Viticulture Manual
Viticulture Manual
Viticulture Manual
After two visits to Egypt (December 1996 and February 1997), contracted as a grape
consultant for ATUT (Agricultural Technology Utilization and Transfer), I concluded that
it would be helpful to prepare this special manual dedicated for Egyptian technical
personnel and grape growers. This manual provides accurate recommendations on some
aspects of the culture of vineyards, in which I have observed some deficiencies on
fundamental knowledge.
These recommendations include the response of grapes to some of the labor involved in
a modern and technical establishment and the management of vineyards for the
production of good quality table grapes, mainly for export; the influence of sunlight and
shadow on bud fertility and the type of maturity of grapes; the phenomenon of
acrotony, to which some grapevine varieties are particularly sensitive; the effects of the
position of the canes and the number of buds on each plant over grape characteristics,
expressed as size of the berries, color and sugar content; the way grape primordia
develop into buds one year prior to their burst, and other topics.
This manual is divided into different parts, focusing mainly on aspects where I noted
there was less technological knowledge. But none of these chapters is a complete review
of the subject. The manual is not an exhaustive in any aspect. I have also noted that
some Egyptian technical professionals or grape growers have good knowledge of many
of the aspects discussed here, but, unfortunately, other growers have complete lack of
understanding of the basic physiology of the grapevine. I hope this manual will help
the persons involved in grape growing improve their work.
In this manual, some technical terms are used that are familiar to some of the persons I
met on the farms I visited, but need to be defined for others. This is the reason why I
included at the beginning of this manual, a short and simple glossary.
Manual of Viticulture
LATERAL (Also called feminel or daughter): Branch of the main axis of the
cluster, or side shoot arising from the main shoot.
PETIOLE: Thin structure or stalk that supports the blade of the leaf. It
also serves to transport the sap up and down where different types
of food are carried.
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TRANSPIRATION: Water loss by evaporation from the leaf surface and through the
TRELLIS: Permanent vine support system consisting mainly of posts or stakes and
XYLEM: Woody portion of conducting tissue whose function is to conduct water and
minerals absorbed by the roots.
Manual of Viticulture
Grapevines are plants that, from the standpoint of their morphology, are fully
organized. This means that each of their aerial organs has been preformed
through a preliminary process involving the formation of buds during the same
or other previous periods or years. In other words, none of the species of the
Vitis genus is able to develop adventitious shoots, formed when necessity
arises, as happens with apples, pears, peaches and many forestry species, like
populus, willows, and others. Besides, in grape plants each bud is located in a
fixed position along each shoot, needing in turn a previous evolution to form
its new shoots.
This evolution begins the same moment that buds start their formation on the
growing shoot, because they are unable, unless forced, to originate a new
shoot in the same vegetative period in which they were formed. This means
that they need to overpass an annual period of low temperatures, during
which they enter an invernal dormacy. Nevertheless, during this dormancy,
and without any external sign, they undergo many complicated biochemical
changes that depend on certain internal factors within the plant, and external
ones especially temperature, light intensity and periodicity. In fact, what at the
beginning is only an amorphous group of cells begins to form three very small
vegetative primordia which are, indeed, microscopic shoots. On these initial
organs it is possible to see, under a microscope, their secondary parts like
rudimentary leaves, inflorescence primordia, and horizontal divisions like walls
that correspond to the diaphragms in every node. The inflorescence primordia
are formed after and later than the other parts.
Thus, grapevine buds are always vegetative. This means that in the grapevine,
there are no special fruit buds as happens in other fruit tree species. Here, the
fruits are formed in a lateral position on the shoots primordia and from them,
growing in the same lateral position in the succulent shoots that arise from
these vegetative buds and from each bud, one, two or three herbaceous
shoots can originate. If the central primordia, which, is the biggest, is injured
or destroyed, the bud has the chance to bear a secondary or even a terciary
The flowers and fruits are the reproductive parts of the vine. Inflorescence is
initiated during the late spring and summer preceding the year in which
flowering and fruiting occur. In FIG 1 a scheme of the development and
Manual of Viticulture
formation of a grape bunch is shown from its beginning, in the induction and
differentiation, to maturity. This process takes, according to the variety and
factors already mentioned, about 520 days.
The central vegetative primordia, being the biggest, have the opportunity of
forming more or bigger, inflorescence primordia than the other two. So, if the
central one is destroyed by any cause, during or after its burst, the production
of the plant would be considerably diminished, even if one or both secondary
primordia developed in good conditions.
At bud burst, (i.e., the period when the bud starts growing), the bud unfolds,
producing a leafy shoot that bears one to four (usually two) flower clusters
opposite the leaves at the third and fourth, fourth and fifth, or fifth and sixth
nodes from the base, depending on the variety and (or also) some
environmental conditions during the biochemical conditioning of cells tissue,
like temperature and light. This step is named "induction", which is followed by
the physical appearance of the inflorescence primordia, or "fruit
differentiation". It is at this secondary stage when it is possible to observe, by
means of a microscope, the number and size of such floral primordia that
sometimes increase as to exceed the size of the shoot primordia where they
are developing (FIG 2).
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FIG 2. Two
inflorescence primordia
within the bud, exceeding
the size of the vegetative
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The soil is the most obvious factor that determines the productivity of a grape
vine. Soil fertility has to be right because in too rich soils, especially with too
much nitrogen or organic matter content, there is a tendency to increase the
rate of growth of the shoots, which can compete with fruit induction and
differentiation. This is because the growing points can become a very powerful
sink for carbohydrates, reducing their availability for the buds. A partial lack of
carbohydrates could partially inhibit these processes.
Light is also an important factor in fruit differentiation. If the bud itself or the
leaf in whose petiols this organ has been formed stays in the shade, the
degree of bud differentiation is affected. Conversely, the more sunlight the leaf
receives, the greater is the intensity of this process. Nevertheless, beyond a
critical point of light intensity, momentary or permanent paralysis of fruit
initiation can occur.
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FIG 3. A plant showing the effects of acrotony. The shoots have grown stronger
from the apical buds. There are also many buds that did not burst.
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The grapevine does not use light efficiently because in its arbour, leaves lie
beneath others, in many layers. Experiments have demonstrated that the level
of light intensity reaching the leaves beneath the inner layer is about 10% of
the light received on the outer layer of the grape foliage, and on the leaves
deeper in the foliage, only 1% (FIG 4). As the point of "luminic
compensation", i.e., the point where the consumption and elaboration of
organic food is the same, is 100 to 120 f.c., the leaves that receive less than
that act like parasites on the plants.
Manual of Viticulture
Vine grapes do not rush into growth early in the spring, as do most deciduous
fruit trees. Their buds remain dormant until the mean daily temperature
reaches 10°C. Then, as the temperature rises, shoot growth accelerates from
day to day. After three or four weeks the season's period of most rapid growth
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is under way. During this time, the shoots of vigorous varieties may elongate
several centimeters a day. Even weaker varieties have a similar period of rapid
growth, but their daily increase is less.
Young vines grow throughout the season and produce few or no fruitful buds.
When older, the vines that are in good health and carrying normal crops grow
rapidly in the spring, their shoots are succulent, and more carbohydrate
material is used than is produced by the leaves. Soon the reserve foods in the
permanent parts of the plant (spurs, canes, arms, and trunk, including roots)
are reduced to the point where growth is checked. As growth slows, organic
material reserves begin to accumulate in the canes, and the lower mid and
basal parts of the shoot become woody. Thus, within the limits of good
commercial practice, methods that excessively increase the vigor of shoot
growth will diminish the fruitfulness of buds. The best rate of fruit
differentiation is obtained when shoots grow with a moderate vigor. When
growth is below average to weak the production of fruitful buds again
However, as long as the external conditions for growth remain, but before
the plants enter dormancy, the shoots may increase their rate of growth at any
time if there is sufficient heat and good moisture in the soil, like after
irrigation or rain, and when there is ample available nitrogen. It is for this
reason that young vines, with little or no crop to compete with vegetative
growth for the products of the leaves, often continue growing into autumn and
their green shoots are killed (as in Chile) by early frost. The same is true for
varieties that are harvested early (as sometimes happens in Egypt) in which
the competition of the crop also disappears earlier.
From the moment that a permanent part of a vine reaches its maximum
elongation, it can not resume its growth in length, but starts increasing its size
only in diameter. Thus, the grower can form the trunk of plants certain that
the height selected for them will not change.
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The rapid shoot elongation, the increase in diameter of the older vine parts,
and the development of flower parts are made possible because of the
reserves of food stored in the dormant vine. The flower clusters, which at the
beginning of shoot growth have developed only the receptacle of the individual
flowers, come out with the shoot, and during the next six to eight weeks,
according to the season and the reserve availability, the rest of the flower
parts are formed.
Although the flowers of the important commercial varieties of Vitis vinifera are
hermaphrodite and self-fertile, and almost perfect, i.e., having well-developed
male and female organs in the same flower almost purely female and male
flowers do occur, and in the wild, all degrees of inter-sexes occur. Because
Vitis vinifera has been cultivated for a long time, it has been possible to
discard most of the varieties with defective flowers where fruiting is seriously
limited. However, there are some varieties that, despite the fact that they
posses abnormalities in their flower structure of the which affect the process of
berry set, have been kept for cultivation because they have a valuable
condition worth conserving . This is the case of the seedless varieties
(Thompson Seedless, Perlette, Corinth, etc.) and some functional females ones
such as Ohanes, Moscatel Rosada (or Chilean Pink Muscat) and others.
Fruit set generally results from pollination, i.e., the fall of pollen grains on the
flower stigma, after which the pollen develops a specialized tube to reach the
ovary to achieve fertilization and seed development (FIG 5). In this process,
there is real competition among the thousands of pollen grains located on the
stigma (FIG 6), but only one reaches each lower ovule. In most grape
varieties, the setting of berries is determined by this mechanism. However,
selection for a special fruit character has provided varieties in which the
mechanism of set is different. From this standpoint, grape berries can
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FIG 6. Thousands of
pollen tubes "fighting" to
reach the ovule first.
Plants with seedless berries are seldom able to produce hormones in the
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Fig 8. Adventitious
root emerging from
a piece of cutting.
Growth starts in
the inner part of
the shoot, and root
Also, unlike shoots, roots are not divided into nodes and internodes. Lateral
roots arise at irregular intervals along the surface, from the interior of another
root or from another organ, like canes or even trunks. They start growing in
mature (parenchymatic) cells of the permanent tissue located at some depth
from the epidermical layers that receive orders from the herbaceous tips to
draw back to a meristematic condition so they can multiply and form new
The root system of the cultivated vine is both spreads and descends (FIG 9).
Under conditions that favor growth, the roots spread over a wide area,
exploring the soil mass to a considerable depth. However, root penetration
may be greatly limited by shallow soils, hardpan (a substratum of impervious
soil that prevents the root from growing), water table (free water in the soil,
limiting aeration) or presence of components that could be toxic to root
growth. In any of these conditions, root growth is restricted to the soil above
the obstruction. Shallow rooting limits the supply of both water and mineral
elements available to the vine. Lateral growth, however, is rarely restricted by
natural conditions. There are rootstocks well adapted to growth in this
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kind of situation, mainly due to their habit of mostly horizontal root growth.
The most used root hormones are indolbutyric acid (IBA) and naphtalene
acetic acid (NAA). IBA is the most employed and the most efficient. It can be
used in various ways. Because IBA soluble in water, it should be treated first
with ethylic alcohol (96° G.L.) as a solvent; 10 cc is enough to dissolve 1 g of
the acid. This solution has 100,000 ppm, which has to be reduced to 2,500
ppm. Thus, it is necessary to add 390 cc of warm (about 40°C) distilled water
to obtain this concentration. The alcoholic solution, when slowly mixed with
warm water, does not form turbidity, but should this appear, the solution will
clear up by warming it a little.
The previous treatment of the cuttings consists of the renewal of the cuts on
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the base, and also making some wounds near them, and then submerging two
or three cm of this base in the solution for five seconds.
Weaker solutions can be also used, but the base of the cuttings must be
submerged longer. As an example, in a solution of 100 ppm, the cuttings must
be submerged for one hour.
The establishment of a new vineyard is a task with many different
stages. As cultivated grapes build adventitious roots so easily, forming
new plants from cuttings is the main method used in the commercial
propagation of vines.
The first stage in the propagation of both rooted and grafted vines usually
involves making hardwood cuttings from dormant canes of the last season's
Nearly all grape varieties, whether for fruiting or rootstocks, are propagated by
cuttings usually grown in a nursery for one year to produce rootings.
Occasionally, unrooted cuttings are planted directly in the vineyard. The
cuttings may be grafted before being planted in the nursery to produce bench
graft one year later in the nursery, or after two or more years in the vineyard.
• Choosing a nursery site. Ideal nursery soil is deep, friable, sandy, well-
drained loam, and free of parasitic organisms like phyloxera,
nematodes or pathogenic fungus. Thus, an analysis of fertility and for
nematodes are strongly recommended.
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• Planting the nursery. The planting distances for cuttings in a nursery vary
according to the equipment used. This can range from a hand plough
pulled by a horse to a medium size tractor with big plows and discs.
The most recommended distances are from 0.8 to 1 m between rows
and 0.1 m. (10 cm) between cuttings (FIG 11). At these distances,
125,000 to 100,000 cuttings can be planted in each hectare (about
4,000 per faddan).
The method of planting varies with the size of the nursery, the
equipment at hand, and the availability of irrigation. If water is
available at planting time, a handmade trench 40 cm wide and 30 cm
deep can be dug. Before planting the cuttings, water is applied along
the full length of this furrow which is then filled with soft soil to one
half its depth. The cuttings are then placed vertically in the middle of
the trench and more soil is added. This should be tradded, then
mounded, and a new irrigation applied.
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FIG 11. A nursery planted with 125,000 cuttings per hectare. Rows are
mounded and irrigation is done by furrows. Cuttings are just bursting.
Both methods described here are just examples of what can be used
in nursery planting. The important thing is that the cuttings should be
buried leaving only one or two buds above the soil level. The cuttings
should be irrigated as soon as posible, or during the planting itself.
The most desirable canes for cuttings are of medium size, with
internodes of moderate length. Very short internodes usually indicate
Manual of Viticulture
The outer bark should be of the typical colour of the variety light to
dark or purplish brown and without green or clear blotches that
indicate immature areas. Black or dark spots in the internode may be
caused by Powdery mildew (Oidium Tuckerii) that attacked the plant
when the shoots were still green, but such spots frequently are just
scars, the fungus not present there (FIG 13). More care should be
given to clear spots surrounded by a black line (FIG 14) that appear
close to the base of the shoot or near one of the basal buds. In many
cases, they are caused by an attack of Phomopsis viticola, a fungus
that can live in such scars.
When the cane is cut, the inner bark should appear full of sap, green
and brilliant. On Vitis vinifera varieties, cuttings are most commonly
made from 1 to 1.5 cm in diameter. It is better to avoid those less
than 1 cm at the small end. Those larger than two centimeters can
make poor rooting, unless they are well-matured. American and
rootstock varieties usually have thinner canes. In this case, wood of
average and smaller size is acceptable.
(1) (2)
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the grafting or budding should be made under this top bud. Such
disbudding is essential to avoid suckers later in the vineyard, because
removing suckers is laborious and costly. The future emergence of
rootstock sprouts in the nursery and in the vineyard can weaken the
shoots of the variety grafted, so that failure to disbud may result in a
short-lived vineyard.
Table #1
Date of nursery Percentage Percentage Medium
establishment of plants of first class size
obtained plants roots
June 20th 95% 69% 15.3 cm
• Storing already made cuttings. Pruning has to be done at the best time
of the year, so sometimes the cuttings should be made and kept
under proper conditions if the nursery is to be planted later. Many
reasons can be cited for this delay, e. g., the area selected for the
planting is occupied with other crops; too many different labors at
the same time (pruning and trying of vine canes); newly acquired
land not yet available for planting, etc. In these cases, whenever the
cuttings are made, precautions must be taken to prevent drying.
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they can be stored in a trench made in some shaded site one meter
deep and one meter wide in any well-drained location. It is better to
bury them inverted, tops down, and completely covered with sand or
sawdust and sprinkled periodically to maintain humidity, but not too
much, as fungus can develop and fermentation start. Two layers of
bundles can be buried in this way.
If cold storage facilities exist, the best way to keep cuttings in good
condition is to put them in well-sealed plastic bags. If this operation is
performed with cuttings as soon as they are made, it is not necessary
to wet them nor to add fungicide of any class, if this material is
obtained from normal, healthy plants. In this way, the cuttings can be
maintained completely alive at 3 to 6°C for a long time without losing
their humidity.
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• Lifting of the plants. Rootlings are usually lifted during winter. This work
can be done by hand or by mechanical implements. A U-shaped or L-
shaped digger fitted to a tractor can be used to cut the roots and lift
the vines. The tops should be pruned back before lifting.
After lifting the plants, they should be prepared for selling or for
planting by grading them according to the quality of their roots and by
making bundles of 25 or 50 plants. If bundles are made too large,
rootlings in the center may dry during storage. They should be labeled
and completely heeled in trenches or at least their roots, in humid,
soft soil or sand, and stacked in the shade. In this condition, plants
can be held for one or two months without damage.
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This type of layering is used only to replace missing vines in an adult vineyard
where it may be difficult to fill the empty spaces by replanting because of the
competition for water, nutrients and, particularly, for light. In layering, the
cane that is rooting subsists due to the foods that the mother vine supplies.
These foods are not only mineral nutriments but also organic components for
the growth of roots and shoots because the leaves just formed on the bent
cane, developing in the shade, are almost inhibited from elaborating such
components in the amount needed for growth. This is also the reason why
replanting in an old vineyard is seldom successful.
To improve this operation, a small ring of wire located in the deepest point of
the bent cane. After the bud bursts, this part will grow only in diameter, and
girdling is produced soon with initial damage affecting the phloem only. Thus,
for some time, the future plant receives food through the xylem and the
organic components elaborated by its own new leaves do not go through the
phloem to the mother vine's roots, but directly to its own root system. Plants
formed in this way are much better than those not ringed with of wire.
In the trench layer system, the mother plant is formed very short over the soil
to obtain many canes that are laid in the bottom of 30 cm deep trenches dug
in early spring as rays around the mother plant. The canes are fixed by a
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The mound layer system is based on the same principle, but layers are made
in a different way, covering the head of low-headed vines with soil through the
growing season and leaving the tips of the growing shoots exposed. Each
shoot roots near its base and during the next winter it can be removed from
the parent stock as a rooted vine plant.
The difference between these two terms is minimal. Both consist of the
connection of two pieces of living plant tissue in such a manner that
they unite and subsequently grow and develop as one plant. In grafting,
a piece of cane that can carry one or two buds is used. In budding, the
material consists of only one bud removed from a shoot or cane.
• Why graft?
Grapevines are grafted for one or more of the following reasons:
* To obtain vines of a fruiting variety with a root system tolerant to
parasitic organisms like phyloxera, nematodes, insect larvae or other
subterranean pests and diseases.
Most varieties that produce fruit with desirable characteristics are
susceptible to the attacks of phyloxera and nematodes. Phyloxera still
does not exist in Egypt, but it is in Europe, so this pest can enter Egypt at
any moment. Egypt has good clay soils in the Delta and in the Beni Suef
region very suitable for this insect. Nematodes are found in many regions
of the country. The only known practical and permanent means of
growing susceptible varieties in soils badly infested by this type of pest is
to graft them on resistant or tolerant rootstocks.
* To obtain vines on roots tolerant to certain soil conditions.
Many fruiting varieties can not stand conditions such as high lime or high
water table. Salinity and, to some extent, top soils with impervious
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hardpan close to the soil surface, are also conditions that could be
avoided with the use of rootstocks.
* To purify mixed varieties in an established vineyard.
* To change the variety of an established vineyard.
* To increase the supply of new varieties rapidly.
This is the most efficient way to obtain, in a short time, a great amount
of propagation material from recently imported or scarce varieties.
* To increase production and to advance or retard fruit maturity.
The callus is a white healing tissue very succulent at the beginning (FIG
15), formed by the meristematic cambium to seal any wound, and in this
case, necessary to establish a living contact between scion and stock. If two
pieces of the same variety, or recently cut different but compatible varieties or
species are put together, with both cambiums brought in intimate contact, and
with good environmental conditions (time of the year, temperature, humidity,
safe from oxidation of the callus cells and from direct sun light that can burn
their new tissue), both callues will form in contact one with the other, mixing
their cells. Soon, through this fused common tissue, other anatomical parts of
both components will re-establish. The outer, exposed layers of cells in the
cambial region of both scion and stock produce parenchyma cells which soon
interlock. Certain cells are transformed into new vascular tissue, xylem towards
the inside and phloem towards the outside, thus establishing the vascular
connection between the scion and the stock, a requirement for a successful
graft union.
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Certainly, these types of changes are not always observable. For instance,
the advancement of maturity is very rare, but not its delay. This depends
mainly on the vigour of the plant which is easily increased by using vigorous
rootstocks. No changes in varietal characteristics have been produced by
grafting. A white grape retains its white color, even if it has been grafted to a
black variety. A muscat variety will give muscat flavored grapes, no matter on
what stock it is grown. A phylloxera resistant stock retains its resistance,
regardless of the scion variety grafted on it.
In the past, bench grafting was the most common method of producing
grafted vines of the desired fruiting variety on roots with different
characteristics, like resistance to phylloxera or to some species of nematodes.
Usually the work is done in some well-adapted warehouse where the operators
make the grafts on a bench in late winter or early spring. The material used
for scions and for stocks are cane cuttings made during the winter at
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pruning time. Thus, this material is in full dormancy and kept in cold storage
for some time and used when required.
All the wood used in this system of grafting should be selected in the same
way as cuttings to be planted in a nursery. The canes for both scion and
rootstock cuttings are often cut 1 m long and cut as desired for grafting.
Just before grafting, the stock and scion material are removed from storage
and soaked in water for 12 to 24 hours. The stocks are cut 30 cm in length
and scions to a single bud. The rootstock buds have to be removed with a
sharp knife or pruning shears to prevent the growth of stock suckers that
sometimes, inhibit the union with the scion. Both stock and scion should be
graded according to diameter at the top of the stock, where the graft is to be
made. Accuracy in grading greatly facilitates and speeds the grafting
This labor may be done by hand (hand grafting), using the whip and tongue
system, whereby a long, slant whip or diagonal cut is made in both elements
and a tongue is built with a second cut. With some skill, the tongue of the
stock is introduced into the cut of the scion, and viceversa (FIG 16).
FIG 16. Whip and tongue system of grafting. a) Slanting cut canes to be
grafted. b) Second cut to make a tongue. c) both components already fitted
and tied with elastic ribbon. (Adapted from Winkler et al, 1974.)
Different types of machines are often used for this kind of graft, like the
"omega type" that makes a cut like the final letter of the Greek alphabet, both
in the stock and scion, but leaving in one of them a prominence like a
trunnion, and in the other, a hole. Both elements should fit very well (FIG
17). The saw type is an electrical machine that makes cuts like those used
to assemble the boards of a drawer. The whip and tongue cuts can
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also be done mechanically with a machine that makes them in both partners in
only one movement. There is also the spike or V-shaped cut machine, in which
the cut is made with two knives in a way that will be described later for
topworking, making a cleft in the top of the rootstock cutting in which the
spike is inserted (FIG 18).
Once completed, all these types of bench grafting should be placed under
favourable conditions of moisture, temperature and aeration to obtain the
growth of the callus. As all the elements employed are dormant at the time of
grafting, the temperature must reach 25° to 28°C to allow the growth
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processes to bring about the rooting of the stock, the sprouting of the scion,
and the joining of one with the other.
One way to accomplish these tasks is to place bundles of newly made graft
in large boxes ("bins") stratified with wet sawdust, and to use a solution of a
fungicide, like Euparen, Botran or others, to keep the callus free of Botrytis
infection, since the temperature and humidity are ideal for its development. In
about 20 days, the callus should be formed, appearing as a mass of white
tissue along the union. This is the moment to paint this tissue with a warm
mixture made of 1 parts bee wax and 2 part lanolin. This mixture melts at
60°C, and should be applied with a small brush, or else the scion and union
should be dipped in it at a temperature just above the melting point. After
cooling, the dip can be repeated if necessary. If the wax is too hot, it may
injure the callus or the bud.
The grafts can be planted in small pots or containers, such as small plastic
bags, or cartons, and are kept for 2 or 3 weeks in a plastic house with a 70%
shade cloth to harden the callus. They should be put in the containers with the
basal end 5 cm from the bottom of the pot to allow room for good root
• Field grafting.
There are many systems to make field graftings. Usually, in small plants in
nurseries or in newly planted vineyards, hand grafts of the same type
described in bench grafting ("whip and tongue" and "chip budding") can be
made. Also, some commercial nurserymen plant rootstocks in a, nursery and
graft a number of plants one year later, according to the clients' orders relative
to the quantity of each combination of fruit and rootstock varieties, the
number of grafted plants to be delivered as bare roots and ready to be
established in a definitive site in the vineyard during the next winter. In this
case, chip budding is the most commonly used, since it can be done during
summer taking the buds from mature wood of the same vegetative period. The
bud will weld only in that period and will not burst until the next spring.
Nevertheless, the already grafted plants can be dug up from the nursery and
planted in the vineyard to begin growth on site when conditions become
When taking rooted grafted plants to the field, the union should be left
above ground level to avoid the growth of roots from the scion, which can
provoke the death of the rootstock (FIG 20).
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Other types of field grafting are used for changing varieties. In fact, if such
a change is needed, grafting is much better and faster than pulling up the old
vineyard and planting a new one. For adult vineyards, the "cleft graft" and
the "T bud" are the most commonly used grafting systems.
FIG 19. Chip bud grafting. 1-2. Chip bud is cut from the scion wood. 3. Matching cuts
are made in the stock. 4-5. The chip bud is inserted and wrapped with plastic tape and
fitted in a new plant in late summer. 6. Scion shoot begins to grow the following
spring. 7. The top is cut off the rootstock and the budding tape is also cut. (Adapted
from Nicholas et al, IN Viticulture, Winetitles, Australia. 1995.)
Manual of Viticulture
FIG 21. Spikes or "V" shaped pieces of cane with one bud preserved in humid sawdust
in a box during topwork operation to avoid dehydration. Notice the hand machine used
to cut spikes.
• Cleft grafting.
This graft should be made at the end of winter or the beginning of spring,
or even later if the wood of the fruiting variety has been kept in cold storage.
Vines with trunks over 3 cm in diameter are suitable for cleft grafting.
The vine is sawn off 20 to 120 cm above ground level, some ten days before
making the graft. This allows the trunk to bleed, i. e., it permis the almost pure
water already aborbed from the soil that fills the conductive tubes of the xylem
to leak. Otherwise, if the graft is made immediately after sawing the trunk, this
water will inhibit the formation of the union because of the shortage of
oxygen. Thus, the callus can not grow in water. After the ten days, the trunk is
split to a depth of 4 to 5 cm with a knife and a hammer, and the cut kept open
with a metal wedge like a screw driver to allow one or two spikes to be placed
in site, the cambium of both spikes coinciding with that of the trunk. The
spikes or "V" shaped little pieces of cane with a bud at their tops, can be made
by hand with a sharp knife, or with a machine with two knives on a chassis
operated by a crowbar (FIG 21).
The screw driver is then removed, causing the spikes to stay firmly fitted.
The split between the spikes should be filled with saw dust already moist with
a fungicide solution. This material should also be applied to all the sawn
surfaces of the trunk and then covered with a plastic bag of appropriate size.
Little holes in the bag that allow the ends of both spikes with the buds to
protrude. The trunk should be tied firmly a few centimeters below the saw cut
and the holes in the plastic sealed with a piece of masking tape (FIG 22).
Manual of Viticulture
Manual of Viticulture
Manual of Viticulture
At bloom, the bark of large vines is thick and will separate readily from the
central wood, even as late as June in Egypt. This is because the cambium in
these months is very active, producing cells that are very succulent with thin
friable walls.
A bud and a thin layer of wood are sliced from a mature cane and placed
beneath the bark of the stock. To remove the bud, the cut should be started 3
cm below the bud and the knife dawn straight upward just beneath the bud 2
to 3 cm above it. Then the shield-shaped bud piece should be cut off straight
across near the top of the first cut. The back side of the bud piece must be
smooth and straight.
The plants are sawn off, and then, a few centimeters under this cut, a T-
shaped incision is made through the bark. To insert the bud, the bark on each
side of the vertical cut should be peeled up just below the horizontal cut. The
bud piece is then pushed down until it is entirely covered by the bark of the
stock, with only the bud projecting through the vertical slit. The whole should
be tied with budding-rubber strips or with grafting plastic-ribbon plastic (FIG
The bud should burst no more than 15 days later. As in the previous case,
the new shoot must be tied to a wire or post to secure it so it cannot be
• Final warning.
A general advice for all the systems of field grafting in old plants, as well as
in nursery rootings, is that all suckers growing from the trunk must be rubbed
off as soon as they appear.
Manual of Viticulture
With drip irrigation, the topography of the site has lost much of its importance.
Using compensate drippers, one can establish a vineyard where some years ago it
would have been considered nearly impossible. At least in Chile, vineyards have
climbed to hills of an a incredible height (FIG 24). Fortunately, this is not the case
for Egypt, where almost all of the territory is flat or with minimal topographic
irregularities. Nevertheless, depth, texture and composition of the soil can affect
yield, quality and cultivation costs. Deep fertile soils favor heavy crops and lower
the costs of production. Shallower and less fertile soils cannot compete with those
in the production of low cost grapes, unless a very good fertilization program can
be established, but obviously fertilizers are expensive. From this standpoint, the
choice of a soil is fundamental.
Manual of Viticulture
be fully eradicated by soil fumigation. The population lessens, but after a few
years, it will increase to its previous level, or even a greater if the nematodes find
enough nutritive resources, such as vine roots.
The site of the future vineyard should be cleared of trees, stumps, rocks
and any other obstruction that could interfere with the care of the vineyard. There
may sometimes be a reluctance to remove trees that have aesthetic value, but a
decision to leave them is often regretted later; as well as competing with a
surprisingly large area of vines, trees within or close to the edge of a vineyard
harbor parasites and are an obstacle to mechanization, especially aerial spraying.
Cultivated land that has been well farmed may require little or no clearing.
Virgin soils always require great labor to prepare them. Cultivated land that has
been poorly farmed usually contains many noxious weeds. Treatment to eradicate
or at least reduce the pressure of such plants before establishing the vineyards
always pays off. Noxious weeds can be eradicated by using specific chemical
herbicides, according to the species in the field, or by special methods of
The soil should be prepared by a good ploughing The depth to which the
soil should be broken up depends on its nature and previous treatment. Where it is
uniform in texture and not depleted in fertility, and without having plough sole,
ordinary ploughing from 20 to 25 cm, like preparing for wheat sowing, is enough.
If poor practice has permitted the development of a plough sole or heavy use by
cattle has formed a hard layer, subsoiling or deep ploughing should be used to
break these up, especially along the planting lines (FIG 25).
FIG 25. Deep ploughing along planting lines to improve the soil conditions.
When the soil is non-uniform in depth, or if water penetration is not steady, the
irrigation system must be designed to meet these irregularities and the water
applied accordingly. If this is not taken into account, the shallow soils will be over
irrigated, thus building up a water table, or the deep soils will not be used to their
full potential owing to a lack of water.
Manual of Viticulture
The planting of rootlings is preferred over cuttings. However, there are examples
where, with careful management and good conditions, vineyards have been
successfully established from cuttings. In fact, such vineyards may develop better
than those planted with a rooted vine one year later, because the root system
grows in its definitive place, without suffering any damage that requires a delay for
recovery. Favorable factors include warm, well-drained soils, good water and
nutrient supply, freedom from weeds, pests and diseases, and the use of callused
or hormone treated cuttings.
FIG 26. A) Grafting a plant with the chip-bud method during late summer of the
previous year to obtain bagged plants ready to place in site in spring or summer of the
following year. B) Two plants already grafted on tolerant rootstocks to be taken to the
planting site.
Manual of Viticulture
For large new plantings, it is desirable to use a plough fitted to the 3-point
linkage of a tractor to make irrigation furrows. In slightly humid soils, plants can be
distributed and set very rapidly, and then followed, as soon as possible, with an
irrigation (FIG 28).
Manual of Viticulture
The grapevine, like any other member of the Vitis genus, is a climbing
plant, provided with tendrils on most of its nodes to sustain the shoots when
growing. These need some kind of support for at least the first two or three years
to strengthen the increasing weight. After this period, and mostly in rainy areas
and non-irrigated soils, the plants form a small trunk that eliminates the need for a
support if a very drastic pruning system is used. Such vineyards are common for
low quality wine production. This, of course, is not the case of Egyptian viticulture,
where the climate does not allow grape culture without irrigation and the crop is
mainly grown for table grape production.
Several types of trellis can be built for this purpose. In almost every grape
region of the world, grape growers have invented or selected one or two kinds of
support. The main condition that a trellis system must meet for the production of
quality table grapes is to allow easy access to both foliage and clusters with
chemicals for pest and disease control, with hormones such as giberellic acid, and
with the operator's hands for bunch pollination, thinning of clusters or berries,
and foliage management.
Over the last decade, there has been an increasing awareness of the role
that foliage management can play in improving the quality of table grapes. This
continues to be an active area of research. Chilean viticulture has obtained world
recognition for the quality of its grape production because almost 96% of its table
grape area has been established using only one system: the Spanish "parron" (FIG
29), an overhead horizontal trellis of beams and wires. Chile has increased its
Manual of Viticulture
export market of table grapes to 1 million tons in 1997, with a value of almost
$US 380 million. The principal consumers of Chilean grapes are the USA, and
today, Americans are used to finding grapes year-round. Out of every three kilos
they eat, one is from Chile (Table # 2).
1969 4.2 0.8 1.2 6.2
1970 4.8 1.2 1.3 7.3
1980 5.1 1.7 1.3 8.1
1990 5.5 2.2 1.6 9.3
1996 7.4 4.4 1.8 13.6
Based on these reasons, this author feels that the Spanish "parron" should be
adopted as the type of trellis for quality table grapes for export in Egypt. This
system is described in this hanbook, including the steps for building the trellis itself,
and for the necessary foliage and grape management.
The objections usually given for this type of trellis are the high cost involved
in its building and management, and the excessive shading it provides that
Manual of Viticulture
Let me comment on these objections. About the cost, the Spanish "parron"
can be more expensive than other systems, but, in the long run, it is less costly
than the systems usually employed in Egypt. The iron "Y" structures are more
expensive than the simple materials used in the Spanish "parron". Compared with
the California "telephone" structure, with two crosspieces (the double "T"), where
each plant is supported by a post, the Spanish "parron" is much cheaper. Starting
from already prepared soil, leveled, ploughed and harrowed, the direct cost of a 4
by 4 m plantation in the Spanish "parron" system is no more than 70% of the cost
of the "telephone" system, which requires central posts of better quality than those
used in a "parron" because they have to be self-supporting, buried at least 50 cm
in the soil. The central post in the Spanish "parron" is positioned only on the
surface of the soil. Moreover, the number of posts used in a vineyard formed in
the "telephone" system, planted at a spacing of 2.4 m between rows, and at 1.5 m
between vines, is 2,666 per hectare. In the Spanish "parron", established at 4 x 4
m, only 625 posts are used per hectare. Furthermore, maintenance costs of a
"telephone" system are much higher than those for the Spanish "parron". In the
"telephone" system, as well as in any other less compact one or made with
galvanized wires, the wires should be stretched once a year. The Spanish "parron",
a very compact structure, does not need such expensive care. Its firmness lies in
its peripherial structure composed of a chain of very strong wire supported on the
higher part of each sloping head post, which, in turn, is firmly tied with strong
wires (called "reins") to the anchor buried in a way that the post, the rein and the
ground form an isosceles triangle. This provides a tremendous capacity to sustain,
together with the vertical central posts, like a table does, the weight of both the
foliage and the grapes.
FIG. 30. Spanish "parron" during grape dormancy in the Valley of Copiapo, 820 km
north of Santiago.
Manual of Viticulture
With respect to the second objection to the Spanish "parron" trellis which refers
to the supposed excessive shadow it provides, to this author fells that there is not a
justification for it at all. Since the foliage is distributed in an overhead and horizontal
plane (FIG 30 and 31), the buds that are to be choser for the next year´s pruning,
would be shaded tardy in the
preceding vegetative period, which is
quite different to what happens in
many othersystems of trellis (for
instance, three-wire vertically trained
vineyards, Californian ¨T¨ and double
"T" trellis), where there is a mass
formed by leaves and shoots, and
where ithe fruit canes are shaded
early in the vegetative period, and the
clusters get mixed and confused with
the shoots and leaves. This is what
occurs in most of the systems in
which the foliage is in a vertical plane,
receiving sunlight only during some
hours of the day.
Manual of Viticulture
* Anchors support the structure on the soil. There are many different types of
anchors, like those made with a simple stone tied with iron wires and buried 0.8 to 1 m
deep. This type is not
recommended for all cases,
because in humid and acid soils, or
in soils rich in alkaline components,
the iron can be eventually
weakened, causing the collapse of
the parron. Most convenient are
the concrete anchors (disc or
inverted "T" types) than can be
built on the farm with molds (FIG
32). These concrete posts or
anchors are made in molds without
a bottom cover. They are simply
placed in a film of plastic over
cement soil, and filled with the
mixed cement. They have to be
stay in site for three days and
wetted periodically to obtain a
good set. Then, the molds can be
removed, but the concrete pieces
should be left for another three
days before being moved to the
site of the parron.
Manual of Viticulture
FIG 33. Chilean workers building a Spanish parron. Notice the heavy
concrete head posts being installed.
* Master wires supported by the central posts in both directions. These wires have
to support the thinner wires that support maintain the weight of the foliage and the
grapes. The master wires are tied near the top of each post. The type of wires
that can be used as masters are Nº 12 galvanized, Nº 17/15 galvanized and semi-
steeled, and 1.6 mm stainless steel, in the longer lines of the parron (with 200 m)
and combined with 1.4 mm for the shorter ones (150 m).
* Grid wires, four thin wires placed between two posts in both directions. Here the
Nº 14 galvanized, or the 2 mm stainless steel wire is used.
The stainless steel wire has the advantage of being almost everlasting, and does
not suffer corrosion from the use of chemicals. It does not stretch like the others
do. It is easier to place and if used correctly, although a little more expensive, it
proves to be cheaper in the long run.
• Steps in the building of a Spanish parron for where each corner and head
Two corner posts should be placed in each corner of the parron to keep each side
of the parron independent from the other and prevent it from being pulled down
Manual of Viticulture
The price of stainless steel provided by Spain for the Egyptian market, including all
expenses like taxes, transportation, etc. is as follows: 1.2 mm US$4.237/ton; 1.4
mm, US$3.704/ton; 1.6 mm, US$3.590/ton.
The equivalents of these different kinds of wire is shown in the following tables:
Table No. 3 shows the standards of stainless steel wires for building a block of a 5-
hectare Spanish parron. Table No. 4 compares the characteristics of the stainless
steel and the galvanized iron. The amount of wires needed and the cost is specified
in Table No. 5
Manual of Viticulture
Table No. 3
Standards of Stainless Steel Wire According To Diameter
Diameter Resistance Meters Weight Guaranteed development
(mm) (k) (per kilo) (k/bobbin) (m/bobbin)
1.2 150 115 13.35 1.500
1.4 200 82 13.30 1.100
1.6 260 64 12.65 800
Table No. 4
Comparison Between Stainless Steel and Cultivated Iron Wire
Galvanized Wire Stainless Steel Wire Savings
Diameter Kilos Mts/Kilo Diameter Kilos Mts/Kilo in weight
(mm) 1,000 (mm) 1.000 m
2.20 29.65 33 1.2 8.82 115 70%
2.40 35.29 28 1.4 12.01 82 66%
2.70 44.66 22 1.6 15.68 64 65%
Table No. 5
Cost of Stainless Steel Compared To Galvanized Iron Wire
Galvanized Stainless Steel
Meters Diam. Kilo Price/kl Total Diam. Kilo Price/kl Total
mm $ US $ US Kilo $US $US
Reins 2,360 2.7 107 0.66 71 1.6 37 4.23 156
Chain 1,800 2.7 82 0.66 54 1.6 28 4.23 109
Master 27,000 2.4 964 0.66 636 1.4 330 3.70 1,221
Grid 102,480 2.2 3.105 0.66 2,049 1.2 900 3.10 2,790
Total $US 2,810 $US 4,276
As shown in Table No. 4, the use of galvanized wire is apparently more convenient
than the use of stainless steel. Nevertheless, the price of galvanized wire available
in Egyptian metal stores is not real because it is German wire at sale prices. In
Chile, its price is about $US 1.20/kl while in Cairo, the author has seen wire that
was peeling at the points where the wire was bent, and, a week later, the wire
started showing signs of oxidation. My advice to the Egyptian grape growers is to
build their vineyards, whatever the system with good materials. A new vineyard is
installed to last at least 25 or more years. The expense in better wire, better posts,
better soil preparation and better plants is worth it.
Manual of Viticulture
Manual of Viticulture
The recommended pre-emergent herbicides during the first two years are
Devrinol (napropamide), Surflan (oryzakin), Goal (oxyfluorfen), and Solicam
(norflourfen), at specific rates. Treflan (trifluralin) can be used as preplanting
treatment if weed presure is heavy. All these materials need to be mixed into the
soil and wetted by rain or irrigation within 20 days. Simazine is another good pre-
emergence herbicide; it is cheap and does not need incorporation into the soil, but
must be used carefully because it can damage young vines, especially in sandy
Where herbicides are not used, early and frequent tillage along the planting line
is needed to prevent weeds from becoming a major problem. Different machinery
and implements are available for this purpose. Such implements work best if there
is a mound made by hand or with a V-knife plow that raises some soil along the
trellis line (FIG 34).
Manual of Viticulture
From the beginning of training and pruning the young vines, the grower must
know the final shape desired in the mature vines. Otherwise, he will make errors
and the mature vines will be defective. Their correction, if feasible, is costly and
requires large wounds.
When vines are planted on their own roots, only the two-bud spur of the
rootling should be above the surface of the ground. With grafted vines, the graft
union must also be above the surface. If not, the scion will root and the rootstock
may die, and the objective and effort of the grafting labor will be lost. After some
time, the results of a nematode atack appears on these roots. (FIG 35).
FIG 35. This vineyard has been planted in heavy parasitic nematode infected soil
Bench-grafted plants were placed too deep, with the union under level ground causing
the growth of adventitious roots from the scion resulting in the death of the rootstock.
The scion roots were attacked by the nematodes.
Manual of Viticulture
There are different systems for vine training, according to the environmental
conditions and the vigor and type of the variety. In soils of poor to moderate
fertility, with not very vigorous varieties and in warm to cool regions, training
should be slower than in a rich soil with vigorous varieties in warm to hot localities.
We see both situations in Fig. 36. The first case, we call "traditional", is the
most frequently used all over the world for wine grapes and sometimes for table
grapes. No summer pruning is done, and staking is optional. The objective of not
pruning is to allow the root to increase its growth, the bigger the foliar surface, the
stronger the root development. Where variety, heat, soil and water favor very rapid
growth, the first two seasons of the traditional system work can be done in one
season. Therefore, the treatment for the second year, as described here for more
usual conditions, will be done the first year.
Manual of Viticulture
First, let us continue with the description of the stages in the traditional
system. At the end of the first growth, the young vines have made an above-
ground growth of at least one or more canes 40 to 100 cm long, and they should
have a strong, wide spread, and penetrating root system.
The vines are pruned in winter after the leaves have fallen. Only one cane is
reserved, and this is usually cut back to two buds. In the second year, if the
growth is vigorous a new cane may be left, but it must be 0.8 cm (the width of a
common lead pencil) in diameter or more. Moreover, vines should be staked or
trellised if these operations have not been done before.
In spring, as soon as the new shoots are long enough to be tied (about 20
cm), all of them but the one that is strong and well positioned for growing
vertically along the stake should be rubbed off. All other shoots should be
removed from the old wood as soon as they begin to develop, and laterals that
grow on the lower half of the reserved shoot broken off. The selected shoot has
to be fastened to the stake every 30 cm until it reaches about 50 cm over the
desired height. Then it has to be topped at the height of the trunk. In a Spanish
parron this must be done a few centimeters below the master wires in order to
stimulate lateral branching. The four upper laterals should remain untouched and
the rest tipped off to stop their growth.
Manual of Viticulture
FIG 38. The selected shoot is left to grow until it reaches about 50 cm over the desired
height. Then it has to be topped at the height of the trunk. In a Spanish parron this
must be done a few centimeters below the master wires.
During the next ? pruning time the plant trunks with more than 1.5 cm at
the crown (near the soil) height should be selected and reserved. If not, cut them
again to 2 to 4 buds. If the cane is wide enough, but it has not developed good
laterals, cut the trunk at the first node below the height where the head is desired
and eliminate the weak laterals. If these laterals are sufficiently strong, cut them
to 2 buds, as spurs, to allow growth of the branches in the next spring (FIG 39).
Manual of Viticulture
FIG 39. If, at the end of the growing season, the shoots of a newly planted parron are
too thin, it is advisable to cut them, leaving only two buds in order to obtain a stronger
trunk the following year.
From this stage four principal branches should be formed in the Spanish
parron, all supported in the crossing master wires. Later, from these, four
secondary branches must be left, each one on the same side of each principal
branch; thus, the foliage distribution over the horizontal structure of the parron is
excellent. This scheme is appropriate for every variety.
The second system to train the vines, which we call "precocious production"
can be performed in favorable conditions of vigor (almost all table grape varieties
meet this requirement). In the first summer after planting, a shoot must be
selected, rubbing off all the rest. This shoot will be tied to the stake, permitting
the growth of all its laterals. When the tip of the shoot reaches 50 cm over the
height of the parron, it will be cut to 5 cm below this height, tipping all the
laterals except the four chosen for branches, During the next winter, all the
Manual of Viticulture
laterals have to be eliminated except the four selected for branches. Sometimes,
when the conditions are too favorable, the growth in diameter of these four
branches can be excessive for the sap conductivity of the trunk, resulting in an
unbalanced situation. If this is the case, five or six 4-bud laterals of the trunk
should be maintained to devigorize and balance the excessive growth of the
branches. In any case, in this second summer, some crop can be obtained and
although its quality will probably not be excellent, some extra income can be
earned if sold in the local market (See FIG 34).
Manual of Viticulture
Winter pruning, also called "dry" pruning because of the appearance of the
plant when done, may be carried out during the dormant period. Pruning has
important implications for vine function and its influences are seen in the form
and size of the vine, the balance between vegetative and fruit growth, and the
quantity and quality of fruit production.
There are two general types of winter pruning where in almost all the
known "systems" could be included. One, which was the first proposed, is the
so-called Guyot system, where the shape of the arbour is composed of "units",
each formed by two kinds of pruning elements: long bearer canes and 2 bud
replacement spurs. With long-cane pruning varieties (Thompson Seedless and its
descendants), two or three bearing canes are grown from each of these eight
branches, so, if 2.5 of them are placed on each branch, there will be about 15
canes in each plant. At least one replacement spur should be left for each cane.
The canes that bear the clusters are about 8 to 20 nodes long. The spurs
Manual of Viticulture
that must be left closer to the trunk with respect to the cane, can provide the
bearer cane for the following season. The vines are generally trained with a
number of composed units, depending on the trellis system, which can vary from
two to fourteen or even more.
FIG 40. A) A Thompson Seedless Spanish parron where long-canes were left during
pruning to obtain better production from the distal buds. B) A Ribier Spanish parron.
Observe that almost all the buds that were left during pruning are placed in cordons
with spurs.
Thus, in every winter pruning, the whole cane retained during the previous
winter is removed and a new cane and spurs are left from the replacement spur
of the previous year. In this manner, the productive parts of the plant, the canes
that are renewed every year, are maintained near the trunk of the vine.
Otherwise, under the effects of acrotony, previously explained, the site of the
emission of productive canes would be farther from the trunk every year.
The cane bearer system is necessary for varieties in which the differentiated
Manual of Viticulture
primordiums are found mainly from the third or fourth node to the fifteenth or
FIG 41. An Egyptian table grape vineyard where the productive wood is located inside a
too crowded foliage. Grape clusters are difficult to prepare for high quality, and harvest
is troublesome.
Other summer cultural practices are also performed, like clearing of the foliage by
disposal of the improductive shoots and elimination of some leaves to allow
penetration of light, thus avoiding the development of botrytis infection that can
occur when the foliage is too dense.
Manual of Viticulture
• Girdling
Girdling is the removal of a 3 to 6 mm wide complete ring of bark down to
the cambium in a circle around the trunk or arms. It severs the phloem and
interrupts the transport of carbohydrates to the roots, thus increasing the amount
of these food materials and hormones to the part of the vine above the cut.
Girdlings can be made at different phenological stages for different results. To
improve set, they should be made a week before flowering, and to increase berry
size, immediately after fruit set. To improve coloring and advance ripening, vines
should be girdled just before veraison, which is the name given to the moment
when ripening begins.
Best results are obtained from vigorous vines having only a light to
moderate crop, because the effect of girdling in increasing berry size is markedly
reduced by an increase in an above normal crop. Girdling never should be done
on the same vine more than once a year, and repeated girdling over a number of
years may reduce bunch size and the life expectancy of the plant. Some varieties
are very sensitive to girdling, so one has to be very careful when making a
decision about this operation.
Manual of Viticulture
Precautions should be taken because not all seedless varieties respond in the same
manner, some being too sensitive to this hormone.
• Cluster thinning.
In cluster thinning, entire clusters are removed to reduce their number on the
vines, leaving only the quantity that can be adequately nourished by the plant.
This is an important means of improving quality, when less severe pruning is
needed and, in the absence of excess crops, the capacity of the vine is increased
for both growth and production. With crop control achieved by cluster thinning,
Manual of Viticulture
the quality of grapes is improved owing to the increase in the ratio of leaves to
This type of thinning can be achieved when looking for two different results.
If done before flowering, as used on varieties that usually set straggly clusters, in
addition to the increased size of the berries, an increase of set per bunch is
obtained. Thus, the quality is improved. If this thinning is done after blooming,
when the quantity of berries on each cluster is already decided, the effect of
girdling is to increase the size of those berries. This type of cluster thinning is
frequently practiced in varieties that often set dense clusters, but the following
labor is always required.
• Berry thinning
This is the most complicated operation among the techniques to
improve grape quality. It is absolutely necessary for diminishing the
compactness of bunches derived from genetic factors or as a result of
technical handling, such as the previously discussed girdling, cluster
thinning or application of gibberellic acid (GA3).
Manual of Viticulture
dense, clearing is done to avoid berry compactness that, in some cases, can
cause tem to. When this happens, soon botrytis infection develops and the whole
bunch is lost.
* The fish spine or fish bone, a simple system where the bunch is held by
its tip with a hand and two parallel cuts are made with a very sharp knife, each
one on each side of the axis of the rachis, but without injuring it. The resulting
bunch is very flat, but as the berries grow, the respective ramification occupies
the space around the axis (FIG 45).
Manual of Viticulture
This author has developed a new system that consists of a very early cutting of
the cluster. It is best done when this organ has about about 5 cm, leaving only
four branches. Immediately apply 20 ppm of Gibberellic acid. The effect of this
system is a tremendous elongation of the four branches left that form a cluster
like a bell with berries sufficiently spaced (FIG 47). After this, there is no need,
to make applications for berry thinning. This is important because the use of
Manual of Viticulture
gibberellic acid for thinning purposes may increase berry drop during storage.
The two final applications for increasing size are then made at the same
rate and times as those described for a general program. Of course, the number
of clusters must be regulated by cluster thinning.
This system results in a marked economy with labor and in the production
of clusters of good shape and size. Around 200 berries are retained per cluster,
each of them weighing about 4 gr, which means bunches of 800 grs, more or
less (FIG 48).
FIG 48. Measuring berries of a very early treated Thompson Seedless cluster. Equator
diameter was more than 24 mm.