Practice the conversation with a partner.

CONNECTED-SB4-U7-200430.indd 67 4/30/20 2:00 PM

Pronunciation  |  Reduction of had in the past perfect
A| Listen. Notice the reduced sound of the letters in bold. Then practice.

I had eaten a late lunch.

She had hoped to meet us after work.
He had met every person in the office.
We had already booked a hotel room.
They had already gone home.

B | Find more sentences with this type of reduction. Practice.

Grammar  |  Past perfect
A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

I wasn’t hungry because I had eaten a late lunch.

He had hoped to meet us after work, but his boss asked him to work
late tonight. TIP
When I finished the project, I realized that I hadn’t stopped to eat lunch. when and by the time
We often use when and by the time
By the time I left the party, I had met every person in her family. when making past perfect sentences.
When I finished the project, I realized
We were not able to get a hotel room because we had not booked it that I hadn’t stopped to eat lunch.
beforehand. By the time I left the party, I had met
I had already left the house when you came over. every person in her family.

B | Choose the correct word(s) to complete the sentences.

1 I missed the first part of the movie because when I arrived / had arrived at the theater, the movie
started / had started.
2 Ellie lived / had lived in Greece before she moved / had moved to Switzerland.
3 Kazu didn’t arrive / hadn’t arrived until after I left / had left.
4 Julie and Thomas didn’t meet / hadn’t met before the party.
5 You didn’t study / hadn’t studied for the test, so you were / had been very nervous.
6 My grandfather didn’t use / hadn’t used email before, so I showed / had shown him how to use it.

C | Look at the conversation on page 67. Underline all the examples of past perfect.

D|  Make up sentences of your own. Tell a partner.

1 I didn’t ________________________ because
When I joined the video chat
I hadn’t ____________________________ yet. for a work meeting, I realized I
2 By the time I ___________________________ , hadn’t done my hair yet.
I had already __________________________ .
3 When I _______________________________ ,
I realized I hadn’t _______________________ .
68  UNIT 7

CONNECTED-SB4-U7-200430.indd 68 4/30/20 2:00 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
accommodate get ahead
clients ignore
concentrate interruption
create multitasking
distraction skill
flexibility switch

B | Read the article.

Be flexible
It can be hard to get work done. There are so many
interruptions and distractions. The text messages, phone
calls, co-workers, and so many other daily interruptions
make it hard to concentrate at work. The two most important
things that office workers need to learn are flexibility and
Flexibility is important at work and at home. Plans change
all the time, and there are always interruptions. It is
important to be able to figure out which interruptions are
important and which ones should be ignored. You need to
be able to change your plans to accommodate important
things that come up during the work day, like meetings,
phone calls, and conversations with important clients. Being
able to change plans without too much difficulty or stress is a good skill to have anywhere.
Multitasking is also an important work skill. Technology makes our jobs easier, but technology also creates a lot
of extra work. Messages come in all day. They don’t wait for you to have time to read them. It is important for an
office worker to be able to do many things at once, or to be able to switch from one task to another easily. Reading
messages while eating lunch is a good way to save some time.
Learning these skills can help you get ahead and stay there.

C | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ____ Text messages and phone calls are two distractions that office workers face.

2 ____ Flexibility is important at work and at home.

3 ____ Multitasking isn’t really important.

4 ____ When you are flexible, you really can’t change your plans.

5 ____ Reading messages while eating lunch is a good way to save time.


CONNECTED-SB4-U7-200430.indd 69 4/30/20 2:00 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
beat race
chef runner
home country track and field
invite trained

B| Listen. Write the number of the conversation next to the correct picture.

a ______ b ______

c ______ d ______

C| Listen again. Then match the two halves of the sentences.

1 ___ She had hoped to meet her sister after work, a but he came in second place instead.

2 ___ S
 he had planned to return to her home b but she decided to stay in Boston with
country, Scott.
3 ___ H
 e wanted to eat at his brother’s restaurant, c but he had already eaten a big lunch.

4 ___ He had wanted to win the 400-meter race, d but her boss asked her to work late.

70  UNIT 7

CONNECTED-SB4-U7-200430.indd 70 4/30/20 2:00 PM

Choose one of the topics. Prepare notes for your answer. Use the information in
EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you prepare.

Talk about a time when your Talk about a time when a friend or family
plans changed.
OR member’s plans changed.


Last weekend my cousin

The other night I went out for
and I got a hotel room for
Chinese food with my friends.
two nights in San Antonio.
We wanted to go to our favorite
We had planned to go
Italian restaurant, but we had
camping, but they said it
forgotten to make reservations.
was going to rain.

About a month ago, my sister Yesterday my friend had lunch

went out to sing karaoke with in the park by herself. She had
her friends. They had intended made plans to eat with a friend,
to go see a local band play, but but the friend had forgotten to
the tickets were all sold out. put it in her calendar.

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get

more information.

Why is the Italian

restaurant so What band were they
Did it end up raining? popular? hoping to see?


CONNECTED-SB4-U7-200430.indd 71 4/30/20 2:00 PM

A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

My dad and I had wanted to go the baseball game last

Sunday, but I got called in to work. I thought I had left work
on time for us to make it to the game. But when we got on the
highway, the traffic was very bad. By the time we finally got
to the game, we had already missed four innings! So we didn’t
even go in. We ended up just turning around and going back
home. It was a disappointment. We hadn’t anticipated traffic
problems. We hope to go to the next home game.

• Why were the writer and her dad late for the game?
• Did they end up going to the game? Why (not)?
• Have your plans with someone ever gotten messed up?

B| Write about a time that someone else’s plans changed because of you. Share what

you both had planned to do and what ended up happening. Use the information in

but …
my car broke down.
… I totally forgot.
We had plans to
stival. my parents needed
go to a music fe my
go to the movies. help with something
meet for coffee

We ended up …
staying home inst
taking a rain ch
making it after

72  UNIT 7

CONNECTED-SB4-U7-200430.indd 72 4/30/20 2:00 PM


In this unit, you will practice the following:
Vocabulary Reading
Descriptive details Buyer beware!
Conversation Listening
Describing people and things in a café People talking about recent purchases
Pronunciation Speaking
Reduction of /t/ Describing something you bought
Grammar Writing
Defining relative clauses with who, that, which Writing a comparison of two items based on ads


CONNECTED-SB4-U8-200430.indd 73 4/30/20 2:00 PM

Vocabulary  |  Descriptive details
A| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.

coffee shop has free Wi-Fi

documentary about whales
man wearing a black suit
man won the lottery
package arrived by courier
phone comes with a free case
store sells delicious pastries
sunglasses on sale
woman talking really loudly on her cell phone
woman teaches a pottery class

B | Look at the pictures. Choose the correct word(s) to complete each sentence.

1 2

Which sunglasses are wearing / get a free case / The friend in a plaid shirt today is the man who
on sale, and which ones are full price? came with / was wearing / arrived by a black suit
last night.

74  UNIT 8

CONNECTED-SB4-U8-200430.indd 74 4/30/20 2:00 PM

3 4

I bought the phone that goes in / chooses from / Have you seen the package that arrived by courier
sells with / comes with a free case. / with an extra case / for sale?

5 6

Which one is the woman who is talking freely / This is the store that sells good vintage clothing /
really loudly / all by herself on her cell phone? delicious pastries / great pet supplies.

7 8

The blonde lady is the woman who teaches the Did you see the radio / internet / programmer
lottery / pottery / cooking / courier class. / documentary that was about whales on TV last


CONNECTED-SB4-U8-200430.indd 75 4/30/20 2:00 PM

9 10

The woman in the middle is the one who won the Have you used the internet at the coffee shop that
lottery / courier / Wi-Fi / pottery. has free sales / couriers / documentaries /

C| Listen and practice saying the sentences in B.

D| Choose one of the items. Describe the person, place, or thing in detail, but without

saying its name. Your partner will guess who or what it is.

a favorite café or restaurant a favorite TV show or movie

someone in your class a famous actor, musician, or athlete

This is one of my favorite places. I This is one of my favorite movies. The

go there at least once a week. They main character is a spy with long blonde
serve delicious food. My favorite is hair. She wears a black jacket. She works
called the Super Dragon roll. It’s near for a secret organization. She’s a crime
the train station. fighter.

76  UNIT 8

CONNECTED-SB4-U8-200430.indd 76 4/30/20 2:00 PM

A| Read and listen to the conversation.
Alice I love eating at this café.

Ben I don’t.

Alice But it’s the café that has really delicious pastries.

Ben It’s also the café that has too many customers. It’s too small, too crowded, and too loud.

Alice Do you see that man who’s sitting next to us?

Ben Yes…the man who’s talking loudly on his cell phone?

Alice He’s been on his cell phone for 30 minutes.

Ben And, do you see the woman who’s sitting with him at the table?

Alice The woman who’s not talking on her cell phone?

Ben Why are they even eating lunch together?

Alice I don’t know. It’s just so crazy.

Alice’s cell phone rings.

Alice Hello? Oh, hi, Kate! No, I’m not busy. I’m just eating lunch. How are you?

B | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ____ Ben doesn’t like the café.
2 ____ The man is talking with the woman who’s at his table.
3 ____ The woman is talking on her cell phone.
4 ____ Alice thinks the situation is crazy.
C | Practice the conversation with a partner.
Pronunciation  |  Reduction of /t/
A| Listen. Notice the reduced sounds of the letters in bold. Then practice.

He’s the person that teaches the yoga class.

The documentary that was on TV last night was really interesting.
Those are the shoes that go with this dress.
This is the hotel room that comes with free Wi-Fi.

B | Find more sentences with this type of reduced sound. Practice.


CONNECTED-SB4-U8-200430.indd 77 4/30/20 2:00 PM

Grammar  |  Defining relative clauses with who, that, which
A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

The man who was wearing a black suit is my cousin.

This is the store that sells delicious pastries.
The documentary that was on TV last night was about whales. TIP
Use who or that to describe people.
She’s the woman that teaches a pottery class. Use that or which to describe things.
Is that the phone which comes with a free case?
We need to find a coffee shop that has free Wi-Fi.

B | Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1 That’s the woman that / which teaches the pottery class.
2 There is one train who / which leaves for South Station in five minutes.
3 This is the coffee shop that / who has the best cappuccinos in town.
4 Have you seen the money who / that I left on the table over there?
5 The man who / which is wearing a black suit is my uncle.
6 The show who / that is on TV at 7:00 is about aliens.

C | Look at the conversation on page 77. Underline all the defining relative clauses.

D|  Choose people or things you know and complete Dr. Bell is the doctor
the descriptions. Tell a partner. who works at the new
clinic near my office.
1 __________ the woman / doctor / student who


2 __________ the man / teacher / artist that


3 That is the movie / song / game that


4 This is the bus / road / train which

78  UNIT 8

CONNECTED-SB4-U8-200430.indd 78 4/30/20 2:00 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
a good deal gimmicks
advertisers intend
bargain stuff
carton tactic
fault tricks

B | Read the article.

Buyer beware!
The next time you go shopping, remember these
gimmicks and you might be able to spend less money.
When you go shopping, do you spend more money than
you intend to spend? If so, it’s not just your fault. Stores
and advertisers use tricks to get customers to buy more
When you go shopping at a grocery store, you might
find the bakery and flowers at the front of the store.
That isn’t by accident. Stores put those things in front
because the pretty flowers and the delicious bakery
smells put customers in the mood to buy things.
Another way that stores get you to buy more is group
pricing. Five-for-$10 or two-for-$5 is a way that they get
you to buy more. Sometimes it can be a good deal, but not always. Check to see if you can get the same price for
each item. For example, if you can buy five bottles of soda for $10, but each bottle of soda is $3 on its own, you’re
getting a pretty good deal. But if the same soda is only $2 a bottle on its own, it's not really a special deal.
"Buy one get one free" is another popular tactic. The problem is that you probably don’t need the second item. Are
you going to drink two cartons of milk in a week? If the answer is no, then there is no point in buying the second
carton of milk, even if it is a bargain.

C | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ____ Stores put flowers and the bakery at the front of the store because it is easier.

2 ____ Bakery smells can put you in the mood to buy things.

3 ____ Group pricing is always a really good savings opportunity.

4 ____ Sometimes, with group pricing, you can get just one item at the same discount.

5 ____ “Buy one get one free” is a popular trick.


CONNECTED-SB4-U8-200430.indd 79 4/30/20 2:00 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
chic necklace
comfortable parking space
jewelry protect
lenses quality
match ring
motor scooter silver

B| Listen. Write the number of the conversation next to the correct picture.

a ______ b ______ c ______ d ______

C| Listen again. Choose the correct answers.

1 What did Zachary buy? Why did he buy it?
a He bought a pair of sunglasses. a He needed sunglasses that look good with his jacket.
b He bought a silver necklace. b He wanted a piece of jewelry that matches his
fiancée’s engagement ring.
2 What did Donna buy? Why did she buy it?
a She bought a motor scooter. a She needed shoes that are comfortable, yet chic.
b She bought a pair of pink shoes. b She wanted to park on the street where she lives.

3 What did Angela buy? Why did she buy them?

a She bought a pair of shoes. a She needed shoes that are comfortable, yet chic.
b She bought a motor scooter. b She wanted a vehicle that she could park on the street
where she lives.
4 What did Rachid buy? Why did he buy them?
a He bought a silver necklace. a He needed sunglasses that look good with his jacket.
b He bought a pair of sunglasses. b He wanted a piece of jewelry that matches his
fiancée’s engagement ring.

80  UNIT 8

CONNECTED-SB4-U8-200430.indd 80 4/30/20 2:00 PM

Choose one of the topics. Prepare notes for your answer. Use the information in
EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you prepare.

Talk about something you bought Talk about something a friend or family
OR member bought recently.


I recently bought a new cell The other day I bought my mom

phone. My old one kept dying a new microwave. It has a lot
too quickly. This is a new model of settings which can help you
that stays charged all day long! It heat up different kinds of food
cost a lot, so it had better keep a easily. I have to show her how to
charge all day! use it!

My aunt and uncle just got an

My brother just bought a new
RV that has a bedroom and a
car. It’s one that gets good gas
kitchen. They can sleep and
mileage, and it has a backup
cook in it while they travel
camera. He loves it.
around the country.

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get more


How much did it

Does it take good cost? What kind of car did
pictures? he get?


CONNECTED-SB4-U8-200430.indd 81 4/30/20 2:00 PM

A | Read the example of a comparison of two items based on the advertisements below.
Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

The Silver Espresso Maker sounds good because it has an

extra attachment for cappuccinos, but it only makes four
cups of coffee and does not come with a free bag of coffee
beans. The Black Espresso Maker makes more cups of coffee
and has a grinder, but it’s more expensive than the silver one.

• What is one thing the writer likes about the Silver Espresso Maker?
• What is one thing the writer does not like about the Black Espresso Maker?
• What do you think about the two espresso makers?

Silver Espresso Maker Black Espresso Maker

Large, six-cup espresso maker

Sleek espresso maker with extra milk-frothing
Built-in coffee bean grinder
component for cappuccinos
Includes a special water filter to purify water
Makes four cups
before making coffee
Includes an automatic self-cleaning program
Can also dispense hot water to make tea
for the components
Features an energy-saving mode
Made in Switzerland
$350, purchase online or in store
Buy now and get a free coffee bean grinder
Made in Italy
$250, available online only
Buy now and get a free bag of espresso beans

B| Write your own comparison of the items based on the details in the ads. Use the

information in EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you.
but it …
can only be bough
s good online.
The ___ sound costs $350.
s with…
because it come
an automatic se
cleaning program
filter to
a special water

82  UNIT 8

CONNECTED-SB4-U8-200430.indd 82 4/30/20 2:00 PM


In this unit, you will practice the following:
Vocabulary Reading
Memories Waiting for love?
Conversation Listening
Looking at old photos that bring back memories People talking about cherished memories
Pronunciation Speaking
Stressing content words Talking about a time or event that is special to you
Grammar Writing
Defining relative clauses with object pronouns: Writing about a special childhood place
who, that, where


CONNECTED-SB4-U9-200430.indd 83 4/30/20 2:01 PM

Vocabulary  |  Memories
A| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.

elementary school
senior year of college
wedding reception

B | Look at the pictures. Choose the correct word(s) to complete each sentence.
1 2

My grandmother used to make those hospitals / Terrance reception / elementary / proposed that
cookies / conferences. night.

84  UNIT 9

CONNECTED-SB4-U9-200430.indd 84 4/30/20 2:01 PM

3 4

My parents met at that hospital / conference / The band that played that song at Martha and
wedding reception. Mickey’s senior year / cookies / wedding
reception was wonderful.

5 6

My mother was born at that conference / I lived with those people during my senior year /
wedding reception / hospital. graduation / elementary school of college.

7 8

We stayed at that anniversary / village / resort We went to that store for our anniversary /
last summer. conference / cookies.


CONNECTED-SB4-U9-200430.indd 85 4/30/20 2:01 PM

9 10

My grandfather comes from that village / I went to that elementary / senior year /
reception / conference in Italy. conference school.

C| Listen and practice saying the sentences in B.

D| Take turns asking and answering the questions with a partner. Ask your partner

questions to get more information.

1 Where were you born? 3 Where did you go to elementary school?

2 Where did your parents meet? 4 Have you ever been to a wedding reception?

My parents met while they were in college. I went to a wedding reception once. It was for
My dad was taking a French class, but he my cousin Sophia. The bridesmaids wore really
wasn’t very good at it. My mom was majoring colorful dresses, and there was a lot of dancing.
in French, so she offered to tutor him. I think there were about 200 people there! I still
Eventually, they started dating, and my dad love looking at all the pictures from that day.
proposed to her six months later.

86  UNIT 9

CONNECTED-SB4-U9-200430.indd 86 4/30/20 2:01 PM

A| Read and listen to the conversation.
Look at this old photo where we were
Sammie dancing at Aunt Claire’s wedding reception.
That is old. We were in elementary school. Oh, wow!
David The haircut that you had then was so funny.

Sammie Well, look at the expression that you had on your face. You didn’t like dancing.

I loved to dance. But that was the moment that you stepped on my foot.
David Look at our feet in the photo. Your foot is the one that’s on my foot!

Sammie Whatever. Here’s a photo of the band that Mom sang in during college.

David That woman isn’t Mom. It’s a woman who looks like Mom.

Sammie That’s our mother when she went to college in the ’90s.

David Are those the kind of clothes that people wore in the ’90s?

Sammie Wait. There’s a note that someone wrote on the back of the photo.

David What does it say?

Sammie Collette. 1964.

David Collette? That’s not Mom. That’s Mom’s mom!

Sammie That’s the band that Grandmother sang in!

B | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ____ Sammie and David are dancing in the old photo.
2 ____ Sammie and David's mom went to college in the 1990s.
3 ____ Collette is Sammie and David's mother.

C | Practice the conversation with a partner.

Pronunciation  |  Stressing content words
A| Listen. Notice the stress of the words in bold. Then practice.

That’s the resort that we went to for our vacation.

That’s the city that my mother comes from in China.
They’re the people who we saw at the restaurant last night.
The man that I met at the conference lives in Toronto.
The hospital where my grandfather was born used to be right here.

B | Find more sentences with this type of stress. Practice.


CONNECTED-SB4-U9-200430.indd 87 4/30/20 2:01 PM

Grammar  |  Defining relative clauses with object pronouns: who, that, where
A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

Object clauses with who, that

Those are the cookies (that) my grandmother used to make. TIP
Omitting the relative pronoun
I love the song (that) the band played at Ellie and Jason’s When the relative pronoun is the object of the
wedding reception. clause, we can drop the relative pronoun if we
I remember the night (that) he proposed. want to.
Verbs with prepositions
The woman (who / that) my brother loves lives in Italy. Some relative clauses contain certain verbs with
go to come from
Object clauses featuring verbs with prepositions live with stay in
That’s the restaurant (that) we went to for our anniversary.
We met the people (who / that) I lived with during my
senior year of college.
That’s the village (that) my grandfather comes from in Italy.
That’s the elementary school (that) I went to.
We went to the resort (that) we stayed in last summer.

Object clauses with where

That’s the hospital where my mother was born.
We saw the house where my grandmother grew up.

B | Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1 That’s the place who / where we first met.
2 Is that the house where / that your dad grew up in?
3 I want to go back to the park who / that I went to when I was little.
4 That’s the woman who / where we met at our cousin’s wedding.
5 That’s the car that / where I drove when I first got my license.
6 I saw the boy who / where I went to school with when I was in elementary school.

C | Look at the conversation on page 87. Underline all the relative clauses.

D|  Take turns telling a partner about the following. Use defining relative clauses with
object pronouns.

• a special restaurant that you went to Mr. Richards is a teacher that I

really liked in elementary school.
• a special teacher that you liked He’s the reason that I decided to
• an old friend who you ran into recently become a teacher myself.
• a special vacation that you still think about
• a place where something special happened

88  UNIT 9

CONNECTED-SB4-U9-200430.indd 88 4/30/20 2:01 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
dated move on
join the army next door
knock on shipped out
lost touch spouse

B | Read the article.

Waiting for love?

Alice was 16 when she met Gordon. They dated for a while in
high school. Then Gordon joined the army. He was shipped out
right after graduation. Gordon and Alice wrote each other for a
while, but they eventually lost touch. Alice met another man and
had two children. Gordon met a nice woman and had children as
well. As more time passed, the children grew up and both Alice
and Gordon lost their spouses. At age 72, someone knocked on
Alice’s door. It was Gordon! He had looked her up on the internet
and found out where she lived. They started dating again. A year
later, they got married.
Steven and Myra grew up next door to each other. They were
good friends when they were little. They started dating when
they were 13. When they were 15, Steven’s family moved to China.
Myra and Steven both moved on with their lives. They got good
jobs and had good lives, but neither of them ever married. Twenty
years later, Myra and Steven connected on a social media site.
They talked for a while online. Then they talked on the phone.
Finally, they decided to meet. They met at a restaurant near where
they grew up. They talked all night. Steven proposed at the same
restaurant a year later.

C | Read the sentences. Choose the correct couple.

1 Alice and Gordon / Steven and Myra met when they were 16.

2 Alice and Gordon / Steven and Myra grew up together.

3 Alice and Gordon / Steven and Myra got back together when they were in their thirties.

4 Alice and Gordon / Steven and Myra got back together when they were in their seventies.

5 Alice and Gordon / Steven and Myra got married to other people and had children.

6 Alice and Gordon / Steven and Myra never married other people.


CONNECTED-SB4-U9-200430.indd 89 4/30/20 2:01 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
adopt sailing
almonds surrounded by
grass trout
lovely villa

B| Listen. Write the number of the description next to the correct picture.

a ______ b ______

c ______ d ______

C| Listen again. Choose the correct answers.

1 Paul’s sister is four years younger / older than him. Patsy / Mandy is the dog that they adopted
when he was a kid.
2 Sandra is the friend that Tess tutored / lived with in college. The men in the picture are the ones that
they married / dated in college.
3 Gustavo is making a dish that his grandmother / mother taught him to make. She used to say that a
man who can cook will always be able to find a job / be surrounded by friends.
4 Valentina is looking at the town where her father / grandfather was born. They used to
go swimming / go sailing in the Adriatic Sea.

90  UNIT 9

CONNECTED-SB4-U9-200430.indd 90 4/30/20 2:01 PM

Choose one of the topics. Prepare notes for your answer. Use the information in
EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you prepare.

Talk about a special time that you Talk about a special event that you
remember well.
OR remember well.


One time I was driving on a Once I was kayaking along

country road at night. I pulled the shoreline of the ocean
over for a break, and the stars with friends when suddenly,
were so amazing that I laid on porpoises were swimming
the hood of the car and just along side us, jumping in
looked at the sky for a while. It and out of the water. I will
was magical. never forget that day.

Last May I went to my A special event that I

cousin’s wedding. The whole remember well is my
family was there. We hadn’t graduation. I worked so
all been together for like hard for so many years
ten years, so it was really that it was a very special
special. occasion for me.

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get

more information.

Was there a big

Did you see any other dinner? What did you get your
wildlife? degree in?


CONNECTED-SB4-U9-200430.indd 91 4/30/20 2:01 PM

A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

A place that I remember from my childhood is my grandfather’s

basement. I used to visit my grandparents for the holidays. My
grandfather always invited me to watch him work. I’d get to
help out, too. It was a quiet space except for his old records.
He’d hum to himself while he worked. I can’t go back to that
house now. It’s been sold.

• What did the writer and his grandfather do in the basement?

• Does the writer still go to visit his/her grandparents at that house?
• Do you have a special memory about a place from your childhood?

B| Write about a special childhood place. Use the information in EXPRESS YOURSELF to

help you.

I used to…
w a s s p e cial to me swing for hours.
___ y backyard read my book.
e e in m
A tr
nd in my hang out with my co
A playgrou d usins.
neighborh n
g r a n d m a’s kitche

g o b a c k becaus
I still/can s t ill own the
r e n t s
my pa
house. isn’t ther
y g r o u n d
the pla
anymore. o ld the house
m a s
my grand

92  UNIT 9

CONNECTED-SB4-U9-200430.indd 92 4/30/20 2:01 PM


In this unit, you will practice the following:
Vocabulary Reading
Environmental and conservation issues Enough energy for everyone
Conversation Listening
Arguing and teasing about climate change People discussing environmental issues
Pronunciation Speaking
Pauses in non-defining relative clauses Talking about an environmental issue
Grammar Writing
Non-defining relative clauses with who, which, Writing about your city’s conservation efforts
Adverbial clauses of cause with because, since, so


CONNECTED-SB4-U10-200430.indd 93 4/30/20 2:01 PM

Vocabulary  |  Environmental and conservation issues
A| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.

animals are endangered

climate is changing
demand for energy is going up
glaciers are melting
habitats are disappearing
large metropolitan areas are in danger
more typhoons and hurricanes
ocean levels are rising
oil prices are increasing
oil production is going down

B | Look at the pictures. Choose the correct word(s) to complete each sentence.

1 2

Land in many places is drying out because the The Amur leopard, which lives in Russia, is
price / danger / climate is changing. endangered / melting / going up.

3 4

Since the supply is running out, oil habitat / Animal typhoons / levels / habitats are
climate / production is going down. disappearing because big cities are growing.

94  UNIT 10

CONNECTED-SB4-U10-200430.indd 94 4/30/20 2:01 PM

5 6

People are using more and more electricity, so the Some large glacier / hurricane / metropolitan
climate / demand / level for energy is going up. areas are in danger because of air pollution.

7 8

There are more typhoons / habitats / pollution, Some polar animals depend on typhoons /
which can cause terrible damage. glaciers / hurricanes, which are melting.

9 10

Ocean habitats / resources / levels are rising Demand is high, so oil prices are disappearing /
because the average global temperature has increasing / in danger.
gone up.

C| Listen and practice saying the sentences in B.

D| Which situations in A make you feel the most concerned? Tell a partner.

The thing I’m most concerned about is
the fact there are more big storms like
typhoons and hurricanes. I’m a farmer,
and if there’s too much rain, I can’t
grow food. It’s scary.


CONNECTED-SB4-U10-200430.indd 95 4/30/20 2:01 PM

A| Read and listen to the conversation.
Hana It’s really hot today.

Bruno It’s summer. Of course it’s hot.

Hana Actually, it’s really hot because the climate is changing.

Bruno Hana, please. Don’t be so dramatic. Just eat some ice cream.

Hana Bruno, climate change is serious. Ocean levels are rising because glaciers are melting.

Bruno So the beach is closer now because ocean levels are rising.

Hana You don’t get it, do you? Animals which live along the coast are becoming endangered.

Bruno Well, we don’t need to worry because we don’t live along the coast.

Hana People who live in large cities like New York are also in danger because sea levels are rising.

Bruno So I won’t go to large cities.

Hana Ah, but you don’t like tornadoes, or hurricanes, or thunderstorms.

Bruno What does that have to do with climate change?

High temperatures, which are caused by the warmer climate, mean

Hana more tornadoes, and more hurricanes, and more big thunderstorms.
Hana, this is serious. It is really hot, isn’t it? And those clouds,
Bruno which are really scary, look like tornado clouds.

Hana Who’s being dramatic now?

B | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ____ Ocean levels don’t rise because of climate change.
2 ____ Rising sea levels affect large cities along the coast.
3 ____ Climate change causes more tornadoes and hurricanes.

C | Practice the conversation with a partner.

Pronunciation  |  Pauses in non-defining relative clauses
A| Listen. Notice the pauses in the non-defining relative clauses. Then practice.

Venice, which is located only one meter above Chimpanzees, which live in the forests of Africa,
sea level, is in danger from rising ocean levels. are becoming endangered.

B | Find more sentences with non-defining relative clauses. Practice.

96  UNIT 10

CONNECTED-SB4-U10-200430.indd 96 4/30/20 2:01 PM

Grammar  |  Non-defining relative clauses with who, which, where
A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

Venice, which is located only one meter above sea level, is in

danger from rising ocean levels. TIP
Chimpanzees, which live in the forests of Africa, are becoming Use who to describe people.
endangered. Use which to describe other nouns.
Use where to describe places.
Jane Goodall, who is a global animal activist, has written many
articles and books about the problem.
Masdar City, which is located in Abu Dhabi, is one of the most
sustainable communities on the planet.
Solar power, which is power obtained by using the energy of the
sun’s rays, is widely used in Germany.
The glaciers are melting in Antarctica, where millions of penguins

B | Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1 Amur leopards, which / where live in northeastern China, are critically endangered.

2 Theodore Roosevelt, who / which was the president of the United States between 1901 and 1909,
was also a famous environmentalist.

3 Barcelona, who / where I grew up, is one of the most eco-friendly cities in the world.

4 Pollution, which / who causes all kinds of health problems, is a big concern right now.

5 Organic produce, who / which is fruit and vegetables grown without any chemicals, is preferred by
many consumers.

6 Rachael Ray, which / who is a famous American chef and talk show host, is also a big animal activist.

C| Make up sentences about each of the topics using non-defining relative clauses. Tell a

• an endangered animal
• a recent or famous storm Copenhagen, which is the capital of
Denmark, is one of the most eco-friendly
• a place where climate cities in the world. More than 60% of
change is visible people here commute to work or school by
• an environmental or animal bike every day.
rights activist
• an eco-friendly city


CONNECTED-SB4-U10-200430.indd 97 4/30/20 2:01 PM

Adverbial clauses of cause with because, since, so

D| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

Since more ice is melting, polar bears aren’t able to

find food.
Because oil production is going down, oil prices are Because and since can be used in the same way. They can
going up. come at the beginning of the sentence (before the cause)
Animals are becoming endangered since they are or in the middle of the sentence (after the result).
Because / Since more ice is melting, polar bears aren’t able
losing their habitats. to find food.
There are more typhoons and hurricanes because So comes in the middle of the sentence (after the cause).
the climate is changing around the world. Polar bears can’t find food, so the population is going down.
Polar bears aren’t able to find food, so their
population is going down.

E | Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1 Some animals are becoming extinct because / so people are hunting and trapping them.
2 Since / So some people are careless with campfires and cigarettes, a large number of forest fires
start every year.
3 Oceans become polluted because / so people dump waste products and garbage into them.
4 Coral reefs are damaged since / so the ocean is polluted.
5 Because / So our health is affected by what we eat, we should all eat a balanced diet.
6 Some people don’t have a good diet, because / so they become sick.

F|  Make up sentences of your own using the words below and clauses with because,
since, so. Tell a partner.

The demand for energy has

climate habitats been going up, so we need to
find cleaner ways to get the
demand pollution
energy we need.
endangered prices

energy production

98  UNIT 10

CONNECTED-SB4-U10-200430.indd 98 4/30/20 2:01 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
absorb insulator
benefit reduce
clear path remove
complex renewable
decrease resources
economic runoff

B | Read the article.

Enough energy for everyone

People are more concerned about the environment than ever before. There are many ways to use
renewable energy resources for your home. You can use these things to make your home more
environmentally friendly and reduce your energy costs.
Green Roofs
A green roof can be as simple as a roof garden or as complex as a roof planted with grass
and plants. Green roofs absorb heat and act as insulators for buildings. They can also
decrease air pollution and decrease storm water runoff in cities.
Solar Panels
Adding solar panels to your home can help reduce the cost of energy. They may be able
to provide all of the energy you need. You might even be able to give some back to your
city or town. Many places in Europe are already using solar panels for environmental and
economic benefit.
Wind Turbines
If you live outside the city and have a lot of land, a wind turbine might be the best way to
get your energy. A wind turbine can save you money, and it’s good for the environment, but
it won’t work if you don’t have a clear path for the wind. You might need to remove some
trees to make a wind turbine work.
There are companies all over that can help you find the right renewable energy source for your home.

C | Complete the sentences. Write GR (Green roofs), SP (Solar panels), or

WT (Wind turbines).
1 _______ help red uce air pollution.
2 _______ can provide all the energy you need.
3 You need a lot of land for _______.
4 _______ act as insulators.
5 _______ create so much energy you might produce extra.
6 You might have to cut down trees for _______ to work.

CONNECTED-SB4-U10-200430.indd 99 4/30/20 2:01 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
build-up greenhouse gases
coal honeybees
damage influences
dependent on jet stream
disappear light bulbs
emissions nervous system
generated pesticides
genius polar ice caps
global warming replace

B| Listen. Write the number of the speaker next to the correct picture.

a ______ b ______

c ______ d ______

C| Listen again. Then match the two halves of the sentences.

1 ___ M
 elanie explains that the polar ice a which causes the ocean’s temperature to rise.
caps are melting,
2 ___ Keith supports solar power, b because pesticides damage their nervous system.
3 ___ Carrie says honeybees are dying c which uses cells to turn the sun’s rays into electricity.
4 ___ O
 tto thinks everyone should use d because they help to reduce greenhouse gas
energy-saving light bulbs emissions.

100  UNIT 10

CONNECTED-SB4-U10-200430.indd 100 4/30/20 2:01 PM

Choose one of the topics. Prepare notes for your answer. Use the information in
EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you prepare.

Talk about a problem that concerns a

Talk about a problem that concerns you. OR friend or family member.


I’m worried about ocean

I am concerned that animals
levels rising because the
such as elephants and
ice caps are melting. Cities
gorillas are in danger of
such as Venice have already
becoming extinct because
experienced flooding
hunters kill them.
because of it.

My sister recently bought an My uncle, who lives in

electric car because she’s Australia, is worried about
concerned about exhaust the drought. Crops die and
fumes contributing to global people don’t have enough
warming. clean water.

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get

more information.

Does she find it

difficult to keep Is your uncle
Why do hunters kill personally affected by
them? charged?
the problem?


CONNECTED-SB4-U10-200430.indd 101 4/30/20 2:01 PM

A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

My city has been making some efforts to be more “green.”

For one, it has started a river cleanup program, which will
take several years to complete. The city has also started
to use hybrid and electric buses, which will help reduce
gas emissions. And the recycling program, which once was
very small, now covers all zip codes. Finally, because traffic
congestion is a big issue since we only have one main highway,
the mayor is offering incentives for people to bike to work or
take public transportation.

• Why is the city now using hybrid and electric buses?

• Has the recycling program improved in the writer’s city?
• What is your city doing to be more “green”?

B| Think about ways your city is making efforts to be more “green.” Research and then

write about how the city is addressing environmental concerns. Use the information in

It has also…
created more gree
rted …
It has sta tic water bottles. spaces.
to ban pla r plastic grocery been encouraging m
to charge “green” rooftops.
bags. invested in more win
es. d
a r - p o o li n g initiativ energy.

102  UNIT 10

CONNECTED-SB4-U10-200430.indd 102 4/30/20 2:01 PM



Vocabulary  |  Match the parts to make the correct words. Then complete the sentences.
aged air cious cof confe deli ding eng fee it
lasses lot osed port prop rence su sung tery wed
I went to the 1_____________________ to pick up my sister, Susan. I had bought an extra-large
2_____________________ to drink on the way there. I went to this amazing place that sells great coffee
and 3_____________________ pastries…. Anyway, I arrived at the airport a little early, so I parked the
car and went to the baggage claim to wait for her. When she got there, she was smiling—she looked like
she had just won the 4_____________________! “I have a little surprise for you,” she said. “Do you see
that man over there wearing 5_____________________ and a gray 6___________________?” Then she
showed me that she was wearing a ring. “That’s Paul,” she said. “I met him at a 7___________________
about six months ago and we’ve been dating. Well, he 8___________________ yesterday. We’re
9___________________, and I want you to help me plan the 10__________________!” “Susan, dear,” I
said, “that is not a little surprise!”

Grammar  |  Find the error. Write the correct sentence.

1 He may not have take his keys with him.
2 She couldn’t has forgotten to set her alarm.
3 I should brought my phone charger with me.
4 I had already ate lunch, so I wasn’t hungry.
5 The woman which has long hair is my cousin.
6 That’s the town where my father comes from.
7 The package arrived by courier was from my mom.
8 I live in Boston which is about three hours from here.
9 So climate is changing, there is less snow in the winter.
10 It was so hot yesterday, since we decided to go to the beach.

Check Yourself  |  How well do you know it? Circle the correct rating for yourself.
Units 6–10 Units 6–10
Vocabulary Grammar
RACE  103

Connected-SB4-RACE2-200430.indd 103 4/30/20 1:55 PM


Role play
 ork with a partner. Choose one of the situations. Role-play a dialogue.
1 2

You’re giving an important presentation to a Tell a friend about a wedding you went to.
group of clients. You’ve just realized that your Explain how the couple met and when they got
laptop charger isn’t in your bag. Your laptop engaged. Describe the wedding reception, such
battery is at 10%. Explain your problem to a as the music, the food, how many people were
colleague and try to figure out a plan. there, and whether you enjoyed it or not.

3 4

You’re a salesperson at an electronics store, and Every day you read articles about climate
a customer who has come in is looking for a new change and you’re wondering what you can
phone. Present different options and give details do to help. Tell a friend about your concern,
about how they’re similar and different. Help the and discuss some ways you can help the
customer choose a phone. environment in your local community.

 ork with a different partner. Role-play one of the other situations.

Try it out
 peculate about why one of your  mail a co-worker and explain why
friends didn’t come to class today. you need to reschedule a meeting.

I wonder where Kevin

is. He never misses
this class…

Hi! Clifford is stuck in

traffic and he won’t be
here until this afternoon,
so I’m going to have to
reschedule our meeting…

104  RACE

Connected-SB4-RACE2-200430.indd 104 4/30/20 1:55 PM


In this unit, you will practice the following:
Vocabulary Reading
Life events Follow your passion
Conversation Listening
Talking to someone who got a new job People talking about their journey to their current
Pronunciation career
Final /əl/ Speaking
Grammar Discussing your background
Adverbial clauses of time: after, before, when, Writing
since, while, whenever Writing about a life event of a friend or family


CONNECTED-SB4-U11-200430.indd 105 4/30/20 2:02 PM

Vocabulary  |  Life events
A| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.

applied for employment at a lot of companies

got accepted at a local university
got an internship at a publishing firm
grew up in a rural area
received a bachelor’s degree in architecture
relocated to Los Angeles
studied abroad for my master’s degree
wanted to be an engineer
was offered a job at a major corporation
worked my way through college

B | Look at the pictures. Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

1 2

Since I was a kid, I’ve always wanted to be an After I graduated from high school, I got accepted /
educator / examiner / engineer. taken / connected at a local university.

106  UNIT 11

CONNECTED-SB4-U11-200430.indd 106 4/30/20 2:02 PM

3 4

While I was studying, I worked my way / career / When I was young, I grew up in a farm /
days through college. agriculture / rural area.

5 6

After I graduated, I went / applied / wanted for Before we relocated / arrived / left to Los
employment at a lot of companies. Angeles, we lived in Mexico City.

7 8

I lived off-campus while I studied abroad / around She was working for a small business when
/ across for my master’s degree. she was offered a job at a major cooperation /
corporation / communication.

MY PATH  107

CONNECTED-SB4-U11-200430.indd 107 4/30/20 2:02 PM

9 10

After I received a bachelor’s degree in internship / My days have been very exciting since I got /
architecture / engineer, I began designing houses wanted / applied an internship at a publishing
for clients. firm.

C| Listen and practice saying the sentences in B.

D| How do the items in A relate to your life so far? Tell a partner.

I haven’t wanted to be an engineer. Maybe I definitely grew up in a rural area. My
that’s because I’m not great at math! But hometown only has about 2,000 people in it,
I have always wanted to be a graphic and it’s surrounded by farms. I prefer living in
designer. I’m taking design classes big cities now. Maybe I’ll want to live in a rural
now, and hopefully I’ll be able to get an area again someday, but not yet!
internship with a company.

108  UNIT 11

CONNECTED-SB4-U11-200430.indd 108 4/30/20 2:02 PM

A| Read and listen to the conversation.
Tia It’s great to have you working with us. Where are you from?

Jim Thank you, Tia. I’m from Scotland.

Tia Wow. I love your accent.

It’s a funny Scottish accent. I come from a rural area in Scotland.

Jim When I was a kid, I always tried to lose my accent.

Tia Did you travel a lot or study abroad?

Jim I didn’t travel a lot when I was a kid, but I’ve lived abroad since I started college.

I’ve lived in Los Angeles since I was four. And that’s good
Tia because I’ve always wanted to make movies.

Jim While I was in college in Florida, I wanted to be an engineer.

Tia Why did you apply for this job then? We make movies.

Ha. Ha. Ha. I know that. Before I got my bachelor’s degree in

Jim engineering, I got an internship at Disney World in Orlando.

Tia Now I’m starting to understand.

Jim While I was working in Orlando, I discovered I love making movies.

Tia And so you moved to Los Angeles.

After I graduated college, I started to apply for movie-making jobs all over
Jim the world. When I was offered this job, I moved to Los Angeles.

B | Choose the correct answers.

1 Where is Jim from?
a Scotland b Los Angeles c Florida
2 What did Jim want to be when he was in college?
a an engineer b a bachelor c a student
3 Why is Jim living in the same city as Tia?
a He married Tia. b He went to college with Tia. c He was offered a job in Los Angeles.

C | Practice the conversation with a partner.

MY PATH  109

CONNECTED-SB4-U11-200430.indd 109 4/30/20 2:02 PM

Pronunciation  |  Final /əl/
A| Listen. Notice the sounds of the letters in bold. Then practice.

rural local little travel hospital bottle

B | Find more words with these sounds. Practice.

Grammar  |  Adverbial clauses of time: after, before, when, since, while, whenever
A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

Since I was a kid, I’ve always liked to see how things work.
Whenever I got a new toy, I always opened it up to see
how it worked. TIP
Adverbs of time
When I was young, I wanted to be an engineer. after = later than that time
While I was in college, I got an internship. before = earlier than that time
when = at that time
Before I graduated from college, I started looking for since = from that time to the present
engineering jobs. while = during that time
After I got a job, I moved to Los Angeles. whenever = anytime

B | Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1 I’ve lived in Hong Kong when / since / while I graduated from college.
2 I worked part-time after / since / while I was studying in college to pay for my tuition.
3 I got a teaching job after / since / while I graduated from college.
4 Before / Since / Whenever I got homesick, I called my mother.
5 Before / When / While I found out that I got accepted to one of the top universities, my family and I
6 Before / Since / Whenever I started working for the company, I took a month off and traveled
around the world.
C | Look at the conversation on page 109. Underline all the adverbial clauses of time.

D|  Make up sentences of your own. Tell a partner. Your partner will ask follow-up
Since I was a kid, I’ve
1 Since I was a kid, I’ve always wanted to
always wanted to be an
________________________________. astronaut.
2 Whenever I felt sad or upset as a kid, I
3 Before I started this class, I used to
4 After I graduated from high school, I

110  UNIT 11

CONNECTED-SB4-U11-200430.indd 110 4/30/20 2:02 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
call in sick get out of college
down time horrible
end up manuscript
finance passion
get a scholarship workshop

B | Read the article.

Follow your passion

When I was little, I always loved to read and play with
words. We never had much money growing up, and
I realized that I wouldn’t make much money being
a writer. I did well in school, and I got a scholarship
to college, but I didn’t study writing. I ended up at
business school. I wanted a job that made money.
When I got out of college, I started working for a good
international company. I did a lot of traveling for work.
I had no friends and no down time, but I made a lot of
money. I worked at that job for five years.
Then, one Sunday when I had some free time, I started
writing. After that, I tried to make every Sunday a
writing day. After a few months, I had written over 200
pages. After a year, I had finished the story. I worked
at my horrible job every day just so I could get to Sunday and write. I started sending the manuscript to publishers.
Then I started calling in sick at work to go to writing workshops. Finally, I quit my job so I could spend more time
on writing. I never went back to working in finance. I have published three books. I love writing. Quitting my job to
follow my passion was the best thing I ever did.

C | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ____ The writer loves words.

2 ____ The writer studied writing in college.

3 ____ The writer traveled a lot for work.

4 ____ The writer loved working in finance for an international company.

5 ____ The writer started writing on Sundays.

6 ____ The writer still works in finance.

MY PATH  111

CONNECTED-SB4-U11-200430.indd 111 4/30/20 2:02 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
attend radiologist
clinic research
gadget robotics
medical field save a life
paramedic take apart

B| Listen. Write the number of the speaker next to the correct picture.

a ______ b ______

c ______ d ______

C| Listen again. Choose the correct answers.

1 Before she graduated from high school, Kamilah worked as an intern at a hospital / researched
different jobs in the medical field. Now she works as a radiologist / paramedic.
2 When Andrei was a kid, he loved to draw and build things / take things apart. After one year as an
intern, he got a job as an architect / a robotics engineer.
3 When Kanye was in college, he won a scholarship to attend medical school in Kenya / England.
Now he works as a paramedic / radiologist.
4 Zahara has always loved to draw and build things / help people. After she graduated from college,
she went to medical school / studied abroad for her master’s degree.

112  UNIT 11

CONNECTED-SB4-U11-200430.indd 112 4/30/20 2:02 PM

Choose one of the topics. Prepare notes for your answer. Use the information in
EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you prepare.

Talk about the background of a friend or

Talk about your background. OR family member.


In college, I got my
After high school, I got
certificate to teach middle
certified as a pastry chef at
school math. But I’ve
a culinary school. After that,
always been passionate
I did some apprenticeships
about drama, so I now I’m
in France. And now, I’m a
a performing arts teacher
pastry chef at a local bakery.

My brother-in-law is a parts
My mom has always loved
manager at a motorcycle shop.
gardening, so recently
He has a degree in English and
she became certified as a
taught for a year, but he didn’t
Master Gardener. Now she
like it. He’s passionate about
does landscape design for
motorcycles, so this job is a
local businesses.
better fit.

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get

more information.
How long does it
What’s your favorite take to become a What kind of
type of pastry to Master Gardener? motorcycle does he
make? ride?

MY PATH  113

CONNECTED-SB4-U11-200430.indd 113 4/30/20 2:02 PM

A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

My Aunt Julia worked hard her whole life. She was my

favorite relative. When I was young, my Dad would take us
to visit her. She was always happy to see us, even when she
was tired from working. Aunt Julia married when she was
very young. She and her husband moved from a small town
to a larger city. They had two children. Their children
lived near them most of their lives. My Aunt Julia worked
in an office, but she was also a great seamstress. She
enjoyed sewing dresses and making costumes for me. After her husband
passed away, she moved to Florida. We visited her when we could. I think
she was happy with her life. It wasn’t easy, but she had many friends and
family members who loved her, and she had her sewing.

• What was Aunt Julia’s job?

• What did Aunt Julia do in her free time?
• Do you know a friend or family member with an interesting life story?

B| Write about a friend or member of your family. Describe his or her path, including

important life experiences. Use the information in EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you.

He/She is a(n)…
y (a u n t ) h a s lived in / used dentist.
M musician.
to live in…
ces around mechanic.
different pla
the world.
ce his/her
the same pla
whole life.
a different c He/She (has) a
loved to …
take pictures of
cook for the fa

114  UNIT 11

CONNECTED-SB4-U11-200430.indd 114 4/30/20 2:02 PM


In this unit, you will practice the following:
Vocabulary Reading
Adventurous activities What are you afraid of?
Conversation Listening
Talking about being adventurous People talking about how they conquered a fear
Pronunciation Speaking
Different ways to pronounce -ough Talking about a time when you took a risk
Grammar Writing
Adverbial clauses of contrast: although, even Writing about your biggest fear
though, though, while


CONNECTED-SB4-U12-200430.indd 115 4/30/20 2:02 PM

Vocabulary  |  Adventurous activities
A| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.

act in a play
be afraid of heights
enter a weightlifting competition
give a speech
go surfing
go to the movies alone
run a marathon
take a language course abroad
train as a chef
use an online dating site

B | Look at the pictures. Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

1 2

Though she’s a grandmother, she runs a Even though he seems a bit shy, he acted in a
tournament / contestant / marathon / hurricane marvelous play / short / filming / director at the
every year. community center.

116  UNIT 12

CONNECTED-SB4-U12-200430.indd 116 4/30/20 2:02 PM

3 4

Although she swears she doesn’t like computers, He climbs mountains every weekend even though
she used an online dancing / doing / debating / he’s afraid of highs / heights / tops / above!
dating site for the first time last week.

5 6

While she’s the most social person I know, she went While he doesn’t usually like to travel, he did take
to the movies alone / above / debating / dancing a language course across / around / abroad /
last Friday. surfing.

7 8

Though he’s very busy, he goes surfing / kayaking She burnt our dinner even though she trained as a
/ rafting / diving whenever he can. dancer / weightlifter / chef / speaker.


CONNECTED-SB4-U12-200430.indd 117 4/30/20 2:02 PM

9 10

While he doesn’t like being in front of an audience, He entered a relay / marathon / triathlon /
he gave an excellent surf / dance / relay / weightlifting competition although he’s still in high
speech. school.

C| Listen and practice saying the sentences in B.

D| Which of the activities in A are you most likely to try? Tell a partner.

I’d like to try running a marathon someday. I would love to train to be a chef. I cook a lot
I go running most mornings, and I really of different kinds of food at home, but I’ve
enjoy it. But running a marathon is never had any real training. I like to find new
different. You have to train for months to do recipes online, and I watch a lot of cooking
something like that. shows on TV.

118  UNIT 12

CONNECTED-SB4-U12-200430.indd 118 4/30/20 2:02 PM

A| Read and listen to the conversation.
Carol, although we just met last
Bo month, you seem different to me.

Carol Yes, it’s true. While we’ve been dating, I’ve decided to be more adventurous.

Bo So this is the adventurous Carol?

Carol Exactly. I started being adventurous just before I met you.

Bo Really?

Yes. While I don’t like meeting people online, I did

Carol go on an online dating site…and I met you there!

Bo Being adventurous is good for you…and me.

Exactly. And even though I’ve never trained for a marathon, I
Carol ran a marathon last month in the desert with my cousin.

Bo That’s definitely adventurous.

Carol And although I’m afraid of heights, I went rock climbing last week with Dave.

Bo Wait. Who’s Dave?

Carol And though I had never surfed, I went surfing with Dave yesterday.

Bo Who is Dave? And why are you seeing him so often?

Carol Bo, you just said being adventurous is good.

Bo I know but…Carol, who’s this Dave?

Carol Don’t worry. Dave is my cousin.

Bo Oh. Well, like I said, being adventurous is good.

B | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ____ Bo and Carol are dating.

2 ____ Carol has been running marathons for a long time.

3 ____ Carol is afraid of heights.

4 ____ Carol went surfing with her cousin.

C | Practice the conversation with a partner.


CONNECTED-SB4-U12-200430.indd 119 4/30/20 2:02 PM

Pronunciation  |  Different ways to pronounce -ough
A| Listen. Notice the pronunciation of the letters in bold. Then practice.

though through cough brought enough

B | Find more words with -ough. Practice.

Grammar  |  Adverbial clauses of contrast: although, even though, though, while

A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

Although I was never trained as a chef, I have always

loved cooking. TIP
Even though I’m afraid of heights, I went to the top of although, even though, though
the Empire State Building. We use although, even though, and though to contrast two
opposite meanings (positive and negative).
Though she seems a bit shy, she actually sings at a jazz while
club every Friday. We use while to contrast two opposite facts. There are
usually two different subjects in a sentence with while.
While I am more athletic, my brother is more artistic.

B | Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1 Even though / While I’m afraid of heights, I want to try bungee jumping.
2 Although / While my brother prefers snowboarding, I prefer skiing.
3 Though / While Lynn is very shy, she is studying to be an actress.
4 Even though / While Thomas was very nervous and scared, he asked Jenny to go to the dance with
5 Though / While I like to go out and see friends on weekends, my husband likes to stay home and
6 Although / While Allen likes to play football, Tom prefers to watch it on TV.

C | Look at the conversation on page 119. Underline all the adverbial clauses of contrast.

D|  Complete the sentences with information of your own. Tell a partner. Your partner will
ask follow-up questions.
1 Even though I’m afraid of _________________ , Even though I’m afraid of
spiders, I tried holding one. I’m
I ____________________________________ .
glad I faced my fear, but I don’t
2 Though I don’t really like _________________ , need to do that again!
I tried ________________________________ .
3 Although I’m not good at _________________ ,
I really like _____________________________ .
4 While I prefer __________________________ ,
my best friend prefers ___________________ .

120  UNIT 12

CONNECTED-SB4-U12-200430.indd 120 4/30/20 2:02 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
allow overcome
animal shelter rock climbing
bite rope
ever since sweet
high floor terrified

B | Read the article.

What are you afraid of?

I have always been afraid of heights. For a long time, I couldn’t stay on high
floors in hotels, I couldn’t fly, and I couldn’t even go over a bridge. One day, my
friends wanted to take me rock climbing. I thought I would just watch them
climb, but then they told me I could climb without going up high. I tried it and
loved it. Later, even though I was terrified to climb high, I tried it. The rope
made me feel safe. After that, I slowly started to overcome my fear of heights.
Rock climbing was the best thing I could have tried!
When I was little, a dog bit me. The dog had hurt his leg. Though he was
friendly, he was really upset when he bit me. Although I know that most dogs
are friendly and would never bite, I have been afraid of dogs ever since. I am
a runner. Most places where I run allow dogs, and many of my friends have
dogs. So I started volunteering at the local animal shelter. First, I worked with
only cats, but soon I started to work with dogs. I met some very sweet dogs.
After you see dogs that have been through so much and are still really sweet,
it is hard to be scared of them.

C | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ____ Amanda is afraid of heights.

2 ____ William is afraid of rock climbing.

3 ____ William is afraid of dogs.

4 ____ Amanda’s friends have dogs.

5 ____ Amanda thinks rock climbing is the worst thing she could have tried.

6 ____ William volunteered at an animal shelter.


CONNECTED-SB4-U12-200430.indd 121 4/30/20 2:02 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
drown shore
give a speech shy
observation deck single
shark view

B| Listen. Write the number of the speaker next to the correct picture.

a ______ b ______

c ______ d ______

C| Listen again. Who said it? Write the number of the speaker next to the correct

1 ___ I didn’t enjoy the experience.
2 ___ I still don’t have a girlfriend.
3 ___ I’m afraid of water.
4 ___ I’m shy.
5 ___ I’m afraid of heights.
6 ___ It was a bit scary.
7 ___ I’m happy being a single guy.
8 ___ I’m still afraid of sharks.

122  UNIT 12

CONNECTED-SB4-U12-200430.indd 122 4/30/20 2:03 PM

Choose one of the topics. Prepare notes for your answer. Use the information in
EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you prepare.

Talk about a time when a friend or family

Talk about a time when you took a risk. OR member took a risk.


I took a risk changing to my When I went to France to live,

current career as a content people thought I was crazy
editor. Although career because I didn’t know anyone
counselors told me I didn’t and didn’t speak the language.
have the right background, While it was a risk, I don’t
I found a company that was regret it. I speak French now
willing to train me anyway. and have lots of French friends.

Even though my sister has

Though my dad’s afraid of
never been very musical, she’s
water, he’s always loved sea
always wanted to learn to play
life, so he tried to go snorkeling
an instrument, so she signed
while on vacation in Australia.
up for a marimba class. While
That’s a risk he regrets taking.
she’s not very good at it, she
He panicked and had to stop.
really enjoys the class.

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get

more information.

Did you work while

Why did you want to you were there? How long has she
become an editor? been playing?


CONNECTED-SB4-U12-200430.indd 123 4/30/20 2:03 PM

A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

Although I am a pretty good cook, I am afraid to enter

cooking contests, but I want to because I think it would
be fun. Even though I have been making wonderful meals
for my large family since I was young, I’m worried about
competing against much more experienced cooks. I’m
thinking about taking cooking classes at a culinary school
to get more professional experience. Though it may take
a while, I think the effort will be worth it. Then I’ll be less
afraid to enter cooking contests!

• What does the writer want to do?

• What is she afraid of?
• Is there something you want to do but are afraid to?

B| Write about your fear and how you might overcome it. Use the information in


I want to…

though/ Though/ learn how to rappel.

Altho ugh/Even go live in Italy for a
While… s, go on an eco-tour in
of height
I’m a f r a id
g f a r f r om home, Vietnam.
e goin
I don’t lik
I hate sna

t h in k in g about … e of
a r t in g w ith the sid
s t
a building d tour first.
g u id e
taking a py for my
in g t h e r a
fear of s

124  UNIT 12

CONNECTED-SB4-U12-200430.indd 124 4/30/20 2:03 PM


In this unit, you will practice the following:
Vocabulary Reading
Fundraising Crowdfunding
Conversation Listening
Talking about organizing a fundraising event People talking about events they are organizing
Pronunciation Speaking
Changing syllable stress in different parts of Talking about organizing an event
speech Writing
Grammar Writing about organizing a large event
Zero, first, and second conditional


CONNECTED-SB4-U13-200430.indd 125 4/30/20 2:03 PM

Vocabulary  |  Fundraising
A| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.

advertise on social media

ask companies for donations
conduct a fundraiser
hire musicians
hold an auction
host an outdoor event
organize volunteers
put together a to-do list
put up posters around town
rent a large meeting space

B | Look at the pictures. Choose the correct word(s) to complete each sentence.

1 2

If we conduct a fundraiser / communication Everyone likes it when we hire volunteers /

/ rental, we could raise money to help our companies / musicians for our events.

126  UNIT 13

CONNECTED-SB4-U13-200430.indd 126 4/30/20 2:03 PM

3 4

If we organized some volunteers / communities It’s best if we rent a large fundraiser / corporation
/ corporations, they could clean the parks / meeting space for Friday.

5 6

If I had the time, I’d put together a part-time / When you host an outdoor space / event /
full-time / to-do list. donation, you need to make plans in case of bad

7 8

We’ll attract a lot of new customers if we advertise Are you going to place a bid if they decide to hold
on social media / posters / donations. a(n) auction / volunteer / list?


CONNECTED-SB4-U13-200430.indd 127 4/30/20 2:03 PM

9 10

If we put up fundraisers / social media / posters When you ask companies for musicians /
around town, they’ll probably be covered over donations / meeting space, you’ll be surprised
within a week. how generous they are.

C| Listen and practice saying the sentences in B.

D| Have you ever participated in a fundraiser? What did you do? Tell a partner.

Our company put together a team of people to
I’ve actually helped out with fundraisers a couple
raise funds for an Alzheimer’s charity. They have
of times. I’m a singer, and a couple of groups have
a fundraiser walk every year. Usually about 20 of
asked me and some of my friends to donate our
us volunteer to help out with it. We all wear purple
time to perform at an outdoor event. I’m always
T-shirts and we ask friends and family to give
happy to help out with these types of things.
money to help find a cure.

128  UNIT 13

CONNECTED-SB4-U13-200430.indd 128 4/30/20 2:03 PM

A| Read and listen to the conversation.
Elisa Holding a fundraiser is a great idea.

Marcos But what kind of fundraiser?

Elisa Why don’t we hold an auction?

Airi Perfect! If we asked companies for donations, we could get good things to auction.

Elisa And if we rent a large meeting space, more people will be able to attend.

Hmmm. That sounds expensive. If we asked the university,

Airi they’d probably donate a meeting space.

Elisa Very good. What about music? If we hire musicians, people can dance, too.

Marcos If we hire my band, we’ll have great music for everyone.

Elisa I don’t know, Marcos. When I heard you play last week, your band didn’t play dance music.

Airi Wait. Why don’t we ask my brother’s band? They play dance music, and they’re very good..

Marcos Fine. If you want dance music, we’ll play dance music.

Airi And when my brother’s band plays at fundraisers, they play for free.

Elisa For free? That’s just what we need.

Airi And if we don’t pay for a band, we’ll have more money for our trip.

Elisa What do you think, Marcos?

Marcos I think you two are very good fundraisers! Yes, of course. If I ask them, they’ll play for free.

Airi Score! We are good fundraisers, aren’t we, Elisa?

B | Read the sentences. Choose the correct answers.

1 What kind of fundraiser are they going to hold?
a a race b a cooking contest c an auction
2 What kind of music do they want at the fundraiser?
a country b jazz c dance
3 How much will they pay for the band?
a nothing b a little c too much

C | Practice the conversation with a partner.


CONNECTED-SB4-U13-200430.indd 129 4/30/20 2:03 PM

Pronunciation  |  Changing syllable stress in different parts of speech
A| Listen. Notice the stress of the syllables in bold. Then practice.

organize donate compete music

organization donation competition musician

B | Find more pairs of words with different stress like these. Practice.

Grammar  |  Zero, first, and second conditional

A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

Zero conditional
It’s OK if everyone isn’t here at 4:00pm.
When we work together, it’s a lot easier. TIP
Use zero conditional to talk about things
First conditional that usually happen.
If we don’t raise enough money, we won’t be able to go on our When I’m hungry, I eat.
annual trip. Use first conditional to talk about a real
If we start early in the morning, we’ll be done by lunchtime. If you’re hungry, I’ll make dinner for you.
Second conditional Use second conditional to talk about an
unreal possibility.
If I could draw, I would make posters. If I could cook, I would make dinner for
you. (But I can’t cook!)
If we raised a little more money, we could buy new uniforms.

B | Choose the correct word(s) to complete the sentences.

1 If we pass out fliers, more people come / will come / would come.
2 If we have / had more money, we would hire a band.
3 We have more space when the event is / will be / would be outdoors.
4 If we had more time, we hold / will hold / could hold a fundraiser.
5 We will get more people if we advertise / advertised on social media.
6 When we serve / served food, more people attend.

C | Look at the conversation on page 129. Underline all the examples of the conditional.
D|  Complete the sentences with your own information. Tell a partner. Your partner will
ask follow-up questions.
1 If I feel _____________________________,
I _________________________________ .
2 If I practice English outside of class,
__________________________________ . If I had more free time, I would
take an online class to learn
3 If I had more free time, I would
how to play the guitar.
__________________________________ .

130  UNIT 13

CONNECTED-SB4-U13-200430.indd 130 4/30/20 2:03 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
bunch monetary
charity personal cause
contribute reach a goal
donation reality
individuals rewards
investor surgery

B | Read the article.

Do you have a project you want to turn into a reality? You should try
When people wanted to fund a project in the past, they had to get big investors or
spend their own money. Now, with crowdfunding (or crowdsourcing), you can get
a bunch of people to spend a little bit of money to fund your project.
Fundraising sites
Kickstarter might be the most well-known online fundraising site. Businesses
or individuals set a money goal for a project, and they offer investors different
rewards for the different amounts of money they contribute. They only get the money if they reach their monetary
Indiegogo is similar to Kickstarter, but you can use this site to collect donations to charities as well as projects that
will produce a product. There is also a rewards system for different levels of monetary donations.
GoFundMe is great for personal causes and donations. If you need money to pay for your pet’s surgery or for a
friend’s charity, GoFundMe is a great resource. There is no reward system, so the money is really a donation, not an
investment or contribution.
There are many other crowdfunding sites out there, so be sure to look for the one that is perfect for you!

C | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ____ Crowdfunding is good if you want to build a product you want to sell.

2 ____ Kickstarter gives rewards to people who contribute money.

3 ____ Indiegogo only lets you contribute money to businesses.

4 ____ GoFundMe is only good for medical bills.

5 ____ You can’t use crowdfunding to get money for personal things.

6 ____ There are many crowdfunding sites.


CONNECTED-SB4-U13-200430.indd 131 4/30/20 2:03 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
aim perform
book a conference room plant trees
discuss promise
million to-do list

B| Listen. Write the number of the speakers (1–6) next to the words and phrases they say.

Some terms have more than one speaker.

_____ charity _____ musicians _____ perform _____ posters

_____ raise _____ social media _____ space _____ volunteers

C| Listen again. Then match the two halves of the sentences.

1 ___ If I were artistic, a we can reach hundreds of people this morning.

2 ___ When we work as a team, b it’s a lot easier to get things done.

3 ___ If we use social media to contact c I’d makes posters to put up around the neighborhood.
everyone we know,
4 ___ If we don’t find a large space to d I’ll book the large conference room.
5 ___ My uncle said it’s OK e we won’t be able to perform next week.

6 ___ If everyone is free this afternoon, f if we perform in his building downtown.

132  UNIT 13

CONNECTED-SB4-U13-200430.indd 132 4/30/20 2:03 PM

Choose one of the topics. Prepare notes for your answer. Use the information in
EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you prepare.

Talk about an event you’ve organized or Talk about an event a friend or family
helped with.
OR member has organized or helped with.


I once organized a community I helped my mom with my

project to help with local sister’s graduation party. We
homelessness. Everyone made food, set out chairs and
contributed items like tables, hired a DJ, … We had
toothbrushes, water, …, and we a good time preparing, and it
made bags to hand out. was a fun party.

My sister-in-law planned My brother organized a fishing

a block party for our trip with his buddies. He put
neighborhood. Even though a lot of work into making it
everyone contributed, the special, and everyone thought
planning was a lot of work. it was a huge success.

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get

more information.

What kind of food

How many bags did did you make? What did he do to
you put together? make it special?


CONNECTED-SB4-U13-200430.indd 133 4/30/20 2:03 PM

A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

It’s our father’s 75th birthday in two months. My siblings

and I want to get as many relatives to visit for the party
as possible. If we get the word out enough ahead of time,
most everyone should be able to come. I need to reserve
the restaurant space. If I don’t do it now, we may not be
able to have the dinner where we want to. And I need to
check with my sister to see if she’ll have the time to make
the cake. If not, we’ll need to order one. And I’ll need to
take my father shopping for a new shirt and take him to get a haircut.

• What does the writer need to do to make sure as many relatives as possible can come?
• Why might the family need to order a cake?
• Have you ever been responsible for planning an important event?

B| Imagine you have the responsibility to plan a big event. Write about one of the ideas

below or one of your own. Use the information in EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you.

• Wedding • Day at the beach

• Neighborhood block party • Summer cook-out
• City tour for out-of-town guests • Baby shower I need to know

• Park clean-up weekend • Office party how many peo
ple are
who can help.
if anyone has
I need to…
ail to…
send out an em
make a list of…

___, expect
If I know e o p le t o
how man lp
who can le diet
u t p o s s ib

134  UNIT 13

CONNECTED-SB4-U13-200430.indd 134 4/30/20 2:03 PM


In this unit, you will practice the following:
Vocabulary Reading
Feelings and challenging situations How relaxing!
Conversation Listening
An employee saying she wishes she had handled People describing regrettable situations
something differently Speaking
Pronunciation Talking about wishing you had done something
Reduction of would have and wouldn’t have differently
Grammar Writing
Third conditional Writing about how a person's words or actions
affected you


CONNECTED-SB4-U14-200430.indd 135 4/30/20 2:04 PM

Vocabulary  |  Feelings and challenging situations
A| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.

(be/get/feel) angry

B | Look at the pictures. Choose the answer that best completes each sentence.

1 2

I wouldn’t be so ____ now if I had gone to bed She would’ve felt more ____ by the bad grade if she
earlier last night. had liked the class.
a thirsty a hungry
b sleepy b nervous
c nervous c uncomfortable
d upset d upset

136  UNIT 14

CONNECTED-SB4-U14-200430.indd 136 4/30/20 2:04 PM

3 4

My parents wouldn’t have been ____ if my train had If the computer had worked perfectly, she wouldn’t
arrived on time. have gotten ____.
a worried a uncomfortable
b embarrassed b angry
c hungry c nervous
d thirsty d embarrassed

5 6

I probably wouldn’t have felt so ____ if it had been His back wouldn’t feel so ____ today if he’d slept in
colder. bed instead of on the couch last night.
a hungry a uncomfortable
b uncomfortable b nervous
c thirsty c upset
d upset d worried

7 8

You wouldn’t be so ____ now if you hadn’t skipped I got my husband’s name wrong. I’d have been less
breakfast and lunch today. ____ if I hadn’t called him my father’s first name.
a thirsty a nervous
b nervous b angry
c hungry c embarrassed
d sleepy d stressed


CONNECTED-SB4-U14-200430.indd 137 4/30/20 2:04 PM

9 10

If I’d practiced my speech, I would have felt less You’d feel a lot less ____ if your boss hadn’t given
____ when I saw the audience. you that extra job.
a angry a embarrassed
b nervous b sleepy
c hungry c stressed
d thirsty d worried

C| Listen and practice saying the sentences in B.

D| Talk about a time that you felt one of the emotions in A. Tell a partner.

A couple of weeks ago, I invited my girlfriend to I was sitting in a café, working on my laptop,
go on a picnic with me in the park. When I went when this woman Cheryl saw me. You see,
to the counter to pay for the food, I opened my I know Cheryl… she’s the sister of my ex-
wallet and found out that I didn’t have any cash girlfriend Lara. I had just broken up with Lara
or credit cards with me. My girlfriend paid. I that morning, and Cheryl didn’t know yet. It was
was so embarrassed. really uncomfortable.

138  UNIT 14

CONNECTED-SB4-U14-200430.indd 138 4/30/20 2:04 PM

A| Read and listen to the conversation.
Jin You were just a little late to work. Don’t get so upset.

Karla You don’t understand. If I hadn’t been late, I would have been in the meeting.

Jin Jerry presented the report to everyone. Don’t be so worried.

Karla But he was really nervous.

Jin Well, if he had helped write the report, he wouldn’t have been nervous.

Karla True. But if I hadn’t gone out on that date last night, I would have gotten to bed earlier.

Jin A date?

It was horrible. If I hadn’t worked so much on that report,

Karla I wouldn’t have been so sleepy during the date.

Jin Ha! Your date probably would have been happier, too, if Jerry had worked more on the report.

Karla Jin, I was so embarrassed.

Jin Oh, this sounds good. What happened on your date?

Well, he was telling a story during dinner, and I fell asleep
Karla in the middle of it! He was really angry.

Jin OK. That doesn’t sound good.

Karla I know. I think he has anger problems.

That, yes…and if he had been a better storyteller, you probably

Jin wouldn’t have gone to sleep in the middle of his story!

B | Read the sentences. Choose the correct answers.

1 What did Karla miss at work?
a a party b a phone call c a meeting
2 What did Karla do the night before?
a go on a date b go to a party c go to bed early
3 What did Karla do during dinner?
a eat a lot b fall asleep c have dessert

C | Practice the conversation with a partner.


CONNECTED-SB4-U14-200430.indd 139 4/30/20 2:04 PM

Pronunciation  |  Reduction of would have and wouldn’t have
A| Listen. Notice the reduction of the words in bold. Then practice.

He would’ve been worried if we hadn’t called him from the airport.

She would’ve caught the bus on time if she had woken up earlier.
If I had been on time, they wouldn’t have gotten upset.
If I had gone to bed earlier the night before, I wouldn’t have been so sleepy.

B | Find more sentences with these words. Practice.

Grammar  |  Third conditional

A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

If I had been on time, they wouldn’t have gotten upset.

If I had gone to bed earlier the night before, I wouldn’t have been so sleepy. TIP
Use third conditional to talk
I wouldn’t have gotten so angry if they’d told me the truth. about an unreal possibility in
the past.
He would have been worried if we hadn’t called him from the airport.
She would’ve caught the bus on time if she had woken up earlier.

B | Complete the sentences using the verbs in parentheses and the third conditional.
1 If I _____________________ (study) harder, I _______________________ (pass) the exam.
2 If Jun _____________________ (not go) to the party, he _____________________ (not meet) Karen.
3 He _____________________ (graduate) from college if he _____________________ (take) the
classes more seriously.
4 I _____________________ (not tell) you if I _____________________ (know) that you would get
5 If you _____________________ (listen) to what I said, none of this _____________________
6 Simon _____________________ (not take) the job if he _____________________ (know) about the
terrible boss.

C | Look at the conversation on page 139. Underline all the examples of the third conditional.

D|  Make up sentences in the third conditional using the

prompts below. Tell a partner.
• study abroad for two years If I had been born in the
• stay up all night last night 19th century, I would
have owned a lot of
• be born in the 19th century
amazing hats.
• not come to class today

140  UNIT 14

CONNECTED-SB4-U14-200430.indd 140 4/30/20 2:04 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
affect focus
anxiety knit
attention lack of
blood pressure mantra
brain meditation
chemical positive
constantly set aside
effect wander off

B | Read the article.

How relaxing!
Everyone is busy. We all have different things that keep us constantly
moving. Just living our lives can cause lack of sleep, stress, and anxiety,
all of which can affect your health. It can be hard to find time to relax,
but it is important to try.
If you take more time to relax, you will be healthier. Different people
find different things relaxing. Some people work out or practice yoga to
relax. Other people sit on the couch and watch television or knit. Many
people find meditation is the best way to relax.
Focused mediation has been shown to be very good for you. Focused meditation is when you focus on one specific
thing: it can be your breathing or some kind of mantra. If your mind starts to wander off, you come back to thinking
only about that one thing.
In addition to the relaxing effects, meditation can help reduce stress, improve your memory, and lower your blood
pressure, among other things. Scientific studies have shown that people who practice focused meditation regularly
have positive physical and chemical changes in their brains, which can help improve attention and reduce anxiety.
Make sure you set aside some time to relax, and maybe give meditation a try. Your brain will thank you.

C | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ____ It is important to try and relax.

2 ____ Everyone relaxes the same way.

3 ____ Focused meditation is when you meditate by focusing on lots of things.

4 ____ Meditation can help reduce stress.

5 ____ Meditation can cause negative physical changes in the brain.

6 ____ Meditation can cause positive chemical changes in the brain that can reduce anxiety.


CONNECTED-SB4-U14-200430.indd 141 4/30/20 2:04 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
due report
fault skip
lie tell the truth

B| Listen. Write the number of the speaker next to the correct picture.

a ______ b ______

c ______ d ______

C| Listen again. Read the sentences. Choose the correct answers.

1 Maria’s ____ is upset because she didn't finish the report.
a boss b co-worker
2 If Maria had known the report was due ____, she would've finished it on time.
a last night b today
3 Jasper is hungry because ____.
a he didn’t eat breakfast this morning b he didn't eat dinner
4 If Jasper had gotten up earlier, he ____ had time to have coffee and toast.
a wouldn’t have b would’ve
5 Christopher’s car hit the bus because ____.
a he was texting while driving b he wasn’t looking at his phone
6 Christopher ____ been able to stop his car if he’d been paying attention to the traffic.
a wouldn’t have b would’ve
7 Elissa told Jan she couldn't go to the party because she ____.
a was sick b went on a date
8 Jan wouldn't have been so upset if Elissa had ___.
a told her the truth b come to the party

142  UNIT 14

CONNECTED-SB4-U14-200430.indd 142 4/30/20 2:04 PM

Choose one of the topics. Prepare notes for your answer. Use the information in
EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you prepare.

Talk about a situation in which a friend or

Talk about a situation in which you
OR family member has said they would have
would have done something differently.
done something differently.


I was in a play once, and on I didn’t get a good grade on my

opening night, I got stage fright last test because I didn’t get
and forgot some of my lines. a good night’s sleep the night
Had I known that might happen, before. If I had slept better, I
I would have studied and would have gotten a better
practiced my lines more. grade.

On a trip to New Mexico, my My cousin wanted to get a pet

brother decided to go to Roswell recently, so she got a cat. But she
instead of White Sands National ended up being allergic to cats, so
Park. He regrets it, because If he she had to get rid of it. If she had
had gone to the park, he could gotten a dog, she wouldn’t have
have gone sand sledding! had to get rid of the cat.

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get

more information.
Why did he decide
Did you drink coffee to go to Roswell She didn’t know she
before you went to instead? was allergic to cats?


CONNECTED-SB4-U14-200430.indd 143 4/30/20 2:04 PM

A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

Some time ago, I had lost my job and was already feeling
sensitive about it. Then, at a gathering, a friend asked
if I had gotten a new job yet. If she had asked me
privately, I could have had the chance to tell her about
all the good leads I have had, and my answer would
have sounded better. Instead, I had to give the quick
answer “not yet” because I had just arrived, and it just
didn’t feel like the right time!

• What was the writer feeling sensitive about?

• Why did the writer have to answer with just “not yet”?
• Can you think of a time when what someone said impacted you?

B| Write about a situation or experience where someone’s words or actions had an

emotional impact on you. Describe the situation. Use the information in EXPRESS YOURSELF
to help you.

I had just…
d /said, … started changing th
d ) a s k e e
(My frien t?” way I eat.
o u lost weigh
“H a v e y
r ie d a b o ut you.” been in a car accid
wor ent.
“I’ve been et rid of your gotten back togeth
ld g
“You shou with my boyfriend.

e m e f e el like… .
It mad
g s o m e t hing right
I was doin hat I’m go
c a r e w
through. n ’t u n d erstand
le d o
some peop
144  UNIT 14

CONNECTED-SB4-U14-200430.indd 144 4/30/20 2:04 PM


In this unit, you will practice the following:
Vocabulary Reading
Business arrangements Where are my keys?
Conversation Listening
Talking to an assistant about a business trip People talking about plans they’ve made
Pronunciation Speaking
Different word prominence carries different Reporting what other people have said
meanings Writing
Grammar Reporting what a friend told you about an event
Review of direct speech
Reported speech


CONNECTED-SB4-U15-200430.indd 145 4/30/20 2:04 PM

Vocabulary  |  Business arrangements
A| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.

arrange for a meeting room

change trains in Liverpool
find a vegetarian restaurant
have a conference call
leave on a business trip
meet at the convention center
order room service
send the documents by courier
take some clients out to dinner
use a projector for the presentation

B | Look at the pictures. Choose the correct word(s) to complete each sentence.

1 2

She told us we’d have a convention center / room My boss told me she’s going to take / leave /
service / conference call at 9:30 this morning. schedule on a business trip tomorrow.

3 4

The woman at the information desk explained that He said we could order clients / documents /
our team would meet at the central / projector / room service if the meeting ran late.
convention center.

146  UNIT 15

CONNECTED-SB4-U15-200430.indd 146 4/30/20 2:04 PM

5 6

She asked me to take the client / document / The travel agent said we’ll need to make / go by /
convention out to dinner. change trains in Liverpool.

7 8

The speaker told me he’d use a train / convention My sister said she would find a vegetarian /
/ projector for the presentation. courier / room service restaurant for tomorrow

9 10

My secretary said they were sending the I told my boss I’d take out / arrange / change for
documents by train / courier / meeting. a meeting room.

C| Listen and practice saying I went to a conference one time in

Chicago. I was supposed to meet my

the sentences in B.
colleagues at the “front entrance” of
the convention center. But there were
about 10 different entrances! Luckily,
D| Have you ever been on a
she texted me and I found her!

work or school trip where you
had to do any of the things in A?
Tell a partner.


CONNECTED-SB4-U15-200430.indd 147 4/30/20 2:04 PM

A| Read and listen to the conversation.
I’m leaving for my business trip to
Ms. Atkins Chicago tomorrow morning.
Mr. Woo said he should arrive from New York in the morning.
Gary His assistant told me that he could meet you at your hotel.
Perfect. You said that you were sending the
Ms. Atkins documents to the hotel by courier, didn’t you?

Gary Yes, Ms. Atkins. You’ll have the documents on time.

Did I tell you I was taking Mr. Woo and some

Ms. Atkins other clients out to dinner tomorrow night?
Yes, you did. And I told you that I had already made your
Gary dinner reservations at that chic vegetarian restaurant.

Ms. Atkins That’s right. I remember now.

Gary Also, Mr. Woo said he might be late for dinner.

Ms. Atkins Late? That’s unusual. He didn’t tell me that he was going to be late.

Gary He said that he would be on a conference call until 6:30 pm.

Ms. Atkins Does he mean 6:30 pm in New York or 6:30 pm in Chicago?

Gary I don’t know. He only said that he would finish at 6:30 pm.

Gary, please call Mr. Woo’s assistant to find out. I need

Ms. Atkins to know if he’s going to be an hour late or on time.

B | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ____ Mr. Woo will arrive from New York.

2 ____ Mr. Woo doesn’t know where to meet Ms. Atkins.

3 ____ Ms. Atkins will eat a vegetarian dinner in Chicago.

4 ____ It’s not unusual for Mr. Woo to be late to dinner.

C | Practice the conversation with a partner.

148  UNIT 15

CONNECTED-SB4-U15-200430.indd 148 4/30/20 2:04 PM

Pronunciation  |  Different word prominence carries different meanings
A| Listen. Notice the stress in the words in bold. Then practice.

Gary said he was going to stop at the supermarket before coming home.
(Who is going to do it?)

Gary said he was going to stop at the supermarket before coming home.
(Where is he going?)

Gary said he was going to stop at the supermarket before coming home.
(When is he going?)

B | Find other examples of this type of stress. Practice.

Grammar  |  Review of direct speech

A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

My boss told me, “Arrange for a meeting room.”

The note explains, “Send the documents by courier.”
He said, “Take some clients out to dinner.”
The manager reports, “The sales are lower than expected.”
“Where is the sales meeting?” asked the employee.

B | Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1 My co-worker told / asked, “Could you find a vegetarian restaurant?”

2 The client told / said me, “Pick me up at the airport.”

3 Simon said / asked, “Let’s meet at the convention center.”

4 My boss told / reported, “Our sales went up by 35%.”

5 The report explains / asks, “All business expenses must be approved by your manager.”

6 My manager said / asked, “Could I use a projector for the presentation?”


CONNECTED-SB4-U15-200430.indd 149 4/30/20 2:04 PM

Reported speech

C| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

Direct speech Reported speech

“I have a conference call.” She said she had a conference call.
“I’m not going to attend the She said she wasn’t going to TIP
meeting.” attend the meeting. In reported speech, verbs usually change:
simple present simple past
“I lost my wallet.” He said he had lost his wallet. present continuous past continuous
simple past past perfect
She said she had finished her present perfect past perfect
“I have finished my report.”
report. Could, should, and might in direct speech
“I will meet the clients at the He said he would meet the clients do not change in reported speech.
airport.” at the airport.
“I couldn’t book the He said he couldn’t book the
conference room.” conference room.
She said she might order room
“I might order room service.”
“I should use a projector for He said he should use a projector
the presentation.” for the presentation.

D | Write the correct form of the verb to complete the sentences.

1 “I work at a trading company.” He told me he _____________________ at a trading company.

2 “I met the client at his hotel.” She said she _____________________ the client at his hotel.

3 “I have done the presentation.” He told us that he _____________________ the presentation.

4 “I will take a business trip to Japan next week.” She said she _____________________ a business trip
to Japan next week.

5 “The unemployment rate could continue to rise.” The news reports that the unemployment rate
_____________________ to rise.

6 “I am going to transfer to the New York office.” My boss explained that he _____________________
to the New York office.

E| Complete the sentences. Tell a partner. Your partner will change your sentences to

reported speech.
1 Every morning I ___________________ . Brad told me that he’d never
eaten dragon fruit before. I
2 I’m ___________________________ now.
told him it was delicious!
3 This weekend I’m going to ____________


4 Yesterday I _______________________ .

5 I’ve never ________________________ .

150  UNIT 15

CONNECTED-SB4-U15-200430.indd 150 4/30/20 2:04 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
balanced diet perfectly
decline prove
evidence puzzle
fatty acids sharp
gingko biloba stimulate
ginseng supplement
memory vitamin

B | Read the article.

Where are my keys?

When we’re young, we all have good memories, but as we get older, our memories start
to get worse. Even perfectly healthy people start to lose some ability to remember things
as they get older. Luckily, there are some things you can do to help keep your memory
Vitamins and supplements
Some people take vitamins and supplements like gingko biloba, vitamin B, Omega-3 fatty
acids, ginseng, and even dark chocolate to help improve memory. However, there is no
good scientific evidence to prove that these things improve memory in healthy people.
Lifestyle changes
Studies suggest that there are simple things you can do every day to improve your memory. Exercise, sleep, and a
balanced diet are all important to keep your brain healthy and your memory sharp. Try to avoid stress, and make
time for fun and relationships. Fun stimulates our brains, and researchers have found that people with active social
lives have slower memory decline.
Work your brain
There are many websites that provide games, puzzles, and brain-stimulating exercises that claim to help improve
your memory. There are also puzzle books and other types of brain games out there, but simple things, such as
learning a new hobby, can be just as good for your brain. Learning something new is better than doing the same
thing you’ve been doing for years.

C | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ____ Memory gets better as we get older.
2 ____ Gingko biloba and vitamin B are two supplements people take to help improve memory.
3 ____ Exercise and sleep are not important to keep a good memory.
4 ____ Fun and relationships are important to maintain a sharp memory.
5 ____ There are lots of websites with brain games.
6 ____ Doing the same activity you’ve been doing for years is the same as learning something new.

CONNECTED-SB4-U15-200430.indd 151 4/30/20 2:04 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
afterwards promise
book a table rent
meatballs system
potato salad technical problems
production schedule time off work

B| Listen. Write the number of the description next to the correct picture.

a ______ b ______

c ______ d ______

C| Listen again. Choose the correct answers.

1 Kamal is showing photos of his new house / a summer vacation house.

2 The owner of the house will email more information / more pictures soon.

3 Jennifer is making a special dinner / a cake for Clare’s birthday.

4 Jennifer’s friend Sally will make meatballs / potato salad.

5 Teresa arranged a meeting room /conference call for 10:00.

6 Alex is leaving on a business trip / on vacation this morning.

7 Steve is sending documents to Jake by email / courier.

8 Mandy has booked a table at a café on Bank Street / in the hotel.

152  UNIT 15

CONNECTED-SB4-U15-200430.indd 152 4/30/20 2:04 PM

Choose one of the topics. Prepare notes for your answer. Use the information in
EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you prepare.

Talk about a character in a movie or show

Talk about someone you spoke with
OR you’ve seen recently. What is something
recently. What did the person say?
he or she said?


The other day, a friend of

I recently spoke with my
mine told me about a recent
mom about troubles with
doctor’s visit. He said, “The
my friend. She said, “You
doctor told me I have to
two need to take a break
change my diet because I
from each other.”
have high cholesterol.”

In a show I recently
I saw a movie a while ago
watched, the main character
where one of the characters
said to his fiancé, “Even
said to a scientist, “You
though you lied to me to
don’t learn by reading
protect me, I can’t marry you
books. You learn by doing.”
because you deceived me.”

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get

more information.
In what way do you
need to change your Don’t you think we
Are you going to follow actually learn by
your mom’s advice? diet?
doing both?


CONNECTED-SB4-U15-200430.indd 153 4/30/20 2:04 PM

A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

My friend Pete went to the final hockey game of the season.

I couldn’t go, so I was anxious to hear about it. I asked him
how many spectators were there. He said, “The arena was
filled with fans.” Then I asked what happened in the first
period. He responded that the players’ energy was high, and
the crowd cheered loudly. Then he said, “In the second
period, two players were injured. It was a close game until the
end, but we won!” He went on to tell me how he thought it had been a great
season, and even though tickets were expensive, he was glad he had gotten
to watch one game at the arena.

• Were there a lot of spectators at the hockey game?

• Was Pete happy with the outcome of the game?
• Has someone you know recently told you about something they’ve seen?

B| Write about an event, TV show, movie, exhibit, or performance that someone told you

about. Write about what the person said in order to summarize. Use the information in


He/she said it was…

ly boring.
My friend) recent
to/saw amazing.
a movie.
an exhibit.
a play.

He/She said, …
end it.”
“I highly recomm
“Don’t bother go
o, then
“You should go to
we can discuss it

154  UNIT 15

CONNECTED-SB4-U15-200430.indd 154 4/30/20 2:04 PM



Vocabulary  |  Complete the sentences. Circle the answers in the puzzle.
F O O E Y M P D V C I O R N 1 I applied for ___ at a lot of companies.
D I E L G O L O L G M S E U 2 I ___ to Australia with my job last year.
M E E B Y R G N U H F Y O T 3 My sister is training to enter a ___ competition.
O N C A R D O A N S I R A P 4 I’ve never used an online ___ site.
G N I T F I L T H G I E W O 5 To have a successful event, you need to ___ a lot of
R H V R I U F I C C D M B R volunteers.
A E R O N U E O I E N P E I 6 We asked a lot of companies for ___ for the auction.
N O E F R N O N F E J L N W 7 After working out, I always feel ___.
R R S M B G P S R Y O O U T 8 If this show makes you feel ___, we can watch
something else.
9 It was hard to give my presentation because the
___ wasn’t working.
10 I’m not leaving the hotel tonight. I’m just going to
order ___.

Grammar  |  Find the error. Write the correct sentence.

1 Whenever I was a kid, I’ve always wanted to be an actor.
2 After I got a job, I move to Los Angeles.
3 Although I like sports, I played basketball yesterday.
4 When we are hungry, we usually went out to eat.
5 If we get up early, we have time to go to the gym.
6 If I had more free time, I read more books.
7 If I had studied harder, I would passed my test.
8 Has the meeting already started they asked.
9 He said he had finish his report.
10 They said we should visited them next month.
Check Yourself  |  How well do you know it? Circle the correct rating for yourself.
Units 11–15 Units 11–15
Vocabulary Grammar
RACE  155

Connected-SB4-RACE3-200430.indd 155 4/30/20 1:56 PM


A great internship
 rite a list based on the descriptions. Most of the information comes from Units 11–15.
1 A large city: ______________________________________
2 An occupation: ______________________________________
3 A famous person: ______________________________________
4 A type of workplace: ______________________________________
5 An activity from page 116: ______________________________________
6 An activity from page 126: ______________________________________
7 An adjective from page 136: ______________________________________
8 Another adjective from page 136: ______________________________________
9 An activity from page 146: ______________________________________
10 Another activity from page 146: ______________________________________

B | Complete the email. Fill in the blanks (1–10) below with the words (1–10) you wrote in
A. Use the correct forms of the words as needed. Circle the correct pronouns. Then
read your email to a partner.

I got an internship at a large 4___________________. Actually, I was a little surprised

that I got it. During the interview, the manager, who was named 3___________________,
asked me if I’d ever 5___________________. When I heard that, it made me feel a little
8___________________. On my first day there, I had to 6___________________. It was hard,
but I learned a lot! I got to go on a business trip, too. 3___________________ and I stayed at
a hotel in 1___________________. When we got there, 3___________________ asked me if I
had 10___________________. I told him I didn’t know I was supposed to do that. If I’d known
that, I wouldn’t have 9___________________. Although I thought I’d made a big mistake,
3___________________ said I shouldn’t feel 7___________________. After we got back, he/
she offered me a position as a(n) 2___________________. Of course I said yes!

What other skills did

C | Take turns asking and answering questions about you learn during your
your internship. internship?

Try it out
 ell a classmate about your academic  rite an email to your co-workers
path and what you want to do in the with your ideas for raising money for a
future. company fundraiser.

I’ve always wanted to be a

teacher, so I decided to get a
degree in education. I want to I think we should hold
an outdoor event to raise
teach in an elementary school. money. Maybe we could ask
some musicians to donate
their time.
156  RACE

Connected-SB4-RACE3-200430.indd 156 4/30/20 1:56 PM


In this unit, you will practice the following:
Vocabulary Reading
Travel-related activities To tip or not to tip
Conversation Listening
Talking to a concierge about travel arrangements People asking questions about an upcoming trip
Pronunciation Speaking
y-glide between syllables or words Asking embedded questions about travel plans
Grammar Writing
Embedded questions and statements Writing questions about visiting your country


CONNECTED-SB4-U16-200430.indd 157 4/30/20 2:05 PM

Vocabulary  |  Travel-related activities
A| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.

buy tickets online

call a taxi
change money
check in
get money at the ATM
have a layover
leave a tip
pay tax
take reservations
the train departs

B | Look at the pictures. Choose the correct word(s) to complete each sentence.

1 2

Can you tell me how to call a taxi / train / layover Will I have to pay money / tickets / tax on shoes I
here? buy there?

158  UNIT 16

CONNECTED-SB4-U16-200430.indd 158 4/30/20 2:05 PM

3 4

Can you please remind me what time we need to Do you know if I can get money at a store / an
start / begin / go out / check in for our flight? ATM / a taxi near here?

5 6

Could you tell me if we can buy our travel layover / I can’t remember where you can change / make /
trip / schedule /tickets online? locate your money around here.

7 8

Do you happen to know if this restaurant Can you remind me what time our train will depart
takes customers / bills / communications / / trip / ride / journey?


CONNECTED-SB4-U16-200430.indd 159 4/30/20 2:05 PM

9 10

Do you know how much bill / tip / fare / cost we I completely forgot that we have a reservation /
should leave for the waiter? check in / layover in Berlin.

C| Listen and practice saying the sentences in B.

D| Tell a partner about your experiences with the items in A. What happened?

I went to the UAE one time for business.
My co-workers there reserved a driver to pick me up at the
airport. The ride to the hotel had already been paid for, but
I wanted to give the driver a tip. Unfortunately, it was late,
and I was tired, and I didn’t really understand how many
dirhams were in a dollar. Instead of giving him about 10
dollars in the local money, I gave him about 10 cents. I was
so embarrassed when I realized that later.

One time I was flying from Boston to Mexico City,

and I had a layover in Dallas. My layover was
supposed to be two hours, but my flight from
Boston took off late. When I arrived in Dallas, I had
to run through the airport to catch my next flight.
It was terrible!

160  UNIT 16

CONNECTED-SB4-U16-200430.indd 160 4/30/20 2:05 PM

A| Read and listen to the conversation.
Mr. Hunt Do you know if I can change money at the hotel?

Concierge Yes, sir. You can change money at the front desk.

Mr. Hunt Perfect. Now, do you happen to know if there is a good restaurant near the hotel?

There are some restaurants nearby, but the best

Concierge restaurant is downtown, by the river.

Mr. Hunt Will I need a reservation for dinner at this restaurant?

Actually, I don’t know if they take reservations. Do you know

Concierge what time you want dinner?

Mr. Hunt I’d like to eat at eight o’clock. Could you call to ask if they take reservations?

Concierge Of course, sir.

Mr. Hunt And do you know how much time it will take to walk to the restaurant?

Concierge I don’t know if walking to the restaurant is the best idea.

Mr. Hunt OK. Can you tell me how I should get there then?

Concierge I could call a taxi for you.

Mr. Hunt Let’s find out about reservations first.

Concierge I’m calling the restaurant right now.

B | Read the sentences. Choose the correct answers.

1 Why will Mr. Hunt go to the front desk?
a to change money b to rent a car c to buy a ticket
2 Where is the best restaurant?
a by the hotel b by the airport c by the river
3 Who is the concierge calling?
a the front desk b the train station c the restaurant

C | Practice the conversation with a partner.


CONNECTED-SB4-U16-200430.indd 161 4/30/20 2:05 PM

Pronunciation  |  y-glide between syllables or words
A| Listen. Notice the pronunciation of the letters in bold. Then practice.

We had a layover in Chicago. Do you want to buy anything?

I got money at the ATM. I don’t know why I came here.
We have to pay ahead of time.

B | Find more sentences with these sounds. Practice.

Grammar  |  Embedded questions and statements
A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

Could you tell me what time the train departs?

Do you know which room we’re meeting in?
Could you please tell me if the museum is open today?
Do you happen to know how much the tickets are?
They’re not sure whether they’ll be home in time.
I can’t remember why she called.
I don’t know if they’re on sale.

B | Change the following questions to embedded questions and statements.

1 What time does the train depart?
Could you tell me _________________________________________________________________?
2 Do I need to leave a tip?
Do you know ____________________________________________________________________?
3 How much is the train ticket?
I’m not sure ______________________________________________________________________ .
4 Can I buy tickets online?
Do you happen to know ____________________________________________________________?
5 Does the restaurant take reservations?
Could you tell me _________________________________________________________________?
6 Where can I change my money?
I don’t know _____________________________________________________________________ .
C | Look at the conversation on page 161. Underline all the examples of embedded questions
and statements.
Do you know if that sushi
D|  Ask your partner travel-related restaurant next to the hotel
questions about the places below. Use takes reservations?
embedded questions and statements.

• a local restaurant • a train station

• a taxi service • an airport
162  UNIT 16

CONNECTED-SB4-U16-200430.indd 162 4/30/20 2:05 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
expected particularly
gratuity pride oneself
illegal rely on
income round up
insulted set amount
mandatory standard
panic survive

B | Read the article.

To tip or not to tip?

Where and when should you tip? In some countries, tipping is expected. It is a
big part of how servers, bell boys, and bartenders make their money. In other
countries, tipping can be considered rude.
Places where you can tip
In the United States, tipping is not mandatory, but it is expected. Many waiters and bartenders rely on tips to
survive, so a 15–20% tip is standard, 25% is reserved for particularly good service, and 10% or less is sometimes
given for bad service.
In Austria, there is no set amount to tip. Most people just round their bill up. So if a meal comes out to €45, round it
up to €50.
Tipping is part of the culture in Mexico and can make up much of a server’s income. Sometimes the gratuity is
included in the bill. In that case, you don’t need to leave anything. If a gratuity is not included, a 15–20% tip is
Places where you should not tip
In Australia and New Zealand, workers are generally paid well, and tipping in most non-tourist destinations is
considered rude and unnecessary.
In Japan, people pride themselves on offering excellent service, so they consider it rude to tip. Many people will be
insulted if offered a tip, so don’t do it!
Tipping has historically been illegal in China, so people may panic if you offer them extra money.

C | Choose whether you should tip or not in each country. Write T (tip) or NT (no tip).
1 ____ The United States 4 ____ Australia
2 ____ China 5 ____ Austria
3 ____ Mexico 6 ____ Japan


CONNECTED-SB4-U16-200430.indd 163 4/30/20 2:05 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
accept foreign
custom lovely
direct flight withdraw

B| Listen. Write the number of the topic next to the correct picture.

a ______ b ______

c ______ d ______

C| Listen again. Then match the two halves of the sentences.

1 ___ Jada wants to know a if there’s a direct flight from Chicago to Oaxaca.

2 ___ Victoria wants to know b if you have to tip Australian waiters.

3 ___ Jeremy wants to know c where she can find an ATM.

4 ___ Adira wants to know d where her friend is staying in New Orleans.

164  UNIT 16

CONNECTED-SB4-U16-200430.indd 164 4/30/20 2:05 PM

Choose one of the topics. Prepare notes for your answer. Use the information in
EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you prepare.

Imagine that you are planning a trip. You

Imagine that you are on a trip. You need
need to ask your travel agent a question OR
to ask a local for help. What do you say?
about it. What do you say?


I’m wondering if I should buy

train tickets ahead of time or Do you happen to know what
just buy them as I go. What do the exchange rate currently is?
you think?

I want to have dinner at La

I’m trying to get to the airport.
Cantina tonight. Do you know if
I’m wondering if you know if
I can make a reservation ahead
there’s a shuttle I can take.
of time?

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get

more information.
Can’t you just look
How many trains are the exchange rate Why don’t you just
you thinking of taking? up online? take a taxi?
Where from and to?


CONNECTED-SB4-U16-200430.indd 165 4/30/20 2:05 PM

A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

Hi Jim,
As you know, I am planning a trip to your region
this year. Could you please tell me which months
would be the best to visit if I want to see a lot of
snow and the beautiful frozen lakes? What kind of
coat and boots should I bring? Do you know if it will
be difficult to drive to a neighboring city during the
snowy season? Thank you!

• What does the writer want to see?

• Does the writer know the best clothing to bring?
• What advice would you give a tourist coming to your region?

B| Imagine you are a tourist planning a first-time visit to your country. Write to ask various

questions to plan for your trip. Use the information in EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you.


What kind of
e… should I bring?
o u ld y o u p lease tell m
C of
h a t t h e a verage cost gear
w clothes
eating out ist
m o s t in t e resting tour electronics
sites to see
s id e o f t h e road you
drive on? Do you know if

I need to hav
e an
I should exch
ange money
before I come
or while I’m
spring-time is
the best time
come? to

166  UNIT 16

CONNECTED-SB4-U16-200430.indd 166 4/30/20 2:05 PM


In this unit, you will practice the following:
Vocabulary Reading
Describing qualities Solving problems
Conversation Listening
Discussing a problem that needs to be resolved People talking about how they resolved a problem
Pronunciation Speaking
Silent /l/ Talking about how you resolved a conflict
Grammar Writing
Adverbs of manner Writing about what you want to improve about
Comparative and superlative adverbs yourself


CONNECTED-SB4-U17-200430.indd 167 4/30/20 2:05 PM

Vocabulary  |  Describing qualities
A| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.


B | Look at the pictures. Choose the answer that best completes each sentence.

1 2

Monica’s the most ____ person I know. She can Ken never tells a lie. He’s incredibly ____.
solve any problem. a calm c patient
a intelligent c honest b efficient d honest
b noisy d polite

3 4

My grandmother is very ____. She never shouts or Tanya is so ____ that I’ve never seen her laugh.
gets angry. a careful c serious
a noisy c calm b patient d efficient
b efficient d honest

168  UNIT 17

CONNECTED-SB4-U17-200430.indd 168 4/30/20 2:05 PM

5 6

Katsuko is a great mom. She’s very ____ with her My best friend is very ____. She always says exactly
daughter. what she’s thinking.
a noisy c serious a patient c direct
b careful d intelligent b impatient d indirect

7 8

Mark is super ____. He hates to waste time. Remember to be ____ on a job interview.
a affected c friendly a polite c serious
b efficient d fierce b noisy d loud

9 10

The crowd at a football game is often ____. Goal! You’ll have to be ____ because the line is very long.
a intelligent c patient a patient c honest
b efficient d noisy b serious d careful

C| Listen and practice Angelica is one of the

saying the sentences in B. calmest people I know. I
don’t know how she does it!

D| Describe people, places,

or things you know using the
adjectives in A. Tell a partner.


CONNECTED-SB4-U17-200430.indd 169 4/30/20 2:05 PM

A| Read and listen to the conversation.
What do you think about the new guy?
Dilar He’s so calm, isn’t he?
Roger Who? Pedro? He wasn’t talking very calmly on the phone this morning.

Dilar Are you serious?

Roger You know that I work better when it’s not noisy in the office.

Dilar Sure. You work most efficiently when it’s quiet.

Roger So this new guy Pedro starts to talk loudly on the phone.

Dilar Did you politely tell Pedro to talk more quietly?

Roger I thought seriously about it, but he hung up the phone.

Dilar Ah! Perfect. So you didn’t have to ask him directly to talk less loudly on the phone.

Well, it wasn’t so perfect. He immediately called the

Roger person back and started to scream into the phone.
Dilar Roger! You’re intelligent. You need to have an honest conversation with Pedro.

Pedro walks into the kitchen.

Pedro Hi, Roger. Listen…about this morning. I’m sorry I was so loud.

Roger Pedro, why do you get so angry on the phone?

Pedro Did I sound angry to you?

Roger Yes, you did.

Pedro Excellent!

Dilar Pedro! Are you honestly happy about being so angry?

I wasn’t angry. I’m in a play tonight. And I was practicing

Pedro my lines on the phone with another actor!

B | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ____ Roger works well in a noisy office.
2 ____ Pedro talked quietly on the phone this morning.
3 ____ Dilar wants Roger to talk with Pedro.
4 ____ Pedro wasn’t angry this morning.

C | Practice the conversation with a partner.

170  UNIT 17

CONNECTED-SB4-U17-200430.indd 170 4/30/20 2:05 PM

Pronunciation  |  Silent /l/
A| Listen. Notice the pronunciation of the letters in bold. Then practice.

walk talk calm would could

B | Find other examples of words with silent /l/. Practice.

Grammar  |  Adverbs of manner

A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

Adjectives Adverbs of manner

She is a careful driver. She drives carefully. TIP
Most adverbs of manner are formed by
I try to be efficient at work. I work efficiently. adding -ly to the adjective form:
My boss is very direct when he bad badly
He talks very directly. intelligent intelligently
talks to me.
Some adverbs don't change at all from the
The children were very noisy when adjective form. Other adverbs become a
They walked noisily.
they walked by my house. different word.
fast fast hard hard
My sister is a good painter. She paints well.
good well bad badly
Unfortunately, he is a bad cook. He cooks badly.
He is a fast runner. He runs fast.

B | Complete the sentences with the adverb form of the adjectives in parentheses.
1 Guillermo takes his work very _____________________. (serious)

2 I took German in school, but I don’t speak it very __________________ now. (good)

3 Lydia’s son doesn’t speak to her very ___________________. (polite)

4 Angela sings very ______________________. You should hear her. (beautiful)

5 I’m afraid I did ______________________ on the test. I didn’t study a lot. (bad)

6 Our group worked extremely ____________________ on our project. (hard)


CONNECTED-SB4-U17-200430.indd 171 4/30/20 2:05 PM

Comparative and superlative adverbs

C| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

Comparative adverbs
I drive more carefully than my husband.
Some adverbs don't use more or most
My boss speaks to me more politely than my other co-workers. in comparative and superlative forms.
fast faster fastest
She sings better than most people. well better best
badly worse worst
Superlative adverbs
At work, Susan works the most efficiently of all.
John runs the fastest of all the members on the track team.
I concentrate best when it’s quiet.

D | Write the correct adverb form (comparative or superlative) of the adjectives in parentheses.
1 I speak English _________________________________ now than last year. (fluent)
2 Now that I work in a company, I try to speak _________________________________ than before.
3 He speaks _________________________________ of all the supervisors. (direct)
4 He studies _________________________________ than his brother. (hard)
5 She should talk to her son _________________________________. He is very sensitive. (careful)
6 That girl dances _________________________________ of all the dancers. (beautiful)

E|  Take turns asking and answering the questions with a partner.

1 What is something you do better than
someone else in your family? I definitely drive more
2 Who sings the best in your group of carefully now than I did when
friends? I was younger. I have kids of
my own now.
3 Who works the hardest in your family?
4 What is something that you do more
carefully now than you did when you were younger?

172  UNIT 17

CONNECTED-SB4-U17-200430.indd 172 4/30/20 2:05 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
address impartial
come up with lead to
conflict resolution misunderstanding
encourage negotiate
favor point of view
gather reasonable
go a long way test out

B | Read the article.

Solving problems
Sometimes there are people who just can’t get along. In the workplace, this can
be a problem. So here are some strategies for workplace conflict resolution:
1 Don’t let conflicts sit. Make sure to address any conflicts as soon as you
know about them. Letting conflicts sit can make them worse and lead to
additional problems.
2 Listen to the point of view and story of each person involved in the problem.
Listening to the problems that people are having can go a long way.
Sometimes people just need to feel like they are being heard.
3 Gather everyone to talk through the problem. Encourage everyone to speak. This can go a long way in fixing
misunderstandings and finding a resolution.
4 In order to come up with a fair and reasonable resolution to the problem, you must be impartial. Help people to
find a solution without favoring any of the participants.
5 Come up with some solutions in a group and test them out. Have people give suggestions for resolutions, and
then have them talk through how those solutions would work. Let people negotiate if they feel that they can
work together to find the best solution to the problem.
6 Once a solution is found, talk to everyone and make sure that they are satisfied. Follow up the next day with
emails of encouragement and motivation to everyone involved.

C | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ____ You should let conflicts sit.
2 ____ You don’t need to listen to the problem from all sides.
3 ____ You should gather all of the people together to talk about the problem.
4 ____ You must be impartial.
5 ____ Let people negotiate.
6 ____ You don’t need to praise people after they have found a resolution to a conflict.


CONNECTED-SB4-U17-200430.indd 173 4/30/20 2:05 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
apologize open-plan office
argue rapidly
constantly situation
firmly staff
hire upset

B| Listen. Write the number of the description next to the correct picture.
a ______ b ______

c ______ d ______

C| Listen again. Choose the correct answers.

1 Yuki was upset because Kenzo talked ____ on his cell phone.
a seriously b constantly
2 Yuki asked Kenzo ____, “Are your friends more interesting than me?”
a calmly b angrily
3 Lewis told his boss that if he wanted the team to work more ____, he needed to hire more staff.
a efficiently b honestly
4 Lewis’s boss listened ____ and hired more staff.
a politely b carefully
5 Meredith couldn’t get any work done because Patty talked on the phone ____ all day.
a directly b loudly
6 Meredith spoke to Patty ____ but firmly.
a noisily b politely
7 Saskia’s mother told her that she needed to take her studies more ____.
a seriously b honestly
8 Saskia was doing ____ at school.
a intelligently b badly

174  UNIT 17

CONNECTED-SB4-U17-200430.indd 174 4/30/20 2:05 PM

Choose one of the topics. Prepare notes for your answer. Use the information in
EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you prepare.

Talk about how a friend or family member

Talk about how you resolved a conflict. OR
resolved a conflict.


One time I dropped by my One of my colleagues is very

mom’s without calling first. She difficult to work with. I lose
said that was rude and got my patience sometimes, but
really mad. I didn’t think it was I never say anything because
rude, but I agreed to call before it wouldn’t do any good and
dropping by from now on. would create more tension.

Last weekend our neighbors

One time, a guy in the car
were playing loud music late.
behind us started yelling at
My dad wanted to call the
my aunt as he passed us
police, but I suggested he go
because he thought she was
ask them to turn it down first.
driving too slowly. She just
So that’s what he did, and they
smiled and waved.
turned it down.

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get

more information.

Did it really not Were they mad when

In what way is he bother her?
difficult to work with? he asked them to turn
it down?


CONNECTED-SB4-U17-200430.indd 175 4/30/20 2:05 PM

A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

I’m often late to class. My teacher thinks it’s rude and

disruptive. I agree. I want to start getting to class on time.
I need to leave home earlier than I usually do. I also don’t
take the time to pack a lunch, so I end up not eating as well
as I could. I need to start getting up earlier so I can pack a
lunch. I want to eat more healthily during the day. I would
also like to try to be friendlier to students I pass in the hall.
I tend to be in my own world and don’t acknowledge the people around me,
but I think it’s important to smile at and say hi to people you encounter
throughout the day.

• Why does the writer want to get to school earlier?

• Does the writer think he eats right?
• What is something you’d like to improve in your life?

B| Write about something you want to improve about yourself at home, school, or work.

Use the information in EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you.


I need to…
I want to… start cooking at ho
p my me
start cleaning u more often.
apartment every improve my study ha
hool. bits.
join a club at sc get outside more d
ugh lunch. uring
stop working thro my work breaks.

I would (also) like
watch less TV.
ude at
improve my attit
b more
start doing my jo

176  UNIT 17

CONNECTED-SB4-U17-200430.indd 176 4/30/20 2:05 PM


In this unit, you will practice the following:
Vocabulary Reading
Errands I can do it later
Conversation Listening
Talking about a busy day running errands People talking about what they need to get done
Pronunciation Speaking
Stress in causative verb phrases Talking about things you need to get done this
Grammar week
Causative verbs: get and have Writing
Writing about errands you did in the past week


CONNECTED-SB4-U18-200430.indd 177 4/30/20 2:06 PM

Vocabulary  |  Errands
A| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.

get my hair done

get my laptop fixed
get my nails done
get my passport renewed
have a new washing machine installed
have my shoes repaired
have my suit dry-cleaned
have my teeth cleaned
have the filter replaced
have the oil changed

B | Look at the pictures. Choose the answer that best completes each sentence.

1 2

I had my teeth ____ before the job interview. She had the oil ____ when the car was one year old.
a installed a turned
b cleaned b returned
c replaced c fixed
d renewed d changed

178  UNIT 18

CONNECTED-SB4-U18-200430.indd 178 4/30/20 2:06 PM

3 4

My mother had her ____ done last Wednesday. He had his shoes ____ because the soles were
a nails worn down.
b soles a sold
c heels b repaired
d teeth c returned
d dry-cleaned

5 6

Alana had her hair ____ at her cousin’s beauty We got our passports ____ so we could travel to
salon. Brazil.
a installed a fixed
b replaced b cleaned
c done c installed
d renewed d renewed

7 8

Paul had his favorite suit ____ before his brother’s I had the filter in the air conditioner ____ because
wedding. the old one was filthy.
a returned a noticed
b handmade b monitored
c dry-cleaned c created
d purchased d replaced


CONNECTED-SB4-U18-200430.indd 179 4/30/20 2:06 PM

9 10

They had a brand new washing machine ____ two She had her laptop ____ because she spilled coffee
weeks after they moved in. on the keyboard.
a installed a fixed
b removed b dry-cleaned
c returned c installed
d exchanged d changed

C| Listen and practice saying the sentences in B.

D| How often do you do the things in A, or when’s the last time you did them?

Tell a partner.

I get my hair done twice a month. I I had my teeth cleaned a couple of

always get my hair done by the same weeks ago. I actually enjoy going to
stylist. His name is Ricardo. I’ve been the dentist. Not everyone does!
going to him for years.

180  UNIT 18

CONNECTED-SB4-U18-200430.indd 180 4/30/20 2:06 PM

A| Read and listen to the conversation.
Pema You look busy.

Calvin I have lots to do this morning!

Pema I hear you. I’m getting my hair done.

Calvin I’m having my oil changed. Then, I’m having my passport renewed.

Pema That doesn’t sound like a fun morning.

Calvin Well, it’s probably more fun than getting your hair done.

Pema Not really. I’m also having my nails done.

Calvin I prefer my morning errands.

Pema You should go with me to get your hair done and have your nails done, too.

Calvin You aren’t serious, are you?

Pema I am. Don’t you start your new job Monday?

Calvin Actually, I start it on Tuesday. Why?

Pema You don’t look professional. You look like you’re ready to go hiking.

Calvin What’s wrong with that?

Calvin, you have to look professional to work in an office. Come with me. We’ll have your
Pema suits dry-cleaned, too. And why don’t you have your teeth cleaned Monday morning?

Calvin Didn’t I tell you? My new job isn’t in an office. I’m going to work at a rock climbing gym!

B | Choose the correct answers.

1 What is Calvin going to do to his car?
a sell it b wash it c have its oil changed
2 When is Calvin starting his new job?
a Monday b Tuesday c Wednesday
3 Where is Calvin's new job?
a at an office b at a rock climbing gym c at a restaurant

C | Practice the conversation with a partner.


CONNECTED-SB4-U18-200430.indd 181 4/30/20 2:06 PM

Pronunciation  |  Stress in causative verb phrases
A| Listen. Notice the stress of the words in bold. Then practice.

I'm getting my hair done. He had his suit dry-cleaned.

She's having her teeth cleaned. We need to get our passports renewed.

B | Find more sentences with this type of stress. Practice.

Grammar  |  Causative verbs: get and have

A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

I get my nails done every two weeks.

He needs to have his hair cut.
We need to get our passports renewed before we can travel.
She has her shirts dry-cleaned every week.
It’s almost time to get my teeth cleaned.

B | Complete each sentence with the correct form of get or have and a word from the box.
cut change dry-clean do install fix

1 I need to ________________________ my oil ________________________.

2 Nicole ________________________ her nails ________________________ at the salon
over there.
3 We are going to________________________ a new washing machine ________________________
in our home.
4 I need to ________________________ my laptop ________________________. It’s been broken for
5 You will have to ________________________ your suit ________________________ before your job
6 Where do you ________________________ your hair ________________________?

C | Look at the conversation on page 181.

Underline all causative verb phrases. This weekend I have to have
some shoes repaired. I need
to wear them to a wedding
D|  What are some things you have
next week.
to get done by each of the times listed
below? Tell a partner.
• this weekend • next week
• next month • next year

182  UNIT 18

CONNECTED-SB4-U18-200430.indd 182 4/30/20 2:06 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
admit insecure
anxiety overcome
avoid overwhelmed
behavior put off
break down rank
complicated reward
guilty uncomfortable

B | Read the article.

I can do it later
Procrastination is when you put off doing something until tomorrow, or the day
after tomorrow, or the day after that. Almost everyone procrastinates, at least
a little bit or some of the time. Many of us try hard to understand why we do it
and how we can change our behavior. We feel guilty about procrastination.
There are many reasons why we put off taking care of some work or tasks. Sometimes, we just have so many
things to do that we feel overwhelmed. We don’t know where to start. Other times, we may be facing work that is
very complicated, and we feel insecure and nervous about understanding it or about how to get it done. Another
common situation is delaying doing something we find boring.
This behavior is really a way to avoid uncomfortable feelings. Whether it’s insecurity, anxiety, or boredom, we would
rather do anything than face the challenge of these feelings.
Luckily, there is some good news in all this. There are many techniques and little tricks that can help us overcome
this behavior. First, we need to recognize when we are procrastinating and admit it. Next, we can make a list of
everything we have to do, break down complicated tasks into smaller, simpler pieces, or promise ourselves a
reward for getting boring work done. Ranking each task by order of importance also helps. And here comes the
hard part: just start working. Any tiny step counts.
If all else fails, we may need to do what Raymond Chandler, a famous American mystery writer, used to do. He
forced himself to write detective stories by setting aside four hours a day and following two rules: “You don’t have
to write. You can’t do anything else.”

C | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ____ Procrastination is when you do your work right away.
2 ____ Procrastination has to do with uncomfortable feelings.
3 ____ There are tricks to help break procrastination.
4 ____ People procrastinate because they feel great about putting things off.
5 ____ People sometimes procrastinate because they don’t know how to do the work.
6 ____ Breaking large tasks into small chunks doesn’t help. It’s too complicated.


CONNECTED-SB4-U18-200430.indd 183 4/30/20 2:06 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
apply for laundry
best man look my best
break down tires
expire wedding anniversary

B| Listen. Write the number of the speaker next to the correct picture.

a ______ b ______

c ______ d ______

C| Listen again. Choose the correct information to complete the sentences.

1 Kimiko has to get her passport / her grandparents’ passports renewed. She’s planning to go to
Tokyo this summer / next month.

2 Sean needs to get his laundry / dry cleaning done. He’s going on vacation / on a job interview
tomorrow and needs clean clothes.

3 Miranda is getting her oil changed because she’s going to drive to Boston / Cleveland for her
sister’s / parents’ wedding anniversary.

4 Khalid is getting his hair cut because his brother / cousin is getting married this weekend. He also
needs to get his shoes repaired / suit dry-cleaned.

184  UNIT 18

CONNECTED-SB4-U18-200430.indd 184 4/30/20 2:06 PM

Choose one of the topics. Prepare notes for your answer. Use the information in
EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you prepare.

Talk about some things you need to get Talk about some things a friend or family
done this week. member needs to get done this week.


I have a wedding to go to
I need to get my laptop
this weekend, so I need to
repaired because I dropped
get my hair done. I should
it the other day and it won’t
probably have my nails
work right now.
done, too.

My dad needs to buy some

Since it’s the end of the
new suits this week for a
semester, my sister has
business trip he’s taking
to write a term paper this
soon. His other ones are a
little too tight.

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get

more information.

What class does she

Do you already have need to write the
term paper for? Where’s he going?
an outfit to wear?


CONNECTED-SB4-U18-200430.indd 185 4/30/20 2:06 PM

A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

Last weekend, I had to get many errands done. I needed to

get my phone repaired, so I took it to the shop. And I brought
several jackets to the dry cleaner’s because they needed
to be cleaned. I also had to drop my car off at the garage
to have the oil changed. And I needed some ingredients for
a special dessert I wanted to bring to a dinner party, so I
had to go to a gourmet store to get them. Finally, I needed to go to the post
office to get a package mailed to a friend. It was a long and tiring day!

• Why did the writer have to bring her car to the garage?
• Where did the writer go to get ingredients for the dessert?
• What errands did you do last week?

B| Write about errands you had to do recently. Use the information in


I was planning a spec
ial meal
for my friends.
I needed to…
ping. he/she had the flu.
go grocery shop
to the I needed to return
bring my baby something
doctor’s for a I had borrowed.
d’s. it was overdue.
drop by a frien
return a library

186  UNIT 18

CONNECTED-SB4-U18-200430.indd 186 4/30/20 2:06 PM


In this unit, you will practice the following:
Vocabulary Reading
Tasks and obligations How polite are you?
Conversation Listening
Talking about plans for the next day People talking about what they will be doing
Pronunciation Speaking
Intonation to express displeasure Talking about something you have to do soon
Grammar Writing
Future continuous Writing about what you will be doing in the future


CONNECTED-SB4-U19-200430.indd 187 4/30/20 2:06 PM

Vocabulary  |  Tasks and obligations
A| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.

attending a dance recital

babysitting my brother’s kids
cleaning out my closets
driving my in-laws to the airport
helping my friend move into his new apartment
helping my niece with her science project
listening to a history lecture
playing golf with my boss
taking a knitting class
waiting for a delivery at home

B | Look at the pictures. Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

1 2

Tomorrow afternoon, he’ll be waiting for a delivery / On Sunday, I’ll be playing golf / soccer / hockey
car / friend at home. with my boss.

188  UNIT 19

CONNECTED-SB4-U19-200430.indd 188 4/30/20 2:06 PM

3 4

We’ll be listening to a history project / lecture / My best friend will be taking a sewing / knitting /
delivery at 3:00 this afternoon. music class with my mom.

5 6

I can’t go to the beach because I’ll be helping I’ll be cleaning out my closets / luggage / in-laws
my friend live / babysit / move into her new this weekend.

7 8

Tomorrow afternoon, I’ll be biking / flying / driving Will you be attending your sister’s dance party /
my in-laws to the airport. recital / lesson this Saturday?


CONNECTED-SB4-U19-200430.indd 189 4/30/20 2:06 PM

9 10

Tomorrow night, I’ll be babysitting / playing / This evening, I’ll be helping my nephew with his
attending my brother’s kids. science recital / delivery / project for school.

C| Listen and practice saying the sentences in B.

D| What do you have to do this weekend? Tell a partner about your plans using the

verbs below.

attend clean help listen play take wait

A guy is coming to my house My cousin is moving to a

to repair my washing machine. I don’t new apartment, and I told her I would
know what exact time he’s coming. help her. I’m going to drive to her place on
They just told me that I have to wait Saturday morning, and we’re going to put
at home from 1 to 5 on Saturday all her boxes and things into a truck.

190  UNIT 19

CONNECTED-SB4-U19-200430.indd 190 4/30/20 2:06 PM

A| Read and listen to the conversation.
Cho What’s the matter?

Jim I’m thinking about tomorrow.

Cho Ugh. Don’t remind me.

Jim I’ll be helping my friend Roberto move into his new apartment.

Cho That’s not as bad as my day tomorrow.

Jim You can’t be serious. I’ll be moving all his heavy furniture to his third floor apartment!

Cho Well, I’ll be taking a knitting class with my cousin.

Jim At least you’ll be sitting all evening.

Cho Trust me. I’ll be going crazy. Have you ever met my cousin?

Jim No. Is she your cousin from Japan?

Cho Yes. She’ll be learning to knit, but she’ll also be trying to make friends.

Jim I’m sure she’ll be more fun than Roberto. He talks and talks and talks!

Cho Ha! That’s just like my cousin. I’m exhausted after five minutes with her.

Jim Wait! I have the perfect idea. Roberto needs to learn how to knit.

Cho Oh, you’re good. Class will be starting tomorrow evening at eight o’clock.

I’ll bring him to class. And, with a little luck, he’ll be talking to
Jim your cousin before the end of the night!

Cho And she’ll be going to knitting class with her new friend!

B | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ____ Jim is moving to a new apartment tomorrow. 3 ____ Cho’s cousin likes to talk.
2 ____ Cho’s cousin is from Japan. 4 ____ Roberto is going to take a knitting class.
C | Practice the conversation with a partner.
Pronunciation  |  Intonation to express displeasure
A| Listen. Pay attention to the intonation of the words in bold. Then practice.
I’m going to be attending a dance recital. I’m taking my in-laws to the airport.
I’m waiting for a delivery. I’m helping my friend move.

B | Find more sentences with this type of intonation. Practice.


CONNECTED-SB4-U19-200430.indd 191 4/30/20 2:06 PM

Grammar  |  Future continuous
A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

This Saturday night, I’ll be cleaning out my closets. TIP
Use the future continuous to talk
I’ll be babysitting my brother’s kids tonight. about a continuous action that’s
happening at a particular point in
He won’t be playing golf with his boss this weekend. the future.
We’ll be helping our friend move into her new apartment next week.
They won’t be taking yoga lessons next month.

Questions and answers

Will you be taking English lessons next semester? Yes, I will. / No, I won't.
What will you be doing tonight? I’ll be watching TV with my family.
Where will he be having lunch? He’ll be having lunch at the café down the street.

B | Write the future continuous form of the verbs in parentheses.

1 a What ________________________ you ________________________ (do) tonight at 6:00 pm?
b I ________________________ (eat) dinner.
2 a ________________________ you ________________________ (work) tonight?
b Yes, I ________________________.
3 a When ________________________ John ________________________ (leave) for Australia?
b He ________________________ (leave) next Tuesday.
4 a What ________________________ Anna ________________________ (do) while you’re at work?
b She ________________________ (shop) at the mall.
5 a ________________________ your brother ________________________ (stay) with you?
b No, he ________________________.
6 a Where ________________________ you ________________________ (have) dinner tonight?
b I ________________________ (eat) dinner at home.

C | Look at the conversation on page 191. Underline all the examples of the future continuous.

D|  What will you be doing at the times below? Use the future continuous. Tell a partner.
• at 11 pm tonight
This Sunday night I’ll be
• at noon tomorrow relaxing at home, eating
• this Saturday morning popcorn, and watching my
favorite TV drama.
• this Sunday night

192  UNIT 19

CONNECTED-SB4-U19-200430.indd 192 4/30/20 2:06 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
allergic mention
host offer
ignore pretend
lend the last minute

B | Read the article.

How polite are you?

Take the survey to find out.
1 You are out for dinner with friends and you get a text message.
a Pick up your phone and reply to the message.
b Ignore the message until the meal is over.
c Walk away from the table and call the person.
2 You are sitting on the train and a much older person is standing in front of you.
a Stand up and offer the person your seat right away.
b Wait until your station and then give the person your seat.
c Look at your phone and pretend you don’t see the person.
3 You are invited to a party. What should you do?
a Tell the host right away if you will be attending.
b Wait until the last minute and then tell the host you can’t go.
c Ignore the invitation because you don’t really want to go.
4 Your friend lends you a book and then you lose it. What should you do?
a Never mention the book to your friend again.
b Tell your friend that you thought you had already given it back.
c Tell your friend you lost the book and buy a new one to replace it.
5 Your friend serves you a meal that tastes terrible. What do you do?
a Tell your friend that you’re allergic to something in the meal.
b Tell your friend that you aren’t feeling well.
c Try to eat as much of the meal as possible.
How did you do? Are you as polite as you thought? Here are the most polite answers: 1 (b) 2 (a) 3 (a) 4 (c) 5 (c).

C | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ____ When you get a text message at dinner, you should call the person back right away.
2 ____ When you are sitting on a train and see an older person standing, you should ignore them.
3 ____ When you are invited to a party, tell the host that you are coming right away.
4 ____ When your friend lends you a book and you lose it, you shouldn’t talk about it at all.
5 ____ When your friend serves you food that you don’t like, you should try to eat it.

CONNECTED-SB4-U19-200430.indd 193 4/30/20 2:06 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
closet manicure
clubhouse mother-in-law
enjoy oneself rent
golf throw out
hopefully treat oneself

B| Listen. Write the number of the speaker next to the correct picture.

a ______ b ______

c ______ d ______

C| Listen again. Then choose the correct answers.

1 Brahim be will be playing / watching golf with his boss. Brahim thinks golf is boring / relaxing.
2 Sun-hee will be helping her brother move into a new house / apartment. Sun-hee’s brother needs a
roommate / to borrow some money.
3 Zhang will be driving his mother-in-law to the airport / a hotel. Zhang’s mother-in-law is flying back
to Hong Kong / Shanghai.
4 Marissa will be painting / cleaning out her closets. Marissa will be taking some clothes to a charity
store / to her sister.

194  UNIT 19

CONNECTED-SB4-U19-200430.indd 194 4/30/20 2:06 PM

Choose one of the topics. Prepare notes for your answer. Use the information in
EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you prepare.

Talk about what you will be doing in the Talk about what a friend or family
near future.
OR member will be doing in the near future.


This weekend, I’ll be staying

Next week, I’ll be attending
with my sister’s son while she
a training for a new system
and her husband go out of
we’ll be using at work. I’m
town. I have some fun ideas for
not looking forward to it!
activities we can do.

My cousin is coming to visit at This week, my brother and

the end of the month, so this some classmates will be
week, my boyfriend and I will working on a class project
be planning what we can do that’s due next week. They
with her while she’s here. have a lot of work to do!

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get more


What activities do
Why will there be a you have in mind? Where will they work
new system? on the project?


CONNECTED-SB4-U19-200430.indd 195 4/30/20 2:06 PM

A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

Tomorrow night, I will be studying for an exam. On Friday

afternoon when classes end, I will be enjoying the start to the
weekend. Some classmates and I are going out for coffee.
Then I’m going to a movie with my brother Friday evening.
Saturday afternoon, I will be running errands with my dad.
We need to pick up supplies at the hardware store for a
project we’re working on. Sunday afternoon, I will be watching
the football game on TV. Then on Sunday evening, I’ll be doing my homework.

• When is the writer going out for coffee with friends?

• Why does the writer need to go to the hardware store?
• What will you be doing tomorrow at this time?

B| Write about what you think you will be doing at the times noted below. Use the

information in EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you.
• Tomorrow at noon
• Friday night at 7:00 pm because…
• Saturday morning at 10:00 am I want to go shopping.
• Sunday evening at 5:00 pm we have tickets.
• Monday morning at 8:00 am we’ll be out late Frid
it’s going to be a busy

I will be…
taking a bus into
ith friends.
at a concert w
sleeping, probab
or next
getting ready f

196  UNIT 19

CONNECTED-SB4-U19-200430.indd 196 4/30/20 2:06 PM


In this unit, you will practice the following:
Vocabulary Reading
Future aspirations Amazing profiles
Conversation Listening
Talking about future aspirations People talking about plans for the future
Pronunciation Speaking
Words with a glottal stop /ʔ/ Talking about your future aspirations
Grammar Writing
Future perfect Writing about what you will have done by this time
next year


CONNECTED-SB4-U20-200430.indd 197 4/30/20 2:07 PM

Vocabulary  |  Future aspirations
A| Read. Make notes to understand the meanings. Then listen and practice.

become a black belt in karate

bought a more reliable car
gotten a PhD
gotten over my cold
learned to speak English fluently
saved enough money to retire
upgraded to a new phone
visited all seven continents
voted in 12 presidential elections
written a novel

B | Look at the pictures. Choose the answer that best completes each sentence.

1 2

By this time next year, my wife will have written a I’m sure I’ll have ____ my cold before next weekend.
____. a gone under
a black belt b gone over
b novel c gotten under
c PhD d gotten over
d short-term goal

198  UNIT 20

CONNECTED-SB4-U20-200430.indd 198 4/30/20 2:07 PM

3 4

After I go to Antarctica, I’ll have visited all seven By the time she graduates from college, she’ll have
____. become a ____ in karate.
a conditions a short-term goal
b contents b first base
c condiments c black belt
d continents d home run

5 6

I’ll have voted in 12 presidential ____ by the time I Will you have bought a more ____ car before
retire. starting your cross-country trip?
a short-term goals a realistic
b elections b relevant
c electives c reliable
d continents d resourceful

7 8

By this time next year, I’ll have ____ to a new phone. Our daughter will have gotten a ____ by the end of
a grown up next year.
b lined up a PhD
c upgraded b Tsp.
d aligned c Inc.
d Corp.

BY THE TIME I'M 70  199

CONNECTED-SB4-U20-200430.indd 199 4/30/20 2:07 PM

9 10

Will you have ____ enough money to retire when I’ll have learned to speak English ____ before next
you’re 65? winter.
a given a fluently
b lost b resourcefully
c thrown c reliably
d saved d respectively

C| Listen and practice saying the sentences in B.

D| Which of the things in A would you like to do someday? What do you need to do to

help you achieve that goal? Tell a partner.

I would love to write a novel I’ve always dreamed of visiting all

someday. I love reading science fiction seven continents in the future. I’ve
books, and I have some ideas for a book already visited two of them. I think I need
of my own. Maybe I should take a writing to sit down and figure out how much
class to help me learn how to start. money I need to save first.

200  UNIT 20

CONNECTED-SB4-U20-200430.indd 200 4/30/20 2:07 PM

A| Read and listen to the conversation.
Cassie Luis, are you OK?

Luis I have a cold. I’m OK, but I’m miserable.

Cassie You look miserable. Hey, can you believe that Mr. Miura is retiring?

Luis He doesn’t look old enough to retire.

Cassie He’s been with the company for 43 years. He’s definitely old enough.

Luis Well, I will have retired by the time I’m 50.

Cassie That’s really young. Will you have saved enough money to retire by that time?

Luis Sure. I will have written a novel by my 25th birthday, and it will be very popular, of course.

Cassie Of course. And I’m sure you will have received lots of money from it by the time you retire.

Luis Exactly.

Cassie What will you do if you haven’t made enough money to retire by then?

Luis I just want to get over this cold!

Cassie But you need a good plan.

Luis You’re right. I need a good plan to get over this cold!

I’m serious. By the time I’m 30, I will have gotten my PhD. And I
Cassie will have become president of a university by the time I’m 40.
Luis That does sound serious.
So what will you do if your novel hasn’t been successful
Cassie enough for you to retire by the time you’re 50?
Luis I only have one plan right now. I will go home and drink lots of juice and get lots of rest.

Cassie There you go. That’s a good plan.

Thank you! And I will have gotten over this cold by the
Luis weekend so I can start to write my novel.

B | Read the sentences. Write T (true) or F (false).

1 ____ Luis is retiring.
2 ____ Luis will have written a book by the time he is 25.
3 ____ Cassie will have made enough money to retire by the time she is 40.
4 ____ Luis's plan is to drink lots of juice and rest.

C | Practice the conversation with a partner.

BY THE TIME I'M 70  201

CONNECTED-SB4-U20-200430.indd 201 4/30/20 2:07 PM

Pronunciation  |  Words with a glottal stop: /ʔ/
A| Listen. Notice the pronunciation of the letters in bold. Then practice.

gotten written mountain continents

B | Find more words with this sound. Practice.

Grammar  |  Future perfect

A| Read and listen to the grammar presentation.

By the time I’m 70, I will have retired and moved to Florida. TIP
Use the future perfect to talk about something
I will have graduated from college by this time next year. that has or hasn’t already happened by a
particular point in the future.
By next Monday, I’ll have gotten back from my trip.
I will not have finished this book by next week.
I won’t have quit my job by next month.

Questions and answers

Will you have finished your report by next Monday? Yes, I will. / No, I won't.

What will you have accomplished by the age of 70? I will have traveled around the world.

B | Write the future perfect form of the verbs in parentheses.

1 John ________________________________ (buy) a house by this time next year.
2 Hana and James ________________________________ (not move) to South Korea by September.
3 By the time my mom retires, she ________________________________ (write) ten books.
4 By the time I’m 25 years old, I ________________________________ (not get) married.
5 By this time next week, I ________________________________ (start) my new job in
Washington, DC.
6 Simon ________________________________ (pass) his driver’s test by the end of the day.

C | Look at the conversation on page 201. Underline all the examples of the future perfect.

D|  What will or won’t you have done by the times below? Use the future perfect.
Tell a partner.
• by this time tomorrow By the end of this year, we’ll
• by tonight at 9 pm have finished building our new
home. Hopefully we’ll have
• by the start of next week moved in by then.
• by the end of this year

202  UNIT 20

CONNECTED-SB4-U20-200430.indd 202 4/30/20 2:07 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
a natural ear for IQ
adjunct professor physician
applied chemistry physics
calculus prodigy
diapers pursue
genius surgery

B | Read the article.

Amazing profiles
Do you remember what you liked to do when you were seven?
You probably liked playing with your parents and friends. Well,
Akrit Pran Jaswal was performing his first surgery. He wasn’t
a doctor at the time, but he was already considered a medical
genius. He started medical school at 12, and by age 17, he was
pursuing a master’s degree in applied chemistry. He is India’s
youngest physician and university graduate.
Kim Ung-yong may be the smartest person alive today, and he’s been
impressively smart since he was three years old. His IQ is 210. At age three,
he was studying physics at Hanyang University. At four, he was able to read in
several languages. At five, he was able to solve complex calculus problems.
He got his PhD in physics at Colorado State University before he turned 15. He
is now a professor at Shinhan University in South Korea.
Akim Camara is a violin prodigy. He started playing the violin
when he was two. He was still in diapers and had just started
talking. When he started lessons, his teacher said that he had
an amazing natural ear for music. He learned to play after only
six months of training! His first performance was at age three at
a Christmas concert. Today, Akim is in his 20s and is still playing
the violin.

C | Read the sentences. Choose the correct person.

1 He performed surgery at seven. Akrit Pran Jaswal / Kim Ung-yong / Akim Camara
2 He has a PhD in physics. Akrit Pran Jaswal / Kim Ung-yong / Akim Camara
3 He was playing violin at age 2. Akrit Pran Jaswal / Kim Ung-yong / Akim Camara
4 He has a master’s in applied chemistry. Akrit Pran Jaswal / Kim Ung-yong / Akim Camara
5 He may be smartest person alive today. Akrit Pran Jaswal / Kim Ung-yong / Akim Camara

BY THE TIME I'M 70  203

CONNECTED-SB4-U20-200430.indd 203 4/30/20 2:07 PM

A | Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If not, write their meanings.
astronomy move out
astrophysicist publish
black belt tradition

B| Listen. Write the number of the speaker next to the correct picture.

a ______ b ______ c ______ c ______

C| Listen again. Then choose the correct answers.

1 Anton wants to be ____. 5 Dante has always wanted to ____.
a a black belt a get his black belt in karate
b an astrophysicist b visit all seven continents
c a writer c study astronomy
2 By the time he’s 30, Anton will have ____. 6 By the time he’s 55, Dante will have ____.
a retired so he can travel a saved up enough money so he and his wife
b published his first novel can retire
c gotten his PhD b graduated with a degree in astrophysics
3 Aisha has always been interested in ____. c visited all seven continents
a the stars 7 Keiko’s father and grandfather are both ____.
b karate a novelists
c the seven continents b black belts
4 By the time she’s 25, Aisha will have ____. c astrophysicists
a published a novel 8 By the time she graduates, Keiko will have ____.
b visited all seven continents a written a novel
c gotten a PhD b visited all seven continents
c become a black belt in karate

204  UNIT 20

CONNECTED-SB4-U20-200430.indd 204 4/30/20 2:07 PM

Choose one of the topics. Prepare notes for your answer. Use the information in
EXPRESS YOURSELF to help you prepare.

Talk about what a friend or family

Talk about what you will have done in
OR member will have done at some point in
the relatively near future.
the relatively far future.


By this time next month, I

I will have already had
will have graduated from
dinner by the time I get
college with a degree in
home this evening.
political science.

My mom will have been a By the time my grandfather

chemist for thirty years by turns 80, he will have done
the time she retires. a lot of traveling.

B| Talk about your topic with a partner. Ask your partner questions to get

more information.

Where will you have

What will you do after eaten? Has he already done
you graduate? some traveling?

BY THE TIME I'M 70  205

CONNECTED-SB4-U20-200430.indd 205 4/30/20 2:07 PM

A | Read the example. Answer the questions that follow. Tell a partner.

By this time next year, I will have moved out of my

parents’ house and into my own apartment. And I will have
learned how to speak English even better than I do now!
I will also have taken a trip to the United States. My
friends and I already have our plane tickets. It’s going
to be a great year!

• Where will the writer have moved to?

• Why do you think the writer will have learned to speak English better?
• What will you have done by this time next year?

B| Write about what you will have done by this time next year. Use the information in


And I will have…
lost weight.
I will have… gone backpacking a
for cross
become an uncle Europe.
the first time.
gotten a better

I will also have…

paid off my deb
gotten a new ca

206  UNIT 20

CONNECTED-SB4-U20-200430.indd 206 4/30/20 2:07 PM



Vocabulary  |  Circle the word or phrase that doesn’t belong in each group.
1 layover fluently airport flight
2 recital lecture class reliable
3 election repaired installed replaced
4 efficient project intelligent polite
5 serious careful closet patient
6 knitting karate golf fixed
7 babysit tax tip money
8 nails in-laws teeth hair

Grammar  |  Find the error. Write the correct sentence.

1 Could you tell me what time departs the train?
2 I don’t know if the museum be open today.
3 I try to work efficient every day.
4 Tammy sings well than a lot of people.
5 Ed runs the faster of everyone in the class.
6 It’s almost time to get cleaned my teeth.
7 This weekend, I’ll be clean out my closets.
8 Where will he be have lunch today?
9 By next Monday, I’ll have finish my project.
10 Will you have graduate by this time next year?

Check Yourself  |  How well do you know it? Circle the correct rating for yourself.
Units 16–20 Units 16–20
Vocabulary Grammar

RACE  207

Connected-SB4-RACE4-200430.indd 207 4/30/20 1:56 PM


Two truths and a lie

A | Complete the sentences based on the prompts in parentheses. Some information
should be true. Some information should be false (a lie).
1 My best friend ___________________ ___________________ than I do.
(verb, comparative adverb)
2 I ___________________ better than most of my friends. (verb)
3 My ___________________ ___________________ the most ___________________ of
everyone in my family. (relative, verb, adverb)
4 I ___________________ the best of all the people in my family. (verb)
5 I ___________________ every weekend. (causative verb phrase with get)
6 I ___________________ at least once a month. (causative verb phrase with have)
7 This weekend I ____________________________________.
(verb phrase in future continuous)
8 Next summer I ____________________________________.
(verb phrase in future continuous)
9 By next Monday, I ____________________________________.
(verb phrase in future perfect)
My best friend drives
10 By this time next year, I ______________________ more carefully than I do.
(verb phrase in future perfect)

B | Work in a group. Read two true statements and one

lie about yourself. Your classmates will guess which
statement is a lie.

Try it out
 sk a classmate about what classes  ou’re supposed to attend a meeting
they’ll be taking next semester or next in an hour, but you’re not sure about
year. Talk about what you’ll be doing. the details. Email a co-worker and ask
for information.

What classes will you be taking

next semester? I’m planning to
take more economics classes.
I know what time the
meeting starts, but I’m
not sure where it is.
Also, do you know if
there’s anything I need
to prepare?

208  RACE

Connected-SB4-RACE4-200430.indd 208 4/30/20 1:56 PM

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Photography; (6) Kawin Ounprasertsuk; (7) Tero Vesalainen; (8) stockfour; 44 (9) Andrii Monkey Business Images; (b) Shyntartanya; (c) Dragon Images; (d) imtmphoto; 195 TL
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Camacho B; 72 Top Alf Ribeiro; (1) Monkey Business Images; (2) mimagephotography; (3)
Rawpixel.com; 73 Robert Kneschke; 74 (1) Ugorenkov Aleksandr; (2) nguyen trung tin; 75 (3)
Marko Poplasen; (4) gualtiero boffi; (5) pathdoc; (6) antpkr; (7) CREATISTA; (8) Shane Gross;
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Photo and Video; (5) Spiroview Inc; (6) Phovoir; (7) alexvav; (8) Serhii Bobyk; 86 (9)
PhotoItaliaStudio; (10) Dustie; bottom left Bigone; bottom right pyrozhenka; 87 IRIS
Productions; 88 ultramansk; 89 top Ruslan Huzau; bottom LStockStudio; 90 (a) magicinfoto;
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Soloviova Liudmyla; (3) Alicia G. Monedero; 93 Bernhard Staehli; 94 (1) Blanscape; (2)
kyslynskahal; (3) Robert Lucian Crusitu; (4) Mark Schwettmann; 95 (5) Barnaby Chambers; (6)
elwynn; (7) Richard Whitcombe; (8) FloridaStock; (9) S.Borisov; (10) mjaud; bottom sima; 96
Mangostar; 97 Vlad Teodor; 98 top left Christian Roberts-Olsen top center Rich Carey; top
right Richard Whitcombe; bottom Roman Samborskyi; 99 top Alison Hancock; center Diyana
Dimitrova; bottom Tusumaru; 100 (a) goodluz; (b) l i g h t p o e t; (c) file404; (d) Doin; 101 TL
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(1) trekandshoot; (2) Sunflowerey; 104 (1) UNIKYLUCKK; (2) Rawpixel.com; (3) Adam Gregor;
(4) Krakenimages.com; bottom left fizkes; bottom right kurhan; 105 PKpix; 106 (1) stockphoto
mania; (2) Jorge Salcedo; 107 (3) viki2win; (4) ESB Professional; (5) Adam Gregor; (6)
lunamarina; (7) Andrei Nekrassov; (8) YanLev; 108 (9) goodluz; (10) ESB Professional; bottom
left baranq; bottom right BrandonKleinVideo; 109 Dean Drobot; 110 Yuganov Konstantin; 111
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Monkey Business Images; (2) ID1974; 117 (3) Andrey_Popov; (4) Dudarev Mikhail; (5)
Khakimullin Aleksandr; (6) michaeljung; (7) homydesign; (8) Kzenon; 118 (9) sirtravelalot; (10)
Jasminko Ibrakovic; bottom left Prostock-studio; bottom right Vgstockstudio; 119 Mangostar;
120 New Africa; 121 top Nejron Photo; bottom Dmitri Ma; 122 (a) Felix Mizioznikov; (b) Vladimir
Gjorgiev; (c) Halfpoint; (d) Luca Santilli; 123 TL metamorworks; TR AJR_photo; BL Alba

CONNECTED-SB4-INSIDEBACKCOVER-200430.indd 106 4/30/20 2:38 PM


Christopher Wenger

CONNECTED is a six-level General English course taking young adult/adult learners from
Beginner to Advanced levels (CEFR: A1 to C1).
• Get motivated through frequent personalization of target language points, personal
learning paths, and self-assessment of progress toward your goals.
• Maximize your classroom time learning English with lexical support in your first
language and logs for you to record and build on the language you want to use.
• Join the community with the Connected online platform, an online community for you
to extend your practice of English and for instructors to develop and share their skills in
teaching with the series.

CONNECTED Components
• Student Book • Teacher's Guide
• Workbook • Assessment
• Online Workbook Plus • Split Combo Editions

Student Site Teacher Site
• Pronunciation Audio • Basecamp Training Videos and Blog
• Connected Videos • Student Book and Assessment Audio
• Lexical Lists • Video Scripts and Worksheets
• Personal Path Tools Level 4

Christopher Wenger
9 781647 630119

CONNECTED-SB4-COVER-200430.indd 105 4/30/20 2:11 PM

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