Election Law Reviewer
Election Law Reviewer
Election Law Reviewer
8. Specific powers
a. Power to declare failure of elections
Two conditions must concur
General Rule: The COMELEC sitting en banc does not
before the COMELEC can act on
have the requisite authority to hear and decide election
a petition seeking to declare a
cases in the first instance. This power pertains to the
failure of elections:
divisions of the Commission. Any decision by the
Commission en banc as regards election cases decided i. No voting took place in
by it in the first instance is null and void. (Abad v. the precinct/s on the
COMELEC) date fixed by law, or
even if there was
voting, the election
1. When what is involved in the case is purely resulted in failure to
administrative and not quasi-judicial in nature elect
2. When the required number of votes to reach a ii. The votes not cast
decision, resolution, order, or ruling is not would have affected
obtained in the division the result of the
3. Where the petitioner invoked the jurisdiction of
the COMELEC en banc, participated in its b. Power to call for special elections
proceedings and sought relief therefrom in
In fixing the date for special
which instance he is estopped to subsequently
elections, the COMELEC should
question the jurisdiction of the COMELEC en
see to it that:
i. It should not be later
4. Petitions for the postponement, declaration of
than 30 days after the
failure of election and the calling of special
cessation of the cause
of the postponement or prescribed by law for certain pre-election acts, the
suspension of the Commission shall fix other periods and dates in order to
election or failure to ensure the accomplishment of the activities so voters
elect shall not be deprived of their suffrage. (Sec. 28, RA
8436; Sec. 29, RA 6646, adopted pursuant to Sec. 9, Art.
ii. It should be reasonably
IX-C of 1987 Constitution)
close to the date of the
election not held, *This standby power, however, does not apply to fixing
suspended, or which the date of registration of votes because Sec. 8 of RA
resulted in the failure 8189, which provides for a continuing registration of
to elect voters, specifically states that: “No registration shall,
however, be conducted during the period starting 120
c. Power to postpone elections
days before a regular election and 90 days before a
d. Power to correct manifest errors in special election.”
election documents
Powers NOT granted to the COMELEC:
With the introduction of the
1. Power to decide questions involving the right to
PCOS System pursuant to RA
9369, every copy should be as
good and as clear as the first 2. Power to include and exclude voters
one. Hence the problem of
Currently, jurisdiction to decide
manifest errors might be a
controversies on inclusion or exclusion
thing in the past.
of voters belongs to the Municipal Trial
e. Power to reorder canvass of votes Court
5. Resident of the Philippines for at least 10 years 4. Able to read and write Filipino or any other
immediately preceding the day of the election local language or dialect
The petition may be filed not later than 25 days Fair Elections Act
from the time of filing of the certificate of
Lawful Election Propaganda
candidacy and shall be decided after due notice
and hearing not later than 15 days before the 1. Written/printed materials (does not exceed 8 ½
election (Sec. 78, BP 881) in. width by 14in length)
Jurisdiction over a petition to cancel a 2. Handwritten/printed letters
certificate of candidacy lies with the COMELEC
in division, not with the COMELEC en banc 3. Posters (not exceeding 2x3ft) however, 3x8ft
streamers are allowed in announcing a public
Effect of Disqualification case meeting or rally at the site and on the occasion
of a public meeting or rally may be displayed 5
Any candidate who has been declared by final judgment
days before the date of rally but shall be
to be disqualified shall not be voted for, and the votes
removed within 24 hours after said rally
cast for him shall not be counted. If for any reason a
candidate is not declared by final judgment before an 4. Print ads
election to be disqualified and he is voted for and
received the winning number of votes in such election, 5. ¼ page in broadsheets and ½ page in tabloids
the Court or Commission shall continue with the trial thrice a week per newspaper, magazine, or
and hearing of the action, inquiry, or protest, and upon other publication during the campaign period
motion of the complainant or any intervenor, may 6. Broadcast media (TV/radio)
during the pendency thereof order the suspension of
the proclamation of such candidate whenever the a. National positions: 120mins for TV and
evidence of his guilt is strong. (Sec. 5 RA 6646) 180mins for radio
Print advertisements shall not exceed ¼ page in 1. Contribution for purposes of partisan political
broadsheet and ½ page in tabloids thrice a week activity shall be made directly or indirectly by
per newspaper, magazine, or other publications any of the following:
during the campaign period
a. Public or private financial institutions;
Not more than 120mins of TV ad and 180mins except loan made by financial
of radio ad whether by purchase or donation institutions legally in the business of
lending money and in accordance with
Not more than 60mins of TV ad and 90mins of laws and regulations and in the ordinary
radio ad whether by purchase or donation course of business
Exit Polls b. Natural and juridical persons operating
Exit polls may only be taken subject to the following a public utility or in possession of or
requirements: exploiting the natural resources of the
1. Pollsters shall not conduct their surveys within
50 meters from the polling place, whether said c. Natural and juridical persons who hold
survey is taken in a home, dwelling place, and contracts or sub-contracts to supply the
other place government or any of its divisions,
subdivisions or instrumentalities, with
2. Pollsters shall wear distinctive clothing goods or services or to perform
3. Pollsters shall inform the voters that they may construction or other works
refuse to answer d. Natural and juridical persons who have
4. The result of the exit polls may be announced been granted franchises, incentives,
after the closing of the polls on election day and exemptions, allocations, or similar
must clearly identify the total number of privileges or concessions by the
respondents, and the places where they were government or any of its divisions,
taken. Said announcement shall state that the subdivisions or instrumentalities,
same is unofficial and does not represent a including GOCCs
trend. e. Natural and juridical persons who,
Exit polls and the dissemination of their results through within one year prior to the date of the
mass media constitutes part of the freedom of speech election, have been granted loans or
and of the press. Hence the COMELEC cannot ban them other accommodations in excess of
totally in the guise of promoting clean, honest, orderly, 100,000php by the government or any
and credible elections. of its divisions, subdivisions,
instrumentalities including GOCCs
f. Educational institutions which have
-includes a gift, donation, subscription, loan, advance, received grants of public funds
or deposit of money or anything of value, or a contract, amounting to no less than 100,000php
promise or agreement to contribute, whether or not
legally enforceable, made for the purpose of influencing g. Officials or employees in the Civil
the results of the elections but shall not include services Service or members of the AFP
rendered without compensation by individuals h. Foreigners and foreign corporations
volunteering a portion or all of their time in behalf of a
candidate or political party. It shall also include the use 2. It shall be unlawful for any person to solicit or
of facilities voluntarily donated by other persons, the receive any contribution from any of the
money value of which can be assessed based on the persons or entities enumerated herein (Sec. 95,
rates prevailing in the area. (Sec. 94, OEC) OEC)
3. It shall be unlawful for any person, including a 2. Political parties: 5php for every voter currently
political party or public or private entity to registered in the constituency/ies where it has
solicit or receive, directly or indirectly, any aid official candidates
or contribution of whatever form or nature
Statement of Contributions and Expenses (Sec. 14, RA
from any foreign national, government or entity
for the purposes of influencing the results of
the election. (Sec. 96, OEC) Every candidate and treasurer of the political party shall
within 30 days after the day of election file in duplicate
4. It shall be unlawful for any person to hold
with the offices of the Commission the full, true and
dances, lotteries, cockfights, games, boxing
itemized statement of all contributions and
bouts, bingo, beauty contests, entertainments,
expenditures in connection with the election
or cinematographic, theatrical or other
performances for the purpose of raising funds Effect of Failure to File
for an election campaign or for the support of
any candidate from the commencement of the 1. Prohibited from entering upon the duties of his
election period up to and including election day; office
or for any person or organization whether civic 2. Administrative fines
or religious, directly or indirectly, to solicit
and/or accept from any candidate for public
office, or from his campaign manager, agent, or AUTOMATED ELECTIONS ACT (RA 9369)
representative, or any person acting on their
behalf, any gift, food, transportation, Automated election system (AES) – a system
contribution, or donation in cash or in kind from using appropriate technology which has been
the commencement of the election period up to demonstrated in the voting, counting,
and including election day; except normal and consolidating, canvassing, and transmission of
customary religious stipends, tithes, or election result and other electoral process (Sec.
collections on Sundays and/or other designated 2)
collection days, are excluded from this
Electronic transmission – conveying data in
prohibition (Sec. 97, OEC)
electronic form from one location to other
Paper-based election system – a type of
-includes the payment or delivery of money of anything automated election system that use paper
of value, or a contract, promise or agreement to make ballots, records and counts votes, tabulates,
an expenditure, for the purpose of influencing the consolidates/canvasses and transmits
results of the election. It shall also include the use of electronically the results of the vote count
facilities personally owned by the candidate, the money
Direct recording electronic election system – a
value of the use of which can be assessed based on the
type of AES that uses electronic ballots, records,
rates prevailing in the area. (Sec. 94, BP 881)
votes by means of a ballot display provided with
Limitations on expenses (Sec. 13, Synchronized mechanical or electro-optical component that
Elections and for Electoral Reforms – RA 7166) can be activated by the voter, processes data by
means of a computer programs, record voting
1. Candidates: 10php for Pres. And VP; 3php for
data and ballot images and transmits voting
other candidates for every voter currently
results electronically (Sec. 2)
registered in the constituency where he filed his
certificate of candidacy; 5php for candidate Continuity plan – a list of contingency measures
without any political party or support from any and the policies for activation of such, that are
political party put in place to ensure continuous operation of
the AES (Sec. 2)
The Advisory Council (Sec. 8) 1. When the tampering, increase/decrease of
votes perpetrated or the refusal to credit the
8 members who must be registered Filipino
correct votes or to deduct tampered votes
voters of known independence, competence
is/are committed in the election of a national
and probity
elective office which is voted upon nationwide
o A person who is affiliated with any and the tampering, increase/decrease of votes
political party or candidate for any or refusal to credit correct votes or deduct
national position or is related to a tampered votes, shall adversely affect the
candidate for any national position by results of the election to the said national office
affinity or consanguinity within the to the extent that losing candidate/s is/are
fourth civil degree shall not be eligible made to appear the winners
for appointment or designation to the
2. Regardless of the elective office involved, when
Advisory Council. Should any such
the tampering, increase/decrease of votes or
situation arise at any time during the
refusal to credit correct votes or deduct
incumbency of a member, the
tampered votes, is accomplished in a single
designation or appointment of that
election document or in the transposition of the
member shall be terminated ipso facto.
figure/results from one election document to
Joint Congressional Oversight Committee (Sec. 33) another and involved in the said tampering,
increase/decrease of votes or refusal to credit
Composed of 7 members each from the Senate correct votes or deduct tampered votes exceed
and the House of Representatives 5,000 votes and that the same adversely affects
o 4 shall come from majority; 3 from the true results of the election
minority 3. Any and all other forms of tampering
To monitor and evaluate the implementation of increase/decrease of votes or refusal to credit
this Act correct votes or deduct tampered votes where
the total votes involved exceed 10,000 votes.
Electoral Sabotage
Provided finally that any and all other persons or
Any person or member of the BEI or board of individuals determined to be in conspiracy or in
canvassers who tampers, increases or decreases the connivance with the members of the BEIs or BOCs
votes received by candidate/s in any election or any involved shall be meted the same penalty of life
member of the board who refuses after proper imprisonment. (Sec. 27)
verification and hearing to credit the correct votes or
deduct such tampered votes; Provided however that Prosecution – The Commission shall, through its duly
when the tampering, increase/decrease of votes or the authorized legal officers, have the power, concurrent
refusal to credit the correct votes and/or deduct with other prosecuting arms of the government, to
tampered votes are perpetrated on large scale or in conduct preliminary investigation of all election
substantial numbers, the same shall be considered not offenses punishable under this Code and prosecute the
as an ordinary election offense under Sec. 261 of OEC same. (Sec. 265)
but as a special election offense to be known as
electoral sabotage and the penalty to be imposed shall
be life imprisonment.