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Service Technician Instruction: Dia - Ne Xt4 Hmi

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Service Technician Instruction


Release notice and update instruction
Service Technician Instruction ST-189
Release notice and update instruction

1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Purpose .............................................................................................................................................. 1
3 Additional information ...................................................................................................................... 1
4 Description of the content / need for action .................................................................................. 2
4.1 Update instruction ............................................................................................................................... 2
4.2 Instructions for updating DIA.NE XT4 server using HMI Client (sample) ........................................... 4
5 Revision code .................................................................................................................................... 6

The target recipients of this document are:

Service Partners, Commissioning Partners, Subsidiaries/Branches, Location Jenbach
INNIO* proprietary information: CONFIDENTIAL
The information contained in this document is the proprietary information of INNIO Jenbacher GmbH & Co OG
and its subsidiaries and is disclosed in confidence. It is the property of INNIO and shall not be used, disclosed to
others or reproduced without express written consent. This includes but is not limited to use for the creation,
manufacture, development or derivation of any repairs, modifications, spare parts, designs or configuration
changes, or for obtaining government or regulatory approval to do so. If consent is given for reproduction in whole
or in part, this notice and the notice set forth on each page of this document shall appear in any such reproduction
in whole or in part.

1 Scope
This Service Technician Instruction (ST) applies to all Jenbacher* gas engines sites with DIA.NE* XT4 (engine
and master control).

2 Purpose
This Service Technician Instruction describes the release of a new software version of ’DIA.NE XT4 HMI
Runtime’ and HMI default configurations ’EngineVisu’ for engine visualizations and ’StationVisu’ for master
control visualizations.

Currently used HMI versions Release date

Software ‘DIA.NE XT4 HMI Runtime V4.163.x‘ for engine and master control visualizations 01.03.2018
HMI default configuration ‘EngineVisu V2.8.x‘ for engine visualizations 08.07.2019
HMI default configuration ‘StationVisu V2.3.x‘ for master control visualizations 08.08.2017
Table 1: Currently used HMI versions

HMI…Human-Machine Interface

3 Additional information
When working on Jenbacher modules, all applicable local regulations must be observed in addition to our
documentation. In relation to this Service Technician Instruction we stress the fact that the following documents
must also be observed:
• Technical Instruction TA 1100-0111: General conditions – Operation and maintenance
• Technical Instruction TA 2300-0001: Employee protection
• Technical Instruction TA 2300-0005: Safety regulations

ST-189 Index: 9 1/6

Author: Werner Entner Release date: 29/07/2019
INNIO proprietary information: CONFIDENTIAL! Use or disclosure of data contained on this sheet is subject to the restrictions on the first page.
Service Technician Instruction ST-189
Release notice and update instruction

4 Description of the content / need for action

For all Jenbacher gas engines sites with the new engine control system DIA.NE XT4, the ’DIA.NE XT4 HMI
Runtime’ software and HMI default configuration ’EngineVisu’ or ’StationVisu’ on DIA.NE XT4 Server (IPC)
needs to be updated during the next service visit. An update package for each part (*.upd) is available. The update
package should be applied with using DIA.NE XT4 Client on your service notebook.
You will also need the install the new version of ’DIA.NE XT4 HMI Client’ on your notebook. This could be done
manually (see step 1) or will be done automatically after first connection to any DIA.NE XT4 server which has
already newer version installed.

4.1 Update instruction

• Step 1: Installation of the DIA.NE XT4 HMI Client V4.163.x on the notebook
Download the file and execute it once on your notebook.
This step is only needed if client on your notebook isn’t already up to date.

• Step 2: HMI Version V4.163.x

For DIA.NE XT4 Servers with installed HMI Runtime Versions 3.x.x and lower (older), Step 2A has to be
For DIA.NE XT4 Servers with installed HMI Runtime Versions 4.x.x and higher (newer), Step 2B has to be

o Step 2A: (for Server with HMI Runtime Version 3.x.x and lower/older)
Download and unzip the file.
Install the update file [.upd] with the DIA.NE XT4 HMI Client.
After applying the update package you must restart the XT4 controller (IPC) by clicking the
button ’IPC restart’ at the screen ’SYS – Admin’ at the local touch panel. Then the
installation process will be completed as the system restarts. The update package contains
the HMI runtime and the needed new software component ’.NET Framework’.

ST-189 Index: 9 2/6

Author: Werner Entner Release date: 29/07/2019
INNIO proprietary information: CONFIDENTIAL! Use or disclosure of data contained on this sheet is subject to the restrictions on the first page.
Service Technician Instruction ST-189
Release notice and update instruction

o Step 2B: (for Server with HMI Runtime Version 4.x.x and higher/newer)
Download and unzip the file.
Install the update file [.upd] with the DIA.NE XT4 HMI Client.

• Step 3: (for engine visualizations): EngineVisu V2.8.x

Download and unzip the file.
Install the update file [.upd] with the Diane XT4 HMI Client.

• Step 3: (for master control visualizations): StationVisu V2.3.x

Download and unzip the file.
Install the update file [.upd] with the Diane XT4 HMI Client.

ST-189 Index: 9 3/6

Author: Werner Entner Release date: 29/07/2019
INNIO proprietary information: CONFIDENTIAL! Use or disclosure of data contained on this sheet is subject to the restrictions on the first page.
Service Technician Instruction ST-189
Release notice and update instruction

4.2 Instructions for updating DIA.NE XT4 server using HMI Client (sample)
Open the update screen on the HMI Client [SYS/SOFTWARE] and choose the relevant update file [.upd]. The
following screens do show a sample of an update package only!

Below the update file you will be able to see which components are included. In this case you can see the Default
HMI Configuration (EngineVisu 2.4.1), the HMI Runtime (2.133.13) and the Client Setup (2.133.13). Please
press on ’Apply’.

Please answer this question with ’Yes’.

ST-189 Index: 9 4/6

Author: Werner Entner Release date: 29/07/2019
INNIO proprietary information: CONFIDENTIAL! Use or disclosure of data contained on this sheet is subject to the restrictions on the first page.
Service Technician Instruction ST-189
Release notice and update instruction

The progress of the update can be seen next to the ’Apply’ button:

Once the update is finished, you will see the following window:

Please confirm the ’Update success’ message with ’OK’. If a restart of server and/or client is needed, this will be
done automatically after the update.

ST-189 Index: 9 5/6

Author: Werner Entner Release date: 29/07/2019
INNIO proprietary information: CONFIDENTIAL! Use or disclosure of data contained on this sheet is subject to the restrictions on the first page.
Service Technician Instruction ST-189
Release notice and update instruction

Additional info for the update package ’DianeXT4HMIRuntime4.163.x.NET.upd’:

After applying the update package and the message ’Update successfully finished’ will be shown you
have to restart the XT4 controller (IPC) by clicking the button ’IPC restart’ at the screen ’SYS – Admin’
at the local touch panel. Then the installation process will be completed as the system restarts. Using
this option to restart the system ensures that there will not be any loose of data as it could happen on
power off/on. The earlier proposed wait of 10 minutes isn’t needed if using this button for restart. At least
user role level of ’Service Technician 30’ is needed that this button is shown. Users with lower access
levels have to request for a temporary license.

After the update you need to check the new versions. You will find the actual installed versions under
[SYS/SOFTWARE]. These versions should be shown after the update:
• Default HMI Configuration: Name: EngineVisu Version: 2.8.x (for engine visualizations)
• Default HMI Configuration: Name: StationVisu Version: 2.3.x (for master control visualizations)
• HMI Runtime Version: 4.163.x

If there is any issue with the update, please contact your Service Hotline.

5 Revision code
Index Date Description / Revision summary
9 29.07.2019 Release of new software version (EngineVisu 2.8.x);
Rebranding of the document from GE to INNIO Jenbacher;
Update of the document structure as per standard of the Jenbacher Documentation Department
08 09.01.2019 Release of new software version (EngineVisu 2.7.x)
07 22.11.2018 Release of new software version (DIA.NE XT4 HMI Runtime 4.163.x);
Optimization of the HMI Runtime update for:
• Server with HMI Runtime version  3.x.x: Restart of server required
• Server with HMI Runtime version  4.x.x: No restart of server required
06 09.07.2018 Release of new software version (EngineVisu 2.6.x)
05 05.04.2018 Update of the links used in the document due to the shutdown of information.jenbacher.com
04 15.03.2018 Release of new software version (DIA.NE XT4 HMI Runtime 4.163.x)
03 29.11.2017 Release of new software version (StationVisu 2.3.x)
02 30.05.2017 Release of new software version (DIA.NE XT4 HMI Runtime 3.149.x and EngineVisu 2.5.x)
01 24.08.2016 First version of this document
Table 2: Revision history

*Indicates a trademark

ST-189 Index: 9 6/6

Author: Werner Entner Release date: 29/07/2019
INNIO proprietary information: CONFIDENTIAL! Use or disclosure of data contained on this sheet is subject to the restrictions on the first page.

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