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Republic of the Philippines

Mandaue City Cultural and Sports Complex
Don Andres Soriano Ave., Centro, Mandaue City, Cebu, Philippines, 6014
Tel. Nos.: (032) 236-5520, (032) 420-9228 | E-mail: mc.college@hotmail.com

Technology for Teaching and

Learning 1:
A technology guide for interactive Computer learners

Prepared by:
Dr. Junry A. Eñego, TM

I. Course Title: Technology for Teaching and Learning 1
II. Course Credits: 3 units
III. Course Description: This is an introductory course that explores basic
knowledge, skills and values in the use of technology for teaching and
learning. It includes ICT policies and safety issues, media and
technology in various content areas, learning theories and principles in
the use and design of learning lessons, teaching-learning experiences
and assessment tasks that utilize appropriate traditional and innovative
technologies with social, ethical and legal responsibility in the use of
technology tools and resources.

V. Course Learning Outcomes:

1. demonstrate technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK)
and its application within and/or across the curriculum teaching areas in
the elementary grades,
2. prepare developmentally appropriate teaching and learning process that
meet K-12 curriculum requirements,
3. select, develop, and use variety of contextualized teaching and learning
resources, including ICT, to address learning goal,
4. design, select, organize and use appropriate and varied assessment
strategies consistent with the curriculum requirements, and
5. show skills in the positive use of ICT to facilitate the teaching and
learning process.
VI. Course Content and Time Frame:
Week 1 – Vision, Mission, and Goals of the school
Overview of the course: Introduction of the Unit
Week 2 and 3 – The Structure of Computer and its purpose
Week 4 and 5 – Safety and Security Issues of ICT
Week 6 and 7 – ICT National and International Policies
Week 8 and 9 –The Offline Community (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.)
Week 10 and 11 – The Online Community (Google classroom, Kahoot,
Hangaroo, etc.)
Week 12 and 13 – ICT towards the teaching and learning skills
Week 14 and 15 – Instructional Material with the used of ICT
VII. Course Study Guidelines
a. Follow the given schedule
b. Explore your boundaries of subject/course
c. Work professionally and confidently towards the subject and peers
d. Submit the required requirements on-time
e. Contact and report to your instructor if you have academic concerns

VIII. Learning Schedule

Time (Following the
Course Content Learning Outcomes
Table 5E’s Learning
Week 1 Vision, Mission, and Goals of Identify the VMGO of Engage
the school the school and
Overview of the course: overview of the
Introduction of the Unit subject
Week 2 The Structure of Compute and Discuss the parts, Explore
and 3 its purpose functions, and
purposes of the
computer (hardware
and software)

Week 4 Safety and Security Issues of Explain the security Explain
and 5 ICT issues of ICT in the
modern world
Week 6 ICT National and International Differentiate the Evaluate
and 7 Policies national/local and
international policies
as regards the
modern ICT
Week 8 The Offline Community (Word, Practice the MS Explore
and 9 Excel, PowerPoint, etc.) Office applications for
better teaching and
learning process
Week 10 The Online Community Apply the different Explore
and 11 (Google classroom, Kahoot, online interventions
Hangaroo, etc.) for better teaching
and learning
Week 12 ICT towards the teaching and Make a classroom Explore
and 13 learning skills design with the used
of ICT
Week 14 Instructional Material with the Designing Explore
and 15 used of ICT Instructional Material
for teaching

IX. Course Requirements

A. Quizzes
B. Prelim, Midterm, Semi-Final, Final Exam
C. Oral Reports
D. Performance Tasks
E. Group Activities
F. Attendance

X. Grading System
Examinations - 50%
WOSA - 20%
Oral Participation - 20%
Attendance - 10%
XI. Contact details of the instructors:


“I can continue my education despite the COVID-19 health pandemic because I

know how to use the technology,” this is a common statement from persistent
learners in today's generation.

Computer Education allows students to learn and enjoy the use of technology
during virtual classes and during personal activities.

Technology opens new ideas to educate us especially during this global health
pandemic. Technology is the bridge of all the gaps in the educational system these
days where teachers can connect to their students, and students can study and
learn in the comfort of their homes.
In this EISU, the students will be acquainted with different terminologies and will
learn varied techniques in using some of the features and applications commonly
used in the world of technology.

Content Standards: The learner demonstrates an understanding of making the

online survey form.
Performance Standards: The learner applies the knowledge and skills in making
the online survey form.
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to achieve the following with at least
75% accuracy:
1. identify the common online threats, different online features and
2. determine the different protections from the online threats in the internet;
3. differentiate the interface of Google and Facebook accounts;
4. create Google and Facebook accounts; and
5. explain the importance of technology in education during global health
Goal: To apply the knowledge and skills in making an interactive PowerPoint
Presentation from the Lesson plan you have created. Student can choose any
subjects and topics as long as it is from the Curriculum Guide of DepEd.
Role: Digital Teacher
Audience: Subject Instructor and classmates
Scenario: You are asked by your instructor to create an interactive PowerPoint
Presentation based on the sample lesson plan submitted.
Product/Performance: Interactive PowerPoint Presentation
Standards: (Performance Task Rubric)

Rubric on Making a Google Survey Form
Criteria 4 3 2 1
(Excellent) (Approaching (Average) (Needs
Excellent) Improvement)
Content The content of The content of The content of The content of
the ppt is well the ppt is the ppt is the ppt needs
arranged and somewhat arranged and to be
answers arranged and answers 75% arranged
100% of the answers 80%- of the queries properly and
queries of the 90% of the students. doesn’t
students. queries of the answer the
students. queries.
Theme The theme is The theme is The theme is The theme is
perfectly somewhat matched to not matched t
matched to matched to the content the content
the content the content and queries of and queries of
and queries of and queries of the ppt. the ppt.
the ppt. the ppt.
Result It is well It is somewhat The The
presented by presented by proponent is proponent did
the proponent the proponent simply not present to
to the to the presenting the audience
audience. audience. his/her ppt to during his/her
the audience. turn.
Time The student The student The student The student
submitted the submitted the submitted the submitted the
task before/on task 1-day task 1-2 day/s task 3 days
the deadline. after the after the after the
deadline. deadline. deadline.

Hi there!
I’m your virtual assistant guide in exploring this ISU. Since
you have already read the rationale of this ISU, let me ask
you the following questions:
1. What specific subject we are going to tackle in this ISU?
2. Are you interested to learn the different topics on this
subject? _____ Why?_____________________________
3. What are the things you know about this subject?

Thank you for answering the questions.

Now, you are ready to explore this ISU. But first, I want you
to keep in mind the difficult terms that you will encounter as
you go through this ISU so that you can ask your Computer
teacher later.
If you agree, please draw a thumbs-up sign inside the box


Hey! Wait!
Before we begin, I want to see your
handsome/beautiful smile just like mine.
Can you do that for me by creating a smiley
face inside the box?

I understand that you are excited to start with our lessons in
this subject. I can feel your excitement! But, before we start,
I would like to know if you have any background information
about the lessons in stored for you. That way, I will know to
what extent will our sharing go.
Kindly answer the Unit Pretest.

Unit Pretest

I. Directions: Read and understand the statements below. Kindly write the
letter of the correct answer on the line provided after the number.
_______ 1. What does malware do?
a. It protects you from online threats.
b. It downloads harmful software into your computer.
c. It attacks you personally through posting or chatting.
_______ 2. Sophia encountered cyberbullies. What should she do?
a. Send them a virus.
b. Engage them in a discussion.
c. Ignore and do not reply to them.
_______ 3. Which of the following tells you what to do and what not to do in the
online world?
a. Phishing
b. Netiquette
c. Cyberbullying
_______ 4. What kind of website that allows you to ask questions to your audience
and they can answer via an online survey?
a. Google Online Form
b. Blog
c. Group
_______ 5. Mr. Reyes is into a cooking business. He plans to post pictures and
recipes of his dishes. What kind of blog is appropriate for his purpose?
a. Photoblog
b. Hobby blog
c. Personal blog
_______ 6. What kind of website is regularly updated by bloggers?
a. Wiki
b. Blog
c. Group
_______ 7. Which of the following is not needed in setting up an audio or video
a. Microphone
b. Web browser
c. Personal blog
_______ 8. Which tool helps you to connect, collaborate, and share your work with
a. Blog
b. Group

c. Online tools
_______ 9. What Google survey tools is best to use if you are asking two or more
answers from your respondents?
a. Paragraph
b. Checkboxes
c. Multiple choice
_______ 10. Which of the following can be done in e-groups?
a. Format a document
b. Create a presentation
c. Post and comment on discussions
II. Directions: Read and analyze the statements below. Identify the computer
terminologies based on the given meaning and purpose. Write your answer
on the line provided after the statement.
1. It is a form used to refer to rules that show respect and courtesy to
people online. _______________
2. It is a combination of keyboard characters used to display emotion.
3. It is a free web-based e-mail service currently tested at Google that
provides users with a gigabyte of storage for messages and provides
the ability to search for specific messages. _______________
4. It is one of the top social networking sites, quickly gaining on Myspace
in terms of total users and traffic. _______________
5. It is a discussion or informational website published on the World Wide
Web consisting of discrete, often informal diary-style text entries.
III. Directions: Create a poster about responsible use of internet. Kindly
explain your poster in 3-5 sentences.

Great Job!
Were you able to answer the questions in the Unit Pretest with
ease? Do you think you got all the correct answers? We will find
out as we go along with our lessons.

A computer is an electronic device for storing retrieving and

processing of data, typically in a binary form, according to
instructions given to it in a variable program.

Week 1
Parts of the Computer

Week 1 Common Online Threats

Here are the most common online threats. We must always be on the lookout for
our safety

1. Phishing
This is a threat that tricks the user into his or her information, like a
username or password. This usually involves links leading to fake into those
fake sites, we then give out sensitive information that attackers use to hack
our other accounts. They would access our contacts and our friends, and they
would try to victimize them.
When personal and sensitive information is given out to the wrong people,
they would try to use that to their advantage.

Photo taken from www.blog.malwarebytes.com

2. Malware
This is a threat that downloads viruses like trojan horses, spyware, and
other harmful software into our computers. When these harmful programs
enter our computers, they would cause lots of problems working both online
and offline.
While surfing the internet, we may notice different windows that suddenly
pop up. These pop-ups are usually would show something of interest like
winning money or winning in a game. Then, when we accidentally click them
out on the computer it would start to malfunction because of a program or
software downloaded into the system.

Photo taken from www.cisco.com

3. Hacking
It is the term used of the action taken by someone to gain unauthorized
access to someone's computer or gadgets. Commonly, hackers always find
the weaknesses in your computers, gadgets, and system to enter and search
for your personal information like bank accounts, transaction codes, etc then
exploit it to access your information.

Photo taken from www.csoonlines.com

4. Cyberbullying
Bullies are not only present in real life. They can also be lurking online
environment. In social media and networking sites, groups, chats, and discussion
boards some people would want to say mean and hurtful things about a person.
This is called cyberbullying. They would join forces and attack us personally
through posting or chatting.

Photo taken from www.myjewishlearning.com

To learn more, please and scan the QR code below.

Week 1

Protection from Internet Threats

Avoiding online Internet threats is not really hard. We can avoid these threats
by doing the following steps:
1. Think before we click.
Make this our golden rule while using the internet. Usually, anything that we
click may lead to a fake site, which will then make us prone to phishing or
2. Leave unknown sites.
Do this immediately to avoid threats that may lure us.
3. Do not post personal information.
Do not post home addresses, e-mail addresses, mobile numbers, and
4. Only befriends the people we know.
It is safe to use the internet if we know whom we are interacting with.
5. Be careful with the people we meet online.
They may be bullies who may say mean things about us or attackers who
may victimize us.
6. Do not talk back to the cyberbullies.
We may encounter them online. We should not respond. If this happens,
we should let our teachers, parent, or guardians know.
7. Have the latest antivirus software installed in your gadget.
When we accidentally click malware, the antivirus software will protect your
computer from this threat.


To learn more, please scan the QR code below.

Week 2

World of Netiquette

Netiquette is a form used to refer to the rules that shows

respect and courtesy to the online people. Netiquette tells us
what to do and what not to do online. The word “netiquette” is
a combination of two words, the "net" means the internet and
etiquette means a polite behavior of a person to other people.

There are ten (10) rules that we have to remember when dealing with online
people. These rules are divided into three (3) sections: cyber manners, cyber

smarts, and cyber communication. Dividing the rules into these sections will make
it easier for us to remember the basic rules.

1. Cyber Manners
We already know the dangers brought by the effects of cyberbullying. To
avoid this, we should avoid engaging in unnecessary conflicts with another
person online.
a. Be polite.
Remember how our parents used to remind us to say polite words. This
is the same thing when we are in the online world. If we do not want to
be bullied, we have to be polite to others as well.
b. Think before we write or type.
Chat box or message box allows you to communicate with other people.
Before sending a message, you have to think about it first before
2. Cyber Smarts
Kindness is one aspect of netiquette but being smart while using the internet
is also another aspect. We have learned that there are threats to our safety
and security that are caused by malware or phishing. Following the rules
below will help us overcome these threats.

a. Never give out or post personal information.

Personal information like your home address, phone number and others
should not be posted on your social media.
b. Do not do anything that makes you uncomfortable.
If people ask you to post or share something you are not okay with, do
not hesitate to refuse.
c. Only visit safe websites.
Visit only safe websites that are appropriate to your age and
recommended by your parents and teachers to avoid online threats and
3. Cyber communication
The rules below are all about communicating online. What should we put in
our messages? How should we talk with other people? Communication is
also the key to avoid cyberbullying.
a. Do not talk to strangers.
Similar to what our parents and teachers have told us, we should not
talk to strangers online. They might trick us into downloading unsafe
software or visiting unsafe sites.
b. Keep messages short.
Longer messages are better delivered personally in a formal setting.
When communicating online, always make sure that our message is
short and concise.
c. Use emoticons for the proper emotion but use them moderately.
Emoticons (emotion icons) are a combination of keyboard characters
used to display emotion.
Sample of common emoticons.

Emoticons Meaning Emoticons Meaning
:-) Smile ;-) Wink
:-( Frown :-O Shocked
:-\ Puzzled :-/ Skeptical
:-| Indifferent :’-( Crying
B-) Glasses :-D Laughing


To learn more, please scan the QR code below.

Activity No. 1
Week 2

Directions: Below are the pictures of common online threats. Give some ways on
how to avoid them. Your answer is graded based on the rubric below.

5 4 3 2
The answer is The answer is The answer is The answer is
accurate. The precise. The not specific but vague. No
examples are examples are the examples examples are
concretely evident somewhat are evident and given from the
and based on facts. correctly evident with limited context and
No grammar and and based on grammar and with grammar
spelling lapses. facts but have spelling lapses. and spelling
limited grammar lapses.
and spelling



2. ________________________________
3. ________________________________

Week 2

Activity No. 2

Directions: Facebook is one of the trends social platform in today’s generation. It

has over a million of users around the world but there are users who are suffering
from online abuses like bashing, stalking, catcalling, etc. With the help of this
activity, you are going to raise the awareness on safe usage of Facebook platform
to its users by creating a poster Ad in the box below with a theme “Engaging to the
online world with utmost dignity”. Please explain your poster Ad in 4-5 sentences.


Week 3

Activity No. 3

Directions: Expressing our thoughts and feelings to parents will give us at peace
while studying. This time, through the help of this activity you are going to express
or share your thoughts/feelings to your parents through chat massages. Kindly use
the proper emoticons and be polite while chatting your parents.

To: My Son/daughter
From: Father/Mother
Message: Dear Anak. How are you? I hope you are fine
while studying, despite of this health pandemic. I heard
from your Computer teacher that you have something
to say about us. We are worried about it. May we know
what it is?

Thank you for being a good child to us.

Sending message to my parents/guardians….










Week 3
Republic of the Philippines
Mandaue City Cultural and Sports Complex
Don Andres Soriano Ave., Centro, Mandaue City, Cebu, Philippines, 6014
Tel. Nos.: (032) 236-5520, (032) 420-9228 | E-mail: mc.college@hotmail.com

Name: ____________________________________ Date: _________________

Instructor’s Name: ___________________________ Score: ________________

I. Directions: Read and understand the given descriptions below. Encircle

the letter of the correct answer.
1. This is a threat that tricks the user into his or her information, like a
username or password.
a. Phishing c. Hacking
b. Malware d. Cyberbullying
2. This is an online threat that some people would want to say hurtful things
about your personal life.
a. Phishing c. Hacking
b. Malware d. Cyberbullying
3. It is the term used of the action taken by someone to gain unauthorized
access to someone's computer or gadgets.
a. Phishing c. Hacking
b. Malware d. Cyberbullying
4. This is a threat that downloads viruses like trojan horses, spyware, and
other harmful software into our computers.
a. Phishing c. Hacking
b. Malware d. Cyberbullying
5. This is an electronic device that can be used for storing and processing big
amount of data in a binary form.
a. Internet c. Mouse
b. Computer d. Netiquette

II. Directions: Read and understand the statement below. Identify what is
being asked.
1. This guides online users Dos and Don’ts in the online world.
2. These are the combination of keyboard characters that can display to
online emotions. _______________
3. This can protect the online users from the threats even if he/she is
accidentally clicked the malware. _______________
4. This technique is used when online users are angry to other users in the
online world. _______________
5. This refers to one of the rules in netiquette that online users must do
their part for them to avoid unnecessary conflict with other users.

Week 4

Let’s Read It!

In the online world, people are free to use different tools specific for their job-
related functions such as virtual selling of products and promoting services.
This can be done if you have mastered the application’s interface properly.
Through this Learning Experience B, you are going to practice the skills in
using the different online platforms such as the Gmail, Google forms, and
Facebook applications. These skills will help you in making your
performance task.

Steps in Creating a Gmail Account

Google is an online interface that allows online users to

explore different applications in the online world. This
interface can be used as the primary source of transactions
for both developers and users.

To create a Google account, the user must first establish a well dignified Gmail
account. This Gmail account serves as a recipient of any transactions you have
made in the different Google platforms through verification processes and let the
user “agree” on the term and conditions of the company. Therefore, it is a must for
us to create first a Gmail account. Here are the steps in creating a Gmail account.

1. Search the www.gmail.com in the URL search bar.

2. Click the “Create account” button and start signing-up.

Photo taken from www.just.edu.jo

3. The “Sign Up” form will appear. Follow the directions and enter the required
information. Note: Your data is safe to them since Google is known for their
data keeping features.

Photo taken from www.just.edu.jo
4. Review the “Google Terms of Service” and “Privacy Policy” and click the
checkbox if you agree to their policy. Then, click “Next step” button.

Photo taken from www.just.edu.jo

5. Here, you’ll have an opportunity to set up the “Recovery Options”. Recovery
Options are helpful if you forget your password or if someone tries to access
your account. If you don’t want to set up recovery options at this time, click
“Done” button.

6. Your Gmail account is now created. You will be directed with the Google
“Welcome” page. Note: Just like with any online services, it’s important to
choose a strong password.

Photo taken from www.just.edu.jo

Photo taken from www.just.edu.jo

Week 4

Steps in Signing-in a Gmail Account

When you first created your Gmail account, you will be

automatically signed in. Most of the time, however, you’ll
need to sign in to your account and sign out when you are
done with it. Signing out is especially important if you’re
using a shared computer because it prevents others from
viewing your emails.
1. Search the www.gmail.com in the URL search bar.
2. Type your “user name” and “password” on the spaces provided. Then, click
the “Sign in” button.

Photo taken from www.just.edu.jo

To learn more, please scan the QR code below.

Week 5

Steps in Creating the Google Survey Form

Google Forms give users an easy way to create a survey

that contains as many questions as they need. From
planning an event to getting anonymous answers to tough
questions, there are tons of useful things you can do with
Google Forms.

From multiple-choice questions to a linear scale, Google

Forms give you a handful of options for asking questions.
You can also design your survey to fit its purpose and opt
to make certain questions mandatory. While Google Forms
surveys are typically sent and answered via email, you can
also have people fill in answers on a web page, embed the
questionnaire on a site, and share it via social media

Here are the steps on how to create Google Form.

1. Navigate.
Google Forms have several pre-made templates to choose from, and you
can view them all.
Link: https://docs.google.com/forms

Photo taken from www.zapier.com

2. Name your survey form. You can also add a description if you want to
name the Google Form for your reference by clicking the “Untitled” in the
top left corner of the interface.

3. Tap the “Untitled Question” and write a question.

Photo taken from www.zapier.com

Photo taken from www.zapier.com

4. Click Multiple choice

5. Select an option for how the question will be answered. For all options
except for short answer, paragraph, data, and time you’ll have to write in
options for answers.
• Short answer and paragraph give recipients a blank field to fill in.
• Multiple choice lets users select one answer from a series of options,
while Checkbox allows users to select multiple answers.
• Dropdown gives the recipient a field to click that reveals a menu they
will select an answer from.
• The linear scale allows users to answer by selecting a rating from a
range such as 1 to 5.
• Date and time allow the recipient to select a date or time.

Photo taken from www.zapier.com

6. Click the side menu icons to add to your survey.

Photo taken from www.zapier.com

• The Plus button adds another question.

• The Tt button lets you add a section title and description.
• The Photo and Video buttons allow you to illustrate your survey.
• The two rectangles icon allows you to break your survey up by

Photo taken from www.zapier.com

7. Click the “Required” switch to make a question mandatory. Click the
duplicate or trash icons to clone or erase the question.

Photo taken from www.zapier.com

8. Repeat steps 3 to 7 if necessary.
9. Click the Palette icon to change your survey’s color or add a photo to the

Photo taken from www.zapier.com
10. Click the Eye icon to preview your survey.

Photo taken from www.zapier.com

11. Click the Gear icon to access the survey setting.

Photo taken from www.zapier.com

12. Click the “Send” button.

Photo taken from www.zapier.com

13. Enter recipients. Check off “Include form in the email” if you want your
respondents to answer questions from their email client. Not all clients
support this. Outlook, for example, will make you click a button to open the
survey in a browser.

14. Fill in a subject line and message. People typically need a little coaxing to
answer a survey.

Photo taken from www.zapier.com

15. Click Send. If you want to share the survey via hyperlink it can found by
clicking the link icon. To get code for embedding the survey on a website
click the <> icon. You can also share the survey via social media with
Google+, Facebook, and Twitter buttons.

Photo taken from www.zapier.com

16. Now that your survey is sent to your respondents, they will answer your
online survey form and send it back to you. Click on responses to see their

Photo taken from www.zapier.com


To learn more, please scan the QR code below.

Week 6
Engaging to the Facebook World

Facebook is one of the top social networking sites in

generation Z's and quickly gaining on “Myspace” in terms of
total users and traffics. Presently, the Facebook interface is
a unique marketing opportunity for business people through
its application development such as Facebook Page,
Messenger Group Chat, etc.


1. Customer Interaction. Facebook pages provide a forum for dialogue between
customers and the brand, allowing companies to build better relationships with
target audiences and current customers.
2. Reputation Management. Facebook allows a company to gain a deeper
understanding of how the brand perceived online – through direct feedback and
also by monitoring what users are saying about the brand.
3. New Customer Acquisition. Each time a Facebook user becomes a fan of a
Facebook page, a notice is posted as a news item for all of that user’s friends
to see. This creates an opportunity for a Facebook page to go viral and reach
new viewers.

4. Feedback Mechanism. In a service-based sector like hospitality, customer
feedback is vital. Facebook allows users to communicate their experiences
directly and allow the company to respond.
5. Branding. Facebook can be used as a medium for creating brand awareness
in addition to a company’s corporate website. It provides brand exposure to a
potentially new audience and allows organizations to position themselves in
new and unique ways.
6. Drive Web Traffic. As a Facebook page grows its fan base, traffic to the
company website will increase. Facebook pages also appear in Universal
Search Result.
Hi! To learn more, please scan these QR codes below
on how to make a personal Facebook account and
business page.


There are ways in creating and promoting your business and one the simplest way
is to advertise your products/services online through the use of Facebook Page.
In this section, you will immerse yourself in the steps in creating a Facebook Page
as part of your promotional scheme to the projected buyers.

1. Creating your Facebook Profile Account

a. Create a Facebook Profile. Go to https://www.facebook.com and sign-
up using company details in the optional fields.

2. Create a Facebook Page

a. Go to https://www.facebook.com/pages/#/advertising/?pages for step-
by-step instructions and an overview of how to create a page. Click on
“Create a Page” and start filling in your company or brand details.
b. Select a category for your business such as local, brand, product, artist,
band, and public figure). If you enter your business as a Brand or
Product, you will be able to enter more detailed information about your
company than if you enter it as a Local business.
c. Once your page is created, add company information and upload an
image or logo to use as your profile picture.

3. Edit and Update your Facebook Page

Facebook pages can be managed through the page manager which
provides traffic statistics and access the browser.

Hi! To learn more, please scan the QR codes below on
the benefits of using Facebook Page to promote your

Week 7
Types of Blog

A blog is a regularly updated website. Think of diary entries.

A person can update his or her diary every day to write
important reminders or to write about almost anything that
happened during the day. The same can be done for blogs.
When we write blogs, we are called bloggers. When we post
a blog, we are blogging.

Generally, we can write a blog about anything like playing water sports, cooking,
taking pictures, friends, environment, and among others. Here are the most
common blogs.
1. Personal Blog
A blogger can post about his or her life. This is called a personal blog.

Photo taken from www.wpklik.com

2. Hobby Blog
A blogger can also post about any hobby that he or she enjoys the
most like drawing, exercising, eating, etc.

Photo taken from www.toggl.com

3. Internet Blog
A blog about a certain topic of the internet is an example of an
interesting blog.

Photo taken from www.thenextex.com

4. Photo Blog
A photoblog is a collection of photos that have a theme or a subject.
Usually, photoblog has a lot of photos and very little text.

Photo taken from www.blogger.com

Hi! To learn more, please refer to pages 28-31 on your

Computer book and scan the QR code on how to make
and earn money from a good blog.

Before we can make a blog, we have to plan it out . Usually, we need to set the
following decisions:
1. Blogging goal
Guide questions:
• Why do we want to blog?
• What do we want to develop in ourselves and our readers?
2. Topic
Guide questions:
• What do we want to write about?
• What subtopics can we write about?

3. Time
Guide questions:
• How much time do we want to spend on our blog?
• Will we be able to post it every day?
• If not, how about every week?
4. Personal information
Guide questions:
• Do we want to post anonymously, or do we want to show our names?
• How much information about ourselves should we tell the reader?
5. Subject
Guide questions:
• Who are your actors and actresses in your blog?
• Who are the target audiences of your blog?

Hi! To learn more, please refer to pages 31-36 on your

Computer book and scan the QR code below.

To check your understanding, kindly answer the following questions below.

1. What is a blog?
2. What are the types of blog?
3. Why is it important to create a blog (a good blog) in promoting a
4. What are the benefits of using the Facebook page in promoting a
5. What are the disadvantages of using a Facebook page?

Week 8

Activity No. 4

Directions: E-mailing is a widely used primary communication in sending files

around the globe. In this activity, you are going to create a private message for
your parents and submit it to your Computer teacher’s e-mail account.
1. Signed-in to your Gmail account.
2. Click the “Compose” button.
3. Type your private message for your parents.
1. Click the “To” button on the upper portion of your draft message.
2. Type the e-mail of your receiver. Note: Please ask the e-mail of your
3. Click the “Subject” button on the lower part of your receiver’s e-mail.
Note: The subject name is “Private Message for my Parents”
4. Read and check the receiver’s e-mail, subject name, and content of
your message before sending it.
Week 9 5. Click the “Send” button.

Activity No. 5

Directions: Kindly go to https://docs.google.com/forms and explore the interface

of the Google Forms. Create a simple google survey form to be given to your ten
(10) respondents. Below are your guide format and questions in creating your
google survey form.
Hello there!

I am a Grade 6 student surveying students' profiles. I would like to create a

compilation of students' profiles for this school year. May I ask at least five (5)
minutes of your time to answer the survey questions below? Thank you very much!
1. What is your complete name? _______________________________
2. What is your gender?
o Male
o Female
3. What grade level are you in?
o Grade 3
o Grade 4
o Grade 5
o Grade 6
4. How do you travel to and from school?
□ Own car
□ School bus
□ Public transportation
□ Other: _______________________
5. What is your favorite food? ________________________________
6. Which of these subjects is your favorite the most?
□ Math
□ English
□ Filipino
□ Science
□ Computer
□ SK
7. Which of these subjects is your favorite the most?
□ Math
□ English
□ Filipino
□ Science
□ Computer
□ SK
8. Which of these is your hobby?
□ Playing
□ Dancing
□ Watching
□ Reading
□ Gardening
□ Other: ___________________________
9. Do you enjoy your time at school? Encircle the number from the scale below.
1 2 3 4 5
Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree
10. What makes you happy? _____________________________________

A. Directions: People are exhausted due to this health pandemic. So, to ease their
boredom, they must find something to make their life more productive even if they
are in a quarantine period. In this activity, you are going to engage yourself in
blogging about your personal life by creating a Personal Blog You are provided
with different personal topics below. You are graded based on the rubric.

Suggested Topics:
1. It’s my family.
2. House raid
3. My quarantine life.
4. Hello! From my favorite pet.
5. Dear Hobbies!

Concept Has a clear picture of Has a fairly clear picture of Has brainstormed
what the student is trying what the student is trying to his/her concept but
to do and generally how achieve. Can describe what no clear focus has
his/her work will he/she is trying to do but has emerged.
contribute to the final trouble describing his/her
project. blog for the final project.
Quality The movie was The movie was completed The movie was
completed and had all the and contained all the made but had very
required elements. The required items. Editing was little if any editing.
video was well edited and not done as well as it should Many have poor
moves smoothly from the have been done. Some poor shots. Video is
scene with the proper use shots remain. The movie is fragmented and
of transitions. Audio and still somewhat choppy. choppy with little
other enhancements Audio and other audio
were well used. enhancements were utilized, reinforcement.
but not for maximum effect.

Week 10

Republic of the Philippines

Mandaue City Cultural and Sports Complex
Don Andres Soriano Ave., Centro, Mandaue City, Cebu, Philippines, 6014
Tel. Nos.: (032) 236-5520, (032) 420-9228 | E-mail: mc.college@hotmail.com

Name: ____________________________________ Date: _________________

Instructor’s Name: ___________________________ Score: ________________

I. Directions: Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement
is incorrect.
1. The user should protect his/her password always. __________
2. There are more than 1 billion Facebook users all over the world.
3. Google Form is used to ask electronic data from the user’s/maker’s
respondents. __________
4. The user can create his/her Facebook Page without personal account.
5. Gmail is a free web-based e-mail service currently tested at Google that
provides users with a gigabyte of storage for messages and provides the
ability to search for specific messages. __________
6. Google Forms give users an easy way to create a survey that contains
as many questions as they need to ask, in a variety of styles. __________
7. Google Forms has several pre-made templates to choose from but you
cannot view them all. __________
8. Facebook pages can be managed through the page manager which
provides traffic statistics and access the browser. __________
9. A blog is the daily entries of a person's interest such as lifestyles, hobbies,
etc. __________
10. Planning a perfect theme before blogging may result positive outcomes.

II. Directions: Read and understand the questions on types of blogs below.
Kindly write the answer on the blank provided.
1. It is a type of blog that focusses on the personal life of a creator.
2. It is a type of blog that collects different photos and posted them on the
wall of the creator’s blog such as travel and food. _______________
3. It is a type of blog that talks about the hobby of the creator such as
dancing, singing, etc. _______________
4. It is a type of blog that discusses about a certain topic of internet is an
example of an interesting blog. _______________

Yay! You’re done!

This time, you will check if your answers are correct.

Please take note of your wrong answers and find out
what makes it wrong.


I. Multiple Choice II. Identification
1. B 6. B 1. Netiquette
2. C 7. C 2. Emoticons
3. B 8. C 3. Gmail
4. A 9. B 4. Facebook
5. A 10. C 5. Blog
I. Multiple Choice. II. Identification
1. A 1. Netiquette
2. D 2. Emoticons
3. C 3. Antivirus Software
4. B 4. CAPSLOCK/Capital Letters
5. B 5. Cyber Manners
I. True or False.
1. True 6. True
2. True 7. False
3. True 8. True
4. False 9. True
5. True 10. True
II. Identification.
1. Personal Blog
2. Photo Blog
3. Hobby Blog
4. Internet Blog

Now, it’s time for you to showcase the skills you’ve learned in this unit.
You will be given two (2) sessions to make and collate your Google
Survey Form as your performance task. Kindly refer to pages 2-3 for
the GRASPS and scoring rubric of this ISU.


Book Source
Cobre, Elmeryn Joy, L. et al. (2017). Computers for Digital Learners Building
Technological Skills for Life Grade 6 Teachers Wraparound Edition. The Phoenix
Publishing House, Inc.

Electronic Sources


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