Program Description:
"FLRPLATE" is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of designing steel checkered floor
plate subjected to uniformly distributed loading.
1. This program utilizes the formulas given in "Design of Welded Structures" by Omer W. Blodgett (James F.
Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation) in Table 1 on page 6.5-4. The formulas therein were taken from "Formulas
for Stress and Strain", by Raymond J. Roark, for rectangular flat plates subjected to uniform pressure.
These same formulas are found in "Design of Weldments" by Omer W. Blodgett (James F. Lincoln Arc
Welding Foundation) in Table 1 on page 4.6-4 as well.
2. This program follows the procedures and guidelines of the AISC 9th Edition Allowable Stress (ASD) Manual,
(Fourth Impression 9/00), and the "Floor Plate Bending Capacity" Table found on page 2-145 is replicated off
of the main calculation worksheet at the right side of the screen. Also, at the right side of the screen, there
are two (2) additional allowable uniform loading tables, one based on flexural strength and the other based
on deflection criteria. Both of these tables consider the user input value of the plate yield stress, 'Fy'.
3. If the user desires to simulate true one-way span action for the plate analysis and design, then a value of the
plate long span, 'L', which is input should be at least 8 times the value of the plate short span, 'S'.
"FLRPLATE.xls" Program
Version 1.5
Input Data:
Long Span of Plate, L = 35.0000 ft. S=4 S Fixed
Short Span of Plate, S = 4.0000 ft.
Plate Thickness, t = 3/ 8 in. t (in.)
Uniform Live Load, wLL = 100.00 psf ###
All Edges Condition = Pinned ###
Yield Stress, Fy = 36.00 ksi L=35 L ###
Allow. Deflection Ratio = S/100 ###
w(total)=116.35 w(total) ###
All Edges Pinned All Edges Fixed
Nomenclature for Rectangular Flat Plates
Results: ###
Flexural Stress: ###
Unif. Dead Load, wDL = 16.35 psf wDL = floor plate self-weight in psf (per Reference #1) ###
Unif. Load, w(total) = 116.35 psf w(total) = wDL+wLL ###
fb(max) = 9.90 ksi fb(max) = 0.75*(w(total)/144)*(S*12)^2/(t^2*(1+1.61*(S/L)^3))/1000###
Fb(allow) = 27.00 ksi Fb(allow) = 0.75*Fy ###
fb(max) <= Fb(allow), O.K. ###
Deflection: ###
Aspect Ratio, α = 0.1143 α = S/L ###
Mod. of Elasticity, E = 29000000 psi E = 29,000,000 psi (assumed value for steel) ###
∆(max) = 0.4373 in. ∆(max) = 1.10*0.1422*(w(total)/144)*(S*12)^4/(E*t^3*(1+2.21*(S/L)^3)) ###
∆(ratio) = S/110 ∆(ratio) = (S*12)/∆(max) ###
Allow. ∆(ratio) = S/100 Allow. ∆(ratio) = S/100 (user defined and selected) ###
Note: if S/L<=1/8, deflect. was increased by 10% to simulate one-way span. ###
S/110 <= S/100, O.K. ###
References: 1. AISC Manual of Steel Construction (ASD) 9th Edition (Fourth Impression, 9/00), page 2-145.
2. "Design of Welded Structures", by Omer W. Blodgett (James F. Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation) ###
Table 1, page 6.5-4 - taken from "Formulas for Stress and Strain" by Raymond J. Roark. ###
These same formulas are found in "Design of Weldments" by Omer W. Blodgett (James F. ###
Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation) in Table 1 on page 4.6-4. ###
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"FLRPLATE.xls" Program
Version 1.5
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