Qualitative Study On The Impact of Job Satisfaction On Job Performance (SHRM)
Qualitative Study On The Impact of Job Satisfaction On Job Performance (SHRM)
Qualitative Study On The Impact of Job Satisfaction On Job Performance (SHRM)
Agtoca, Mejamie O.
Universidad de Manila
Employees' Job Satisfaction and Performance are crucial in producing quality and
quantity output and attaining organizational goals and competencies. This study aims to
find out the HR professional's perspectives and experiences from BPO companies in the
employees' job performance and attitude and how an employee can be satisfied at work.
In this context, Job Satisfaction pertains to the employees' feeling of dedication and
contentment in doing their job, while Job Performance refers to the employee's attitude
interview with two selected Human Resource Professionals as the key informants of the
study. Responses were analyzed utilizing Content Analysis. The results suggest that
Table of Contents
Chapter I ……………………………………………………………………………. 4 - 12
The Problem and Its Background …………..……………………………….…. 4
Theoretical Foundations …………………………………………………….…. 6
Conceptual Framework ……………………………………………………...…. 7
Statement of the Problem ……………………………………………………… 9
Assumptions ………………………………………………………………….... 9
Scope and Limitations ………………………………………………………..... 9
Significance of the Study …………………………………………………….... 10
Definition of Terms ………………………………………………………..….. 11
Chapter II ………………………………………………………………………….. 13 - 17
Review of Related Literature ………………………………….……………… 13
Synthesis ………………………………………………………………………. 16
Chapter IV ………………………………………………………………………… 22 - 26
Data Presentation and Discussion ………………………………...…………… 22
Chapter V …………………………………………………………………………. 27 - 28
Conclusion …………………………………………………….……………… 27
Recommendation ……………………………………………………...……… 28
Reflexivity …………………..……………………………………………………. 29 - 33
References ……………………………………………………………………...…. 34 - 35
Appendices ………………………………………………………………...….…... 36 - 57
Original Open-Ended Questionnaire & SOP ………………………………… 35
Revised Open-Ended Questionnaire ……………………………….………… 36
Informed Consent ……………………………………………………………. 38
Transcription of Interview ………………………………………….………... 39
Curriculum Vitae ………………………………………………….…………. 46
Chapter I
The Problem and It’s Background
Job satisfaction is an extent to which employees are feel contented with their
current job. A factor that considered very essential in the workplace: for the employer
and especially for the well-being of the employees. Job satisfaction as any combination of
truthfully to satisfied with job (Hoppock, 1935). While several external factors affect
work satisfaction, it remains an internal factor that has to do with how the employee
feels. That is, job satisfaction refers to a collection of factors that contribute to a sense of
fulfillment. Meanwhile Vroom (1964) defined job satisfaction focuses on the role of the
toward work roles which they are presently occupying. Job satisfaction refers to how
people feel about their jobs and the different facets of them. It has to do with how much
employees like or despise their jobs. As a result, job satisfaction and dissatisfaction will
manifest themselves in any given work situation. Job satisfaction motivates them to put in
more effort in their employment, and they work harder and better as a result. As an
outcome, every company strives to build a satisfied workforce in order to maintain the
On the other hand, according to Motowidlo, Borman, & Schmidt (1997) job
performance has been defined as the overall expected value from employees' behaviors
carried out over the course of a set period of time. It’s a pleasurable, positive state
resulting from one's job and job experiences (Bashayreh, 2009). Employee is an essential
component in the process of achieving the mission and vision of an organization.
Employees should meet the performance criteria set by the organization to ensure the
quality of their work and being satisfied is one factor to consider in attaining a high job
performance. Skilled and competent employees are the central capital for the
organizations. This is because human capital influences and shapes the other resources of
the organization and at the same time it is affected by them. (Çavuş, Koç & Saraçoğlu
2014). If all employees in the organization are skilled, equipped and open to innovation;
the sustainability of innovative thinking and continuous innovation are possible (Laursen
will stimulate them to perform extra efforts on behalf of their organizations and will
increase their intention to stay (Abujudeh, 2019). Oluwafemi (2010) asserted that
organizational effectiveness and efficiency depends on how effective and efficient the
employees in the organization are. Employee morale and efficiency can be profoundly
schedules and everyday responsibilities. HRM in the Philippines has gained a prominent
position in the corporate structure, with the current focus on manpower development. The
National Manpower and Youth Council was coordinating and evaluating human resource
development (HRD) programmes not only by the government but also by the private
sector who have been encouraged to participate actively (Andres, 1991, as cited in
Throughout the process, this study aims to find out the professional perspectives
and experiences from the Human Resource personnel of Accenture, a BPO company in
the Philippines which are the following: 1) the possible impact of job satisfaction to the
job performance and attitude to their co-employees and 2) the ways for an employee to be
satisfied at work.
Theoretical Foundation
Herzberg went on to develop his theory that there are two dimensions to job
motivate employees but can minimize dissatisfaction, if handled properly. In other words,
they can only dissatisfy if they are absent or mishandled. Hygiene topics include
They are issues related to the employee's environment. Motivators, on the other hand,
create satisfaction by fulfilling individuals' needs for meaning and personal growth. They
are issues such as achievement, recognition, the work itself, responsibility and
advancement. Once the hygiene areas are addressed, said Herzberg, the motivators will
Edwin A. Locke’s Range of Affect Theory (1976) is arguably the most famous
job satisfaction model. The main premise of this theory is that satisfaction is determined
by a discrepancy between what one wants in a job and what one has in a job. Further, the
theory states that how much one values a given facet of work (e.g. the degree of
autonomy in a position) moderates how satisfied/dissatisfied one becomes when
expectations are/aren’t met. When a person values a particular facet of a job, his
satisfaction is more greatly impacted both positively (when expectations are met) and
negatively (when expectations are not met), compared to one who doesn’t value that
indifferent about autonomy, then Employee A would be more satisfied in a position that
offers a high degree of autonomy and less satisfied in a position with little or no
autonomy compared to Employee B. This theory also states that too much of a particular
facet will produce stronger feelings of dissatisfaction the more a worker values that facet.
psychologist John Stacey Adams (1965). He posited that jobs involve a continuous
assessment of how much ‘give and take’ there is between employer and employee. The
basic premise of this model is that job satisfaction and motivation result from a fair
balance between an employee’s ‘inputs’ and ‘outputs.’ Equity Theory shows how a
person views fairness in regard to social relationships such as with an employer. A person
identifies the amount of input (things gained) from a relationship compared to the output
(things given) to produce an input/output ratio. They then compare this ratio to the ratio
of other people in deciding whether or not they have an equitable relationship. Equity
Theory suggests that if an individual thinks there is an inequality between two social
groups or individuals, the person is likely to be distressed because the ratio between the
Conceptual Framework
The illustration presented the conceptual framework of this study which are the
emergent themes came from the analysis of transcription in relation to the statement of
towards employees to achieve a high job performance that will significantly affect the
quality and quantity of the organizational outputs. On the other hand, knowing the impact
finances and productivity in attaining its goals and competencies. Moreover, the strategy,
plans, policies, and practices within the organization assure a possible enhancement for
job satisfaction.
a. Job Performance
5.) Employee’s perception, values, and attitudes greatly affect their job performance.
The design used in this study was Qualitative Research Design to determine the
personal experiences and professional point of views on the impact of employee’s job
satisfaction on their job performance. Also, this focuses only the two selected Human
Resource professional from BPO Accenture in the country who have 3 and above years
of experience. They will serve as the key informants in the study. The interviewees were
chosen upon the utilization of the purposive sampling technique based on the researchers'
criteria. On the other hand, the researchers were limited to find only 2 key informants
over an online messaging app. With the current battle against the pandemic, both
researchers and key informants were only able to conduct data gathering in an online
Students. The findings of this study will provide the knowledge for the students
to know what are possible factors that can affect their future performance on their chosen
job position and how does job satisfaction correlate to it. On the other hand, it is deemed
to raise their awareness on the effects of job performance and its contribution to the
company’s goals.
the improvement of its human resource programs. This study would contribute
their policies towards the different factors such as pay, promotion, supervision, fringe
communication. They would also benefit from this study by having an idea on which
Employees. To look at this research as a reflection of themselves so that they
become aware or conscious of the profession they are in and therefore more equipped and
empowered. They would also be able to find out their strengths and weaknesses, like in
the areas in which they are satisfied and not satisfied. They would be able to enhance and
maintain their strengths and to diminish their weaknesses with the help of their coworkers
and supervisor.
Future Researcher. This study will guide future researchers to have a reference
of knowledge about the impact of job satisfaction on job performance. The data gathered
and the results of this research can be used as a reference for future related studies.
Lastly, this study will give them ideas when conducting more detailed research on the
Definition of Terms
Career. is the sum total of all your lifetime contributions to society that are
relevant to your work. This involves investing time and money to provide products,
Extrinsic Reward. are those that come from outside of self, are normally given
Intrinsic Rewards. Those rewards that are inherent to the activity itself and come
Job Evaluation. the process of comparing a job to other jobs within the
duties and completes the assignments that their employer or organization expects.
enough to gain and repay the individual for his basic needs.
Motivation. the processes that account for an individual’s strength, direction, and
Tenure. the amount of time that a respondent has held his or her current position.
Chapter II
The foregoing related literature and studies gathered by the researchers contain
relevant and useful information related in conducting and conceptualizing this study.
or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one's job or job experience. Job
satisfaction results from employees' perception of how well their job provides those
things that are viewed as necessary. Job satisfaction is also defined as the reintegration of
his work and the surrounding it (Saiyaden, 1993). Organ and Hammer (1991) pointed out
While Motowidlo (2003) explains that job performance is the totality of all those
expected behaviors that individuals bring to their working environment and give value to
the organization. Those employees who are considered high performers usually get the
Evidently, job satisfaction has been constituted with numerous facts, and the
major dimensions to this regard are paid, the work itself, promotions, supervision,
workgroup, and working conditions mentioned in a study about the relationship between
job satisfaction and job performance has a controversial history (Luthans 1985). Saari
and Judge (2004: 395). On the other hand, Pay, promotion, supervision, fringe benefits,
contingent incentives, operating procedures, coworkers, quality of work, and contact are
the nine main determinants of job satisfaction (Uzma et al., 2016). Soon after the
disposals by the Hawthorne studies, the worldwide researchers interpreted the happy
appear to be so many variables influencing job performance that are almost impossible to
make sense of. Performance is defined as a function of individual ability and skill, and
effort in a given situation (Porter and Lawler, 1974). In the short run, employee's skills
and abilities are relatively stable. Therefore, for the purpose of the study, the researcher
Porter and Lowler (1969) suggested that satisfaction will affect a worker's effort,
found that satisfaction and productivity are crucial relationships in which each affects the
An employee stayed back in an organization for a long tenure and was observed
and job satisfaction (Lim and Teo, 1998). Even though the same inference could be
matched up by the research of Smith et al. (1969), he could also conclude at the fact of
highest satisfaction experienced by the workers with an experience of less than six
months. In his study, Morgan et al. (1995) brought to a close correlation between these
two variables, and job satisfaction seems to be significantly reduced in the older
employee belongs. According to the researches, people who work at higher levels of
between job satisfaction and the hierarchical level to which an employee belongs to. In
2003, O Pors reached the same attention-grabbing end of finding a lesser degree of
satisfaction among the lower-tier employees, and the reasons being the lack of freedom
and autonomy.
According to Skibba (2002), the underlying theory of the reciprocal model is that
if the satisfaction is extrinsic in nature, it leads to performance, and the performance leads
to satisfaction, in the case of an intrinsic quality in satisfaction. Also, she speaks about
the relationship between job performance and job satisfaction as a follow-up of social
employee to the organization from which they get their satisfaction. This study also
between job satisfaction and job performance, although it is revealed that a positive mood
showed that customer satisfaction, profitability, turnover of staff, and less work mishaps
were due to a higher satisfied and engaged staff (Norwack, 2006). In research by
Woodruffe & Lockwood (2006), an engaged and satisfied employee most probably
would be an organizationally committed one, and he or she tends to be the top performer
of the organization continuously. When an employee is engaged, they serve customers
Hyz (2010) argues it points out the lack of correlation between the demographic
respondents. These variables are independent of each other, whereas exception exists in
long as the enhancement in an employee's position occurs, his or her satisfaction from the
job also increases due to greater benefits, autonomy, more creative works, etc. Also, it is
satisfaction with respect to their salary. Recognition, autonomy, working with groups,
the department of human resources are those factors showing a positive correlation with
This chapter contains several studies and articles conducted by other researchers
that served as supporting evidence for the findings. According to Hammer and Organ
that derives from workers' perceptions of how well their job offers certain items that are
function of individual ability and skill, and effort in a given situation as well as refers to
the sum of all planned activities that employees carry to their workplace. Most employees
who are considered top performers are more likely to be hired early in the company than
A report on the connection between job satisfaction and job performance has a
with the most important ones being pay, employment itself, promotions, supervision,
to success, and performance leads to satisfaction. This study highlights the fact that,
contrary to popular opinion, there is no connection between work satisfaction and job
results although it is revealed that a positive mood would lead to higher levels of both
This section of the research aims to collect supporting data to conform to the
necessary relevant data required to solve the study's problem. The related studies were
used to validate data and measure the durability of the outcome discovered later in this
study. With its help, this study was able to define and endorse the course's goal, which is
to determine whether there is a connection between impact of job satisfaction and job
performance of the employee and the implications for all parties concerned.
Chapter III
instrumentation, data gathering procedure, and data analysis, which are essential in the
Research Design
these methods typically reject positivism and adopt a form of interpretive sociology.
Qualitative research is a situated activity that locates the observer in the world. It consists
of a set of interpretive, material practices that makes the world visible. These practices
transform the world. They turn the world into a series of representations, including field
notes, interviews, conversations, photographs, recordings, and memos to the self. At this
This means that qualitative researchers study things in their natural settings, attempting to
make sense of, or to interpret, phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to them.
informants of the study. The respondents are from the BPO Company, Accenture. The
researchers conducted a purposive sampling known as judgmental, selective, or
which researchers rely on their judgment when choosing members of the population to
participate in their study (Alchemer, 2020). Thus, researchers' prior knowledge and
purpose of conducting this study are essential to answer the research questions and to
achieve its objectives—this sampling is one of the most cost-effective and time-effective
Research Instrument
This part of the study shows the kind of method that the researchers used to
collect the information of their respondents. The researchers used a four-item open-ended
interview questions to be answered by the interviewee later on. The interview will be
involves asking open-ended questions to converse with respondents and collect elicit data
about a subject. Interviews are particularly useful for getting the story behind a
participant’s experiences. The interviewer can pursue in-depth information around the
e.g., to further investigate their responses (McNamara, 1999). In the first portion of the
interview, the researchers asked for the permission of the respondents. The purpose of
this is to get their consent and assures them that all information and data that they will
gather will be safe and secured. Then, the researchers proceeded to the interview while
Data Gathering Procedure
This section will state the process on how the researchers gather their data.
At first, the researchers constructed the title of the study and validated it to the
professor. It also has the general problem and specific problems (given in chapter 1 of
this study) to be answered through the results of the data that will be gathered later on.
The researchers used a qualitative method to collect the data. The researchers selected
based on your knowledge of the population you are sampling (Manz, 2017).
In this study, the researchers conducted an online interview using five open-ended
interview questions. The researchers selected two interviewees who specialize in the field
to ensure the participants are briefed about the aim of their participation and that their
researchers conducted an interview to the preferred date and time. The interviewees will
answer an open-ended interview questions, then the researchers will video recorded the
After the data gathering, the researchers will tabulate and analyze the data to
Data Analysis
the respondents. The data gathered were arranged using qualitative method and expressed
using Content Analysis. Content analysis is a set of procedures for collecting and
about the characteristics and meaning of written and other recorded material. Simple
statements. More complex formats can be created for analyzing trends or detecting subtle
Chapter IV
Respondent 2:
“The factor that affect it is the productivity
of the employee after that given benefits”
parang they need to strive harder” contractualization
makes the
employee to
strive for more
Respondent 2: while the other
“I’ve seen... many employees… resigning due respondent was
to disappointment... they are not satisfied with the disappointed with
company’s culture, with the company’s benefit” the company’s
benefits that’s
why they choose
to resign.
Respondent 2:
“It will help them to, you know... to make a
good work or to work... much better than—-that
they were in the company during their stay.”
Statement Problem No. 2
Respondent 2:
“My company personally is giving us many
benefits and many... bonuses or let’s say perks,
for example with my company right now, they are
giving us a twelve thousand bonus”
renew so parang it depends on the management if management,
paano nila aayusin yung mga tao; coordination, and
“So, every year mayroong different type of communication
activity na binibigay sa mga empleyado” are necessary to
display in the
Respondent 2: workplace.
“I think it’s very... important to have a clear
and straight communication… as long as you do
have a good communication with them and you
are connecting with them... you are checking
them if they are good or if they are facing any
difficulties with their job”
they are the one na mas madaling makakapag leaders and
identify if yung staff nila is satisfied ba sa work supervisors as
nila and paano ba yung work performance nila.” well as staying
connected with
Respondent 2: the employee are
“I think I’m just making sure that I’m ways to improve
connected with them throughout their process, their job
throughout their employment with us so I’m satisfaction and
helping them by guiding them as well by cheering job performance.
them up if ever they feel demotivated”
Chapter V
This chapter presents the overall analysis of the data, the conclusions and
The researchers concluded that the job satisfaction greatly affects the job
performance of an employee. Job satisfaction factors can be categorized into intrinsic and
extrinsic elements where pay, promotions, benefits, bonuses and rewards are considered
extrinsic factors and co-workers, supervision, skills acquired, and the work itself are
considered intrinsic factors. Factors that contribute to job satisfaction as listed by Obisi,
(2003), were adequate salary, good working conditions, parental management, job
security, opportunity for growth, positive and supportive environment, friendly nature of
co-workers and colleagues’ responsibility and cordial relationship between the superior
The impact of Job Satisfaction to the Job Performance are employees who are
satisfied with their jobs are more likely to be productive, competent and goal oriented.
They also become motivated to do their task and share their absolute skills to help the
company. With this they gain more credits and benefits from the company. Whereas the
impact of the Job Satisfaction to the attitude towards co-employees are employees share
their goals and achievement to their co-employees to be productive and have a fruitful
outcome. Some employees who are disappointed and dissatisfied with the company chose
to resign, but some stayed and adjust that leads them to a better workspace and tend to
On the other hand, the ways for an employee to be satisfied at work are stated that
their job satisfaction increases when given benefits, compensations and recognitions.
Sometimes they give employees with tokens of appreciation and bonuses as their reward.
employees and for them to feel that HR personnel are willing to listen to their concerns.
They also said that in order to maintain job satisfaction to employees, coordination and
are suggested:
1. For the future researchers, they should interview the employees too to
have enough data and for further discussion with their experiences, job
acknowledging mental health issues that can also influence their job
"Before processing the content of the study, it was already a challenging part to think of
the topic that we will further give a research output. In our case, we failed because our professor
rejected it because the study was not fit to the subject course. And for a moment, I felt
revision. It was reasonable thought because that failure became my motivation to start again.
Luck was with us then because we were able to submit the file before the deadline. During that
time, it is an ironic observation for me how cooperative my brain because the research method
we used was Qualitative Research, which I am not familiar with its process. However, the results
were surprisingly unexpected because I was an active member whenever assigned tasks were
especially from the short experience I had years ago. I remember that we did not create that
section. Instead of a conceptual framework, the thematic map was the memory I clearly
remember. Nevertheless, I still follow the given instructions from the professor. On the other
hand, I think the introduction and theoretical foundation were one of the easiest parts I did in the
process. I just need to search for the existing same research study and theories relevant to the
The simplest and easiest part of this process was to compile all the sections. From the
title page up to the appendices yet there were times I was frustrated. For example, the table of
transcription was not cooperative with me. I remember that I kept on pressing the enter for it to
integrate. After a while, I came up with an idea with my eagerness to finish this. All in all, it was
a roller coaster ride for me because the experience was definitely unexpected yet challenging."
- Agtoca, Mejamie
"With completing the Qualitative Research in Strategic Human Resources Management,
I was able to benefit from a variety of strategies from the paper, as well as refresh my memory on
the topics that I previously knew about writing research papers but needed a reminder about.
The biggest hurdle in making the research paper for me was a lack of familiarity with
research methods; qualitative research is not my cup of tea. I'm more comfortable with
quantitative research, but I need to adjust my reading and understand some of the qualitative
As for the group, the most challenging component of producing the research paper was
the lack of time. But that does not hinder us from continuing working on the paper; we did make
timelines for passing each other's parts of the research and didn't pressure each other. We work
in phase with one another and offer help if one of us is having difficulty completing the parts we
are making.
With hurdles came hidden strength we discovered about ourselves; being resourceful and
effective communication is essential, and we became each other's academic support system. This
internet means of communication makes me think that we need to be adaptive and patient in
whatever happens around us. Because life cannot adjust for you, you must modify yourself to
"Upon conducting the research, as the leader of the group, I need to be versatile,
especially in doing major revisions and paraphrasing. I also need to make time to check up on
my members' output from time to time. Aside from that, I need to be responsible for scheduling
our meetings, even if we don't have much time. There are instances that my members and I tend
to have virtual meetings from late nights to dawn to beat the deadlines; however, I was so
As the HR Professionals interviewer, I was a little bit nervous to ask questions, but I tried
to calm myself and not act upon it. On the other hand, I struggled to wait for their availability
and worried because the deadlines are approaching. Nevertheless, I realized that the virtue of
It is indeed that CoVid-19 change our way of life to its fullest; however, this pandemic
did not hinder our capacity to learn, communicate and do the best that we can. Life continues
despite its constant change, and our happiness lies from within.
All in all, this research study strengthened my interpersonal and communication skills. It
challenged my inner self to fight for my insecurities and self-doubt. It also tests my sense of
responsibility, self-awareness, and discipline. I'm so glad that I survived another semester
despite circumstances."
"Looking for a job is a very challenging part of adult life because that job will hone the
experiences and skills of an individual. A career is essential to a person because it will sustain
the needs of a person. Working on this study is a bit hard and challenging because we need to
look for HR professionals suitable for our topic. It is difficult because we have to adjust and work
away with the other members because of the pandemic; I/we cannot fully express our opinions
because of the limited sources we have at home, like internet connection and other gadgets
needed. Luckily, I have amazing groupmates who are very understanding, considerate, and
willing to adjust as well as our professor. As psychology students, our study is significant
because it can help us as future HR professionals know and understand what's happening and
what we can do in the corporate world. Using this study as early as now, we can practice and list
down some important notes from this study to help our future employees and companies.”
"As we faced this pandemic, it is a challenge for us, as a student and a researcher, to
research online, mainly that we only have limited resources. But this does not stop us from
pursuing our objectives and find the answers on the impact of job satisfaction on job
performance. As we analyze what would be our research topic, at first, it is difficult because
Human Resource has many areas to cover and issues to address. Finally, we decided that we
Every section and chapter of the research is an added enlightenment and knowledge
about the workplace environment. When we make the questionnaire, it is pretty challenging
because we have so many questions that we want to know. But with my groupmates and with our
professor's help, we manage to review and choose the crucial questions. Added to that, I would
like to highlight the making of transcription because, as I type every word that our participants
said, I get a glimpse of how HR manages their employees. It is very significant to assess now and
then the employees' well-being because it can significantly affect its goals. It is not just the
rewards and benefits but also giving them acknowledgment and job security. Overall, it is a
complex but also an excellent way for us, BS Psychology students, to conduct this research
because as a future HR, we can use their strategies also to help our organization."
- Cabalida, Jannel
ÇAVUŞ, Mustafa & Koç, Murat & Saraçoğlu, Turgay. (2014). Human Resource
Management Practices, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment Mustafa Fedai
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Porter, L. W. and Lawler, E. E. (1974) “The Effect of Performance on Job
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Selmer, Jan & Leon, Corinna. (2001). Pinoy-style HRM: Human Resource
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Satisfaction on Job Performance of Employees Working in Automobile Industry, Punjab,
India. Macrothink Institute.
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between Job Satisfaction and Job Performance among Employees: A Case of
Commercial Banks in Punjab City, Pakistan. The Relationship between Job Satisfaction
and Job Performance among Employees: A Case of Commercial Banks in Punjab City,
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Uzma, T. et. al. (2016) The Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Job
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Vroom, V. H. (1964). Work and motivation. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
Appendix A
Original Open-Ended Questionnaire and Statement of the Problem
Interview Questions
1. What specific strategies would you consider using to increase the job satisfaction of
your employees? Why?
2. The company you’re working for has limited resources on providing benefits and
compensation, how would this affect the employee’s job performance?
3. What are the main problems does an employee face? How did it affect to the
4. How does time differential affect the productivity of the employees?
5. As HR Professionals, do you consider yourself having a high job performance, and job
satisfaction? Why?
Translated Version
Mga Katanungan
1. Anong stratehiya ang tingin mong magagamit upang madagdagan ang job satisfaction
ng inyong mga empleyado? Bakit?
2. Ang kumpanyang pinagtatrabahuhan mo ay hindi sapat ang mga benepisyo at sahod,
kung kaya’t limitado lamang ito. Paano ito makaapekto sa gampanin ng inyong
3. Ano-anong mga problema ang madalas na kinahaharap ng mga empleyado? Paano ito
nakaapekto sa kumpanya?
4. Paano nakakaapekto ang magkakaibang oras ng pagtatrabaho sa pagiging produktibo
ng mga empleyado
5. Bilang HR Propesyonal, itinuturing mo ba ang iyong sarili na may mataas na
pagganap ng trabaho, at kasiyahan sa trabaho? Bakit?
Appendix B
Revised Open-Ended Questionnaire
1. What strategy/strategies does your company utilize to increase job satisfaction among
your employees?
1.1. What are the factors affecting the implementation of the said
1.2. If that’s the case, what are the possible solutions that would address the
2. What are your observations among satisfied employees on their job performance?
2.1. Do you think this would contribute to achieving your company’s desired
goals and competencies? If Yes, then why?
2.2. How will you maintain job satisfaction among them?
3. How does job satisfaction affect job performance based on what you have seen among
your employees?
3.1. Does your company use tools to measure their level of satisfaction? If yes,
what are those?
3.2. Why is it beneficial to be informed on the employee’s level of satisfaction in
performing their job?
4. How will you help employees improved their job satisfaction and job performance?
4.1. How is it connected with employee turnover?
4.2. What are your basis for selecting these improvements?
Translated Version
Mga Katanungan
1.1 Ano ang mga kadahilanan na nakakaapekto sa pagpapatupad ng nasabing
1.2 Kung iyon ang kaso, ano ang mga posibleng solusyon na makakaresolba at
tutugon sa nasabing isyu?
2. Ano ang iyong mga obserbasyon sa mga "satisfied" na empleyado sa kanilang
pagganap sa trabaho?
2.1. Sa palagay mo ba ay makakatulong ito sa pagkamit ng mga layunin at
ninanais na kakayahan ng iyong kumpanya? Kung Oo, bakit?
2.2 Paano mo mapapanatili ang "job satisfaction" sa mga empleyado?
3. Paano nakaaapekto ang job satisfaction sa pag ganap ng mga empleyado sa kanilang
trabaho sa inyong kompanya?
3.1. Gumagamit ba ang inyong kompanya ng mga kagamitan para masukat ang
lebel ng satisfaction? Kung oo, ano-ano ang mga ito?
3.2. Bakit nagiging benepisyo sa kompanya kapag nalaman nila ang job
satisfaction ng kanilang empleyado?
4. Paano mo matutulungan ang mga empleyado para mapabuti ang kanilang job
performance at job satisfaction?
4.1. Paano ito maikokonekta sa pagturnover sa mga empleyado?
4.2. Ano-ano ang iyong basehan upang piliin ang mga magpapabuti o
magpapaganda sa pagtrabaho ng mga empleyado?
Appendix C
Informed Consent
Appendix D
Transcription of Interview
Statement Problem No. 1
3 Interviewer: As a HR professional sir what are your
observations among satisfied employees on their job
performance in your organization?
4 Job Satisfaction Respondent 1: they are happy with their work…kapag Source of
may mga time na sobrang dami naming nare-receive motivation made
siyempre mas motivated kami mag-work kasi… in the employees
return nag e-expect kami na… siyempre yung pagod satisfied and more
namin is magpe-paid off din siya productive in doing
their job.
Respondent 2: mostly all satisfied employees is really
more productive…their output is very good. I mean
personally, based on my experienced its... I’m being
more productive when I’m satisfied at my work and with
the company as well so I think its connected with
productivity with the with the employee
6 Achieving the Respondent 1: syempre naman oo… if they are satisfied Job satisfaction
Organizational dun sa work nila…maa-achieve namin yung mandate comes with
Goals namin and in general or in a wider perspective mas achieving
malaki yung matutulong namin sa gobyerno ng Pilipinas organizational
goals and
Respondent 2: Yes, I do believe that... in the future or competencies.
in the present as well it is also contributing to the
company's goal because...once an employee is very
satisfied with their job or with the company he or she is
working with... there's a big chance that... the company
and the employees will have a shared goals…because...
its a big factor when the company's... shared goal or
achievements will align to the employees personal goal
as well.
8 Employment Respondent 1: happy naman sila…when we say job One respondent
Expectations satisfaction kasi… they are satisfied na dun sila nagwo- observed that
work kasi mayroong…mga extra token or madaming contractualization
benefits silang nare-receive and I think mayroon yung makes the
impact to their work kasi since contractual yung mga employee to strive
empleyado parang they need to strive harder…I think harded while the
they are satisfied naman personally… ako marami akong other respondent
natututunan dun sa organization kung nasaan ako that is were disappointed
the one thing that I am satisfied with my job and in return with the company’s
yung work performance ko syempre kailangan mag- benefits that’s why
increase din they choose to
Respondent 2: I’ve seen... many employees… resigning
due to disappointment... they are not satisfied with the
company’s culture, with the company’s benefit… with
the employees kasi with their mindset it would reflect…
if an employee is satisfied, if an employee is happy or
contented with what he is or what she is working with or
she’s having with... it would contribute to his or her
output in the near future so I think it’s a big part of a job
10 Coping Respondent 1: syempre nandun yung stress, yung They stated that
Mechanism burden syempre kasi--- I think depende kasi sa workplace
empleyado yan if pa'no nila iha-handle yung stress nila adjustment leads to
sa work so if...if hindi na sila satisfied sa work nila and better output.
hindi pa sila performing and yung result kasi nun if hindi
ka satisfied maapektuhan yung work mo…pag hindi mo
na kinakaya yung galit, or yung stress, or yung pressure
na binibigay ng boss mo sayo it's either ayun mag-resign
ka or mag-adjust ka
Statement Problem No. 2
3 Interviewer: In relation with that, what are the
possible solutions that would address the issue?
6 Job Skill Respondent 1: (1) employees were simply interested They explicate that
in joining the committee, so na me-maintain yun in order to maintain
depende kasi yun sa leadership like for example may job satisfaction
mga committee kasi na kapag nag-assign na yung boss leadership skills,
nila---they are informed pero hindi sila nabibigyan ng employee
consent; (2) employees are requested to apply for the management,
position they think they are qualified, depende din yun coordination, and
kasi…contractual kami so yung kontrata namin nire- clear
renew kami ng nire-renew so parang it depends on the communication are
management if paano nila aayusin yung mga tao; (3) necessary to
For the different employee engagement naman, name- display in the
maintain namin yun every year so every year mayroong workplace.
different type of activity na binibigay sa mga
7 Interviewer: Does your company use tools to measure
their level of satisfaction, if yes can you give some---
can you indicate some?
10 Career Respondent 1: kasi diba merong effect yun dun sa job They specified that
Advancement performances nila… yung benefits nun is if they are self-asssessment,
aware so alam nila kung paano nila… ia-address yung insufficiency, and
issue na yun and syempre… in return as an hr… maa- awareness are the
assess din namin kung paano kami makakapag- needed to achieve
contribute for those employees… ano pa ba yung dapat career
naming maprovide…I think ayun yung beneficial na advancements.
parang employees are aware to address or i-assess din
nila yung sarili nila na parang ano ba yung kulang para
in return din HR can help employees paano mapapataas
ang level of satisfaction nila.
11 Interviewer: As an HR professional how will you help
employees improve their job satisfaction and job
14 Organizational Respondent 1: I think ano naman hindi ako yung nag According to them
Improvements choose dun…so if you are talking about basis pwede organizational
niyong i-check yan sa civil service rules kasi ayun improvements
yung…central human resource of government agencies comes with various
so all of our operation is depend on the guidelines guidelines and
produced by civil service factors.
Appendix E
Curriculum Vitae
Personal Information
Marilao, Bulacan
Educational Background
Dean’s Lister
Best in MAPEH
Best in Araling Panlipunan
Best in Filipino
Best in English
Most Outstanding Student
Training & Workshop in Science Investigatory Project
Dean’s Lister
Volunteer Experience
Core skills
Critical Thinking
Computer Literacy
Personal Information
Educational Background
Dean’s Lister
With Honors
Speech Choir – 1st Place
Teacher’s Month Poetry Writing – 2nd Place
Science Month Interpretative Dance - 2nd Place
Christmas Cantata- 3rd Place
District Science Investigatory Project - Bronze Awardee
Work Immersion Awardee
Research Awardee
Division Level Chess Competition
Consistent Honor Student
Flag Identification- 1st Place
Division Level Chess Competition
Employment History
Core skills
Communication Skill
Critical Thinking
Time Management Skill
Personal Information
Dean’s Lister
(2016- 2018) Senior High School
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
Strand: Humanities and Social Sciences
With Honors
(2006- 2012) Manuel L. Quezon Elementary School
6th Honourable Mention
College Membership, Accomplishments, Achievements
Employment History
Title: Encoder
Date: December 2020-Present
Company: Seerose Incorporated
Address: Midway, Caloocan City
Core skills
Willing to Learn
Can deal with different personalities of people
Self-confident and has a drive to finish task on time
Personal Information
Educational Background
Dean’s Lister
With Honors
Likhang Awit Grand Champion 2016
2nd Runner up Likhang Awit Interschool Competition 2016
Likhang Awit 1st Runner up 2017
Best in Mathematics
Best in English
Best in Science
Top 2 in Class
(2006- 2012)
Felipe G. Calderon Elementary School
Employment History
Core skills
Personal Information
Educational Background
Dean’s Lister
With Honors
Loyalty award
Best in Conduct and Attendance
(2006- 2012)
Special Training
Core skills