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Journal of African Earth Sciences 172 (2020) 103997

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Sequence stratigraphy of the subsurface cambro-ordovician siliciclastic

deposits in the Chotts basin, Southern Tunisia: Petroleum implications
Ramzi Gharsalli a, b, *, Mourad Bédir a
Georesource Laboratory, Water Research and Technologies Center, Soliman, 8020, University of Carthage, Tunisia
Faculté des Sciences de Tunis (FST), Département de Géologie, Campus Universitaire, El Manar, 1060, Tunisia


Keywords: Subsurface study of the Palaeozoic deposits in the Chotts basin, part of the southern Tunisian Atlassic foreland,
Tunisia revealed an incomplete Pre-Hercynian deformed sequence. The remaining truncated Cambro-Ordovician silici­
Chotts basin clastic deposits appear to be unconformably overlain by transgressive Late Silurian – Early Devonian shales. Early
Ordovician El Atchane sandstones and Hamra quartzite constitute currently the most oil and gas productive
levels in the Chotts basin. The main issues encountered in the exploration of these reservoirs are related to their
Sequence stratigraphy spatial distribution along with their thickness and facies variations. Sequence stratigraphic analysis and corre­
lation of the entire Cambro-Ordovician section using sequence stratigraphic surfaces seems necessary to locate
both proven and prospective reservoirs in order to predict their spatial distribution and trend directions in the
region. Seismostratigraphic facies analysis of these deposits in subsurface highlights their sequence organiza­
tions. The integration of well data revealed in detail the sequence hierarchy of the Cambro-Ordovician deposits
throughout the Chotts basin.

1. Introduction hydrocarbon potentials (stratigraphic traps, Cambrian tight sandstone,

Petroleum exploration targeting the Cambro-Ordovician siliciclastic As a foreland basin, the Chotts area in the southern Atlassic front of
reservoirs in the Chotts basin began during the early 1960s by drilling of Tunisia constitutes the continuity of the Algerian Melrhir Trough (Said
the first wildcat exploration well (Sabria-1). These reservoirs represent et al., 2011; Gharbi et al., 2015, 2020; Khomsi et al., 2016, 2019;
currently the most petroleum productive levels in many oil and gas fields Masrouhi et al., 2019) (Fig. 1). It’s bounded to the North by the Saharan
located in southern Tunisia (Sabria, Franig, Ghrib, …) and in Algeria - Atlassic Flexure, to the South by the Touggourt-Talemzane-PGA-Bou
(Hassi Messaoud, Hassi Rmel, …). They are generally sealed by thick Namcha Uplift (TTPB) and to the East by the Permian and Jeffara Ba­
Mesozoic volcanics, shales or evaporate and sourced by mature Late sins (Gabtni et al., 2006; Soua, 2014). This depression is occupied
Silurian (Ludlovian–Pridolian) Hot Shale (Soua, 2014; Belhaj et al., essentially by Lower Palaeozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic deposits that
2015; Aissaoui et al., 2016). The main issues encountered in the could reach a thickness of more than 5000 m. The geologic and eco­
exploration of the Cambro-Ordovician reservoirs are related to their nomic importance of the Chotts basin and adjacent areas in southern
spatial distribution along with their thickness and facies variations. In Tunisia has incited several geoscientists to carry out many geological
fact, these reservoirs could be partially or totally eroded by consecutive and petroleum researches (Beuf et al., 1971; Bishop, 1975; Burollet
Palaeozoic Unconformities (Arenigian, Taconic and/or Hercynian …). et al., 1978; Legrand, 1985a, 1985b; Bouaziz, 1986; Ben Ferjani et al.,
Moreover, progressive shaling out of progradational clean sands, due to 1990; Burollet, 1991; Ghenima, 1993; Bouaziz, 1995; Pogacsas et al.,
deepening of the depositional environment in the basinward direction, 1996; Rigo, 1996; Hlaiem, 1998; Pogacsas et al., 1998; Klett, 2000;
could affect their reservoir quality. It would appear clear, therefore, that Acheche et al., 2001; Bédir et al., 2001; Bouaziz et al., 2002; Gabtni
the Chotts basin still underexplored and that much remains to be done in et al., 2005; Gabtni et al., 2006; Saïd et al., 2011; Gabtni et al., 2012;
the aims to reduce the exploration risks and also to improve the petro­ Soua, 2013; Soua, 2014; Belhaj et al., 2015; Aissaoui et al., 2016). Most
leum prospectivity of this area, with significant undiscovered of these studies have proved the structural complexity of the Chotts area,

* Corresponding author. Georesource Laboratory, Water Research and Technologies Center, Soliman, 8020, University of Carthage, Tunisia, .
E-mail address: [email protected] (R. Gharsalli).

Received 1 December 2019; Received in revised form 25 August 2020; Accepted 26 August 2020
Available online 28 August 2020
1464-343X/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R. Gharsalli and M. Bédir Journal of African Earth Sciences 172 (2020) 103997

Fig. 1. Location Map of the Chotts basin, Southern Tunisia: (A) Major sedimentary basins and tectonic elements of North Africa (Badalini et al., 2002); (B) Structural
setting of the Chotts basin in the Tunisian Saharan platform domain showing the main surface and subsurface tectonic features; (C) Location of petroleum wells, well
chronostratigraphic correlation section (W⋅C⋅S) and seismic cross section (S⋅C⋅S).

as a transition zone between the northern folded Atlassic domain and the Building a sequence stratigraphic model backed by available well and
southern stable Saharan platform, and have linked the hydrocarbon seismic data seems necessary to identify and predict reservoirs trends in
potential of the region directly to structural entrapments. Despite these this area. On well logs, sequence stratigraphic analysis of the Cambro-
efforts, The hydrocarbon discovery rate (yield per exploratory well) in Ordovician siliciclastic deposits using sequence stratigraphic surfaces,
the Chotts basin still very low compared to others adjacent provinces in instead of formation tops, revealed in detail their parasequence stacking
southern Tunisia and in Algeria (Ghadames/Berkine basin, Oued Mya patterns which allowed us to locate both proven and potential reser­
basin, …). Moreover, it appears that the large-scale complexities of the voirs. Seismostratigraphic analysis of subsurface Lower Palaeozoic de­
basin are not only structural but also stratigraphic, since deposition was posits, based on seismic-stratigraphic concepts (Vail et al., 1977; Van
controlled by the interactions of several main eustatic, paleoclimatic Wagoner et al., 1988; Posamentier and Allen, 1999), highlights several
(glaciation) and tectonic factors. sequence organizations at different scales. Seismic to wells tie and high
This work studies the subsurface Lower Palaeozoic series of the resolution well chronostratigraphic correlations of the
Chotts basin (Fig. 2), especially the Cambro-Ordovician siliciclastic Cambro-Ordovician parasequences and associated reservoirs had pro­
reservoirs, and it’s based on the compilation of several analysis tools, vided a general overview on their paleogeographic distribution and had
namely sequence stratigraphy, wireline logging and seismic reflection. allowed also the perception of their continuity, thickness and facies

R. Gharsalli and M. Bédir Journal of African Earth Sciences 172 (2020) 103997

Fig. 2. Generalized Paleozoic lithostratigraphy and tectonic events of the Chotts basin and Eastern Algeria (compiled from ETAP, 1990; SONATRACH, 2004).

change throughout the study area. (Fig. 1) (Boudjema, 1987; Echikh, 1998; Badalini et al., 2002; Gabtni
et al., 2006, 2012; Craig et al., 2008). Cambrian fluvial quartzitic
2. Geological setting sandstones, sourced from the Hoggar massif in the south, have pro­
graded for hundreds of kilometres to reach northern depositional areas
The general geological evolution of the Chotts Basin, as part of the (Boudjema, 1987; Crossley and Mcdougall, 1998; Djarnia and Fekerine,
North African Margin, is complex and polyphasic: The structural history 1998; Fekirine and Abdallah, 1998; Klett, 2000). From either sides of the
of this region could be subdivided on two main phases: TTPB structural high, angular unconformities and conglomeratic dis­
continuities have been reported in subsurface within the
Precambrian-Cambrian contact (The Pan-African unconformity)
2.1. Pre-Hercynian phase
(Boudjema, 1987; El Euchi et al., 2003; kharbechi, 2003; Aissaoui et al.,
2016). In the Chotts basin, Cambrian deposits have been encountered
The earliest tectonic event identified in the area is attributed to the
only in subsurface at many petroleum wells drilled in the area (P2, P7
Pan-African Orogeny. A Precambrian East-West trending regional
and P10 wells) and they are subdivided in four Cambrian Zones (R3, R2,
compression related to the collision of the western African stable craton
Ra and Ri), constituted essentially by massive quartzitic sandstones with
and the active margin of the eastern African craton (Boudjema, 1987;
rare shaly and silty intercalations (Lizotte, 1981; Whitley, 1998) (Fig. 2).
Van de Weerd and Ware, 1994). The assembled Saharan craton becomes
The Infra-Cambrian NW-SE extensional event recognized across the
part of the north-western passive margin of the Gondwana Supercon­
subsiding “Early Ghadames basin” was followed by local transpressional
tinent (Boote et al., 1998; Badalini et al., 2002; Hallett, 2002).
and transtentional reactivation of fault systems inherited from the
Cambrian extensional movement have started by reactivation of Pan-
Pan-African Orogeny (Badalini et al., 2002). In southern Algeria, much
African fault systems and installation of the “Early Ghadames basin”
part of the Upper Cambrian appear to be missing under a Cambrian –
throughout the Saharan craton (Caby et al., 1981; Lüning et al., 2000;
Ordovician erosive contact (Legrand, 1985a, 1985b; Crossley and
Badalini et al., 2002; Aissaoui et al., 2016). This intra-cratonic sag basin
Mcdougall, 1998). Locally in the Chotts basin, at many seismic sections
covering large parts of southern Tunisia, south-eastern Algeria and
acquired close to the TTPB uplift, an angular unconformity could be
south-western Libya and extending southward to the Hoggar massif
detected within the Cambrian – Ordovician contact. Faunal evidence of
composed essentially of Precambrian igneous and metamorphic rocks

R. Gharsalli and M. Bédir Journal of African Earth Sciences 172 (2020) 103997

the onset of a transgressive period by Late Cambrian-Early Ordovician 2.2. Post-Hercynian phase
times has been reported in Southern Algeria (Legrand, 1985a, 1985b;
Crossley and Mcdougall, 1998). In Tunisia, along the northern part of In the Chotts area, Pre-Hercynian deformed deposits were uncon­
the TTPB structural high, many wells (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, …) revealed an formably buried under Triassic volcanics, clastic continental deposits
incomplete Ordovician sequence, where part of Middle Ordovician (Triassic TAGI Sandstones) and/or thick sequence of evaporates and
(Ouargla and Oued Saret Formations) and Late Ordovician (Micro-­ Carbonates. Syn-rift deposition was coupled with significant Triassic –
conglomeratic Shales and Dalle de M’kratta Formations) are missing Liassic extensional movements linked to the post-Hercynian break-up of
(Fig. 2). From base to top, the Early Ordovician is represented by Pangaea, rifting of the Neotethys Sea and opening of the Central Atlantic
transgressive deposits of the Alternances Zone Formation, constituted Ocean between Gondwana and Laurasia (Boudjema, 1987; Guiraud
essentially by bioturbated fine-grained sandstones and silty shales, and et al., 1987; Ziegler, 1988; Stampfli, 1996; Boote et al., 1998; Guiraud,
the black silty and glauconitic marine shale of El Gassi Formation. High 1998; Badalini et al., 2002; Hallett, 2002; Soussi, 2002; Sekatni et al.,
bioturbated fine to medium-grained shallow marine (shoreface) clastic 2008; Underdown and Redfern, 2008; Saïd et al., 2011).
sediments of El Atchane shaly glauconitic sandstones and Hamra Continuous regional subsidence and deposition of thick sequence of
quartzose sandstones are directly covered by transgressive Middle salt, anhydrate and carbonates, during the Late Triassic - Early Creta­
Ordovician marine shales of the Azel Formation (Fig. 2) (Beuf et al., ceous period led to the installation of a Mesozoic “extensional sag basin”
1971; Crossley and Mcdougall, 1998; Fekirine and Abdallah, 1998). The over the Paleozoic “Early Ghadames basin” (Van de Weerd and Ware,
Hamra quartzites are locally affected by the Arenigian unconformity. In 1994; Echikh, 1998; Acheche et al., 2001; Badalini et al., 2002).
fact, in the eastern part of the Chotts basin, these quartzites could be By Early Cretaceous (Aptian), regional tectonics produced a more
partially or completely removed by the Arenigian erosional event. compressional regime resulting in the reactivation of preexisting fault
During the Lower Palaeozoic, glacial and periglacial conditions were trends and Late Hercynian structures (Echikh, 1998; Acheche et al.,
abundant in the North African “Early Ghadames basin”, located close to 2001). In the Chotts area, the Austrian compressive event is represented
the South Pole (Boudjema, 1987; Fekirine and Abdallah, 1998; Echikh, by the regional Austrian unconformity separating the truncated Early
1998; Hallett, 2002; El Euchi et al., 2003; kharbechi, 2003; Dardour Cretaceous clastics (Neocomian – Barremian) from the transgressive
et al., 2004; Ghienne et al., 2007; Haq and Schutter, 2008; Le Heron and Aptian – Albian dolomite and claystone (Acheche et al., 2001; Lazzez
Craig, 2008; Soua, 2013; Aissaoui et al., 2016). By Late Ordovician, et al., 2008). The Austrian event was followed by a relatively quiescent
East-West compressive tectonic event, coupled to drastic climatic con­ compressive phase, the Pyrenean Orogeny, with much localized effects
ditions, caused uplift and excessive erosion (El Euchi et al., 2003). In in southern Tunisia (Guiraud and Bosworth, 1997; Guiraud et al., 2005).
subsurface, across the Chotts basin, Early and Middle Ordovician units By Late Eocene, the compressive Atlassic Orogenic event, related to
were truncated by the Taconic unconformity and appear to be directly the convergence movement between Africa and Europe, caused a total
overlain by transgressive Late Silurian – Early Devonian shales (Hot inversion of the Mesozoic passive margin of North Africa, development
Shale and Fegaguira Shale). These shales were deposited during an of the Atlas fold belt and onset of a general foreland compression over
extensional tectonic phase occurred during the Silurian age and was the Chotts area (Boudjema, 1987; Echikh, 1998; Acheche et al., 2001;
marked by a widespread postglacial marine transgression over much of Carr, 2002; Badalini et al., 2002; Gharbi et al., 2015; Khomsi et al.,
North Africa and Arabia (Boudjema, 1987; Cunningham, 1988; Ghe­ 2016). The Neogene Alpine phase (Serravalian-Tortonian) represents
nima, 1993; Echikh, 1998; Fekirine and Abdallah, 1998; Lüning et al., the principal shortening tectonic event in the southern Tunisian Atlas
2000; Badalini et al., 2002; Hallett, 2002; El Euchi et al., 2003; khar­ (Saïd et al., 2011; Gharbi et al., 2014; El Amari et al., 2016). During this
bechi, 2003; Underdown and Redfern, 2008; Rezouga et al., 2012; Soua, compressive phase, the North Saharan Flexure, defined as a transition
2014; Belhaj et al., 2015; Aissaoui et al., 2016). zone between the northern folded Atlassic domain and the southern
In the Chotts area, the role of the End Silurian - Early Devonian East- stable Saharan platform, has played a role of barrier against the trans­
West compressive Caledonian phase is very discrete and it’s only mission of the Alpine tectonic stresses to the South (Gabtni et al., 2005).
detectable southern of the TTPB uplift at the Acacus –Tadrart erosive
contact (kharbechi, 2003). 3. Materials and methods
Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian and part of the Silurian deposits
are missing in the Chotts basin. We assume that most part of the Subsurface data used to perform this study were gathered from a
Palaeozoic unit was removed during the Hercynian Orogeny (Fig. 2). number of exploration petroleum wells (wireline logs, composite li­
The Hercynian tectonic event was governed by intraplate deformations thology logs, cutting and core samples description and analysis reports,
associated to the collision of the northern passive margin of Gondwana …) and 2 D seismic sections acquired across the Chotts basin (Fig. 1).
with Laurasia, during the Carboniferous – Permian period, to form the Well log curves integrated in this study include essentially Sonic (DT)
Pangaea Supercontinent (Guiraud et al., 1987; Boote et al., 1998; and Gamma Ray (GR) logs. The available data were integrated into a
Echikh, 1998; Acheche et al., 2001; Badalini et al., 2002; Hallett, 2002). coherent seismic project using SMT Kingdom Software. Well to seismic
The first regional deformation occurred during the Early Carboniferous ties constitute an essential task in seismic interpretation as it relates
and corresponding to the Early Hercynian NE-SW compressive phase subsurface data obtained from different sources. Hence, well logs
have caused uplift, partial erosion and thickness variation of Carbonif­ measured in depth and seismic data measured in time had required a
erous deposits over the North African platform (Boudjema, 1987; time-depth relationship computed using the available DT logs. The high
Echikh, 1998; Acheche et al., 2001; Hallett, 2002; El Euchi et al., 2003; vertical resolution of the GR log (up to 30 cm) makes it very useful at
kharbechi, 2003; Aissaoui et al., 2016). A Late Hercynian compression delineating lithofacies successions for sequence stratigraphic analysis
phase (N90 to N120) occurred during the Late Carboniferous (West­ and also at defining thin beds for fine scale correlations.
phalian) - Early Permian times have caused huge uplift and intense The method adopted in this work is based on 3 main tasks: (1) high
erosional truncation of the underling deformed deposits. The maximum resolution sequence stratigraphic analysis (parasequence scale) on GR
of erosion was documented on top of the TTPB structural high where well logs and conception of a sequence stratigraphic model, (2) seismic
Triassic volcanics overly directly Cambrian deposits (Fig. 2). This sequence analysis on seismic sections and (3) fine scale correlation of
East-West trending regional structure (TTPB) was developed during the main reservoirs using sequence stratigraphic surfaces instead of forma­
Late Hercynian phase (Boote et al., 1998; Badalini et al., 2002; El Euchi tion tops (Vail et al., 1977; Van Wagoner et al., 1988; Posamentier and
et al., 2003; kharbechi, 2003; Gabtni et al., 2012). Allen, 1999).

R. Gharsalli and M. Bédir Journal of African Earth Sciences 172 (2020) 103997

3.1. High resolution sequence stratigraphic analysis on well logs succession of lithofacies as displayed by the generated Composite Li­
thology Log, had allowed identification of several parasequences. Ac­
On GR well logs, sequence stratigraphy is mainly based on delinea­ cording to Van Wagoner et al. (1988), a parasequence is a relatively
tion of lithofacies and analysis of their vertical successions, identifica­ conformable succession of generally related beds bounded by
tion of parasequences and assessment of their stacking patterns and marine-flooding surfaces and their correlative surfaces, sharply sepa­
recognition of sequence stratigraphic surfaces bounding the systems rates deeper-water rocks from underlying shallower-water rocks.
tracts within each depositional sequence (Van Wagoner et al., 1988). Assessment of the parasequence stacking trend (thickening or thin­
ning upwards and coarsening or fining upwards) permits to determine
3.1.1. Delineation of lithofacies and identification of the general the parasequence set that could be progradational, retrogradational or
paleogeographic setting aggradational. A parasequence set is a succession of genetically related
The GR log constitutes an extremely useful tool for discrimination of parasequences forming a distinctive stacking pattern bounded by major
different lithologies and determination of shale content (Vsh). The sha­ marine-flooding surfaces and their correlative surfaces (Van Wagoner
liness is indicative of lithofacies and grain size. Identification of elec­ et al., 1988).
trofacies from GR log patterns (thickening or thinning upwards and
coarsening or fining upwards) allowing thus to identify the general 3.1.3. Sequence stratigraphic surfaces and systems tracts
paleogeographic setting of the study area (fluvial, coastal, outer shelf or Identification of the sequence stratigraphic surfaces let to determine
basinal). The determination of the general paleogeographic setting
constitutes a crucial step to understand the stratigraphic response
(progradation, aggradation or retrogradation) to variations in relative
sea-level change and accommodation (Van Wagoner et al., 1988; Pos­
amentier and Allen, 1999).
For each well, a detailed Composite Lithology Log was performed
using a “Vsh curve” (shale volume curve) automatically deduced from
the existing GR log, then calibrated and depth matched via the available
cutting and core samples. The shale volume is calculated using the
following formula:
Fig. 4. Seismic stratigraphic reflection terminations within an idealized seismic
Vsh = (GRlog - GRmin) / (GRmax - GRmin) sequence (redrawn from Vail et al., 1977; Miall, 2010): (1) Onlap is a
base-discordant relation in which initially horizontal strata terminate progres­
Where: sively against an initially inclined surface, or in which initially inclined strata
terminate progressively updip against a surface of greater initial inclination.
Vsh = the shale volume of the rock or the shaliness Proximal onlap is onlap in the direction of the source of clastic supply. Distal
GRlog = the gamma ray reading at the depth of interest onlap is onlap in the direction away from the source of clastic supply. (2)
Downlap is a base-discordant relation in which initially inclined strata termi­
GRmin = the minimum gamma ray reading through a clean sandstone or car­ nate downdip against an initially horizontal or inclined surface. Distal down­
bonate formation lap is downlap in the direction away from the source of clastic supply. (3)
Toplap is a top-discordant relation in which termination of strata against an
GRmax = the maximum gamma ray reading through a shale or clay formation overlying unconformity (the upper Sequence Boundary) is interpreted as a
result of non deposition and only minor erosion. (4) Truncation is a
top-discordant relation in which termination of strata or seismic reflections is
interpreted as strata along an overlying unconformity (the upper Sequence
3.1.2. Parasequence stacking patterns and parasequence set Boundary) due to post-depositional erosional or structural effects
Analysis of the GR log values and trends, coupled with the vertical (Mitchum, 1977).

Fig. 3. Exxon Depositional Sequence “SLUG” model (modified from Van Wagoner et al., 1988; Lin et al., 2017), showing: Sequence stratigraphic surfaces (Sequence
Boundary (SB), Transgressive Surface (TS) and Maximum Flooding Surface (MFS)) and Systems tracts (Lowstand Systems Tract (LST), Transgressive Systems Tract
(TST) and Highstand Systems Tract (HST)).

R. Gharsalli and M. Bédir Journal of African Earth Sciences 172 (2020) 103997

Fig. 5. Depositional sequence stratigraphy on petroleum well logs (P2 reference well) in the Chotts basin (Southern Tunisia) showing five second - order depositional
sequences (DS21- DS25), systems tracts and sequence stratigraphic surfaces.

R. Gharsalli and M. Bédir Journal of African Earth Sciences 172 (2020) 103997

the systems tracts and therefore the depositional stratigraphic sequence 3.2. Seismic sequence analysis
(Fig. 3):
The Sequence Boundary (SB) is recognized as an unconformity in On seismic data, calibration of seismic sections with closest wells and
proximal position or its correlative conformity in distal position. This picking of key seismic horizons and reflectors allow accessing the
key surface corresponds to the most regressive stratigraphic architec­ geometrical configurations of the seismic reflectors (onlap, downlap,
ture, commonly marked by significant erosional truncation and a toplap, erosional truncation) and thus identifying the sequence strati­
basinward shift of facies (Vail et al., 1977; Van Wagoner et al., 1988; graphic surfaces (Fig. 4). Sequence Boundaries are recognized from a
Posamentier and Allen, 1999). On GR well logs, Sequence Boundaries downward shift in proximal or coastal onlap (Van Wagoner et al., 1988).
are generally placed at the base of the thickest and coarsest sandy level, Bounding surfaces could be also defined by distal downlap, erosional
with very low GR values, and corresponds to the truncation and toplap (Mitchum et al., 1977). However, the MFS is
progradational-aggradational parasequence sets of the Lowstand Sys­ typically a major downlap surface associated with changes from retro­
tems Tract (LST). gradational to aggradational-progradational parasequence stacking
The Transgressive Surface (TS) corresponds to the first significant patterns (Miller et al., 2018). The Transgressive surface is generally
flooding surface commonly lie between the progradational- undistinguished in seismic data. Seismic to well ties of sequence strati­
aggradational parasequence sets of the LST below and the retrograda­ graphic surfaces with well log signatures let to determine the systems
tional parasequence sets of the Transgressive Systems Tract (TST) above tracts and therefore the seismic stratigraphic sequence.
(Vail et al., 1977; Van Wagoner et al., 1988; Posamentier et al., 1988;
Posamentier and Allen, 1999). On GR well logs, the TS coincides
3.3. Correlation of main reservoirs
generally with the first abrupt increase of the GR values indicating a sea
level-rise and marking a change from coarsening-upward to
Wells chronostratigraphic correlations and well to seismic ties let to
fining-upward successions. A Transgressive Surface is usually repre­
perceive the reservoir continuity, thickness and quality (facies changes)
sented by a Transgressive Ravinement Surface (TRS) in shallow marine
throughout the study area. Prediction of spatial distribution and trend
environments and also in case of rapid sea level-rise (Miller et al., 2018).
directions of proven and potential reservoirs might be possible depends
The Maximum Flooding Surface (MFS) corresponds to the most
on seismic and wells data quality and coverage ratio.
transgressive stratigraphic architecture commonly lie between retro­
gradational parasequence sets of the TST below and aggradational-
4. Results
progradational parasequence sets of the Highstand Systems Tract
(HST) above (Vail, 1987; Van Wagoner et al., 1988; Posamentier et al.,
4.1. Sequence stratigraphy
1988). On GR well logs, the MFS coincides with a high GR peak indi­
cating a change from fining-upward to coarsening-upward successions.
Application of sequence-stratigraphic concepts (Vail et al., 1977; Van
This key surface is generally picked within the thickest mudstone level
Wagoner et al., 1988; Posamentier et al., 1988; Posamentier and Allen,
and is typically associated to a condensed section (in the basinward
1999) on the interpretation of seismic and wireline logging measure­
direction) commonly marked by faunal abundance, high glauconite
ments provides more effective method for chronostratigraphic correla­
concentration and/or enrichment in organic matter (Posamentier et
tion of sandy levels, likely to constitute reservoirs, using sequence
Allen, 1999).
stratigraphic surfaces (SB, TS, MFS) instead of formation tops (Michel­
sen and Danielsen, 1996).

Fig. 6. High Resolution sequence stratigraphy of the Depositional Sequence (DS23) on petroleum well logs (P2 reference well) in the Chotts Basin showing para­
sequences, parasequence sets and systems tracts.

R. Gharsalli and M. Bédir Journal of African Earth Sciences 172 (2020) 103997

Fig. 7. Wells chronostratigraphic correlation section (W⋅C⋅S-1) of second – order depositional sequences (DS21- DS25), systems tracts and associated siliciclastic
reservoirs showing lateral distribution (truncation, pinch-out) and facies change (shaling out) of the Palaeozoic deposits throughout the Chotts basin.

R. Gharsalli and M. Bédir Journal of African Earth Sciences 172 (2020) 103997

Fig. 8. Seismic sequence stratigraphy of subsurface Palaeozoic deposits within the Chotts basin (Southern Tunisia). The SW-NE Seismic Cross Section (SCS-1)
displays a maximum of five second - order seismic sequences (SS21– SS25) and associated systems tracts separated by sequence stratigraphic surfaces.

R. Gharsalli and M. Bédir Journal of African Earth Sciences 172 (2020) 103997

Fig. 9. Seismic sequence stratigraphy of subsurface Palaeozoic deposits across the Chotts basin (Southern Tunisia). The NW-SE Seismic Cross Section (SCS-2)
showing a significant reduction in thickness and number of the highlighted seismic sequences in the vicinity of the TTPB structural high (P7 and P10 wells).

On GR well logs, the sequence stratigraphic analysis of the entire African, Top Cambrian, Taconic, Late Hercynian, …). In the eastern part
Lower Palaeozoic section, starting from Middle Cambrian to Late Silu­ of the basin, further local sedimentary discontinuities have been
rian – Early Devonian, highlights a maximum of 5 s-order depositional detected (Arenigian, Early Hercynian …). Seismic sequence analysis of
sequences (DS21-DS25) separated by regional stratigraphic discontinu­ the Palaeozoic section, beneath the Late Hercynian unconformity, based
ities (Figs. 5–7). The P2 reference well, drilled in the western part of the on the geometrical configurations of seismic reflectors and major
Chotts basin, penetrates the thickest Cambro-Ordovician section in the sequence stratigraphic surfaces (SB, MFS, TS), permits to identify a
area (about 600 m). These sediments were deposited during the Middle maximum of 5 s-order seismic sequences (SS21– SS25) (Figs. 8–10).
Cambrian – Middle Ordovician interval times and could be subdivided Close to the TTPB structural high, at P7, P8 and P10 wells, where
into 4 s-order depositional sequences (DS21-DS24). The Late Silurian – excessive erosion predominant, number of these sequences decreases
Early Devonian shaly layers constitute the topmost fifth second-order considerably. Generally, most of the missing sequences were removed
depositional sequence (DS25). by the Late Hercynian unconformity linked to the main Hercynian
The calibration of representative composite seismic cross section to compression event occurred during the Late Carboniferous - Early
existing well data enabled to pick several key seismic horizons, corre­ Permian times.
sponding generally to regional stratigraphic discontinuities (Pan- From base to top, the depositional sequences identified on well logs

R. Gharsalli and M. Bédir Journal of African Earth Sciences 172 (2020) 103997

Fig. 10. Seismic sequence stratigraphy of subsurface Palaeozoic deposits in the eastern part of the Chotts basin. The SW-NE Seismic Cross Section (SCS-3) illustrates
the removing of the Hamra quartzite (Reservoir RSV-I) by the Arenigian unconformity (P1 and P20 wells). Lenticular structures and progradational downlaps
corresponding to fluvial channel deposits have been identified within the Cambrian section (Reservoir RSV-IV).

R. Gharsalli and M. Bédir Journal of African Earth Sciences 172 (2020) 103997

and their equivalents on seismic sections show the following chronostratigraphic marker is represented by a metric shaly level with
characteristics: elevated glauconite concentration and high GR values.
The sequence boundary (SB22) of this sequence coincides with a
4.1.1. DS21/SS21: Middle to Late Cambrian (acadian – potsdamian) transgressive ravinement surface (TRS22) corresponding to the first
On well logs, this first depositional sequence (DS21) consists from abrupt increase of the GR records and indicating a brisk sea level-rise
base to top of the R3, R2, Ra and Ri Zones encountered, totally or causing probably the erosion of the entire lowstand deposits (LST22)
partially, at P2, P7 & P10 wells and coincides with Middle to Late (Figs. 5 and 7).
Cambrian interval time (Acadian – Potsdamian) (Figs. 5 and 7–9). Based This basal transgressive unit is followed by thick fine-grained sand­
on GR log trends and sparse information from cutting and core samples stones, siltstones and shale interbeds of the upper part of El Gassi For­
revealed on well reports, the fluvial quartzitic coarse-grained and cross- mation corresponding to the HST22. Situated between the MFS22 and
bedded sandstones of the R3 and R2 Zones (Boudjema, 1987; Fekirine the sequence boundary (SB23) of the subsequent sequence (DS23), this
and Abdallah, 1998), represented by slightly upward decreasing low GR progradational unit show upward progressive enrichment in coarsening
values, are interpreted as lowstand systems tract deposits (LST21). At P7 deposits, materialised by upward slightly decreasing GR records (Figs. 5
well, this regressive unit is constituted essentially by stacked coarsening and 7).
upward and thickening upward progradational parasequences, depos­ On seismic sections, the seismic sequence (SS22) is delimited by the
ited in a deltaic environment on a sandy fluvial dominated shoreline Top Cambrian - Base Ordovician key seismic horizon (SB22) at the base
(Fig. 7) (Boudjema, 1987; Fekirine and Abdallah, 1998; Djarnia and and locally, at the top, by the erosional ravinement base of the El
Fekerine, 1998; Klett, 2000; Legrand, 1985b). Atchane Formation (SB23), the Taconic unconformity or the Late Her­
The sequence boundary (SB21) of this first sequence correspond to cynian unconformity depends on the intensity of erosion (Figs. 8–10).
the Pan-African unconformity, detected only on seismic sections ac­ The MFS22 corresponds to an internal downlap surface separating the
quired across the Chotts area (Figs. 8–10), but penetrated at many wells TST22 from the HST22. The transgressive deposits of the TST22 are
drilled, further south, on the top of the TTPB structure (P26, 29 and 30 dominated by retrogradational onlaps. On the other hand, the regressive
wells). deposits of the HST22 are recognized by their frequent progradational
At P7 and P2 wells, upward increasing GR values through the lower downlaps.
part of the Ra Zone, represented by fine-grained sandstones with
abundant clayey and silty interbeds, corresponds to transgressive tidal/ 4.1.3. DS23/SS23: Early Ordovician (upper tremadocian – arenigian)
estuarine deposits. The stacked fining up and thinning up retrograda­ On well logs, high resolution sequence stratigraphic analysis of the
tional parasequences of this level constitutes a transgressive systems third depositional sequence (DS23), constituted by El Atchane and
tract (TST21). The transgressive surface (TS21) coincides with the first Hamra Formations, highlights a vertical succession of parasequences.
abrupt increase of the GR values indicating a rapid sea level-rise (Figs. 5 Study of the stacking trend allow to determine parasequences sets that
and 7). The maximum flooding surface (MFS21) coincides with a GR could be progradational, aggradational or retrogradational (Figs. 5–7).
peak corresponding to a metric shaly level with high glauconite con­ At P2 key well, identification of the sequence stratigraphic surfaces
centration. This key surface indicates a spectacular change in the permits to determine systems tracts. The sequence boundary (SB23) is
depositional environment and therefore in GR log trends from retro­ linked to an erosional ravinement surface separating the clayey sedi­
gradational fining up (TST) to progradational coarsening up sediments ments of El Gassi Formation from the sandy deposits of El Atchane one.
(HST). Above the MFS21 and beneath the sequence boundary of the The transgressive surface (TS23) marks the passage from an aggrada­
subsequent sequence (SB22), the log pattern of the fluvial quartzitic Ri tional facies with constant low GR values below the TS23 to a retro­
Zone and the uppermost part of the Ra level show an upward decreasing gradational unit with upward progressive increasing GR measurements
GR values corresponding to the highstand systems tract deposits above this key surface. The maximum flooding surface (MFS23), placed
(HST21) constituted essentially by coarsening up and thickening up within the uppermost shaly layers of El Atchane Formation, corresponds
progradational parasequences (Figs. 5 and 7). to a GR peak separating fining up and shaly transgressive deposits from
On seismic sections, this first seismic sequence (SS21) is bounded, at coarsening up and sandy regressive deposits (Fig. 6).
the base, by the Pan-African unconformity (SB21) and, at the top, by the The coarse-grained sandstones with rare siltstone and shale interbeds
Top Cambrian - Base Ordovician key seismic horizon (SB22). The Pan- of the lower part of the El Atchane Formation, bounded by the SB23 and
African unconformity put in contact fluvial Cambrian sediments with TS23 surfaces, represent the LST23 of this depositional sequence (DS23).
underlying tilted Precambrian granitic and eruptives basement (Boud­ This regressive unit show an upward significant decreasing of the GR
jema, 1987; Fekirine and Abdallah, 1998; Klett, 2000; El Euchi et al., values corresponding to a progradational parasequence set constituted
2003; kharbechi, 2003) (Figs. 8–10). This basal sequence boundary by stacked coarsening and thickening upward parasequences. This basal
(SB21) is recognized by seismic progradational downlap and onlap ter­ interval is followed by an aggradational parasequence set marked by a
minations. At the top of the sequence, the SB22 is detected by toplap and constant low GR pattern (Fig. 6).
truncation features. The MFS21 coincides with an internal downlap In the eastern part of the basin, we perceive the absence of the middle
surface separating the highstand systems tract (HST21) from the un­ to coarse-grained progradational lowstand deposits of the LST23 in
derlying lowstand and transgressive systems tracts (LST21 and TST21). many wells (P1 and P20) (Fig. 7). In fact, the deepening of the deposi­
Seismic to well log tie helped to distinguish the transgressive deposits of tional environment to the North and North-East during the Early
the TST21, which are dominated by retrogradational onlaps, from the Ordovician times might have obstructed the development of these
regressive progradational deposits of the LST21 (Figs. 8–10). lowstand deposits by prevalence of clayey sediments in the basinward
4.1.2. DS22/SS22: Early Ordovician (lower tremadocian) The shaly interval of the upper part of the El Atchane Formation,
This second depositional sequence (DS22) corresponds to the tidal/ sandwiched between the TS23 and the MFS23 and showing an upward
estuarine fine-grained sandstones, siltstones and shale interbeds of the significant increase of the GR trend, is interpreted as a TST23. This
Ordovician Alternances Zone and the marine shale of El Gassi Forma­ transgressive unit is represented by a retrogradational parasequence set
tion. At P2 well logs (Fig. 5), upward increasing GR values through the constituted entirely by stacked fining and thinning upward para­
Ordovician Alternances and the lower part of the El Gassi Shale is sequences (Fig. 6).
interpreted as a transgressive systems tract (TST22). These transgressive At the top of the DS23, a constant low GR pattern corresponding to an
deposits, marked by high GR values, appear to become shalier upward aggradational parasequence set, formed by metric fine grained sandy
until the maximum flooding surface (MFS22). This key bars and thin shaly intercalations, appears just above the MFS23. These

R. Gharsalli and M. Bédir Journal of African Earth Sciences 172 (2020) 103997

Fig. 11. High resolution wells chronostratigraphic correlation section (W⋅C⋅S-2) of the depositional sequence (DS23), systems tracts, parasequences and associated
siliciclastic reservoirs (RSV-I and RSV-II) showing their lateral distribution and facies change in the central part of the Chotts basin. Structural traps are predominant
in the central part of the basin (P2, P15, P14 structures). Structural-stratigraphic combination traps appear essentially in the southern flank of the basin, close to the
TTPB uplift, where truncated Hamra quartzite reservoir (RSV-I), covered by efficient top seal (Triassic Volcanics), overlay old structural traps (P5 and P9 structures).
Stratigraphic entrapments of hydrocarbons on truncated Ordovician sandy levels and pinchouts might be possible in the landward direction to the South and South-
West across the TTPB structural high.

aggradational sediments are overlaying by thick massive sandy levels, 4.1.4. DS24/SS24: Middle Ordovician (llanvirnian - llandeilian)
with funnel-shaped log patterns, displaying upward decreasing GR In the Chotts basin, this depositional sequence (DS24) is bounded by
values indicating progressive predominance of coarsening deposits. The the Arenigian unconformity (SB24) at the base and the Taconic uncon­
latter corresponds to a progradational parasequence set constituted by formity (SB25) at the top and it’s constituted essentially by the Middle
stacked coarsening and thickening upward Parasequences. This regres­ Ordovician marine Azel Shale (Figs. 5–7). On well logs (P1, P2, P14, P15
sive unit is interpreted as a highstand systems tract (HST23) (Fig. 6). & P20), the basal Sequence Boundary (SB24) is marked by an abrupt
On seismic sections (Figs. 8–10), the seismic sequence (SS23) is increase of the GR values associated to a significant and brisk change in
bounded at the base by the El Atchane – El Ghassi seismic marker (SB23) the depositional environment from a shallow water (shoreface sand­
and, locally at the top, by the Arenigian unconformity (SB24), the stones of Hamra Formation) to a relatively deep water environments
Taconic unconformity (SB25) and/or the Late Hercynian unconformity (marine shales of Azel Formation). Through the clayey Azel Formation,
depends on the intensity of erosion (Fig. 9). Systems tracts (LST23, the recorded high GR values are relatively regular and are interpreted as
TST23 and HST23) of the SS23 are indistinguishable on seismic sections a transgressive systems tract (TST24).
and this because they are below seismic resolution. The Ouargla and the Oued Saret sandstones penetrated at many wells
drilled in Eastern Algeria correspond respectively to the lowstand and

R. Gharsalli and M. Bédir Journal of African Earth Sciences 172 (2020) 103997

highstand deposits of the DS24. In the Chotts area, we assume erosion of 4.2. Cambro-Ordovician siliciclastic reservoir distribution over the Chotts
the coarse-grained deposits of the Ouargla sandstones (LST24) by a basin
transgressive ravinement surface (TRS24), juxtaposed to the SB24, and
this is probably due to the rapid sea-level rise during the deposition of 4.2.1. Identification of the Cambro-Ordovician siliciclastic reservoirs
the retrogradational marine black shale of the Azel Formation (TST24) Generally, wireline logging records could display a very high vertical
(Fig. 7). In Eastern Algeria, these transgressive deposits passing up into resolution of few centimetres. Application of this tool is crucial at
coarsening and thickening upward sandstones, with shale interbeds, defining thin beds for high resolution sequence stratigraphic analysis
stacked on progradational parasequences of the Oued Saret highstand and chronostratigraphic correlation. On well logs (P2, P5, P7, P9, P14
deposits (HST24) (Fekirine and Abdallah, 1998). In the study area, the and P15 wells), high resolution sequence stratigraphic analysis of the
Oued Saret sandstones were eroded by the Taconic unconformity linked DS23 and DS21 depositional sequences, represented respectively by the
to the Late Ordovician glacial event (Fekirine and Abdallah, 1998). Ordovician El Atchane and Hamra Formations and the Cambrian R3, R2,
The seismic sequence (SS24) is practically invisible on seismic sec­ Ra and Ri Zones, highlights a vertical succession of several para­
tions and still below the seismic resolution. Only the upper sequence sequences (Figs. 7 and 11). Study of the stacking trend allows deter­
boundary represented by the Taconic unconformity (SB25) is detectable mining the parasequence sets that could be progradational,
(Figs. 8–10). aggradational or retrogradational. Identification of the sequence strati­
graphic surfaces (SB, TS, MFS) lead to identify the systems tracts:
4.1.5. DS25/SS25: Late Silurian - Early Devonian
The depositional sequence (DS25) corresponds to the transgressive ✓ At P2 reference well, stacked coarsening up and thickening up par­
Hot Shale and Fegaguira Shales deposited during the Silurian trans­ asequences, situated at the base of the lowstand systems tract
gressive event (Fekirine and Abdallah, 1998) (Fig. 5). It’s bounded, at (LST23) and at the top of the highstand systems tract (HST23) of the
the base, by the Taconic unconformity (SB25) and at the top by the Early DS23, constitute progradational parasequence sets. Upward
or Late Hercynian unconformities (Fig. 7). On P2 well log, we note an decreasing GR values indicate progressive predominance of coars­
upward abrupt increasing GR values through the Late Silurian Hot Shale ening deposits. This is was supported by the sparse information from
section exceeding generally 150 API (Cunningham, 1988). This marine cutting and core samples indicating the presence of massive clean
graptolitic black shale source rock (Cunningham, 1988; Soua, 2014; middle to coarse grained sandy levels at the base of El Atchane and at
Belhaj et al., 2015; Aissaoui et al., 2016) is followed by a thick clayey the top of Hamra Formations.
interval with constant log pattern and relatively high GR corresponding
to the Fegaguira Formation. These marine shale deposits cover uncon­ Vertically, through each well log on the correlation cross section
formably the Middle Ordovician Azel shales of the DS24 and they are (Fig. 11), we perceive two regressive progradational sandy units, the
interpreted as a transgressive systems tract (TST25). These retrograda­ Lower Atchane sandstone and the Upper Hamra quartzite, separated by
tional deposits were preserved within Palaeozoic intra-cratonic de­ an aggradational-retrogradational-aggradational clayey unit belonging
pressions across much of the North African and Arabian platforms to Upper El Atchane and Lower Hamra Formations. Thus, these two
(Boote et al., 1998; Lüning et al., 2000; Soua, 2014). progradational sandy levels encountered through the Ordovician section
The Late Ordovician glacial period was followed by a widespread represent the main hydrocarbon proven reservoirs across the Chotts
postglacial marine transgression with brisk sea-level rise leading to a basin:
rapid increase in water depth, which could obstruct the development of
the lowstand deposits (LST25). Otherwise, this rapid sea-level rise (1) The Upper Hamra quartzite (RSV-I) constitutes the main proven
movement could act also as an erosional ravinement surface causing the reservoir in the area and it’s interpreted as the progradational
wearing away of the deposited lowstand deposits. The missing highstand part of the HST23.
deposits (HST25) were probably eroded, initially by the Caledonian (2) The Lower El Atchane sandstones (RSV-II), usually discarded by
unconformity and later by the subsequent Hercynian ones. petroleum operators, show acceptable reservoir characteristics
On seismic sections, the underlying sequence boundary of the SS25 and it’s considered as the progradational part of the LST23.
coincides with the Taconic Unconformity (SB25). The overlying ✓ At P7 and P2 wells, stacked coarsening up and thickening up
sequence boundary corresponds to the Early or the Late Hercynian progradational parasequences located at the base of the LST21
Unconformities, respectively in the eastern or the western part of the and at the top of the HST21, part of the DS21, could constitute
Chotts basin (Figs. 8–10). As mentioned above, the SS25 is constituted potential Cambrian reservoirs in the Chotts basin (Fig. 7).
essentially by transgressive deposits of the TST25. This sequence is Moreover, oil and gas shows have been recorded at the
clearly dominated by retrogradational onlaps towards the South and Cambrian section in many wells drilled in the area (P7 and P2
Southwest and shows a significant thickening in the basinward direction wells). In the giant Hassi Messaoud oil field, located in south-
to the North and North-East. eastern Algeria, the Cambrian sandstones represent the main
In the Chotts area, the Late Ordovician – Early Silurian deposits proven hydrocarbon reservoir:
(conglomeratic and sandy lowstand deposits, transgressive “Micro- (3) The fluvial quartzite of the Ri Zone (RSV-III) corresponds to the
conglomeratic shales” and “Dalle de M’Kratta” highstand deposits) are progradational part of the HST21.
completely eroded (Fig. 2). In eastern Algeria, these missing deposits (4) The fluvial quartzitic middle to coarse-grained and cross-bedded
represent an entire second order depositional sequence (Fekirine and sandstones of the R3 Zone and the lower part of the R2 Zone
Abdallah, 1998). Major Parts of this missing depositional sequence were (RSV-V) represent the progradational part of the LST21.
probably eroded during the combined tectonic, climatic and eustatic
Taconic event. In fact, during this drastic geological event, 4.2.2. Characterisation of the Cambro-Ordovician siliciclastic reservoirs in
glacio-eustatic regression was coupled to compression and uplift the Chotts basin
movements (Beuf et al., 1971; Fabre, 1976; Boudjema, 1987; Boote High resolution sequence stratigraphic correlation of parasequences
et al., 1998; Echikh, 1998; Fekirine and Abdallah, 1998; Hallett, 2002; and associated sandy levels, likely to constitute hydrocarbon reservoirs,
El Euchi et al., 2003; kharbechi, 2003; Ghienne et al., 2007; Le Heron is based on regional chronostratigraphic surfaces instead of formation
and Craig, 2008; Soua, 2013). tops. Laterally, throughout the performed well chronostratigraphic
correlation sections (Figs. 7 and 11), the depositional sequence DS23
displays a very good continuity for several kilometres and shows an
irregular thickness ranging from 40 to 120 m, with a clear thickening in

R. Gharsalli and M. Bédir Journal of African Earth Sciences 172 (2020) 103997

the basinward direction to the North and North-East. In the south- basin, the significant variation in thickness, facies and also number of
western part of the basin (P9 and P5 wells), close to the TTPB uplift, parasequences within the DS23 appears to be controlled by syn- and
the upper part of the DS23 and essentially the HST23 is partially removed post-sedimentary tectonic activities during the Early Ordovician – Late
by the Taconic unconformity and/or the Late Hercynian one (Fig. 11). Carboniferous times.
However, in the south-eastern part of the basin (P1 and P20 wells), the The Cambrian section, represented by the depositional sequence
upper part of the DS23, represented by the entire El Atchane and part of DS21, has been penetrated by only three exploration wells across the
Hamra Formations, appears to be removed by the Arenigian unconfor­ Chotts basin (P2, P7 and P10). Through the chronostratigraphic corre­
mity (Fig. 7). At P1 and P20 wells, we perceive also a gradual shaling out lation of these key wells, the depositional sequence DS21 displays very
of the lower part of El Atchane Formation in the basinward direction good continuity and irregular thickness, exceeding generally 200 m,
causing progressive disappearing of the progradational lowstand de­ with a clear thinning in the southern flank of the basin close to the TTPB
posits (LST23) towards the North and North-East (Fig. 7). In the Chotts structure (Fig. 7).

Fig. 12. Spatial distribution maps of proven and potential Cambro-Ordovician reservoirs throughout the Chotts basin: (A) The Upper Hamra quartzite reservoir
(RSV-I), (B) The Lower El Atchane sandstones reservoir (RSV-II), (C) The fluvial quartzite of the Ri Zone reservoir (RSV-III) and (D) The fluvial quartzite of the R3-R2
Zones reservoir (RSV-IV). In the central part of the basin, structural traps are predominant (P2, P14 and P15 wells). Towards the flanks and close to the TTPB uplift,
most of the productive structures are represented by structural-stratigraphic combined traps (P5 and P9 wells). Stratigraphic traps represented by truncated
sandstones and pinchouts might be possible in the landward direction to the South and South-West across the TTPB uplift.

R. Gharsalli and M. Bédir Journal of African Earth Sciences 172 (2020) 103997

(1) The Upper Hamra quartzite reservoir (RSV-I), which constitutes 5. Discussion
the progradational part of the HST23, is the most affected by the
Taconic and Hercynian erosional events. The erosion intensity The Ordovician siliciclastic deposits constitute currently the most
increase in the landward direction, toward the South and South- significant Palaeozoic-sourced petroleum accumulations in the Chotts
West, inducing consequently a clear thinning of the principal basin. Hydrocarbons are reservoired in Early Ordovician El Atchane
reservoir RSV-I (Fig. 11). In the eastern part of the basin, at P1 sandstones and Hamra quartzite, sourced by Late Silurian (Ludlow–­
and P20 wells, the reservoir RSV-I appears to be completely Pridoli) Hot Shale and sealed by Ordovician – Jurassic (Lias) imper­
removed by another erosional event materialised by the Areni­ meable deposits (shales, evaporates, volcanics, …). Most exploration
gian unconformity. Therefore, the reservoir RSV-I displays an wells drilled within the Chotts basin and targeting the Cambro-
intermittent continuity and an irregular gross thickness ranging Ordovician reservoirs are plugged and abandoned (P&A), typically
from 0 to 60 m across the Chotts basin. This multilayer reservoir with hydrocarbon shows. The main issues encountered in the explora­
consists of a succession of clean massive sandy levels (5–25 m) tion of these reservoirs are related to their spatial distribution along with
separated by thin shaly and silty layers (Fig. 11). The consistent their thickness and facies variations. Application of sequence-
sandy levels consist of middle to coarse-grained clean massive stratigraphic concepts on the analysis of wireline logging records and
sandstones, with generally poor petrophysical characteristics. the interpretation of seismic data acquired across the Chotts basin had
The average porosity is about 9.5% and the permeability is permitted to identify the sequence organisation of the Cambro-
ranging from 0.1 to 72 MD (Lizotte, 1982). Nevertheless, natural Ordovician deposits at different scales. This analysis tool had provided
fractures close to faulted areas could enhance considerably the also more effective method for chronostratigraphic correlations of
petrophysical characteristics of this tight sand reservoir. identified parasequences and associated sandy levels likely to constitute
(2) The Lower El Atchane sandstones reservoir (RSV-II), which rep­ hydrocarbon reservoirs.
resents the progradational part of the LST23, is usually intact and Throughout the Chotts basin, high resolution sequence stratigraphic
rarely affected by known erosional events (Fig. 11). In the west­ analysis of second-order depositional sequences (DS23 and DS21),
ern part of the basin, the reservoir RSV-II displays a very good display at least four regressive progradational sandy units: prograda­
continuity and a regular gross thickness ranging from 10 to 15 m. tional parts of the HST23 and the LST23 corresponding to the Early
On the other side, the progradational sandy levels of this reser­ Ordovician proven reservoirs (RSV-I and RSV-II) and progradational
voir show a progressive shaling out in the basinward direction parts of the HST21 and the LST21 equivalents to the Cambrian potential
and may disappear completely in the eastern part of the basin (P1 reservoirs (RSV-III and RSV-IV) (Figs. 7 and 11).
and P20 wells) (Fig. 7). This monolayer reservoir consists of Seismic to wells ties and well chronostratigraphic correlations, using
medium-grained clean massive sandstones with rare silty and sequence stratigraphic surfaces (SB, TS, MFS) instead of formation tops,
shaly interbeds. Porosities and permeabilities ranged respectively had provided a general overview on the spatial distribution and facies
between 7.5 and 13.3% and 1 to 7 MD (Lizotte and Chebbi, change of Palaeozoic sequences and associated reservoirs across the
1982). But, we expect an enhancement of these petrophysical Chotts basin. In fact, the entire Palaeozoic section thickens considerably
characteristics on naturally fractured zones displaying high sec­ in the basinward direction to the North and North-East. In the southern
ondary porosity and permeability. part of the basin, close to the TTPB uplift (P7 and P10 wells), we note a
(3) The Ri Zone potential reservoir (RSV-III) is penetrated at P2, P7 significant thinning of these deposits and a reduction in number of the
and P10 wells targeting the Cambrian section in the Chotts basin. highlighted second-order sequences from five to two (Figs. 7 and 9).
The reservoir RSV-III corresponds to the progradational part of High resolution well chronostratigraphic correlations of key deposi­
the HST21 (DS21) and it displays a very good continuity and a tional sequences (DS23 and DS21) and associated parasequences had
regular gross thickness, ranging from 18 to 26 m, for more than allowed the perception of sandy reservoir continuity, thickness and
70 km (Figs. 7 and 9). This monolayer reservoir consists of me­ facies changes throughout the study area:
dium and coarse-grained massive fluvial quartzite with rare shaly
and silty intercalations. These quartzitic tight sandstones show ✓ The depositional sequence DS23 displays a very good continuity for
generally poor petrophysical characteristics, with porosity values several kilometres, a significant thickening in the basinward direc­
are varying from 2 to 12%, while permeability is ranging from 0.1 tion and a clear variation in parasequences number and thickness on
to 1000 MD (Lizotte, 1981; Whitley, 1998). However, natural both sides of syn-sedimentary normal faults (P9 well structure)
fractures could considerably enhance these petrophysical (Fig. 11). Post-sedimentary tectonic activities are also proved, where
characteristics. sequence architecture of the DS23 and subsistence of associated Early
(4) The R3 Zone and the lower part of the R2 Zone potential reservoir Ordovician reservoirs (RSV-I and RSV-II) are largely controlled by
(RSV-IV) is penetrated only at P7 and P10 wells (Figs. 7 and 9). Arenigian, Taconic and/or Hercynian tectonic events.
These fluvial quartzitic middle to coarse-grained and cross-
bedded sandstones correspond to the progradational part of the In the southern part of the basin, close to the TTPB uplift, where
LST21 (DS21). On seismic data, lenticular structures and pro­ combined structural-stratigraphic trapping mechanism is clearly pre­
gradational downlaps corresponding to progradational fluvial dominant, the presence/absence of the Upper Hamra quartzite reservoir
channel deposits have been identified at these sandy levels (RSV-I) is controlled mainly by the Late Hercynian unconformity
(Figs. 8 and 10). This multilayer reservoir (RSV-IV) shows a very (Fig. 12-A). Locally, spatial distribution of this reservoir could be also
good continuity and a regular gross thickness ranging from 120 to influenced by Taconic and/or Arenigian erosional events. On the other
150 m and it consists of clean massive quartzitic sandy levels with side, at P1 and P20 wells, the Lower El Atchane sandstone reservoir
rare intercalations of thin shaly and silty layers (P10 well). As in (RSV-II) show a progressive shaling out in the basinward direction and
south-eastern Algeria (Hassi Messaoud oil field), the Cambrian could disappear completely by prevalence of clayey deposits (Fig. 12-B).
sandstones are very well developed in the Chotts basin. These This facies change might be controlled by deepening of the depositional
sandy levels display good lithological characteristics and exhibit environment toward the North and North-East.
oil and gas shows while drilling to be considered as promising High resolution well chronostratigraphic correlations had permitted
potential reservoirs across the study area. also the prediction of spatial distribution and trend directions of reser­
voir levels across the Chotts basin. As displayed by well correlation cross
sections, the depositional sequence DS23 displays a very good continuity
and a significant thickening in the basinward direction. Therefore, the

R. Gharsalli and M. Bédir Journal of African Earth Sciences 172 (2020) 103997

Upper Hamra quartzite and the Lower El Atchane sandstone reservoirs of lowstand (LST21 and LST23) and highstand (HST21 and HST23) sys­
(RSV-I and RSV-II) should be deeply buried and we predict thus the tems tracts. These middle to coarse-grained clean sandstones are the
existence of complete reservoir sections (Fig. 12-A and 12-B). In the most likely to constitute potential and proven reservoirs. Hence, pro­
south-eastern part of the basin (P1 and P20 wells), where the reservoir gradational Early Ordovician Hamra quartzite and El Atchane sand­
RSV-I appears to be completely removed by the Arenigian unconformity, stones are currently the most oil and gas productive proven reservoirs
the reservoir RSV-II presents a progressive shaling out caused by deep­ (RSV-I and RSV-II) in the Chotts Basin. In addition, progradational
ening of the depositional environment. Therefore, exploration of Early Cambrian sandstones of the Ri Zone and R2-R3 Zones could constitute
Ordovician reservoirs (RSV-I and RSV-II) should be conducted further potential hydrocarbon reservoirs (RSV-III and RSV-IV) in the area.
North in the eastern part of the Chotts basin and essentially in the whole Seismic to wells ties and high resolution well chronostratigraphic
central and western parts which appear much more promising, with a correlations of Cambro-Ordovician depositional sequences and associ­
relevant low to medium geological risk (Fig. 12-A and 12-B). In the ated parasequences had provided a general overview on their spatial
southern part of the basin, close to the TTPB uplift, stratigraphic paleogeographic distribution and had allowed to predict trends of
entrapment of hydrocarbons on truncated Ordovician sandy levels and possible petroleum reservoir rocks. Application of this analysis tool had
pinchouts (RSV-I and RSV-II) against existing impermeable deposits allowed also the perception of reservoir continuity, thickness and facies
(overlying Triassic volcanics and underlying Ordovician shales) might change throughout the study area. In fact, the entire Cambro-Ordovician
be possible. Therefore, petroleum prospection of stratigraphic traps in section thickens and dips considerably in the basinward direction to the
the vicinity of the TTPB structural high appears very inciting (Fig. 12A North and North-East. Moreover, the progradational clean sandy levels
and 12-B). Due to compaction and quartzification, petrophysical char­ of the reservoir RSV-II display a progressive shaling out and could
acteristics of these reservoirs could decrease considerably with burial disappear completely by basinward prevalence of clayey deposits. In the
depth. However, interconnected natural fracture networks, close to southern part of the basin, close to the TTPB structural high, where
intensively faulted and folded areas, could improve the reservoir erosional events are recurrent and intense, the subsistence of Cambro-
quality. Ordovician reservoirs is mainly controlled by Arenigian, Taconic and/
or Late Hercynian tectonic events. Consequently, facies change and
✓ The depositional sequence DS21 displays very good continuity and spatial distribution of Cambro-Ordovician reservoirs are essentially
clear thickening in the basinward direction. Cambrian potential controlled by syn- and post-sedimentary tectonic activities. The influ­
reservoirs (RSV-III and RSV-IV) present good lithological character­ ence of these events appears in the shaling out of progradational clean
istics and exhibit oil and gas shows while drilling (P7 and P10 wells). sands by deepening of the depositional environment and also in total or
partial removing of uplifted sandy levels by intensive erosional
In the central part of the Chotts basin, faulted anticline structures truncation.
(P2, P7 and P10) and normal-fault tilted blocks (P1, P20) are very The petroleum potential of the Chotts basin appears to be much
common (Figs. 8–10). Cambrian reservoirs (RSV-III and RSV-IV), higher than expected previously and would be found in deeply buried
sourced by adjacent Late Silurian source rock and covered by effective Cambro-Ordovician reservoirs in the basinward direction. Therefore,
top seals (Ordovician shales, Silurian-Devonian shales, Triassic volca­ exploration of Early Ordovician reservoirs RSV-I and RSV-II should be
nics and evaporates …) could constitute inciting hydrocarbon target for conducted further North in the eastern part of the basin and essentially
future exploration activities in the area. in the whole central and western parts which appear much more
In the southern part of the basin and toward top of the TTPB struc­ promising, with a relevant low to medium geological risk. Cambrian
ture, where combined traps are predominant, intense erosion could put reservoirs RSV-III and RSV-IV, sourced by adjacent Late Silurian source
in contact Triassic deposits (volcanics, evaporates, …) with truncated rocks and covered by effective top seals could constitute inciting hy­
Cambrian reservoirs RSV-III and RSV-IV at P26, 29 and 30 wells (Fig. 12- drocarbon target for future exploration activities in the area. Strati­
C and 12-D). Cambrian sandy level pinch-outs are not excluded, but graphic closures and pinch-out of Early Ordovician reservoirs and
need to be confirmed by integration of additional seismic and wells data. Cambrian potential reservoirs in the landward direction, over the TTPB
Therefore, stratigraphic closures and pinch-outs of Cambrian potential structural high, may represent new exploration objectives that could
reservoirs RSV-III and RSV-IV in the landward direction, close to the improve the petroleum prospectivity of the Chotts basin. Efficiency of
TTPB structural high, may represent a new exploration objective that stratigraphic traps is strictly linked to the presence of adjacent mature
could improve the petroleum prospectivity of the Chotts area. source rocks guaranteeing a favourable hydrocarbon charge and also the
As in south-eastern Algeria (Hassi Messaoud oil field), the Cambrian existence of efficient seals securing the hydrocarbon entrapment.
sandstones are largely extended in the Chotts basin (Fig. 12-C and 12-D). The Cambro-Ordovician tight sandstone reservoirs present generally
The Late Silurian Hot Shale – Cambrian sandstones could constitute poor petrophysical characteristics due to compaction and quartz­
another potential petroleum system active in the area. Efficiency of the ification. Enhancement of reservoir quality might be possible on natu­
Cambrian play is strictly linked to the presence of an adjacent mature rally fractured and faulted zones displaying high secondary porosity and
source rock guaranteeing a favourable hydrocarbon charge and also the permeability or by stimulation of these reservoirs through multistage
existence of efficient top seals (Ordovician shales, Silurian-Devonian hydraulic fracturing to improve their productivity index.
shales, Triassic volcanics and evaporates …) securing the hydrocarbon
entrapment. Drilling is highly recommended on naturally fractured and Declaration of competing interest
faulted zones to counterbalance poor petrophysical characteristics of
existing Cambrian tight sand reservoirs. The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
interestsor personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
6. Conclusion the work reported in this paper.

Throughout the Chotts basin, sequence stratigraphic analysis of the Acknowledgments

subsurface Palaeozoic section on well and seismic data highlights a
maximum of five second - order depositional/seismic sequences (DS21- This research was performed within the Georesource Laboratory in
DS25/SS21-SS25) separated by regional chronostratigraphic disconti­ the Water Research and Technologies Center, Borj Cedria Technopark
nuities. Assessment of the parasequence stacking trends of key deposi­ (Tunisia) and the Faculty of Sciences of Tunis, Tunis-El Manar Univer­
tional sequences (DS21 and DS23) revealed at least four regressive sity. We express our gratitude to Rigo Oil Company for providing seismic
progradational sandstone units, corresponding to progradational parts and well data. The authors also would like to thank very much the

R. Gharsalli and M. Bédir Journal of African Earth Sciences 172 (2020) 103997

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