Creature Feature Yri Worms Wreak Havoc For Miners

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Yri Worms Wreak Havoc for Miners

Tilnes Scenario Supplement

By Morrie Mullins
RPGA Living Force Plot Director

The Living Force campaign's plot director offers the third in our
monthly supplements to each of the RPGA's newest scenarios. This
time it's a new creature, the yri worm, which is causing no end of
chaos for the miners on the moon of Tilnes. This creature and
related story seed ties in with the Tilnes scenario, the third episode
in the Broken Orbits trilogy.

The "hot season" on Tilnes, when the moon spins so close to Morasil
that the surface of Cularin's moon becomes completely unlivable,
was even hotter than usual this year, leading to the collapse of
several tunnels in the upper layers of the Verga Mer Mining
Company's mine complex. While no personnel were lost in these
cave-ins, management on Tilnes has reacted strongly, laying blame
squarely at the feet of the yri worms native to the moon. They claim
that the worms' tunneling through the upper layers of the crust was responsible for the
tunnels' collapse.

Because they certainly couldn't have been dug too close to the surface to begin with...

In a policy memo dated the first day the hot season Tilnes Adventure Summary
ended, VMMC head of operations Hiem Bryl The mining moon above Cularin is
condemned the worms and offered a bounty of 50 constantly pounded with debris because
of its thin atmosphere, so a little more or
credits for every dead worm brought in by one of less is hardly noticed -- especially since
VMMC's miners. What Bryl did not consider, at least the settlements are all beneath the
initially, was what such a bounty would do to surface of the moon. Still, when an
unmanned spacecraft falls out of orbit,
productivity in the mines, as workers began chasing
people eventually notice. Episode 3 of
the meter-long blind worms instead of working to the Broken Orbits trilogy. An adventure
extract crystals from the rock. More of a problem for Living Force heroes level 1-6.
was the fact that the worms proved much more Premieres November 2001. It's strongly
recommended that this be played
intelligent than expected, and began to act almost afterDorumaa and Uffel. By Michael
vengeful when chased. Webster and Morrie Mullins.

More tunnels began collapsing, and the rubble revealed that worms had tunneled back
and forth beneath the corridor floors until the floors could not hold any more weight.
Mine shafts became depositories for excess rock and worm waste. And miners discovered
that these docile creatures actually had teeth -- and they were not afraid to use them
when cornered.
This hazardous situation ended with a series of Scenario Supplements
unexpected meteor showers above Tilnes, sending Broken Orbits: Tilnes (November 2001)
debris crashing to the surface of the moon and Broken Orbits: Uffel (October 2001)
Broken Orbits: Dorumaa (September
chasing the worms deeper into the caverns, away 2001)
from areas where the miners might hunt them. VMMC
canceled the bounty on the worms, having paid out over 50,000 credits and having little
to show for it other than a pile of desiccated worm corpses and three dozen collapsed
tunnels. Rumors of sanctions against Bryl have floated throughout Tilnes, but to all
appearances, he remains as cocky and utterly in charge as ever.

Meanwhile, the worms bide their time beneath Tilnes. While the deeper caverns remain
safe and dark, they lack the easy access to delicious crystals that the loose stone higher
in the strata offers. The worms wait -- and grow hungrier by the hour.

Yri worm: Subterranean scavenger 2; Init +1 (Dex); Defense 16 (+5 natural, +1 dex); Spd
5m (burrow through rock 15m); VP/WP 12/14; Atk +3 melee (2d4+2, bite), +2 ranged; SV
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +0; SZ M; Rep 1; Str 15, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 4.
Challenge Code: B.
Skills: Hide +4, Move Silently +4.

Yri worms are built to travel through rock. Their thick scales grab the rock and pull them
through, and as they take in the rock before them, they extract the nutrients and crystals
they want and excrete the remainder through their hides. On the surface, they move
awkwardly, but they prove very difficult to capture underground.

In combat, yri worms stick with their strengths; they maneuver around opponents, stick
their heads through the floor, walls, or ceilings of the caverns, and bite before
withdrawing into their holes. Because the mandibular muscles of the yri worm are
attached to its neck, withdrawing into a hole when it is done biting is a free action.
(Thus, a round of combat for an yri worm goes as follows: Move Equivalent action, stick
head from hole; attack action, bite something; free action, withdraw into hole.) Clearly,
this makes yri worms somewhat more dangerous to face on their home ground than
anywhere else.

For more on the Tilnes adventure, check out the updated schedule of Living
Forcescenarios released throughout 2001.

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