NetApp Metrocluster TR4705

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Technical Report

NetApp MetroCluster
Solution Architecture and Design
Mike Braden, NetApp
November 2019 | TR-4705

This document describes high-level architecture and design concepts for NetApp®
MetroCluster™ features in NetApp ONTAP® 9.7 storage management software.

1 MetroCluster Overview ........................................................................................................................ 4

1.1 Target Audience..............................................................................................................................................5

1.2 Data Protection with NetApp SyncMirror Technology .....................................................................................5

1.3 True HA Data Center with MetroCluster .........................................................................................................5

1.4 Campus, Metro, and Regional Protection .......................................................................................................6

1.5 Your Choice of Protection ...............................................................................................................................6

1.6 WAN-Based DR ..............................................................................................................................................6

1.7 Simplified Administration: Set It Once .............................................................................................................6

1.8 Application Transparency................................................................................................................................6

2 Architecture ........................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 MetroCluster Physical Architecture .................................................................................................................7

2.2 Comparing MetroCluster FC and MetroCluster IP ..........................................................................................7

2.3 HA and Remote Replication ............................................................................................................................8

2.4 MetroCluster Data Replication ......................................................................................................................10

2.5 Configuration Replication Services ...............................................................................................................13

2.6 Active-Active and Active-Passive Configurations ..........................................................................................14

2.7 Unmirrored Aggregates .................................................................................................................................14

3 Deployment Options........................................................................................................................... 15
3.1 Stretch and Stretch-Bridged Configurations ..................................................................................................16

3.2 Fabric-Attached FC Configuration .................................................................................................................17

4 Technology Requirements ................................................................................................................ 19

4.1 Hardware Requirements ...............................................................................................................................19

4.2 Software Requirements ................................................................................................................................20

5 Resiliency for Planned and Unplanned Events ............................................................................... 20

5.1 Single-Node Failure ......................................................................................................................................20

5.2 Sitewide Controller Failure ............................................................................................................................21

5.3 ISL Failure.....................................................................................................................................................21

5.4 Multiple Sequential Failures ..........................................................................................................................21

5.5 Eight-Node and Four-Node Nondisruptive Operations ..................................................................................22

5.6 Two-Node Nondisruptive Operations ............................................................................................................23

5.7 Overview of the Switchover Process .............................................................................................................23

5.8 Difference Between MetroCluster FC and IP Switchover ..............................................................................23

5.9 ONTAP Mediator...........................................................................................................................................24

2 NetApp MetroCluster Solution Architecture and © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
5.10 NetApp Tiebreaker ........................................................................................................................................24

6 Conclusion .......................................................................................................................................... 27

Where to Find Additional Information .................................................................................................... 27

Table 1) Compare MetroCluster FC and MetroCluster IP...............................................................................................8
Table 2) Hardware requirements. .................................................................................................................................15
Table 3) MetroCluster FC and Stretch Hardware .........................................................................................................20
Table 4) MetroCluster IP Hardware ..............................................................................................................................20

Figure 1) MetroCluster....................................................................................................................................................4
Figure 2) Four-node MetroCluster deployment. ..............................................................................................................7
Figure 3) HA and DR groups. .........................................................................................................................................9
Figure 4) Eight-node DR groups.....................................................................................................................................9
Figure 5) Unmirrored aggregate: Plex0. .......................................................................................................................10
Figure 6) MetroCluster mirrored aggregate. .................................................................................................................11
Figure 7) Root and data aggregates. ............................................................................................................................11
Figure 8) NVRAM allocation. ........................................................................................................................................12
Figure 9) Unmirrored aggregates in MetroCluster. .......................................................................................................15
Figure 10) Two-node stretch configuration. ..................................................................................................................16
Figure 11) Two-node stretch-bridge configuration. .......................................................................................................17
Figure 12) Two-node fabric-attached deployment. .......................................................................................................18
Figure 13) Four-node fabric-attached deployment. ......................................................................................................18
Figure 14) Eight-node fabric-attached deployment.......................................................................................................19
Figure 15) Four-node MetroCluster IP. .........................................................................................................................19
Figure 16) MetroCluster Tiebreaker checks. ................................................................................................................25

3 NetApp MetroCluster Solution Architecture and © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
1 MetroCluster Overview
Enterprise-class customers must meet increasing service-level demands while maintaining cost and
operational efficiency. As data volumes proliferate and more applications move to shared virtual
infrastructures, the need for continuous availability for both mission-critical and other business
applications dramatically increases.
In an environment with highly virtualized infrastructures running hundreds of business-critical applications,
an enterprise would be severely affected if these applications became unavailable. Such a critical
infrastructure requires zero data loss and system recovery in minutes rather than hours. This requirement
is true for both private and public cloud infrastructures, as well as for the hybrid cloud infrastructures that
bridge the two.
NetApp MetroCluster software is a solution that combines array-based clustering with synchronous
replication to deliver continuous availability and zero data loss at the lowest cost. Administration of the
array-based cluster is simpler because the dependencies and complexity normally associated with host-
based clustering are eliminated. MetroCluster immediately duplicates all your mission-critical data on a
transaction-by-transaction basis, providing uninterrupted access to your applications and data. And unlike
standard data replication solutions, MetroCluster works seamlessly with your host environment to provide
continuous data availability while eliminating the need to create and maintain complicated failover scripts.
With MetroCluster, you can:
• Protect against hardware, network, or site failure with transparent switchover
• Eliminate planned and unplanned downtime and change management
• Upgrade hardware and software without disrupting operations
• Deploy without complex scripting, application, or operating system dependencies
• Achieve continuous availability for VMware, Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, or any critical application

Figure 1) MetroCluster.

NetApp MetroCluster enhances the built-in high-availability (HA) and nondisruptive operations of NetApp
hardware and ONTAP storage software, providing an additional layer of protection for the entire storage
and host environment. Whether your environment is composed of standalone servers, HA server clusters,

4 NetApp MetroCluster Solution Architecture and © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
or virtualized servers, MetroCluster seamlessly maintains application availability in the face of a total
storage outage. Such an outage could result from loss of power, cooling, or network connectivity; a
storage array shutdown; or operational error.
MetroCluster is an array-based, active-active clustered solution that eliminates the need for complex
failover scripts, server reboots, or application restarts. MetroCluster maintains its identity in the event of a
failure and thus provides application transparency in switchover and switchback events. In fact, most
MetroCluster customers report that their users experience no application interruption when a cluster
recovery takes place. MetroCluster provides the utmost flexibility, integrating seamlessly into any
environment with support for mixed protocols.
MetroCluster provides the following benefits:
• SAN and NAS host support
• Mixed controller deployments with AFF and FAS
• Integration with NetApp SnapMirror® technology to support asynchronous replication, distance, and
SLA requirements
• Support for synchronous replication over FC or IP networks
• Zero RPO and near-zero RTO
• MetroCluster is a no-charge feature built into ONTAP
• Mirror only what you need
• Support for third-party storage with NetApp FlexArray® technology
• Data efficiencies include deduplication, compression, and compaction

1.1 Target Audience

The audience for this document includes, but is not limited to, sales engineers, field consultants,
professional services personnel, IT managers, partner engineers, and customers who want to take
advantage of an infrastructure built to deliver resiliency and simplicity.

1.2 Data Protection with NetApp SyncMirror Technology

At the simplest level, synchronous replication means any change must be made to both sides of mirrored
storage. For example, an Oracle database commits a transaction, and data is written to a redo log on
synchronously mirrored storage. The storage system must not acknowledge the write until it has been
committed to nonvolatile media on both sites. Only then is it safe to proceed without the risk of data loss.
The use of synchronous replication technology is only the first step in designing and managing a
synchronous replication solution. The most important consideration is to know exactly what happens
during various planned and unplanned failure scenarios. Not all synchronous replication solutions offer
the same capabilities. When a customer asks for a solution that delivers a recovery point objective (RPO)
of zero (meaning zero data loss), we must think about failure scenarios. In particular, we must determine
the expected result when replication is impossible due to loss of connectivity between sites.

1.3 True HA Data Center with MetroCluster

MetroCluster replication is based on NetApp SyncMirror® technology, which is designed to easily switch
into and out of synchronous mode. This technology meets the requirements of a majority of customers
who demand synchronous replication under normal conditions. In the case of a partial failure such as a
backhoe event that severs all connectivity between sites, it is preferable to have the storage system
continue operating but in a nonreplicated state.
NetApp MetroCluster is ideal for organizations that require 24/7 operation for critical business
applications. By synchronously replicating data between NetApp AFF and/or FAS hybrid systems that are
colocated in the same data center, between buildings, across a campus, or across regions, MetroCluster

5 NetApp MetroCluster Solution Architecture and © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
transparently fits into any disaster recovery (DR) and business continuity strategy. In addition, third-party
storage systems are also supported with the NetApp FlexArray feature.

1.4 Campus, Metro, and Regional Protection

NetApp MetroCluster can also significantly simplify the design, deployment, and maintenance of campus
wide or metropolitanwide HA solutions, with distances of up to 700km between sites. During a total site
disruption, data services are restored at the secondary site in a matter of seconds with an automated
single command and no complex failover scripts or restart procedures.

1.5 Your Choice of Protection

Achieve new levels of flexibility and choice for business continuity. When deployed with ONTAP 9
software, MetroCluster allows you to scale from a two-node to an eight-node cluster (four nodes on each
end of the replication), even with a mix of AFF and FAS hybrid controllers. You can even choose which
storage pools or aggregates to replicate, so that you do not have to commit your full dataset to a
synchronous DR relationship.
Note: Synchronous replication over an FC network is supported with two-node, four-node, and eight-
node configurations. Synchronous replication over an IP network is currently only supported with
a four-node configuration.

1.6 WAN-Based DR
If your business is geographically dispersed beyond metropolitan distances, you can add NetApp
SnapMirror software to replicate data across your global network simply and reliably. NetApp SnapMirror
software works with your MetroCluster solution to replicate data at high speeds over WAN connections,
protecting your critical applications from regional disruptions.

1.7 Simplified Administration: Set It Once

Most array-based data replication solutions require duplicate efforts for storage system administration,
configuration, and maintenance because the replication relationships between the primary and secondary
storage arrays are managed separately. This duplication increases management overhead, and it can
also expose you to greater risk if configuration inconsistencies arise between the primary and secondary
storage arrays. Because MetroCluster is a true clustered storage solution, the active-active storage pair is
managed as a single entity, eliminating duplicate administration work and maintaining configuration

1.8 Application Transparency

MetroCluster is designed to be transparent and agnostic to any front-end application environment, and
few if any changes are required for applications, hosts, and clients. Connection paths are identical before
and after switchover, and most applications, hosts, and clients (NFS and SAN) do not need to reconnect
or rediscover their storage but instead automatically resume. SMB applications, including SMB 3 with
continuous availability shares, need to reconnect after a switchover or a switchback. This need is a
limitation of the SMB protocol.

2 Architecture
NetApp MetroCluster is designed for organizations that require continuous protection of their storage
infrastructure and mission-critical business applications. By synchronously replicating data between
geographically separated clusters, MetroCluster provides a zero-touch, continuously available solution
that guards against faults inside and outside of the array.

6 NetApp MetroCluster Solution Architecture and © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
2.1 MetroCluster Physical Architecture
MetroCluster configurations protect data by using two distinct clusters that are separated by a distance of
up to 700km. Each cluster synchronously mirrors the data and configuration information of the other.
Effectively, all storage virtual machines (SVMs) and their associated configurations are replicated.
Independent clusters provide isolation and resilience to logical errors.
If a disaster occurs at one site, an administrator can perform a switchover, which activates the mirrored
SVMs and resumes serving the mirrored data from the surviving site. In clustered Data ONTAP® 8.3.x
and later, a MetroCluster four-node configuration consists of a two-node HA pair at each site. This
configuration allows the majority of planned and unplanned events to be handled by a simple failover and
giveback in the local cluster. Full switchover to the other site is required only in the event of a disaster or
for testing purposes. Switchover and the corresponding switchback operations transfer the entire
clustered workload between the sites.
The MetroCluster two-node configuration has a one-node cluster at each site. Planned and unplanned
events are handled by using switchover and switchback operations. Switchover and the corresponding
switchback operations transfer the entire clustered workload between the sites.
Figure 2 shows the basic four-node MetroCluster configuration. The two data centers, A and B, are
separated by a distance of up to 300km with Interswitch links (ISLs) running over dedicated FC links. If
you are using a MetroCluster IP (MC-IP) deployment, the maximum distance is 700km. The cluster at
each site consists of two nodes in an HA pair. We use this configuration and naming throughout this
report. Review the section “Deployment Options” for the various deployment options.

Figure 2) Four-node MetroCluster deployment.

The two clusters and sites are connected by two separate networks that provide the replication transport.
The cluster peering network is an IP network that is used to replicate cluster configuration information
between the sites. The shared storage fabric is an FC connection that is used for storage and NVRAM
synchronous replication between the two clusters. For MC-IP, the fabric is IP based, and replication uses
both iWARP for NVRAM and iSCSI for disk replication. All storage is visible to all controllers through the
shared storage fabric.

2.2 Comparing MetroCluster FC and MetroCluster IP

MetroCluster IP (MC-IP) was introduced with ONTAP 9.3 and uses Ethernet/IP ISLs for the fabric, unlike
MetroCluster FC (MC-FC), which uses Fibre Channel ISLs. Additionally, MC-IP clusters use high-speed
Ethernet for both NVRAM and SyncMirror replication.

7 NetApp MetroCluster Solution Architecture and © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
MetroCluster IP has several features that offer reduced operational costs, including the ability to use site-
to-site links that are shared with other non-MetroCluster traffic (shared layer-2). Starting in ONTAP 9.7,
MetroCluster IP is offered without dedicated switches, allowing the use of existing switches as long as
they are compliant with the requirements for MetroCluster IP. For more information see the MetroCluster
IP Installation and Configuration Guide.
Table 1 summarizes the differences between these two configurations and indicates how data is
replicated between the two MetroCluster sites. For deployment options and switchover behavior, see the
section “Deployment Options” and the section 5, “Resiliency for Planned and Unplanned Events.”

Table 1) Compare MetroCluster FC and MetroCluster IP.

Function MetroCluster FC MetroCluster IP

MetroCluster fabric FC ISLs Ethernet/IP ISLs

Fabric fibre switches Two per site None

SAS bridges Two per site None

Fabric Ethernet switches None Two per site

FC-VI adapters Yes None

Number of adapters depends on

Fabric 25G/40G/100G Ethernet None One per node depending on

adapters platform
Adapter is used to replication both

Intercluster Switchless and switched Switchless and switched

Shelves Physically visible to both sites Not visible to remote clusters

NVRAM replication FC protocol IP/iWARP

SyncMirror replication FC protocol IP/iSCSI

Configuration replication services No changes No changes

MetroCluster size Two, four, and eight nodes Four nodes only

MetroCluster stretch Yes No

Advanced Disk Partitioning No Yes, for AFF only

2.3 HA and Remote Replication

In a two-node architecture, both HA failover and remote DR are accomplished by using MetroCluster
switchover and switchback functionality. Each node is an independent cluster functioning as both the HA
partner and a DR partner in the remote cluster. NVRAM is replicated to the remote partner, similar to a
four-node configuration.
The four-node and eight-node architectures provides both local HA failover and remote DR switchover.
Each node has an HA partner in the same local cluster and a DR partner in the remote cluster, as shown
in Figure 3. A1 and A2 are HA partners, as are B1 and B2. Node A1 and B1 are DR partners, as are A2
and B2. NVRAM is replicated to both the HA and the DR partner, as explained further in the section
“Campus, Metro, and Regional Protection.” The DR partner for a node is automatically selected when
MetroCluster is configured, and the partner is chosen according to system ID (NVRAM ID) order.

8 NetApp MetroCluster Solution Architecture and © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
Note: System ID is hardcoded and not changeable. You should note the system IDs before the cluster
is configured to create proper partnerships between local and remote peers.

Figure 3) HA and DR groups.

Figure 4 depicts an eight-node MetroCluster configuration and the DR group relationships. In an eight-
node deployment, there are two independent DR groups. Each DR group can support different hardware
as long as the hardware matches the local and remote clusters. For example, the hardware can be
different in each DR group; Group 1 could use an AFF A700, and Group 2 could use an FAS8200.

Figure 4) Eight-node DR groups.

9 NetApp MetroCluster Solution Architecture and © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
In an HA failover, one of the nodes in the HA pair temporarily takes over the storage and services of its
HA partner. For example, node A2 takes over the resources of node A1. Takeover is enabled by mirrored
NVRAM and multipathed storage between the two nodes. Failover can be planned, for example, to
perform a nondisruptive ONTAP upgrade, or it can be unplanned during a panic or hardware failure.
Giveback is the reverse process; the failed node resumes its resources from the node that took over.
Giveback is always a planned operation. Failover is always to the local HA partner, and either node can
fail over to the other.
In a switchover, one cluster assumes the storage and services of the other while continuing to perform its
own workloads. For example, if site A switches over to site B, the cluster B nodes take temporary control
of the storage and services owned by cluster A. After switchover, the SVMs from cluster A are brought
online and continue running on cluster B.
Switchover can be negotiated (planned), for example, to perform testing or site maintenance, or it can be
forced (unplanned) in the event of a disaster that destroys one of the sites. Switchback is the process in
which the surviving cluster sends the switched-over resources back to their original location to restore the
steady operational state. Switchback is coordinated between the two clusters and is always a planned
operation. Either site can switch over to the other.
It is also possible for a subsequent failure to occur while the site is in switchover. For example, after
switchover to cluster B, suppose that node B1 then fails. B2 automatically takes over and services all

2.4 MetroCluster Data Replication

Synchronous replication is the mechanism for providing a zero-RPO solution for the data between the two
sites. With synchronous replication, changes made at one site are automatically propagated to the other
site. The MetroCluster configuration achieves this goal by providing replication at three levels: storage
replication with NetApp SyncMirror software, NVRAM replication, and cluster configuration replication.

SyncMirror Storage Replication

An ONTAP system stores data in NetApp FlexVol® volumes that are provisioned from aggregates. Each
aggregate contains a NetApp WAFL® file system. In a configuration without MetroCluster, the disks in
each aggregate consist of a single or multiple RAID groups, known as a plex (Figure 5). The plex resides
in local storage attached to the controller.

Figure 5) Unmirrored aggregate: Plex0.

10 NetApp MetroCluster Solution Architecture and © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
In a MetroCluster configuration, each aggregate consists of two plexes that are physically separated: a
local plex and a remote plex (Figure 6). All storage is shared and is visible to all the controllers in the
MetroCluster configuration. The local plex must contain only disks from the local pool (pool0), and the
remote plex must contain only disks from the remote pool. The local plex is always plex0. Each remote
plex has a number other than 0 to indicate that it is remote (for example, plex1 or plex2).

Figure 6) MetroCluster mirrored aggregate.

Both mirrored and unmirrored aggregates are supported with MetroCluster starting with 9.0. However,
unmirrored aggregates are not currently supported with MC-IP. The –mirror true flag must therefore
be used when creating aggregates after MetroCluster has been configured; if it is not specified, the
create command fails. The number of disks that are specified by the -diskcount parameter is
automatically halved. For example, to create an aggregate with six usable disks, 12 must be specified as
the disk count. That way, the local plex is allocated six disks from the local pool, and the remote plex is
allocated six disks from the remote pool. The same process applies when adding disks to an aggregate;
twice the number of disks must be specified as are required for capacity.
The example in Figure 7 shows how the disks have been assigned to the aggregates. Each node has a
root aggregate and one data aggregate. Each root aggregate contains six drives for each node, assuming
two minimum shelves used per cluster, of which three are on the local plex and three are on the remote
plex. Therefore, the available capacity of the aggregate is three drives. Similarly, each of the data
aggregates contains 18 drives: nine local and nine remote. With MetroCluster and particularly with AFF,
the root aggregate uses RAID 4, and data aggregates use RAID DP® or RAID-TEC™.

Figure 7) Root and data aggregates.

In normal MetroCluster operation, both plexes are updated simultaneously at the RAID level. All writes,
whether from client and host I/O or cluster metadata, generate two physical write operations, one to the

11 NetApp MetroCluster Solution Architecture and © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
local plex and one to the remote plex, using the ISL connection between the two clusters. By default,
reads are fulfilled from the local plex.

Aggregate Snapshot Copies

Automatic aggregate NetApp Snapshot™ copies are taken, and, by default, 5% of aggregate capacity is
reserved for these Snapshot copies. These Snapshot copies are used as the baseline for resyncing the
aggregates when necessary.
If one plex becomes unavailable (for example, because of a shelf or storage array failure), the unaffected
plex continues to serve data until the failed plex is restored. The plexes are automatically resynchronized
when the failing plex is repaired so that both plexes are consistent. The type of resync is automatically
determined and performed. If both plexes share a common aggregate Snapshot copy, then this Snapshot
copy is used as the basis for a partial resync. If no common Snapshot copy is shared between the plexes,
then a full resync is performed.

NVRAM Cache Mirroring

In an ONTAP HA pair, each node mirrors its NVRAM to the other node by using the HA interconnect.
NVRAM is split into two segments, one for each node’s NVRAM. MetroCluster provides additional
mirroring; each node has a DR partner node on the other site, and the NVRAM is mirrored to the DR
partner over the ISL connection. Therefore, in a four-node configuration, each node’s NVRAM is mirrored
twice—to the HA partner and the DR partner—and each node’s NVRAM is split into four segments, as
shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8) NVRAM allocation.

Writes are staged to NVRAM before being committed to disk. A write operation is acknowledged as
complete to the issuing host or application after all NVRAM segments have been updated. In a four-node
configuration, this update includes the local NVRAM, the HA partner’s NVRAM, and the DR partner’s
NVRAM. Updates to the DR partner’s NVRAM are transmitted over the FC-VI (MC-FC) and over an
iWARP (MC-IP) connection through the ISL. FC-VI and iWARP traffic is prioritized over storage
replication by using switch quality of service.
If the ISL latency increases, write performance can be affected because it takes longer to acknowledge
the write to the DR partner’s NVRAM. If all ISLs are down, or if the remote node does not respond after a
certain time, the write is acknowledged as complete anyway. In that way, continued local operation is
possible in the event of temporary site isolation. The remote NVRAM mirror resynchronizes automatically
when at least one ISL becomes available. For more information about a scenario in which all ISLs have
failed, see the section “Stretch and Stretch-Bridged Configurations.”

12 NetApp MetroCluster Solution Architecture and © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
NVRAM transactions are committed to disk through a consistency point at least once every 10 seconds.
When a controller boots, WAFL always uses the most recent consistency point on disk. This approach
eliminates the need for lengthy file system checks after a power loss or system failure. The storage
system uses battery-backed-up NVRAM to avoid losing any data I/O requests that might have occurred
after the most recent consistency point. If a takeover or a switchover occurs, uncommitted transactions
are replayed from the mirrored NVRAM, preventing data loss.

2.5 Configuration Replication Services

A MetroCluster configuration consists of two ONTAP clusters. Each cluster maintains its own metadata or
configuration information, in an internal, highly resilient data structure known as the replicated database
(RDB). Because each cluster has its own RDB, there is isolation and thus protection against the
propagation of errors from one cluster to the other.
When switchover occurs, the stopped cluster’s metadata objects (SVMs, including their associated
protocol information, volumes, LUNs, export policies, and so on) are activated on the surviving cluster so
that the storage services continue to be available. This process means that these objects must have been
previously transferred from the owning cluster to the other cluster, ready for activation when needed. A
mechanism is required to transfer new and changed configuration objects from one cluster’s RDB to the
other RDB and to keep this information synchronized. The mechanism used for this transfer has three
• Cluster peering. This component uses the same peering method and intercluster logical interfaces
(LIFs) as are used with NetApp ONTAP SnapMirror and SnapVault® software with intercluster LIFs.
The connection between the two clusters is a customer-supplied TCP/IP connection, known as the
configuration replication network. For reliability, NetApp highly recommends redundant IP
connections with two intercluster LIFs per node.
• Configuration replication service (CRS). This service runs on each cluster. CRS replicates
required metadata objects from the owning cluster and stores them in the other cluster’s RDB.
• Metadata volumes (MDVs). MDVs are staging volumes for cluster metadata information. Two
volumes, each 10GB in size, are created on each cluster when MetroCluster is configured. Each
volume must be created on a separate non-root aggregate; therefore, at least two data aggregates
are recommended on each cluster before you configure MetroCluster. For resiliency, NetApp highly
recommends that each data aggregate be on a separate node. Refer to MetroCluster Installation and
Configuration Guide for additional details.
It is a core feature of MetroCluster that changes to the configuration of one cluster automatically
propagate to the other cluster so that switchover is achieved with zero data or configuration loss.
Example configuration changes include creating a new SVM or LIF or provisioning a volume or LUN in an
existing SVM.
Because the update is automatic, almost no ongoing administration is required that is specific to a
MetroCluster configuration. No administrator action is required as workloads are added to continue
automatic synchronous protection, and it is not possible to forget to protect a newly added or changed
storage resource. Whenever an object is created or updated, the information relating to that transaction is
logged in an MDV on the cluster that is performing the update. Changes are not committed to the local
RDB until the logging is complete. Updates are propagated near synchronously to the other cluster’s RDB
over the configuration replication network.
If changes cannot be propagated because of temporary errors in the configuration replication network, the
changes are automatically sent to the other cluster after connectivity is restored. Changes are sent by
replaying the logged transactions from the MDV. This catch-up in the configuration is automatic. If a
forced switchover is necessary when the network is down and there are unpropagated RDB updates, the
updates are processed from the mirrored copy of the MDV at the surviving site. To promote resiliency,
NetApp recommends redundant networks for the cluster configuration network.

13 NetApp MetroCluster Solution Architecture and © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
The MDVs are given system-assigned names and are visible on each cluster, as shown in the following
example. Because the command was issued from cluster A, the first two volumes that are listed are the
local MDVs with the state of online. The second two MDVs belong to cluster B (note their hosting
aggregate) and are offline unless a switchover is performed.
tme-mcc-A::> volume show -volume MDV*
Vserver Volume Aggregate State Type Size Available Used%
--------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- -----
tme-mcc-A MDV_CRS_cd7628c7f1cc11e3840800a0985522b8_A
aggr1_tme_A1 online RW 10GB 9.50GB 5%
tme-mcc-A MDV_CRS_cd7628c7f1cc11e3840800a0985522b8_B
aggr1_tme_A2 online RW 10GB 9.50GB 5%
tme-mcc-A MDV_CRS_e8fef00df27311e387ad00a0985466e6_A
aggr1_tme_B1 - RW - - -
tme-mcc-A MDV_CRS_e8fef00df27311e387ad00a0985466e6_B
aggr1_tme_B2 - RW - - -

2.6 Active-Active and Active-Passive Configurations

MetroCluster is automatically enabled for symmetrical switchover and switchback; that is, either site can
switch over to the other in the event of a disaster at either site. Therefore, an active-active configuration,
in which both sites actively serve independent workloads, is intrinsic to the product.
An alternative configuration is active-standby or active-passive, in which only one cluster (say, cluster A)
hosts application workloads in a steady state. Therefore, only one-way switchover from site A to site B is
required. The nodes in cluster B still require their own mirrored root aggregates and metadata volumes,
as described in the section “Configuration Replication Services” later in this document. If requirements
later change and workloads are provisioned on cluster B, this change from active-passive to active-active
does not require any change to the MetroCluster configuration. Any workloads (SVMs) that are defined at
either site are automatically replicated and protected at the other site.
Another supported option is active-passive in the HA pair, so that only one of the two nodes hosts
workloads. This option creates a very small configuration in which only a single data aggregate per
cluster is required.
MetroCluster preserves the identity of the storage access paths on switchover. LIF addresses are
maintained after switchover, and NFS exports and SMB shares are accessed by using the same IP
address. Also, LUNs have the same LUN ID, worldwide port name (WWPN), or IP address and target
portal group tag. Because of this preserved identity, the front-end network must span both sites so that
front-end clients and hosts can recognize the paths and connections. A layer 2 spanned Ethernet network
and a single SAN fabric across the two sites are required.

2.7 Unmirrored Aggregates

Beginning with ONTAP 9, MetroCluster configurations support unmirrored data aggregates for data that
does not require the redundant mirroring provided by MetroCluster configurations. Unmirrored aggregates
are not protected in the event of a site disaster and write I/O to these aggregates must be counted for
when sizing the ISLs.
Unmirrored aggregates are only supported on MetroCluster FC configurations. Unmirrored aggregates
are not supported on MetroCluster IP.
Figure 9 depicts the granular control of mirroring aggregates: SAP is mirrored to the Site B cluster, and
Oracle is mirrored to its Site A cluster. The Home User directory on Site A is not a critical aggregate, and
it is not mirrored to the remote cluster. In the event of a failure on Site A, this aggregate is not available.

14 NetApp MetroCluster Solution Architecture and © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
Figure 9) Unmirrored aggregates in MetroCluster.

When considering unmirrored aggregates in MetroCluster FC, keep in mind the following issues:
• In MetroCluster FC configurations, the unmirrored aggregates are only online after a switchover if the
remote disks in the aggregate are accessible. If the ISLs fail, the local node might be unable to
access the data in the unmirrored remote disks. The failure of an aggregate can lead to a reboot of
the local node.
• Drives and array LUNs are owned by a specific node. When you create an aggregate, all drives in
that aggregate must be owned by the same node, which becomes the home node for that aggregate.
• Aggregate names should conform to the naming scheme you determined when you planned your
MetroCluster configuration.
• The ONTAP Data Protection Guide contains more information about mirroring aggregates.

3 Deployment Options
MetroCluster is a fully redundant configuration with identical hardware required at each site. Additionally,
MetroCluster offers the flexibility of both stretch and fabric-attached configurations. Table 2 depicts the
different deployment options at a high level and presents the supported switchover features.

Table 2) Hardware requirements.

Fabric-Attached Configuration Stretch Configuration
IP Two-Node Two-Node
Feature Four-Node or
Configuration Two-Node Bridge- Direct-
Attached Attached
Number of
Four Four or eight Two Two Two
FC switch
No Yes Yes No No
storage fabric

15 NetApp MetroCluster Solution Architecture and © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
IP switch
Yes No No No No
storage fabric
No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Direct-attached Yes (local
No No No Yes
storage attached only)
Supports local
Yes Yes No No No
Yes (with
automatic Yes Yes Yes Yes
unmirrored No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Supports array
No Yes Yes Yes Yes

3.1 Stretch and Stretch-Bridged Configurations

A two-node MetroCluster stretch configuration uses only one node per site. Two-node supports both
stretch using SAS cables (Figure 10) and stretch bridged using SAS bridges to extend the distance inside
the data center, for example, between data halls, as noted in Figure 11. Stretch and stretch-bridged
deployments are ideal for data center deployments with total flexibility. Both deployments have reduced
infrastructure demands in terms of cabling, FC switches, and rack space.

Figure 10) Two-node stretch configuration.

16 NetApp MetroCluster Solution Architecture and © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
Figure 11) Two-node stretch-bridge configuration.

3.2 Fabric-Attached FC Configuration

Fabric-attached MetroCluster deployments provide the most flexibility to meet distance and controller
requirements, and this deployment method supports both AFF and FAS with distances up to 300km.
With a fabric-attached configuration, it is possible to deploy two-, four-, and eight-node MetroCluster
systems with any combination of hardware supported by MetroCluster. Table 2 highlights the supported
hardware for ONTAP 9.3. However, NetApp recommends that you review the NetApp Interoperability
Matrix Tool (IMT) for the latest supported hardware and software.
Note: Starting with ONTAP 9.6, the NetApp Hardware Universe contains maximums and platform
compatibility information. Older releases remain in the Interoperability Matrix Tool.
The following figures depict the different deployment options.
Figure 12 depicts a two-node MetroCluster deployment. The number of ISLs and switch types depend on
the distance between locations and the amount of write I/O required. Refer to the IMT and the ISL sizing
tool listed in the references for more information.

17 NetApp MetroCluster Solution Architecture and © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
Figure 12) Two-node fabric-attached deployment.

Figure 13 and Figure 14 depict the four-node and eight-node deployment options. For specific hardware
and ISL requirements, consult the IMT.

Figure 13) Four-node fabric-attached deployment.

18 NetApp MetroCluster Solution Architecture and © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
Figure 14) Eight-node fabric-attached deployment.

Figure 15 depicts the four-node MetroCluster fabric-attached IP deployment option.

Figure 15) Four-node MetroCluster IP.

4 Technology Requirements
This section covers the technology requirements for the MetroCluster FC and IP solution.

4.1 Hardware Requirements

The following tables list the hardware components that are required to implement the solution. The
hardware components that are used in any implementation of the solution might vary based on customer
deployment and whether MetroCluster FC or IP is desired.

19 NetApp MetroCluster Solution Architecture and © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
Table 3) MetroCluster FC and Stretch Hardware

Controllers Switches FC Bridged

FAS8200 • Cisco: FC, and FCIP switches ATTO 6500, ATTO 7500, and ATTO
• Brocade: FC and FCIP 7600

AFF A300

AFF A400

AFF A700

Table 4) MetroCluster IP Hardware

Controllers Switches
FAS2750 • Cisco: Ethernet
• Broadcom: Ethernet
(optionally without switches, except
FAS9000 A220/FAS2750)
AFF A220

AFF A300

AFF A320

AFF A700

AFF A800

4.2 Software Requirements

ONTAP is the only software component required to implement the solution. MetroCluster is a standard
ONTAP feature that does not require a separate license. Standard ONTAP licensing is used for client and
host side protocols or the additional capabilities for SnapMirror to protect data using an asynchronous
mirror or XDP to replicate data to a third cluster for backup data protection.

5 Resiliency for Planned and Unplanned Events

This section covers the different types of failures and disasters and how MetroCluster configuration
maintains availability, data protection, and remediation.

5.1 Single-Node Failure

Consider a scenario in which a single component in the local HA pair fails. In a four-node MetroCluster
configuration, this failure might lead to an automatic or a negotiated takeover of the impaired node,
depending on the component that failed. Data recovery is described in the ONTAP High-Availability
Configuration Guide. In a two-node MetroCluster configuration, this failure leads to an automatic
unplanned switchover (AUSO).

20 NetApp MetroCluster Solution Architecture and © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
5.2 Sitewide Controller Failure
Consider a scenario in which all controller modules fail at a site because of a loss of power, the
replacement of equipment, or a disaster. Typically, MetroCluster configurations cannot differentiate
between failures and disasters. However, witness software, such as the MetroCluster Tiebreaker
software, can differentiate between these two possibilities. A sitewide controller failure condition can lead
to an automatic switchover if ISLs and switches are up and the storage is accessible.
The ONTAP High-Availability Configuration Guide has more information about how to recover from
sitewide controller failures that do not include controller failures, as well as failures that include one or
more controllers.

5.3 ISL Failure

Consider a scenario in which the links between the sites fail. In this situation, the MetroCluster
configuration takes no action. Each node continues to serve data normally, but the mirrors are not written
to the respective DR sites because access to them is lost.

5.4 Multiple Sequential Failures

Consider a scenario in which multiple components fail in sequence. For example, a controller module, a
switch fabric, and a shelf fail in a sequence and result in a storage failover, fabric redundancy, and
SyncMirror sequentially protecting against downtime and data loss.
Table describes failure types and the corresponding DR mechanism and recovery method.
Note: AUSO is only supported on MetroCluster IP configurations when using ONTAP Mediator and
ONTAP 9.7 or later.

Table 5) Failure types and recovery methods.

Failure Type DR Mechanism Summary of Recovery Methods

Four-Node Two-Node Four-Node Two-Node

Configuration Configuration Configuration Configuration

Single-node failure Local HA failure AUSO Not required if After the node is
automatic failover restored, manual
and giveback are healing and
enabled. switchback by using
heal -phase
heal -phase
aggregates, and
commands are

Site failure MetroCluster switchover After the node is restored, manual healing
and switchback using the metrocluster
healing and metrocluster
switchback commands are required.

21 NetApp MetroCluster Solution Architecture and © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
Failure Type DR Mechanism Summary of Recovery Methods

Four-Node Two-Node Four-Node Two-Node

Configuration Configuration Configuration Configuration

Sitewide controller AUSO AUSO After the node is restored, manual healing
failure Only if the storage Same as single- and switchback using the metrocluster
at the disaster site node failure. healing and metrocluster
is accessible. switchback commands are required.

ISL failure No MetroCluster switchover. The two Not required for this type of failure. After
clusters independently serve their data. you restore connectivity, the storage
resynchronizes automatically.

Multiple sequential Local HA failover MetroCluster After the node is restored, manual healing
failures followed by forced switchover and switchback using the metrocluster
MetroCluster forced using the healing and metrocluster
switchover using metrocluster switchback commands are required.
the switchover -
metrocluster forced-
switchover - ondisaster
forced- command.
Note: Depending
on the component
that failed, a forced
switchover might
not be required.

5.5 Eight-Node and Four-Node Nondisruptive Operations

In the case of an issue limited to a single node, failover and giveback in the local HA pair provide
continued nondisruptive operation. In this case, the MetroCluster configuration does not require a
switchover to the remote site.
Because the eight-node or four-node MetroCluster configuration consists of one or more HA pairs at each
site, each site can withstand local failures and perform nondisruptive operations without requiring a
switchover to the partner site. The operation of the HA pair is the same as HA pairs in configurations
other than MetroCluster.
For four-node and eight-node MetroCluster configurations, node failures due to panic or power loss can
cause an automatic switchover.
If a second failure occurs after a local failover, the MetroCluster switchover event provides continued
nondisruptive operations. Similarly, after a switchover operation in the event of a second failure in one of
the surviving nodes, a local failover event provides continued nondisruptive operations. In this case, the
single surviving node serves data for the other three nodes in the DR group.

Consequences of Local Failover After Switchover

If a MetroCluster switchover occurs, and an issue then arises at the surviving site, a local failover can
provide continued, nondisruptive operation. However, the system is at risk because it is no longer in a
redundant configuration.

22 NetApp MetroCluster Solution Architecture and © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
If a local failover occurs after a switchover has occurred, a single controller serves data for all storage
systems in the MetroCluster configuration, leading to possible resource issues. The surviving controller is
also vulnerable to additional failures.

5.6 Two-Node Nondisruptive Operations

If one of the two sites suffer a panic failure, MetroCluster switchover provides continued nondisruptive
operation. If the power loss affects both the node and the storage, then the switchover is not automatic,
and there is a disruption until the metrocluster switchover command is issued.
Because all storage is mirrored, a switchover operation can be used to provide nondisruptive resiliency in
case of a site failure similar to that found in a storage failover in an HA pair for a node failure.
For two-node configurations, the same events that trigger an automatic storage failover in an HA pair
trigger AUSO. This fact means that a two-node MetroCluster configuration has the same level of
protection as an HA pair.

5.7 Overview of the Switchover Process

The MetroCluster switchover operation enables immediate resumption of services following a disaster by
moving storage and client access from the source cluster to the remote site. You must be aware of what
changes to expect and which actions you need to perform if a switchover occurs.
During a switchover operation, the system takes the following actions:
• Ownership of the disks that belong to the disaster site is changed to the DR partner. This situation is
similar to the case of a local failover in an HA pair in which ownership of the disks belonging to the
down partner is changed to the healthy partner.
• The surviving plexes that are located on the surviving site but belong to the nodes in the disaster
cluster are brought online on the cluster at the surviving site.
• The sync source SVM that belongs to the disaster site is brought down only during a negotiated
Note: This approach is applicable only to a negotiated switchover.
• The sync destination SVM belonging to the disaster site is brought up.
While being switched over, the root aggregates of the DR partner are not brought online.
The metrocluster switchover command switches over the nodes in all DR groups in the
MetroCluster configuration. For example, in an eight-node MetroCluster configuration, this command
switches over the nodes in both DR groups.
If you are only switching over services to the remote site, you should perform a negotiated switchover
without fencing the site. If storage or equipment is unreliable, you should fence the disaster site and then
perform an unplanned switchover. Fencing prevents RAID reconstructions when the disks power up in a
staggered manner.
Note: This procedure should be only used if the other site is stable and you do not intend to take it

5.8 Difference Between MetroCluster FC and IP Switchover

In MetroCluster IP configurations, the remote disks are accessed through the remote DR partner nodes
acting as iSCSI targets. Therefore, the remote disks are not accessible when the remote nodes are taken
down in a switchover operation. This approach results in differences with MetroCluster FC configurations:
• Mirrored aggregates that are owned by the local cluster become degraded.
• Mirrored aggregates that were switched over from the remote cluster become degraded.

23 NetApp MetroCluster Solution Architecture and © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
MetroCluster 9.5 introduces a new feature called Auto Heal for MetroCluster IP. This functionality
combines healing root and data aggregates in a simplified process when performing a planned switchover
and switchback such as DR testing.

5.9 ONTAP Mediator

ONTAP 9.7 includes a new MetroCluster IP solution for handling failures called ONTAP Mediator.
Additional functionality has been added to ONTAP, including the use of ONTAP Mediator to provide
AUSO capability for MetroCluster IP. ONTAP Mediator is installed on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux or
CentOS Linux physical or virtual server located in a separate (third) failure domain from the MetroCluster
For more information about the requirements for ONTAP Mediator and details about failures, see to the
MetroCluster IP Installation and Configuration Guide.
Note: Managing the same MetroCluster configuration with both Tiebreaker and ONTAP Mediator is not
supported. Only one of the products can be used to manage a MetroCluster configuration.

5.10 NetApp Tiebreaker

The MetroCluster Tiebreaker software alerts you if all connectivity between the sites is lost. The
MetroCluster Tiebreaker software supports all the MetroCluster configurations that are supported in
ONTAP 8.3 and 9.0 through 9.7.
The Tiebreaker software resides on a Linux host. You need Tiebreaker software only if you want to
monitor two clusters and the connectivity status between them from a third site. Doing so enables each
partner in a cluster to distinguish between an ISL failure, when intersite links are down, from a site failure.
Note: You should only have one MetroCluster Tiebreaker monitor per MetroCluster configuration to
avoid any conflict between multiple Tiebreaker monitors.
The NetApp MetroCluster Tiebreaker software checks the reachability of the nodes in a MetroCluster
configuration and the cluster to determine whether a site failure has occurred. The Tiebreaker software
also triggers an alert under certain conditions. MetroCluster Tiebreaker detects direct and indirect failures,
as shown in Figure 16, so that the Tiebreaker doesn’t initiate a switchover if the fabric is intact.

24 NetApp MetroCluster Solution Architecture and © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
Figure 16) MetroCluster Tiebreaker checks.

Detecting Failures with MetroCluster Tiebreaker

The Tiebreaker software resides on a Linux host. You need the Tiebreaker software only if you want to
monitor two clusters and the connectivity status between them from a third site. Doing so enables each
partner in a cluster to distinguish between an ISL failure, when intersite links are down, from a site failure.
After you install the Tiebreaker software on a Linux host, you can configure the clusters in a MetroCluster
configuration to monitor for disaster conditions.

Detecting Intersite Connectivity Failures

The MetroCluster Tiebreaker software alerts you if all connectivity between the sites is lost. The following
types of network paths are used by MetroCluster and monitored by MetroCluster Tiebreaker:
• FC networks. This type of network is composed of two redundant FC switch fabrics. Each switch
fabric has two FC switches, with one switch of each switch fabric co-located with a cluster. Each
cluster has two FC switches, one from each switch fabric. All the nodes have FC (NV interconnect
and FCP initiator) connectivity to each of the co-located FC switches. Data is replicated from cluster
to cluster over the ISL.

25 NetApp MetroCluster Solution Architecture and © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
• Intercluster peering networks. This type of network is composed of a redundant IP network path
between the two clusters. The cluster peering network provides the connectivity that is required to
mirror the SVM configuration. The configuration of all the SVMs on one cluster is mirrored by the
partner cluster.
• IP network. This type of network is composed of two redundant IP switch networks. Each network
has two IP switches, with one switch of each switch fabric co-located with a cluster. Each cluster has
two IP switches, one from each switch fabric. All the nodes have connectivity to each of the co-
located FC switches. Data is replicated from cluster to cluster over the ISL.

Monitoring Intersite Connectivity

The Tiebreaker software regularly retrieves the status of intersite connectivity from the nodes. If NV
interconnect connectivity is lost and the intercluster peering does not respond to pings, then the clusters
assume that the sites are isolated, and the Tiebreaker software triggers an “AllLinksSevered” alert. If a
cluster identifies the “AllLinksSevered” status and the other cluster is not reachable through the network,
then the Tiebreaker software triggers a “disaster” alert.

Components Monitored by Tiebreaker

The Tiebreaker software monitors each controller in the MetroCluster configuration by establishing
redundant connections through multiple paths to a node management LIF and to the cluster management
LIF, both hosted on the IP network.
The Tiebreaker software monitors the following components in the MetroCluster configuration:
• Nodes through local node interfaces
• The cluster through the cluster-designated interfaces
• The surviving cluster to evaluate whether it has connectivity to the disaster site (NV interconnect,
storage, and intercluster peering)
When there is a loss of connection between the Tiebreaker software and all the nodes in the cluster and
to the cluster itself, the cluster is declared to be “not reachable” by the Tiebreaker software. It takes
around three to five seconds to detect a connection failure. If a cluster is unreachable from the Tiebreaker
software, the surviving cluster (the cluster that is still reachable) must indicate that all of the links to the
partner cluster are severed before the Tiebreaker software triggers an alert.
Note: All the links are severed if the surviving cluster can no longer communicate with the cluster at the
disaster site through FC (NV interconnect and storage) and intercluster peering.

Tiebreaker Failure Scenarios

The Tiebreaker software triggers an alert when the cluster (all the nodes) at the disaster site is down or
unreachable and the cluster at the surviving site indicates the “AllLinksSevered” status.
The Tiebreaker software does not trigger an alert (or the alert is vetoed) in any of the following scenarios:
• In an eight-node MetroCluster configuration, if one HA pair at the disaster site is down.
• In a cluster with all the nodes at the disaster site down, one HA pair at the surviving site down, and
the cluster at the surviving site indicates the “AllLinksSevered” status. The Tiebreaker software
triggers an alert, but ONTAP vetoes that alert. In this situation, a manual switchover is also vetoed.
• Any scenario in which either the Tiebreaker software can reach at least one node or the cluster
interface at the disaster site or the surviving site can still reach either node at the disaster site through
either FC (NV interconnect and storage) or intercluster peering.

26 NetApp MetroCluster Solution Architecture and © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
6 Conclusion
The various deployment options for MetroCluster, including support for both FC and IP fabrics, provide
the most flexibility, a high level of data protection, and seamless front-end integration for all protocols,
applications, and virtualized environments.

Where to Find Additional Information

To learn more about the information described in this document, refer to the following documents and/or
• TR-4375: NetApp MetroCluster FC
• TR-4689: NetApp MetroCluster IP
• TR-3978: 64-Bit Aggregates: Overview and Best Practices
• MetroCluster IP 40Gb Switch Technical (NetApp Field Portal; login required)
• MetroCluster IP 100Gb Switch Technical (NetApp Field Portal; login required)
• MetroCluster FC Technical FAQ (NetApp Field Portal; login required)
• MetroCluster IP Technical FAQ (NetApp Field Portal; login required)
• MetroCluster IP and FC ISL Sizing Spreadsheet (NetApp Field Portal; login required)
• NetApp Interoperability Matrix Tool
• NetApp Hardware Universe
• NetApp MetroCluster Product Documentation
• NetApp MetroCluster Resources page
• NetApp ONTAP Resources page
• NetApp Product Documentation

27 NetApp MetroCluster Solution Architecture and © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
Refer to the Interoperability Matrix Tool (IMT) on the NetApp Support site to validate that the exact
product and feature versions described in this document are supported for your specific environment. The
NetApp IMT defines the product components and versions that can be used to construct configurations
that are supported by NetApp. Specific results depend on each customer’s installation in accordance with
published specifications.
Copyright Information
Copyright © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S. No part of this document covered
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Software derived from copyrighted NetApp material is subject to the following license and disclaimer:
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28 NetApp MetroCluster Solution Architecture and © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.

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