Phase Equilibria - Ternary System
Phase Equilibria - Ternary System
Phase Equilibria - Ternary System
• Equilibrium: a stage when chemical potential of any Raffinate: residual solute in this layer = xR, A
component present in the system stays steady with
time Distribution
• Phase Equilibria how the solute partitions itself = DA = yE, A / xR, A
o the study of the equilibrium which exists measure of affinity of solute
between or within the different states of 0 0
μ R- μ E chemical potential difference
matter, namely, solid, liquid, ang gas o DA = =
RT (R)(temperature)
o application of the principles of
thermodynamics to the study of the Liquid-liquid extraction (LLE)
equilibrium relationships within or between
phases, corresponding to homogeneous and Where
heterogeneous phase equilibria, respectively.
o E.g., equilibrium of a liquid and its saturated • Bioseparations
vapor, the equilibrium of water and ice at the • Nuclear (Uranium recovery)
melting point of ice, and the separation of a • Mining: nickel/cobalt; copper/iron
mixture of water and triethylamine into two • Perfumes, fragrances, and essential oils
immiscible layers, or phases, that differ in • Fine and specialty chemicals
density. • Oil sands: extract bitumen away from water
Main Aims
Solute: species we aim to recover (A) from the feed
• High recovery of solute overall (low xR and high yE)
Feed or “Feed Solvent”: one of the liquids in the system • Concentrated solute in extract (high yE)
How to achieve this?
Solvent: MSA (by convention: the “added” liquid)
• Cocurrent mixer-settlers
Extract: Solvent (not solute) mostly present in this layer.
• Cross-current mixer settlers
YE, A = concentration of A, the solute, in extract. • Counter-current mixer-settlers in series
• High interfacial area during mixing
• Reduce mass-transfer resistance
• Promote mass transfer: aim is to move solute in feed
o Molecular diffusion
o Eddy diffusion
Ternary Liquid-liquid Extraction is a method by which a • The vertices of the triangle, represent pure
compound is pulled from solvent A to solvent B where solvents components.
A & B are not miscible. • The bases represent zero composition (0%) lines for
components of the opposite vertex.
• Involves 1 solute, 2 solvents • In the diagram above, trichloroethane is (0%) on the
• The solute dissolves in solvent A and is extracted to water-acetone binary mixture base. It then increases
another solvent B, where the two solvents must be as indicated to 100% on the opposite vertex, which is
immiscible. Only the solute will dissolve on both a pure trichloroethane vertex.
solvents A & B. • Water is 0% on the Acetone-Trichloroethane binary
• Also known as partitioning mixture base. It then increases as indicated to 100%
on the opposite vertex, which is a pure Water vertex.
Who invented the liquid-liquid solvent extraction? Ridge • Similarly, Acetone increase from 0% on the Water-
National Laboratory Trichloroethane binary mixture base to 100% on the
opposite vertex.
• The composition of the binary mixture increases from
one pure component to another moving along the