Application Guidelines For Advance Level Engineer 10102020
Application Guidelines For Advance Level Engineer 10102020
Application Guidelines For Advance Level Engineer 10102020
a. You have attended and completed an accredited or recognized engineering program
by the appropriate authority in the country
b. You have Been assessed as eligible for independent practice.
b.1. The assessment maybe undertaken by the monitoring Committee, by a
competent Professional Association and/or by an authority with
responsibility for registration or licensing of professional engineers.
c. You have Gained a minimum of seven (7) years of professional experience after
registration, and:
c.1. The works in question should be clearly relevant to the fields of engineering in
which the applicant claims experience.
c.2. Should have participated in a range of roles and activities appropriate to these
fields of engineering
d. Spent at least two (2) years in responsible charge of significant “engineering” work
d.1. The work should have required the exercise of independent engineering
judgement, the project concerned should have been substantial in duration,
cost and complexity and the applicant should be personally accountable for
the success or failure of the project.
d.2. In general, an applicant may be taken to have been in responsible charge of
significant engineering work if they have:
a. Planned, designed coordinated and executed a small project; or
b. Undertaken part of a larger project based on understanding of the whole
project; or
c. Undertaken novel, complex, and/or multi-disciplinary work.
Each significant “engineering” work you listed in Form 3 and/or Form 4 must be attested/verified by
an engineer in the same discipline and if, possible with equivalent experience and standing. Your
attester/s must have known you for at least one year and willing to endorse and affix his/her
signature on your application. Your attester/s is responsible for providing support and guidance
throughout the application and interview process. They should check your application for accuracy
and completeness, ensuring that the information provided is true, you are of sound character and
that you are applying for the appropriate level of register. They should be confident that you are able
to demonstrate the competence criteria called for and be able to advise and assist you in
understanding and addressing any shortfall. A direct family member cannot attest your application.
Submit Supporting Documents as applicable such as, but not limited to: Design Works, Plans,
Specifications, Pictures of Project, before/After, Certificates of Completion, Commendation,
certificate of employment, Appointment papers, Organization Chart, etc.
For Academe, submit academic CV outlining career progression and significant engineering activities,
including information, such as but not limited to:
a. Positions held both in industry and tertiary institution
b. Key publication
c. Grants gained
d. Thesis/Research project supervised
e. Course taught
f. Key research areas
g. Administration/Service performed
h. Consulting/Standard setting/Expert witness activities
i. Provide documentary evidence as having gained
II. Holder of Master or PhD in Engineering
III. Hold appointment as a Senior Lecturer or Asst Professor or Professor (part time/ full time)
Submit an organization chart which clearly indicates your position in your company. If you are self-
employed and do not have organization chart, provide a brief note outlining your level of
responsibility and leadership in projects undertaken.
Your two (2) years significant engineering work of responsible charge will consist of one or
more significant engineering work (career episode report) on projects and accomplishments
that you regard as highlighting your professional experience on the area of your competency.
Select your best work which demonstrates how you have achieved competence. This
project/s is/are within the seven (7) years professional experience you listed in Form 3.
Always begin your narration with the project background/introduction and project name so
that reviewer will have an idea about the project.
10. ENGINEERING PRACTICE REPORT – refer to appendix A and B (for APEC applicant)
Refer to Competency Standard for Advanced Level Engineer Manual
13. FEES
Application fees must be course through the applicant National Professional Organization.
A. Requirements
1. Submit 2 sets of Filled up Application (Forms 1 – 8 only) and Curriculum Vitae, printed Back to Back, use binder clip.
2. Submit Two (2) complete sets of Application (Forms and attachments) Each set shall be submitted using a Blue Clear
3. Use A4 size white bond paper of not less than substance (80 gsm.) thickness.
4. Photocopies of large documents shall be reduced accordingly.
5. Submit a softcopy of a completed application documents and supporting documents in USB.
6. E-Mailed Applications or Computer-Generated Signatures on the Application Forms Will Not Be Accepted.
B. Process of Application
Step 1.
- Provides COGS and Endorsement 1. PTC will Provide Tracking number for each
- Initial Assessment and Evaluation by of Applicant
the screening committee 2. Final Assessment and Evaluation
- Notify applicant regarding the Initial 3. PTC Directorate Office notifies applicant of
Evaluation status the status thru Email.
- Endorsed Application and payment
4. Country registrar endorse the applicant to
to PTC
the PTC Board of Trustees for endorsement
5. PTC Board of Trustees thru PTC – Directorate
Office submits the list of applicants to the
AER Secretariat.
Step 2.
AFEO Governing Board PTC
1. AER Secretariat endorsed the List to the 1. PTC will send official letter
AFEO Governing Board to of approval upon receipt of
approve/Disapprove applications. Registration nos. from AER
Note: AFEO Governing Board (Member Countries)
2. PTC will send statement of
Meets twice a year (July & November).
Account for Lifetime Membership
3. PTC will announce the
Conferment Schedule to award
Medal and Certificate (applicant is
DISAPPROVED required to attend conferment)
4. PTC will issue AER ID
during Conferment
2. PTC will send notice to the applicant
3. If the application returns twice, the applicant
needs to re – apply on the following year.
• Carry – out design activities and calculations, including the production of CAD
Drawings, schedules and other documents, interpret clients and other related
activities to meet project requirements.
For more than two (2) years of experience as District Engineer, I courageously contributed success to the
Department in achieving the goals, mission and vision and became an Outstanding District Engineer of
Region 10 for CY 2015 respectively. On June 23, 2016 under my supervision, San Jose 2nd District
Engineering Office received the ISO 9001 – 2008 Registration Certificate.
In compliance with the Special Order No. 48 dated August 15, 2014 I assumed the duties and
responsibilities appurtenant as OIC – District Engineer, and on December 15, 2014 I assumed as District
Engineer with item number 00 – 0000 – PSIOP 2014.
As District Engineer I administer, supervise and inspect all administration and technical phases of DPWH
activities of this office; I check and supervise the survey and design of civil engineering facilities and structure
both horizontal and vertical, including the execution and implementation thereof; reviews and analyzes maps;
notes other engineering programs involving the determination of feasibility of proposes project.
As Chief, of Construction Division, I was responsible for planning, supervision, direction and coordination As
District Engineer I administer, supervise and inspect all administration and technical phases of DPWH activities
of this office; I check and supervise the survey and design of civil engineering facilities and structure both
horizontal and vertical, including the execution and implementation thereof; reviews and analyzes maps; notes
other engineering programs involving the determination of feasibility of proposes project.
As Acting Assistant Chief of Construction Division, I provided technical services in the construction division
for projects and facilities.
As Civil Engineer, I was tasked to inspect and check projects, roads and buildings in conformity to plans and
specifications. I prepared program of works and estimates with its accomplishments as required and
prepared monthly, quarterly and annual reports for submission.
I hereby certify that all statement in this report are true and correct and I have made claims of acquired
competencies in good faith.
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