Vehicle Replacement and Kilometre Operating Costs Tool Users Guide
Vehicle Replacement and Kilometre Operating Costs Tool Users Guide
Vehicle Replacement and Kilometre Operating Costs Tool Users Guide
AIMS ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................................................ 3
GIVEN PERIOD ...................................................................................................................................... 3
CAPITAL COSTS .................................................................................................................................... 3
AMORTISATION .................................................................................................................................... 3
CONSTANT DOLLARS ............................................................................................................................ 3
OPERATING COST ................................................................................................................................. 3
FIXED COSTS ........................................................................................................................................ 4
VARIABLE COSTS ................................................................................................................................. 4
USER GUIDE EXPLANITORY NOTES ............................................................................................ 4
ENTERING DATA YELLOW CELLS ......................................................................................................... 4
WHITE CELLS AND GRAPHS.................................................................................................................. 4
ERROR MESSAGES VEHICLE KILOMETRE COST CALCULATOR ............................................................. 4
VEHICLE REPLACEMENT COST CALCULATOR ...................................................................................... 4
ENTERING DATA VEHICLE - REPLACEMENT COST CALCULATOR ......................................................... 5
VEHICLE KILOMETRE COST CALCULATOR ........................................................................................... 6
EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES .................................................................................................................. 6
ENTERING DATA VEHICLE KILOMETRE COST CALCULATOR ................................................................ 6
FLEET TOTALS ...................................................................................................................................... 7
FLEET TOTAL COST CATEGORY GRAPH ............................................................................................... 8
VEHICLE REPLACEMENT COST CALCULATOR EXAMPLE .................................................. 8
EXAMPLE ASSUMPTIONS ...................................................................................................................... 8
RESULTS ............................................................................................................................................... 8
KILOMETRE COST CALCULATOR EXAMPLE ........................................................................... 9
EXAMPLE ASSUMPTIONS ...................................................................................................................... 9
RESULTS ............................................................................................................................................... 9
The VROC is not intended to replace established methods for determining costs. The Ministry of
Transport recommends that professional advice be sought from an accountant or similar financial
specialists to support any assumptions you arrive at by using the VROC.
The aim of the VROC is to aid in planning for vehicle replacement and to ensure consistency and
accuracy in the way that the costs of using vehicles are calculated.
The treatment of capital assets such as vehicles need to be evaluated on an ongoing basis to
ensure that timely and accurate information is available on the actual costs of operating vehicles.
For the VROC to be an effective planning tool it should be reviewed regularly. Actual costs and
figures used in the calculations will vary according to economic factors and changing markets.
Given Period
For the purposes of this guide the definition of a given period varies according to context in which
the phrase is used. For example the given period may be used to express the entire serviceable
life of the vehicle or it may be used to describe monthly or annual operating costs.
Capital Costs
Capital Costs are the appropriate costs of using and replacing a vehicle to be charged against the
operations of the organisation in a given period.
Capital Cost Recovery informs the operator what the cash value of using and replacing their
vehicle is in installments over a given period.
Amortisation is an accounting term used to describe the writing down of the book value of an
asset over time, through the payment of regular instalments.
In other words the gradual deduction of capital expenses over a specific period of time. Similar to
depreciation, it is a method of deducting in periodic instalments the cost of using long-term assets
such as vehicles.
Constant Dollars
To ensure capital is not being eroded over the life of an asset the capital costs need to be
converted to constant dollars. This is done by calculating the compound rate of inflation and
adjusting the costs to maintain relative values in each future year of the vehicles serviceable life.
Operating Cost
The operating cost is the total cost of operating the vehicle in a given period.
Operating costs do not include the cost of staffing or administering the vehicle. These costs are
not primarily associated with the cost of the vehicle and need to be considered separately.
Variable Costs
Variable costs are costs such as fuel, maintenance and repairs which are dependant on the
usage of the vehicle. The more the vehicle is used the higher variable costs will be.
The VROC worksheets have been protected to ensure you only enter data in the yellow cells.
Removing the protection is not recommended as formulas contained may be altered and there by
returning unreliable results.
All efforts have been taken to ensure incorrect or incomplete data can not be entered. There are
error messages built into the work sheets.
For example if you enter expenditure data before the KM This Month cell is calculated the Total
cells will display “Km Required” and the Average Cost per Km in the Cost to Date Table will
display “Data Error”. As the calculations are based on the vehicles kilometers you should enter
data in the Actual Km Traveled first.
For additional explanatory notes and/or prompts refer to the examples provided below.
Note: The values expressed in the calculated cells are dependant on the accuracy of the data
that has been entered.
It automatically calculates the amounts that should theoretically be set aside to ensure adequate
funds are available to replace the vehicle at the end of its operational life.
Note: The Vehicle replacement cost calculator is not intended to calculate the cost of lease
vehicles or vehicles that will be replaced more frequently than every 12 months. If this is the case
you will need to calculate the costs manually and enter the data in the Cap Recovery cells of the
Kilometre Cost Calculator.
The following table should be used as a guide when filling out the Vehicle Kilometre Cost
To demonstrate variances in per kilometre operating costs the data should be entered on a monthly basis over the twelve month period. There will
be considerable variance according to the actual number of kilometres traveled in any given period. Vehicle and fleet cost averages are given in
the cost to date analysis and fleet totals spreadsheet.
Expenditure Categories
Vehicle related expenditures have been categorized into 6 basic types. They are:
1. Fuel
2. Registration and Compulsory Third Party Insurance
3. Insurance (other than CTP)
4. Maintenance
5. Capital Recovery
6. Other
The table below should be used as a guide when filling out the Vehicle Kilometre Cost Calculators.
B to M Fuel Include actual figures only. Do not use estimates for fuel
Row 6 Enter the amount spent on fuel each month. Do not include any other costs i.e. used if vehicle is half full.
oil an lubricants in these amounts
B to M Registration & CTP To give a more consistent per kilometre running cost this
Row 7 Enter the average monthly cost of for Registration and Compulsory Third Party amount is better entered as a monthly average.
Insurance for the vehicle.
B to M Maintenance This should include all labour and material costs associated
Row 9 Enter the total amount spent on vehicle maintenance each month. with the maintenance of the vehicle. i.e. any labor for
servicing, oils, tires repairs etc.
B to M Capital Cost Recovery You can use the Vehicle Replacement Calculator to guide
Row 10 Enter the monthly vehicle capital recovery costs. Alternately if the vehicle is you on Capital Related Costs included in this VROC.
leased enter the total monthly lease fee.
B to M Other Costs Items that could be included are the cost of, roadside
Row 11 Enter any other operating amounts spent on the vehicle each month that have assistance, cleaning the vehicle and/or any accessories that
not previously been recorded. may be purchased from time to time, i.e. seat covers.
B to M Total Costs The sum of all expenditure categories for each month.
Row 13 This is the operating cost of the vehicle each month.
B to M Cost per Kilometre This figure will vary considerably from month to month
Row 14 This is the per kilometre cost of operating the vehicle each month. The total depending on the actual kilometres traveled.
cost divided by the kilometres traveled.
A to D Cost to date table All figures in this table are all averaged. Therefore giving a
Rows This table displays the total amounts spent to date, calculates the percentage more consistent cost per category for operating the vehicle
18 to 25 of costs attributable to and the running cost in cents per km for each of the cost over the given period.
B 27 Average cost per kilometre This figure will vary according to the ongoing expenditure on
This is the average cost of operating the vehicle in the given period defined by the vehicle and the number of kilometres traveled.
data entered.
G 16 Pie Chart The chart will be automatically updated as data is entered
The pie chart provides a categorized graphic representation of the vehicle into the VROC.
operating costs by percentages.
Fleet Totals
This spreadsheet shows a summary of amounts spent to date for a fleet of up to four vehicles. It calculates the percentage of costs attributable to
and the running cost in cents per km for each of the cost categories.
To familiarize you with the principles of the Vehicle Replacement Cost calculator we have inserted the example data below to look at a
hypothetical situation.
Example Assumptions
The Capital Cost recovery spreadsheet indicates that a service should plan to set aside a total of $16,128.56 to ensure there are adequate vehicle
replacement funds available at the end of the operational life of the vehicle.
Note: The capital cost that should to be charged against the operations of the vehicle are adjusted each year of it operational life according to the
capital recovery formula.
The total amount set aside (adjusted to take inflation and the interest rate into account) plus the trade in value of the vehicle means the service
should have a total of $36,129 to spend on a replacement vehicle.
Example Assumptions
To familiarize you with the principles Kilometre Cost Calculator we have inserted the example data (below) to demonstrate at a hypothetical
The cost to date table demonstrates that the total cost of operating the vehicle for the 12 months was $14,060.86.
The average per kilometre operating cost of the vehicle is $0.56. The monthly figure varies from $0.38 cents in January to $4.05 per kilometre in
April when the car travelled very few kilometres.
The pie chart demonstrates that 57% (averaged) of the cost in operating the vehicle is associated with the replacement of the vehicle.