Cure Tooth Decay Heal and Prevent Cavities With Nutrition
Cure Tooth Decay Heal and Prevent Cavities With Nutrition
Cure Tooth Decay Heal and Prevent Cavities With Nutrition
Foreword by Timothy Gallagher, D.D.S.
President, Holistic Dental Association
Foreword by Timothy Gallagher, D.D.S.
President, Holistic Dental Association
Golden Child Publishing • Los Gatos, CA
Author's Disclaimer
This material has been created solely for educational purposes. The author and publisher are not
engaged in providing medical advice or services. The author and publisher provide this informa-
tion, and the reader accepts it, with the understanding that everything done or tried as a result
from reading this book is at his or her own risk. The author and publisher shall have neither lia-
bility nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss, damage or injury caused,
or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information contained in this book.
No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written
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ISBN-13: 978-0-9820213-2-3
ISBN-10: 0-9820213-2-1
LCCN: 2008933990
Printed and bound in the United States of America
Foreword x Chapter 2 11
By Dr. Timothy Gallagher, President of the Holistic
Dentist Weston Price
Dental Association
Discovers the Cure
drilling all of those fillings, dentists are continually exposed to mercury vapors.
But the conventional belief, held by most dentists, is that mercury is not prob-
lematic, and they continue to say and teach that it is safe. I used to be one of those
dentists . . . until I became ill.
Mercury has many effects on the body, it affects the thyroid gland and it is a
known neurotoxin. After my sobering experience with mercury toxicity I became
involved in several holistic/biological dental organizations where I continued my
education of the relationship of the teeth to the rest of the body.
Conventional dentists view the teeth and dental health as unrelated to the
rest of the body, so they cannot teach their patients any holistic practices that
can help save their teeth. However, your entire body is connected to your mouth.
There are meridians, energy channels, and biological pathways such as nerves,
veins and arteries that run through your entire body, connecting everything. I
hope to see more preservative dentistry or minimally invasive dentistry in the
future. In the holistic approach we examine the effects of dental materials on the
whole body both chemically and electromagnetically. The end point of a merid-
ian (bioelectrical pathway) is a tooth and what happens to that tooth and related
structures can affect the bioelectrical stability of the meridian and all glands and
organs associated with that meridian. An infected tooth can therefore also affect
a gland at a distant site. An infection or inflammation in the mouth can create a
systemic (whole body) inflammation or infection. This whole body inflamma-
tion cannot be cleared until the condition of the mouth is addressed first. The
immune system, minerals and hormones also interact with the tooth and related
Cure Tooth Decay is an island of clarity in a sea of confusion as it provides
you with practical insight into how hormones control the decay process and
what you can do to master the process with lifestyle choices. I have observed that
when my patients followed the recommendations outlined in this book they cre-
ated an anabolic drive to rebuild tissue by replenishing and balancing irregular
levels of hormones. As a result, they were able to actually stop, prevent and even
reverse the deterioration.
Perhaps the greatest strength of Cure Tooth Decay is that so many disciplines
are brought together in a comprehensive package. The pioneering works of Drs.
Francis Pottenger, Weston Price, and Melvin Page are presented in a way that
highlights their convergent messages. Until this book, dentists have had a hard
time bringing holistic dentistry concepts together in a way that is both practical
and easy for the public to use. Cure Tooth Decay gives the reader a comparative
presentation of the different concepts of tooth decay. It embraces new concepts
and modern trends together in one elegant text.
Your diet is the key to creating a healthy mouth. There is no other way about
it. This is the key issue, and the central theme of Cure Tooth Decay. When people
eat too many processed foods, especially sugar and flour products, they wreak
xii Cure Tooth Decay
havoc on the body. Insulin levels spike, Cortisol goes up, and the flow of parotid
gland hormone changes, resulting in cavities. When you consume too much
sugar, the hormones that control tooth mineralization change for the worse.
When you have adequate healthy hormones, the tooth is healthy and is engaged
in the process of maintaining and building healthy tooth structure, through the
process of mineralization. When you don't have a good diet, your body's ability
to repair and maintain healthy teeth and gums is severely limited. And the result
is tooth destruction, or demineralization. If you learn one thing from this book,
it should be that eating too much processed sugar and flour products upsets the
entire hormone system. This not only sets you up for tooth decay or gum disease,
but makes your entire body overly acidic. In the acidic state, harmful bacteria and
fungi can thrive.
When people are stressed they often crave comfort foods such as sugar and
starch (flour products). The metabolism of an individual who craves sugar is
generally in a sugar burning, rather than fat burning mode to produce energy. If
people stay off the sugar for seven days and consume adequate amounts of the
good saturated fats, they lose their cravings for sugar and their tooth problems
significantly improve. After they have stabilized and lost their sugar craving they
can have only low sugar fruits: green apple, pear, kiwi and berries (no sugar on
top!). If you are susceptible to tooth decay, stay away from all sweet fruits; many
of them have all been hybridized to make them as sweet as possible. I once stayed
away from all fruits for a period of time, then I bit into a Fuji apple—it tasted
like candy!
Cure Tooth Decay is nothing short of a lifesaver for people. The protocol in
this book is very effective for preventing cavities and mineralizing teeth. Beyond
that, I would expect people to experience increased vitality and vibrancy due to
the increased intake of nourishing vitamins and minerals.
Cure Tooth Decay is a godsend for people; I cannot say it enough. It helps
readers fully understand how modern, devitalized food causes disease. As a den-
tist, I know that you don't want to spend so much money on your dental care.
I am therefore rooting for all of you to change your lifestyles for the better so
that you won't have to. The nutritional approach to treating cavities works! This
means people will need fewer fillings in their teeth, and they will walk away much
happier from their dental visits. There's nothing better than keeping one's origi-
nal teeth.
Wishing you a happy smile and a satisfying visit to the dentist, with no new
I was ready to have the tooth pulled and a dentist told me I needed
a root canal. I had no money for either procedure. I was in pain and
my cheek had already begun to swell. But after over a month of fol-
lowing the dietary protocols it was hard for me to feel which tooth
was bothering me. Thanks a million, Ramiel. Unbelievable.
XIV xiv Cure Tooth Decay
That dental visit was three months ago and my teeth have stopped
aching altogether, are way less temperature sensitive, and feel gen-
erally stronger.
These seemingly amazing results are not miracles, even though to the individual
it can feel like it. These results come from understanding and abiding by our bod-
ies' biochemical and physiological laws for building healthy teeth and bones.
These rules are not mine. They belong to Nature. I have synthesized these
natural laws from my own experiences of trial and error along with lifetimes of
research by some of the world's most influential dentists and health researchers,
many of whom have been forgotten by history. These include dentists Weston
Price and Melvin Page, and Professors Edward and May Mellanby. What I admire
so much about these researchers is that they don't just propose theories; they have
Introduction xv
each spent dozens of years treating and preventing people's cavities successfully
with diet. Furthermore, Cure Tooth Decay synthesizes published but forgotten
research from dozens of dentists, scientists and researchers to help you overcome
the problem of dental decay.
their young child, who had been suffering from tooth decay, has just been spared
costly and painful dental surgery, or when I learn of an adult who has saved a
tooth from the dentist's drill.
These results were not accomplished by luck, nor by some special product,
chemical, or dental treatment, but by food alone. And you will learn here every-
thing you need to know to enjoy the same results.
Dentistry's Inability to
Cure Cavities
Your teeth are not designed to decay! They were designed to remain strong,
resilient and cavity free for your entire life. Why would Nature plan for the fail-
ure and pain of disintegrating teeth? Without healthy teeth and gums, we cannot
digest food properly and we eventually will not thrive. In this book you will learn
that tooth decay is not a result of Nature's failure or a "fact" of aging, but due to
the human error of poor food selection.
Decaying teeth can be a scary and painful process. When in a state of fear and
panic, we tend to disregard the most sensible decision we could make: to search
for the real cause, rather than succumb to the easy and passive response of allow-
ing a dentist to "fix" the problem for us. Yet when searching for the real cause
of tooth decay, many people get lost in a maze of misleading information. Your
search is over; herein you will find real and natural solutions to tooth decay.
We have been taught, for the most part, that tooth decay is as inevitable as
death and taxes, and that we have no choice in the matter. In this chapter you
will learn how the power to cure cavities is in your hands. We will examine the
history of dentistry so that you can become aware of how false and misleading
beliefs about tooth decay can turn you into a dentistry victim.
2 Cure Tooth Decay
sibility brings us self-respect, integrity, and a sense of hope that what seems to
be outside of our realm is actually under our personal control. I have found that
healing cavities is not just about the physical process of substituting nutrient-
devoid foods for their nutrient-rich alternatives. It is an opening up to life itself.
It is reaching out and growing. It is a small death of the old ways of being. Those
who have successfully conquered their tooth decay have embraced the principles
of this book and have taken it upon themselves to heal. They looked within, trusted
themselves, and in some ways acted out of the involuntary consciousness that
instructs and guides us. Many people are faced with difficult choices about their
teeth in shades of gray. I have found that the answer to these dilemmas, whether
concerning your teeth or other matters, bubble forth from within you. I encour-
age you to take everything I have written in this book as a pointer to your inner
knowing and not as a replacement for it. You are the ultimate authority when it
comes to your dental health.
cavity is found, the dentist gives you the bad news. As they are taught in dental
school and legally required to do, dentists offer their patients a surgical treatment
for the disease of dental caries in the form of removing the diseased part of the
tooth by drilling and replacing it with a synthetic material.
Tooth Drilling
In the drilling procedure conventional dentists will use a high speed drill, because
it saves time, which drills as fast as 350,000 rotations per minute. High speed
drilling creates high friction and raises the temperature of the tooth nerve causing
irreversible nerve damage in 60% of cases. In addition, a negative vacuum pres-
sure from the high speed shatters a portion of the fragile microscopic nutrient
tubules within each tooth.'
In the 1800s dentists originally used gold in a careful way to fill painful teeth
with cavities. But gold was too expensive for most people to afford; imagine, for
example, paying the equivalent of $10,000 for one filling today. Since dentistry
was unaffordable for many people in the 1830s the Crawcour brothers made their
way from France to the United States to popularize a low cost gold alternative—
Bells putty. With Bells putty, which consisted of a melted silver coin mixed with
mercury, they could fill teeth in two minutes, and no drilling was required. 2 While
effective in the short term, the mercury was very toxic and many teeth discolored
or died 3 not to mention the other side effects that were caused by mercury expo-
sure. Dentists who placed mercury fillings were called quaks (or quacks) after the
old Dutch word for a noisy peddler selling mercury-containing "health" potions
and salves: Quacksalber.
Dental Fact
In 1845 the American Society of Dental Surgeons banned the use
of mercury fillings because of health concerns. 4
The economics of mercury fillings instead of gold triumphed and the Ameri-
can Society of Dental Surgeons fell apart by 1856. In 1899 the American Dental
Association came into existence to promote the use of mercury-laden fillings.5
In 1896 the fate of our teeth changed forever with the work of dentist G.V. Black.
He reformulated mercury fillings making them less toxic and longer lasting. He
also developed new drilling protocols which are summarized by the principle
of "extension for prevention." In other words, drill a bigger hole (extension) to
give more time before the tooth needs to be retreated. This technique, although
changed to some degree in modern times, is the foundation of modern den-
tistry. G.V. Black's "innovations" included drilling away all the discolored tooth
structure, and then creating a wedge shape within the tooth in order to place a
mercury filling that would remain secure. In plain words, dentists are taught to
4 Cure Tooth Decay
drill big holes in teeth, because that is what works best with mercury fillings. This
procedure became enshrined in the curriculum taught in dental schools, and
dentists have been enthusiastically drilling parts of our teeth that are not decayed,
or that can remineralize, for the last hundred years. The problem with "extension
for prevention" is that we lose healthy tooth structure. A dental student from
India wrote to me explaining this dilemma:
"As a dental student I drill teeth every week. I'd rather say that I
have to do this to pass my exams. When I see my patients sitting
on the dental chair with their eyes closed, I feel for them as they are
losing their tooth structure forever. "
Tooth Filling
Once there is a large hole in your tooth something needs to be put in its place.
Alzheimer's disease 6 , Lou Gehrig's disease (ALS), Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's
disease, lupus, and some forms of arthritis all have one thing in common—mer-
cury. 7 Mercury is considered hazardous waste in fluorescent bulbs at the amount
of 22 milligrams. A normal mercury filling has approximately 1000 milligrams of
mercury. In watching a video teaching mercury filling placement, I saw myself the
messy process of installing mercury fillings as hundreds of shreds of hazardous
mercury are spread all over the mouth. When a foreign substance, particularly a
metal, is implanted in the body, the body can mount an immune system reaction.
This toxic substance can cause or contribute to diseases such as those just men-
tioned. The book Whole-Body Dentistryby dentist Mark Breiner describes dental
immune reactions in children. For example: one child became sick and unable to
walk from mercury fillings and stainless steel (nickel) crowns, and another child
developed leukemia from these same dental materials. 8
It isn't just mercury amalgams that are toxic. While less toxic, white compos-
ite fillings made up of ground glass and plastic still cause immune reactions on
average in 50% of patients. One of the most popular composite fillings caused
negative immune reactions in 90% of those who received them. 9 Conventional
dentists do not check filling compatibility with your body. Composites of plastic
and glue can contain toxic chemicals like bisphenol A. Modern fillings last on
average 5-12 years depending on the material. In the case of amalgam fillings
even with all the extra drilling, only 25% will last 8 years or longer. 10 While there
are some good composites on the market, with such a short life span, the typical
filling is not a long lasting solution for tooth decay.
After the drilling and filling comes our least favorite part—billing. Drilling,
filling, and billing is the model of conventional dentistry and it is also a business
model. The dentist with lots of medical school debt, a family to support, staff to
pay and so forth, needs to make a lot of money to stay in business and enjoy a
Dentistry's Inability to Cure Cavities 5
comfortable lifestyle. The more teeth that are drilled and tilled, the more money
is made. There isn't much incentive in this system for curing and preventing
cavities because without the drilling and filling business model it becomes more
of a challenge to turn dentistry into a profitable career. Because many alternative
dentists are afraid of being sued or losing their license, they don't want to practice
dentistry that is beyond the accepted drilling and filling protocol. The incredibly
strong profit motive has many dentists blinded by dollar signs. People know most
dentists are in business for the money because they can see it and feel it. It is easy
for a conventional dentist to get greedy and recommend the least conservative
(as in most profitable) approach to treating cavities. As a result, many people
have lost faith in dentistry; with each new dentist they try, the profit-motivated
dentist continues to fail to put the patient's needs first. Even dentists have lost
faith in their profession. Dentist Marvin Schissel wrote a chilling commentary on
the shoddy dental work performed by dentists trying to maximize profits called
Dentistry and Its Victims, and dentist Robert Nara wrote Money by the Mouth-
ful, exposing how easy and common it is for dentists to make money by pushing
unnecessary dental treatments.
With all the toxic materials put into people's mouths causing immune system
responses, the short life span of fillings, the damage caused by high speed drilling,
and unnecessarily prescribed filling treatments, the conventional dentist doesn't
really offer his patients true health care, or a permanent solution to tooth decay.
In ancient times, when people were afflicted with various types of ailments and
diseases, they commonly blamed evil spirits. The belief was that the evil spirit had
invaded the person's body and then caused disease. If one could placate these
spirits or induce them to leave then the disease would be cured.
Many people around the world still maintain this same belief today, except
that these evil spirits now have been identified. Dentists, scientists, doctors, and
government officials have decided that disease-causing "evil spirits" are now
real, in the form of micro-organisms (viruses, bacteria, etc.). The prevalent and
accepted theory is that these viruses and bacteria are the basic or primary cause of
disease—including tooth decay. This theory of disease, labeled the germ theory,
became cemented in our minds thanks to the work of Louis Pasteur (1822-1895)
who is famous for the invention of pasteurization. Mr. Pasteur proposed a theory
of disease that is now the basis of most forms of modern medicine. This theory
projects the idea that pathogenic bacteria exist outside the body and that when
our body's defenses are lowered bacteria can invade the body and cause disease.
Pasteur's "science" has remained the status quo despite a large body of evidence
showing that bacteria don't invade people, but rather that they evolve and change
based upon their environment. The effect of Mr. Pasteur's contribution to medi-
6 Cure Tooth Decay
cal thought has led us to our modern system of dental care in which we attempt
to cure cavities by killing the evil invading force-bacteria.
1. You must brush your teeth all the time to eliminate these "disease
causing" bacteria.
2. You must rinse your mouth with chemicals to eliminate more "dan-
gerous" bacteria.
3. You must floss to eliminate the remaining bacteria and food parti-
4. When those three tactics do not work, you must pay a dentist to
remove the bacterial infestations with drilling.
5. When a dental drill cannot remove the bacteria and the bacterial
growth progresses, the tooth root can become infected. This requires a
root canal to attempt to clean out the bacteria from within the tooth.
6. Finally, when all those procedures fail to keep your tooth alive from the
supposed onslaught of bacterial invaders, the tooth must be removed
and a fake tooth or no tooth is what remains.
By the time the sixth stage is reached, even after spending thousands of dollars
on dental care, the war is lost. No matter how much money you spend, or how
much a dentist drills your teeth, the cure for cavities remains elusive. Modern
treatments do limit some pain and suffering, but if the basic cause of tooth decay
(your diet) is not addressed, your teeth continue to decay.
Dentistry's Inability to Cure Cavities 7
The extent to which any tooth suffers from the action of the acid
depends upon its density and structure, but more particularly upon
the perfection of the enamel and the protection of the neck of the
tooth by healthy gums. What we might call the perfect tooth would
resist indefinitely the same acid to which a tooth of opposite char-
acter would succumb in a few weeks."
In simple terms, Dr. Miller believed a dense strong tooth would "resist indefi-
nitely" an attack from acid, whether it be from bacteria or from food. Meanwhile,
a non-dense tooth would succumb quickly to any sort of acid, from bacteria or
otherwise. Dr. Miller also wrote that, "The invasion of the micro-organisms is
always preceded by the extraction of lime salts." 12 In plain terms, the tooth loses
its mineral density first (lime salts), and then microorganisms can cause trouble.
Over one hundred and twenty years later dentistry and the American Dental
Association (ADA) sticks with Dr. Miller's theory while leaving out vital informa-
tion. They write,
The difference from Dr. Miller's 1883 theory and dentistry's 2009 theory is that
Dr. Miller knew that the tooth's density and structure are what protected it
against tooth decay, whereas today, dentists are taught that it is the bacteria by
themselves that cause tooth decay. Other than in how food sticks to teeth, den-
tists believe that diet has little to do with tooth cavities.
The modern theory of tooth decay further dissolves because white sugar actu-
ally has the ability to incapacitate microorganisms since it attracts water. 14 In a
20% sugar solution, bacteria will perish. 15 Yes, bacteria are present as a result of
the process of tooth decay, but a lot of sugar at once will destroy them. If dentistry
is correct about bacteria, then a high sugar diet should eliminate them.
8 Cure Tooth Decay
Bacteria exist everywhere and are nearly impossible to get rid of completely.
More than 400 different bacteria are now associated with dental disease, and
many more have yet to be discovered. 16 Since bacteria are a part of life, with
some good ones and some bad ones and trillions of them everywhere, dentistry's
approach to eliminate bacteria seems hopeless.
In 1922 dentist Percy Howe read before the ADA that his research team tried
and failed to reproduce dental decay by feeding and inoculating guinea pigs with
various bacteria associated with gum disease and tooth decay. He said, "In no
case did we succeed in establishing dental disease by these means." 17 However
Dr. Howe had no problems in creating tooth decay in guinea pigs by removing
vitamin C from their diet.
That bacteria are the cause of tooth cavities was adopted from Dr. Miller's
research but was never proven. In the 1940s at an International Association of
Dental Research meeting the debate about the cause of cavities was put to an
end. By the power of vote Dr. Miller's acid / bacterial theory was adopted as fact
despite contradictory evidence and theories. 18
The competing theory of the time was called the proteolysis-chelation theory
and was proposed by Dr. Albert Schatz. This theory suggested that enzymes (not
bacteria) and chelating agents which are common in plants and animals (not
acid) were the cause of tooth decay. In Dr. Schatz's proteolysis-chelation theory,
it is diet, trace elements, and hormonal balance that are key factors in triggering
enzymes and tooth mineral chelation which results in tooth decay. 19
From 1954 to today, the life work of dentist Ralph Steinman and his col-
league Dr. John Leonora give proof that tooth decay is triggered by our bodies'
physiology as a result of our diet. The hypothalamus in our brain regulates the
relationship between our nervous system and our glandular system through the
pituitary gland. Drs. Leonora and Steinman found that the hypothalamus com-
municates with glands in our jaw called the parotid glands via parotid hormone
releasing factor. When the parotid gland is stimulated by the hypothalamus it
releases parotid hormone which triggers a movement of mineral rich dental
lymph through microscopic channels in our teeth. 20 This mineral-rich fluid
cleans teeth and remineralizes them. When a cavity-causing diet is ingested, the
hypothalamus stops telling the parotid gland to release the hormone that circu-
lates the dental remineralizing fluid. Over time, this interruption of mineral-rich
fluid results in tooth destruction, what we know as tooth decay. That the parotid
gland is in charge of tooth remineralization explains to me why a small portion of
the population is immune to tooth decay, even with a relatively poor diet. They
were born with a strong parotid gland. Dr. Steinman's rat studies showed that
while bacteria produce acid, there is no correlation between acid produced by
bacteria and the presence of tooth decay. 21
Dentistry's Inability to Cure Cavities 9
Even in Dr. Miller's often cited 1883 bacterial / acid theory of tooth decay,
the strength of the tooth is what makes it immune to cavities. In 1922, bacteria
were then proven by Dr. Howe not to cause cavities. In the 1940s the theory
of tooth decay was voted upon, but could not be proven by dentists. This vote
discarded Dr. Schatz's proteolysis-chelation theory which described an alterna-
tive biological method of tooth decay from enzymes and chelating agents. Most
recently Dr. Steinman has shown that tooth decay is regulated by our glandular
system through hormones which are controlled by diet. From 1883 to today,
there is a chain of evidence that supports the premise that it is diet, and not bac-
teria, which causes cavities. On the essential level of responsibility, if germs cause
cavities, then humanity will continue to be the victim to the dreaded plague of
tooth decay. Yet when diet is understood as the cause of cavities, we have full
control to heal and prevent tooth decay.
-3 8 0
5 60
I 40
S 20
Further tooth decay statistics for people over the age of 40 are dismal. On
average, 45.89 per cent of all teeth in this age group have been affected by decay.
That average represents nearly half the teeth in each person's mouth having been
affected by decay. This situation only gets worse. By the time you reach the age of
60, 62.36 per cent of all teeth have been affected by decay. 22
While one can argue that the increase of tooth decay with age is due to the
inherent break down of the body over time, it doesn't explain why tooth decay
is now on the rise among young children. Tooth decay in primary (baby) teeth
of children aged 2 to 5 years increased from 24 percent to 28 percent between
1988-1994 and 1999-2004. 24 Along with this increase in decay came an increase
in dental treatments. If tooth decay is caused by the aging process, why are more
young children suffering from it? And why hasn't the increase in dental treat-
ments in these young children stopped the tooth decay?
Are we to assume that over 90 percent of the population is not following the
prescribed protocol? I don't think so. Rather there is something fundamentally
wrong with this "modern" war-on-bacteria approach to preventing and treating
tooth decay.
Chapter 2
12 Cure Tooth Decay
They have neither physician nor dentist because they have so little
need for them; they have neither policeman nor jail, because they
have no need for them.26
While the cows spend the warm summer on the verdant knolls and
wooded slopes near the glaciers and fields of perpetual snow, they
have a period of high and rich productivity of milk... This cheese
contains the natural butter fat and minerals of the splendid milk
and is a virtual storehouse of life for the coming winter.27
Reverend John Siegen, the pastor of the one church in the valley, told Dr. Price
about the divine characteristics of butter and cheese made from the milk of the
grazing cows:
Dentist Weston Price Discovers the Cure 13
It was neither good genes nor luck that kept these isolated Swiss in superb health.
Dr. Price continues:
14 Cure Tooth Decay
I want to offer you an opportunity to connect with this once healthy group of
people. They are role models for us, for living in health and relative peace. It
is this way of being that has become lost in the modern world of convenience
and fast food. It is a result of our fall from grace. By sensing and revering the
holy nature of food, ancient cultures enjoyed vibrant health. In exchange for
their reverence of the life-giving vital force, especially that in the summer milk,
the isolated Swiss received health, aliveness, vitality and peace. Unfortunately
in today's world, the once profoundly honored cow's milk—unpasteurized and
grassfed—which has brought health to people across the globe for thousands of
years, is being attacked by our own state and federal governments. This healing
food is attacked because as a whole, our culture is disconnected from the vital
force of life, and so real food has lost its meaning and value. It even becomes an
enemy to be destroyed. When you or your friends and family reconnect with real
food, you reconnect with the goodness of life.
Stories have long been told of the superb health of the people living
in the Islands of the Outer Hebrides?9
The basic foods of these islanders are fish and oat products with a
little barley. Oat grain is the one cereal that develops fairly readily,
and it provides the porridge and oat cakes that in many homes are
eaten in some form regularly with each meal. The fishing about the
Outer Hebrides is especially favorable, and small seafoods including
lobsters, crabs, oysters and clams, are abundant. An important and
highly relished article of diet has been baked cod's head stuffed with
chopped cod's liver and oatmeal.40
The pictures of the brothers on the next pages illustrate how it is not genetics
that causes physical deterioration. Rather it is a factor of the amount of modern,
nutrient-poor processed foods that one eats.
Dr. Price explained the importance of nutritious food to our overall health. He
observed that the Australian Aborigines, who for thousands of years maintained
near-perfect physical forms, have lost their ideal beauty and health with the foods
of modernized society.
Those individuals, however, who had adopted the foods of the white
man, suffered extremely from tooth decay as the whites did. Where they
had no opportunity to get native food to combine with the white man's
food their condition was desperate and extreme.
[Referring to the figure on opposite page] Note the contrast with the
upper right. It is quite impossible to imagine the suffering that these
people were compelled to endure due to abscessing teeth resulting from
rampant tooth decay. As we had found in some of the modernized islands
of the Pacific, we discovered that here, too, discouragement and a long-
ing for death had taken the place of a joy in living in many. Few souls
in the world have experienced this discouragement and this longing to a
greater degree. 51 (Emphasis added.)
Dentist Weston Price Discovers the Cure 21
For plant foods they used roots, stems, leaves, berries and seeds of
grasses and a native pea eaten with tissues of large and small ani-
mals. The large animals available are the kangaroo and wallaby.
22 Cure Tooth Decay
Dr. Price determined that tooth decay in modern civilization is due to a lack
of nutrients in our modern diet. Therefore Dr. Price concluded that tooth decay
was not genetic but that:
Dentist Weston Price Discovers the Cure 23
I specifically bring in the Journal of the American Dental Association (ADA) quote
because I believe that the public needs to know that what is promoted by the ADA
such as the acid / bacterial theory of cavities and what is taught in dental schools
is contrary to material published in its own journal. I want to criticize the ADA
for ignoring earlier research published in its own journal, by its own former head
of research, Dr. Price. Because the ADA masks this critical information about
24 Cure Tooth Decay
Note: never use synthetic vitamins to obtain these nutrients; they are not effective.
The figures for calcium and phosphorus come from Dr. Price himself. The figures
for the vitamins A and D and the calories from fat are based on my analysis of
several different interpretations of healthy diets as well as recommendations from
the Weston A. Price Foundation. These figures are simply guidelines and may not
be suited for all readers. You will need to modify these guidelines depending on
your level of health, your weight, and your dietary needs.
Consuming our modern refined diet makes it very difficult for us to meet
the minimum standards for nutrient intakes. For example, the US Department
of Agriculture Survey found that 65.1% of all adult women and 55.4% of all adult
men are below the standard of one gram of calcium intake per day. 58 Without
this basic mineral, it is no wonder why tooth decay is so prevalent, affecting close
to 90% of our population.
Dentist Weston Price Discovers the Cure 25
In twenty seven cases of severe tooth decay in children, the diet that follows was
sufficient to stop cavities in every case and turn soft cavities hard and glassy. An
interesting note about this success is that the home meals of the children were not
changed. They continued to eat white bread, vegetable fat, white flour pancakes
with syrup and doughnuts fried in vegetable fat. 61 Just one healthy meal a day,
as described for growing school children, was sufficient to prevent dental caries
from forming.
cient to control wide-spread tooth decay when used with a diet that
is low in sugar and starches and high in foods providing the miner-
als, particularly phosphorus. A teaspoonful a day divided between
two or three meals is usually adequate to prevent dental caries and
maintain a high immunity; it will also maintain freedom from
colds and a high level of health in general. This reinforcement of
the fat-soluble vitamins to a menu that is low in starches and sug-
ars, together with the use of bread and cereal grains freshly ground
to retain the full content of the embryo or germ, and with milk for
growing children and for many adults, and the liberal use of sea
foods and organs of animals, produced the result described,63
Guidelines for healing a child with severe tooth decay, rheumatic fever and arthritis:
Sugars and sweets and white flour products were eliminated as far
as possible. Freshly ground cereals were used for breads and gruels.
Bone marrow was included in stews. Liver and a liberal supply of
whole milk, green vegetables and fruits were provided. In addition,
he was provided with a butter that was very high in vitamins hav-
ing been produced by cows fed on a rapidly growing green grass. The
best source for this is a pasturage of wheat and ryegrass.65
Freshly ground whole wheat and/or oats daily * (See note on whole grains. 1
no longer recommend doing this part of the program.)
Foods to Avoid
White flour products
Skim milk
*Grains Note: Later in this book I provide a special section on how to prop-
erly use grains. Typically whole, freshly ground grains as described in Dr. Price's
quotes will contribute to cavities due to grain anti-nutrients or hidden intestinal
inflammation such as celiac disease. It's not that grains themselves are poor food
choices, but that we must be extra careful in how we prepare and use them. Sim-
ply grinding grains fresh is not enough to remove significant amounts of plant
toxins like phytic acid. Had Dr. Price known this at the time, his protocol would
have been even more effective.
Chapter 3
Amazingly Dr. Price also believed that phosphorus was the essential and vital
mineral for perfect teeth. Dr. Page's tests reveal the biochemical nature of what
we saw in Dr. Price's photographs and observations. The rapid decline in health
of native peoples subsisting on a modern diet is chiefly the result of not enough
available calcium and phosphorus in the blood. Throughout the rest of this book,
I will teach you how to use diet to restore your calcium and phosphorous balance
to stop tooth decay.
a blood supply and a nerve that travels through the center of the tooth roots into
the jaw bone via the mandibular nerve. The mandibular nerve is a branch of the
largest cranial nerve in our body, the trigeminal nerve. This nerve connection
is what makes toothaches so painful and debilitating. The periodontal ligament
lines the root of the tooth. It connects the tooth to the jaw through millions of
taut fibers running in different directions. These fibers absorb the shock of chew-
ing, and hold the tooth firmly in place. The cells in the periodontal ligament can
degenerate and regenerate. A worn out periodontal ligament is a primary cause
of tooth loss.
Anatomy of a Tooth
Each tooth contains about three miles of microscopic tubes called dentinal
tubules. Dentinal tubules are 1.3—4.5 microns in size. 72 This is close to one
thousandth the size of a pinhead. Dentinal tubules are filled with a fluid that is
estimated to be similar to the cerebral spinal fluid in the spinal cord and brain. 73
The tooth enamel contains about two percent of this fluid. In addition to the
tooth fluid, the tubules can contain parts of tooth growing cells, nerves and con-
nective tissue. 74
30 Cure Tooth Decay
Dentin and enamel are fed from tooth building cells called odontoblasts
which transport or diffuse certain nutrients through the dental lymph. Odonto-
blasts contain microscopic structures that act as pumps. In effect, a healthy tooth
cleans itself out. Microscopic droplets of nutrient-rich solution from our blood
are pumped through the tiny tubules. In a healthy tooth, the fluid flow from
within the pulp moves outward in a pressurized system that protects our teeth
from corrosive substances in our mouths. 7 5
Dentist Ralph Steinman discovered that our teeth's ability to remineralize is
based upon the regulating action of the largest salivary glands, the parotid glands.
Located near the inside of our jaw bone, the parotid glands regulate the activity
of the nutrient-rich dentinal fluid. The signal to the parotid glands comes from
the regulating center of the brain, the hypothalamus. When the tooth fluid flow
is reversed due to a signal from the parotid glands (as a result of a poor diet or
otherwise), food debris, saliva and other matter are pulled into the tooth through
the dentinal tubules. When this happens over time, the pulp becomes inflamed
and tooth decay spreads to the enamel. Dr. Steinman identified the loss of certain
key minerals in this process of tooth decay. These are magnesium, copper, iron
and manganese, all of which are active in cellular metabolism and necessary for
the energy-production that allows the cleansing flow of the fluid through dentin
tubules. 76 An interesting note is that phytic acid, an anti-nutrient in grains, nuts,
seeds and beans, has the potential to block the absorption of each one of these
vital tooth building minerals.
Tooth decay therefore needs to be reclassified to accurately describe what it
is. The traditional definition of decay as an infectious bacterially-caused disease
is false. Tooth decay really is:
Sex Glands
Excess testosterone can be linked to inflamed gums and excess levels of phospho-
rus in the blood stream. 77 Excess estrogen can also cause inflamed gums.
Cholesterol is a vital building block for the production of hormones. To have
proper hormone function, we need cholesterol. Cholesterol is not a deadly poi-
son, but a substance vital to the cells of all mammals. 7 8 There is no evidence that
too much animal fat and cholesterol in the diet promote atherosclerosis or heart
attacks. 79 Many of us are wrongly afraid of eating delicious foods that contain
this necessary substance. Do not believe the television, the newspaper, or the
doctor who tells you that cholesterol is bad. If cholesterol from animal fats were
unhealthy, then why do we desire them so much? Part of this fear-inducing story
is the claim that eating too much animal fat raises serum cholesterol and thus
increases the chance of heart disease. Your body produces three to four times
more cholesterol than you eat. When examined more closely, you will see that
cholesterol from healthy fats is not dangerous and that cholesterol levels do not
bear any relation to the prevalence of heart disease. For more information and a
plethora of evidence, I recommend visiting The Cholesterol Myths, by Uffe Ravn-
skov, MD, PhD, at:
By far the most important factor producing well calcified bones and
teeth is vitamin D. 81
fat did not produce the same anti-cavity effect as did suet (beef fat from bovine
adipose deposits). 87 Fermented cod liver oil is the most potent source of full
spectrum fat-soluble vitamin D. For vegetarians, consuming moderate amounts
of butter and chicken eggs will be unlikely to provide adequate fat-soluble vita-
min D. However adding Green Pasture's™ butter oil, and free ranging duck eggs
would more than likely ensure for plenty of vitamin D.
Vitamin A
Food 91
Amount (I.U.)
Blue Ice™ fermented cod liver oil—1 teaspoon 92 7,500-25,000
Turkey Liver 3.5 ounces 75,000
Duck Liver 3.5 ounces 40,000
Beef Liver 3.5 ounces 35,000
Chicken Liver—3.5 ounces 13,328
Fish Head / Fish Eyes / Animal Eyes Very high
Eel—3.5 ounces 3477
Hard Goat Cheese 3.5 ounces 1745
Soft Goat Cheese 3.5 ounces 1464
Duck Egg—1 egg 472
King Salmon 3.5 ounces 453
Ghee—1 tablespoon 391
Butter—1 tablespoon 350
X-Factor Gold™ high vitamin butter oil—1 teaspoon 200-450
Egg Yolk—1 Vi yolks 333
Whole Milk—1 cup 249
Three Different Sample Daily Food Groups for Fat-soluble Vitamins A and D
, r c , : ,, , , • 1 ounce of chicken
3.5 ounces of sockeye ; 1/2 pound goat cheese 3,600 ; H v e r 3 g 0 8 m y k a _
salmon 763 IU vitamin D : vitamin A • ,
• min A
6 chicken eggs 800 IU j 2 tablespoons butter, 750
vitamin D i IU vitamin A
1 ounce beef liver 10,000
IU vitamin A
Please note that all of these daily suggestions do not focus on the crucial Activator
X which will be discussed in a few pages.
The amount of cod liver oil you should take depends on your deficiency of fat-
soluble vitamins A and D, your weight, your level of sun exposure and your
overall health. I suggest starting with this dosage level, and then either increase or
decrease your dose depending on what feels best for you. Don't be afraid to skip
taking cod liver oil on some days, and to take more on other days. i V i of Green
Pasture's™ cod liver oil capsules equals about a quarter teaspoon.
38 Cure Tooth Decay
X-Factor High Vitamin Butter Oil
Raw Butter or Ghee from Grassfed Butter when the animal eats
rapidly growing green grass.
Raw Cream from dairy animals eating rapidly growing green grass
Fish Eggs
Make Your Teeth Strong 39
Without clear tests and scientific studies on Activator X, I could not provide
specific figures for these data tables. Besides fish eggs and grass-fed spring or
summer butter, there isn't clear data on how effective or potent each food source
is in terms of its Activator X content. Where the potency is unclear, I put foods
into the highly likely Activator X category. From land animals, the Activator X
content is dependent on the season. For sea animals, they likely have moderate
amounts of Activator X year round depending on the animal.
I have found summer grass-fed butter to be highly effective in making teeth
very hard, and in securing loose teeth in their sockets by strengthening the peri-
odontal ligament.
Green Pasture™ is the only company currently producing X-Factor Gold™
high vitamin butter oil. It is extremely potent in its levels of Activator X and this
product is not the same as ghee. As is the case with everything I recommend in
this book, it is your decision to use this product or not. It is a very potent and
convenient way to ensure you have plenty of Activator X in your diet.
The best butter to use is raw grass-fed butter. Water buffalo, which is used in
Africa and India, seems to produce a high Activator X and vitamin D butterfat,
but the high nutrient content of this fat could be the result of the animal's skin
color, or the food they eat. Raw butter is better than pasteurized because it has
more healing effects on the body. If you are using X-Factor Gold™ capsules then
2 capsules are equal to about LA teaspoon. The effectiveness of the spring / sum-
mer grass-fed butter on healing cavities varies widely depending on what types
of grasses the cows eat. Fish eggs may also vary by species in their Activator X
content based upon what food the fish eats.
X-Factor Gold™ high vitamin butter oil can be obtained through www.cod-
Fish eggs can be obtained from preservative-free caviar, Japanese food markets,
and seasonally from good fish merchants. Where I used to live in Santa Cruz, the
local fish warehouse would discard the entire fish carcass of locally caught fish
after harvesting the meat. Many of the discarded fish were filled with eggs.
Make Your Teeth Strong 41
The Canadian Indians, with their active lifestyle and diet of 3000 calories per day,
ate an estimated 400 calories of organ meat and glands daily. 105 For example, it
would take about 4 ounces of liver, 4 ounces of kidney, and 4 ounces of intestine
together to equal 400 calories. Liver is the most valuable gland for its nutrients
and also the most easily obtained. Liver may accumulate toxins, so it is vitally
important to acquire liver from the highest quality grass-fed or wild caught ani-
mals. If you are further concerned about toxins in your liver, you can soak it in
warm water or in milk for a few minutes to a few hours and then discard the
Eating many different types of glands regularly is a sure way to build your
health. Very expensive restaurants know the value of organ meats, and have sweet-
breads (the thymus gland), and foie gras (goose or duck liver) regularly on their
menu. Including animal glands in your diet will also contribute to your glandu-
lar system's balance, because your body can use the hormones in the glands to
replenish your own glands. If this all sounds like too much for you, natural hor-
mones can be found in colostrum as well. Colostrum is best if it is immediately
used or frozen after milking.
Bone marrow is an important secret to reversing tooth decay. Bone marrow
adds a valuable factor that helps remineralize tooth dentin and adds a measure
of safety to a healthy diet. Within the bone marrow are many important bone-
building cells that help rejuvenate the body and promote bone growth. Bone
marrow can be eaten raw or cooked. It can be eaten plain, on toast, or in soups.
42 Cure Tooth Decay
Organs and glands provide the missing fat-soluble vitamins and cofactors
in our modern diet. In many countries across the world, people still consume
large amounts of organs and glands. In our modern western culture, this habit
has been lost, and as a result our growing boys and girls often develop poor facial
structures, due to incomplete bone growth.
Health food stores—Generally in the frozen section you will find beef liver
and beef or pork bones. Many stores have chicken liver for sale, because it
tastes good.
part, the organs and the fat. Yet everywhere else on the planet, every single drop
of substance in the lobster or crab is saved and eaten. The shells are even boiled
into a delicious broth. The innards of crab and lobster, known as mustard and
tomalley respectively, are very rich in bone- building, fat-soluble vitamins. Cray
fish, which look like miniature lobsters, also contain these valuable fat-soluble
vitamins and are found in lakes and streams. In Western countries the danger
from pollution of eating shellfish or their organs is very low due to strict regula-
tions. Shellfish are very sensitive to chemical pollution, and unfortunately we
have lost large harvesting areas of our sea foods due to pollution. For example,
the destruction of the Long Island Sound lobster habitat was caused from runoff
from mass malathion agricultural spraying. I bring this up because when you start
to see the value of our animal foods to our health, you also may experience the
need to take action to block our own government and corporations from destroy-
ing our sea food sources. We can also use our intelligence to restore damaged and
polluted eco-systems so that future generations can enjoy the health benefits of
fish and shellfish.
Many cultures of the world also know the value of other sea foods, like sea
urchin, sea snail, mussels, and other sea forms. People eating these foods tend to
have excellent bone development and excellent teeth.
Skate liver oil can be used in replacement of cod liver oil, or with cod liver oil.
Adjust your dosage accordingly. Skate liver oil is a hidden secret to obtaining a
very high concentration of fat-soluble vitamins, the type of vitamins that make
teeth and bones extra hard. I recommend its use along with cod liver oil. To
obtain your skate liver oil go to:
44 Cure Tooth Decay
- together with -
'/8 teaspoon of Blue Ice™ fermented skate liver oil 2-3 times per day.
(VA to Vl teaspoon daily)
If you are financially strapped, I suggest using the Blue Ice™ royal blend in
smaller doses. If you must use store foods, then use Anchor pasteurized butter (or
Kerrygold) with Nordic Naturals® Arctic™ cod liver oil. Advanced food enthusi-
asts use Green Pasture's™ products as a backup or as a supplement, and obtain
their fat-soluble vitamins and activators from regular consumption of a wide
range of organ meats, sea foods and raw grass-fed butter.
Chapter 4
There are not words to explain the supreme value of raw grass-fed milk in all
its forms. High quality raw milk will substantially contribute to your health and
well-being, and to your children's health and well-being. Milk is very high in
the minerals calcium and phosphorus which we know we need for strong teeth
and bones. Four cups (one quart) of milk provides about one gram of calcium
and one gram of phosphorus per day. This is a significant portion of your daily
requirements of the minerals you need for healthy teeth and bones. The fat por-
tion of the milk, the cream, contains small amounts of valuable fat-soluble vita-
mins like A and D, as well as vitamin C. When pasturing cows eat rapidly growing
grass in the time of rapid growth after it rains, there will be moderate amounts of
bone hardening Activator X in the milk. It is worth noting that the soils of Deaf
Smith County, Texas were extremely high in the mineral phosphorous.
Dr. Heard's years of observations show that people drinking one quart (four
cups) of excellent grass-fed milk per day will be immune to cavities. He also
advised to take some of the milk in different forms such as: buttermilk, clab-
ber, cottage cheese, kefir, and yogurt. Several ancient Ayurvedic texts, more than
2,000 years old, describe using milk, yes, raw grass-fed milk, as a cure for literally
hundreds of ailments. The most particularly healing milk to the body was identi-
fied as buttermilk. Since all milk was cultured in those days (the refrigerator was
not yet invented) this would of course be non-pasteurized cultured buttermilk.
Milk's healing power lies in its nutrient density and the ease with which our body
can digest it.
Before the recent invention of refrigerators, milk was drunk either immedi-
ately after milking, known as sweet milk, or it naturally began to sour and was
transformed into cheese or yogurt. Probiotics are vital to our health and good
digestion. Many forms of soured milk are excellent for obtaining these detoxify-
ing and vitamin-creating bacteria. Having healthy teeth is a result of more than
just eating well; it is about absorbing food well. An essential aspect of nutrient
Remineralize Your Teeth 47
absorption is having a diet rich in probiotic, live foods. In addition to a wide spec-
trum of probiotic bacteria, different forms of soured milk including yogurt con-
tain highly absorbable forms of calcium. Soured milk is also low in milk sugar,
known as lactose. Dr. Heard's observation that people who are immune to cavi-
ties consume a significant amount of soured milk reveals a vital but little known
way to create immunity to tooth decay.
Whey is the light yellowish liquid that remains when milk solids are removed
from cultured milk. You may have seen it on the top (or at the bottom) of
your yogurt container. After milk sours, the liquid portion of the milk can
be separated from the solids, leaving you with curds and whey. Whey is an
ancient health remedy because of how easy it is to absorb and digest along
with its vast probiotic contents. Whey can be obtained from yogurt if you do
not have access to raw milk.
Butter milk is the liquid that is left over from the process of churning butter.
It has a refreshing sweet and sour taste, and will aid your overall health.
Reader, would you like to have my formula for building sound teeth
in one line? Well, then, here it is: Drink plenty of pure raw milk
every day.}<)<)
These excellent results were enjoyed by Deaf Smith residents because the cows
pastured on Texas's native grasses grown on mineral-rich soil and grazed green
wheat in the winter time.
Deceptive Labeling
Milk laws are backwards these days. Milk laws are controlled at the state level,
so the law may be different in your state. Dairy products that are sold in larger
chain stores labeled as kefir, buttermilk, cottage cheese, or cream cheese are in
fact counterfeit. Because of the laws, real kefir, buttermilk, and cream cheese are
banned from our stores. Instead, the products you see have a specific strain of
culture added to the milk or cream to create these products. The natural, old-
fashioned way to make these products is through natural fermentation without
adding enzymes. Store products do not benefit from the natural culturing pro-
cess and are dramatically inferior. Usually the taste is completely different from
what the real food, not available in stores, actually tastes like. Equally, the health
benefits from the store-bought products will not be the same, with the possible
exception of some superior brands of yogurt.
The problem with store-bought dairy is not just in the culturing process,
but also in the quality of the original milk used. Most milk labeled as organic
comes from cows that are not raised naturally. Dairy cows, even from supposedly
organic dairies, are often confined, and deprived of their natural diet of grasses.
Instead, they are fed grains and other inexpensive fodder, including waste grains
from distilleries which are not a part of the cow's natural diet. The result of this
large scale, profit-driven production is that the grain-fed milk lacks wholesome
life-sustaining nutrients. In general people do not do well on grain-fed milk; it is
too sweet and nutrient poor. Unless labeled otherwise, you can assume that store-
bought milk is completely grain fed, even the organic varieties. Although the ideal
of organic milk is that it comes from pasture-fed, free ranging cows, the reality is
that very few dairies selling organic milk meet these standards.
"distillery dairies" in the mid 1800s. n o It was never meant for clean milk from
healthy animals on pasture.
In order to absorb calcium f r o m milk, we need the enzyme phosphatase
which is naturally present in raw milk. High temperature pasteurization heats
milk typically to 165 degrees or more, and destroys phosphatase. 1 1 1 Significant
portions of other vitamins are lost in the pasteurization process as well, in par-
ticular the highly important vitamin C. Typically the conventional type of milk
that most people drink contains fecal matter, blood, and pus. Commercial milk
must then be pasteurized to make it even drinkable. Pasteurization cooks this
material. It makes sense that significant portions of the population are going to
be allergic to this toxic soup.
Because pasteurization damages the probiotic content of raw milk, patho-
genic organisms associated with disease can easily grow in pasteurized milk.
When the probiotic organisms are destroyed, pasteurized milk lacks its own pro-
tective mechanism against harboring toxins that make people sick. In 2007, three
people died from drinking pasteurized milk in Massachusetts. Many times when
people get sick from milk, it is assumed that the milk was not pasteurized prop-
erly. Again, as with tooth decay, bacteria are always blamed. Toxic foods, sick
animals, residues of antibiotics and growth hormones are never considered to
be the cause of poisoning from pasteurized milk. Even worse, because milk was
pasteurized doctors will automatically eliminate it as a likely source of causing a
particular disease. As a result, sickness caused by pasteurized milk is vastly under
reported while sickness claimed to be caused by raw milk is vastly over reported.
With clean hygienic milking standards healthy raw milk from grass-fed animals
will be safer than pasteurized milk.
Homogenized milk renders the milk unusable because it breaks apart the
milk's cellular structure. It does so by forcing milk at high pressure through
extremely small holes which rupture the milk cells. Do not drink homogenized
milk. Many commercial ice creams are made with homogenized milk to give it a
creamier texture.
Commercial dairy animals are injected with rBGH (recombinant bovine
growth hormone), and they are fed genetically modified grains, which are not a
part of their natural diet. Avoid non-organic dairy foods. Consuming pasteurized
commercial milk raises the level of nonabsorbable calcium in one's diet. 112
Avoid powdered milk because it has been heated and the protein structure
destroyed. Low-fat milk is not satisfying to drink, but it can be used to make some
good cheese.
many states raw milk is harder to get than hard liquor, cigarettes, guns, prescrip-
tion drugs that have known dangerous side effects, and even marijuana. The term
for raw milk where it is illegal to be sold is moo-shine.—One easy way to find raw milk in your vicinity.
Whole Foods® has a very nice artisan cheese section with many raw milk cheeses.
You can tell if a cheese is grass-fed typically by how pungent it is. Grain-fed cheese
has a bland or "normal" milk flavor. Grass-fed cheese is flavorful, usually pun-
gent, and sometimes contains hints of a grassy flavor. In cities or more affluent
areas, you can often find cheesemongers who will have several varieties of grass-
fed raw cheeses, many of which are imported from Europe.
Calcium in
Milligrams 113
Hard / Soft Cheeses —2 ounces 404
Canned Sardines with bones —1 can 3.75 ounces 351
Yogurt, Whole Milk—1 cup 296
Canned Salmon with bones 3.5 ounces 277
Whole Milk—1 cup 276
Cooked Collard Greens 1 cup 266
Cooked Tahitian Taro Root—1 cup 204
Cooked Kale—1 cup 171
Cooked Dandelion Greens—1 cup 147
Cooked Broccoli—2 cups 120
Cooked Scallops—3.5 ounces 115
Herring—3 ounces 90
Cottage Cheese — Vl cup 69
Halibut—3 ounces 50
One Medium Sweet Potato 40
Shrimp — 3 ounces 33
Salmon without Bones — 3.5 ounces 28
Calcium Supplements
Many, but not all calcium supplements contain forms of calcium
that are not recognized by your body. Non-absorbable calcium
raises blood calcium levels in an unhealthy way which can lead to
excess calculus deposits. I do not have any recommendations for
calcium supplements even though there may be some good ones
on the market. I suggest getting non-dairy calcium from plenty of
vegetables and sea food.
out the week. 115 Broth from nourishing soup is made by boiling cartilage-rich
bones of chicken, beef, fish, and so on. Good broth is rich in gelatin, and when
refrigerated it will gel. Excellent gravy can be made with beef or lamb broth.
Gelatin can help heal and rebuild your digestive tract. It enhances nutri-
ent absorption. Aloe vera and slippery elm gruel can also aid in soothing the
intestines. Part of Dr. Price's successful tooth decay controlling protocol was the
almost daily use of beef or fish stews. The beef stew was prepared with plenty of
bone marrow. The best bone broth for tooth decay reversal is broth made from
the carcasses of wild fish. The carcass ideally should have the head, and if it has
the organs—even better. This broth is especially potent and rich in minerals.
Instructions for broth are f o u n d in the recipe section later in the book. Healthy
cultures around the world know the value of soup made with fish heads. The
meat, eyes and brain from the fish are all eaten as they are rich in minerals and
fat-soluble vitamins.
Suggested Broth C o n s u m p t i o n
1-2 cups of broth per day. Consume it as a tea, in soups, in stews
or as gravy.
Blood Sugar
An important insight from dentist Melvin Page explains how blood sugar fluctua-
tions can influence tooth decay. In blood chemistry tests, Dr. Page determined
that different types of sugar consumption cause different fluctuations in blood
sugar levels. When blood sugar fluctuates, the calcium and phosphorus ratios in
the blood fluctuate along with it. White sugar produces the most significant blood
sugar fluctuations, which last five hours. Fruit sugar produces fewer fluctuations
but the blood sugar still remains out of balance for five hours. Honey causes
even fewer fluctuations and blood sugar stabilizes after three hours. 1 1 6 Blood
sugar fluctuations can increase blood calcium. This is because calcium is being
pulled from your teeth or your bones depending upon which glands are strong
and which glands are weak in your body. The calcium and phosphorous ratios in
your blood are negatively affected over time by blood sugar fluctuations. Dr. Page
found that the combination of stable blood sugar levels with the correct ratio
of calcium and phosphorous in the blood results in immunity to tooth decay. 117
The longer your blood sugar is out of control, the longer and more signifi-
cantly the calcium and phosphorus ratios are altered, the higher the likelihood
of tooth decay. Regardless of whether the sugar is white sugar or sugar from
fruit consumption, it still affects your blood sugar level. If sweet foods, natural
or processed, are consumed several times per day, then the alteration in blood
sugar will be prolonged and consistent. Over time, this will lead to a consistent
Remineralize Your Teeth 53
alteration of blood calcium and phosphorous levels and likely cause cavities. All
sweet foods, no matter how natural, cause blood sugar fluctuations. How much
blood sugar fluctuates is related to the intensity of the sweetness. Therefore dates,
or dried fruit, may cause significantly more blood sugar fluctuations than a fresh
green apple. If sugar is a part of your regular diet, particularly in large amounts,
then your blood sugar level never has much time to recover to normal.
While conventional dentistry believes that it is the carbohydrate factor of the
food sticking to teeth that causes cavities, in reality it is the changes of the blood
chemistry that cause tooth decay from sugar. Conventional dentistry advises
patients against frequent snacking. Here the ADA writes, "Frequent snacking on
carbohydrate-containing foods can be an invitation to tooth decay." 118 Frequent
snacking typically is an invitation for tooth decay, not because snacking itself is
bad or wrong, but because of the types of foods most people choose for snacks.
Typical snacks could be: fast foods, potato chips, candy bars, "health food" bars,
breakfast cereals and flour products of every type. Thus conventional dentistry
is partially correct: frequent snacking from sugar-laden convenience foods of
commerce produces tooth decay. Dr. Page found that frequent meals contain-
ing vegetables, protein and fat are beneficial in controlling blood sugar fluctua-
tions. Conventional dentistry is also incorrect about snacking, because frequent
snacking of balancing foods like vegetables, proteins and fats will not cause tooth
decay. Tooth decay has more of a connection to the type of food eaten than to
the frequency of snacking. Wise food choices containing some protein allow you
to snack all day long while inhibiting tooth decay.
Fruit, particularly berries, can add to your health. But too much fruit means too
much sugar and that can cause tooth cavities by causing blood sugar fluctuations.
Most of the fruit on the store shelves today is hybridized. For example, an ancient
ipple was a small sour fruit, which probably needed to be cooked to be edible. But
hundreds and even thousands of years of cultivation, selection, and hybridization
lave created apples with high sugar content. While fruit is natural, the high sugar
:ontent of most fruits means that many people cannot eat as much fruit as they
.vant and remain healthy. Fruit is not a bad food choice, but many people eat too
nuch. Many people have mistakenly made fruit a staple item of their diets, rather
:han seeing it as a snack, side dish, or occasional treat.
Fruit is best eaten with fat. Fruit and cream go well together, such as peaches
)r strawberries and cream. Some fruit goes well with cheese, such as apples or
jears. Some people consume excess amounts of very sweet fruits. The sugar in
hese fruits helps calm hunger by providing rapid energy. But fruit does not give
he body sufficient nutrient building blocks like protein. Sweet fruits include
)ranges, peaches, grapes and bananas. I highly recommend limiting these very
54 Cure Tooth Decay
sweet fruits when you are trying to keep tooth decay at a m i n i m u m . Having
cavities is a sign that your blood sugar mechanism is not working optimally, and
eating excessive natural sweets will not allow your system to correct itself. Once
your cavities are a distant memory, you could safely eat more sweet fruits. For
some people, cooking all of their fruit before eating is helpful as it transforms the
sugars and can increase digestibility.
Basic fruit recommendations: Avoid or greatly limit highly sweet fruits like
dates, peaches, pineapples, dried fruit, blueberries and bananas until you do
not have tooth decay anymore.
The work of dentist Melvin Page and the telling photographs of Weston Price
show us the disastrous effects of too much sugar in our diet. The more refined
the sugar is, the more it is going to cause your blood sugar to fluctuate. The
more extreme the fluctuation, the more disturbed your calcium and phosphorous
metabolism will be. Fructose-containing sweeteners or sweeteners labeled as low
glycemic may not raise your blood glucose level, but they do raise your blood
fructose levels. The end result is an even deeper disturbance in your calcium and
phosphorous balance than that caused by white sugar. We already have the chal-
lenge of obtaining enough minerals in our diet. The more sweet foods that you eat
the less room you will have for mineral- dense foods like vegetables and nuts.
heit. If the hive gets too hot, the bees abandon the hive. I highly recommend only
consuming honey that is harvested at or below 93 degrees. Honey that is labeled
as "raw" but does not state unheated or never heated may have been heated to
much higher temperatures than 93 degrees, and many of the benefits of the honey
may be lost. For this reason, honey is not good for cooking. Despite the claims of
some manufacturers of honey, honey does not prevent tooth decay. It is however
an excellent sweetener.
Maple Syrup—Grade B organic maple syrup will have your body saying
"yes." Many maple syrups may contain formaldehyde residue even though the
practice of using formaldehyde pellets to keep tap holes in trees open is currently
forbidden. I have felt sick from a generic brand of organic maple syrup, so choose
smaller independent brands that are more likely to be using the best practices.
Real Cane Sugar—In ancient Ayurvedic medicine, real sugar such as jaggery
is considered a medicine. But most of the sugar available in the store today is far
from medicinal. Most varieties are excessively processed. Safe forms of sugar are
pure cane juice, extracted yourself f r o m the sugar cane, Heavenly Organics ™
Sugar, or Rapunzel's Rapadura sugar. As far as I know, other sugars labeled raw,
organic or anything else are likely to be significantly processed, with the minerals
removed. Both cane sugar and maple syrup can be safely used in cooking.
Stevia (Use extreme caution)—Stevia is a very sweet herb. You must be
extremely careful with its use because it may have other medicinal properties
besides its use as a sweetener. The only stevia that is safe to use is the minimally
processed fresh herb. The fresh stevia is simply dried and powdered. A stevia
concentrate which is a brownish color that simply contains the entire stevia herb
in a more potent form should also be safe. There are many sweeteners made from
extracting components of the stevia leaf and they are dangerous. Be very care-
ful that you do not mistakenly buy a stevia extract or overly processed product.
These extracts of stevia will likely cause significant imbalances to your glandular
system. Likewise do not use stevia that is stored in glycerin.
corn syrup. Sweetened drinks, soft drinks and food bars are just a few of the foods
commonly sweetened by fructose. The prevalence of the dangerous high fructose
corn syrup in our foods is due to government subsidies to the corn industry
which make fructose cheaper than natural sugar. This policy is not a good use of
our tax dollars.
Protein Assimilation
The flavor of our life is enhanced when we prepare proteins to ensure for maxi-
mum taste and digestion. Animal proteins that are not digested properly release
toxic by-products into our bodies. When our bodies are healthy—and most peo-
ple are not in optimal health—the chemical fires of our digestive system neutral-
ize and fully assimilate proteins, and the toxic by-products are easily removed.
For the majority of us, cooked animal proteins leave some toxic residues in our
The cooking methods mentioned here will all significantly increase your abil-
ity to safely digest and utilize proteins. Since proteins are body builders, easy to
digest proteins in your diet are important to stop tooth decay. Here are some
delicious variations to cook proteins that enhance their flavor and digestion.
Barbecue—Grill your food on wood coals. This adds a wonderful flavor
and juicy texture to your food. Commercially prepared charcoals with chemicals
added can make food toxic, but real wood for barbecues leaves your proteins
juicy and flavorful.
Remineralize Your Teeth 59
Rare—A well-done steak generally does not taste as good as medium rare or
rare. Beef, lamb, and ahi tuna all taste great seared but not fully cooked.
Stews —Eating fully cooked proteins with a gelatin-rich broth as stew or as
gravy enhances your body's ability to absorb the protein. Cooked protein repels
digestive juices in our stomach. But mixing cooked protein with a gelatin-rich
broth makes the protein attract digestive juices and digest well.
Raw—Our culture's many cuisines are full of raw protein foods; we just do
not usually notice. Body builders consume raw eggs in smoothies. Other com-
mon raw foods are: steak tartare, sushi and sashimi, cheese, and oysters. I usually
have no problems eating certain types of animal foods raw. Other people prefer to
freeze or marinate animal proteins before they consume them raw to destroy pos-
sible pathogens. Raw protein can be very easy to digest because it absorbs water.
Chemical "Cooking" —Surprisingly we have fermented raw meats available
in our culture. Salami, cold smoked salmon, and corned beef are a few examples.
Ceviche is an example where acid from lemon or lime cooks the food (raw fish)
while it marinates. These types of no-heat cooking methods make protein easy
to digest and taste good.
Protein Balance
The different ways to cook and prepare proteins are designed to increase your
assimilation of protein and hopefully help heal any intestinal damage or poor
digestion. Eating a high protein diet does not work for many people because we
need to eat adequate amounts of fat with our proteins. So do not be shy about
enjoying fat with your protein. Proteins go well in combination with vegetables
or grains.
Many people have slightly damaged intestinal walls where partially digested
protein can permeate directly into the bloodstream. 1 2 5 If you have this condi-
tion, you generally will not feel very well after eating a lot of protein. In the worst
case your joints could swell in an autoimmune reaction to the proteins in your
bloodstream. Eating small amounts of proteins with larger amounts of cooked
vegetables helps people with problems assimilating protein. Dentist Melvin Page
estimated that we should eat a minimum of 1 /15 th of our body weight in protein
per day. To get your minimum or average protein intake, take your desired body
weight and divide it by 15. For example, someone who weighs 150 pounds should
eat at least 10 ounces of protein spread throughout the day. Dr. Page thought that
more small meals with protein spread throughout the day would help control
and balance your blood sugar. You can eat more protein than this, but for most
people less than this amount is not advisable.
60 Cure Tooth Decay
Protein Powders
I know of some case studies in which people got tooth decay from consuming
protein powder. The significant processing of most protein powders renders the
protein hazardous. Some high-quality protein powders made from high-quality
animal foods may be of benefit to people, but this is not known for certain. What
is the point of consuming protein powder when you can have real, healthy pro-
tein? For example: If whey protein is healthy, then simply drink whey every day.
That way you get safe protein and probiotics as an added bonus. If you feel that
you need more protein in your diet then have real and natural proteins like eggs,
fish, or beef. Soy protein blocks iron absorption even when all the phytic acid
has been removed; 126 this is an example of one of the many hazards of protein
Phosphorus is perhaps even more important to tooth remineralization than cal-
cium. Phosphorous is in most foods. However it is highly concentrated in dairy
products like milk and cheese, in the organs of land and sea animals, in muscle
meats and proteins including eggs, and in grains, nuts and beans. One has to be
careful in using grains and beans for phosphorous sources because some grains,
like white rice, do not contain much phosphorous. Meanwhile other whole grains
contain phosphorous in a form that is not absorbable. Vegetables do not contain
much phosphorous. Three and a half ounces of a hard cheese provides 0.6 grams
of phosphorus; the same amount of beef, chicken or fish contains about 0.25
grams. Four cups of raw milk provide 0.9 grams of phosphorus. Organ meats are
generally much richer in phosphorous than muscle meats. Dr. Price's nutritional
Rem i nera I ize You r Teeth 61
4 eggs contain 0.5 grams of phosphorous. Eggs from pastured
chickens, ducks or other animals are rich in tooth-decay-fighting
vitamins and minerals.
If you visit a farm you can watch goats or cows madly salivate over grass. I
have noticed that reaction does not occur with humans. That is because we are not
made to eat too many uncooked raw fibrous vegetables. Raw vegetables can irritate
the intestinal lining especially if the lining is already inflamed. Cooked vegetables
and fruits have their cellulose broken down so they are easier for us to digest. I
recommend usually eating cooked vegetables or fruit with some type of fat like
butter or cream. To me, a soft cooked piece of broccoli with some butter or cheese
is much easier to digest than a piece of raw crunchy broccoli. When vegetables are
juiced, the cellulose is removed and the nutrients are free to be assimilated. How-
ever too much vegetable juice may expose you to unnecessary plant toxins and
even excess sugars, depending upon which vegetables you are juicing.
Dark, leafy-green vegetables need to be eaten cooked, as the nutrients are
released through cooking. The bottom line is to prepare your vegetables in a way
that tastes good to you. Do not force yourself to eat raw vegetables to try to be
cavity-free children now have tooth decay. There is one clear response that over
and over again proves to be correct: whole grains.
Considering modern humans (Homo sapiens) are about 200,000 years old,
large amounts of grains constitute a very recent addition to the modern diet. Our
bodies are not designed to eat grains in their raw form so grains require us to use
our intelligence to predigest the grains through the process of fermentation and
then cooking. In the absence of careful grain preparation including fermentation,
a host of diseases appear.
The famous professor and doctor Edward Mellanby wrote that "oatmeal
and grain embryo interfere most strongly" with the building of healthy teeth. He
called the effect of the germ of grains on teeth "baneful." He also found that a diet
high in grain germ or embryo led to nervous system problems in his dogs such
as leg weakness and uncoordinated movements. Dr. Mellanby concluded that
most cereals contain a toxic substance that can affect the nervous system. 128 He
pointed out the connection of grains and legumes to pellagra, a niacin deficiency,
lathyrism, which is immobility caused by bean toxins in the lathyrus family such
as a certain type of sweet pea, and pernicious anemia which is related to a vitamin
Bj2 deficiency. Each one of these diseases is most effectively treated with animal
liver. And each one of these diseases can be produced in laboratory conditions
by feeding whole grains.
not contract scurvy. 130 This reveals that the sprouting process may disable anti-
nutrients that cause scurvy. Research on scurvy eventually led to the discovery of
the anti-scorbutic (anti-scurvy) vitamin which we know as vitamin C. Reintro-
ducing vitamin C in the diet of guinea pigs with raw cabbage (sauerkraut would
work for humans) or orange juice resolves the disease.
Some scurvy researchers suspected that the lack of vitamin C was not the
essential cause of scurvy. Rather they believed that vitamin C protected against
some injurious factor in the diet. Since a scurvy-inducing diet largely consisted
of whole grains, perhaps the injurious factor is something in the grains. Today
we know that grains contain numerous plant toxins and anti-nutrients including
lectins and phytic acid.
Phytic acid is the principal storage form of phosphorus in many plant tissues,
especially the bran portion of grains and other seeds. It is found in significant
amounts in grains, nuts, beans, seeds, and some tubers. Phytic acid contains the
mineral phosphorus tightly bound in a snowflake-like molecule. In humans and
animals with one stomach, the phosphorus is not readily bioavailable. In addi-
tion to blocking phosphorus availability, the "arms" of the phytic acid molecule
readily bind with other minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc,
making them unavailable as well. Yet the negative effects of phytic acid can be
significantly reduced with vitamin C. Adding vitamin C to the diet can signifi-
cantly counteract phytic acid's iron absorption blocking effect. 131 This leaves us
with compelling evidence that the symptoms of scurvy like soft and spongy gums
leading to tooth loss are the result of a lack of vitamin C, and too many grains,
or other phytic acid-rich foods. Perhaps vitamin C's remarkable ability to heal
and prevent scurvy is because of its ability to aid in iron absorption which was
disturbed by too many improperly prepared grains rich in phytic acid.
Giving rats and dogs a scurvy-producing diet did not lead to scurvy, it led to
another disease, rickets. Rickets is a disease that is known for producing severely
bowed legs in children. Other rickets symptoms include muscle weakness, bone
pain or tenderness, skeletal problems and tooth decay. To produce rickets in the
laboratory, dogs were fed oatmeal. Professor Edward Mellanby describes his find-
ings of decades of research:
The most severe rickets-producing diet was a mostly whole grain diet which
included whole wheat, whole corn, and wheat gluten. 133 Rickets has been identi-
fied as a disease of calcium, phosphorous and vitamin D metabolism. 134 In one
study, hospital cases of rickets fell greatly in June. 135 As previously mentioned,
Remineralize Your Teeth 65
Activator X-rich butter was shown to prevent rickets. This is because Activator
X would appear in high quantities in June grass-fed butter. Germination of oats
itself did not reduce the rickets- producing effect of whole oats. But germination
together with fermentation of whole grains greatly reduced the severity of rick-
ets.136 On the rickets-producing diet, teeth become abnormal. There is a known
impairment of the ability for teeth to mineralize that is associated with rickets.
In rare cases of rickets, some children's teeth do not erupt. Rickets is cured or
prevented by having adequate fat-soluble vitamin D in the diet. This is because
vitamin D increases the utilization of phosphorous and calcium in diets with
phytic acid, and without phytic acid.
Scurvy and rickets are both produced in laboratory experiments in different
animals using a diet consisting largely of whole grains. The connection between
scurvy and rickets is not a random coincidence; it has also been observed in
humans. Dr. Thomas Barlow of England carefully studied rickets cases in chil-
dren, and published a report in 1883 suggesting that scurvy and rickets are closely
related.137 Infantile scurvy is also known as Barlow's Disease. Both scurvy and
rickets are connected to serious problems with teeth and/or gums. It seems both
possible and reasonable that whole grains can cause scurvy in the absence of
vitamin C, and rickets in the absence of vitamin D.
Scurvy still occurs in modern times, and the cause is still the same. In one
previously healthy individual, strictly following a macrobiotic diet nearly caused
death from scurvy within one year. Her diet consisted mostly of whole brown rice
and other freshly ground whole grains. 138
large amounts of anti-nutrients) lost their ability to produce rickets. 143 While
germinated and then soured grains do not produce rickets, they do not create
optimal bone growth unless there is sufficient vitamin D in the diet. 144
grains, regardless of whether the grains are soured or not. The effect of the
grain toxin on teeth appears very similar to someone ingesting large quantities of
synthetic fructose syrup.
Since lectins are a sugar-binding protein, it seems that the toxic substance
in grains could be lectins or similar grain sugars. Lectins are also found in high
amounts in beans. Many types of lectins are easily neutralized by cooking, ferment-
ing, or digestion. Grain's baneful effect on teeth may be a combination of many
grain toxins like phytic acid and lectins together. Some lectins cannot be broken
down by fermentation or digestion and become poison to our bodies; others are
not harmful to humans at all. Agglutinin is a lectin in wheat germ that passes
through digestion and into the body and produces intestinal inflammation.
Certain lectins are very poisonous. Ricin, the lectin in castor beans, is lethal
to humans in even small doses. It destroys cells by affecting their ability to utilize
proteins. Lectins in general can bind to the villi and cells in the small intestine
resulting in a diminished capacity for digestion and absorption. 1 5 4 In particu-
lar lectins can interfere with hormone and growth factor signaling which may
explain why they could promote severe cavities or other growth problems. A
demonstration of lectins' connection with tooth decay can be shown in a saliva
test for lectins that indicates one's susceptibility to tooth decay. 155
Wheat and dairy products eaten together is not just seen in the high Alpine
villages. In Africa a traditional dish made from wheat known as kishk involves a
laborious process to make the wheat safe to eat. First the wheat is boiled, dried,
and then ground. The bran is completely removed as in the case of the Loetschen-
tal rye preparation. Milk is soured in a separate vessel, and then milk and bran-
free wheat are soured together for 24-48 hours, and finally dried for storage.
Ancient beer recipes do use the bran and germ of grains. Ancient beer is a
fermentation method that extracts the good vitamins from the bran and the germ
without exposing the beer drinker to the grain toxins. Unfortunately modern
commercially brewed beers can cause cavities.
Healthy Oats
The Gaelics of the Outer Hebrides regularly consumed large amounts of oats, but
they did not suffer from scurvy, rickets, or tooth decay. In contrast, rickets was
very common in more modern parts of Scotland where oats were also consumed.
The difference between the two oat-eating groups was the fat-soluble content of
their diets, and how the oats were prepared. Oats were stored outdoors after har-
vesting and the oats partially germinated for days or even weeks in the rain and
sun. 166 The outer husk was collected and fermented for a week or longer. This
could have been used to produce an enzyme-rich starter for souring oats. Oats
may have been fermented anywhere from 12-24 hours and as long as a week. I am
unclear if the oats were consumed whole, or if the bran was removed. I am further
unclear on all the details on how oats were prepared. Modern oatmeal flakes typi-
cally have the bran removed. The diet of the Outer Hebrides was extremely rich
in fat-soluble vitamins A and D from cod's head stuffed with cod livers which
would protect against phytic acid. Their diet was also very rich in minerals from
consumption of shellfish which could replenish potentially lost or blocked miner-
als if there was any phytic acid left in the oats. The combination of soil tending,
careful oat preparation, and a mineral- and fat-soluble rich diet allowed oats to
be a healthy staple for the isolated Gaelic populations.
Unlike the careful harvesting and storage of oats by isolated cultures, even
organic whole oats you buy in the store are heat treated and they are not left in
the fields to germinate and dry. Oats are heat treated because the high fat content
of this grain can easily suffer rancidity during storage. The heat treated oats lose
their entire phytase enzyme content however, so soaking or souring oatmeal will
not destroy any phytic acid prior to cooking. There is a surprising percentage of
people I have talked to who have cavities or whose children have cavities who
are heavy oat eaters. This confirms the results of the Mellanby's years of human
and animal trials. In the rickets experiments, oats that are first sprouted and then
soured for two days lost their ability to produce rickets.
The problem with preparing truly healthy-to-eat oats is that you need to
72 Cure Tooth Decay
special order oats that are still alive in order to sprout them. I am uncertain if
you can make heat treated oats safe for the health of your teeth. My suggestion
would be to sprout oats for two days and then to dry them and remove the oat
bran through grinding and sifting or flaking. Then you would need to sour oats
at a warm temperature with a starter for 24 hours before consuming. The con-
sequences of oats that are not expertly prepared for our teeth are a documented
cause for concern.
Healthy Rice
In rice-eating countries across the globe, rice is rarely consumed in its brown
form, with the whole bran. In a quest to find the most ancient and traditional
preparation methods, I found several accounts of partially polished rice. Rice is
traditionally stored in its husk, and then fresh pounded before cooking. How
much bran is removed in traditional brown rice preparation seems to be depen-
dent on the breed of rice, and the other foods available in the diet. Ancient rice
preparation included low tech milling, such as tumbling the rice with stones
which removes a significant portion of bran and germ from the rice. 167 But some
portion of the bran and germ remain. That exact amount of bran to be removed
will depend on how long the rice is fermented, and the specific type of rice used.
A good guess would be 50% of bran should be removed from rice. Milled rice has
usually a little bit of germ, polished rice no germ.
Rancid rice has a bitter aftertaste. In several nutrient absorption studies
brown rice consumption did not lead to more nutrient absorption compared
to rice with the bran removed. In one specific study, brown rice was compared
with milled rice (rice without most of the bran and germ, but not polished totally
white). There was no difference in nutrient absorption even though the brown
rice actually contained more nutrients. 1 6 8 This apparent contradiction would
be explained by the phytic acid and other anti-nutrients in the rice. One study
showed that the anti-iron phytate levels in rice were disabled by the vitamin C in
collard greens. 169 Because rice goes rancid rapidly or because insects and rodents
eat it quickly, in rice-eating cultures rice is stored in the husk, or stored as white
rice. In most of the rice-eating populations across the world it is very difficult to
find brown rice.
In a rice-based diet rice toxins are neutralized by sour fruit and vegetables
high in vitamin C, land or sea organ meats rich in fat-soluble vitamins, and some-
times via the fermentation of rice or beans. Completely bran- and germ-free rice,
known as white rice, can cause a vitamin B - l (thiamine) deficiency in a diet very
high in or exclusively of white rice. The condition is known as beriberi. Beriberi
rarely occurred in people eating partially milled rice which retained a small por-
tion of the bran. I know of people in rice-eating cultures with beautiful white,
cavity-free teeth who grew up on white rice.
Remineralize Your Teeth 73
Healthy Corn
Even more than rice, the healthy preparation of corn as a grain is largely depen-
dent upon the variety of the corn being used. This leads to a wide variety of tradi-
tional corn preparation methods which range from simple roasting to fermenting
for two weeks.
Corn is universally nixtamalized when prepared for consumption as flour.
This is a process of soaking corn in an alkaline solution to release niacin (vitamin
B3) and then hulling. Modern corn tortillas, chips, and corn meals have either no
corn bran or germ, or have very little corn bran or germ. They also are nixtamal-
ized. Typical corn products with the bran and germ removed would be lower in
phytic acid and lower in toxic properties than whole grain corn. I cannot clearly
advise on how much of these corn products is safe to eat in relation to dental
health. They seem comparable to unfermented unbleached wheat flour. If a food
has the entire corn kernel in it, and it has not gone through a thorough fermenta-
tion process it probably is very high in anti-nutrients like phytic acid and lectins.
I am certain that food products containing the entire corn kernel, either as it is,
or as sprouted corn should be avoided. Another issue of concern with corn is
genetically modified corn. Because of cross pollination, even many not genetically
modified corns may have some genetic alteration. Animals typically will not eat
genetically modified (GM) corn unless they are forced to do so. Those that have
eaten it have had reproductive problems among other problems.
Ogi, a traditional fermented cereal from West Africa illustrates the efforts
needed to make corn, sorghum or millet safe to eat for children. To begin, the
grains are already sun dried after harvesting and stored in their hulls. The corn
is then soaked for 1 - 3 days. The corn bran, corn hulls, and corn germ are com-
pletely removed. The mixture is then fermented for 2 - 3 days, cooked and then
dried for storage.' 7 0
Pozol is a fermented corn dish from South America. The corn is cooked with
calcium hydroxide to release niacin. The hull, or pericarp, of the corn is removed.
Pozol is fermented for 1-14 days.
Not every single indigenous grain recipe removes the bran of the grain or
even ferments the grain. Injera is an Ethiopian bread traditionally made from
teff. The recipe I have for injera uses from whole grain sorghum. The sorghum
74 Cure Tooth Decay
• Aging of grains.
• Storing grains carefully, many times with the outer hull to preserve
tooth decay. This is because fermentation, while good at removing phytic acid,
does not neutralize all the grain toxins like lectins in certain types and varieties
of grains. This leads me to the conclusion that it is best to avoid commercially
prepared breads, crackers, health food bars, pastas, cereals and anything else in
the store that contains whole grains. No exceptions. Since quinoa and buckwheat
are pseudo cereals and not exactly grains, there is some chance that they can be
consumed whole provided you remove the phytic acid. But I do not know this
for certain. Without knowing what the exact toxin is in the grains causing severe
cavities, and without specifically testing each particular store-bought food, I can-
not say that any whole grain foods from the store will keep your teeth safe from
tooth decay.
Avoid sprouted grain breads —Another deadly food for teeth is commer-
cially made sprouted grain products from whole grains. The whole grain plant
toxins are not sufficiently neutralized by sprouting and these foods can cause
severe tooth decay.
Avoid most gluten-free grain products—Many gluten-free products are
made with brown rice. Brown rice will be very high in phytic acid and these
products should be avoided. Gluten-free grain products made from white rice,
on the other hand, will not have much phytic acid or grain toxins.
Avoid breakfast cereals—These now have bran or whole grains added to
them for the advertised fiber and supposed health features of bran. Cereals with
whole grains will be very high in phytic acid and likely high in other grain toxins.
Avoid health food bars — M a n y contain whole grains that are not properly
soured and are very high in grain toxins. They also contain lots of sugar.
Limit popcorn—Popcorn has some phytic acid. Definitely avoid it if you
have tooth decay. Moderate amounts of popcorn are safe to eat for people who
are otherwise healthy.
these unfermented processed grains are to eat, but they will be low in phytic acid
if they are not made from whole grains. Traditionally couscous and pasta would
be made from semolina or other bran-free grains that are soured or fermented in
some way. These options are not available commercially as far as I know.
Any type of bread made with unbleached white flour will be low in phytic
acid. Fermented sourdough bread is the ideal way to consume unbleached flour.
Sourdough bread with unbleached flour that is sour in taste is the best grain
product available in the western world. Not all sourdoughs are created equally.
The bread should be soured at least 16 hours and be sour in taste. Some artisan
bakers even freshly grind the whole wheat or rye, and remove the bran and germ
to make an excellent soured loaf.
White rice does not have much phytic acid. It appears that white jasmine
and white basmati rice in health food stores retain a tiny portion of the rice germ
because of their brownish color. White rice does not seem to have negative health
effects on people like white flour does. The ideal rice preparation is with rice that
is first aged for one year, freshly milled to remove about half or more of the bran
and germ, and then soured. Since most of us cannot do this ourselves, our second
best options are to choose between high quality white rice, and partially milled or
brown rice prepared with a phytase-rich starter. The brown rice recipe is in the
recipe section. If you are not going to soak your rice with a phytase-rich starter,
then choose white rice.
Like the other grains, corn products should be fermented. There are many
corn tortillas and other corn products in the stores that do not have the corn bran
and germ. These should be low in phytic acid and not promote tooth decay. Just
keep in mind if you eat any of these compromise foods that any unfermented
grain eaten consistently has the potential to cause negative health effects in the
long run.
Calcium—Just as in the Loetschental Valley grains go well with cheese. Cal-
cium will block many negative effects from grains, nuts and beans. If you con-
sume bread, have it with a large slice of cheese, or with a cup of raw milk, or both.
Lentils go great with some yogurt on the side. The rickets-producing effect of oat-
meal was limited by calcium. 172 When vitamin D is low in the diet, even phytic -
acid-free grains can deplete levels of calcium. 173 This gives us an important clue
to safe grain consumption: have calcium-containing foods with your grains.
Vitamin C —Vitamin C significantly counteracts the negative effects of grain
anti-nutrients. Have vitamin C-rich foods with meals that have grains, nuts,
beans or seeds in them. High quality unpasteurized dairy products have some
vitamin C.
Folic Acid may play an important part in working with vitamin C to reduce
the anti-nutritional effects of grains. High amounts of folic acid are found in
liver from a variety of animals as well as in beans, spices, seaweed, leafy greens
and asparagus.
Remineralize Your Teeth 93
Vitamin C in Food
Advanced Guidelines—The indigenous practice all over the world is for grains
to be freshly ground before use. Many people have Nourishing Traditions by Sally
Fallon or other books which have many delicious recipes including whole grain
recipes. These recipes provide soaked and soured grain dishes that are easier to
digest. The careful suggestion I have is not to use whole grain flour. After you
fresh grind your whole grain you will want to sift it with a sifter or sieve to remove
the bran and germ. Then follow the recipe. You will have delicious dishes that are
easy to digest as a result. Grains that definitely require bran and germ removal
to be safe are corn, rye, spelt, kamut, barley, and wheat as well as grains directly
related to them. For rice you will need to decide if you want to use brown soaked
rice, partially milled soaked rice with the phytase starter, or white rice. If you can,
you will want to start with a vacuum sealed brown rice (since brown rice goes
Remineralize Your Teeth 79
easily rancid), remove about 50% of the bran, and then soak it with a phytase-
rich starter as described in chapter six. Soured rice cakes will increase the vitality
Df the rice.
Grain Detoxification
/Vhen adults come to me with a difficult tooth that is not healing, I recommend
hey avoid grains for 2 - 3 weeks to let their body recover and find balance. Also
ivoid grains, nuts, beans and seeds temporarily if:
You are eating a more nutrient-dense diet where you have achieved some
cavity healing success, but not complete success, such as a once-painful
tooth that now hurts occasionally.
If you have been consuming whole grains that were not properly soured,
or the bran from rye, kamut, spelt or wheat. It is possible that your intes-
tinal lining is inflamed. Taking a temporary break from grains will help
heal this problem.
After grain, nut, bean and seed detoxification you will more clearly be able to
evaluate how grains are affecting your body, and which grains feel good for you
to eat.
Beans are high in phytic acid and lectins. Lathyrism is a disease attributed to poor
people who in difficult environmental circumstances planted and consumed the
extremely hardy bean lathyrus sativus (a type of sweet pea). The toxic substance
that caused lathyrism is likely the toxic amino acid beta-N-oxalylamino-L-alanine.
Its symptoms include walking difficulties, leg weakness and eventually complete
paralysis. Other beans also contain quite a few plant toxins such as soy beans.
Lima beans consumed in Nigeria as a staple involve a "painstaking processes" to
make them safe to eat. 1 7 4
To completely eliminate phytates, beans need to be soaked overnight in
warm water, geminated for several days, and then soured. Most people will not
be able to go through the lengths to remove all of the phytic acid in beans. Soak-
ing beans overnight and then cooking them eliminates a good portion of phytic
acid in smaller beans like lentils. Simply soaking beans overnight may be good
80 Cure Tooth Decay
enough for most people. Just boiling beans that are unsoaked will not remove a
significant amount of phytic acid.
As with grains, different beans have different concentrations of plant toxins,
and require different types of preparation methods. The exact details for indig-
enous cultures' preparation of commonly used beans are unobtainable by me at
this time. But we can look at a few examples. In Latin America, beans are often
fermented after the cooking process to make a sour porridge called chugo. In
India lentils are typically consumed split. That means the outer layer, the husk,
(equivalent to the bran in grains) is removed. Lentils without the bran are prob-
ably the safest beans to eat. Lentils can be soured into tasty cakes with rice called
dosas. Take the same food combining precautions with beans as you would with
grains. Eat beans with cheese, beans with vitamin D-containing-foods, and beans
with vitamin C-rich vegetables and berries.
Bean Suggestions
Soak beans overnight and cook with kombu (sea vegetable) to soften them
and aid digestion.
Beans should be very soft and easy to digest when cooked.
Choose smaller sized beans over larger ones.
Prepare soured beans in dishes like dosas.
Just so you understand these figures, nuts contain about the same level of phytic
acid as grains.
Do not misunderstand me; I think nuts are delicious—especially when they
have been sprouted and low-temperature dehydrated, and then roasted to elimi-
nate a large amount of phytic acid. It seems almost universal that indigenous
cultures cooked their nuts in some way, such as adding them to meat soups and
stews. The problem people have with nuts is that they are consuming too many
raw, which means they are high in phytic acid, and too much as a staple, rather
than as a part of a wholesome diet. An interesting note about macadamia nuts
is that they are an aboriginal nut from Australia. Aboriginal peoples also had
access to the highest vitamin C rich fruit on the planet, the kakadu plum. The
high amounts of vitamin C in the aboriginal diet may have protected Australia's
82 Cure Tooth Decay
Aborigines from plant toxins from macadamia nuts. Many types of macadamia
nuts are known to be toxic and are not cultivated. A certain nut from Thailand
needs to be buried in volcanic soil for 100 days, and then soaked for three days
in water to make it safe to eat. Nuts contain nourishing vitamins, but also potent
plant toxins that could adversely affect the central nervous system.
Since many people consume coconut flour, I will mention that dried coconut
flour has about the same amount of phytic acid, 1.17 percent, 179 as many grains
and other nuts. Coconut does not impact iron absorption which implies that it
is much lower in the potent plant toxins found in grains and beans. Traditional
societies shred coconut and usually cook it. This is not the same as commercially
sold coconut flour. Coconut meal is a less powdered form of coconut flour. Coco-
nut flour is made from the byproduct of coconut milk or coconut oil production.
Coconut meal is usually used as animal feed. Even as an animal feed, its low pro-
tein digestibility causes pigs not to grow fully when it is used as a protein supple-
ment. 180 It contains twice the fiber of the bran of grains. Because of the phytic
acid content of coconut flour, consuming it regularly may affect your calcium /
phosphorous metabolism. If you do consume coconut flour, make sure to have
plenty of the vitamins and minerals that protect against phytic acid. Again, these
are calcium, vitamin C, and fat-soluble vitamins A and D.
Nut Suggestions
Nuts in moderation should not be a problem for most people with minor cavities.
If you have severe tooth cavities, or have some nagging cavities that do not heal,
consider avoiding nuts entirely until the problem resolves.
Basic Guidelines
Moderate the amount of nuts you eat; do not make them your staple
Make sure to have plenty of food-based vitamin C, or calcium-rich foods
with your nuts, such as roasted and skinless almonds with cheese.
Be careful with almonds; they seem to be very high in plant toxins. The
skins must be removed.
Additional Intermediate Guidelines
Only consume nuts, and nut butters made from them, that are soaked
and dehydrated.
Remineralize Your Teeth 83
Roast nuts and use them for cooking, particularly with meat-based soups
and stews.
In general mollusks and organ meats are high in iron. Certain herbs like
nettles are said to be high in iron. People eating diets containing grains are going
to be much more susceptible to iron deficiencies due to the iron-binding qualities
of phytic acid. Interestingly enough, cocoa powder is high in iron and copper.
84 Cure Tooth Decay
help. A stalk of celery or a serving of greens has more absorbable vitamins and
minerals than a bottle of synthetic vitamin tablets. 184
There are a handful of good vitamin supplements on the market. They will be
made from whole foods. This keeps vitamins in a form that is recognizable and
absorbable by your body. If you need to use a vitamin supplement, I recommend
looking for a vitamin that does not have any type of sugar added, and a vita-
min made as close to nature as possible using plants or herbs. Standard Process®
makes many food-based nutritional supplements. They are generally not sold
to the public but are available through many health care practitioners, particu-
larly chiropractors and naturopathic doctors. One product from Standard Pro-
cess® is called Bio-dent®. The ingredients include bovine adrenal, bovine spleen,
bone meal and calcium lactate. I have seen amazing results with this vitamin, but
unfortunately not everyone gets excellent results with it.
There are other trace mineral supplements from the land and the sea. One
example is shilajit which is an asphalt-like, mineral-rich pitch, or tar. Fulvic min-
eral deposits are from plant life that has been broken down millions of years ago.
Consult with your health care practitioner to discover if these are right for you.
Soy Products
A friend of mine thought eating large portions of tofu was a good idea. In a short
time her hair began falling out and her skin turned pale. Soy contains plant hor-
mones that need to be disabled through a careful fermentation process, which
tofu does not undergo. High levels of phytic acid in soy reduce the assimilation
of calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and zinc. Phytic acid in soy is not neu-
tralized by ordinary preparation methods such as soaking, sprouting, and long,
slow cooking. High phytate diets have caused growth problems in children. 1 8 5
Fermented soy products, such as special fermented soy drinks (not available in
the store), natural soy sauce, miso and tempeh can be acceptable. However, use
fermented soy with care and awareness.
Fake Milks
Soy milk contains enzyme inhibitors and excess estrogen. I have read of a fer-
mented soy drink that can cure cancer, but this is not the same as the cheap,
denatured, anti-nutrient-rich and overly processed soy products sold in grocery
Store-bought rice milk and other nut milks may contain large amounts of
grain and nut anti-nutrients like phytic acid. Although it may not say it on the
label, rice bran may be the main ingredient of some rice milks.
Nut and seed milks may also contain high concentrations of plant toxins.
86 Cure Tooth Decay
Nuts are highly prized by native groups for their oils, and can be made at home.
Yet homemade milks may contain highly potent anti-nutrients or plant toxins if
they are not thoroughly cooked.
If you are a rice milk or nut milk lover, make it at home yourself. Use recipes
that use cooked ingredients, or involve heating or fermentation. Do not settle for
cheap imitations.
Tomatoes, potatoes (but not sweet potatoes or yams), eggplant, goji berries, and
peppers of every sort fall into the nightshade category. Nightshades contain cal-
citrol. The amount of calcitrol varies for each particular nightshade. Calcitrol is
a hormone that signals our body to use calcium from our diet and it can easily
lead to too much blood calcium, 186 thus calcitrol can imbalance our calcium to
phosphorous blood ratio. This can easily lead to tooth decay. 187 Symptoms of
too much blood calcium can include tooth decay on top of the teeth, or excess
calculus deposits. Too much calcitrol from nightshades can also lead to calcium
deposits in the body. This is one reason why nightshades have been connected
with chronic pain or inflammation such as joint or back pain. The effects of
nightshades may be canceled by other foods in your diet such as calcium, or vita-
min D, but I am not certain. If you are struggling with tooth decay and cannot
seem to stop it, then try taking nightshades out of your diet.
White potatoes typically contain moderate amounts of phytic acid. 188 They are
members of the nightshade family. White potatoes can be included in a diet that
will prevent cavities. They are not crucial to remove from your diet, but for some
people, removing the potato might make the key difference. Due to their night-
shade characteristics potatoes may in some way contribute to tooth decay in an
imbalanced diet.
A better alternative to modern potatoes are yams and sweet potatoes. Sweet
potatoes do not contain any of the anti-nutrient phytic acid. 189 Yams contain a
small amount of phytic acid. The only problem with sweet potatoes or yams is
that they may be too sweet for individuals with blood sugar sensitivities. Taro
root and yucca (cassava) contain a significant amount of phytic acid. 1 9 0 This may
explain why some cultures ferment these roots or convert them into beer. By and
large, sweet potatoes, yams, or other tubers like taro root, and yucca are excel-
lent staples to include in a healthy tooth-decay-prevention diet. They go together
marvelously well with fats and proteins.
Remineralize Your Teeth 87
Healthy Fats
Healthy fats support smooth hormonal function and are a great source of energy.
They come from organic sources and include avocado, palm and coconut oil,
olive oil, butter, beef, pork, chicken, and duck fat. Conventional vegetable oils
are not healthy fats. Animal fats contain special vitamins that remineralize teeth,
while vegetable fats generally do not.
Dangerous Fats
Trans fats—Trans fats come from adding hydrogen to vegetable oil through
a process called hydrogénation. Margarine is an example of a trans fat. Factory
made trans fats are toxic to the body. 1 9 2 Trans fats have replaced real fats like
organic butter, tallow and lard. Eating trans fats means you have replaced impor-
tant fat-soluble vitamins from animal fats with man made toxic fats.
Canola Oil —Canola is not the name of a plant, but rather a shorted term for
Canadian Oil. The FDA prohibits the use of canola oil in baby formulas because
it retards growth. 193 The trans fat content of canola oil is listed at 0.2 percent, yet
independent research has found trans levels as high as 4.6 percent in commer-
cial liquid oil. 194 Canola oil is extracted by a combination of high temperature
mechanical pressing and solvent extraction. My experience in consuming canola
oil is that it makes me feel congested and I start coughing. Because it is cheap,
and believed to be healthy due to its monosaturated fat content, canola oil is
what many restaurants and health food stores unfortunately use for frying their
food. If they only knew that this rancid oil was not good for their customers they
might stop using it. These establishments falsely tout the health benefits of canola
88 Cure Tooth Decay
oil. The inferior taste and feeling from foods cooked in canola oil repels me, and
probably many customers from these food establishments.
Sweet Drinks
Health food stores are loaded with sweetened and protein-fortified vegetable and
fruit juices. Most of these products are pasteurized and therefore skeletonized
foods. Avoid pasteurized vegetable and fruit juices. Sweet drinks from the store
are loaded with sugar. They provide empty calories and are not a part of a healthy
diet. Here and there a naturally sweetened drink will not do you much harm if
you do not have cavities. But these foods are not for people trying to stop tooth
decay. Watch out in particular for sports drinks and sweetened tea. Replace these
with unsweetened tea, raw milk, whey or kefir.
Kombucha is a popular health tonic. It has a wonderful array of nutrients and
probiotics. While it is a great beverage, I recommend people who are trying to
stop cavities to avoid it. Typically kombucha available commercially has a sugar
content that is too high, as not all of the sugar has been digested by the bacteria
and yeast organisms. Just to be clear, kombucha, especially home-made or the
equivalent where most of the sugar is fermented is a life-promoting drink. It just
does not work well if you are trying to stop tooth decay.
Remineralize Your Teeth 89
Addictive Substances
Too much coffee consumption and not enough protein lead to a decrease in
bone density. 197 Caffeine stimulates the adrenal glands to release an adrenaline-
like substance. This substance causes the liver to release sugar into the blood. 198
Caffeine will cause alterations in your calcium / phosphorous balance and over-
stimulate your glandular system. People typically rely on caffeine to cover up a
sense of depletion. Eating high quality saturated fats, like butter, coconut oil, or
animal fats will help restore the balance of energy metabolism.
Alcohol consumption is connected with bone loss. In a small survey, mod-
erate or heavy beer drinkers seem to develop cavities. Beer and wine can cause
cavities because of the grains or the grain sugar in the alcohol, or the alcohol itself.
Alcohol consumption raises blood sugar, and depletes the body of magnesium,
zinc, manganese potassium and folic acid. 199 The quality and type of alcohol
makes a difference as well. Naturally fermented alcoholic drinks like ancient beer
or homemade apple cider may have beneficial effects on the body when the alco-
hol content is not high. That being said, if you want to heal your cavities, then it
is best to moderate and/or eliminate alcohol consumption. Distilled liquors need
to be avoided. Wine and unpasteurized beers appear to be acceptable when used
in moderation if you do not have significant cavities. In excess, wine and beer are
overtaxing to the liver. Regular consumption of commercially brewed beers will
contribute to cavities.
Chocolate is high in iron and other trace minerals. It is also is usually paired
with significant amounts of sugar. The sugar mixed with the chocolate will con-
tribute to tooth decay. Cocoa powder is extremely high in phytic acid and tan-
nins (an anti-nutrient). 2 0 0 To stop tooth decay, chocolate consumption should
90 Cure Tooth Decay
The second conclusion is that in almost all cases the use of drugs in
treating patients is harmful. Drugs often cause serious side effects,
and sometimes even create new diseases. The dubious benefits they
afford the patient are at best temporary.
Many recreational drugs also cause harm to our bodies. While prescription
drugs usually aim to treat symptoms of physical disease, recreational drugs are
used to n u m b people overwhelmed by emotional distress. Recreational drugs add
a stimulating way to give relief to emotional pain that people feel. Like prescrip-
tion drugs, regular use of recreational drugs does not cure the problem, but rather
puts off dealing with life. Drugs for recreation are not in harmony with Nature's
laws and principles.
Thanks Giving
Together we have just looked at some of the best and some of the worst of foods
modern society has to offer. Too many processed and refined foods will lead to
diseases and tooth decay. This was illustrated by Weston Price's photographs and
research. Seeing the problems in the foods you may be eating can be challenging.
Here I just want to give thanks for having food. Whether it is good or not, I am
thankful that I have enough food to eat. Many people in the world do not even
have the luxury of choosing their daily menu. Giving thanks for our food is a way
to honor and respect Nature's gifts. When the positive vibration of thankfulness
fills our lives and our culture, we will no longer have foods that will destroy our
Chapter 5
Nutrition Protocols
that Remineralize and
Repair Cavities
Hippocrates believed in vis medicatrix naturae—Nature's innate ability to heal.
Weston Price also acknowledged this same principle, concluding that "Life in all
its fullness is this mother nature obeyed." 203 All you need to do to heal cavities
is understand Nature's rules for health, and then follow them. When you follow
these rules, the built-in ability for your teeth to heal will take over. Dr. Price's
tooth decay prevention protocol has shown a success rate of over 90%. 2 0 4 To
heal your teeth, align yourself with this subtle natural force, and change how you
"Dangerous" bacteria are not the cause of cavities and do not randomly
attack innocent victims.
Tooth decay occurs when your body chemistry falls out of balance and
your body sends hormonal signals that tell your teeth to stop remineral-
izing. The imbalance is caused by blood sugar spikes and a disruption
in your calcium and phosphorous metabolism. Eating plenty of vegeta-
bles, limiting your sugar intake, eating enough proteins and a diet that
includes plenty of fat-soluble vitamins usually resolves this imbalance.
Dentists are surgeons who treat the symptoms of dental disease with sur-
gery. Dental treatments usually provide only short term results. Dentistry
has never promised to remineralize cavities or to prevent future cavi-
Nutrition Protocols that Remineralize & Repair 93
6-18 ounces of high quality animal protein throughout the day and prepared
for maximum digestion including stews, or raw, seared or marinated varia-
tions. Beef, chicken, pork, fish, lamb, eggs and so on. Have some protein with
every meal. Divide your ideal weight by 15 for your minimum daily protein
requirement in ounces.
Plenty of cooked vegetables including but not limited to beet greens, kale,
chard, zucchini, broccoli, celery, and string beans. These can be consumed
as soups. I provide a mineral-rich recipe for an Ayurvedic Green Drink in
the next chapter.
At least once per day have something fermented such as kefir, yogurt or sau-
1 teaspoon or more of healthy fat with every meal. The fat can be raw or
cooked. Grass-fed butter or ghee is preferred. Other animal fats like lard or
tallow are also good choices.
Twice per week eat a comfortable amount of liver from any animal.
Twice per week choose one shellfish or other organ of land animals. Here are
some suggestions:
Oysters, clams, crab or lobster (consumed with innards), whole crayfish
Fish eggs
You might want more carbohydrates in this type of diet. If you need more see if
sweet potatoes or yams work for you. You may also use phytate-free grains like
sourdough bread made from unbleached flour (bran and germ removed). If your
diet includes grains that are soured to remove phytates, please review the grains
section in the previous chapter to make sure you are using grains mindfully.
every packaged product that contains grain products. Watch out for sprouted
whole grain products and gluten-free foods made with brown rice.
Avoid whole grains that are not soured according to guidelines presented
in this chapter including whole wheat, rye, kamut, spelt, brown rice, and
Acceptable grains—Sourdough bread made with unbleached flour (bran
and germ removed), partially milled rice that is soaked with a starter (white
rice is acceptable), grains properly soured based upon indigenous prepara-
tion methods.
Avoid raw nuts and nut butters —including all raw nuts, as well as peanut
butter, raw almond butter and raw tahini.
Acceptable nuts and butters —Nuts and nut butters should be roasted or
otherwise cooked. Low temperature dehydrated nuts and nut butters are
acceptable in moderation.
Avoid low quality vegetable oils —such as vegetable, soybean, canola, corn
and safflower oils. Avoid potato chips, Crisco®, and any food not fried in a
natural fat. Unfortunately most restaurants use these cheap vegetable cook-
ing oils which make their food unhealthy for regular consumption.
Acceptable fats —are all natural, organic and ideally from small producers.
They include coconut oil, palm oil, olive oil, butter, lard, tallow, chicken,
duck and goose fat.
Acceptable dairy products are raw and grass-fed f r o m any type of rumi-
nant and whole fat, not skimmed.
When you have only grocery store options for dairy products —then choose
pasteurized, but grass-fed dairy products from smaller producers. Yogurt,
butter and grass-fed cheese that are pasteurized are the best of the pasteur-
ized dairy products. There are some nice pasteurized grass-fed cheeses from
Australia, Ireland and New Zealand that are reasonable in cost.
Avoid table salt—Many foods have commercial, refined salt added. Table
salt seems highly irritating to the body.
Nutrition Protocols that Remineralize & Repair 97
Acceptable salts—Himalayan salt, Celtic Sea Salt®, and other sea salts are
good to use. Celtic Sea Salt® seems the best out of these options.
Avoid conventional fast foods and junk foods —These foods are usually
high in trans fats, food additives and sugar.
Avoid unfermented soy including isolated soy protein, tofu, soy / veggie
burgers, soy "meat" and soymilk.
Avoid green powders —most green powder supplements have sugar added
and contain questionable ingredients. There are a few exceptions to this rule,
which would be 100% food-based dried powders with no sweeteners added.
Avoid factory farmed meat, fish, and eggs. These offer inferior quality pro-
Acceptable proteins are grass-fed or wild. These offer superior quality and
bolster health.
Avoid too much fruit. Even though fruit is natural, people often eat too
much. Be very careful with sweet fruits like as oranges, bananas, grapes,
peaches, blueberries and pineapple.
recommended for people who have severe cavities, tooth infections, or who are
trying to heal highly sensitive teeth. This program will not be as effective as the
balanced program, but it will be effective for most people who want to prevent
cavities, or heal small cavities naturally. This program is based on Weston Price's
one-good-meal-per-day diet for poor children that we described in chapter two.
The goal of this program is to get most of your daily supply of vitamins and min-
erals from one superlative meal. In the other meals of the day you will need to
watch out for the foods that cause the most havoc on your teeth, but you will be
able to eat a wide variety of foods that are convenient for you. Reduce to the best
of your ability other foods on the just-mentioned "avoid" list.
Nourishing meat and/or fish stew made with a gelatin-rich broth prepared
by simmering animal bones. Many of the ingredients listed below can be
included in your stew.
Twice per week choose one shellfish or other organ of land animals to include
with your meals. Examples:
Fish eggs
Bone marrow added to your soup, or liver, animal tongue or kidneys from
any animal
If you cannot have a meat or fish stew, you will want to have a cup gelatin-rich
bone broth on the side with tender cuts of your favorite meats, or rich seafoods.
Have plenty of healthy fats with your meals.
During your other meals you will need to avoid foods that are especially harm-
ful to your teeth including highly sweetened drinks, foods with high fructose corn
syrup or other high intensity sweeteners, whole grains that are not thoroughly
Nutrition Protocols that Remineralize & Repair 99
soured, oatmeal, breakfast cereals and soy products. If you choose to eat bread,
make it sourdough whenever possible. Choose white rice (or white rice products),
or partially milled rice over brown rice (or brown rice products) in this introduc-
tory program since brown rice takes more care to disable the substantial amounts
of phytic acid it contains. Consider replacing sweetened desserts with fruit.
2 ounces of grass-fed liver four or more days per week. Raw is preferred but
cooked or seared with onions is totally fine.
4-12 oysters, clams or mussels several times per week. Raw is preferred,
cooked is acceptable.
1-2 tablespoons of bone marrow cooked or raw several times per week.
2-8 cups of fermented dairy per day such as kefir, yogurt, whey, buttermilk
or clabber. 0 - 4 ounces of raw cheese depending on how much dairy you
8 or more ounces of protein from grass-fed or wild sources per day. Proteins
are to be consumed raw, rare, or fermented such as ceviche, or as a stew.
Ideally your proteins should be a mix of land foods and sea foods.
1-2 cups of fish head soup per day. Otherwise use beef, chicken and so
2-4 raw eggs. These can be consumed in smoothies with your soured milk.
Alternatively have your eggs soft boiled.
Fermented vegetables like sauerkraut
Nutrition Protocols that Remineralize & Repair 101
Cooked leafy green vegetables or vegetable soup. If you are a primal food
eater then vegetable juice is fine.
Bonus items to this diet include: Colostrum, fish eggs, crab and lobsters with
the innards, spring and summer yellow butter, organ meats like adrenal, thy-
roid and the brain, and animal blood. Eat the crab and lobsters cooked, some
of the glands are best raw and the brain should be cooked.
In this diet carbohydrates are obtained mostly from dairy products. If you are
not trying to heal severe cavities, and you are not on a low-carb program then
you can add sourdough bread from unbleached flour made from freshly ground
and sifted grains (bran and germ removed). Alternatively you can include sweet
potatoes, yams, and other root vegetables. Souring or fermenting these vegetables
will enhance their digestibility.
If you do not have cavities, then an ideal diet can include moderate amounts
of lacto-fermented drinks and homemade alcohols that do not contain malted
grains or commercial yeasts such as sweet potato beer, apple cider allowed to fer-
ment, grapes allowed to ferment or homemade mead (honey wine).
People following this diet must strictly avoid all processed and denatured
food. Generally the highest quality ingredients are obtained directly from the
farm, such as through buyers clubs or farmers' markets.
Current commercial livestock practices around the world damage the envi-
ronment, and the animals are in general mistreated. But depriving ourselves of
what we need by avoiding animal foods sends out into the world the energy of
impoverishment and deprivation. I did not realize that there was a choice of
animals humanely cared for. There are even some grass-fed farms that include
prayers in a ceremony before killing the animal. By choosing foods carefully,
making certain that the animals are well cared for and raised humanely, I person-
ally feel it is good to satisfy my body's hunger by eating meat.
In an idealized world, I probably would not eat meat because I honestly pre-
fer not to kill things. Yet until that idealized world becomes a reality, I do not
have energy or vibrancy without eating some type of animal protein with every
meal. Healthy vegetarians still need animal fats and proteins; they simply get
them from dairy products and eggs. Before domestication of animals, humans
hunted their animal proteins. Nature's design for humans, who are able to fash-
ion tools, is clearly for us to hunt. Humans would not be able to live in colder
climates without making clothing from animal skins. Our genetic and ancestral
heritage is one of hunting and gathering.
Most people are vegetarian for religious purposes. Over the last millennium
or two, certain groups relied upon a meat-free diet to aid them on their spiritual
path. Today many monks and spiritual leaders eat some animal meat; they just
do not kill it themselves. So until the wolf and the lamb feed together and lions
start eating only grass, I am going to continue to eat and recommend that people
eat some type of animal flesh.
There are healthy vegetarian societies in the world, but this is not a common
finding. When Weston Price did his field studies he could not locate even one
traditional culture that was vegetarian. However Dr. Price did not travel to India.
Village people in certain parts of India, following a carefully designed diet based
upon ancient Ayurvedic knowledge, have what appears to be a low rate of tooth
decay. Each part of their diet is carefully orchestrated including planting and
harvesting in harmony with the moon cycles, special soil fertility practices, special
combinations of vegetables to ensure mineral balance, absolutely no processed
food of any sort, grains aged for one year and freshly ground, aged sugar, special
spices to enhance digestion, herbs and berries such as amalaki to enhance the
mineral content of diet, complete avoidance of all nightshades, and perhaps the
most potent and nutrient-dense dairy on the planet from the water-buffalo. The
milk is also processed differently in accordance with the season. A rare few deeply
spiritual and traditionally rooted societies have found ways to create enough min-
eral density in their diet to have a high resistance to tooth decay without relying
upon animal flesh. This type of diet is very difficult to recreate in the United
The key problem area for the vegetarian diet is fat-soluble vitamin D which
is the most important fat-soluble vitamin for remineralizing teeth. Even most
Nutrition Protocols that Remineralize & Repair 103
grass-fed milk is low in fat-soluble vitamin D. It is highly likely that special foods
given to the water-buffalo and its ability to absorb and utilize sunlight led to
milk with fairly high vitamin D content. Since I know for certain that Green
Pasture's™ X-Factor Gold™ high vitamin butter oil is rich in vitamin D, (most
butters are not rich in vitamin D, even many grass-fed variants) using this regu-
larly is an essential key for a vegetarian plan to work well. To purchase it go to:
The vegetarian plan relies heavily on minerals from vegetables. People who
eat meat and fish can get some missing dietary minerals from animal flesh. On the
vegetarian plan there is not going to be that extra measure of safety. Success will
be partially dependent on the quality and freshness of the vegetables that you use.
The success of this diet also greatly hinges on the quality of the dairy you use. The
higher the quality the dairy products, the higher chance you have of success.
At least once per day have something fermented such as kefir, yogurt or
Optional: Seaweed
You will want to focus on having concentrated vegetable sources as your dietary
base. This is best obtained from vegetable soups or the Ayurvedic green drink
discussed in the next chapter. Vegetable minerals can also be obtained from veg-
etable juicing if you are aware of the principles of avoiding plant toxins from
juicing. As with the other dietary programs you will want to have some form of
protein with every meal. Cheese is particularly concentrated in the important
minerals calcium and phosphorous and is a very high quality protein. Yogurt
makes a great addition to meals. Make sure to get genuine grass-fed cheese when-
104 Cure Tooth Decay
ever possible. Be extremely careful with your use of grains in this diet. They must
be phytate free. If you consume brown rice it must first be soaked with a starter as
described in the next chapter, and very well cooked until the grains burst open. I)
the vegetarian plan fails for you consider adding some fermented cod liver oil to the
diet to provide the missing vitamins needed for success.
Self Care
Healing your teeth is all about taking care of yourself. In natural eco-systems
undisturbed by humans it is easy to see how Nature provides for all of her cre-
ations. Plants and animals generally have plenty of food and nutrients, and they
do not suffer from relentless stress. Even though we are also a part of Nature, the
design and structure of our civilization is built upon the belief systems of depri-
vation, competition for resources, and exploitation rather than upon a belief in
abundance for all. Rather than giving, our society takes, and then takes some
more. The designs of our buildings and transportation systems take tremendous
amounts of resources to build and maintain. The government takes our money
as taxes and we can question how much of that money is being used to nurture
and support citizens and social networks.
All of this taking is disharmonious, stressful and destructive. The society and
world many of us live in makes it hard for us to relax. If we can relax, however,
we find it is much easier to take care of ourselves. Taking care of oneself is in
alignment with the law of personal responsibility. If you feel unimportant, unde-
serving, or unhappy, it will be difficult to take good care of yourself and give
your body the food that it needs. When you truly are willing and able to take care
yourself you will find healing. Allow yourself space to make your needs important
and take excellent care of yourself.
Too much sweet food—A sweet is a sweet. If you have cavities you must be
disciplined and limit your sweets. Your teeth are worth it. Natural sweets are
safer than highly refined ones, but that does not mean you can eat as much
as you want and not suffer the consequences.
Lack of minerals—Bone broth aids in nutrient absorption and is rich in
minerals. Seaweed, fish and shellfish are very rich in minerals. If you exclu-
sively eat land animals for proteins, and they are not of a very high quality, it
is possible to run into problems from nutrient deficiencies. Make sure to get
high quality animal foods as farm fresh as possible. In addition, eating some
of the animal organs will help fill in the missing mineral gaps.
Poor food absorption—Perhaps you are not digesting your food well. Focus
on adding fermented foods, bone broth, kefir, raw eggs, and probiotics to aid
in digestion. Consider getting support from a natural health care practitioner
to help you with herbs to strengthen your digestive abilities, particularly to
clean and strengthen your liver.
provided you have increased your fat-soluble vitamin intake, should lead to a
perceivable tooth remineralization. For example, you would feel less tooth sen-
sitivity, or your teeth would feel stronger. At the beginning of the nutritional
protocol used on school children, Dr. Price found that the chemical analysis of
the saliva of the children showed active tooth decay. In a period of six weeks, this
same analysis showed that tooth decay had stopped. Over a period of five months
on the special diet, the status of the saliva continued to improve. 205 You can infer
from these statistics that noticeable results should be seen in about six weeks. You
can also see that damaged teeth continue to heal long after this initial six-week
phase of healing. A badly damaged tooth could take months to mend itself. The
good news is that you can heal your teeth with diet, and getting results starts with
your next meal.
Chapter 6
Stop Cavities
with Your Next Meal
Recipes and Meal Plans
Eating healthy is about getting in touch with your roots. Eating healthy is about
what connects you to life. It is about what connects you to the Earth and to a
feeling of being well here. One way to connect to your roots is to recall some
experience of real food in your life, particularly from your past. See what comes
to mind for you right now. One example might be the memory of a family mem-
ber who cooked a traditional dish from your cultural heritage. Or for someone
who has immigrated to the United States, it would be the favorite foods from the
past from your home country that were real foods. Meals made from foods from
your family's roots evoke memories of feeling connected. Often these homemade
meals consisted of nutrient-dense dishes made with bone broths, organ meats,
and high quality fats. From my past it was as simple as my cousins who ate wild
salmon every day, and my father who would prepare a simple dinner of rice,
vegetables and fish or chicken. My grandmother would make chicken soup with
the entire chicken, and eat the marrow in the bones. In my more ancient roots,
before I was born, my grandfather grew up where people carried animal skin
bags of fresh pastured goat milk and drank from them all day. No matter where
you are from, one key to finding a healthy diet for you is to go back to your own
past. Maybe that connection was a special restaurant or a memorable meal in a
friend's or relative's home. See if you can recall that wholesome good food from
your past. Many people have grandparents who used to eat wholesome foods,
or own nearly forgotten cookery books full of golden recipes for real foods. And
here lies the untapped wisdom of the older generations. No matter where you
live, connecting to your roots can connect you with a diet that is nourishing, life
sustaining, and rich in fat-soluble vitamins. No matter where you are from, or
where you live, reach for that distant but ever-so-close connection to wholesome
foods. And then make it present here and now in your life. Seek out the old family
recipes, contact relatives who live in far off lands, or create your own traditional
foods with a little help from recipe books. It will probably take some work, but
the rewards will be more health and happiness.
In this chapter I will present you with specific recipes, meal ideas and I will
tackle the complex question of how to prepare grains safely.
108 Cure Tooth Decay
Irish stew (a lamb or mutton stew with soup bones), potatoes, cooked fruit
and milk.
Cold meat cut into small pieces with cold diced cooked carrot, onion and
potato, and served on lettuce leaf.
Desserts—Dessert is served after lunch rather than after dinner. This is the ideal
time to have something sweet in the day.
Baked apple with center filled with golden syrup before baking.
Dinners or Snacks
In Dr. Mellanby's plan lunch is the main meal of the day, and sweets are eaten
after lunch not after dinner.
Sushi rolls made with raw tuna, carrot, cucumber, avocado or sushi with smoked
salmon and cream cheese.
Ceviche fish with a cup of miso soup made with fish broth.
Sashimi raw tuna salad (also known as poke) with a side of miso soup made from
fish stock, with greens and/ or seaweed.
Fish cakes made with potatoes dipped in egg and fried in animal fat. A cup offish
broth on the side.
110 Cure Tooth Decay
Fish sticks white fish, cut into long strips, homemade sourdough breadcrumbs, 2 raw
eggs mixed and seasoned with sea salt and pepper, and ghee for frying. Dredge fish
in egg mixture, then breadcrumbs, then fry in ghee. Make tartar sauce for the side
and have with fish soup.
Cioppino. Seafood stew, including fish stock, fish, squid, mussels, and clams.
Beef meatballs in beef broth marinara sauce that includes vegetables with cheese on
the top. You can also add spaghetti squash and have the meat balls with vegetable
Butternut squash soup made with beef broth and the cream juiced from fresh coco-
nuts (you can use coconut cream in jars as a replacement).
Steak tartare with raw ground beef mixed with Italian herbs and mustard (for one
pound ground beef, use two teaspoons of herbs and one teaspoon of mustard, and
two teaspoons of finely chopped red onion, sea salt to taste. Sauerkraut and raw liver
cut into small chunks on the side.
Kabobs. Shrimp, chicken pieces, lamb pieces, with liver, heart and/or kidney, assorted
vegetables (peppers, zucchini, mushrooms) tossed in oil, sea salt, pepper, placed on
skewers and then grilled. Side of beef broth, and corn on the cob.
Hamburger with shredded kidney fat and yam chips fried in lard or ghee on the side.
Pickled beets
Raw cheese custard with fruit 1 cup of fresh raw milk curd (the milk solids after
the whey is separated) blended with 2 raw eggs, 1 teaspoon of raw honey
Stop Cavities with Your Next Meal 111
Seared sweet potatoes: roasted sweet potatoes, sliced thickly, then pan fried in ghee,
or lard.
Squash "cupcakes": roasted acorn and butternut squashes, flesh removed from
peel and seeds, mashed and blended with a touch of maple syrup. Place into cup-
cake wrappers, and garnish with coconut cream or fresh, unsweetened raw whipped
Stir-fried kale (can also be used for bok choy) chopped greens sautéed with butter,
ginger, garlic, and tamari.
Chicken with liver. Fried liver with ghee (clarified butter) or lard, mushrooms
and onions. Have with a side of chicken soup (soup cooked with chicken feet and
Deviled eggs. Hard boiled eggs, peeled and cut in half lengthwise. Remove the yolks,
mash with homemade mayonnaise, fresh chopped chives, sea salt, fresh cracked pep-
per, dash of mustard powder. Fill eggs with egg yolk filling.
Flavorful scrambled eggs. Include chopped onion, chopped tomato, sautéed in ghee
with a dash of red cayenne pepper and a dash of turmeric.
Eggs Benedict on sourdough rye—just two fried eggs on a split sourdough rye bagel
with hollandaise sauce (clarified butter with 2 raw egg yolks, dash of cayenne and
lemon juice whipped until f l u f f y ) poured over eggs.
The menus that follow are creative concepts. These exact food combinations or
having those specific meals in the same day may not work for you. Do not force
yourself to eat anything, rather look for and eat the amount of food that feels
good and satisfying to you.
112 Cure Tooth Decay
Day 1
Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with fish eggs, sweet potatoes fried in ghee, a cup of
milk. Fermented skate or cod liver oil with butter oil.
Lunch: Smoked salmon with kale that was simmered in water. Side of liver with
Snack: Peaches in raw milk yogurt.
Dinner: Miso soup made with fish broth. Sushi rolls with tuna (can be raw or
cooked), avocado, carrots, rice and cucumbers with wasabi and pickled ginger.
Fermented skate or cod liver oil with butter oil.
Day 2
Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with grated cheese and boiled and mashed sweet pota-
toes. Glass of raw milk. Fermented skate or cod liver oil with butter oil.
Dinner: Vegetable soup with string beans and zucchini. Side of potatoes and rice.
Chicken, fish, or sausage. Fermented skate or cod liver oil with butter oil.
Breakfast: Butternut squash soup made with beef broth and the cream juiced
from fresh coconuts. Fermented skate or cod liver oil with butter oil.
Snack—Fruit with raw milk custard made with 1 cup raw milk curds, 2 raw eggs
blended with about one teaspoon of raw honey.
Dinner —Meatballs cooked with homemade tomato sauce made with tomato
paste and beef stock. This goes great on spaghetti squash or with other squash.
Plenty of cheese on top. Liver and onions on the side. Fermented skate or cod liver
oil with butter oil.
Stop Cavities with Your Next Meal 113
Day 2
Breakfast—Soft cooked or scrambled eggs with goat cheese and organic baby
spinach (liver, kidney, or some organ meat is needed on the side).
Lunch—Steak tartare with raw beef mixed with finely chopped red onion, Italian
herbs, sea salt, and mustard. Sauerkraut and raw liver cut into small chunks on
the side.
Snack—Homemade vanilla raw milk ice cream lightly sweetened with maple
syrup and/ or a banana. We use about one or two tablespoons of maple syrup
per quart of ice cream. Or one or two teaspoons of maple syrup with a mashed
banana with the milk and cream and vanilla extract.
Dinner—Shish kebabs with a cup of broth on the side, and corn on the cob.
Pound the steak or chicken pieces Hat and marinate in teriyaki sauce over night.
Fermented skate or cod liver oil with butter oil.
Making broth is not difficult. Put the bones in a pot, add water and vinegar to
cover by a couple of inches and let it stand for 30-60 minutes. Bring the pot to a
boil and then reduce heat to a simmer. Remove any scum at the top of the broth
with a spoon. Ideally simmer for 24-48 hours. As little as 6 hours will do. Strain
the broth to remove the bones. The meat on the bones or marrow inside the
bones is edible.
114 Cure Tooth Decay
Bieler's Soup
This is the original healing soup of Dr. Henry Bieler, which will help strengthen
your glands and provide balance to a diet rich in animal foods.
1 pound of string beans, ends removed
Add all ingredients to rapidly boiling water and boil for 10-15 minutes, or until a
fork easily pierces the zucchini skin. Purée using the cooking water (it is impor-
tant to use this water as it contains vitamins and minerals) and make the soup to
the consistency you desire.
This specific recipe is designed for healing when the body is ill. Feel free to
modify this recipe by adding all kinds of different vegetables to make a soup to
suit your personal needs.
*Pregnant and lactating women should limit their parsley intake as it dries
up breast milk.
1 -2 raw eggs
Note: If you are pregnant and eating raw eggs, then for every five days of
eating raw eggs, abstain for two days. 2 0 6
A word of warning. You may initially feel worse after eating raw eggs if you do
not regularly eat them. Raw eggs can induce intense detoxification symptoms as
your body cleanses. For example, on one occasion I ate raw farm-fresh eggs, and
my body started to release and detoxify residues of Valium (a drug I had taken 15
years earlier for pain). I knew it was Valium because of its unmistakable feelings
of nausea and disassociation, and I was violently ill for about one day as my body
dumped the drug residues into my stomach. Afterward I ate the same eggs both
raw and cooked without aversion or health problems.
Egg whites: Some people believe in only eating the egg whites. Others believe
in eating only or mostly the egg yolks, and limiting their egg white intake because
of the risk of possibly inducing a biotin deficiency. Eating only the yolk is an
acceptable practice. My personal preference is to eat the whole egg.
Place butter, cayenne, and raw honey in a glass jar or bowl. Then immerse that
bowl in a bowl of hot water that is not too hot. A double boiler turned on low will
suffice. You must not raise the temperature of the food above 93 degrees Fahren-
heit in order to preserve the enzymes. Once the butter/honey/cayenne mixture is
melted, add the ground bison and stir. This is a healthy raw food dish.
If you try this recipe with cooked meat, your success rate will be greatly
Cayenne pepper is used in many natural healing remedies and can promote
the healing of tooth infections.
that does not retain the whole fish head, but when the head is floating in the soup
it is much more fun.
Vl to 2 pounds of fish heads. Remove the gills before making the soup and
clean head thoroughly with water. Fill your soup pot with water just up to
the heads or slightly below.
Simmer with 1-2 tablespoons of thinly sliced ginger for 15-30 minutes.
Pick all of the meat and soft tissues off the bones. Anything that is soft is
edible. Return the meat to the broth.
There are many variations of the soup. You can sauté any or all of the following
with sesame oil, fish sauce or wine including onions, garlic, leeks, bamboo shoots,
and red peppers. You can also add cabbage or other vegetables while the soup is
cooking. Alternatively make a creamy soup with cream and potatoes like a fish
head chowder.
VA teaspoon turmeric
1 tablespoon of ghee
8 ounces of water
1. Make paneer.
3. Add greens and masala and cover with glass top. Watch for brightness in the
green color of the vegetables. When you see a rich brilliant green, stop cooking.
Blend the vegetables with the paneer and serve with lime.
Stop Cavities with Your Next Meal 117
Cooked Paneer
3-4 teaspoons of natural acid from fresh lime juice, lemon juice, or vinegar.
1. Heat milk to just below boiling, stir often while heating. When the milk is just
below boiling turn off the heat.
2. Add acidic substance one teaspoon at a time while stirring. When you add the
correct amount it will immediately curdle.
3. Strain with cheese cloth or clean towel to separate curds from whey.
4. Wrap curds in cloth and let it hang over a pot or bowl for one hour to remove
the remaining liquid. The curds are paneer. You can further refrigerate and
press it into little cheese blocks. You can use the whey for a drink by mixing it
with lime or orange juice, or you can also add it to soups as a base.
Raw Paneer
If you want to use a raw dairy product with this smoothie, then you will want to
sour milk by leaving it out in a glass jar for several days until the whey separates.
Strain out the whey with a cloth. The solids of the soured milk can substitute as
a paneer replacement but it won't be as firm.
Optional variations: 2 tablespoons olive oil, chili peppers finely minced, toasted
sesame seeds, small pieces of celery, chunks of avocado, cucumber
In a large bowl, combine tuna, soy sauce, green onions, sesame oil, ginger,
salt, and mix lightly. Cover and refrigerate two hours or more before serving to
let the flavors blend. This can be served on a bed of lettuce.
118 Cure Tooth Decay
Cooking Suggestions
I do not recommend using a microwave for cooking. Microwave ovens are the
only cooking source that needs a shield. Yes, regular ovens have a heat shield,
but you can still open them when they are operating and you will be fine. Studies
show that microwaved food can pose a greater health risk than foods cooked by
other conventional means. 207 Also watch out for aluminum cookware. At home
we use cast iron and high quality stainless steel cooking vessels. Other methods
of cooking to retain flavor of the foods include clay pots and copper pots lined
with tin. The copper pots are very expensive and if the tin coating is scraped and
the copper is exposed to the food it can be toxic to use.
Vibrant Sourdough
You will need to use your own sourdough recipe for reference. I believe the best
sourdough would be produced by sprouting rye for 2 - 3 days and then drying
it. Fresh grind the dry rye grains. Sift out 25% of the mixture removing a large
portion of the heavy particles. Knead the dough very well and sour for at least 16
hours at 75 degrees F or warmer.
Oat Preparation
I do not want to endorse oat consumption because I do not know all the require-
ments for certain for safe oat consumption. If you want to eat oats, here is how
to remove the phytic acid. Start with raw oats. Germinating oats for 5 days at 11
degrees C (52 F) and incubation (souring) for 17 hours at (120 F) removed 98%
of phytates. Alternatively sprout the oats, crush them and then sour them for two
days. Soaking, germinating and souring oats with a starter will remove phytic
acid. The problem is that most store-bought oats are heat treated and cannot be
Soaked for 12-14 hours at 68 degrees F, then cooked removes 60-77 percent
of phytic acid.
1. Soak brown rice in clean water for 16-24 hours at room temperature,
without changing the water. Reserve 10 percent of the soaking liquid
(which should keep for a long time in the fridge). Discard remaining
soaking liquid. Cook rice with clean water. This will break down about
30-50 percent of the phytic acid.
2. The next time you make brown rice, use the same procedure as above
with a fresh batch of clean water, and add the 10 percent soaking liquid
reserved from the last batch. This will break down more phytic acid.
3. Repeat the cycle of fresh water soaking with the previous 10 percent
reserve. The process will gradually improve until 96 percent or more
of the phytic acid is degraded at 24 hours. It takes about four rounds
to get to 96 percent. 210
In the ancient Vedic diet, rice would always be prepared with turmeric, carda-
mom, cinnamon, cloves and other pungent spices which have a synergistic effect
against rice anti-nutrients as well as enhance overall digestion.
Chapter 7
Many primitive peoples not only retain all of their teeth, many of
them to an old age, but also have a healthy flesh supporting these
teeth. This has occurred in spite of the fact that the primitives have
not had dentists to remove the deposits and no means for doing so
for themselves.21^
Many ancient skulls found around the planet still have most or all of their teeth
firmly rooted. So tooth loss from gum disease was either rare or non-existent in
our ancestors.
122 Cure Tooth Decay
When the phosphorus level of the blood is too high in proportion to calcium,
there will be free phosphorus in the blood which can cause both the presence
of calculus and irritated gums. When the phosphorus level was reduced to be in
balance with the level of calcium in the blood the irritation (gingivitis) usually
cleared up. 217 Fat-soluble vitamin D has the effect of lowering blood phospho-
rous and raising blood calcium. Vitamin D deficiency is responsible for problems
with the hard areas under the gums such as the alveolar bone which comprises
the tooth socket. 218
Interestingly enough, Dr. Mellanby in his dog experiments found that fat-
soluble vitamin A controlled the process and development of gum tissues. If
young dogs are fed diets deficient in vitamin A, gum tissues can become swollen
and overgrown. Once the gum tissue is swollen, microorganisms can be found
present. 219 Vitamin A stimulates certain growth factors and perhaps this explains
vitamin A's effect on gum tissues.
A key strategy in your treatment of gum disease is to use both fat-soluble
vitamin A for the soft tissues and fat-soluble vitamin D for the harder tissues and
bone. If you are leaning to the idea that fat-soluble vitamin A is more important,
then I would recommend eating liver.
Gum disease is also connected with an overactive anterior pituitary gland.
One of the roles of the anterior pituitary gland is to produce growth hormones;
this gland is balanced with testosterone or estrogen. The lack of growth hormone
production is therefore intimately connected with gum disease. Testosterone or
estrogen can be increased by moderate exercise, making sure your weight is in
your ideal range, a variety of herbal remedies, and avoiding alcohol.
much smaller dose of natural vitamin C will work if there are not too many whole
grains in your diet.
An early treatment for infantile scurvy was raw milk and raw meat. Both
foods contain highly digestible forms of phosphorous. These foods will also
help heal gum disease. You do not have to eat raw meat. Another option is meat
cooked in bone broth stews.
to write How to Become Dentally Self Sufficient. The premise of the book is that
good oral hygiene, including the use of oral irrigation and sea salt, will prevent
or significantly reduce most tooth and gum problems.
The use of oral irrigating devices such as a Waterpik® is highly effective in
treating gum disease. In case it is not clear, an oral irrigator is a device that shoots
a pressurized stream of water out of a small nozzle that can clean around the teeth
below the gum lines. Flossing does not reach these same places. Irrigators are
available in most drug stores.
The most effective method for healing gum problems is to rinse your mouth
with warm salt water using an oral irrigator. Sea salt or equivalent high quality
salt would be ideal for this; do not use commercial table salt. Warm sea salt water
used in an irrigating device is one of the best protections against gum disease. I
have heard claims that sea salt in the oral irrigator may shorten its life span. This
could be true, but the benefits surely outweigh the cost. Alternatively a teaspoon
or two of apple cider vinegar diluted in the oral irrigator water can also help with
gum health. Herbal liquids for gum disease can also be used in the oral irrigator
and injected deep into inflamed gum tissues.
Use an oral irrigator according to the instructions provided. The nozzle tip of the
irrigator is pointed at the base of the tooth, and then the irrigator is run around
the tooth. If there is pain or bleeding gums, decrease the pressure. As your gums
heal and strengthen this should go away quickly.
The results from this process are gradual. Many people report healing of their
gum tissues over a period of a few weeks to a few months. Even though it takes
time, the results are very satisfying.
White oak bark powder—prevents the need for gum surgery and heals
bleeding and infected gums.
Myrrh gum powder—heals gum infections.
126 Cure Tooth Decay
Tooth and Gum Restore Formula by Dr. Richard Schulze (this can be used
with an oral irrigator).
Herbal Tooth & Gum Powder by Dr. Christopher (the recipe is in chapter 8).
There are many other herbs that can help heal teeth and gums that are not men-
tioned here. Alternative treatments like trigger point massage and acupressure
can also help.
V4—V2 teaspoon 2-3 times per day for a teens and adults for a total of Vl -
1 VL teaspoons per day Blue Ice™ fermented cod liver oil (available at cod- This is to restore fat-soluble vitamins A and D to the diet
for gum health.
Healthy Gums Lead to Healthy Teeth 127
Avoid whole grains unless freshly ground, soured, and appropriately sifted to
remove the bran and germ.
Use the blotting technique and/or an oral irrigator with warm water and sea
salt at least twice per day.
Check if you have mercury poisoning from amalgam fillings and consider
replacing them. (Mercury poisoning is discussed in chapter 8.)
Eat iron-containing foods as well as foods that enhance iron absorption such
as beef, lamb, liver, clams or leafy green vegetables.
Dentistry and
its High Price
Modern dentistry is a profound failure. The enormity of suffering and disease
caused by dentistry is so massive that is beyond comprehension. Dentistry is built
on the false premise that bacteria cause cavities. Its treatment methods of drill-
ing and filling are highly damaging to teeth. The materials used in dentistry are
extremely toxic and have been connected to diseases that are severe, painful and
widespread. Conventional dentistry has placed highly poisonous mercury in the
mouths of hundreds of millions of people. The mercury exposure of dentists and
suffering caused by dentistry explains in part why dentists have one of the highest
suicide rates of any profession. Tens of millions of needless root canals have been
performed. Modern dentistry has drilled deeply into healthy parts of millions
of teeth because of the failed treatment policy of "extension for prevention." It
has caused irreversible pulp damage in millions of tooth nerves with drills that
spin too fast. The profit-motivated system of dentistry has led to tens of millions
of needless dental procedures. Modern dentistry has poisoned tens of millions
of children by promoting the topical and internal use of the unproven poison
fluoride. And dentistry has in some cases killed innocent children slowly from
the side effects of dental surgery, from swallowing fluoride, and from deadly side
effects of disease-inciting metals implanted in children's mouths. If this dental
massacre had any benefits to show then perhaps it could be exonerated. But it
does not. After the age of sixty, the average individual has more than half of the
teeth affected by tooth decay. And after this age, the average person has lost more
than eight teeth, not including the wisdom teeth.
Many of us are literally carrying around dental trauma as mercury fillings
from this war on bacteria. I myself am also a victim. I had seven mercury-based
fillings placed during my teenage years. None of these teeth ever hurt me prior
to their butchery by the dental drill. During a checkup large holes were drilled
unnecessarily into my teeth because of some tiny specks that appeared on an
x-ray. Each one of those teeth is now permanently and irrevocably damaged from
the excavations of the dental drill. I will discuss the disaster of modern orthodon-
tics in the next chapter.
In light of all this, when people are hesitant to go to the dentist, or are afraid
of the dentist, I am not surprised. How could you not be afraid of the dentist?
In this chapter you will learn how to navigate through the swamp of bad den-
tistry. You will learn what the hazards of conventional dentistry are and how to
Dentistry and its High Price 129
avoid them. You will learn how to locate the few good dentists that are out there
to help you repair all the toxic and damaging dental work from the past. You will
learn how to communicate effectively with your dentist so that he serves your
needs. I will help guide you in understanding and identifying what exactly is and
has happened to your tooth that is causing you pain, so that you can take steps to
resolve it with nutrition only, with surgery, or with both.
Toxic Dentistry
Conventional dentists drill holes in your teeth in exchange for money and then
place a poisonous substance in your mouth (mercury fillings) to prevent bacteria
from making a hole in your teeth.
Conventional dentistry is so bad that many conscientious dentists are doing
their best to get the word out to the public. A majority of dentists who have
become holistically oriented did not even start out with a holistic mindset. Gen-
erally their transformation was inspired after a painful wakeup call, such as their
own symptoms of mercury poisoning, or the dentist sees the dreaded result of
their poor dental care failing their patients, or themselves. As a result, many
dentists who see the problems inherent in conventional dentistry feel extreme
remorse for their years in practice of toxic dentistry. And a few of the dentists who
feel a duty to prevent the shameful practice of modern dentistry to continue make
a good effort to inform the public about diseases caused by dentistry. Some have
even written books in order to inform the public about the extreme danger that
may be lurking in our mouths. These books are valuable supplemental readings
to this one, especially if you want more details about the problems with den-
tal materials and dentistry. They include Whole Body Dentistry by dentist Mark
Breiner, published in 1999; Uniformed Consent by dentist Hal Huggins, published
in 1999; The Key to Ultimate Health by Ellen Brown and dentist Richard Hansen,
1998; It's All In Your Head: the link between mercury amalgams and illness by Dr.
Hal Huggins, 1993; Are Your Dental Fillings Poisoning You? by dentist Guy Fasci-
ana, published in 1986; Dental Infections by Weston Price.
Dentists who are caught disobeying the ADA code of conduct can lose their
license. Dentists are allowed to remove mercury fillings by your request, your
doctor's request, or if your fillings are damaged. But they cannot say that they
advise removing functional mercury fillings because mercury is toxic. What hap-
pened to the dentist's constitutional right of free speech and the ancient oath of
the physician to "first, do no harm"?
Dentistry and its High Price 131
does not make you sicker and with the appropriate timing. Before your dental
procedure you will want to take plenty of Activator X rich-butter and cod liver
oil. But you will not want to take too much oral vitamin C, since vitamin C
interferes with Novocain's effects. Part of the holistic mercury removal protocol
is the administration of intravenous vitamin C, which acts differently from oral
supplementation of vitamin C.
the current since they are made from plastic and plastic does not conduct an
electrical current.
ise of biocompatible dentistry is that you do not place just any material in some-
body's body and hope that everything will be all right. Biocompatible dentistry
aims to test and confirm that the filling materials will not adversely affect your
health. One sophisticated but accurate approach to test filling materials is to get a
sample vial of the filling material from your dentist, and find an osteopath, or cra-
nial sacral therapist who can check how your cranial / sacral rhythm is influenced
by the filling material. Electro-dermal screening, blood testing and muscle testing
are other methods to determine how safe filling materials are for you. Holistically
oriented dentists typically either subscribe to one of the following paradigms and
offer treatments accordingly, or offer many of these treatments and they decide
with the patient which treatment perspective to pursue.
Dentist Douglas Cook—Dr. Cook has tested a variety of filling materials and
believes that Holistore by Den-Mat for smaller fillings and Premise Indirect
(formally BelleGlass) unshaded for large cavities are the best filling materi-
als. 239 Slow speed drilling prevents damage to teeth during removal.
The disadvantage to the low-fusing ceramics is that they can cost significantly
more than other filling materials and they may in certain cases require more of
the tooth to be drilled.
because they make people feel good. Their practices quickly fill up since there are
so few good dentists. Good dentists usually do not have a full waiting room if
they are the solo dentist in their practice, because they are not rushing from one
patient to the next the way a typical medical doctor might. Good dentists care
about the health of their patients, even if they do not say it. You can feel it. You
will feel good after you leave the office of a good dentist.
Beyond the good dentists, there are great dentists, yet even they still make
mistakes. They are human, and in the confines of the profession they may per-
form certain procedures very well, yet not excel at others. For example, one den-
tist might be brilliant with Endocal root canals, another might make great bridges,
and another might be good at saving teeth or expertly using minimal drilling.
Dental Referral Disclaimer: Just because a dentist is on one of these lists
does not mean that he or she performs completely non-toxic dentistry. It further
does not mean that the dentists listed will all give you the best care, have only
treatments that you agree with or that are beneficial for all people, or use the best
biocompatible materials. Not every good dentist is on one of these lists, and not
every dentist on these lists may be good for you. Using these lists is, however, a
good way to significantly increase the chance of finding an excellent dentist. On
some of these websites you will need to click around to find the referral pages.—Biomimetic Dentistry
dietary principles presented in this book. In most cases a good solution is to get
nutritional support from another natural health care provider and you can have
your dentist monitor the health of your teeth.
Non-Invasive Dentistry
If you have a small cavity, the non invasive dentist would advise
you about the cavity curing power of cod liver oil. "Take two tea-
spoons per day, and come back next week."
Most cavities can be remineralized by diet alone.
ing dental surgery makes the dentist see cavities that are not really there. Money
seems to make many dentists forget that not every cavity needs a treatment since
it might remineralize and heal. Finally, a friend of mine who is a dentist told me,
based on the same x-rays, that I had three cavities that needed to be filled, and
showed them to me on the x-ray. I could clearly see one of the breaches in the
tooth enamel in the x-ray. I was not really convinced that the two other ones even
If you have any doubt in your dentist, get another opinion. Even if you totally
trust your dentist, but you feel unsure of what to do next, get another opinion.
If something your dentist says did not sound right to you, get another opinion.
Trust that feeling inside of you that says, "Maybe I should get another opinion."
In case you are wondering, I no longer have any sensitive spots on my teeth.
I have no evidence of tooth decay in my teeth, and I have not had a dental treat-
ment on those teeth that had the putative cavities five years ago. My teeth feel
strong and healthy. I have had digital x-rays examined by two different dentists,
and today I do not have any cavities at all.
sultation is when you pay the dentist for their time to diagnose your condition
and to offer an opinion on what to do, but you are clear that you do not need or
expect a treatment. Consultations are a good way to meet with a dentist and see
how good they are based upon their diagnoses and suggestions for treatments.
This can add up cost wise if you consult several dentists. It is also a good time
to ask your dentist questions and to get educated while you are paying them for
their time to talk. Consultations can be difficult to perform if you have a serious
condition and just want the dentist's opinion. The dentist will want to follow
their legal and perhaps moral obligations to treat you.
A good dentist should confirm his diagnoses with a second perspective. This
means that an x-ray image should not be exclusively relied upon to make the
decision to drill. Other testing methods include probing with an examiner, visual
inspection, or using electrical or ultrasound tools to test the strength and health
of the tooth.
Root Canals
George Meinig, DDS, was one of the founders of the American Association of
Endodontists (root canal specialists). When he started in dentistry, everyone sim-
ply extracted decayed teeth. Dr. Meinig and other dentists had a great idea to save
teeth rather than remove them if they were infected. Endodontists used to be on
the fringe of dentistry and they worked hard to become mainstream specialists.
Now, each year in the U.S. alone there are more than 30,000,000 root canals
performed. That is a 30 billion dollar industry. Dr. Meinig, once a root canal
advocate after a lifetime of performing root canals as a dentist, changed his posi-
tion after he read 1174 pages of detailed research by Dr. Weston Price and his
60-man research team. Meinig discovered that,
140 Cure Tooth Decay
What Dr. Meinig urgently wanted to show people is that in many cases a root
canal sets up the body for chronic and degenerative disease. If you have a sig-
nificant degenerative condition, heart disease, severe headaches, arthritis and so
forth, a root canal may be contributing to your condition or even to blame for
it. The reason that root canals can be toxic is because each tooth contains about
three miles of microscopic tubes. After a root canal procedure, the body's natural
dentinal fluid flow to clean out the microscopic tubes is destroyed. A sick tooth
can easily develop toxic substances within the microscopic tubules. It could be
food particles or simply the death and putrefaction of the cells within the tiny
tubes. This highly toxic substance can then drip down tiny fissures through the
root of the tooth and enter your bloodstream. Dr. Price found that when bacteria
could be filtered out of toxins extracted from root canals, that the toxin became
more potent than when the bacteria were present. Bacteria from a root canalled
tooth are not likely the cause of illness, but are simply feeding off and trying to
clean up the rotting material. The conclusion of Dr. George Meinig's book Root
Canal Cover-Up is that root canals are a really bad idea, and that they can be a
serious source of disease.
Not all root canals become infected and not all root canals cause health prob-
lems. The most recent studies of root canal success rates over five- and ten-year
periods reveal a dismal 30-40%. During the time of Dr. Price, the rate of root
canals that definitely had no observable side effects was 25%. 242 Root canals pres-
ent a catch-22 situation without any good choice. Root canals that are successful
in the long run are going to be the ones that are not very infected before the treat-
ment. These non-infected teeth are going to be the teeth that would have been the
easiest to heal naturally and therefore did not really need root canals. The very
damaged and rotten teeth are the ones that are the most difficult to heal and the
most likely needing a root canal to save the tooth. These are cases where the root
canal procedure will many times fail. Basically root canals work the best for the
teeth that do not need them, and the worst for the teeth that do need them.
The root canal procedure hides the pain of the infection, but usually it does
not get down into the bone and tooth root tips where the infection may exist. The
procedure also does not address the causative reason why the tooth is infected in
the first place. Thus hidden infections can lurk at root canal sites.
If your health is not noticeably suffering, then many dentists believe you
should keep your root canalled teeth. 243 Currently there is no real natural replace-
ment for your tooth. And although we have the means to make healthy natural
tooth replacements, I would not expect this technology to be available, successful,
or affordable for at least 20 years. Once you remove your tooth there is no turning
Your bite and your ability to chew are supported by your tooth, even if it has
a root canal. Numerous people have told me personally that they have regretted
getting their root canalled teeth pulled because of how it affected their chewing or
bite. An alternative to pulling a current tooth with root canal is to have your root
canal resterilized with the newest technologies such as EndoCal 10. That being
said, there is a time and place for certain root canalled teeth to be removed, and
doing so has saved some people's lives.
will need to decide with your dentist and health practitioner if you want to try a
carefully executed root canal or extract the tooth. If you are not in the situation
of "there is no other choice," then you do not need a root canal. A root canal is
not usually needed with cracked teeth that can be bonded together or in the case
of inflamed areas near a tooth that could be a gum infection, not a tooth infec-
tion. If your tooth has never had a dental treatment, and it has not been severely
traumatized then there is a very high likelihood that you do not need a root canal.
If your tooth is inflamed, the inflammation can be treated with a good diet and
herbs. Holistically oriented dentists also have tools to calm an infection, such as
homeopathic injections and lasers to stimulate healing. If you have been told that
you need a root canal but you do not feel any sort of pain, swelling or inflamma-
tion, then you more than likely do not need this dental treatment.
My concluding advice when considering whether to get a root canal is to ask
yourself, "Does my body really need this treatment?" and, "Would a root canal
contribute to my improved health?"
2. Take two teaspoons of cod liver oil, or Blue Ice™ Royal Blend per day.
9. Prayer.
What is vital to understand here is that if you do have an infection, you are at
a very delicate point with regard to your health. If the infection becomes more
severe, which can happen rapidly if you are not careful, then your health is at
risk. Please note that the success rate for curing a tooth infection will be lower
than that for curing a cavity, as the infection is an indication of a more severe
imbalance. Eating raw animal fats and proteins significantly increases the chance
of healing the tooth infection.
If your health is otherwise compromised, such as if you have a chronic or
debilitating disease, then please seek help from a minimally invasive dentist as
the remedies here may not help you to a significant degree.
If you are taking the correct action, the tooth infection should not prog-
ress any further and the pain should not increase. You can expect a moderate
improvement in 12-24 hours, and a more significant improvement with notice-
able pain reduction in 24-48 hours. If you do not see this type of improvement,
then you need immediate dental intervention.
6. Fever and severe swelling in face, neck and other parts of the body.
You can easily tell if you have an infection based upon the amount of pain you
feel. Swelling and severe pain means a tooth infection. The infection can prog-
ress or regress through the different stages. When the infection is not visible, and
cannot be seen on the x-ray, then the infection is gone from the perspective of
Dentistry and its High Price 145
requiring a dental treatment on a tooth. The infection still may linger hidden,
but to effect a complete resolution of the infection would require herbs, diet,
homeopathy and/or manual therapies.
3. Potato for Abscess—Place a slice of plain, white raw potato against the
abscess, and leave in place for several hours.
Focal Infections
The focal infection theory maintains that an infection in one place in the body
can travel to and infect a distant place in the body. It is the spread of toxins from
one part of the body through the bloodstream or by other means to another part.
Focal infections have been proven to be connected with a large variety of health
problems including blood problems, digestive problems, back pain, infertility,
arthritis, abscess and infections throughout the body or on the skin, heart disease,
allergies, kidney damage, brain tumors, cancer, trigeminal neuralgia and even
death. 245
Focal infections often times begin in the mouth. They are caused from
inflamed gums, dead teeth particularly under root canals, and decaying jaw bone
known as a NICO lesion. Hidden mouth infections can also reside in cavitations,
which are holes in the bone often where a tooth—especially a wisdom tooth—
has been extracted. This is a hidden area of pus, toxins or rotting bone. What
happens is a part of the mouth is putrefying, or there are putrefied substances in
places that the body cannot clean up at the tooth extraction site. I mention this
condition because even if you eat well, you want to be sure that there is no rotting
infectious material in your mouth causing disease in other parts of your body. I
do not want people to live with untreated infections. You can treat many infec-
tions with nutrition. But some cases of infections will not heal properly just with
nutrition particularly in the cases were the tooth is already damaged by dentistry
146 Cure Tooth Decay
with a large filling, crown or root canal. In these cases you will want good nutri-
tion in combination with homeopathic injections or surgery to clean up and
protect the area against infection.
Dental Implants
The post of a dental implant allows a space for toxins to enter into the gum
because the periodontal ligament and gum tissue do not attach to the implant
sufficiently to seal off that space. There is hardly any evidence available regard-
ing the long-term effects of titanium implants. Placing metal directly into the
jaw bone poses a high risk of triggering a negative immune system reaction in
the patient. 248 The body reacts poorly to any implanted metal. Studies at the
Karlinska Institute in Sweden, show that most humans become rapidly allergic
to virtually any metal placed inside the human body including mercury, titanium
and gold. One not commonly considered problem with titanium implants is the
battery effect of combining titanium with other metals from dental restorations
in your mouth.
Zirconium is a non metal material that is used for implants in other modern
parts of the world. It has been recently approved for use in the United States. If
you decide you want an implant, for the same cost as having a titanium implant
here, you can fly to another country such as New Zealand and get a zirconium
implant there.
As with any dental procedure, you must weigh the benefits and the costs to
determine if this is right for you. Clearly we want to place our efforts into keep-
ing our existing teeth because none of the alternatives are fully satisfactory, and
they are costly.
Dental Abuse
With a few exceptions, modern dentistry is an inhumane system. Many den-
tists coerce patients into treatments that they do not need. Part of this system
of coercion is to first condemn patients as failures in life because they did not
Dentistry and its High Price 147
prevent their tooth decay due to poor oral hygiene. These accusations can weaken
patients' sense of self and get them to succumb to unneeded dental procedures.
You know a dentist has abused you if you feel sick or awful in their presence, or
if they try to coerce you into treatments that you feel unsure about. A majority of
dentists are in business to make money. And the business aspect has corrupted
most dentists so surely and thoroughly, it causes them to behave in irresponsible
Dental abuse is also physical abuse because dental treatments when not abso-
lutely needed damage and harm your physical body. Dental treatments that use
toxic metals cause disease, pain, and suffering. This is also a form of physical
abuse, and it is unethical.
2. Forgive. Once the problem is acknowledged then ask for healing and
forgiveness. Is there any way you can find that tiny spark in yourself
that is capable of forgiving yourself for being a victim, and forgiv-
ing the dentist for his extreme ignorance and arrogance? By the way,
forgiveness does not mean you do not hold the dentist or dentistry in
general responsible for their negligent behavior.
3. Get educated. Once you are able to let go of some of the past attach-
ments towards dentistry, then it is time to learn about good dentistry
that can repair toxic dentistry. Seek out dentists who practice less toxic
and minimally invasive dentistry.
4. Educate your friends and family. Healing the abuse of dentistry means
your community needs to be educated about the severe problems with
conventional dentistry. Part of your own healing from dental abuse
will come by educating your friends and family about the dangers and
hazards prevalent in dentistry.
On the practical side, if you do not feel good at your dentist's, then speak up.
If you still feel confused and unsure, leave the dental office immediately. Get a
second opinion.
148 Cure Tooth Decay
Do I Have a Cavity?
Understanding Tooth Decay
A cavity is an impairment in the tooth structure that creates sensitivity to the
environmental forces in the mouth such as saliva, foods, and chewing. A cavity is
any structural weakness in a tooth that causes the tooth to function improperly.
Feeling pain, discomfort, finding white spots and sometimes black spots on your
tooth, having hot or cold sensitivity, and not wanting to chew on a tooth are the
results of tooth decay. For a majority of people the simplest way to know if you
have a cavity is to go to a good dentist for a check-up. For the minority of people,
you can do it at home. Most people are better off working with a dentist because
dentists have the experience needed to clearly diagnose cavities. This is where a
dentist can be your ally.
The guidelines below will give you a general idea of the type of tooth prob-
lems you are facing. These suggestions are not guaranteed to accurately diagnose
your problems, but they can aid you in understanding your experience. If you
need a more accurate diagnosis then please seek professional dental help.
Tooth Pain: Temporary sensitivity to hot or cold foods, without recent dental
Meaning: Tooth decay is active. The tooth enamel is weak and sensations
travel more rapidly to the nerve. This may also be the beginning signs of gum
Tooth Pain: Lasting sensitivity and more constant awareness of hot or cold
foods, without recent dental work.
Meaning: The tooth pulp could be infected, the tooth may be cracked or
chipped, or this is the beginning of gum disease.
Tooth Pain: Temporary sensitivity to hot or cold foods after a recent dental
Meaning: Dental work can cause tooth pulp inflammation, which would be
an intense but very brief pain. The tooth pulp should heal within 2-4 weeks
of a dental treatment.
Tooth Pain: Constant and severe pain with pressure, swelling of the gum, and
sensitivity to touch.
Meaning: Tooth or gum abscess (tooth infection).
Pain: The tooth hurts when you tap it with your finger from the side.
Meaning: The periodontal ligament is degenerating or inflamed.
Tooth Pain: Dull ache, headaches, tooth experiences lingering hot-cold sensi-
tivity that lasts much longer than a few seconds.
Meaning: The tooth nerve is damaged or dying. There may be a hidden infec-
Tooth decay that is near or below the gum line, or red, tender or inflamed
Meaning: Too much free phosphorous in your blood; your body is not using
phosphorous efficiently. This could also be from excess biting forces causing
stress on the roots of the tooth.
There are various methods for you to monitor your tooth remineralization, and
people have employed different strategies. One way to monitor your tooth decay
is to eat a small amount of certain foods, or drink hot or cold water, that typi-
cally cause tooth pain. Another is to press your teeth in various spots with your
fingernail. If you want to be more precise, you can purchase a dental explorer at
the local drug store and use it carefully in the same way. If you feel a soft spot or
experience tooth pain while using the dental explorer, then you have tooth decay.
Decayed spots are usually slightly sticky or feel like rotten wood. Some dentists
offer a saliva test to determine if tooth decay is active. Using these tests, you can
check and monitor the progress of your dietary changes, watching to see whether
or not your tooth is getting harder.
I also encourage you to do a visual inspection of your teeth. You can accom-
plish this by using an efficient light and the bathroom mirror. A small dental
mirror can also be useful for inspecting your teeth from different angles. A visual
inspection can help you determine if your teeth are healthy. Take a digital pho-
tograph of your teeth if possible, and label them for comparison.
You are to be responsible for monitoring your dental health. I support active
participation in your dental recovery program. I do not encourage excessive
x-rays because of the dangers of radiation exposure. Digital x-rays emit less radia-
tion than conventional ones, but they still emit some. By checking your progress,
you will be able to determine whether or not the diet you are following is working
and you will be able to catch a problem before it becomes worse.
Teeth that have never been drilled usually respond very well to dietary inter-
vention. You should notice significant improvement in tooth pain or sensitivity
within a few days. Once the tooth has hardened then you can decide with your
dentist if the tooth needs extra structural support from a filling. In this case you
could do a no-drill filling if there was a large hole that needed to be sealed up. I
do not recommend leaving large holes untreated, although some people make
this choice for personal reasons. Tiny cavities, the kind most people have, do
not really need any type of drilling or filling once they remineralize. All that is
there will usually be a tiny but very hard discolored or black spot on the tooth.
Sometimes even the discoloration of a cavity disappears completely on an excel-
lent diet.
With your excellent diet your tooth will now be constantly trying to heal itself.
If your dental condition has been going on for years and years, it could take many
weeks or even many months to fully remineralize the damaged tooth. If your tooth
is constantly getting aggravated such as from night time tooth clenching, tooth
grinding, a poor bite, or dental work that is falling apart then the healing process
is going to be very slow if it progresses at all. Meanwhile if your tooth is in a lot
of pain, it may be difficult or impossible to wait for weeks and months for your
body to heal the tooth nutritionally to the point where it stops hurting. The only
way to know is to implement as much as you can of the tooth infection program
explained earlier in this chapter. If your painful, inflamed tooth does not radically
improve in 24-48 hours, then this tooth likely needs a dental treatment.
steps to correct your bite and to relieve pressure on the central cranial nerve in
your jaw, the trigeminal nerve. This will be discussed in the next chapter. Healing
teeth nutritionally is enhanced by topical treatments including herbs, homeopa-
thy, sea salt rinses, gum cleaning and oil pulling (see the gum disease chapter).
Side Cavities and Regular Cavities. These respond well to nutritional adjust-
ments. After the small cavity has healed, you will need to decide if you want
or need any additional drill-free dental treatments to restore the structure or
look of the particular tooth.
Large cavity. Make dietary changes and then get the cavity filled with a no-
drill filling, or a filling that requires only a small amount of drilling. This can
only be done when the cavity is remineralized. Alternatively, the cavity can
be scraped carefully without using a drill and then a temporary or permanent
filling can be placed while you improve your diet. Teeth can remineralize
under the fillings. Parts of the teeth that are drilled are a far larger obstacle to
tooth remineralization than a filling sitting in a tooth.
Cavities under fillings. Sometimes these respond well to nutrition, and other
times they do not. It depends on how stressed the tooth is, and how severe
the decay. First you need to determine if your current filling is allowing food
and saliva to enter deeply into the tooth. If so, you want to get the filling
cleaned, and then sealed with either a temporary or a permanent filling. If the
filling on the tooth is already sound, then the first thing to consider is if this
is a misdiagnosis. If it is not a misdiagnosis, many of these teeth will respond
well to nutritional treatments. Make sure to avoid biting on the tooth as best
as you can for 1-14 days depending on your desires, and perhaps even wear
a night guard to relieve the nighttime stress on the tooth. Expect significant
improvement in these deep cavities in 1-2 weeks. If the filling is damaged,
once the interior of the tooth heals, then consider getting a new non-toxic
filling to strengthen the structure of your tooth.
Teeth with temporary fillings. You will want to find a permanent safe filling
solution and not keep temporary fillings in your mouth very long.
154 Cure Tooth Decay
Leaving big cavities without fillings. A few daring people want to have no
filling materials in their mouths even if their teeth have large holes. I do not
recommend this option if you are doing it to save money.
A mouth full of cavities, or you do not know what to do about your cavities.
What I always say to people who feel unsure is to make your best effort to
improve your diet. No matter what dental treatment course you pursue, you
will always be benefited by improving your diet. It does not hurt to try.
Sensitivity on sides of teeth with gum line ridges. This is called abfraction
and is due to biting forces. An improved diet will strengthen the tooth against
the loss or damage to the tooth caused by biting forces. The complete healing
of this condition may require additional treatments to adjust how you bite.
most likely will fail in remineralizing tooth decay. This is what is known as the
vicious cycle. Difficult events challenge us in life, and rather than getting easier,
life sends us more difficult events. The cycle also works constructively for certain
people in certain parts of their lives, such as the person who always gets one good
job or economic fortune after the next.
Your job is to transform the negative cycle of dental health into a positive
cycle. The way this happens is by inviting in the positive feelings and experiences,
while at the same time searching for and acknowledging the negative experiences.
Stress is primarily caused by unacknowledged feelings. In modern society, we face
life situations that our bodies are physically and emotionally unequipped for,
such as eating a sandwich while driving and talking on a cell phone at the same
time. As a result, we experience this specific kind of uncomfortable tension we call
stress. To help deal with stress, one must slow down, breathe, and acknowledge
the feelings present in this moment. The simple question of, "What is here now?"
helps bring one's focus into the moment. One could also ask, "How am I feeling
now?" These are some tools that help enhance awareness. Yoga, meditation, tai
chi, chi gong, and many other forms of meditation, movement, or therapy, will
help you reduce stress, clear your mind, and make you a healthier person.
Just relax and trust the healing process for your teeth. This means trusting
you will be fine, whether you get a dental treatment on the tooth or not. Feel, or
imagine a positive feeling of support that you can overcome tooth decay. If you
have a negative doubting voice, just notice it and smile at it.
Through dedicated yoga practice, I began noticing how my body was being
negatively affected by the food I ate. (I was eating foods on the "avoid" list before
I knew any better, particularly "health food bars" and tofu.) This encouraged me
to improve my diet. I became keenly aware of the physical consequences of poor
food choices. Even today, I closely monitor my diet and stay disciplined so I do
not succumb to negative food habits from the past. I also encourage you to review
the beginning of chapter about healing children's cavities for more pointers on
dealing with feelings.
to be healthy and the dark side wants to be unhealthy. The classic result of this
inner conflict is wishing our tooth decay to be fixed, without wanting to do any
of the work to fix it. This is a key belief that has given rise and power to modern
dentistry. Dentistry helps us not face our dark side that wants to be sick. Conven-
tional dentistry allows us to be sick by telling us that we have nothing to do with
tooth decay, that it is all the action of the bacteria and what the bacteria eat.
The result of the missing dark side of yourself that only pops up here and
there when nobody is looking, is that we might subconsciously equate being
healthy with suffering. The suffering associated with the effort needed to become
healthy can manifest in many forms: complaining about exercise, believing in
disempowering information, or not wanting to pay extra for healthy foods or
a better dentist. These behaviors are a result of the interplay between your light
side that wants to get healthy, and your dark side that does not care or that does
not want health.
Putting more commitment and energy behind your goal of health requires
positive feelings, beliefs and good will. If you are not fully committed to this posi-
tive result, then there must be some hidden negativity. This hidden dark side feels
as though it has to suffer. It does not want the best. The dark side can make it
hard for you to take care of yourself. To help transform the dark side you cannot
simply ignore it and push it away. That would merely create more darkness. Just
as there is nothing wrong with the dark side of the moon, your own dark side is
not bad; it is simply a part of life that needs to be accepted. The way to cause a
transformation is to bring light (awareness) to the darkness (unconsciousness).
To help heal this hidden internal dilemma, I suggest three things:
1. Acknowledge and look for the unconscious wish to not live, or to not
be healthy.
2. Meditate upon, or pray for help, or discuss with friends your dark side.
Look for ways to bring the dark side into the light.
Making a new commitment to yourself or to life is the first step towards breaking
the vicious cycle of tooth decay. Then you can start to see the hidden gold of your
suffering, and that there are important lessons, meaning and purpose in your life,
if you are willing to embrace them.
158 Cure Tooth Decay
The theory that bacteria in our mouth produce acids, which then cause tooth
decay, is a false conclusion. Saliva has a basic pH and will neutralize acids in the
mouth rather rapidly. The digestive enzymes in our saliva rapidly dissolve car-
bohydrates in our mouths. For example, bread can turn into liquid after being
chewed several times. By the way, this section was not written to encourage peo-
Dentistry and its High Price 159
pie to abandon cleaning their teeth and mouths. The practice of dental and oral
hygiene has many social benefits.
Tooth Care
Healing Tooth Pain
When the nutritional program is successful, tooth pain will decrease and teeth
will feel firmer in your mouth. In some cases your teeth will need extra help as fast
as possible. The following treatments are not full remedies, but rather intermedi-
ate treatments that help stop tooth pain. Here are seven of the most successful
treatments for halting tooth pain. Each treatment can stand alone, or you can try
several of them together.
2. Swish organic sesame seed or coconut oil in your mouth for 5-10 min-
utes and then spit it out. This is called oil pulling and is also a good
method for cleansing the body and improving oral health.
Dental Sealants
Many dental sealants contain hormone-altering chemicals, including bisphenol
A. 251 There are two purported less-toxic approaches; one is a resin sealant made
by Ultradent, and the other is a glass ionomer sealant. The problem with resin
sealants is that they do not allow minerals or fluids to pass through the surface
of the tooth, thus inhibiting the dentin fluid flow. Glass ionomer sealants do
allow the fluid to flow through the sealant. Due to the curing time needed to
set the sealant, they are difficult to place properly and ideally should be done
one tooth per visit. If a tooth already has a cavity, then putting a sealant on top
160 Cure Tooth Decay
of the tooth cavity will not help. This means that each tooth has to be carefully
tested with a device such as a Diagnodent™ to search for small hidden pockets
of tooth decay. Sealants do not block out decay completely but merely slow the
process down, assuming they are placed properly. My conclusion is that sealants
will benefit people in special situations as long as they avoid ones with hormone
altering chemicals. In general, unless you feel really inspired to get a sealant, it
seems unnecessary.
example, herbs, black tea or coffee. Another type of tooth discoloring is yellow
teeth. I believe this is a form of tooth jaundice. This basically means that your
body is a bit toxic, and your liver is not functioning optimally. As your liver gets
healthier with a healthier diet, exercise, and therapeutic treatments like herbs,
your teeth may gradually get whiter.
There are a variety of teeth whitening treatments available at your dentist.
Some of them are relatively safe, while others remove healthy tooth structure.
Based on the principle of choosing the least invasive treatment to your teeth as
possible, you should avoid any tooth whitening material that contains any type
of acidic or etching compound, and avoid all types of porcelain laminates. Avoid
any whitening procedure that involves any drilling or removal of healthy enamel.
Request your dentist, before submitting to any tooth whitening procedures, use
no acid or etching materials.
Toxic Toothpaste
Many brands of toothpaste contain the following warning. "WARNING: Keep
out of the reach of children under 6 years of age. If you accidentally swallow
more than used for brushing, seek professional assistance or contact a Poison
Control Center immediately." If something is that dangerous where more than a
tiny amount is considered poison, then I do not want to be putting it in my body
every day.
Toothpaste is regulated as a cosmetic product, and not as a food. I suppose
the rationale behind this is that toothpaste is not swallowed and that it does not
get absorbed into your body. As a result the standards of safety for toothpaste
are much lower than our already very low safety standards for food additives.
Since toothpaste is not a food, almost anything goes as far as ingredients are
concerned. Toothpastes usually contain ingredients like hydrated silica, sorbitol,
sodium saccharin, titanium dioxide, glycerin, sodium lauryl/laureth sulfate, and
sodium fluoride.
Hydrated silica is made from quartz and sand and it is an abrasive in tooth-
paste. As I already mentioned, the sand in toothpaste can cause tooth wear
with too much brushing.
Sorbitol and saccharin are both sweeteners and are used in toothpaste. They
are on the list of substances we want to avoid.
Titanium dioxide is a pigment used for providing brightness and whiteness.
It is used as a stain remover and a whitener. Titanium dioxide is potentially
carcinogenic in humans. 2 5 4 If the titanium dioxide in toothpaste contained
nano-sized particles then it can be toxic to cells in your body and absorb
through contact. 2 5 5
4. Toothsoap. A liquid soap made with coconut, olive and palm oils. It
makes tooth brushing fun. You can purchase it at www.mytoothsoap.
com and the coupon code SMILE will give you an extra discount!
6. Any type of natural cleaning agent that uses herbs or liquids that has
no chemicals or ingredients on the label you cannot pronounce or
grow in a garden.
Tooth Brushing
As we learned from Dr. Phillips in the gum disease chapter, tooth brushing can
be fine for teeth if the bristles are soft and if there is not too much abrasion, but
it can rapidly wear away your gums and even cause gum disease. This is because
brushing pushes the plaque into the gingival sulcus where the gums meet the
teeth. For tooth brushing to be healthy, you need to use blotting or at least an oral
irrigator after brushing to remove the plaque at the gum line.
Soft tooth brushes with rounded ends help avoid eroding tooth enamel. Elec-
tric brushes which have an electromagnetic component to them do a superior job
of cleaning but they may lead to some minor EMF exposure. There is also risk
with electric toothbrushes of damaging the gums because of the high speed of the
vibrations. If you use one, be careful.
1 part lobelia
1 part cloves
3 parts peppermint
People need to be aware of the herbs they use, and use them wisely. (With pro-
longed and exclusive use, this tooth powder may cause some slight tooth discol-
oration that can be cleaned off.) I alternate using this herbal formula with the
baking soda formula. The tooth and gum powder can also be placed on gums for
gum healing.
Flossing is literally a double-edged sword. Since many of us do not have perfectly
aligned teeth, food can get caught in between teeth. The disadvantage to flossing
is that it is very easy to cut your gums. Injuring your gums daily does not seem
like a practice that will promote healthy teeth and gums. The advantage to floss-
ing is that you are able to clean out debris from between your teeth that would
otherwise linger and putrefy in your mouth.
Dentistry and its High Price 165
If you floss your teeth, be very careful not to slash your gums. Using den-
tal tape, which is a wide and thick version of dental floss, is the recommended
flossing technique of tooth hygiene specialist dentist Robert. O. Nara. There is
evidence from Dr. Phillips that flossing with string is not a part of good dental
health. Using the blotting method to poke out food with an ultrasoft tooth brush,
or using a water flosser (oral irrigator) seems to be much better suggestions. If
you choose to floss with a string, then use dental tape.
One-tenth of the 350,000 cancer deaths per year in the U.S. are
linked with artificial public water fluoridation,261
The U.S. Congress called for animal studies to confirm these results and the stud-
ies were released in 1990. The studies showed clear evidence that fluoride does
cause cancer. 262
A majority of Europe does not use water fluoridation and neither should
we. Countries that rejected fluoridation on the grounds that its use is unethical
and that it imposes unnecessary health risks include: Austria, Belgium, Denmark,
Finland, France, Germany, Holland, Hungary, Italy, Iceland, Luxembourg, Neth-
erlands, Norway, Sweden and Yugoslavia.
Nature has given us the map for perfect tooth enamel, impervious to tooth
decay. We can maintain a high immunity to tooth decay without fluoride, pro-
vided we obey Nature's laws, eat a proper diet rich in calcium, phosphorus, and
the fat-soluble vitamins, and avoid overly processed nutrient-devoid foods.
Synthetically derived fluoride cannot replace or reproduce the total harmony of
Nature's design.
I do not recommend that you drink fluoridated water or use fluoridated
toothpaste. Do not submit to dental treatments that contain fluoride. Because
of fluoride's damaging effects on the glandular system, it is possible to get weak
enamel from fluoride, so check with your local water board to find out if your
water supply is fluoridated. If it is, then you need to purchase a special fluoride
filter or have fluoride free water delivered to you.
Placing fluoride in toothpaste and into our water supply is a crime. It is
unethical because fluoride has never been proven safe and effective. In fact, the
opposite has been proven to be true. I urge you to support efforts to eradicate
fluoride use in the United States. Please visit the Fluoride Action Network, fluo-, and The Fluoride Education Project,
4. Once you are infected with tooth decay you do not develop immunity
to it unless your diet is dramatically improved.
Bacteria exist symbiotically in our mouths at all times and evolve and change as
our health does. Hence, no antibacterial remedy will ever cure tooth decay.
liver oil) and they will cure a large portion of people's cavities before they even
happen. Imagine seeing a DPD, a doctor of preventative dentistry, or a DDH, a
doctor of dental health, who would help you keep your teeth healthy and strong
naturally with diet, supplements, herbs and homeopathy.
A large percentage of our population is suffering from poor health, physi-
cal stress, and a loss of vitality from bite disorders. There is a vast and largely
untapped market for holistic methods to return the upper and lower jaw to their
harmonious state and bring balance to the facial structures while healing head,
neck and jaw pain. This will make people happier, more relaxed, and more resis-
tant to disease.
The problem with modern dentistry is that to become a licensed dentist, you
must spend most of your schooling learning how to perform dental surgery. Yet
what really matters in this new school of truly holistic dentistry that I propose in
this book is preventing tooth decay and repairing the bite with non-surgical and
holistic methods. Yet these methods are not currently being taught to dentists in
dental school. The training in dental school does not give dentists the foundation
needed to be effective nutrition counselors and efficient bite repairers. Further-
more there needs to be more of an integrative care model which emphasizes the
health of the entire body so that the art and science of dentistry can complement
and work synergistically with all the other health professions.
There is no longer any reason for the population at large to be afflicted with
tooth decay (dental caries). Join me now in voicing an urgent call to change
the way we administer oral health in our country. "Dentistry, we need you to
Chapter 9
Your Bite:
A Hidden Cause of Cavities
A Fresh Look at Orthodontics and TMJ
170 Cure Tooth Decay
Teen Adult
brim will also be spacious enough to ensure easier births. I describe this in more
detail in my book about preconception, pregnancy, parenting, and children's
health called Healing Our Children. You can learn more about it as well as obtain
the book at
When you look at this photo of two human skulls, you may assume that they
are simply ordinary human skulls and you do not see anything of interest. What
I want you to look at carefully in these skulls is how the teeth of the maxilla and
mandible line up. The top front teeth and the bottom front teeth are flush with
each other and line up "tip to tip." There is no overbite and there is no underbite.
All of the teeth appear to be in contact with one another. Although not visible in
the pictures, in an ideal bite there ought to be a paper-thin gap in the front teeth
so they do not put pressure upon each other in the relaxed jaw position. These
skulls show us our therapeutic model for natural human development. Most of
us do not have bites that fit in this position when our mouths are closed. This
is not so because of a genetic predisposition, but because a poor diet and other
nutritional or environmental toxins have prevented a majority of the population
from having fully formed maxillas (upper palates) and mandibles (lower jaws).
Your Bite: A Hidden Cause of Cavities 171
Occlusion is how our teeth come together when we chew and
when our mouth is at rest.
nerve, and the ophthalmic (eye) nerve. The trigeminal nerve system fans through-
out your entire face, and contains pain, position and movement (sensory and
motor) sensors and control mechanisms. The nerves of each tooth are connected
to either the manidibular or maxillary branch of the trigeminal nerve. When you
have a toothache, the nerve pain goes right through the trigeminal nerve and
communicates directly to your thalamus and cerebral cortex. This explains why
you feel tooth pain so very intensely. The trigeminal nerve connects with our
limbic brain which is related to emotions and mental functions. 265 How you bite
is directly connected with how you feel.
When your mouth closes, your jaw should be in a relaxed and comfortable
position. The correct positioning of the jaw and teeth is shown in both figure a
and in the figure labeled occlusion. In figure a, the molars naturally and comfort-
ably touch on all surfaces when the jaw is in the closed, relaxed position. When
the back molars are touching comfortably, the body's nervous system is sent a
constant signal of relaxation through the trigeminal nerve. Because of this nerve
relaxation, a person with contacting molars in the comfortable, relaxed position
ages more slowly, heals faster, has a positive outlook on life, and generally feels
Take a moment and look in the mirror. You can see if your jaw is naturally in
position a. If it is not, do not be surprised, as 95% or more of the population has
a misaligned jaw. The term for a misaligned bite is malocclusion. When your jaw
is misaligned the sensory system of the trigeminal nerve is activated. 266 A classic
jaw misalignment is called a closed bite. When the jaw hinges closed through its
natural motion as in figure b, the molars do not touch. Rather the front teeth
collide into one another. This unfortunate circumstance resulted because the
jaw bone did not develop to its full potential, and the back molars are too low.
Because either the upper back molars or lower ones did not extend to their fullest
potential, the jaw cannot relax in the neutral closed position as demonstrated in
figure a.
A closed and relaxed jaw as shown in the skull photographs and in figure a is
especially important during sleep. The body regenerates while we sleep. But if the
molars are not comfortably touching, as in figure b, then side effects such as night
time tooth grinding or clenching can occur. As the teeth clench at night, if they
are in positions b or cthey can easily become worn down and overly stressed since
the molars are not comfortably supporting the mouth. This is exactly why teeth
become infected and eroded. This situation can also be associated with snoring
and loss of fully restful sleep.
What also happens in the condition illustrated by figure b is the body's sen-
sory nervous system receives messages through the trigeminal nerve to the brain
that the jaw is not relaxed. The body then tries to make the molars contact one
another to find the relaxed and natural position. Yet in order for the body to
174 Cure Tooth Decay
find a natural biting position and for the molars to touch as they were designed
to, the jaw must hinge backwards and upwards as shown in figure c. Since the
body seeks relaxation, and since chewing and eating require the front teeth to
avoid colliding while the molars grind food, what happens is that the jaw must
hinge in a forced manner to compensate. While the jaw joint is capable of slid-
ing forward and backward, it is not supposed to slide backward all the time. In
figure cyou see the final closed bite position; the molars are touching now, but the
jaw is jammed backwards. At the same time, the front teeth may be contacting
each other wrongly and wearing down. Over time, the hinging of the jaw in the
unnatural position overly strains the thin friction disk in the temporomandibular
joint, and there is pain, popping, and cracking on the light end of the symptom
scale. The worst thing about this common condition is that the body rarely or
never is able to completely relax, heal and regenerate. Instead there is a constant
experience of tension.
body, amounts of substance P increase near the injury site. After substance P is
released from your nerves it lingers in your body for a while. 267
The trigeminal nerve has such a high density of pain fibers that it can have
a dramatic effect on the substance P levels in your body. Substance P is actually
good for us. It stimulates cell growth and promotes wound healing. 268 But when
someone's bite is out of alignment such as shown in figure c then the trigeminal
nerve which is laced throughout the mandible (jaw) releases pain signals through
substance P in large amounts. Perhaps this happens because the body correlates
the jaw misalignment with a physical injury. The constant release of substance P
from the trigeminal nerve over time causes our sensory system to become over
stimulated or hyperactive. This then substantially reduces our body's ability to
send substance P to the parts of our body that require healing and regeneration.
Therefore when our bite is out of alignment we heal more slowly. Too much
substance P in the system leads to a burned out nervous system. It can cause
hyperactivity in children. Excess substance P from bite imbalances leads to hyper-
sensitivity to touch, smells, light, and loud noises as well as to general irritabil-
ity.269 Disease conditions that respond well to jaw alignment include fibromyalgia,
irritable bowel syndrome, autism, asthma, and all of the autoimmune disorders.
When your jaw is relaxed, then substance P is not being overly released
because your jaw is aligned. Substance P then can do its job to help heal and
regenerate all the parts of your body. A relaxed jaw from a correct bite makes
your body relaxed and your body rejuvenates itself. A relaxed bite keeps us youth-
ful, helps us heal well, and have strength and energy when we need it. This is the
power of your bite.
vous system of the jaw is hyper stimulated which inhibits the natural healing
response of the body to mend damaged teeth. Second, when the bite is out of bal-
ance, specific teeth become overly stressed from the mechanical forces of the jaw.
Third, with a bad bite, the trigeminal nerve becomes hypersensitive. With these
conditions a toothache will hurt much more than it normally should. What this
means for you is that if you have a tooth ache, or tooth infection, then any types
of body therapy you can do to relax the stresses on your nervous system, par-
ticularly the trigeminal nerve, can dramatically impact the health of your teeth.
Perhaps half or more of tooth infections and tooth pain can be healed simply by
helping the jaw relax and by moving the bite into a more correct position.
Now we will learn why braces are generally unnecessary and in fact harmful. First,
two definitions:
Many people have chosen orthodontics, which is a means of making their teeth
to appear straight, when they really wanted orthopedics, which is the correction
of physical development to a normal and healthy state. These terms lead to a
great deal of confusion because there are conventional orthodontists, orthodon-
tist-orthopedists, and dental orthopedists. For clarity I will refer to practitioners
who only look at making teeth straight, and who take a mechanistic approach
that works against the normal function of the body as conventional orthodon-
tists. Orthopedists are dental practitioners who align the bite, even though some
orthopedists may also call themselves orthodontists.
Dental orthopedics is the art form of reconstructing bites with dental
appliances. This entails more than merely a mechanical process, but involves
an artistic non-surgical cranial reconstruction. Conventional orthodontics is a
mechanistic system that does not consider the normal developmental model of
the body.
I, like many others, have experienced negative outcomes from conventional
orthodontics. When I was young, my jaw was in the position as shown in figure
c, also referred to as an overbite. Because the goal of conventional orthodontists
(who practice orthodontics, not orthopedics) is to make teeth straight, without
even necessarily making them contact properly, their simplified approach is to
make your teeth straight BY ANY MEANS NECCESSARY. The conventional
orthodontist believes that the jaws are stuck in one position and cannot move.
At best, all an orthodontist sees is what is shown in the figure labeled occlusion:
a row of teeth. The orthodontist, like the conventional dentist, also sees a row of
money. I remember my orthodontist had nice pictures on his office wall of his
mansion, and of his family's many vacations to Hawaii. The conventional orth-
odontic approach was designed as a business model and is an easy and convenient
way to move through many patients in an assembly-line fashion. In the process,
178 Cure Tooth Decay
a treatment period of eighteen months to three years all of the molars can be
guided to meet each other, and the correct functional bite height can be retained
without further need of a dental appliance.
Conventional Orthodontic
Practices Damage Faces
Conventional orthodontic practices damage facial aesthetics. 274 They also dam-
age the functionality of the bite as seen in many cases of TMD from just a small
informal survey of people who have undergone conventional orthodontic treat-
ment. The most damaging aspects of orthodontics are tooth extractions and head
Many patients or parents are not adequately informed about the dangers
of conventional orthodontics prior to treatment. 2 7 5 In particular the resorption
of tooth roots is a common and sometimes highly damaging result of wearing
braces. Root resorption is the loss or damage to the tooth root from the pulling
force of braces. When you move teeth with braces, a tooth does not simply slide
into the next position. The figure of the tooth in chapter three shows how the
tooth is surrounded by bone. To move a tooth, the braces pull the teeth and the
tooth is pushed into the alveolar bone. This is something akin to a boat traveling
through thick ice. As the tooth is pushed in one direction, the bone in the jaw
must dissolve on one end of the tooth and fill in on the other side of the tooth for
the tooth to move. When the tooth roots are pushed against the jaw bone with
180 Cure Tooth Decay
fixed dental appliances like braces, 93% of them are damaged; some severely. 276
Approximately 72-84% of teeth that have been treated with a fixed appliance
(braces) have suffered clinically significant damage. 277 As a result many teeth
suffer permanent damage from braces. Gum disease later in life, in combination
with roots that are damaged from braces and are therefore much shorter, means
early tooth loss. Standard consent and disclaimer forms that patients must sign
before accepting braces as treatment explain the known harm caused by braces.
They include jaw pain (from the bite being pulled out of alignment), root resorp-
tion, tooth or jaw instability, fleeting results due to physical growth, gum inflam-
mation, and unexpected results. Meanwhile, in the orthopedic model you will
suffer none of these side effects because the dental orthopedic model works with
the natural form of the body, helping it function and grow properly.
If you put braces on the teeth of a growing child, and do not even try
to move or push teeth, as the child's jaw grows, his teeth are going to move in
the jaw bone. Root resorption is worse in older children than in younger chil-
dren. 278
Bicuspid Extraction
Bicuspid extraction performed by conventional orthodontics
on children and teens collapses the structure of the face, mak-
ing the face more narrow and less attractive. This unfortunate
result has been shown in studies comparing differing orthodontic
approaches with identical twins. Over time, the twin whose teeth
were not extracted, but whose dental arch was widened instead,
developed the more attractive facial features. Bicuspid extraction
sacrifices perfectly healthy and beautiful teeth to the faulty goals of
conventional orthodontics. 279 Not to mention the fact that pulling
teeth can cause emotional trauma as children feel that they have
been disfigured or that there is something wrong with them.
facial features to the patient's detriment. 2 8 1 The other conventional method for
making all of the teeth fit besides extractions is to fan them out forward. Part of
the problem with the bite in an individual with an overbite (closed bite), is not
enough height in the molars for the jaw to swing forward naturally and to have
the molars comfortably touch. When the teeth are fanned out with braces, the
back molars stay at the same low height, and then the height of the front teeth is
also lowered by being rocked outward.
Rather than working with the correct therapeutic model as described earlier
and the natural growth direction of the body, conventional orthodontics works
against it. Rather than bringing the jaw forward, conventional orthodontics
pushes the maxilla (upper palate) back and compounds the problem and further
prevents the mandible (jaw) from growing. 282 Conventional orthodontics lowers
the height of teeth that do not need to be lowered, removes teeth that are perfectly
beautiful and healthy, pushes teeth into the jaw bone and causes their roots to
shorten. To say that conventional orthodontics is a massive disaster would be
a grave understatement.
The wires in orthodontic appliances contain nickel and can cause personality
changes such as a lack of affection and lowered intelligence. Homeopathic rem-
edies for nickel poisoning can resolve this situation.
Functional Orthopedics
The good news is that nearly every problem with orthodontics can be corrected
to some degree with orthopedics. Finding a practitioner who understands all of
the aspects and integrative care required for dental orthopedic changes can be
difficult since dental orthopedics requires the specialty of three or more areas
of expertise. As a result, the combination of a dentist who practices orthopedics
along with physical therapies is required for the best treatment outcomes. Dental
orthopedics requires not just an understanding of, but the physical manipulation
of the cranial bones, the jaw bones, the TMJ joint, the fascia which is a fibrous
tissue that surrounds muscles, nerves, and the dura mater which surrounds the
brain and spinal cord. The younger the patient, and the less severe the imbal-
ance, the less expertise is going to be required from multiple fields to produce a
successful result.
Craniopathy has its origins in an old system of chiropractic work. When we
breathe, the bones in our head actually breathe and expand. The human head
contains a set of 23 interlocking bones. There are eight cranial bones and fourteen
facial bones. When we are born, many of us have slight imbalances in the bones
of our body, particularly the cranial bones. This creates a cranial birth distortion.
Over time these distortions, or bone malformations in the cranium or cervical
182 Cure Tooth Decay
were no longer helpful because I needed extra support for my bite from a dental
appliance. There are of course other body work modalities and forms of chiro-
practic work not mentioned here that may help or even completely heal any bite
the patient's body. Without the supplemental bodywork treatments, patients can
develop chronic tension and pain as their bodies struggle to adapt to the appli-
There is also a very interesting new appliance that not many practitioners yet
use, called Splint Orthodontic Myofunctional Appliance (SOMA) www.wholis-
requires more effort and commitment to go through jaw expansion, than just
pulling the wisdom teeth out with surgery. Keeping your wisdom teeth will help
maintain your ability to chew food, the structure of your face, and your vitality.
The pulp chambers and pulp tissues of the root canals are shown
as dark streaks in the center of the tooth. The very large cavities
that had decalcified the tooth to the pulp chamber are shown as
large dark areas in the crown. Temporary fillings had to be placed
because of pain produced by the pressure offood on the pulp below
the decayed dentine. After the nutrition was improved, the tissues
of the pulp built in secondary dentine thus reincasing itself in a
closed chamber.285
Dr. Price writes of the ability of teeth to remineralize as a natural result of a diet
high in vitamins and minerals:
[A] progressive filling in of the pulp chambers can be noted from the
deposition of secondary dentine, making a roof over the pulp and
thereby providing a protection which enabled the pulp to remain
vital and useful for an extended period. This is frequently experi-
enced as a result of reinforcing the diet with high-vitamin and high-
activator butter, together with reducing the carbohydrate intake
to a normal level as supplied by natural foods and by increasing
the foods that provide body-building and tooth-forming miner-
als, in many cases a hard and even glassy surface resulting. 286
(Emphasis added.)
Dr. Price also shared an example of a 14-year-old girl whose dentist recommended
the removal of all of her teeth. After 7 months of a special nutritional program,
her teeth were saved and none were removed. (In this case, cosmetic restorations
and 4 root canals were still done even though the teeth were saved.)
188 Cure Tooth Decay
Enamel Temporary
Large Cavity
The Inuit people characteristically wore their teeth down as a natural artifact of
living their lives, as you can see in the photograph. This wear did not result from
tooth decay, but from chewing leather to soften it, and from regularly eating fish
and other meat that had collected small bits of sand and grit from being dried
in the wind. Due to their excellent diet, the Inuit's teeth constantly repair them-
selves, such that the pulp chambers and the nerves of the tooth are very well pro-
tected. This repair mechanism is not evident in Inuits who abandon their natural
diet and switch to one consisting of the foods of modern commerce.
This image serves as further evidence that under excellent nutritional circum-
stances teeth will rebuild and protect themselves—this is Nature's design.
of healthy indigenous peoples across the globe. We can reclaim our immunity to
tooth decay now and gain other benefits along the way, such as increased overall
health, strength, and vitality.
I may have convinced you to begin to take more responsibility for your health
and lifestyle habits. And I hope that I have convinced you of the true cause of
tooth decay — a deficiency of nutrients, not a lack of fluoride or brushing.
Align yourself with your intention for health, for the highest good for
yourself and for your community. Remind yourself of this several times
a day if possible.
Purchase a good cookbook or two to help you prepare healthy meals. The
book Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon contains scores of whole-food
based recipes, and for those who like raw animal foods I recommend the
book Recipe for Living without Disease by Aajonus Vonderplanitz.
Locate dependable sources for special foods (such as yellow butter, raw
milk, liver and bone marrow from grass-fed animals, whole fish includ-
ing the head and some organs, oysters and so on).
Eliminate foods on the "avoid list," and begin to replace them with
whole-food alternatives as described in the complete tooth decay heal-
ing protocol.
Get Support
To make changes in your diet and improve your health, get additional support.
Support can come from a good dentist, a good alternative health practitioner,
and/or from friends or family members who regularly eat healthy foods. In par-
ticular the Weston A. Price Foundation offers support on finding farm-fresh
food, and you can meet people who are cooking in healthier ways. Find your
local chapter at:
Give Support
Readers like you can make a difference in the world. Portions of this book would
not exist if readers had not submitted and shared with me their own knowledge
or stories about healing cavities. There are many ways to give back. You can send
me your feedback on the book including personal testimonials and expertise,
or let me know about unclear parts of the text. You can share this book or the
knowledge you have learned with your friends and family. You can show my
book to people in the media, or write articles, or share online on social network-
ing sites to help spread the word about healing tooth decay naturally. You can
give presentations and teach people how to heal cavities. Regarding any of these
pertinent topics, please write to me at: [email protected] I will
read all of the feedback I receive although it could take four weeks or longer for
you to receive a reply depending on if I am traveling.
It is true when Dr. Price said that, "Great harm is done, in my judgment, by the
sale and use of substitutes for natural foods." 2 9 0 There is no other way that I am
aware of to be healthy without approaching dental problems directly through
improved lifestyle and eating habits. Great harm has been done to our teeth and
bones because mere facsimiles of food have replaced real, nutrient-rich food.
In the absence of a dental system that values care, awareness and health, is
a conventional dental system of suffering which values secrecy, hiding evidence,
false truths, and outwardly hurtful treatments. This tired and destructive way of
providing dental care is coming to an end, and thus we find ourselves at a cross-
roads. This crux relates to a larger story of humanity and our beliefs about our-
selves. We are still holding onto the old belief pattern that having a human body is
192 Cure Tooth Decay
wrong and sinful, and that a better and healthier reality lies somewhere else. Based
on this belief system is the justification that humans are meant to suffer because
to simply exist, is to be imperfect. If it were true that our purpose is to suffer, then
diseases like tooth decay would not be curable. And because of this belief system,
its treatments would necessarily involve suffering, pain and disease.
There is a new belief pattern also forming. This belief system affirms that
being a human is not wrong or sinful. And therefore if we are suffering, it must
not be from our predetermined state of existence, but from self-inflicted suffering
from h u m a n ignorance. O u r suffering is somehow our responsibility. And what
is our responsibility lies within our power to change.
We are here to live in Nature's abundance through following Nature's laws.
In following these laws we will see that there is no predestined fate of suffering,
but rather that human suffering is self-inflicted when we oppose the natural order
of life. When we realign with Nature's principles, we connect ourselves with our
innate goodness and power to heal, and we move towards balance.
I want to share with you the teachings of our indigenous friends, the Aborigi-
nes. Living in harmony with the land and immune to tooth decay, they believed
"that life consists in serving others as one would wish to be served." 291 In the
absence of the practice of this philosophy, which is also interwoven in many
of the world's religions, a system of health care — including dental care — has
emerged that is driven more by profit than by the higher motive of service to oth-
ers. We have all suffered greatly as a result.
I invite you to bring this spirit of service into your life and into the lives of your
friends and family. It is this liberator of goodness that has inspired me to create and
share with you the possibility of healing your teeth and gums. For I, too, have com-
mitted myself to be of service to others, and this book is one of the results.
We can continue to lie and dishonor our own true selves and believe that dis-
eases like tooth decay are not curable. But it is time to move away from this limiting
belief. The cause of tooth decay is known: it is a faulty diet. From this knowledge, let
us become empowered to take more responsibility for our dental health.
The decision now rests within your hands. Do you take the bold step to ask,
"How can I be of service to life?" which of course includes taking excellent care
of yourself, your teeth and your gums. Or do you choose the old way of conve-
nience, of using foods that stimulate rather than nourish your body.
Make the commitment to yourself, a commitment to making changes in your
diet and lifestyle and let food be your medicine. Yes, it takes work to be healthier
and to obtain higher quality foods. But you deserve a healthier life and a healthier
mouth. And your community, your friends and family deserve you to be healthy
for their sakes as well.
You are not here to suffer; you are here to heal your suffering!
Bonus Chapter
Remineralize and
Repair Your Child's
Tooth Cavities Naturally
194 Cure Tooth Decay
daughter is now close to seven years old. Her teeth are healthy and pain-free, and
her adult teeth are strong, white and cavity-free. I have heard of similar happy
outcomes. Many times children with decayed baby teeth will have healthy adult
What is your intention right now? What is your purpose in reading this book?
Are you fully aligned with that intention/purpose? Intention is a place where we
have absolute power in our lives. This is where we choose the directions in which
we travel. Notice what your current intention is for your children's health; what
is it that you want for them? What do you want for yourself? This is important,
so take the time to reflect. A sample intention for my daughter is: "I really want
her to be healthy." Another intention could be, "I want to treat my child's tooth
decay in a way that supports his/her health."
A positive intention is reflected by your willingness to constantly search for
the best dental solution relating to your child's health. Pay attention to your
Many people like to focus on positive intention, but it is also important to
notice negative intention, as it can thwart your efforts to stay focused and posi-
tive. Negative intention is the intention to be separate and to act out of fearful
places within. Some examples of negative intention are laziness or avoidance.
It is that inner voice that says, "I do not want to give my best because...I don't
have won't work...I cannot do it," and so forth. Each person may have
a different voice or inner belief system which can change from time to time. This
negative belief resists that natural flow of life towards unity, health and healing.
In addition to affirming your positive intention, ferret out those negative places
in yourself and acknowledge them so that they will no longer blind you.
Peer Pressure
Many parents will meet peer pressure concerning the treatment of their children's
teeth. For example, someone might ask why you are not brushing or taking care
of your child's teeth and thus blame you for your child's tooth decay. I hope you
have already come to see that although you were not completely responsible for
their condition because society has taught you false beliefs and incorrect preven-
tion methods for tooth decay, you must take complete responsibility for it now.
Nobody had educated you on how to prevent tooth decay with good nutrition.
You may not have known that brushing is only a secondary factor at best in pre-
venting tooth decay. After reading this book you now understand the essential
causes of tooth decay and how to treat them.
It is important to differentiate blame f r o m responsibility. Blame does not
have acceptance laced within it. It comes with the connotation that someone is
at fault. Parents are often blamed for their child's tooth decay and made to feel
as if they are guilty or neglectful. It is important to hold parents accountable and
responsible for their child's health, but in an affirming and positive way. You are
accountable for what you feed your children and for how you nurture and care
for them. Everyone makes mistakes and no one really has the right to blame you.
212 Cure Tooth Decay
However, you do need to be accountable for the mistake, educate yourself, and
then correct it in the best way possible.
Dentists who treat children may also blame, coerce, emotionally punish, and
accuse you as parents. This is done to weaken your resistance to the dentist's
demands of an expensive surgical procedure that you are naturally opposed to.
If you feel even the slightest bit of this type of stress, confront the dentist and
request that he stop. Ask him what evidence he has for these accusations. If he
continues this behavior, then please leave and find a better dentist—one who
truly wants to help. Remember, you are paying the dentist plenty of money for his
expertise and assistance in healing your child's teeth. You are not paying to hear
that you are a neglectful parent, nor are you paying him to twist your arm so he
can make money with treatments that are not absolutely necessary.
People who tend to blame you will look for anything you are doing that is
not in accordance with their beliefs. Usually what they criticize is that you are
breastfeeding too much, or not brushing enough. Neither of these allegations
can be determined by the dentist or by your peers as truly causing cavities. They
cannot determine accurately that you were wrong in your behaviors, and besides,
such condemnation only serves destructive ends.
The problem you are facing with peer pressure is a problem of societal igno-
rance. Many people have rigid beliefs about dentistry and tooth decay that they
learned in childhood. Everyone colludes with one another in these belief systems.
Thus, rather than expanding their thinking to consider new beliefs that explain
how nutritional deficiencies are the primary cause of cavities, people remain
mired in the limited belief pattern of blaming bacteria for cavities. In turn, they
then blame you for your children's cavities. Blamers hold on to very rigid belief
systems, and they are threatened when your behavior puts into question their
narrow thinking. Instead, they should be sharing compassion with you about
such a challenging and frustrating problem.
Then there is the opposite of peer pressure, which is avoidance of pressure.
Many blame "genetics" for their child's decay. Parents can be lazy and claim that
decay is inevitable, and that as parents one can do nothing about it. This type of
excuse is subtle. It encourages parent not to be responsible for their child's health
and it relinquishes one's decision-making power to an authority figure, such as
a dentist.
Cosmetic Appearance
If your child's teeth are decayed, even if they are functional and protected, they
may not look very pretty. Your young child, however, thinks everything is beauti-
ful. If her teeth do not conform to the ideal standard of beauty, it won't concern
her as long as she is innocent of those standards. Otherwise, the condition of
her teeth will seem quite natural and good to her. It is the adult mind and vision
Repair Your Child's Tooth Cavities Naturally 197
that demand a certain cosmetic appearance for our children's teeth. From our
conscious and many times limited vision, we may want to hide that our child
has tooth decay. I want to encourage you to find beauty in your child's teeth
even with the decay. If her teeth have ceased to decay, then they now represent
a triumph. They show you what sort of healing is possible, and remind you of
how important and cherished your child's health is. When you make the choice
about the cosmetics of your child's baby teeth, make the choice that will honor
your child and her needs, not one that pays tribute to the adult world filled with
got infected, the tooth was simply pulled out, and although that is not a pleasant
procedure, it is short and quick. There was no drama about general anesthesia
surgery, no metals placed in the child's mouth, and plenty of patience in moni-
toring a little decay in a baby tooth.
tion. There are times when I can move beyond the emotional fear and see my
daughter's tooth decay in an honest and mature way. I trust and understand this
part of life because I have faced it emotionally, through feeling my feelings, men-
tally, through knowledge and research; and I have faced it with my will, through
taking positive steps to treat her condition. That is how I have found safety and
peace in the face of illness. The result is a happy and carefree child, free from
tooth pain.
Blacked recalcified
and arrested decay
Above: A typical young child's mouth after dental surgery for severe decay. The
front four teeth have been pulled, composite fillings have been placed where
decay is less severe, and steel crowns where decay is more severe.
Below: When tooth decay is arrested the secondary dentin hardens and can turn
black. This option is more humane than surgery
from their parents. Other emotional traumas may occur during this time when
they are helpless and drugged.
As with the rest of conventional dentistry, the profit motive is a significant
factor in diagnosing and performing surgery with general anesthesia on children.
With a fee of $2,000-$6,000 US dollars per surgery, pediatric dental surgery is
a lucrative business. As a result I r e c o m m e n d people look for dentists for their
children w h o do not p e r f o r m full anesthesia surgery.
202 Cure Tooth Decay
The statistics show us that surgery under general anesthesia is largely ineffective
in curing tooth decay. This is because it does not address the real cause, the nutri-
ent imbalance in the child's diet.
on baby teeth for tooth decay. 301 This finding is only logical since I have shown
you how tooth decay is not cured by dentistry, and that many times dentistry
itself renders our teeth in worse shape by the loss of healthy tooth tissue to the
aggressive dental drill.
A meeting of over 50 practicing dentists at the University of Manchester in
England in 2009 found that treating baby teeth with cavities that do not cause
pain achieved nothing other than exposing the child to the drill, and to discom-
fort. 302 Further, there was no difference between the amount of pain or extrac-
tions in teeth with or without dental treatments. 3 0 3 This certainly proves that
performing dental treatments on children to prevent tooth pain or infection is
an exercise in futility. Such an approach is not in concert with the intention of
keeping your child's teeth healthy or pain free. This is because the real cause of
cavities is never addressed, and the dental treatment simply hides the problem
without providing protection against cavities.
In a study of 481 children, ages 1-12, it was found that after taking certain
factors into consideration, 82% of decayed baby teeth fell out without pain. 18%
of children experienced pain in their untreated teeth. The teeth most likely to
cause pain were molars of children showing decay before the age of three years. 304
Children who were older and developed cavities in their baby teeth were less
likely to experience pain from the carious teeth.
In a 2003 study of children's tooth decay, published in the British Dental
Journal, the authors write:
Do we actually know the best way to care for children with decay in
the primary dentition?i(H'
The purpose of this article was to point out that, in relation to tooth decay, we do
not utilize the best methods for the care of our children. As a result of our cultural
ignorance, laziness, and hidden cruelty, our children have suffered needlessly.
The authors continue, regarding children's restorations:
To put it plainly, we have not performed the scientific case studies to prove dental
procedures actually reduce or prevent pain in our children's baby teeth. A tooth
204 Cure Tooth Decay
treated with dental fillings may continue to cause a child mild discomfort or cause
even more discomfort than an untreated decayed tooth.
Balance blood sugar with low sugar meals and adequate levels of protein
throughout the day.
Avoid toxic and denatured foods; avoid whole grain foods with bran.
206 Cure Tooth Decay
One nutritional requirement for infant health is iron. Many times moth-
ers who are vegan, vegetarian, or eat little meat, are the mothers of children
who have severe childhood tooth decay. In considering the cause of my daugh-
ter's tooth decay, I point to the mostly vegetarian diet followed by Michelle and
myself, before and during pregnancy. Thankfully, we occasionally ate fish. Breast
milk does not have any viable amount of iron and after six months of age the
infant has exhausted her body's iron stores. Not by coincidence, this is the age
when infants can eat their first foods. Most likely, feeding infants and toddlers
mashed vegetables and fruit does not provide adequate absorbable iron. As a
result, their blood does not remain strong and they lose their ability to grow
healthy teeth.
Feeding young children pre-chewed or blended grass-fed liver, grass-fed
lamb, grass-fed beef, or fresh clams from clean waters will help provide them
with adequate amounts of utilizable iron. How you prepare the food for your
child is your choice. A majority of people will want to offer their children cooked
vegetables and cooked proteins. This is fine, especially in the form of soups and
stews with bone broth. Just as with adults you will want to avoid feeding your
child too many raw, cellulose-rich vegetables. You can do this by cooking vegeta-
bles or juicing them (provided you understand which vegetables are low in anti-
nutrients when raw like celery, cucumber, parsley and cilantro). A few parents
like to go the raw or rare route for dairy and animal proteins; this is also fine. Use
your best judgment and the feeding principles that you feel comfortable with. As
long as your child can digest the food properly, it will add to his health.
or adult dosage is Vl of a teaspoon of a mixture of cod liver oil and butter oil 2 - 3
times per day to comprise a total of 1 to 1 Vl teaspoons per day.
You will need to adjust these daily doses based on your intuition or
with the guidance of a health practitioner. These are based upon weight of your
Estimated daily dosages of the butter and fermented cod liver oil mixture:
25 pounds: VA teaspoon per day
35 pounds: '/3 teaspoon per day
45 pounds: VL teaspoon per day
55 pounds: /3 teaspoon per day
If you want or need to use other sources of fat-soluble vitamins then you will
want to give your child as much as they like to eat of vitamin A-rich foods like
liver, vitamin D-rich foods like egg yolks and lots of oily fish, and Activator X-rich
foods like yellow butter. Bone marrow and fish eggs also are excellent sources of
fat-soluble vitamins for healing children's cavities. For added fat-soluble nutri-
ent support my family uses fermented skate liver oil. Skate liver oil offers some
unique vitamins that seem to strengthen the overall health of many children.
Excellent Foods
Feed these foods to your children in proportion to their appetite for them. You
can also take advice from the tooth decay healing food suggestions in chapter
five. Below is a summary of some foods that can be especially helpful to have in
your diet.
Bone broths or homemade soups and gravies made with them are excellent
for children.
Raw grass-fed whole fat milk, butter, cream and cheese. Cheese is particularly
dense in calcium and phosphorous.
Cooked or raw fish is especially potent in reducing tooth decay. Include oys-
ters and clams.
Balancing Foods
Feed your child fermented foods such as fermented sweet potatoes, sauer-
kraut, yogurt and kefir to help balance digestion.
Cooked vegetables, such as zucchini, string beans, kale, and chard. Add plenty
of butter and/or cream.
Seaweeds of every sort; they are high in macro and trace minerals.
Foods to Avoid
Avoid all packaged food and processed baby and children's food. Make all of
your baby food at home.
Do not serve any processed foods on the "avoid list" in chapter 6.
Avoid infant formula. Use raw milk or bone broth formula instead.
Natural sweets that can promote tooth decay. Any natural sweetener such
as cane sugar, stevia, maple syrup, unheated honey, bananas, sweet apples,
oranges, grapes, peaches, pineapples, cherries, dates, raisins, dried fruit, and
other very sweet fruits that are not listed here.
Potatoes. Potatoes that are not fermented may contribute to tooth decay.
Safer sweet fruits. Cooked fruit seems to be better than raw fruit in terms of
sugar content. We use fruits like berries, pears, kiwis, and apples sparingly.
If you have been feeding your child sweet foods frequently, such as maple
syrup at breakfast, honey at lunch, and fruit and ice-cream at dinner, then
your child might have a detoxification response to having the sugar removed.
As with quitting a powerful drug, he will have to experience some discomfort
and may protest as his body adjusts to a healthier diet.
Vegetables. While vegetables are a balancing food, never force your child to
eat vegetables. Cooked and raw vegetables may have nutrients that are dif-
ficult for some children to utilize.
become infected. Infected teeth that do not heal properly can result in bone loss,
or the child getting sick from a focal infection. Infected teeth that do not heal or
improve in a short period of time usually need to be extracted. If the pain and
infection do not go away and stay away then this is a sign that the body is not able
to heal the damaged tooth. Remember there could be years of deficiency that have
caused the tooth to break down. While I would not recommend pulling teeth
as a preventative measure since there is no evidence to support this, pulling out
painful teeth or ones where the infection does not heal quickly can be a good idea.
This is your decision to make along with your dentist. You know what is right to
do, so trust your own feelings on the matter.
grain guidelines for adults. If your child has more severe cavities or other damage
from grains, you will need to be very careful with any grains you feed your child
for many years, and in this case, grains should be used minimally.
Vegetarian Children
Vegetarian children should follow a diet similar to the diet in the vegetarian sec-
tion. I would encourage a parent whose child is vegetarian and has severe cavi-
ties to consider some sea food or cod liver oil. Green Pasture's™ butter oil is a
must for vegetarian children because they will otherwise be lacking in fat-soluble
vitamin D.
girl that was traced to a DPT vaccine. Vaccines contain many neurological poi-
sons. Vaccine ingredients include ethylene glycol (antifreeze), formaldehyde,
aluminum, thimerosal (mercury), neomycin (anti-biotic), streptomycin(anti-
bacterial), squalene (fish, or plant oil), gelatin, MSG, phenol(a caustic, poisonous
acidic compound present in coal tar and wood tar).
When the body faces an onslaught of injected carcinogens, vital organs can
lose some of their functional ability. The modified proteins and DNA strands may
bind to or clog the villi in the intestine, restricting food absorption. Vaccination
makes children weaker and more prone to tooth decay because vaccines mostly
consist of poisons and toxic material. While this is not a full discussion of vac-
cinations, there are no reputable double blind studies to show that they work or
that they are safe. In other words there is no evidence of their success. Vaccines
can promote tooth decay by unbalancing the body chemistry as the body tries to
cope with this toxic burden. Seek natural replacements and alternatives.
Other drugs may also cause or promote tooth decay including antibiotics.
and your child's teeth can be protected from breaking and from infection of the
tooth root.
The teeth rarely if ever fill in; they can only remineralize over the surface of
the decayed area. The tooth may have a hole, but the tooth root and pulp will be
protected by the hard dentin, the middle tooth layer. My daughter has two pri-
mary teeth worn to the gum line. They are little more than black spots. The black
color and hard texture indicates arrested tooth decay. Her teeth are hard to the
touch, even the black ones.
Children's Dentists
Many parents have a difficult time finding a dentist they can trust for their chil-
dren. Parents are better off working with a good dentist. However I understand
that you may not find one who works well with your child and desires. I suggest
that you take care of yourself and your child in a way that allows you to feel com-
fortable. Put the best effort towards paying attention to your child's tooth decay.
If you have a dentist with whom you already have a relationship, then in the
case of an emergency or urgent need, you will at least not have the added stress
of finding a dentist. There are some dentists who are self-confident. They trust
themselves and as a result they do not pressure the parents to perform needless
dental surgery. They do not rush you into decisions or manipulate you to submit
to drastic dental procedures. Dentists can help support the monitoring of tooth
decay to make sure it does not progress. This will help some parents feel better.
I urge you to be cautious here, as many dentists offer harmful advice and treat-
Repair Your Child's Tooth Cavities Naturally 215
First, I want to acknowledge what a stressful and terrible situation many par-
ents face with their dentist. Many mothers have contacted me, upset by the vio-
lent and aggressive attitudes that dentists have concerning treatment for children.
Not all dentists are like this, but it seems very common.
In a majority of cases dentists whose focus is not on giving complete den-
tal surgery for children will give you much better treatment than those whose
income is based on performing surgery under general anesthesia. Generally these
are dentists who do not specialize in children's dentistry.
Knocked-out baby tooth. Do not perform a root canal on the tooth. Re-
implant it as soon as possible and use homeopathic remedies like arnica and
hypericum. 3 0 9
Chipped teeth. A small chip probably does not need to be repaired. A more
severe chip can be repaired with bonding materials. If the nerve is exposed,
do not give your child a root canal. Use homeopathic calendula and have a
good dentist use a dental base and composite materials to seal it. 3 1 0
216 Cure Tooth Decay
can become exaggerated. This can also contribute to tooth decay. A diet which
includes fat-soluble vitamins will help to balance this condition. Healing cavities
with nutrition during pregnancy or lactation provides an added health benefit:
your child will be more robust and healthy from the extra nutrients you provide.
Your birth recovery will also be enhanced because your body will have a greater
storage of nutrients to utilize during and after the birth. Your life as a new mother
will—one hopes—proceed more smoothly, because you will have more energy
to care for the new baby. Soups are particularly nourishing for pregnancy and
after birth.
Tooth decay often occurs during pregnancy because the mother's body is
engaged in the borrowing process. The borrowing process is illustrated in next
photo. You can compare two mothers, one with widespread tooth decay and the
other with none. The difference is that the mother with extensive tooth decay
consumed a modern diet, and the mother without tooth decay ate her native diet
which in this case was rich in sea food.
When your body does not receive enough nutrients during pregnancy, it will
borrow minerals from your teeth. It is important to emphasize that this problem
is usually dietary and there is nothing inherently wrong with the woman herself.
Her body is simply responding to a set of particular circumstances.
or grain bran and germ, it might appear that breast milk promoted cavities since
anything with any sweetness at all would promote cavities at that point.
Night-time nursing helps protect against tooth decay. Children under the
age of three who grow during the night need breast milk on cue to provide their
bodies with the nutrients they need for health. Children over the age of three
may need less breastfeeding at night, but still some to help them sleep well. Many
children breastfeed at night and do not have cavities. Studies do not show a link
between long-term breastfeeding and a higher number of cavities. 316 It is impor-
tant to be clear about this. Commercial formulas usually have sugar added. The
use of these formulas or the use of fruit juices, for nighttime bottle feeding, will
increase the likelihood of tooth decay. Breast milk is the best food there is for
your baby. If your child is experiencing decay, then one must examine what other
foods in the diet may be causing this decay, and not condemn breast milk or
avoid breastfeeding.
Many breastfed children have tooth decay even though breast milk protects
against bacteria in the mouth. 3 1 7 How, then, can we say that tooth decay is caused
by bacteria, when children constantly have naturally antibacterial milk in their
mouths to retard the decay?
Recently I've learned of an important and overlooked factor regarding breast-
feeding and cavities. Some young children who have cavities are being breastfed
regularly over an extended period of time. We know that cavities occur when the
body chemistry is out of balance. How could it be that breast milk would seem
to unbalance a child's body chemistry, considering it is the ideal food? As the
child feeds for an extended period on the same breast, the milk becomes thicker,
and the fat content increases. If the mother mistakenly and consistently feeds her
child too much of the foremilk, which is sweet and lower in fat, then this could
hypothetically create a body chemistry imbalance over time. Other factors, such
as the mother not drinking enough fluids, or the intake of other inharmonious
substances, can also cause imbalances in the breast milk. A nourished child drinks
plenty of hind milk, which is higher in fat. The baby will digest this milk more
slowly, due to its higher fat content. If there is stress associated with breastfeed-
ing, or the mother doesn't allow full breast feeding sessions, then again the child
may be receiving excessive amounts of the sweeter fore milk, which may contrib-
ute to the formation of cavities. Attentive breastfeeding techniques will give your
child the best potential to be free of cavities.
I know breastfeeding is a delicate subject. I support breastfeeding children
on cue for long extended periods, even for 4 - 7 years. I discuss this in greater
detail in my book on early childhood and health, Healing Our Children, www. If a parent is not careful then breast milk can become an
incomplete food for her child. As a child ages she needs more and more nutrients
from food. The amount of nutrients from food and from breast milk need to be
balanced based upon the age and physical development of the child. Weaning is
220 Cure Tooth Decay
not the answer, but rather simply finding the balance of enough breastfeeding
and enough supplemental solid foods.
Finally, having the highest amount of vitamins and minerals possible in the
breast milk will help your young child grow strong and prosper. The breastfeed-
ing mother of a child with significant tooth decay should supplement her diet
with many of the special foods described in this book, including high vitamin
butter and liver or cod liver oil, along with food-source vitamin C and adequate
Ramiel Nagel is a father who resides in Los Gatos, California. Ramiel became
interested in natural health when he discovered that his daughter was suffering
from tooth decay. His background of study includes emotional health care, hatha
yoga and bhakti yoga of devotion.
Ramiel earned a B.A. in Legal Studies from the University of California at
Santa Cruz. He feels compelled to bring the knowledge contained in this book to
the world so that other people can be healthier and happier. The work is done in
the spirit of service to all.
23 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey,
1999-2002. NationalCenter for Health Statistics, C D C .
Available at: nccdphp/publications/aag/
24 Trends in Oral Health Status: United States, 1988-1994
and 1999-2004. Series II, Number 248. 104 pp. (PHS)
25 Price, W. A. Journal of the American Dental Association,
1936: 888.
1 American Academy of Biologic Dentistry, May 1987 Iat- 26 Ibid., 26.
rogenic Damage Due To High Speed Drilling by Ralph 27 Ibid.
Turk, DDS, Germany 28 Ibid.
2 Brown, E.H. & Hansen, R.T. T h e Key t o Ultimate 29 Ibid., 35.
Health. Fullerton: Advanced Health Research Publish- 30 Ibid., 39.
ing; 1998:32-33. 31 Ibid., 27.
3 Hussain, Sharmila. "Chapter 15." Textbook of Dental 32 Price, "Why Dental Caries with Modern Civilizations? V.
Materials. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical, 2004. An Interpretation of Field Studies Previously Reported,"
258. Print. 278.
4 Ring ME (2005). "Founders of a profession: the origi- 33 Figures have been rounded u p for simplicity
nal subscribers to the first dental journal in the world". 34 op. cit., p. 27.
The Journal of the American College of Dentists 72 (2): 35 Price, "Why Dental Caries with Modern Civilizations? V.
20-5. An Interpretation of Field Studies Previously Reported,"
5 Huggins, H. A. DDS It's All In Your Head. Garden City 278.
Park, New York: Avery; 1993:61. 36 Ibid., 35.
6 Breiner, M. DDS Whole-Body Dentistry. Fairfield: 37 op. cit., p. 38.
Q u a n t u m Health Press; 1999:59-60. 38 Ibid., 45.
7 Huggins, H. A. DR It's All In Your Head. Garden City 39 Ibid., 44.
Park, New York: Avery; 1993:43-52. 40 Ibid.
8 Breiner, M. DDS Whole-Body Dentistry. Fairfield: 41 Ibid., 49.
Q u a n t u m Health Press; 1999:137-138. 42 Ibid.
9 Ibid., 79. 43 Ibid.
10 Ibid., 78. 44 Ibid. 50.
11 Jeans, P.C. A Survey of Literature of Dental Caries: Wash- 45 Ibid 49.
ington, D.C.: National Academy of Sciences; 1952:251. 46 Ibid., 55-57.
12 Ibid., 251. 47 Price, W.A. Dental Digest, Figure Ten.
13 Tooth Decay, FAQ, American Dental Association. Avail- 48 Price, W. A. Nutrition and Physical Degeneration 6th
able at: Edition. La Mesa: Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation;
asp. 2004: op. cit., p. 441.
14 Why is Sugar in Food, Sugar Association. Available At:: 49 op. cit., p. 171. sweet_by_nature. 50 op. cit., p. 173.
asp?id=279. 51 op. cit., p. 174.
15 Osmotic pressure and bacteria - Science Encyclopedia 52 Ibid., 186. 53 Fallon, S. and Enig, M. Australian Aborigines— Living
16 CDS Review. "N1DCR Studies Oral Biofilms". No author Off the Fat of the Land, Available At:
listed. January/February 2005, page 60.
17 Howe, P. DDS. Further Studies of the Effect of Diet nes.html
Upon the Teeth and Bones Journal of the American 54 Price, W. A. Nutrition and Physical Degeneration 6th
Dental Association, 1923: 201 Edition. La Mesa: Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation;
18 U r m a s , M., J Dent Res 82:253 (2003) 2004: op. cit., p. 174.
19 Schatz, A. The New York State Dental lournal: Vol. 38, 55 op. cit., p. 275-276.
No. 3: 285-295: May, 1972 56 Price, W. A. Nutrition and Physical Degeneration 6th
20 Roggenkamp, Clyde L., and John Leonora. "Foreward." Edition. La Mesa: Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation;
Dentinal Fluid Transport : Publications of Drs. Ralph 2004:415.
Steinman and John Leonora. Loma Linda, CA: Loma 57 Price, Weston A. "Field Studies a m o n g Some African
Linda University School of Dentistry, 2004. XIV. Print. Tribes on the Relation of Their Nutrition to the Inci-
21 Ibid., VI. dence of Dental Caries and Dental Arch Deformities"
lournal. A.D.A. 23:888, May 1936.
22 Surveillance for Dental Caries, Dental Sealants, Tooth
Retention, Edentulism, and Enamel Fluorosis—United 58 SUPPLEMENTARY DATA TABLES, USDA's 1994-
States, 1988-1994 and 1999-2002. Centers for Disease 96 Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals,
Control and Prevention (CDC), Available at: Table Set 12, US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural
cdc. gov/MMWR/preview/mmwrhtml/ ss5403a 1 .htm Research Service, Available at:
224 Cure Tooth Decay
108 Ibid., Chapter 9. 128 Mellanby, E. Relation of Diet to Health and Disease. The
109 Ibid., Chapter 28. British Medical lournal 677, April 12,1930.
110 McAfee, Mark. "The Fifteen Things That Pasteurization 129 Barnett Cohen and Lafayette B. Mendel. Experimental
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Endnotes 229
Index 231
rice, 62, 64,66, 68, 72, 73, 74, 75, International Association of Dental mercury, 3, 4, 126, 127, 128, 129,
76,78,79,80,85,86,96,99,107, Research,8 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 139,
112, 118, 120,210 Iodine, 84 143, 146, 151, 167,202,213
semolina, 76 iron, 30, 60, 64, 67, 72, 81, 82, 83, mercury fillings, 3,4, 128, 129,130,
sorghum, 68, 73, 118 84,85,89, 118, 127, 206 131, 132, 134, 143, 151, 167
teff, 73, 74 Iron Content of Some Foods, 83 milk,
whole, 27, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, antibacterial, 219
67, 70, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 89, 96, J antibiotics, 49,
98, 118, 119, 126, 127, 209,211 jaw alignment, 175 b r e a s t - , 114,218,219,220
Grains the Hidden Reason for law Position, 169 commercial, 37, 49, 78, 87, 96,
many Modern Diseases, 62 lournal of the American Dental 101, 102, 125
grassfed animals, 23 Association, 11, 23, 56, 165 goat, 15, 50, 107,212
Green Drink, 94, 103, 116 Journal of the American Medical homogenized, 49, 96
Green Pasture's™, 34, 37, 44, 93, Association, 65 mare, 50
94,98, 100,212 junk food, 97 pasteurized, 40,44, 46, 49,50, 88,
guinea pigs, 8, 63, 64, 166 96
gum disease, 8, 28, 30, 31, 63, 90, K pesticides, 37, 80, 87
121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, kidney, 41, 84, 110, 112, 113, 145, probiotic, 47, 49
148, 153, 163, 164, 166 165 raw milk, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50,
kefir, 46, 47, 48, 50, 61, 88, 94, 98, 60, 66, 76,88, 98, 110, 111, 112,
H 100, 103, 105,212 113, 114, 124, 208,211
Heal Your Teeth in Six Weeks, 105 knocked-out, 215 sheep, 50
Healing Our Children, 170,219 kombucha, 88 soy, 96
healing teeth, 150 whole milk, 25,26, 45
Health Food Bars, 89 L minerals, 11, 12, 14, 15, 19, 23, 26,
Healthy Bite, 172 lactose, 47, 48 28, 30, 42, 45, 46, 47, 52, 54, 55,
Healthy Fats, 87 lamb, 42, 52, 59, 83, 84, 94, 102, 5 8 , 6 1 , 6 4 , 6 7 , 7 1 , 8 2 , 83, 85, 89,
Healthy Oats, 71 108, 110, 113, 115, 127, 206, 92, 98, 103, 105, 114, 122, 150,
healthy teeth, 1, 46, 47, 58, 63, 84, 207 159, 187,205,208,216,218,220
92, 121, 164, 171,206 lard, 33, 87, 94, 96, 99, 109, 110, Miracle of Vitamin D, 32
herbal treatments, 125, 145 111,207 missing adult teeth, 155
Myrrh gum powder, 125 lathyrism, 63, 79 mollusks, 83, 84
Peppermint Tooth owder Recipe, lectins, 61,64,68,70,73,75,79,81, Money by the Mouthful, 5
164 118, 209 Monosodium Glutamate, 88
tooth powder, 163,164 leukemia, 4, 130, 202 mouth rinses, 166
Hereford, 45 liver, 17, 24, 25, 27, 34, 36, 37, 41, multi-vitamins 84-85
Hidden Need to Be Sick, 156 42, 43, 56, 63, 66, 76, 83, 84, 89, myrrh gum powder, 125
high fructose corn syrup (corn 94, 98, 99, 100, 103, 105, 110,
sugar), 211 111, 112, 113,123, 127, 132, 159, N
high speed drill, 3, 5 161, 168, 190,206,207, 220 Native American, 216, 220
High Vitamin Butter Oil, 38 lobelia, 164 natural health, 62,105,136, 222
Himalayan salt, 97 Loetschental Valley Switzerland Nature, 1, 2, 23, 91, 93, 95, 102,
Holistic Dental Association, 135 children, 12,13 104, 166, 171, 189, 191, 192
honey, 54, 95, 101, 110, 112, 114, healthy people, 11 Nature's Rules, 92
115, 198, 208, 209 immunity to tooth decay, 15 New Zealand Dental Journal, 36
hormones, 9, 30, 31, 32, 41, 49, 85, LSD in Whole Grains, 67 nickel, 4, 133, 181,202
90, 123,216 NICO, 145
horsetail grass, 164 M night grinding, 172, 173
How Teeth Remineralize, 28 magnesium, 30, 56, 57, 64, 66, 83, nightshades, 86
hypersensitivity, 131, 175 84, 85, 89 nitrates, 97
hypothalamus, 8, 30 maltodextrin, 95 non-dairy Options, 50
Man Versus Toothache, 45 Nourishing Traditions, 61, 78, 190
I mandible, 169, 170, 171, 175, 176, nut butters, 81
ice cream, 49, 96, 113,211 178, 181, 184 nut Suggestions, 82
implants, 146 Marshall, 134 nutrition, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
infection, tooth 98, 115, 143, 144, manganese, 30, 56,83, 84, 89 18, 19,21,92,171,188,189,216,
145, 146, 149, 152, 167, 174, maple syrup, 54, 55, 95, 105, 109, 217
176, 185, 198,210 111, 113, 114, 208 Nutrition and Physical
insects, 22, 24, 72 maxilla, 169, 170, 171, 178, 180, Degeneration, 171
I nternational Academy of Biological 181, 184 nutrition protocols, 92-104
Dentistry 8c Medicine, 135 Mellanby, Edward Dr., 32,63-64 nuts, 30, 50, 54, 60, 64, 69, 76, 77,
International Academy of Oral Mellanby, May Dr., 32, 65-66, 93, 78,79,80,81,82,83,84,96, 111,
Medicine 8< Toxicology, 135 108 119,212
Index 233
In Cure Tooth Decay you will learn how special healing foods can:
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Discover the formula for having long lasting healthy teeth. Reclaim your dental health!
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"This book is a must read for anyone interested in improving their health."
—Pam Killeen, New York Times bestselling author
"Ramiel proposes practical life-changing choices that are worthwhile reading and definitely worth following."
—Arta Vakhshoori, D.D.S., California
"This is a very different type of health book, written from the heart."
—Margie, Connecticut
"I was ready to have a tooth pulled and the dentist told me I needed a root canal, but I had no money
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Thanks a million to Ramiel Nagel for writing this book. Unbelievable!"
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"I had been very worried and upset about my daughter's teeth,
but now I am calm because I know I am doing the right thing."
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"Perhaps the best thing about this book is that it helped me to take control over
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