Difference Between Social Science and Social Studies

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Difference Between Social Science and

Social Studies
August 20, 2015
by Hasa
3 min read
Though Social science and social studies sound like two similar concepts, they are in actuality,
two different fields of study. In this article, we are going to look at the difference between social
science and social studies.

What is Social Science?

Social Science is a subject area that studies the society and the relationships among individuals
within a society. Social Science is categorized into many branches such as Geography (study of
the earth and its features, inhabitants, and phenomena), Anthropology (study of humans),
History (study of past), Economics(study of  production, distribution and consumption of goods
and services), political science(study of theory and practice of politics and the description and
analysis of political systems and political behavior.) etc. The beginning of Social Sciences dates
back to the 18th century.  Social Science can be defined as a scientific study field since almost all
the sub-disciplines use scientific methods to investigate facts.

Geography, the study of Earth and its features, is a branch of Social Science.

What is Social Studies?
Social studies can be introduced as the study of both social sciences and humanities. According
to U.S American National Council for the Social Studies, “Social studies, is the integrated study of
the social sciences and humanities to promote civic competence.”  However, social studies is
most often used as a name of the course taught at schools. Social studies is a relatively new
term and came  into use in the 20th Century.

What is the difference between Social Science and

Social studies?
As discussed above, the main difference between social science and social studies exist in their
purpose; in social science, you study the society and social life of human groups while in social
studies, you study both social science and humanities in order to promote effective citizenry.
Another difference is that Social science is divided into many branches while social studies is
divided into two main categories of humanities and social sciences. Though social studies is a
subject that is taught from primary school onward, social science is only available as a degree
level course. In addition, social studies is a relatively new term while social science dates back to
the 18th century.
Comparison             Social Science           Social studies

Purpose Studying the society and its individuals promoting civic competence

History Dates back to Age of Enlightenment Dates back to 20th Century

Branches Many branches Social science and Humanities

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