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Biomedicines: Multi-Modal Biological Destruction by Cold Atmospheric Plasma: Capability and Mechanism

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Multi-Modal Biological Destruction by Cold Atmospheric
Plasma: Capability and Mechanism
Dayun Yan 1, * , Alisa Malyavko 2 , Qihui Wang 1 , Kostya (Ken) Ostrikov 3,4 , Jonathan H. Sherman 5
and Michael Keidar 1, *

1 Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, George Washington University,

Washington, DC 20052, USA; [email protected]
2 School of Medicine and Health Science, George Washington University, Washington, DC 20052, USA;
[email protected]
3 School of Chemistry and Physics, Queensland University of Technology (QUT),
Brisbane, QLD 4000, Australia; [email protected]
4 Centre for Biomedical Technologies, Queensland University of Technology (QUT),
Brisbane, QLD 4000, Australia
5 WVU Medicine-Berkeley Medical Center, West Virginia University, Martinsburg, WV 25401, USA;
[email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected] (D.Y.); [email protected] (M.K.)

Abstract: Cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) is a near-room-temperature, partially ionized gas com-
posed of reactive neutral and charged species. CAP also generates physical factors, including
ultraviolet (UV) radiation and thermal and electromagnetic (EM) effects. Studies over the past
decade demonstrated that CAP could effectively induce death in a wide range of cell types, from
 mammalian to bacterial cells. Viruses can also be inactivated by a CAP treatment. The CAP-triggered
 cell-death types mainly include apoptosis, necrosis, and autophagy-associated cell death. Cell death
Citation: Yan, D.; Malyavko, A.; and virus inactivation triggered by CAP are the foundation of the emerging medical applications of
Wang, Q.; Ostrikov, K.; Sherman, J.H.; CAP, including cancer therapy, sterilization, and wound healing. Here, we systematically analyze
Keidar, M. Multi-Modal Biological the entire picture of multi-modal biological destruction by CAP treatment and their underlying
Destruction by Cold Atmospheric mechanisms based on the latest discoveries particularly the physical effects on cancer cells.
Plasma: Capability and Mechanism.
Biomedicines 2021, 9, 1259. https:// Keywords: cold atmospheric plasma; cell death; virus inactivation; cancer therapy; microorgan-
ism sterilization

Academic Editor: Gyoocheon Kim

Received: 28 July 2021

1. CAP and Plasma Medicine
Accepted: 11 September 2021
Published: 18 September 2021
CAP is a near-room-temperature ionized gas composed of products including neutral
particles, such as neutral atoms and molecules; charged particles, such as ions; electrons;
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
and diverse, long-lived and short-lived reactive species, such as reactive oxygen species
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
(ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) [1–4]. CAP is also referred to as nonthermal
published maps and institutional affil- plasma (NTP), cold plasma, physical plasma, and gas plasma in many references [5–9].
iations. CAP is a non-equilibrium plasma in which heavy particles have effective temperatures
close to room temperature through weak elastic collisions during the discharge process [10].
CAP also generates several physical effects, including thermal effect, UV effect, and EM
effect [11,12].
Three types of CAP sources have been widely used in plasma medicine and can be
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
roughly divided into three categories: direct discharge sources, indirect discharge sources,
This article is an open access article
and hybrid discharge sources (Figure 1) [13]. In the direct discharge source, such as volume
distributed under the terms and dielectric barrier discharge (DBD), sample (animals/tissues/cells) is one of the electrodes
conditions of the Creative Commons participating in the discharge. In the indirect discharge source, such as CAP jet, the formed
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// plasma will be transported by a gas (such as Helium) flow from the main discharge arc
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ area to affect the samples, which do not participate in the discharge. Finally, in the hybrid
4.0/). discharge source, such as surface DBD, the grounded, mesh-shaped electrode generates

Biomedicines 2021, 9, 1259. https://doi.org/10.3390/biomedicines9091259 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/biomedicines

21, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 2 of 21

Biomedicines 2021, 9, 1259 2 of 21

generates plasma within the mesh and allows nearly all current to flow through mesh
rather than samples (such
plasma as skin).
within Despite
the mesh and different morphologies,
allows nearly all current topower input, and
flow through meshre-rather than
active species generation in CAP, their chemical composition and physical effects are quite
samples (such as skin). Despite different morphologies, power input, and reactive species
similar. CAP can begeneration in controlled
precisely CAP, their chemical composition
by modulating basicand physical effects
operational are quite
parameters similar. CAP
flow rate, etc.) and be precisely controlled by
parameters modulating
(such basic operational
as discharge parameters
voltage, current, duty(gas flow rate, etc.)
etc.) [14,15]. and discharge parameters (such as discharge voltage, current, duty circle, etc.) [14,15].

FigureFigure 1. Typical
1. Typical CAP (a)
CAP sources. sources. (a) A
A volume volume
DBD sourceDBD source
[16,17]. (b) A[16,17].
surface (b)
DBD Asource
surface DBD
[18]. source
(c) A [18].
CAP jet (c) The
A CAP jet source. The length of plasma jet can be modulated by controlling
length of plasma jet can be modulated by controlling signals, such as pulse width (µs) [14]. signals, such as pulse
width (µ s) [14].
Plasma generated by these sources can be used to directly touch biological samples,
which by
Plasma generated exposes
sourcestocan reactive species
be used and physical
to directly touchfactors (Figure
biological 2a). Alternatively,
biological adaptive solutions, such as medium and phosphate
which exposes samples to reactive species and physical factors (Figure 2a). Alternatively, buffered saline (PBS), can
be used as a carrier of these long-lived reactive
biological adaptive solutions, such as medium and phosphate buffered saline (PBS),species to exert a killing effect
canon viruses
and cells [16,17]. Reactive species will cause oxidative stress in the CAP-treated cells
be used as a carrier of these long−lived reactive species to exert a killing effect on viruses
particularly cancer cells and, finally, trigger cell-death pathways if the reactive species’
and cells [16,17]. Reactive
dose on aspecies will
single cell is cause oxidative
sufficiently large stress
CAP−treatedeffectscells par- factors
of physical
ticularly cancer cells
beenfinally, triggerfor
hypothesized cell−death
a long timepathways
but without if the
until verydose
recently. One
on a single cell ispossible
sufficiently large [18,19]. The biological effects of physical factors
candidate is the EM effect from CAP jet, which causes a structural damage on have
been hypothesized for a long
melanoma cellstime but without
and triggers a quickclear evidence
necrosis [20]. until very recently. One
Multimodal chemical and
possible candidate is the EM effect from CAP jet, which causesphysical nature of CAP makes it adamage
a structural suitable, on controllable,
flexible, and even a self-adaptive
melanoma cells and triggers a quick necrosis [20]. tool for many medical applications, ranging from mi-
croorganism sterilization, dermatitis, wound healing,
Multimodal chemical and physical nature of CAP makes it a suitable, controllable, and cancer therapy [21–28]. For
microorganism sterilization, particularly bacterial inactivation, CAP can cause strong dam-
flexible, and even a self−adaptive tool for many medical applications, ranging from mi-
age on both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, including some multi-drug resistant
croorganism sterilization, dermatitis,
bacteria (Figure wound
2b) [29–31]. Thehealing, and cancer
biofilm composed oftherapy
complex [21–28]. For mi-
microorganism community
croorganism sterilization, particularly bacterial inactivation, CAP can cause
can also be effectively inactivated by CAP treatment (Figure 2c) [32–35]. These strong dam-anti-bacterial
age on both gram−positive
capacities ofandCAPgram−negative
may be the foundation bacteria, to including
drastically some
improve multi−drug
wound healing re- efficacy
sistant bacteria (Figure
(Figure 2b) [29–31]. The
2d) [29,36–39]. Over biofilm
the pastcomposed
decade, CAP of complex
has shownmicroorganism
impressive potential as a
community can also novel
be anti-cancer
effectivelytool both in vitro
inactivated and in
by CAP vivo. CAP
treatment can selectively
(Figure kill many
2c) [32–35]. Thesecancer cell
lines while
anti-bacterial capacities of CAP having
mayonlybe thelimited side effects
foundation on normalimprove
to drastically counteracting
woundcell lines [40–43].
ing efficacy (Figure 2d) [29,36–39]. Over the past decade, CAP has shown impressive po-tumor site
Importantly, a simple CAP treatment just on the skin above the subcutaneous
could effectively decrease the tumor size and extend life in mice, which demonstrates
tential as a novel anti−cancer tool both in vitro and in vivo. CAP can selectively kill many
the non-invasive potential of CAP as a novel anti-cancer modality (Figure 2e) [8,44–46].
cancer cell lines while having
Besides, only limited
the inactivation side effects
of viruses by CAPon hasnormal
also been counteracting
reported in manycell studies
lines and has
[40–43]. Importantly, a simple CAP treatment just on the skin above the subcutaneous
recently been summarized [47]. For example, the strongly inhibited infectivity of feline cali-
tumor site could effectively decrease the tumor size and extend life in mice, which demon-
strates the non−invasive potential of CAP as a novel anti−cancer modality (Figure 2e)
[8,44–46]. Besides, the inactivation of viruses by CAP has also been reported in many stud-
ies and has recently been summarized [47]. For example, the strongly inhibited infectivity
of feline calicivirus on its host kidney cells has been demonstrated (Figure 2f) [48]. The
Biomedicines 2021, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 21
Biomedicines 2021, 9, 1259 3 of 21

CAP−triggered cell kidney

civirus on its host death or virus
cells inactivation
has been is the
demonstrated foundation
(Figure 2f) [48]. of
Thenearly all these appli
cell death or virus inactivation is the foundation of nearly all these applications.

Figure 2.Figure
A general picturepicture
2. A general of plasma medicine.
of plasma (a) Schematic
medicine. (a) Schematic illustration
illustrationof ofthe
the biological effectofofCAP.
biological effect CAP. Here,
Here, biofilm was
used aswasan used
as an [26].
example(b) [26].
Growth inhibition
(b) Growth of CAP
inhibition of CAP source
(DBD) on bacteria
on bacteria (S.(S. Typhimurium)
Typhimurium) growngrown on LB agar
on LB agar
plates: control (left) and
plates: control (left)DBD
and DBDtreatment (right)
treatment (right)[31].
(c) Confocal scanning
Confocal scanning laser
laser microscopic
microscopic imagingimaging of strong
of strong bacterialbacterial
death indeath
a CAP−treated biofilm
in a CAP-treated grown
biofilm grownonon
polycarbonate coupons.
coupons. LiveLivecells
cellsandand dead
dead cellscells
in greeninand
red,and red,
respectively [30]. (d) The improved wound healing of the inflamed ulcer on a human leg by CAP
respectively [30]. (d) The improved wound healing of the inflamed ulcer on a human leg by CAP treatment [39]. (e) Tumor treatment [39]. (e) Tumor
inhibition effect
effect of CAP of CAP jet treatment
jet treatment onon subcutaneously xenografted
subcutaneously xenografted bladder
bladder tumor
tumoron mice [8]. (f)[8].
on mice The(f)
inactivation of
The inactivation of
feline calicivirus
feline calicivirus and the andinhibited
the inhibited infectivity
infectivity ononitsitshost
host Crandell−Reese
Crandell-Reese feline kidney
feline cells cells
kidney by CAPbytreatment [48].
CAP treatment [48].

2. Apoptosis
2. Apoptosis
Apoptosis is a specific form of programmed cell death, which plays an important
role in a largeis number
a specificof form
human ofpathologies,
programmed cell death,
including which plays an
neurodegenerative important role
in a autoimmune
large number of human
diseases, and pathologies,
cancer [49,50].including
A typicalneurodegenerative
apoptosis in mammalian disorders,
cells isautoim
mune characterized
diseases, and by cell shrinkage,
cancer cytoplasmic
[49,50]. A typical membrane
apoptosis blebbing, chromatincells
in mammalian condensation,
is characterized
by cell membrane
shrinkage, breakdown, as
cytoplasmic well as theblebbing,
membrane final formation of vesicles
chromatin from plasma nuclear
membrane knowns as apoptotic bodies [51]. The formed apoptotic bodies have complete
membrane breakdown, as well as the final formation of vesicles from plasma membrane
membranes and will be rapidly cleaned by phagocytes, which will not trigger inflammatory
knowns as apoptotic
response bodies [51]. The formed apoptotic bodies have complete membranes
in vivo [51,52].
and willThe be rapidly cleaned
basic features and by phagocytes,
mechanism whichinwill
of apoptosis not trigger
mammalian cellsinflammatory
have been exten- response
in vivo [51,52].
sively investigated. Generally, for the extrinsic apoptosis pathway, apoptosis is triggered
by thebasic
The activation of death
features andreceptors,
mechanism suchofasapoptosis
tumor necrosis factor receptor
in mammalian (TNFR),
cells and exten
have been
the further recruitment of death-inducing signaling complex (DISC), which
sively investigated. Generally, for the extrinsic apoptosis pathway, apoptosis is triggered cleavages
caspase-8 zymogen and further activates effector caspase-3/7 [53,54]. In contrast, the
by the activation of death receptors, such as tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR), and
intrinsic apoptosis pathway is based on the mitochondria-mediated and the death receptor-
the mediated
further recruitment
apoptotic eventsof death−inducing
[55]. Death stimulus, signaling complexcytokine
such as radiation; (DISC),deprivation,
which cleavages
caspase−8 zymogen and further activates effector caspase−3/7
like growth factor; cytotoxic drugs, like reactive species, and the DNA damage [53,54]. In contrast,
due to the in
irradiation pathway
or oxidative is stress,
on the mitochondria−mediated
initiate a series of pro-apoptotic and theincluding
events, death receptor
the phosphorylation of p53 (p-p53), the further activated expression of
mediated apoptotic events [55]. Death stimulus, such as radiation; cytokine deprivation B-cell lymphoma
like growth factor; cytotoxic drugs, like reactive species, and the DNA damage due to UV
irradiation or oxidative stress, will initiate a series of pro−apoptotic events, including the
phosphorylation of p53 (p−p53), the further activated expression of B−cell lymphoma 2
(BCL−2) homology region 3 (BH3)−only proteins, such as BH3 interacting-domain death
Biomedicines 2021, 9, 1259 4 of 21

2 (BCL-2) homology region 3 (BH3)-only proteins, such as BH3 interacting-domain death

agonist (Bid), BCL-2 associated agonist of cell-death protein (BAD), BCL2 and adenovirus
EB1 19 kDa-interacting protein 3-like (NIX), p53 upregulated modulator of apoptosis
(PUMA), and Phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate-induced protein 1 (NOXA) [52,56–58]. These
pro-apoptotic factors form BCL-2-associated X protein (BAX)/BCL-2 homologous antag-
onist killer (BAK) channels on mitochondrial membranes to realize mitochondrial outer
membrane permeabilization (MOMP), which facilitates the release of apoptosis-inducing
proteins, such as cytochrome c (cyt c) and other intermembrane mitochondrial compo-
nents, such as second mitochondria-derived activator of caspase (Smac), HtrA serine
peptidase 2 (Omi), Endonuclease G (Endo G), and apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF), into the
cytosol [49,51,59,60]. The inhibited function of BCL-2 family on mitochondrial membrane
also facilitates the release of mitochondrial proteins [61]. In cytosol, cyt c binds to apop-
totic protease activating factor-1 (Apaf-1) and forms apoptosome, which further recruits
procaspase-9 to form apoptosome-caspase-9 holoenzyme [62,63]. The activated caspase-9
further activates caspase-3/7 zymogen to be functional effector caspase-3/7 and begins a
series of apoptotic events [59].
Typical apoptotic events include nucleus and DNA fragmentation by caspase-activated
DNase (CAD), cytoskeleton breakdown, cellular membrane budding, and final apoptotic
bodies. Apoptosis will not cause the release of cytosol components into extracellular
environment. The dying cells in vivo will be rapidly scavenged by phagocytes, such as
macrophages and dendritic cells [64]. In the last stage, apoptotic cells will produce “find
me” signals, such as lysophosphatidylcholine signal, and “eat me” signals, such as the ex-
ternalization of phosphatidylserine on cellular membrane [65–67]. The phosphatidylserine
on plasma membrane will be bound by proteins such as Annexin, which will be recognized
and bound by phagocytic cells [68]. The fluorescein-labeled Annexin V has been widely
used as a biomarker in many apoptosis detection methods, including fluorescent imaging
and flow cytometry [69].
For mammalian cells, apoptosis is the most widely observed cellular response to
CAP treatment, which can produce a sufficiently high concentration of reactive species
in aqueous solution, such as medium. Apoptosis has been widely observed in the CAP-
treated cancer cells [41,70,71]. Apoptosis is triggered by CAP-originated reactive species
particularly ROS [72–75]. Both extracellular and intracellular ROS scavengers, such as
N-Acetyl-cysteine (NAC), and apoptosis inhibitors, such as zVAD, can effectively inhibit
apoptosis in the CAP-treated mammalian cells [76–82]. The characterization of apoptosis is
currently mainly based on flow cytometric data [83–87], accompanied with the analysis
based on terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) assay,
western blot, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), caspase 3/7 assay, mitochondrial membrane
potential assay, cyt c assay, p53 assay, and BAX assay [41,71,79,88–91].
Based on these studies, the CAP-triggered apoptosis strictly follows the well under-
stood apoptotic events and pathways. The dominant CAP-triggered cancer cells’ death
followed the caspase-dependent apoptosis pathways, though a few studies reported the
caspase-independent apoptosis in the CAP-treated cancer cells [73,92]. The release of cyt c
into cytosol, the expression of p-p53/p73/p38/c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNK), NOXA, Bax,
BCL-2, caspase-8, cleavage of caspase-9, caspase-3/7, the cleavage of poly (ADP-ribose)
polymerase (PARP), the loss of mitochondrial transmembrane potential, and DNA frag-
mentation have been widely observed in the CAP-treated cancer cells [77,78,81,83,93–100].
In contrast, the direct microscopic imaging on the apoptotic process, particularly the key
features of apoptosis, such as budding of cells and the formation of apoptotic body, was
largely lacking in most studies. A typical observation of apoptotic CAP-treated melanoma
cells is shown in Figure 3a. The chronological expression of key proteins followed the
well-known apoptotic pathways. Activation of p53 is the key step to trigger apoptosis. A
caspase/apoptosis-independent cell death was reported for the CAP-treated p53-mutated
glioblastoma multiforme cells. CAP induced rapid cell death by the accumulation of
the double−strand break (DSB), though another type, like the oxidation on bases, such as
8−hydroxyl−2′−deoxyguanosine (8−OHdG), has also been reported [70,108]. The expres-
sion of γ−H2AX has been widely observed shortly after CAP treatment [80,93,109–112].
The serine 139 on H2AX is phosphorylated by ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) re-
Biomedicines 2021, 9, 1259 cruited on DSB site with other DNA damage−response complexes [113]. The enhanced 5 of 21
expression of ATM has been observed in the CAP−treated oral cavity squamous cell car-
cinoma cells and melanoma cells [112,114]. The increased level of p−p53 in the CAP-
treated mouse melanoma cells B16F10 just occurred after the expression of γ−H2AX,
which without
strictly triggering
followed autophagy
the typical [101]. The
chronological lack
order of TP53
of DNA gene expression
damage might
response (Figure
3b,c). the caspase-dependent apoptotic pathways.

Figure 3.
3. A
A typical
typical observation
observation of
of apoptosis in the
apoptosis in the CAP-treated
release by immunocytochemistry and fluorescence−activated cell sorting analysis to check mitochondria membrane
by immunocytochemistry and fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis to check mitochondria membrane potential po-
tential change. (b) Western blot analysis of the phosphorylation on serine 139 on H2AX histone (γ-H2AX), p53, and
change. (b) Western blot analysis of the phosphorylation on serine 139 on H2AX histone (γ-H2AX), p53, and caspase-3.
caspase−3. (c) Western blot analysis of BAX and BCL−2 [18].
(c) Western blot analysis of BAX and BCL-2 [18].

3. Autophagy−Associated
The significantly modified Deathredox balance in the CAP-treated cancer cells has been
The autophagy−associated
regarded as the main reason tocell death
trigger has been proposed
apoptosis. as a novel
The significant mode of cell
intracellular ROS death
very different
has been widely from apoptosis
observed [115]. Autophagy
in dozens was first found as The
of cell lines [46,76,91,102,103]. a survival mechanism
rise of ROS caused
a greatcells,
dealsuch as yeasts,
of damage to were underand
organelles sublethal stress,
important such as nutrient
molecules, such as deprivation
mitochondria, or
lacking growthreticulum
factors in(ER), lysosome
extracellular [104], DNA,
environment cellular membrane,
[60,115,116]. and extracellu-
The autophagic cells sur-
lar matrix
vive under[76,77,86,87,94,97,105–107].
these stresses by digesting their All these damages might
own organelles further trigger apoptosis.
and macromolecules to recycle
their own them, DNA damage
nonessential has been
or damaged extensively
organelles investigated. The
or macromolecular main DNA[115,117].
components damage
The was that
the double-strand
do not receivebreak (DSB),
nutrients forthough
extended another type,
periods like the
of time willoxidation
such as 8-hydroxyl-2 0
all available substrates-deoxyguanosine
and die, which is(8-OHdG), has also been reported
a autophagy−associated cell death [70,108]. TheAu-
[115,118]. ex-
pression of γ-H2AX has been widely observed shortly after CAP treatment
tophagic cell death is characterized by the presence of abundant autophagosomes in dying [80,93,109–112].
The serine
cells 139 on H2AX
[119]. Autophagy canisalso
lead to cell deathby ataxia
oxidative stress mutated (ATM)
conditions, suchre-
as a ROSon DSB site[120].
exposure with other DNA damage-response complexes [113]. The enhanced
expression of ATM
Three forms of has been observed
autophagy have beenin the CAP-treated
defined oral cavity
on the basis of howsquamous
lysosomes cell carci-
noma cells and melanoma cells [112,114]. The increased level of
material for degradation: macroautophagy, microautophagy, and chaperone−mediated p-p53 in the CAP-treated
mouse melanoma
autophagy cells B16F10 just occurred
[115]. Macroautophagy degradesafter the expression
cytosolic material viaof sequestration
γ-H2AX, which intostrictly
followed the typical chronological order of DNA damage response
ble-membrane vesicles called autophagosomes that subsequently fuse with lysosomes (Figure 3b,c).

3. Autophagy-Associated Death
The autophagy-associated cell death has been proposed as a novel mode of cell death
very different from apoptosis [115]. Autophagy was first found as a survival mechanism
when cells, such as yeasts, were under sublethal stress, such as nutrient deprivation or
lacking growth factors in extracellular environment [60,115,116]. The autophagic cells sur-
vive under these stresses by digesting their own organelles and macromolecules to recycle
their own nonessential or damaged organelles or macromolecular components [115,117].
The cells that do not receive nutrients for extended periods of time will ultimately digest
all available substrates and die, which is a autophagy-associated cell death [115,118]. Au-
tophagic cell death is characterized by the presence of abundant autophagosomes in dying
cells [119]. Autophagy can also lead to cell death under oxidative stress conditions, such as
a ROS exposure [120].
Biomedicines 2021, 9, 1259 6 of 21

Three forms of autophagy have been defined on the basis of how lysosomes receive
material for degradation: macroautophagy, microautophagy, and chaperone-mediated au-
tophagy [115]. Macroautophagy degrades cytosolic material via sequestration into double-
membrane vesicles called autophagosomes that subsequently fuse with lysosomes [116].
Here, we focus on macroautophagy. The general molecular mechanism of autophagy
has been systematically introduced in previous summaries [60,121–124]. Here, we give
a brief introduction of typical nonspecific macroautophagy pathway. The well-known
autophagy process can be divided into five stages: initiation, vesicle nucleation, vesicle
elongation, vesicle fusion, and cargo degradation [121]. Three types of vesicles are formed
chronologically in this process: phagophore, autophagosome, and autophagolysosome.
Autophagy is initiated by upstream activation through various conditions of stress,
such as starvation, hypoxia, oxidative stress, protein aggregation, ER stress, and oth-
ers [121,123]. In starvation case, the decrease in glucose transport releases the inhibition
effect of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) complex 1 (mTORC1) on UNC-51-like
kinase 1 (ULK1) complex (ULK1, ULK2, FAK family kinase-interacting protein of 200 kDa
(FIP200), autophagy-related protein (ATG)101, and ATG13.) [60,121]. Oxidative stress,
such as ROS stress, inhibits phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) pathway but also inhibits
the function of mTOR, which facilitates the initiation of autophagy [120]. The core au-
tophagic pathway starts from the formation of an isolated phagophore, often between
mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum [60]. During this stage, ULK1 complex triggers
the vesicle nucleation of isolation membrane by phosphorylating components of class
III PI3K complex (Beclin 1, autophagy, and beclin 1 regulator 1 (AMBRA1), lipid kinase
vacuolar protein sorting (VPS)34, VPS15, UV radiation resistance-associated gene protein
(UVRAG), ATG14), which in turn activates local phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate (PI3P)
production at a characteristic ER structure called omegasome [121,123]. Class III PI3K
complex also facilitates the localization of autophagic proteins to phagophore. BCL-2 and
BCL extra-large (BCL-XL) interact with Beclin 1 in Class III PI3K complex to decrease its
pro-autophagic activity [121].
In the following stage, the growing double-membrane undergoes vesicle elongation
and is eventually sealed to form a double-layered vesicle called autophagosome. Several
cellular membranes, including plasma membrane, mitochondria membrane, recycling
endosomes, and, Golgi apparatus, may contribute to the elongation of autophagosomal
membrane by donating their membrane material [60,123]. This process is mediated by
two ubiquitin-like (UBL) conjugation systems [121]. One involves the conjugation of
phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) to cytoplasmic protein light chain 3 (LC3)I to generate a
lipidated form LC3II, which is facilitated by protease ATG4B and ATG7. ATG12-ATG5-
ATG16L1 complex is also required for the formation of covalent bond between LC3 and
PE [122]. LC3II will be incorporated into the growing membrane of autophagosome [121].
Another is mediated by ATG7 and ATG10, resulting in an ATG5-ATG12 conjugate. Sub-
sequently, several soluble NSF attachment proteins receptor (SNARE)-like proteins such
as syntaxin 17 (STX17), mediate the fusion between autophagosomes and lysosomes and
ultimately form autophagolysosomes [60,121]. LC3II as the characteristic signature of
autophagic membranes remains associated with autophagosomes and autolysosomes,
facilitating their identification [60,123]. In the selective autophagy process, LC3II is critical
for the sequestration of specifically labeled cargo into autophagosomes [123]. Most assays
for autophagy evaluate the redistribution of LC3II to autophagosomes and autolysosomes
by immunohistochemical labeling or by fluorescent imaging in cells after fusion to flu-
orescent proteins, such as green fluorescent protein (GFP) [60]. During the degradation
stage, many lysosomal enzymes, such as acidic hydrolases, can degrade and hydrolyze the
cargo in autophagolysosomes, such as proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids at a low optimum
pH14 [60,121]. The salvaged nutrients are released back to cytoplasm to be recycled by
cell [123].
Autophagy in the CAP-treated cancer cells has been demonstrated in recent stud-
ies. The oxidative stress due to CAP treatment has been regarded as the main reason to
Biomedicines 2021, 9, 1259 7 of 21

Biomedicines 2021, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 21

trigger autophagy in several cell lines, including melanoma G-361, endometrial cancer
cells (AMEC, HEC50), and mesothelioma cells EM2 established from rats injected with
factor [104,125,126].
receptor (EGFR) For melanoma
pathways cellsFor
[125]. G-361, the synergistic
endometrial canceruse of CAP
cells and silymarin
AMEC and HEC50,
nanoemulsion (SN) triggers autophagy by activating PI3K/mTOR and epidermal growth
mTOR pathway has been inactivated by CAP−treated medium containing long−lived re-
factor receptor (EGFR) pathways [125]. For endometrial cancer cells AMEC and HEC50,
active species [126]. The autophagy inhibitor MHY1485 could partially inhibit autophagic
mTOR pathway has been inactivated by CAP-treated medium containing long-lived reac-
death in this
species case
[126]. The[126].
autophagy inhibitor MHY1485 could partially inhibit autophagic
As a representative
cell death in this case [126].example, here, we examine the autophagic response of malignant
mesothelioma cells to CAP
As a representative treatment.
example, The
here, we autophagic
examine responseresponse
the autophagic of malignant mesotheli-
of malignant
oma cells to CAP
mesothelioma was
cells to induced by oxidative
CAP treatment. stress through
The autophagic response a reaction
of malignantinvolving
lioma cells to CAP was induced by oxidative stress through a reaction involving
iron (Figure 4a). The CAP−triggered oxidative stress stimulates the increased fluid−phase cellular
iron (Figurelysosomal
endocytosis, 4a). The CAP-triggered
biogenesis, oxidative stress stimulates
and autophagy [104]. CAPthe increased
treatment fluid-phase
also caused a
endocytosis, lysosomal biogenesis, and autophagy [104]. CAP treatment also caused a
rapid nuclear translocation of a transcription factor, transcription factor EB (TFEB), which
rapid nuclear translocation of a transcription factor, transcription factor EB (TFEB), which
regulated lysosomal biogenesis and autophagy [104]. The direct transmission electronic
regulated lysosomal biogenesis and autophagy [104]. The direct transmission electronic
observation ofofautophagosomes
autophagosomes (AP)
(AP) andand autophagolysosomes
autophagolysosomes (AL) (AL)
in in
CAP−treated mesothelioma cells are presented in Figure 4b.
CAP-treated mesothelioma cells are presented in Figure 4b. Fluorescent imaging Fluorescent imaging
demonstratedthat thatnoticeable autophagosomes
noticeable autophagosomes (labeled
(labeled by by LC3II)
LC3II) werewere
at 2 hat 2 h after
treatment (Figure 4c). Autophagolysosomes were formed at 4 h after treatment, by
treatment (Figure 4c). Autophagolysosomes were formed at 4 h after treatment, labeled labeled
by the
colocalization of of
LC3II andand
LC3II lysosomal-associated
lysosomal−associatedmembrane protein protein
membrane 1 (LAMP1).1 (LAMP1).

Figure 4. CAP
Figure induces
4. CAP oxidative
induces oxidativestress
response in malignant
mesothelioma cellscells (SM2),
(SM2), resulting
resulting in increased
in increased endocyto-
sis, lysosome
biogenesis, and autophagy-associated
autophagy−associated cell
cell death.
death. (a)(a) Schematic
Schematic autophagy
autophagy mechanism
mechanism ofCAP-treated
of the the CAP−treated
malignant mesothelioma
malignant mesothelioma cells. (b)(b)
cells. TEMTEM imaging
vesicle structures, endosome−like
structures, endosome-like vesicles,
vesicles, andand organelles
organelles involved
involved in in
the autophagic pathway
the autophagic of the
pathway CAP−treated
of the CAP-treatedSM2 SM2cells
cells (60
(60 s). Yellow andred
Yellow and redarrowhead
arrowhead indicates
indicates AP APandand
AL, AL, respectively.
Scale Scale
bar =bar
500 nm.nm.
= 500 (c) Fluorescent
(c) Fluorescent imaging
imagingofofthe theformation
formation of of autophagosomes
autophagosomes in in
thethe CAP−treated
CAP-treated (60 s)(60 s) malignant
mesothelioma cells. Cells were stained by DAPI (DNA, blue), LC3B (red), and LAMP1 (green).
mesothelioma cells. Cells were stained by DAPI (DNA, blue), LC3B (red), and LAMP1 (green). LC3B suggested the presence LC3B suggested the pres-
ence of autophagosomes,
autophagosomes, while
while thethe colocalization
colocalization of LC3ofand
LC3 and LAMP1
LAMP1 suggestssuggests the autophagolysosome
the autophagolysosome formation
formation (yellow (yellow
overlay fluorescence).
fluorescence). ScaleScale
bar =bar = 20***,
20 µm. μm. p <***, p <[104].
0.001 0.001 [104].

4. Necrosis
Necrosis is essentially different from typical programmed cell death, such as apop-
tosis. Necrosis is characterized by organelle swelling or the cytoplasmic membrane rup-
ture with the spillage of intracellular contents [115]. Necrosis can be caused by diverse
reasons, including metabolic failure, with rapid depletion of adenosine triphosphate
Biomedicines 2021, 9, 1259 8 of 21

4. Necrosis
Necrosis is essentially different from typical programmed cell death, such as apopto-
sis. Necrosis is characterized by organelle swelling or the cytoplasmic membrane rupture
with the spillage of intracellular contents [115]. Necrosis can be caused by diverse
Biomedicines 2021, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW
8 of 21
sons, including metabolic failure, with rapid depletion of adenosine triphosphate (ATP),
acute hypoxic, ischemic injury, and trauma, such as mechanical damage on cellular mem-
brane [115,127]. Such a strong leak of cellular components into extracellular space will
will trigger
trigger inflammatory
inflammatory response
response in vivo
in vivo [128,129].
[128,129]. MostMost necrotic
necrotic processes
processes do notdohave
not clear
clear biochemical cascade pathways
biochemical cascade pathways [129]. [129].
Necrosis in
Necrosis inthe
CAP−treatedcancercancer cells
cells hashas been
been mentioned
mentioned many
many timestimes in litera-
in literatures
tures mainly
mainly based based
on flow oncytometric
flow cytometric data.
data. The Theobservation
direct direct observation of necrosis
of necrosis has not
has not been re-
been reported
ported until veryuntil very recently.
recently. Usingexperimental
Using a novel a novel experimental design,
design, it was foundit was
that found
melanoma that
cells B16F10cells
wereB16F10 werekilled
effectively effectively killedfactors
by physical by physical
the EMmainly the EM
effect from effect
a typical
from jet
CAP a typical
source CAP
[20]. jet source
Similar [20]. Similar
phenomena have phenomena have alsolater
also been observed beenduring
observed later dur-
the treatment
on the treatmentcells on glioblastoma
U87MG, lungcells cancerU87MG, lung bladder
cells A549, cancer cells A549,
cancer cellsbladder
MBT2, cancer
cells breast
and MBT2,carcinoma
MB49, and breast
cells carcinoma [130,131].
MDA-MB-231 cells MDA−MB−231 [130,131].
In these cases, In these cases,
CAP treatment was
CAP treatment
performed on thewas performed
bottom on the bottom
of an inverted of andish
cell culture inverted cell cultureplate.
or a multi-well dish This
or a multi-
well plate. This
experimental novel, experimental
design-enabled CAP justdesign-enabled
exerted physical CAPeffects
just exerted
on cellsphysical
cellschemical effect (Figure
without exerting 5a). Besides,
any chemical effect even
(Figureplasma did noteven
5a). Besides, contact the target;
plasma did notnecrosis
still occurred
the target; when there
necrosis was an airwhen
still occurred gap around
there was8 mman[20]. Thearound
air gap EM effect
8 mmfrom[20].
cause such necrosis.
effect from CAP should cause such necrosis.

Figure 5.
Figure 5. Direct
Direct observation
observation of
Schematic il-
lustration. (b) A time−lapse observation of bubbling. (c) The fluorescent imaging of the treated B16F10 cells. Microtubules
illustration. (b) A time-lapse observation of bubbling. (c) The fluorescent imaging of the treated B16F10 cells. Microtubules
(green) and DNA (blue) were stained using BioTracker 488 green microtubule cytoskeleton dye and Hoechst 33342, re-
(green) and DNA (blue) were stained using BioTracker 488 green microtubule cytoskeleton dye and Hoechst 33342,
spectively [20].
respectively [20].
The physically based CAP treatment caused such a necrosis, characterized by cytosol
aggregation and bubbling on cellular membrane (Figure 5b). The cytosol aggregation oc-
curs nearly immediately (<1 min) after a short treatment lasting 2 min. If the treatment
lasts longer than that, cellular changes may already start before the end of treatment. The
Biomedicines 2021, 9, 1259 9 of 21

The physically based CAP treatment caused such a necrosis, characterized by cytosol
aggregation and bubbling on cellular membrane (Figure 5b). The cytosol aggregation
occurs nearly immediately (<1 min) after a short treatment lasting 2 min. If the treatment
lasts longer than that, cellular changes may already start before the end of treatment. The
cytosol aggregation is a very fast process, lasting probably only 1 min or even less. After
that, the cellular shape does not experience any noticeable change for days except bubbling
immediately after cytosol aggregation. The fast bubbling on cytoplasmic membrane of
the aggregated cells may be triggered by cytosol aggregation and facilitated by potential
holes on membrane based on the fluorescent observation of new small bubbles’ growth
process [20]. The whole growth of bubbles only lasted about 8–11 min (Figure 5b). Over the
following 2 h, there was no obvious change in the bubbles’ size until the final detachment
of bubbles from cells. After this stage, cells did not show any cellular activities, such as
division and mobility. Fluorescent imaging shows that there might be no organelle in
bubbles either attached or detached from cellular membrane (Figure 5c). Bubbling should
be due to the leak of cellular solutions from cytoplasm membrane. It is reasonable to
speculate that there is a plasma membrane as the interface between the solutions in bubbles
and the extracellular environment.
The CAP-triggered change on the intracellular osmotic pressure may trigger bubbling.
Though the mechanism is unknown, the strong aggregation of cytosol may be the direct
factor to push the cellular solution out of cytosol membrane. Hypotonic environment,
such as deionized water exerted a strong extracellular osmotic pressure. Both B16F10 cells
and U87MG cells experienced noticeable swell and final burst in it. In contrast, when
the physically based CAP-treated B16F10 cells and U87MG cells immediately cultured
in deionized water, they indeed experienced clear swell but without finally losing the
integrity of cytoplasmic membrane [20,130]. Thus, the mechanical property of cytoplasmic
membrane may be enhanced and can even resist the strong osmotic pressure. Besides,
bubbling could also be largely inhibited when the physically based CAP-treated cells were
immediately moved to hypotonic solutions, such as deionized water [20,130].
Furthermore, the necrosis due to physical factors is a much faster process than typical
apoptosis and autophagy. Cytosol aggregation and bubbling are typical features in the
initial stage of this necrosis, which totally lasts only about 10 min. The detachment of
bubbling from cellular membrane finishes about 2 h from CAP treatment. In contrast, a
typical apoptotic process, from the initial death stimulus to the final formation of apoptotic
body, usually lasts at least several hours [132,133]. Like apoptosis, autophagy also occurs
relatively slowly in cancer cells. As an example, a time-lapse observation found the
clear formation of autophagosome in H4 neuroglioma cells started around 1 h after the
stimulus [133]. The slow development of apoptosis and autophagy is due to the cascade
of biochemical pathways underlying the programmed cell death. Authors proposed that
such a necrosis may not involve these programmed death pathways but shows just a quick
response to the physical factors in CAP [20,130].

5. Bacterial Cell Death

Bacteria are typical prokaryotes without typical organelles, such as mitochondria,
ER, Golgi apparatus, nucleus, peroxisome, cytoskeleton, and lysosome. Compared with
mammalian cells with a single layer cytoplasmic membrane, bacteria have a unique phys-
ical barrier comprised of capsule, cell wall, cell envelope, and cytoplasmic membrane.
Bacteria can be divided into two groupings based on their responses to Gram stain: gram-
positive and gram-negative. Gram-positive bacteria will retain crystal violet stain after
Gram staining and vice versa for gram-negative cells. Such a different response is due
to different compositions and structures of bacterial cell walls. The cell walls of gram-
positive bacteria, such as streptococcus and Corynebacterium, comprise a thick layer
of peptidoglycan, which contains lipids and other protein components, surrounding a
lipid membrane [134]. In contrast, gram-negative bacteria, such as E. coli and P. aerug-
inosa, possess a much thinner peptidoglycan layer (cell wall) in periplasm sandwiched
Biomedicines 2021, 9, 1259 10 of 21

between two cell membranes [134–136]. Outer membrane contains proteins, such as porins
and lipopolysaccharides (LPS). Inner membranes contain various proteins, such as many
transporters for metabolites.
Bacteria are the pathogens of many human diseases, particularly dermatitis and
wound infection [137]. In addition, bacteria cause serious contamination and deteriora-
tion, which is a large threat to food and crop industry [138]. Among them, the formation
of biofilms is a common bacterial safety concern. Microbial biofilms are populations of
Biomedicines 2021, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 21
microorganisms that are concentrated at an interface and typically surrounded by an extra-
cellular polymeric substance (EPS) matrix [139]. In fact, most of the Earth’s prokaryotes
live in biofilms as organized communities rather than as a unicellular unit [140]. The
microorganisms that are concentrated at an interface and typically surrounded by an ex-
bacterial collective interaction in biofilm relies on quorum-sensing systems [141,142]. Due
tracellular polymeric substance (EPS) matrix [139]. In fact, most of the Earth’s prokaryotes
to complex interactions and communication in biofilm, killing bacteria in a biofilm is much
live in biofilms as organized communities rather than as a unicellular unit [140]. The bac-
terial difficult
collectivethan killinginthese
interaction biofilm cells in on
relies a single cellular status
quorum-sensing systems[139].
[141,142]. Due to
complex is an effective sterilization in
and communication tool to kill
biofilm, bacteria
killing andininactivate
bacteria a biofilm is biofilm
much [32,34].
Killing bacteria
more difficult is killing
than also a these
key factor
cells intoa improve the wound-healing
single cellular status [139]. efficacy [143,144]. CAP
also canCAPinactivate
is an effectivemany food-borne
sterilization tool pathogens [145,146].
to kill bacteria So far,biofilm
and inactivate most studies
[32,34]. focused
toKilling bacteria
describe theisinhibition
also a key factor to improve
capacity of CAP the on
bacteria in efficacy [143,144]. CAPThe direct
vitro [36,147,148].
also can inactivate
microscopic many food−borne
observation pathogens
of such cellular [145,146].
death So far,
is rare. moststudies
These studies tend
focused to
to explore the
describe themolecular
underlying inhibition capacity
pathways of CAP on bacteria inare
or mechanisms vitro [36,147,148].
even The direct micro-
rarer [30,149,150]. The CAP-killed
scopic observation of such cellular death is rare. These studies tend to explore the under-
bacteria shows noticeable structural damage on cell wall and complete disassembly of a
lying molecular pathways or mechanisms are even rarer [30,149,150]. The CAP−killed bac-
whole bacteria [151].
teria shows noticeable structural damage on cell wall and complete disassembly of a
wholeOne representative
bacteria [151]. study is shown in Figure 6. The CAP-caused bacterial death
of two gram-negative bacteria
One representative study is shown (E. coliinand P. aeruginosa)
Figure. and two
6. The CAP−caused gram-positive
bacterial death of bacteria
twoaureus and B. subtilis)
gram−negative bacteriawere studied
(E. coli and P. when theseand
aeruginosa) bacteria were cultured
two gram−positive on an
bacteria (S.agar plate.
is found
and B.that different
subtilis) scenarios
were studied whenoftheseCAP-induced
bacteria werebacterial death
cultured on could
an agar beIt triggered
is found that
depending ondifferent
discharge scenarios of CAP−induced
voltages, treatment time, bacterial
and death could
bacterial be triggered
strain (Figurede-6a). A short
CAP on discharge
treatment caused voltages, treatment
ROS stress time, and
in bacteria bacterial
and straina(Figure
triggered 6a). A short
programmed cell death in
CAP treatment
bacteria caused hallmarks
with several ROS stress in of bacteria
apoptosis.and When
triggeredCAPa programmed
treatment was cell death in
sufficiently long,
bacteria with several hallmarks of apoptosis. When CAP treatment was sufficiently long,
the cell death of bacteria would be a completely physical destruction characterized by
the cell death of bacteria would be a completely physical destruction characterized by the
the leak of intracellular components from cell wall and a complete collapse of cellular
leak of intracellular components from cell wall and a complete collapse of cellular struc-
tures [149].[149].
have been have been observed
observed in many
in many cases cases [30,34,149–153].
[30,34,149–153]. The in- The
increased discharge voltage resulted in a stronger physical
creased discharge voltage resulted in a stronger physical damage (Figure 6b). damage (Figure 6b).

Figure 6.
Figure 6. The
bacteria after
bacteria CAPCAP
after treatment. (a) The(a)
treatment. interplay of physical
The interplay of destruction
physical destruction
and biological cell death upon CAP treatment. (b) False−colored SEM images of bacteria exposed to
and biological cell death upon CAP treatment. (b) False-colored SEM
CAP with high discharge voltage (HV) and low discharge voltage (LV) [149].
images of bacteria exposed to
CAP with high discharge voltage (HV) and low discharge voltage (LV) [149].
The thicknesses and physical structure of gram−positive and gram-negative bacteria
directly determines different mechanical properties of bacterial cell walls. Gram−negative
bacteria are more susceptible to the physical/mechanical stress−triggered disintegration
Biomedicines 2021, 9, 1259 11 of 21

The thicknesses and physical structure of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria

directly determines different mechanical properties of bacterial cell walls. Gram-negative
bacteria are more susceptible to the physical/mechanical stress-triggered disintegration
than gram-positive bacteria [149,154]. In CAP treatment, the inverse proportional corre-
lation between the cell wall thickness and the killing rate has been demonstrated. Gram-
negative bacteria were more susceptible to the CAP-induced physical destruction than
gram-positive bacteria [149]. In another study, it is found that the biofilms of gram-negative
bacteria were inactivated more rapidly than the biofilms of gram-positive bacteria [31].
Furthermore, the components in biofilm, such as extracellular matrix (ECM), cell mem-
brane, proteins, and DNA, may also affect the inactivation efficacy [31]. Compared to the
biofilm with mono-bacterial species, the biofilms with multi-bacterial species also showed
a quite different response to CAP [31]. In short, the synergistic nature of reactive species
components and physical factors in CAP make it a powerful tool to inactivate biofilm
through either the chemically-triggered cell death or the direct physical destruction on
bacterial structure.

6. Viral Inactivation
There is no such a concept of viral apoptosis or necrosis because viruses are not cells.
CAP has been regarded as a novel, promising anti-viral tool in terms of sterilization on
different substrates. Both chemical factors, such as reactive species and physical factors,
may play some roles in such an inactivation process by either chemical modification on
virus capsid or by direct structural damage on virus. Despite the absence of basic cellular
structures, like cell walls, a virus has its own capsid composed of protein and phospholipid
membrane. Here, we representatively introduce two examples as the demonstration.
CAP can inactivate bacteriophage, a typical bacterial virus [155,156]. One typical
study on different bacteriophages is examined below. The inactivation efficacy of direct
CAP treatment and indirect CAP treatment based on the CAP-treated water has been
compared on three bacteriophages with different genetic materials: T4 (double-stranded
DNA), φ174 (single-stranded DNA), and MS2 (RNA) [156]. T4 bacteriophages showed a
stronger resistance to a long-term CAP treatment than the other two types. Direct CAP
treatment showed a much stronger inactivation efficacy compared to the CAP-treated
water treatment [156]. Clearly, such a difference may be due to short-lived reactive species
and the physical factors in CAP (Figure 7a). TEM-negative stained imaging of the treated
bacteriophages revealed the aggregation of bacteriophages after treatment (Figure 7b). The
DNA in T4 bacteriophages might cross-link with themselves or with viral capsids [156].
Though reactive species have been regarded as the main inactivation factors, the aqueous
layer covering the virus may be a natural blocker for physical factors. Thus, it is still ques-
tionable whether physical factors alone can also cause similar or even stronger structural
damage on the capsid.
CAP also shows strong inactivation capacity on mammalian viruses, such as ade-
noviruses, immunodeficiency virus, and calicivirus [48,157,158]. Here we introduce the
study on a feline calicivirus (FCV) as a representative example of mammalian virus. FCV
has a globular shape capsid and uses RNA as its genetic material. A cold argon-oxygen
plasma source oxidized and disintegrated the capsid protein of a feline calicivirus [48].
CAP treatment inactivated FCV mainly by damaging the viral capsid by oxidizing specific
amino acid residues located in the shell (S), the protrusion (P) domains, as well as the di-
metric interface regions of major capsid protein in FCV (Figure 8a). These chemical changes
on the capsid might cause the loss of virus structural integrity and even the distortion of
FCV virions (Figure 8b). A short-term treatment inactivated FCV by oxidizing specific
functional peptide residues located in specific domains responsible for the virus attachment
and entry to the host cells [48]. The oxidative stress also oxidized and damaged viral RNA
when the capsid collapsed and exposed RNA (Figure 8c,d).
Biomedicines 2021, 9, 1259 12 of 21
Biomedicines 2021, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 21

2021, 9, x FOR PEER

Figure The
7. CAP−triggered
The CAP-triggereddamage on T4
damage on T4 bacteriophage.
Schematic illustration.
illustration. (b) (b) 13 stained
TEM-negative of 21
stained imaging
imaging of
of T4 bacteriophagetreated
T4 bacteriophage treatedbybyCAP
thethe CAP−treated
CAP-treated water
water [156].

CAP also shows strong inactivation capacity on mammalian viruses, such as adeno-
viruses, immunodeficiency virus, and calicivirus [48,157,158]. Here we introduce the
study on a feline calicivirus (FCV) as a representative example of mammalian virus. FCV
has a globular shape capsid and uses RNA as its genetic material. A cold argon−oxygen
plasma source oxidized and disintegrated the capsid protein of a feline calicivirus [48].
CAP treatment inactivated FCV mainly by damaging the viral capsid by oxidizing specific
amino acid residues located in the shell (S), the protrusion (P) domains, as well as the
dimetric interface regions of major capsid protein in FCV (Figure 8a). These chemical
changes on the capsid might cause the loss of virus structural integrity and even the dis-
tortion of FCV virions (Figure 8b). A short−term treatment inactivated FCV by oxidizing
specific functional peptide residues located in specific domains responsible for the virus
attachment and entry to the host cells [48]. The oxidative stress also oxidized and dam-
aged viral RNA when the capsid collapsed and exposed RNA (Figure 8c,d).

Figure 8.Figure 8. The CAP−triggered

The CAP-triggered damage ondamage
FCV. (a)on
imaging imaging of
of calicivirus thecalicivirus theand
control (left) control (left) and group
the experimental
the experimental group (15s, right). Blue arrows, black arrows, and red arrows refer to untreated
(15s, right). Blue arrows, black arrows, and red arrows refer to untreated virus particles, distorted viral particles, and the
debris ofvirus particles,
the damaged distorted
viral viral
particles, particles, (b)
respectively. andThe
debris oflocation
the damaged viral peptide
of oxidized particles, respectively.
residues (yellow colored)
among the N-terminal arm (NTA) domain (I); shell (S) domain (II); P1 subdomain (III); and P2 subdomainarm
(b) The calculated location of oxidized peptide residues (yellow colored) among the N−terminal (IV). (c) The
(NTA) domain (I); shell (S) domain (II); P1 subdomain (III); and P2 subdomain (IV). (c) The princi-
principles of the quantification of capsid destruction due to CAP treatment. Reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR) was used
ples of the quantification of capsid destruction due to CAP treatment. Reverse transcription PCR
to quantify the unaffected calicivirus’s RNA. (d) The agarose gel (DNA) patterns of EMA-coupled RT-PCR products from
(RT−PCR) was used to quantify the unaffected calicivirus’s RNA. (d) The agarose gel (DNA) pat-
viral RNA obtained from control, 15 s, and 120 s of CAP treatment [48].
terns of EMA−coupled RT−PCR products from viral RNA obtained from control, 15 s, and 120 s of
CAP treatment [48].

Over the last year, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS−CoV−2)
has been getting extreme attention world−wide as a cause of the global COVID−19 pan-
demic. For coronavirus, spike proteins, like S protein in SARS−CoV−2 and SARS−CoV
the experimental group (15s, right). Blue arrows, black arrows, and red arrows refer to untreated
virus particles, distorted viral particles, and the debris of the damaged viral particles, respectively.
(b) The calculated location of oxidized peptide residues (yellow colored) among the N−terminal arm
(NTA) domain (I); shell (S) domain (II); P1 subdomain (III); and P2 subdomain (IV). (c) The princi-
ples of the quantification of capsid destruction due to CAP treatment. Reverse transcription PCR
Biomedicines 2021, 9, 1259 (RT−PCR) was used to quantify the unaffected calicivirus’s RNA. (d) The agarose gel (DNA) 13 of 21
terns of EMA−coupled RT−PCR products from viral RNA obtained from control, 15 s, and 120 s of
CAP treatment [48].

Over the
Over the last
last year,
syndrome coronavirus
coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
2 (SARS−CoV−2) has
been getting extreme attention world-wide as a cause of the global COVID-19
has been getting extreme attention world−wide as a cause of the global COVID−19 pan- pandemic.
For coronavirus,
demic. spike proteins,
For coronavirus, like S protein
spike proteins, like Sinprotein
in SARS−CoV−2 and (2002 SARS
virus), play the key role to trigger the initial receptor binding and internalization
(2002 SARS virus), play the key role to trigger the initial receptor binding and internaliza- of virus
particles into host cells [159,160] (Figure 9a). The structural biology studies revealed
tion of virus particles into host cells [159,160] (Figure 9a). The structural biology studies the
details between
revealed twobetween
the details bindingtwo domains at an
binding atomicatlevel
domains resolution
an atomic level[161,162] (Figure
resolution 9b).
Take SARS-CoV-2 as an example: 8 amino acids residues, N487, Y489, Y453, Y449, G496,
(Figure 9b). Take SARS−CoV−2 as an example: 8 amino acids residues, N487, Y489, Y453,
T500, G502, and Y505, on the receptor-binding domain (RBD) of S protein interact with
Y449, G496, T500, G502, and Y505, on the receptor−binding domain (RBD) of S protein
corresponding amino acids residue at the binding interface of human receptor angiotensin-
interact with corresponding amino acids residue at the binding interface of human recep-
converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) [161].
tor angiotensin−converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) [161].

Figure 9. SARS-CoV-2
Figure 9. SARS-CoV-2 structure.
SARS−CoV−2 virus
virus obtained
obtained by cryoelectron
by cryoelectron tomography
tomography and
and subtomogram averaging. The S protein in “RBD down” conformation, “one RBD up” conformation,
subtomogram averaging. The S protein in “RBD down” conformation, “one RBD up” conformation, lipid envelope, lipid envelope,
ribonucleoproteins (RNPs) are shown in salmon, red, gray, and yellow, respectively [160]. (b) The cryoelectron microscopy
structure of RBD-ACE2 complex [162].

The drugs or methods to affect or to inhibit the binding of S protein with ACE2
will have potential therapeutic values to stop the transmission of such a virus [163]. The
copious reactive chemical environment and composition of CAP may cause damage or
chemical modification on these key amino acid residues at the binding interfaces and further
inactivate SARS-CoV-2. CAP can react nearly all 20 amino acids, mainly targeting their
residues [164]. Among 20 amino acids, CAP is very reactive with cysteine (C), methionine
(M), tryptophan (W), phenylalanine (F), and tyrosine (Y) [72,164,165]. CAP treatment can
add more hydroxyl groups (-OH) and nitro groups (-NO2 ) on the aromatic ring of tyrosine
by hydroxylation and nitration, which may directly affect the recognition between RBD
and ACE2 through hydrogen bonds [164,165]. This speculation is also supported by the
demonstration of CAP inactivation on FCV [48]. Thus, CAP may be a powerful tool to
inactivate SARS-CoV-2 and may have wide use as a sterilization tool to fight the COVID-19

7. Cross-Species Similarities
Several general trends or similarities of the CAP-caused biological destruction can be
summarized here, which have been widely observed in mammalian cells, bacteria, and
viruses. First of all, direct CAP treatment causes stronger damage to cells and viruses
than the indirect CAP treatment based on CAP-treated solutions, such as medium, PBS,
and water [148,156,166,167]. Direct CAP treatment involves the impact of long-lived
reactive species, short-lived reactive species, and physical factors. In contrast, indirect CAP
treatment will just cause the biological effect due to long-lived reactive species. For cancer
cells, long-lived reactive species are the key to cause cytotoxicity [72,73]. However, long-
Biomedicines 2021, 9, 1259 14 of 21

lived reactive species alone cannot explain the observed anti-cancer efficacy. Short-lived
reactive species may contribute to some unique cellular responses of cancer cells, making
the stronger cytotoxicity of direct treatment than indirect treatment. On one hand, the
strong micromolecular cells-based H2 O2 generation has been observed in directly CAP-
treated cancer cells [168–170]. On the other hand, directly CAP-treated cancer cells enter the
activation state and become very sensitive to the cytotoxicity of long-lived reactive species
like H2 O2 and NO2 - [171,172]. These two cellular responses do not appear in indirect CAP
treatment [173]. Whether bacteria also take part in these two cellular responses to CAP
treatment is still unknown and requires dedicated studies.
Second, physical factors may play a key role to trigger necrosis or structural damage
on cells and viruses. In previous studies on mammalian cells, the biological effects from
physical factors were not validated experimentally. The cell death of the physically based
melanoma cells and glioblastoma cells first demonstrated that necrosis could be caused
by the EM effect from CAP [20,130]. Based on this conclusion, we speculate that a clear,
structural damage on bacteria and virus may be at least partially due to the same physical
factors in CAP (Figure 10). For cancer cells, the switch to change the dominant role of
physical factors or chemical factors is the medium layer above or surrounding cells [20,130].
When such a layer is adequately thin, physical factors may play the dominant role. If
all physical factors have been blocked or absorbed by such as a medium layer, reactive
species will dominate the biological effect of CAP. We emphasize that the culture method
for mammalian cells and bacteria were essentially different in most cases. For bacteria, the
solid medium, such as specific agar, has been widely used in many cases. The bacteria
grow above the solid medium layer and get nutrients from it. When a CAP treatment is
performed in such a case, there is no thick medium layer to cover these bacteria. In these
Biomedicines 2021, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 21
cases, physical factors may be the dominant factor. Whether this trend also exists in the
CAP-treated virus is still unknown and requires further studies.

Figure 10. A10.schematic

Figure illustration
A schematic of of
illustration typical
treatment on on cancer
and bacteria
bacteria in vitro.
in vitro. In most
In most experimental
in vitro, cancer
in vitro, cells
cancer or or
cells mammalian
were immersed
immersed inina alayer
layerof of medium
medium during
during direct
direct CAPCAP treatment.
treatment. In In
contrast, many bacterial cells were directly exposed to CAP because solid culture medium was widely used
contrast, many bacterial cells were directly exposed to CAP because solid culture medium was widely used in many cases. in many cases.
Such Such
a different experimental
a different experimental tradition
naturally filter the physical
filter the physicaleffectors
effectorsof of
CAPCAP in the
in the studies
studies involving
involving liquidliquid
culture medium.
culture medium.

Among threephysical
physical factors,
factors, thethe near-room-temperature
near−room−temperature nature of CAP
nature and UV
of CAP and UV
radiation are not likely to cause observable physical destruction in both
radiation are not likely to cause observable physical destruction in both mammalian cellsmammalian cells
andand bacteria. For cancer cells, such as melanoma cells, the heating treatment with the same
bacteria. For cancer cells, such as melanoma cells, the heating treatment with the same
temperature of the CAP tip did not cause noticeable cellular changes [20]. The blockage of
temperature of the CAP tip did not cause noticeable cellular changes [20]. The blockage
UV irradiation from CAP by a filter layer did not change the physically triggered necrosis
of UV irradiation
in melanoma from
cells CAP
either [20].by
UVa infilter
CAPlayer did not
also did notkill
change the physically
S. Typhimurium triggered
cells grown on ne-
crosis in medium
a solid melanoma cells
[150]. Theeither [20].from
EM effect UV CAP
in CAP
may also did not
be mainly kill S. to
attributed Typhimurium
the necrosis cells
grown on a solid medium [150]. The EM effect from CAP may be
observed in six cancer cell lines [20,130]. Besides, for reactive species-triggeredmainly attributed
apoptosis,to the
the riseobserved in six ROS
of intracellular cancer cellmain
is the linesmechanism
[20,130]. Besides,
to triggerforthereactive species−triggered
final cell death. The
apoptosis, of intracellular
the rise ROS scavengers,
of intracellular ROS is thesuch as NAC,
main can effectively
mechanism protect
to trigger the cells
final cell
from the cytotoxicity of CAP treatment [76–82]. However, the pretreatment
death. The pretreatment of intracellular ROS scavengers, such as NAC, can effectively of NAC in
protect cells from the cytotoxicity of CAP treatment [76–82]. However, the pretreatment
of NAC in bacteria cannot inhibit the physically triggered structural damage [149]. Our
unpublished data also demonstrate that the pretreatment of NAC does not stop the phys-
Biomedicines 2021, 9, 1259 15 of 21

bacteria cannot inhibit the physically triggered structural damage [149]. Our unpublished
data also demonstrate that the pretreatment of NAC does not stop the physically-triggered
necrosis in the CAP-treated melanoma cells. These results further confirm that physical
factors kill cells using essentially different pathways compared with reactive species.

8. Conclusions
CAP has shown promising applications in many branches of medicine, including bac-
terial sterilization, wound healing, virus inactivation, and cancer therapy. The destruction
of biological targets is a foundation to understand the mechanisms of plasma effects on
biological objects. Both chemical factors, such as reactive species, and physical factors,
such as the EM effect, can cause biological destruction in specific forms. When reactive
species dominate biological effects, apoptosis tends to be the main cell-death type. When
physical factors dominate, necrosis or direct structural damage on cells may be the main
cell-death type. For mammalian cells, when treatment is directly performed on cells, due
to the coverage of medium, apoptosis is the main cell-death mechanism. When cells can
be directly exposed to physical factors without the interference of aqueous layer, physical
factors tend to cause damage on cellular structure, particularly for the bacteria cultured on
solid medium. The multimodality of the CAP-based biological effects that cause diverse
cellular responses, particularly biological destruction, after CAP treatment is one of the
most unique and attractive features of plasma medicine.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, D.Y. and M.K.; methodology, writing—original draft

preparation, review and editing, D.Y., A.M., Q.W., K.O., J.H.S. and M.K.; funding acquisition, M.K.
All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by National Science Foundation grant, grant number 1747760.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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