2nd Bach - Project 6 - Week 3 - Industrias
2nd Bach - Project 6 - Week 3 - Industrias
2nd Bach - Project 6 - Week 3 - Industrias
3. Identify these nouns as COUNTABLE or UNCOUNTABLE:
Eggs milk Butter apples rice
________________ _______________ ________________
4. Look at and read the following material to identify when to use “how many” and “how much” with
countable and uncountable nouns:
How much ____ is there? How many _________ are there?
6. Vocabulary: Match words with the corresponding meaning. Use either a physical dictionary or a digital
one: www.wordreference.com
a) career (noun) ___ 1. to follow (seguir)
b) threatened (adjective) ___ 2. a melody sung as in an opera by a single voice (Italy: opera-solo piece)
c) withdraw (verb) ___ 3. to get the better of in a conflict (superar, vencer)
d) homeless (adjective) ___ 4. having no home (sin hogar, vagabundo)
e) overcome (verb)___ 5. to cause to leave or return (irse de..., retirarse de...)
f) aria (noun) ___ 6. in danger (amenazado)
g) pursue (verb) ___ 7. a profession or occupation (profesión, carrera)
7. Read the text bellow to choose the correct answer:
Music Is My Life
Hi, I’m Marco Antonio. Two years ago, I attended a summer high
school musical institute. There, I could explore my options in music as
a career. When I returned home to Guayaquil, I told my grandparents
that I wanted to pursue a career in music. They were not very excited.
My life changed at my first opera show where I sang “Vecchia zimarra, senti” from La Boheme, an
aria. I became the character. When I dropped my coat at the end of my aria, I had a sudden vision. The
coat symbolized my home. I gave up my home, my family, and my security to pursue my career in opera.
I then knew that I had made the right decision. Music is my passion.
1. How many years ago did Marco Antonio attend a summer institute?
a) one year ago
b) two years ago
c) three years ago
2. How many months was Marco Antonio homeless?
a) two months
b) three months
c) four months
3. How much did Marco Antonio give up to pursue music?
a) He gave up his home.
b) He gave up his family.
c) He gave up his security.
d) All above
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