Fat-And Water-Soluble Vitamins
Fat-And Water-Soluble Vitamins
Fat-And Water-Soluble Vitamins
Vitamins are found in almost all food sources, including fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, meat and
poultry, fish, eggs, and diary. Oils and fats are also good sources of vitamins No single food, however, is
a source of all vitamins, so it is wise to eat as many of these food sources on a daily basis.
I. Objectives
A primary vitamin deficiency develops when vitamins are not taken in required amounts to meet the
body’s needs. A secondary deficiency occurs when there is impaired absorption or when there is excess
excretion of vitamins.
1. Identify the importance of the different fat-and water-soluble vitamins to the body
2. Prepare, serve and evaluate meals for people with vitamin deficiency; and
3. Apply the principles of diet modifications
II. Procedures
1. Case A: A child suffering from rickets
Prepare a normal diet and modify it into a diet for an individual suffering from rickets. Prepare a
sample menu plan for lunch
Case B: A man suffering from dehydration resulting from diarrhea and vomiting
1. Prepare a normal diet and modify it into a diet for an individual suffering from dehydration. Prepare a
sample menu for lunch.