W i l l i a m G. Miller
Single-Lamp Oscillators - Two-Lamp Multivibrators -
COMPUTERCIRCUITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Bistable Multivibrator - Monostable Multivibrator -
Three-Input OR Gate - Three-Input AND Gate - Three-
Input MAJORITY Gate - Design Considerations - Ring
Counter - Trigger Circuits - Complete Decade Ring
MISCELLANEOUSCIRCUITS . . . . . . . . . . . 61
SCR Control - Relay Circuits - Photocell Circuits -
Photoconductive Junction Devices - Temperature and
Humidity Sensors - Timer Circuits - Touch Control - Miniature glow lamps have been in use for many years and
Audio Switch - Variable Delay Circuit - Overvoltage are familiar to most readers as indicators and relaxation oscil-
lators. Practically everyone has seen the inexpensive neon
tester, consisting of a neon glow lamp in series with a current-
CHAPTER 7 limiting resistor, housed in a neat plastic enclosure terminated
with flexible test leads. This forms a convenient and reliable
POWERSUPPLIES AND INSTRUMENTS . . . . . . . 79 means of testing for the presence of ac or dc voltages.
Unregulated 160-Volt Supplies - Regulated Power Sup- In electronics, the "state of the art" has progressed rapidly,
plies - Voltage Calibrators - Transient Voltmeter - finding new applications f o r the glow lamp as a circuit ele-
Electrician's Friend - High-Energy Detector - A-M Sig- ment. Much of this progress results from the increasing use of
nal Generator solid-state devices, many of them, like the transistor, requiring
comparatively low currents and voltages for operation.
Some of the characteristics that make the miniature neon
CHAPTER 8 lamp particularly appealing to the hobbyist-experimenter are
its low cost, long life, dependability, and the ease with which i t
REFERENCESECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 can be made to work in extremely simple circuits. At the same
Light Output - Shunt Capacitance and Internal Resist- time, but probably unknown to the majority of persons who
ance - Dri-Film Coating and Leakage - Aging Proce-
dures - Aging Equipment - Neon-Lamp Specification work with electronics, the neon lamp can be used in some cir-
C h a r t and Numbering Systems - Using the Specification cuits and applications that are quite sophisticated, complex, or
C h a r t - Testing Guidelines - Specifying Guidelines - exacting.
Pricing Guidelines - Mounting Considerations - T1 and This book is offered to present the student, hobbyist, techni-
Ball-End Lamps - T I % Crater-Electrode Lamps cian, and engineer with a more complete account of the prop-
erties of neon lamps and to acquaint them with some of the
APPENDIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 many ways in which neon lamps can be utilized.
Using t h e Nomograms.
The Neon Lamp
The miniature neon lamp is a cold-cathode device and re-
quires no heater. The electrodes are separated by an average
distance of Ys inch inside the gas-filled envelope.
Under initial conditions, the gas acts as an insulator with
a resistance of about 1000 megohms. If a variable voltage is
applied across the electrodes (Fig. 1 ) and increased to ap-
proximately 50 volts, there will be essentially no current flow,
due to the high insulation resistance of the gas.
Actually the gas atoms are constantly being bombarded and
ionized by external forces such as light. The positive ions thus
generated are attracted to the cathode, which has a negative
charge. The electrons that are liberated in the generation of
positive ions are accelerated to the positive anode, striking
other atoms as they travel, but they rarely attain enough ve-
locity to dislodge more electrons and create new ions.
This velocity can be attained if an external voltage of suffi-
cient amplitude is applied. When an electron dislodges addi-
tional electrons, which in turn create even more ions, the
process is referred to as "run-away" or "avalanche," and con-
stitutes current flow. Run-away can be self destructive if un-
controlled, so a series current-limiting resistor (R,), must be
included. The exact value of voltage needed to start the ioniz-
ing action is called the breakdown voltage.
1L4JA .llJA 1lJA 20mA 80 mA 10A
Fig. 1-2. Characteristic curve of a neon lamp.
SUPPLY v$ Fig. 1-1. Voltage and current in a neon- region is reached. Note that the current scale is not linear,
0-150 lamp circuit.
VDC but compressed for convenience.
Corotron is the name given by the manufacturer to a line of
gas-filled diodes that are used to regulate voltages between
When breakdown voltage is applied to the circuit in Fig. 1-1 860 and 30,000 volts. Unlike the conventional regulator, they
there will be a sharp deflection of the ammeter, and the volt- do not glow, but operate on the slightly positive slope prior
meter reading will drop to a value known as the maintaining to breakdown.
voltage of the lamp. The maintaining voltage of a lamp re- This is called the "corona mode" of operation and closely
mains relatively constant over a wide current range. resembles the action of a Zener diode.
The actual values of breakdown and maintaining voltage Corotrons are free of voltage jumps, oscillations, and photo-
will vary from one gas tube to another. They depend on many sensitivity. Current capability is, however, quite small. The
factors, such as physical design, external radiation, and circuit maximum figure for T2 types is 100 pA and 3 mA is the limit
design. for even the largest type. Care must be taken never to exceed
The curve in Fig. 1-2 illustrates the characteristics of a the peak current rating or breakdown will occur and perma-
typical gas discharge device (glow lamp). I t can be seen that nent component damage may result.
dynamic current does not begin to flow until the voltage
reaches point A. Breakdown occurs at point B, or 110 volts, PROGRESSIVE EXPLANATION OF TERMS
and the maintaining voltage is approximately 85 volts (point
D). When breakdown occurs, the current flow is said to be Ion-An atom with an excess or deficiency of electrons.
self-sustaining. This means that the applied voltage can be Ionization-In glow lamps, the process of separating an
lowered to some value above the maintaining voltage and cur- electron from an atom, creating a positive charge and a free
rent flow will still continue to increase until the normal glow electron.
This may be caused by collisions between atomic particles, The first definition is used for most circuit applications, but
the application of a voltage, a n electrostatic field, X rays, ultra- if higher frequency oscillators and counters are being consid-
violet rays, cosmic rays, and radioactivity. ered, the latter definition would be more useful.
Corona-The visible glow of an ionized gas surrounding the Deionization time is affected by tube construction, the mag-
cathode. nitude of the conduction current, and most of all by the ampli-
Breakdown Voltage-Also called ionization voltage, strik- tude of the extinguishing voltage.
ing voltage, and firing potential. I t is the voltage needed to Dark EfSect-The effect that light has on breakdown volt-
make a lamp glow. This is determined mainly by the type of age. Higher ambient light levels produce lower breakdown volt-
gas, electrode spacing, pressure, and external ionizing forces, ages. If a lamp is to be operated in total darkness, it is usually
such as light. necessary to simulate ambient light by the addition of a small
Static Breakdown Voltage-The breakdown voltage under amount of radioactivity.
controlled conditions, which include: freedom from electro- Standing Rise-The rise in breakdown voltage that some
static fields, 5 to 50 foot candles of ambient light, and a 24- lamps incur after extended periods of storage. This is mainly
hour period in a non-conducting state. caused by the glass and other internal solids releasing gas
Townsend Discharge-An avalanche type of electron flow molecules.
that occurs just before breakdown voltage is reached. I t is not Negative Resistance-An increase in current caused by a
a self-sustained current flow. decrease in voltage. This can be noted on the characteristic
Maintaining Voltage-Also called holding voltage. It is the curve of most lamps. In Fig. 1-2 this corresponds to that part
voltage across the lamp after breakdown. This voltage is a t its of the curve between points C and D.
minimum in the normal glow region (Fig. 1-2, point D to E ) . Design Current-The value of operating current upon which
Normal Glow-The mode of operation that allows maximum the end-of-life figures are based.
current variation with minimum change in voltage. Transmission Time-The time required for an input level
Abnormal Glow-A region of operation that is arrived a t change to appear on the output of a lamp already in the con-
by increasing the lamp current beyond the normal glow re- ducting state. This is usually less than 8 psec and is a func-
gion (Point E , Fig. 1-2). tion of the conducting current.
Extinguishing Voltage-The voltage a t which a lamp will End-of-Life-A glow lamp that is used for its light output
cease to glow. ia said to have reached its end-of-life when the light output
Differential Voltage-The difference between the breakdown falls to 50 percent of its original value. If a lamp is used as a
voltage and maintaining voltage. eircuit component, the end-of-life occurs when the character-
Ionization Time-The time required for a lamp to enter nor- iatics fall out of specifications. Lamps operated on ac have
mal glow after application of a voltage that is in excess of the longer life figures due to shorter duty cycle.
breakdown voltage. Aging-The process of operating a new lamp a t an increased
This time may be well under 50 psec if the applied voltage is current level for periods in excess of 24 hours in order to stabi-
30 percent greater than the breakdown voltage. lize its characteristics.
Deionization Time-Definition 1: The time it take a lamp The aging process varies for different lamps and is usually
to return to its static breakdown voltage after current ceases done in the factory. However, aging is not required for all
to flow. lamp applications.
Definition 2 : In a dc circuit, if a lamp is extinguished by a Sputtering-A phenomena that occurs when lamps are op-
rectangular pulse, i t is the time which must elapse before 90 orated a t higher currents. Certain quantities of the metal cath-
percent of the original breakdown voltage can be reapplied and ode material will vaporize, and when the vapor comes in con-
still not cause breakdown. tact with the cooler glass envelope, i t solidifies. This thin film
of sputtered metal is opaque and restricts light output, but it Spacing-Increased spacing between the electrodes increases
also increases electrical stability. breakdown voltage but has little effect on the maintaining
Polarization-A lamp is said to be polarized when its char- voltage.
acteristics change with a reversal of polarity. Lamps that are Coating-Emissive materials such as barium and strontium
aged or operated on dc exhibit this effect. Lamps that are aged are used to coat the electrodes and allow the cathode to give
on dc are coded to designate the anode or positive terminal. up electrons more freely. This results in lower breakdown volt-
Work Function--A measure of the ability of a material to ages and higher, more uniform light output. Gas tubes that
give up electrons. Molybdenum is said to have a lower work use emissive material will change their characteristics with
function than nickel because i t releases more electrons for a time. NE2 lamps are in this class.
given voltage. Size-The size of an electrode will determine its light ra-
diating area and current carrying ability.
Gases Increasing the internal gas pressure will raise the break-
Gases-The inert or "rare" gases are used in the manufac- down voltage of the lamp without major changes in the main-
ture of glow lamps. Neon is the basic gas, but other gases may taining voltage. Lamps with a high differential between break-
be used in mixtures to achieve special results. down and maintaining voltage are useful as counters, high
Neon-The basic glow-lamp gas, noted for its high light out- power oscillators, and energy transfer diodes.
put, and low breakdown and maintaining voltage. The charac- In general, high-pressure gas tubes will exhibit poor light
teristic color of the neon glow is red-orange. output and an unstable corona that results in voltage jumps
Helium-A low breakdown, low light-output gas that may and noise.
be mixed with neon to produce a specific value of breakdown
or maintaining voltage. Temperature
Argon-This gas has a higher breakdown voltage, but if as Gas tubes have a negative temperature coefficient. Most in-
little as 0.1 percent is added to neon, the breakdown voltage dicator types will drop 50 mV in maintaining voltage for each
for the mixture is lower than f o r either gas alone. Pure argon Celsius (centigrade) degree of increase. Circuit component
is used a s an ultraviolet light source. types and regulators may have a figure as low as -2 mV per
Xenon-A high-breakdown gas that is used to produce a degree C.
brilliant white light and is also used as a noise source. This
gas has not found much application in miniature gas tubes. Radiation
Krypton-A gas with qualities similar to argon. I t is added The electrical characteristics, the electrodes, and the gas are
to neon to raise the breakdown and maintaining voltages, and relatively unaffected by gamma radiation. The glass, however,
is an excellent source of ultraviolet light. will darken and become brittle.
Krypton 85-A radioactive isotope of krypton that is added Rf radiation or a strong ac field will ionize the gas directly.
to neon or other gases to provide partial ionization and stabil-
ity to compensate for the dark effect.
MuteriaZ-Nickel and molybdenum are the two common elec-
trode metals. Molybdenum tends to lower the breakdown and
maintaining voltage and can carry higher currents.
5 0 ~ MIN
5 - BOTH
SIG LT2-32-1 - - -
COM 0 0 CO M
(A) Blown-fuse indicator. (B) Good-fuse indicator.
Fig. 2-10. Fuse indicators.
Fig. 2-8. Short-pulse indicator. Fig. 2-11. Speaker operation indicator.
R, = En,,(min) - E m u i n , ( V l )
I (Vlmin) I (V2) +
9; 9
+ 7W
resistors. "Capacitive starting" is usually more expensive and I f VALUES)
requires more space, but these circuits dissipate less heat and The maintaining voltages of V1 and V2 in Fig. 3-11 are
require less current. close enough t o make parallel operation practical. Diodes X1
and X2 isolate the load from Rf and Rii for initial ionization
and also serve t o isolate V1 from V2. The value of R, is found
by treating V1 and 2 as one gas diode with twice the current
rating. X1 and X2 are replacement-grade silicon diodes.
+ 4 m f4V + 40W ?4V
The novel circuit shown in Fig. 3-12 may be used to estab-
0-lOmA lish precise low-voltage references. The output voltage is the
+ 16W t82.N i 1 V
Hg. 3-11. High-current parallel regulator.
2.7K 3W 1.290 REGULATED
0-25 mA
(A) Using one shunt resistor. (0) Using three shunt resistors.
- - , +18V +2V
7 + llN TO +122V
1% REGULATED 0-100mA
0-4rnA 5% REGULATED 60-100mA
200 PIV
? 4 b
115 VAC
C2 &*
C3 r = q 2 D W
- 41
b - - j,
Pulse Generators,
and Flashers
Fig. 4-1 illustrates a simple form of relaxation oscillator.
When S1 is closed, V1 cannot fire until the voltage across C
reaches the breakdown voltage. C is charged through R,, and
this time constant is a major factor in determining the fre-
quency. When C charges to the breakdown value, V1 will ionize
and C will discharge through the gas tube to a value referred
b as the dynamic extinguishing voltage E,,,. V1 then turns off
and the cycle repeats. R, must be high enough in value to in-
hibit ionization or V1 will continue to stay "On" after C has
reached E,,,,,.
Note t h a t only on the first cycle does the sawtooth begin
from zero volts, and thereafter it varies from Ebkd,,.,,to Eext.
Since T represents only a portion of the RC time constant
(R, x C), the actual frequency of operation will be higher For a more thorough mathematical approach to neon-
than the calculated, (l/R, x C) . lamp oscillators, the reader should refer to the GE glow-lamp
Power supply voltages are equally as important as R, and manual.
C in determining frequency. If the supply voltage E,,, is One of the main objections to gas-tube oscillators has been
raised, the breakdown voltage will be shifted to a steeper por- the wide variation in tube parameters and changing electrical
tion of the charging curve and V1 will fire sooner, thereby characteristics. Tolerances as close as 1 percent for 20,000
raising the frequency. This, of course, will also improve the hours are now available, and even tighter specifications may be
linearity of the sawtooth. If the supply voltage is too close to had, but the life expectancy figures on all these types are not
E,,,,,.,,, erratic operation will result. Small tube variations can yet complete.
produce large frequency changes when operation is on the In the following discussion it can be noted that NE2 and
upper part of the RC curve. other indicator-type lamps are used frequently. This is done
- because the circuit designer and experimenter usually have
these types available. Other lamps with closer specifications and
no emissive coating on the electrodes would certainly be a
better choice for long-term reliability.
Fig. 4-2 demonstrates two variations of the same basic
oscillator. The 600-Hz sawtooth a t 4-2A would be useful in a
noncritical audio application such as a utility signal generator
modulator. 'A simple change in circuit configuration produces
+ I 0 volts
the waveform in Fig. 4-2B. R, was reduced in value to in-
crease the frequency to 900 Hz. The steep wavefront of the
inverted and reversed sawtooth might find applications in trig-
gering circuits.
NEZH 9 Fig. 4-4. Stable VFO, 40-180 Hz with multiple outputs.
Fig. 4-6. High-frequency sine-wave oscil-
lator, 30-40 kHz.
resistors have the same value, the formula for frequency is:
In is the natural logarithm.
Fig. 4-12. Multirange, triangular-wave generator.
f = 600Hz
Neon-lamp oscillators are sometimes used as "flashers,"
which are on/of light sources that are found in signs, toys,
and advertising displays. The flasher circuits shown in this Fig. 4-14. Sequential tlasher. Flashing order 1:2:2:2:1:2:2:2.
Fig. 4-15. Random flasher.
Computer Circuits
The circuit in Fig. 5-2 is useful in converting high level logic
(+70V), to a value that is useful in solid state circuits
(+10V). X is normally a t zero volts but will rise to 10 volts
if either A or B o r C is +70 volts.
V1, V2, V3, and V4 are normally on and the voltage a t point
N is lower than the lowest extinguishing voltage of the 5AB-B
.2W INPUT +70V +360V
(A) Bistable multivibrator. (8) Monostable multivibrator.
Fig. 5-1. Multivibrator circuits.
OUTPUT + 1OV "" 4O
- 200K z&x 1 WATT
C 0
- &
& &-
Fig. 5-3. AND gate circuit.
Speed is perhaps the most important limiting factor in neon-
Recent concepts in computer logic are making use of the lamp logic circuits. Flip-flops, monostables, and gates rarely
majority gate, which will provide an output whenever the operate over 30 Hz, and delay time for some gates may be as
m a j o r i t y of the inputs are satisfied. long as 3 milliseconds.
Low series resistances should be used to prevent parasitic
oscillations and low supply voltages will prevent free running A reaches 110 volts. This action occurs because C1, which has
operation of cathode-coupled multivibrators. a 30-volt charge, cannot discharge through X2 when VO goes
A relay coil is sometimes substituted for one of the series out. Instead it makes the cathode of V1 30 volts more negative
resistances in the flip-flop or monostable circuits, If this is than the remaining lamps, which assures earlier breakdown.
done, lamps with a high differential voltage should be used. When V1 fires, the process is repeated and C2 becomes charged
If a circuit is to use off-the-shelf lamps that require no ad- to fire the next stage.
ditional testing, consideration should be given to the minimum + 164V
and maximum voltage rating as given on the specification
chart. The 5AB-B was chosen in many circuits because it has
a 10-volt breakdown and 10-volt maintaining voltage range.
A voltage range this narrow is usually quite easy to work DIODES:
with. The ranges do not overlap and an extinguishing voltage
4 1 IN1763
test is included in the manufacture. The 5AB-B is also one of Xl !L 47K X3
the lowest cost circuit components available. C2
0 II 0
@ @
Perhaps the most useful of all the glow-lamp logic circuits
is the Manley-Buckley ring counter. It uses the decimal count- " "
ing system and can easily count to 999 without a buffer ampli- @ FO!.
fier. Counting rates of 500 Hz a r e possible and since there are 47K
10 lamps for each decade, the lamps themselves can be used
for visual readout.
The basic circuit is illustrated in Fig. 5-6 and represents the
first three stages of a decade. When the reset button is de-
pressed, the ground return path is removed from all stages but
Fig. 5-6. Manley-Buckley ring counter.
the first, and VO will fire, indicating a count of zero. Current
flow is now through R,, VO, D l , and R1. VO will drop its char-
The T2-27-WR500 lamps were chosen for this circuit be-
acteristic maintaining voltage (60-70V), and the remaining
cause they have a large differential, which allows the use of
voltage is dropped by R 1 and R,. This means that the poten-
tial a t point A can be anything from 92 to 100 volts, which is 10-percent resistors and a non-critical power supply. The lamps
well below the firing voltage of the T2-27-WR500, so V1 and ln the illustration are operated a t lower currents in order to
the lamps that follow are held in a non-conducting state. When decrease their deionization time.
the reset button is released, point B, which varies from +29 to Gas tubes with a smaller differential, such as the 5AB series,
+33 volts, will charge C1 to this value through X2. If an input NE2, etc. are capable of faster counting rates, but the lamps
pulse of zero volts is applied to point A through the .1 pF ca- must be electrically matched and the circuit calls for tighter
pacitor, VO, which was conducting, will now be extinguished. resistor specifications. The 5AB type does, however, have
The voltage a t point A will again begin to go positive as C, greater light output, which can be important if the lamps are
attempts to charge to the supply voltage through R1. V1 will going to light numerals on a display panel.
be the next lamp to fire and will reach breakdown before point Point A must be held below the rated extinguishing voltage
for a period long enough to allow for complete deionization.
The time i t takes point A to reach any given value is deter- Gas tube V1 is operated under its minimum breakdown value
mined by the time constant of C, and R1. and is triggered on by a positive pulse a t point B. This causes
Deionization time can be decreased if point A is not brought a drop in potential a t point C of a t least 60 volts. The negative
all the way to zero volts but to some point more positive. This pulse is felt a t point A through C, and the conducting tube in
value varies for different lamp types, so it is found experi- the ring circuit is extinguished. C, and R1 of Fig. 5-6 must
mentally. now have a longer time constant since the voltage a t A does
not drop as low a s it did with switched capacitor operation.
Point A again starts to rise in voltage and continues until
the next tube in the ring fires. This new ignition causes a drop
The ring counter in Fig. 5-6 was triggered by applying zero in potential a t point A that is coupled back through C, to point
volts to the .l-pF input capacitor. When the circuit is stabi- C of Fig. 5-7B. This negative depression should be enough to
lized, the voltage a t point A is approximately 100 volts and extinguish trigger tube V1 and reset the entire circuit for an-
the input capacitor is charged. C, must be discharged before other count. This type of circuit can be used for inter-decade
another count will be recorded; Fig. 5-7A shows one basic triggering, thereby eliminating the need for buffer amplifiers.
method for accomplishing this. A practical circuit that is operated by switch closures is
The form C contacts of K 1 allow C, to be connected to point shown in Fig. 5-8 and was designed for the complete ring
A of Fig. 5-6 when the relay is operated. The sensor circuit, counter shown in Fig. 5-9.
which may be simply a switch, will operate the relay whenever The .001 p F capacitor is charged to about 45 volts by volt-
a count is to be recorded. When K 1 is released, C, will dis- age-divider action and when the count button is depressed, the
charge through the 10k resistor and the circuit is ready for rapid drop in potential a t point B will cause C to attempt to
another cycle. The 10k resistor is for contact protection and discharge. Since X1 blocks one discharge path, the -45 volts
should be small enough in value to allow for complete capaci- is felt on the cathode of V1 and causes ionization. R1 in the
tor discharge. The speed of this circuit is restricted mainly by counter and C, were both increased to the values shown, to
the operate and release times of K1. It is not practical to op- lengthen the time constant.
erate most relays over 50 Hz so the circuit in Fig. 5-7B can be
tried for higher counting speeds.
+1 3 w
FIG. 5-6 FIG. 5-6
Fig. 5-9. Complete decade ring.
Miscellaneous Circuits
Silicon controlled rectifiers or thyristors are best controlled
when they are provided with a discrete trigger pulse. The gate-
to-cathode circuit of the SCR in Fig. 6-1 is in series with V1
and the turn-on pulse will be generated when the lamp fires.
V1, together with C and R1, forms a one-shot relaxation os-
cillator that is operated at some point on the positive portion
of the 60-Hz sine wave. The exact operating point is deter-
mined by the setting of R1, sometimes called the "Speed Con-
trol." The value of C is made large enough to supply ample
gate current and the neon tube was selected for its 60-mA peak-
current capability. Most manufacturers recommend the l k
resistor (R2) for predictable gate turn-on characteristics. The
effect of R2 on the oscillator circuit can be ignored.
With the HI-LO switch in the HI position, the negative half
of the sine wave is allowed to conduct through the load a t
socket M1 and the MR990 diode XI. The positive half is con-
trolled by the SCR and oscillator circuit, and since the break-
down voltage of the neon tube represents approximately 30
degrees of the sine wave, the load can never be turned com-
pletely on (360 degrees). This 30-degree loss represents little
power, so the effects are negligible.
When the HI-LO switch is in the LO position, 30-180 degrees
of the ac cycle may be applied to the load. Diode X1 is con-
nected in the reverse direction across the socket, so the con-
ductive path for the negative alternation has been removed. +140 MINIMUM
Diode X1 now becomes a "free-wheeling" diode and helps
reduce the "cog-wheel" effect common to motors that are
pulsed-on with short bursts of current. This is done by pro-
viding a discharge path for the magnetic field that exists in ALL LAMPS
LT2-32-1 OR D2A
the motor windings when the SCR shuts off. The collapsing
magnetic field induces a current through the diode and motor
windings that is in the same direction as the original, thereby
minimizing abrupt changes in power. X1 also provides the
SCR with protection from transient voltages in both positions
of the switch.
Neon differential
I, x 2
Diode X I is included to protect the transistor from the
SIGMA counter emf generated by the relay. Time delays can be incor-
1 5 0 K EFlm r' porated in the circuit by connecting a capacitor between point
A and ground.
v1 V2 4 CAPACITY: 2A
mounting schemes providing over 1000 megohms of isolation
between the lamp and photocell.
+45,, $
INPUT 0 I v1
1= C2A
Fig. 6-6. Relay memory.
switch contacts, and the tube t o produce breakdown. Diode (A) Schematic.
X1 prevents the capacitor from discharging through the coil ALUMINUM
of the reed relay, which would inhibit firing by providing a LAMP TUBING
shunt path. X1 can be any commercial-grade component with a
200-PIV rating. The supply voltage is high enough to sustain
ionization, so the current flow through V1, X I , and K1 will
(B) Typical mounting.
keep the relay energized until the +135-volt supply is removed.
Photoconductive cells that operate on the bulk effect are Fig. 6-7. Isolation photoswitch.
usually made of cadmium selenide (CdSe), or cadmium sulfide
(CdS). Both materials can be considered as a pure resistance Fig. 6-7A is a n isolation switch that has a contact resistance
whose ohmic value depends on the amount of light falling on of 500 ohms. It is operated by the light from V 1 when S1 i s
its surface. closed. The noise and transients associated with mechanical
CdSe and CdS cells can each be operated by glow lamps, but switches are minimized since there is no contact bounce and
CdSe has a peaked response in the 7000-angstrom region, so it the photoconductive material does not change state rapidly.
is more sensitive to the light radiated by the ionized neon gas. This latter feature is useful in interrupting inductive loads.
Greater efficiency i s obtained by using high brightness lamps The lamp-photocell module has also been used as a voltage-
t h a t produce more lumens per milliampere. controlled resistor. In Fig. 6-8 a 2.3 to 1 voltage change can
Most of the lamp-photocell combinations discussed in this produce a 5 t o 1 resistance change. A more popular version of
chapter are mounted end-to-end a s in Fig. 6-7B. The cell is this circuit is the current-controlled resistor o r "isolation po-
placed in the tube and the end is sealed with silicon rubber. tentiometer." R, is replaced with a 250k potentiometer and the
The neon lamp is then put in the other end and should touch current of V 1 is varied to produce the desired output value.
Whopper-stabilized power supplies. Low noise and long life are
again the features of this type of circuit. Photochopper fre-
quency is presently limited to 1 kHz maximum. This is due
mainly to the response time of the photocell.
CLA IREX A more efficient circuit would eliminate V2 and V4 so the
remaining photocells could be mounted in a manner that would
have V1 and V3 driving two cells each. The 1-pF capacitor can
be removed for 110 Vac operation if diodes are placed in series
with the lamps. The diode in series with V1 should have a
1 wcs
without the inherent noise of the slider arm.
Photochoppers a r e similar to relay choppers in that they
offer a number of contacts t h a t open and close a t some prede-
termined frequency. The circuit in Fig. 6-9 shows four mod-
ules connected to form a 20-Hz astable multivibrator. I t can
Vl $ LT2-32-1
I -O LAMPS: LT2-21-1
.. C L A l R M CL603A
polarity that is opposite to the one in series with V3. One lamp
will conduct when the line goes positive and the other will con-
duct during the negative alternation. Commercial versions of
the ac driven chopper are Clairex CM-2, Leeds and Northrup
864256, and Airpax 5510.
Photocells can be made to operate neon lamps if both are
part of a voltage-divider network. In Fig. 6-10 the SENS
control will determine how much light must strike the photo-
Fig. 6-9. 20-Hz square-wave photochopper.
cell before its resistance is low enough to cause the breakdown
voltage of V1 to appear a t point A. A useful variation of this
circuit is to interchange the s E N s control with the photocell so PHOTOCONDUCTIVE JUNCTION DEVICES
the relay will be activated by darkness instead of light. The Most solid-state component manufacturers now offer a va-
two 5k resistors are protective devices for the photocell. riety of junction devices that can be operated by a gas lamp.
The circuit in Fig. 6-11 is classified as experimental because The list includes diodes, SCR's, FET's, and transistors. In each
i t has not been fully developed nor has it found popular use. case a pn junction is "switched on" by an external light source.
It demonstrates the little known principle that sine-wave am- The response time of these types is very fast, but higher input-
plification is possible using a wide range photocell in conjunc- light levels are needed since the junction area is relatively
tion with a neon lamp. small. Many of these photojunctions have a spectral response
peaked in the 8000-angstrom region, so an argon-filled lamp
can be used.
Gas-tube timing o r delay circuits can be regarded as varia-
tions of the basic oscillator circuit. The difference is that the
Fig. 6-11. Experimental amplifier/doubler. series resistance must be made small enough to keep the lamp
ionized after the capacitor reaches striking voltage. Fig. 6-12
V1 is mounted in a light-proof enclosure a t right angles to illustrates the basic circuit. R, was chosen to provide the op-
the cell, in order to expose a s much electrode to the CdSe as erating current for the relay and t o sustain ionization. Under
possible. The incoming 60-Hz sine wave is coupled to the 15k these conditions a delay of over 20 s would call for a 1000-pF,
resistor through the 2-pF capacitor. This varies the lamp cur- 200V capacitor. A component of this size would be both expen-
rent, causing a modulated light output. The resistance of the sive and bulky, so the approach used in Fig. 6-13 might be
photocell varies over a wider ratio than the lamp current, so more practical.
amplification is possible. V1, K1, V2, and X1 form a circuit that is similar in many
The output is taken from the voltage divider a t point A. For ways to a thyratron or even to a unijunction transistor. The
maximum amplification, this point is adjusted by the 50k con- ground side would be the cathode, or base 1, and the high side
trol to half the supply voltage. V 1 is operated a t very high cur- would be the anode, or base 2. Point A would then be the grid,
rent, so a short life will result. Perhaps different mounting o r gate.
schemes, such as a cluster of four cells connected in a series/ The breakdown voltage of both tubes in series is higher than
parallel arrangement around the lamp, would result in lower t h e supply voltage, so the lamps initially are in a nonconduct-
operating currents. Changes in photocell geometry and lens ing state and X1 prevents V 1 from ionizing through C. When
arrangements also might improve the response. S 1 is put in the START position, the voltage a t point A will rise
Unlike the case of the unijunction transistor, the applied
power must be removed before K1 will release. This is done by
putting S1 in the RESET position and simultaneously discharg-
ing C through the 10k resistor.
Fig. 6-14 shows another method of isolating the timing cir-
cuit from the operating circuit. Point A is held slightly below
the lamp's rated breakdown potential and the tube remains
extinguished. When S1 is switched to START,the voltage a t
Fig. 6-12. Basic timer circuit.
point B will begin increasing in value a t a rate determined by
C and the programmable resistor input. V1 will conduct
through isolation diode X1 when point B reaches breakdown.
Ionization will be sustained by current flow through isolation
diode X2 and Rd.
0 ---- - -
Body capacity can be used t o operate the circuit in Fig. 6-15
GATE "I r-7
by briefly providing a conductive path to ground. The circuit
consists of a bistable multivibrator that is triggered by bring-
ing the hand in contact with the touch points. X1 is rated a t
200 PIV, 100 mA. Fig. 6-16. Audio switch.
the output. A +72V level a t the gate input will fire V1, and the
ionized gas will now act as a low-impedance path for the ac
Miniature neon lamps are cold-cathode devices, so the cur-
rent flow will change rapidly with voltage variations. The
V 1, V3 - T2-27- WR500 lower frequency response is determined by the value of the
"2, V4-5AB-B goupling capacitors, and the high end is a function of the gas
v1 and the current through the lamp. The circuit shown works
through most of the audible spectrum, so smaller capacitors
can be used for communications channels (300-3000 Hz.).
counter emf that may exceed several thousand volts. The exact
value of the generated voltage depends on the inductance of
the coil and the magnitude of the current. This inductive "kick- Eb O T k J
110 - 120
P DIODES: lN1763
T1: 25OVCT 1325mA v2 OR
Fig. 7-4. Series-regulated supply.
Miniature neon regulators can be particularly useful as a
source of precision voltages. The calibrators shown in the
illustrations offer a few of the possibilities, and were designed
with economy as the prime consideration.
Fig. 7-8 is a simple dc calibrator that offers 1 percent accu-
racy when the potentiometer a r m is in the extreme cw posi-
tion (100V). A pointer knob on the shaft selects the desired
voltage from a calibrated dial, which in this case is a trans-
fer letter switch pattern. Ten of the twelve switch positions
are used since this corresponds t o the standard 294/300-degree
potentiometer such as the Mallory MlOMPK. As the pointer is
--. in a ccw direction the accuracy is derated by the dial
Fig. 7-6. Regulated supply, variable from 0 to 275 volts, @ 40 MA. 1 markings, the linearity of the control, and the impedance of
the load, which now forms a voltage divider with the poten-
0 .1v
using a fixed voltage divider, and since the 100 volts is adjusted
precisely by the CAL control, the accuracy of this source is de-
termined mainly by the tolerance of the resistors used in the
divider and by the external loading. The cascaded section pro-
vides increased stability and it should be noted that while
I there is a current of 10 mA through the divider there is a cur-
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 rent of only 2 mA through the A1A lamps.
LOAD CURRENT mA Digital readout is the feature of the reference supply shown
Fig. 7-7. Regulation curve for 0- to 275-volt supply.
in Fig. 7-10. A turns-counting dial and a 10-turn potentiometer
tiometer. Diode X2 is included to null out the voltage drop combine to give a precise source of continuously-variable volt-
caused by shunt-starting diode XI. ages. The value of R was set a t 50k since many high-voltage
Higher accuracy is available from the instrument shown in circuits can be made inoperative by a low impedance. The
Fig. 7-9. Linearity and dial-marking errors are eliminated by value of R can be increased to any desired value without fur-
ther circuit changes, but if the instrument is to be used strictly
for calibration purposes and a lower resistance is needed, then
R, will have to be decreased in value and the SET control re-
adjusted. Actually the SET control would be unnecessary if
pre-aged circuit component lamps with guaranteed voltage
characteristics were used in place of the seven A1A neons.
DIODES: 1N1763 These lamps were used as a matter of convenience, but their
TRANSFORMER: I l N A C Q M mA wide range of voltage characteristics makes the 25k adjust-
KELVIN 1W-17 ment necessary. Initially the circuit should be interrupted a t
OR EQUIVALENT - point A and a milliammeter inserted while the SET control is
Fig. 7-8. Utility dc calibrator, 0 to 100 volts.
adjusted for a meter reading of 2 mA. The procedure is re-
move the base line to the opposite peak of the waveform. The
difference between the latter reading and the first reading is
the peak-to-peak voltage of the waveform. If the oscilloscope
has an algebraic addition circuit, it can be used with the cali-
brator to measure differences as small as 100 mV on a 250V
pk-pk waveform.
Fig. 7-11 shows a high-stability ac calibrator with a vernier-
dial readout. When the dial is attached to the potentiometer the
control can be varied for only 180 degrees of the possible 300.
This means that the shaft should be in the extreme ccw posi-
tion and the vernier dial set at zero when the two components
are secured to each other. The dial is then rotated to 10 and
the CAL control is adjusted for a 10-volt pk-pk output.
51 2. 100-200v
3. 200-3GUV
I 12.100R
CELL A simple and useful service tool is shown in Fig. 7-14. I t can
be connected to any power main or junction box and will tell
the user at a glance what the line voltage is and whether it is
Fig. 7-12.Voltage calibration circuit with bpercent accuracy.
ac or dc. The ac lamp will light only on ac and the dc lamp will
light only on dc. The LO lamp will come on a t 70 Vdc or 50 Vac
and the 110 and . lamps will Tcome on a t Ttheir rated voltages,
ac o r dc. Actually the 220 lamp will come on a t 210 volts since markings on it can be used as the dial for C2. C1 is a trimmer
this is usually considered acceptable. and C3 can be switched in for 455 kHz. The radio can be sev-
eral feet from the generator and the output will still be ample
HIGH-ENERGY DETECTOR for alignment purposes. Several ferrite antenna types were
tried and all worked equally well. The frequency of the audio
Fig. 7-15 shows a homemade version of several commercially oscillator should be over 1 kHz for reliable operation. With S1
available high-voltage probes. High-voltage or high-energy rf closed, and C2 set for maximum capacity, C3 is adjusted from
fields will ionize the NE51 directly and cause the gas to glow, minimum capacity until a tone is heard in a radio that is cor-
making it useful for many go/no-go applications. I t can be rectly aligned. C3 is now set for 455 kHz and the output should
brought close to the output circuit of a transmitter and the easily penetrate the input stages of 5-tube radios and most
tank circuit can then be adjusted for maximum brightness of transistor types, so no direct connection is necessary in align-
the lamp. When the probe is held near a television flyback ing the i-f's.
transformer i t will give the repairman a quick indication of
the presence of high voltage, and positioning the lamp near a
spark plug wire will indicate whether the plug is firing or not.
NE51 s
I N1763 T2-27-WR3H)
Standard-brightness lamps radiate energy in the 5200-5400,
6700-7500, and 8200-8800 Angstrom bands with an average
overall efficiency of .06 lumen per milliampere.
High-brightness lamps operate in the 5700-7500 and 8200-
8800 Angstrom bands with an overall efficiency of .15 lumen
per milliampere.
Argon lamps radiate in the 300-4700 (near ultra-violet) and
5500-9500 Angstrom bands.
Helium-argon lamps have three minor radiation bands be-
tween 3400-6400Angstroms and a major energy output be-
tween 7000-9000 Angstroms.
1 , A057B USAS (United States American Standard) and this designa-
tion is the one recommended for current use. The system ap-
VAC 20 T.Z+
r plies only to neons that are primarily used as indicators. There
is no USAS numbering system for circuit component types.
Fig. 8-1. Universal ac-dc aging circuit.
General Electric identifies circuit component lamps with a
set of alpha-numeric characters that is similar to and com-
patible with the USAS method. The GE system always begins Typ R, Ohms is the value of resistance, *20 percent, that
with a number and is followed by two or three letters. would usually be used in series with the indicator on a 115
Tech-Neon and Signalite use an industrial system for high Vac line.
volume types that is designed to .minimize confusion by coding Pre-Aged indicates whether or not the lamp has been fac-
the characteristics into the identification number. A T2-27-2T, tory aged, and footnotes explain how the anode is identified.
for instance, will indicate to the user that this is a T2 bulb, Bulb Length Max In. is self-explanatory.
27/32" long, filled with standard brightness gas, and has 2" Base describes the method used to terminate the lamp.
tinned wire leads. Footnotes indicate special conditions and are listed a t the
A quick glance at the chart will show that in many cases the end of the chart.
difference between one lamp and another is slight, such as the The T4M to S14 chart is essentially the same as the T2 chart
type of tip, length of bulb, length of lead, extinguishing volt- and uses the same footnotes. There are a few additions.
test, etc. For many types, this simplifies replacement and sub- Bulb Type is indicated by the same system as the T2. G is
stitution problems. globe-shaped and S is straight-sided. The numbers show the
maximum diameter in eighths of an inch.
MOL In. is the maximum overall length in inches, including
The listings are divided into 3 groups: T2 miniature neon
lamps, T4M to S14 gas lamps, and T2 miniature voltage regu-
lators. The T4M to S14 group is included for reference, and,
with the exception of the NE51 types, their circuit component
use is limited.
The "T"in T2 describes the shape of the glass, tubular, and
the "2" refers to the approximate diameter in eighths of an
inch. For all new types, this represents a maximum diameter
of .250 in., but for some older types it is .275 in.
The first three columns provide a cross-reference and show
the lamp designation under any of the systems discussed. Thus
an A7A, T2-24-1, and NE2B a r e all the same lamp.
B'kdwn Volts is self-explanatory and footnotes are included
for special conditions.
Maint Volts figures are based on the listed design current.
Exting Volts shows the guaranteed extinguishing voltage
and indicates that each lamp is tested to this specification.
Des I mA lists the design current which is the basis of the
life and maintaining voltage figures. The design current is not
the maximum operating current.
Life Avg Hours figures for standarh brightness indicators
are based on a 50-percent decrease in light output. The life of
high-brightness indicators is based on the point at which stan-
dard line voltages (115 Vac) will fail to ionize the lamp. Cir-
cuit component figures are explained by footnotes.
T2 Miniature Neon Lamvs
I Desienation
S TYP. pre. , S
R\ Aged IT Length 1
Ohms I $ Max. In.
Base 1 Notes
:1 - 1
- B'kdown
DC Voltage Ratings De. 11 Life gNT TYP. pre
8 Maint. Exting. I
ml 5
AV~. R\
Ohms Age
Max. In. 5
Volts i Volts Volts - Hollrs
HA6 K5A 125 Max. --- ------ .3 1,000 31 220K NO 1" Wire 33
AlA-A 90 Max. 27 ------ .5 25,000 7 150K NO Z*/I~" Wlre
A1B 90 Max. 27 ------ .3 25,000 7 220K NO 1" W~re 4
A1C 135 Max. 24 ------ 1.2 25,000 7 47K NO 1" Wire 4, 8, 6
AlC-A 135 Max. 24 ------ 1.2 25,000 7 47K NO 2" W~re 4, 8, 6
AlC-T 135 Max. 24 ------ 1.2 25,000 7 47K NO 1" Wire Tinned 4, 8, 6
A10 90 Max. 27 ------ .3 25.000 7 220K NO 1" Wire 4, 6
AID-T 90 Max. 27 ------ .3 25,000 7 220K NO 1" Wlre Tinned 4, 6
A1G 90 Max. 27 ------ .3 25,000 7 220K NO S.C. Mid Flange 4
AlH 135 Max. 24 ------ 1.2 25,000 7 47K NO S.C. Mid Flange 4, 8, 6
AlK 135 Max. 24 ------ 1.2 25,000 7 47K NO 1" Wire 4, 8, 6
A2B-D 90 Max. 27 ------ .7 25.000 7 lOOK NO 518-ll/o"Wlre 4,6
A6A 12-32-1 90 Max. 27 ------ 1. 25,000 7 - - NO 1" Wire 46
A9A-G 90 Max. 27 ------ .7 25.000 7 lOOK NO 2" Wire 4, 5
C2A-B 135 Max. 24 ------ 1.9 25,000 7 30K NO 2" Wire 4, 8. 6
C2A-CT 135 Max. 24 ------ 1.9 25,000 7 30K NO 1" Wire Tinned 4, 8, 6
C2B 135 Max. 24 ------ 1.9 25,000 7 30K NO Mid. Grooved 4. 8, 6
C3A LT2-24-1 135 Max. 24 ------ 1.5 25.000 7 - - NO 1" Wire 8
C4A LT2-27-1 135 Max. 24 ------ 1.5 25,000 7 - - NO 1" Wire 8
C5A LT2-27-2 135 Max. 24 ------ 1.5 25,000 7 -- NO 2" Wire 8
C6A LT2-32-2 135 Max. 24 ------ 1.5 25,000 7 - - NO 2" Wire 8
02A 135 Max. 24 ------ 2.6 25,000 7 22K NO 1" Wire 4, 8, 6, 34
KlBl 135 Max. 24 ------ 1.2 25,000 7 47K NO # 1 Tel. Slide 8, 6, 22, 2
KlC5 90 Max. 27 ------ .7 25.000 7 lOOK NO #5 Tel. Slide 4. 22
KID5 135 Max. 24 ------ 1.9 25,000 7 30K NO #5 Tel. Slide 8. 6, 22, 2
K2A-D 90 Max. 27 ------ .5 25,000 7 150K NO 2%" Wire 23
K3A-A 135 Max. 24 ------ 1.9 25,000 7 30K NO 1" W~re 8, 23, 6
C --
Breakdown Initial Voltage Variation
Other Max. DC
Volts DC mA
From Initial Value
Over Operating Ranee
Coefficient 1 Remarks
Z82R7 <l volt from 25- 7.0 mA. All regulators are
Z82R10 <l volt from .3 -10. mA. compensated for dark
282115 c l volt from .5 -15. mA. effect and come with
Z83R4 <l volt from .25- 4.2 mA. 1" wire leads.
Z84R2 <l volt from .l5- 2.0 mA. The M.O.L. is I1/rs"
Z91R2 <I volt from . l . 2.0 mA. for glass parts and
Z9 1R4 4 1 volt from .2 - 4.0 mA. all have 12mm elec-
Z91R7 <l volt from .25- 7.0 mA. trodes.
Z91R10 <l volt from .25-10. mA. The tight output
Z100R12 < 1 volt from .6 -12. mA. from regulators is not
Z103R2 <l volt from .2 - 2.0 mA. usable as heavy sput-
Z103R4 <I volt from .2 - 4.0 mA. tering is induced in
Z105R7 <I volt from .6 . 7.0 mA. the manufacturing
Zl lOR4 <l volt from .5 - 4.0 mA. process.
ZlllR3 <l volt from .5 - 3.3 mA. Life expectancy is
Z115R4 <I volt from .l5- 4.0 mA. 20,000 hours for 103
Z115R7 <l volt from .5 - 7.0 mA. volt regulators and up
Z116R2 <I volt from .l2- 2.0 mA. and 30,000 hours for
Z133R6 <I volt from .8 - 4.8 mA. the 82-100 V regula-
Z139R1.5 <I volt from .3 - 1.9 rnA. tors.
Z143R1.5 <I volt from .3 - 1.9 mA. Life expectancy is
V83R4 <2 volts from 25- 4.0 mA. based on original
V84R2 1 2 volts from .15- 2.0 mA. specifications.
V91R2 <2 volts from .1 - 2.0 mA.
135 10322 .8 mA. <2 volts from .2 - 2.0 mA. <I5 mVI% *These types have a
170 11022 1.5 mA. <2 volts from .5 - 4.0 mA. <15 mVpC metal jacket and
Vl lOR4
155 11522 .8 mA. <2 volts from .15- 4.0 mA. <15 mV/"C s l ~ g h t l y different
150 11652 .6 mA. <2 volts from .12- 2.0 mA. <15 mVpC characterlstlcs.
V139R1.9 190 13954 .5 mA. <2 volts from .3 - 1.9 mA. <15 mV/"C
V143R1.9 225 14354 .5 mA. <2 volts from .3 - 1.9 mA. <15 mVPC
LllTLEFUSE 101002
, ,
i : v
3/16'' x 112" SLOTS
Fig. 8 3 . Printed circuit board mountings.
1116" PANEL
Fig. A-2. High-froquoncy ouillator nomograph.
SUPPLY fo = Eapp + Ebkdwn - h a i n t
I R l t R 2 1 C lq,(
Eapp - Ebkdwn
V 1R1= fo I N H z
- =
(R1+ R2)xC - 2000
CONSTANT -- 1000
T -
=- 100
- 10
225 -
250 -
275 -
350 -1
Wl -
high, 16,17
Abnormal glow, 10 standard, 16, 17
Ac calibrator, 87 Burn-out, 15
procedures, 94-96
process, 11
Algebraic addition of voltages, Cadmium selenide, 66
33,34 Cadmium sulfide, 66
Alignment, radio, 91 Calibrator
Altitude, effect of, 16 ac, 87
Amplifier, sine-wave, 70 digital, 86
A-m signal generator, 90, 91 voltage, 83-88
AND gate, 51-53 Capacitance of glow lamp, 93
Antileakage coating, 94 Capacitive starting, 30,33
Arc suppression, 76 Cascaded reference, 31
Argon, 12 Cathode
Arrester, lightning, 76,77 cold, 7
Astable multivibrator, 43, 45, 68, 69 sputtering, 26
Audio Characteristic curve,
output indicator, 24 of neon lamp, 9
switch, 74, 75 Coating
Avalanche antileakage, 94
current, 8,10 of electrodes, 13
time, 41 Cog-wheel effect, 62
Cold cathode, 7
Color of lamps, 16
Compensation for dark effect, 12
Ball-end lamps, 114 Construction of lamps, 17
Barium, 13 Control
Binary counter, 51 SCR, 62
Bistable multivibrator, 49, 50, 74 touch, 74
Breakdown voltage, 8,10 Corona, 10
static, 10 jump, 42
Corona--cont'd Flasher Indicator Mounting neon lamps, 113,114
mode, 9 neon, 43,46,47 audio output, 24 Multivibrator
unstable, 13 random, 48 fuse, 22,23 astable, 43, 45, 68,69
Corotron, 9 sequential, 47,48 nonlatching, 20 bistable, 49, 50, 74
Counter Flip-flop multivibrator, 49,50 Ion, 9 flip-flop, 49,50
binary, 51 Foreign lamps, 17,18 Ionization, 7-9 frequency of, 44
ring, 54, 55 Frequency causes of, 10,13 monostable, 50, 51
Crater electrode, 116 doubling, with multivibrator, 46 time, 10, 41 two-lamp, 43
Current limit of oscillator, 37,42 Isolation, by diode, 29
avalanche, 8, 10 of light radiated by gas lamps, 93
design, 11 of multivibrator, 44
run-away, 8 Fuse indicators, 22,23 Negative
self-sustaining, 8 Junction devices, resistance, 11
photoconductive, 71 temperature coefficient, 13
Gamma radiation, 13 flasher, 43,46, 47
Dark effect, 11 Gas glow, color of, 12
compensation, 12 lamp resistance, 7, 93,94 Krypton, 12 Neon lamp, 15
Darkening, 16 pressure, 13,42 Krypton 85,12 characteristic curve, 9
Decade ring counter, 56,58 tubes, series operation of, 29 defined, 7
Deionization time, 10,11, 55, 56 Gate other names, 7
effect on oscillator frequency, 42 AND, 51-53 specification chart, 100-110
Delay MAJORITY, 52, 53 Lamp Neon lamps
pulse, 75 OR,51, 52 colors, 16 ball-end, 114
time, 53 Generator construction, 17 mounting, 113,114
Design a-m signal, 90, 91 efficiencies, 15 testing, 111
current, 11 high-amplitude sawtooth, 42 incandescent, 15 Neon-operated relay, 62,63
of regulator, 33 square-wave, 45 neon, 15 Neon-regulated supply, 80
Differential voltage, 10,54 Glow defined, 15 Nickel, 12
reference, 32 abnormal, 10 Lamps, indicating, 18-24 Nonlatehing indicator, 20
Digital calibrator, 86 normal, 10 Lamp, tungsten, l 5 , 1 6 Normal glow, 10
Diode isolation, 29 Life of lamps, 17 Numbering systems, 97
Light, frequency radiated by gas
lamps, 93
Helium, 12, 16 Lightning arrester, 76, 77
Efficiency of lamps, 15 High Light-operated threshold circuit, 69 OR gate, 51, 52
Electrode brightness, 16,17 Limiting resistor, 18 Oscillation, relaxation, 19,38
coating, 13 current regulator, 26,31,32 Oscillations, parasitic, 44, 54
crater, 116 energy detection, 90 Oscillator
materials, 12 pressure gas, 42 frequency limit, 37
size, 13,26 Holding voltage, 10 Maintaining voltage, 8 sawtooth, 38,39
spacing, 13 Humidity sensor, 71 MAJORITY gate, 52,53 single lamp, 37
End-of-life, 11 Manley-Buckley ring counter, synchronized, 40,41
Extinguishing voltage, 10 54,55 triggering, 39
Memory circuit, 65, 66 Overvoltage protection, 76-78
F Incandescent lamp, 15 Mercury vapor, 16
Firing miniature, 15 Miniature incandescent lamp, 15
potential, 10 Indicating lamps, 18-24 Molybdenum, 12
resistor, 28 Indication, short-pulse, 21, 22 Monostable multivibrator, 50, 51 Parallel starting, 29
Parasitic oscillations, 44, 54 Resistance Sputtering, 11 Two-lamp multivibrator, 43
Photocell, 66, 67 negative, 11 cathode, 26
Photochopper, 68,69 of gas lamps, 7,93, 94 Square-wave generator, 45
Photoconductive junction series, calculation of, 27,31, 36 Stabilization of gas lamps, 95
devices, 71 Resistor Standard brightness, 16,17 Ultraviolet light, 12,17
Polarization, 12 firing, 28 Standing rise, 11 Unregulated power supply, 79,80
Power line tester, 89 limiting, 18 Starting Unstable corona, 13
Power supply voltage-controlled, 68 capacitive, 30, 33
neon regulated, 80 Rf radiation, 13 parallel, 29
regulated, 79-83 Ring counter series, 29
unregulated, 79,80 decade, 56,58 shunt, 29,30 Vacuum-tube regulators, 79, 80
Pressure of gas, 13 Manley-Buckley, 54, 55 Static breakdown voltage, 10 Voltage
Pulse Run-away current, 8 Striking voltage, 10 algebraic addition of, 33, 34
delay, variable, 75 Strontium, 13 breakdown, 8,10
trigger, 39 Switch, audio, 74, 75 calibrators, 83-88
Synchronized oscillator, 40,41 differential, 10, 54
extinguishing, 10
Sawtooth holding, 10
generator, high-amplitude, 42 jump, 17,42
Radiation, 13 oscillator, 38, 39 Temperature maintaining, 8
gamma, 13 SCR, 61 effect of, 13 reference circuit, 27
rf, 13 control, 62 sensor, 71 reference, differential, 32
Radio alignment, 91 Screen-grid regulator, 34 Tester, power line, 89 regulator
Random flasher, 48 Self-sustaining current, 8 Tests for neon lamps, 111 general purpose, 28
Rectifiers, silicon controlled, 61 Sensor Threshold input, 28
Reference humidity, 77 circuit, light-operated, 69 load, 28
cascaded, 31 temperature, 71 relay, 63, 64 striking, 10
circuit, voltage, 27 Sequential flasher, 47,48 Thyristor, 61 Voltage-controlled resistor, 68
regulated, series-pass, 34, 35 Series Timer circuits, 71-73 Voltmeter, transient, 88,89
Regulated operation of gas tubes, 29 Touch control, 74
power supplies, 79-83 regulation, 81 Townsend discharge, 10
reference, series-pass, 34, 35 resistance, calculation of, Transient voltmeter, 88, 89
Regulation 27, 31,36 Transistor driven relay, 64 Work function, 12
curve, 84 starting, 29 Trigger
series, 81 Series-pass regulated reference, circuit, 39, 56, 57
Regulator 34,35 pulse, 39
design, 33 Short-pulse indication, 21,22 Tungsten lamp, 15,16 Xenon, 12
high-current, 26,31, 32 Shunt
input voltage, 28 regulation, 81,83
load voltage, 28 starting, 29, 30
screen-grid, 34 Silicon controlled rectifiers
vacuum-tube, 79,80 (see SCR)
voltage, general purpose, 28 Sine-wave
Relaxation oscillation, 19, 38 amplifier, 70
Relay oscillator, 41
memory, 65,66 Single lamp oscillator, 37
neon-lamp operation of, 62, 63 Spacing of electrodes, 13
threshold, 63,64 Specification chart, neon lamps,
transistor driven, 64 100-110