B. Endogenic Processes: Endogenic Processes Are A Function of The Internal Geodynamic Activity.
B. Endogenic Processes: Endogenic Processes Are A Function of The Internal Geodynamic Activity.
B. Endogenic Processes: Endogenic Processes Are A Function of The Internal Geodynamic Activity.
b. Epeirogenic processes involving uplift or warping of large parts
the earth’s crust. It is a continental building process.
2. Sudden movements cause considerable deformation over a short
Span of time and may cause considerable deformation and may be
Of 2 types: earthquakes and volcanoes.
Origin of Magma:
Source of Heat:
1. Original heat.
2. Compaction and contraction
3. Radioactivity
Movements of Magma
Magma is lighter and more mobile than solid rocks and tends to
rise in the earth’s crust
Plutonism (or volcanism) is the geologic theory that
the igneous rocks forming the Earth originated from
intrusive magmatic activity. It proposes
that basalt is solidified molten magma.
Tectonic plates are pieces of the earth’s crust and uppermost mantle
made up of 2 principal types of the Material oceanic crust (sima
from silicon and magnesium) and the Continental crust (sial from
silicon and aluminum)
Effects of Earthquake: