Holidays Aroundthe World Differentiated Close Read Unit Informational Texts

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Holidays Around the World

Around the World
This section includes everything you need to help your students
document their learning by making their own “passports”.

Each page in this section can be cut in half for 2 students (& for easy printing!) The
“dotted” rectangle on the left of each passport page can be used for stapling the
pages into a booklet format. If you choose to use book rings or fasteners instead you
can have students cut off these rectangles. These pages can be assembled as they
are or glued into construction paper booklets.

So, what’s included?

• 4 passport covers to choose from (1 full color version and 3 versions
that students color).
• A student “information” page to use in the front of the passport
• 3 passport pages for each country – A page with a summary of the
holiday celebrated in that country, a page with simple review questions,
and a page for students to summarize what they know about the
country’s holiday. You can have students use all 3 pages for each
country, you can differentiate the passport booklets for the different
needs of your students, or you can choose which pages to include.
• Blank passport pages for students to collect “stamps” as you learn
about each country.
• A page of colorful circles that include a symbol for the holiday and the
country name. These can be cut out and each student can glue one
“stamp” into their passport.
Cover pages, student information page, 3
passport pages per country, and circular
picture “stamps” for students to glue into
their passports are provided

3 options for Passport pages

are provided for each country
Holidays Holidays
Around the World Around the World


©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016 ©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016
Holidays Holidays
Around the World Around the World


©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016 ©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016
Holidays Holidays
Around the World Around the World


©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016 ©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016

©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016 ©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016
Full Name: Full Name:

Date of Birth: Date of Birth:

Signature: Signature:

©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016 ©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016
India India

In India a Hindu holiday called In India a Hindu holiday called

Diwali is celebrated. Diwali is Diwali is celebrated. Diwali is
five days long. It five days long. It
celebrates the beginning celebrates the beginning
of the new Hindu year. of the new Hindu year.
During Diwali people give During Diwali people give
thanks and celebrate. They thanks and celebrate. They
light lanterns, candles and light lanterns, candles and
fireworks. fireworks.
©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016 ©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016
India India

Holiday Celebrated: Holiday Celebrated:

_____________________________ _____________________________
This holiday marks the This holiday marks the
beginning of the: beginning of the:

_____________________________ _____________________________
During this holiday people During this holiday people
light many things such as: light many things such as:

_____________________________ _____________________________
©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016 ©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016
India India

Interesting facts about Interesting facts about

Diwali in India: Diwali in India:
_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________
©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016 ©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016
Italy Italy

Italy has many interesting Italy has many interesting

Christmas traditions. Christmas traditions.
Christmas celebrations Christmas celebrations
begin with the Novena and begin with the Novena and
last until the Epiphany. On last until the Epiphany. On
Christmas Eve La Bafana, Christmas Eve La Bafana,
a kind old witch, brings a kind old witch, brings
gifts to Italian children. gifts to Italian children.
©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016 ©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016
Italy Italy

Holiday Celebrated: Holiday Celebrated:

_____________________________ _____________________________
This holiday begins with This holiday begins with

______________ and ends with ______________ and ends with

_____________________________ _____________________________
Gifts are brought by: Gifts are brought by:

_____________________________ _____________________________
©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016 ©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016
Italy Italy

Interesting facts about Interesting facts about

Christmas in Italy: Christmas in Italy:
_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________
©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016 ©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016
Mexico Mexico

In Mexico people celebrate a In Mexico people celebrate a

holiday called Las Posadas. Las holiday called Las Posadas. Las
Posadas takes place for the 9 Posadas takes place for the 9
days before Christmas. During days before Christmas. During
Las Posadas Mexican people Las Posadas Mexican people
act out the way Mary and act out the way Mary and
Joseph tried to find shelter Joseph tried to find shelter
before Jesus was born. It before Jesus was born.. It
ends with a huge party. There ends with a huge party. There
is lots of food and a fun piñata is lots of food and a fun piñata
at the end of Las Posadas. at the end of Las Posadas.
©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016 ©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016
Mexico Mexico

Holiday Celebrated: Holiday Celebrated:

_____________________________ _____________________________
During this holiday people During this holiday people
act out: act out:
_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________
The holiday ends with: The holiday ends with:

_____________________________ _____________________________
©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016 ©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016
Mexico Mexico

Interesting facts about Interesting facts about

Las Posadas in Mexico: Las Posadas in Mexico:
_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________
©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016 ©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016
Israel Israel

Most people in Israel Most people in Israel

celebrate Hanukkah. celebrate Hanukkah.
Hanukkah is an 8 day long Hanukkah is an 8 day long
Jewish holiday. Lighting the Jewish holiday. Lighting the
menorah is an important menorah is an important
part of Hanukkah. A part of Hanukkah. A
menorah is a special candle menorah is a special candle
holder. It holds a candle to holder. It holds a candle to
light for each of the 8 nights light for each of the 8 nights
of Hanukkah and one extra of Hanukkah and one extra
“helper” candle. “helper” candle.
©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016 ©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016
Israel Israel

Holiday Celebrated: Holiday Celebrated:

_____________________________ _____________________________
The holiday is a: The holiday is a:

___________________ holiday. ___________________ holiday.

An important holiday An important holiday

tradition is: tradition is:

_____________________________ _____________________________
©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016 ©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016
Israel Israel

Interesting facts about Interesting facts about

Hanukkah in Israel: Hanukkah in Israel:
_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________
©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016 ©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia

In Saudi Arabia there is a In Saudi Arabia there is a

special time called Ramadan. special time called Ramadan.
Ramadan is a holy month for Ramadan is a holy month for
Muslim people. During Muslim people. During
Ramadan Muslim people say Ramadan Muslim people say
special prayers. They do not special prayers. They do not
eat or drink while the sun is eat or drink while the sun is
up. This is called ‘fasting’. up. This is called ‘fasting’.
During Ramadan people hang During Ramadan people hang
lanterns. At the end of lanterns. At the end of
Ramadan there is a special Ramadan there is a special
celebration. ©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016 celebration. ©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia

Holiday Celebrated: Holiday Celebrated:

_____________________________ _____________________________
The holiday is a: The holiday is a:

___________________ holiday. ___________________ holiday.

When the sun is up, people When the sun is up, people
do not: do not:

_____________________________ _____________________________
©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016 ©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia

Interesting facts about Interesting facts about

Ramadan in Saudi Arabia: Ramadan in Saudi Arabia:
_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________
©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016 ©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016
America America

Kwanzaa is a holiday that Kwanzaa is a holiday that

celebrates African culture. celebrates African culture.
Most of the people who Most of the people who
celebrate Kwanzaa live in celebrate Kwanzaa live in
America. Kwanzaa is 7 days America. Kwanzaa is 7 days
long. There are 7 symbols of long. There are 7 symbols of
Kwanzaa that stand for 7 Kwanzaa that stand for 7
important ideas. Each day important ideas. Each day
during Kwanzaa people focus during Kwanzaa people focus
on one idea. on one idea.
©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016 ©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016
America America

Holiday Celebrated: Holiday Celebrated:

_____________________________ _____________________________
Each day during this holiday Each day during this holiday
people focus on: people focus on:

_____________________________ _____________________________
This holiday lasts for: This holiday lasts for:

_____________________________ _____________________________
©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016 ©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016
America America

Interesting facts about Interesting facts about

Kwanza in America: Kwanza in America:
_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________
©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016 ©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016
Spain Spain

In Spain there is a special In Spain there is a special

Christian holiday that takes Christian holiday that takes
place after Christmas. On place after Christmas. On
January 6 they celebrate January 6 they celebrate
Epiphany. This is also called the Epiphany. This is also called the
“festival of the Three Magic “festival of the Three Magic
Kings”. This holiday Kings”. This holiday
remembers the three Wise remembers the three Wise
Men who brought gifts to the Men who brought gifts to the
baby Jesus after he was baby Jesus after he was
born. Children in Spain get gifts born. Children in Spain get gifts
from the three kings. from the three kings.
©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016 ©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016
Spain Spain

Holiday Celebrated: Holiday Celebrated:

_____________________________ _____________________________
The holiday remembers: The holiday remembers:

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________
Children in Spain get gifts Children in Spain get gifts
from: from:
_____________________________ _____________________________
©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016 ©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016
Spain Spain

Interesting facts about Interesting facts about

Epiphany in Spain: Epiphany in Spain:
_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________
©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016 ©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016
Sweden Sweden

In Sweden there is a special In Sweden there is a special

holiday called Santa Lucia. This holiday called Santa Lucia. This
special day honors Saint Lucy. special day honors Saint Lucy.
This is a holiday about kindness. This is a holiday about kindness.
Santa Lucia Day is on Santa Lucia Day is on
December 13. This is the December 13. This is the
darkest day of the year. darkest day of the year.
Early in the morning the oldest Early in the morning the oldest
daughter in the family dresses daughter in the family dresses
up as Saint Lucy. She wears a up as Saint Lucy. She wears a
crown of candles on her head crown of candles on her head
and makes a special breakfast and makes a special breakfast
for her parents. for her parents.
©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016 ©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016
Sweden Sweden

Holiday Celebrated: Holiday Celebrated:

_______________________________ _______________________________
On this holiday the oldest On this holiday the oldest
daughter in the family: daughter in the family:

_______________________________ _______________________________

_______________________________ _______________________________
This holiday takes place on: This holiday takes place on:

_______________________________ _______________________________
©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016 ©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016
Sweden Sweden

Interesting facts about Interesting facts about

Santa Lucia in Sweden: Santa Lucia in Sweden:
_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________
©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016 ©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016
Australia Australia

In Australia it is very hot In Australia it is very hot

during Christmas. Many during Christmas. Many
people in Australia celebrate people in Australia celebrate
Christmas with picnics on Christmas with picnics on
the beach. Santa brings the beach. Santa brings
presents to Australian presents to Australian
children. However, he lets his children. However, he lets his
reindeer rest when he gets reindeer rest when he gets
to Australia. Six strong to Australia. Six strong
kangaroos, called the Six kangaroos, called the Six
White Boomers pull Santa’s White Boomers pull Santa’s
sleigh. ©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016 sleigh. ©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016
Australia Australia

Holiday Celebrated: Holiday Celebrated:

_____________________________ _____________________________
During the holiday the During the holiday the
weather is very: weather is very:

_____________________________ _____________________________
In Australia, Santa’s sleigh is In Australia, Santa’s sleigh is
pulled by: pulled by:
_____________________________ _____________________________
©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016 ©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016
Australia Australia

Interesting facts about Interesting facts about

Christmas in Australia: Christmas in Australia:
_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________
©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016 ©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016
Germany Germany

In Germany Advent, the 4 In Germany Advent, the 4

weeks before Christmas, is a weeks before Christmas, is a
special time. December 6 is special time. December 6 is
another special day called St. another special day called St.
Nicholas Day. Children in Nicholas Day. Children in
Germany set out their shoes Germany set out their shoes
the night before and St. the night before and St.
Nicholas puts treats and gifts Nicholas puts treats and gifts
in their shoes while they sleep. in their shoes while they sleep.
Children in Germany get Children in Germany get
Christmas presents from Christmas presents from
either Father Christmas or either Father Christmas or
the Chriskind.. ©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016 the Chriskind.. ©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016
Germany Germany

Holiday Celebrated: Holiday Celebrated:

_______________________________ _______________________________
On St. Nicholas Day: On St. Nicholas Day:

_______________________________ _______________________________

_______________________________ _______________________________
Children in Germany get gifts Children in Germany get gifts
from: from:

_______________________________ _______________________________
©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016 ©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016
Germany Germany

Interesting facts about Interesting facts about

Christmas in Germany: Christmas in Germany:
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016 ©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016
©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016 ©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016
©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016 ©Sunny and Bright in First Grade- 2016
India India India India India

India India India India India

India India India India India

India India India India India

Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy

Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy

Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy

Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy

Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel

Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel

Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel

Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel

Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico

Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico

Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico

Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico

Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden

Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden

Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden

Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden Sweden

Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain

Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain

Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain

Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain

Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany

Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany

Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany

Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany

America America America America America

America America America America America

America America America America America

America America America America America

Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia

Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia

Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia

Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia

Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia
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