Understanding The Self Syllabus - Obe

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Hinatuan, Surigao del Sur


Course Name Understanding the self
Course Credits 3 units
Course Description The course deals with the nature of identity, as well as the factors and the forces that affect the development and
maintenance of personality identity.
Contact Hours/week 3 hours
Prerequisite None
Course Outcomes At the end of the course, pre-service teachers should be able to:

1.Assess self from these various perspectives

leading to the emergence of one’s self and
Assess self from these various perspectives

leading to the emergence of one’s self and

1. Assess self from these various perspective leading to the emergences of one’s self and identity.
2. Grasp a better understanding to their personality, self and identity, along with knowledge of the influential forces which
impact on these such as gender , culture, family and relationship.
3. Demonstrate basic skills in managing the self and identity.


Course Content/Subject Matter
Week 1 Introduction of the course
Week 2 – 3 Ancient to post-modern philosophy
Week 4 - 5 Anthropology and psychology
Week 6 - 7 The self in western/oriental thought
Week 8 - 9 Physical self anf gendered self
Week 10 - 11 Material/Economic self and the Spiritual self
Week 12 - 13 The political self, the socio-cultural self and the digital self
Week 14 - 15 Managing and caring for the self
Week 16 Formative Assessment
Week 17 - 18 Grading and Reporting
One week (or an Allocation for Midterm and Final Examination
allocation of three

Alignment of Course Outcomes with Summative Assessment Tasks

Course Objectives Summative Assessment Task Details

 Illustrating concepts  Students express what they know about the
concept by means of illustration, drawing or
1. Identify their own potential.  Paper Prospective mind map.
2. Give conscious direction to their lives to take  Students decide on the principles applied to
responsibility for their actions.  Journal solve the problem
3. Develop a holistic and integrated  Assess student’s skill in synthesizing what
understanding of the human self and  Reflective Exercises they have learned about the topic or field as
personality. they work on their own.
4. Develop the capacity for self- reflection and  Problem Recognition Role Tasks  Students will craft their own performance-
integration. based, product-based, and affective
 Midterm and Final Examination assessment tools in monitoring and
5. Develop the capacity for perspective- taking
evaluating learner progress and
and appreciating different points of view. achievement in various curriculum areas.
6. Develop sensitivity towards the needs of the  Students will create their own rubrics,
children by connecting with one’s own checklist and rating scale
childhood experience.
7. Develop the capacity to establish peace  Students write a three paragraph reflection
within oneself about the topic.
8. Develop the capacity to establish harmony
within the group and methods of conflict  Presents students with a few examples of
resolution. common problem type for them to work out

 These tasks are given to evaluate students’

knowledge and understanding of concepts
and principles of alternative forms of
assessment in measuring authentic learning
and attitudes and values in becoming a
teacher. These are given to validate the
results of their practical activities and to
prepare them for licensure examination

Teaching and Learning

Desired Learning Course Content/ Textbooks/ Assessment of Tasks Resource Time
Outcomes(DLO) Subject Matter References (ATs) Materials Table
Orientation 1
Introduction to a. School policies Discussion of the mechanics week
course. b. Course of the course
description Introducing of the
c. Course requirements and integrative
Discuss the requirements final paper (portfolio and
Rationale of the journal)
Class activity:
Explain general Getting to know me and you.
policies, course
description, and
other requirements
of the course to
connection to their

1.The Self from 2

Various Ancient to post- Bandura A. Bandura, A. (1999). Weeks
perspective modern philosophy (1990) Social
cognitive theory Social
a.Discuss the A. Socrates, Plato of personality Cognitive Theory of -Group write –up of Portfolio
different and Augustine In Pervin and Personality. quickie Survey results. content # 1
representation and to Descartes, John (eds) In Pervin and John (eds)
conceptualization Locke,Hume, Handbook of Handbook of Personality -Reflection paper or “
of the self from Kant,Freud, personality Theory and Research. What is in my name?
various disciplinal Ryle,Churchland theory and 2
perspectives. ,and Merleu- research nd -Quiz
ponty and 2nd ed. Guilford ed. Guilford Press 134–194 Portfolio
b. Explain the Devida- and press 134-194 -Writing of reflection content # 2
different Foucault. paper #2 “ In what
influences, factors Silva, Frauline B. Silva, Fraulein B. (2017). aspect can you relate
and forces that B. Sociology (2017).Understa Understanding the Self. the film 3 idiots.
shape the self. -The self as a nding the self. Cronica Books: Quezon City, ( Philosophical,
product of Cronica Books Philippines. Sociological, Laptop
c.Compare and modern society Quezon city, Anthropological and Powerpoint
contrast how the among other Philippines. Triandis (1989). The self and Psychological.) presentation
self has been constructions social behavior in differing
represented - Mead and the Triandis ( 1989) cultural contexts. Psychology -Group activity: Discuss
across the social self The self and the Rev. 96.3.506-520 the significant
different social behavior The self from various influences of Eastern
disciplines and C. Anthropology in differing perspective. and Wesrern practices 2
perspectives. - The self and cultural contexts. to our modern-day life. Weeks
person in Psychology -Tabulate the philosophers
d.Demonstrate contemporary Rev.96.3 506-
critical and anthropology 520. and their famous
reflective thought - The self- philiosophies or works.
in analyzing the embedded in -Mandala ( Who am I?)
development of culture. -Build a community (through
one’s self and collage / slogan)
identity by D. Psychology -Film viewing: 3 idiots
developing a - The self as a -Lecture
theory of the self cognitive -Class project( quickie
construction. survey ) How is self
- William understood?
James and -Comparative analysis chart
the Me self; I on Eastern and Western
self. thoughts.
- Global vs
- Real and
- Multiple vs
unified selves
- True vs false
- The self as
proactive and

E. The self in
western /oriental
thought. 2
- Individualistic weeks
vs collective
- The social
of the self in
- The self as
embedded in
and through
in cunfucian
1. Unpacking . 2
the Self Belk Unpacking the self -Individual construction weeks
A.PHYSICAL SELF: (2013)Extended of the personal self- Laptop
a.Explore the The self as impacted by self in a digital -Significance of my body illustrating how the Powerpoint
different aspects of the body. world.Journal of -Gender and the different aspects are presentation
self and identity. consumer development empowerment situated relative to one
-The impact of culture on research 40. 3. seminar. another and the
b.Demonstrate body image and self 477-500 -Poem and writing / song importance of each
critical , reflective Esteem : The importance composition based on one’s relative to the other.
thought in of beauty. Demello, M. ethnicity.
integrating the (2014) -Digital collage -Quiz
various aspects of B.GENDERED SELF: Beautiful bodies -Lecture
self and identity. pp 173- 188 And -Group discussion and
-Development of Fat and Thin presentation: Who is
c.Describe the Secondary sex bodies 189-205 beautiful? Culture
different forces charactiristics and the In bodies studies conceptions and standard of Pictures
and institution that human reproductive : An Introduction beauty of face and body (if Laptop
impact the system. Routledge time permits , this may also
development of be given as a quickie survey)
various aspect of -Understanding the -Class may bring pictures of
self and identity. human sexual response who is beautiful to bagin
d.Examine one’s -The basic biology of -Usap tayo: a discussion of
self against the sexual behavior Love, Sex, Relationships
different aspects of and Family.
self -discussed in -Understanding the -What do women and men
class. chemistry of lust, love find attractive: a class
and attachment. discussion.

-The psychological
What turns people on;
the pahses of sexual
-The diversity of sexual
behavior, solitary,

-Sexually Transmitted
Diseases (STI’s)
Methods of contraception
(natural and artificial)

C.MATERIAL / Fisher, H. (2004) -Class activities Weeks
ECONOMIC SELF: Why we love. -Quiz Portfolio # 3
The nature and -Individual or group
-I shop therefore I am: I chemistry of discussion” If all people Laptop
have, therefore I am? romantic love. would only economize ,
Shaping the way, we see Chapter 3 it would solve the
ourselves. The role of Chemistry of problem of scarcity.
consumer culture on our love 51-76. Agree or disagree
sense of self and identity. Chapter 4 Web
of love, lust love
and attachment.

D.THE SPIRITUAL -Class activities Portfolio #4

SELF: Haviland -Quiz
-The practice of religion: et.Al(2007). -Film viewing or group Laptop
belief in super natural Spirituality, activity: The different Powerpoint
being and power. forms of worship presentation
- The concept of “dungan Religion and the
“ spirit or soul. supernatural. In
-Ritual and ceremonies the essence of
-Religion,magic or witch Anthropology.
craft. Thomson
-Finding and creating Wadsworth 289-
meaning ; Three ways of 306
discovering meaning of
Portfolio#5 2
E.THE POLITICAL Tiu,Macario(200 -Group presentation of the -Caricature-making of weeks
SELF: 5) Davao different courtshipand Filipino identity.
-Developing a Filipino reconstructing marriages
identity : Values, Traits, history from text
Rights, Community and and memory ,
Institutional factors ADDU Press.
-Establishing a
democratic culture Tan, Earnest -Feature a certain tribe Portfolio#6
(2008) The (IP) or visit a museum
F.THE SOCIO- Journey inward ,
CULTURAL SELF: Quezon city
-The IPs of Mindanao ,Metro Manila
,PH. Spiritus Portfolio#7
Works -Debate on pros cons of Laptop
Publication. digital usage or social Powerpoint
G.THE DIGITAL SELF: media. presentation
- I, me, myself and my
user I.D. online identity
-Selective self-
presentation and
impression management
-Impact of online
interactions on the self-
boundaries of the self-
online ; private vs public ;
personal/individual vs
social identity online ;
gender and and sexuality
2. Managing weeks
and caring
for the A.Learning to be a Seligman, -Guided Lecture: -Feedback report on Portfolio#8
self. better student. Martin(2000) Examination of own study initial implementation:
Positive strategies and development what happened, Laptop
-What happens during Psychology of more effective study plans problems Powerpoint
a.Reflect on the learning? Brain and and strategies (self- -Answering the presentation
theoretical behavior changes Silva, Frauline B. regulated learning program) metacognition
underpinnings on (2017).Understa awareness of inventory
how to manage -Metacognition and study nding the self. -Working on my Bad Habits -Set your own
and care for the strategies. Cronica Books (Paper) goalsusing the SMART
self. Quezon city, - Feedback report on initial way. e-portfolio
-Managing your own Philippines. implementation goals. -Reflection paper: How examplars
learning: Self regulated -Feedback on to be a better student or
b. Exhibit new learning. implementation. steps towards your
skills and learnings -Group sharing: better version.
for better Misunderstanding the self
managing of one’s B.Setting goals for -Seminar: Positive -The power of Habit at
self and behavior. success psychology http://www.youtube.com
.watch?v=4HoftwtPLfo Magazines
-The importance of
c.Apply these new goals. -Guided lecture and
skills to one’s self -Bandura’s self efficacy, how to demonstration:
and functioning foe Dwecks Mindset (growth Examination of goals
a better quality of vs fixed) and setting up a plan for
life. -locke’s goal setting the short term (for the
theory semester)
-Final requirements
C.Taking charge one’s magazine- making
-Stressors and
-Sources of coping and
-Stress and Filipinos: the
social and cultural
dimensions of stress .
-Taking care of the self:
The need of self care
and compassion.

D.Postive psychology

Suggested .
Readings and Ariola, Mariano (2018) Understanding the self
References Bandura A. (1990) Social Cognitive Theory of Personality . In pervin Na John(eds) Handbook of Personality Theory and Research
2nd ed.Guilford Press 134-194
Internet sites: Belk (2013)Extended self in a digital world.Journal of consumer research 40. 3. 477-500
Demello, M. (2014)
Beautiful bodies pp 173- 188 And Fat and Thin bodies 189-205 In bodies studies : An Introduction Routledge
Fisher, H. (2004) Why we love. The nature and chemistry of romantic love. Chapter 3 Chemistry of love 51-76. Chapter 4 Web of
love, lust love and attachment. 77-98
Haviland et.Al(2007). Spirituality, Religion and the supernatural. In the essence of Anthropology. Thomson Wadsworth 289-306
Tiu,Macario(2005) Davao reconstructing history from text and memory , ADDU Press.
Tan, Earnest (2008) The Journey inward , Quezon city ,Metro Manila ,PH. Spiritus Works Publication.
Seligman, Martin(2000)Positive Psychology
Silva, Frauline B.(2017).Understanding the self. Cronica Books Quezon city, Philippines.

Ariola, Mariano (2018) Understanding The Self

2. Bandura, A. (199). Social Cognitive Theory of
Personality. In Pervin and John (eds) Handbook of
Personality Theory and Research. 2
ed. Guilford Press 134 – 194.
3. Belk (2003). Extended Self in a Digital world.
Journal of consumer Research. 40. 3. 477 – 500
4. Demello, M. (2014). Beautiful Bodies. Pp 173 –
188. And Fat and thin Bodies. 189 – 205. In Body
Studies: An Introduction. Routledge
5. Fisher, H. (2004). Why We Love: The Nature
and Chemistry of Romantic Love. Chapter 3:
Chemistry of Love. 51 – 76; Chapter 4: Web of
Love: Lust, Love and Attachment. 77 – 98.
6. Haviland, et. al. (2007) Spirituality, Religion
and the Supernatural. In the Essence of
Anthropology. Thomson Wadsworth. 289 – 306.
7. Johnson, T. (1985) The Western Concept of
Self. In Marsella (ed) Culture and Self: Asian and
Western Perspectives. Tavistock publications. 91 –
8. Kawada, M. (1196). Bayad sa Dili Naton
Kaipon: A Visayan Ritual of Offering to the Spirits.
In ushijima & Zayas (eds). Binisaya Nga Kinabuhi
(Visayan Life). Visayas Maritime Anthropological
Studies. CSSP
Publications. 213 – 240.
9. Otig, Vergie, et. al.(2018) A Holistic Approach
in Understanding the Self
10. Palean, Erland de Vera, et. al. (2018)
Introspection: Understanding The Self
11. Silva, Fraulein B. (2017). Understanding the
Self. Cronica Books: Quezon City, Philippines.
12. Tan, Earnest. The Clarification and Integration
of Values.
Course Requirements

1. Major Examinations (Midterm and Finals)

2. Summative quizzes
3. Per chapter outputs as specified in the assessment
4. End of course reflective journals and compilation of assessment outputs
5. Other additional requirements as specified by the teacher

Grading System Midterm (40%) Finals (60%)

50% - Objective Written
Exam (Midterm)
50% - Class Active 50% - Objective Written Exam (Final)
Participation (virtual group 50% - Class Active Participation (virtual group work, outputs, assessment tasks, reflective
work, outputs, assessment journals, among others)
tasks, reflective journals,
among others)
Classroom Policies 1. Class attendance is essential to the learning and performance of students in this course.
2. Students must be officially enrolled for the semester where course is being offered.
3. Active participation in virtual class is a must.
4. Outputs must be submitted on time. Late submissions will still be accepted but with corresponding deductions.
5. Please read and abide the College’s policies concerning classroom behavior, ethical conduct, plagiarism and
academic honesty as contained in the Student Handbook.

Prepared by: Checked by:

Instructor Dean, College of Teacher Education

Approved by:


College President

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