Blockchain Merged

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Roll No. :…………………………………….

Course/Branch : B Tech –IT Semester

Subject Name : Blockchain Architecture Design Max. Marks
Subject Code :KIT061
CO-1 : Describe the basic understanding of Blockchain architecture along with its primitive.
CO-2 : Explain the requirements for basic protocol along with scalability aspects.
CO-3 : Design and deploy the consensus process using frontend and backend.
CO-4 : Apply Blockchain techniques for different use cases like Finance, Trade/Supply and Government

Section A (CO-1)
1. Which of the following can define the concept of distributed shared memory, in the context of distributed
(a) Combination (logical) of virtual memories of the individual nodes
(b) Combination (logical) of physical memories of the individual nodes
(c) Combination (logical) of secondary memories of the individual nodes
(d) All of the above
Ans b
2. Which of the following properties define the capability of a system to adapt with the increase in the service
(a) Location Transparency
(b) Isolation
(c) Scalability
(d) Atomicity
Ans c
3. Which of the following is the main principle behind the property of isolation in multi-process execution over
an operating system?
(a) Either complete execution or no execution related to a process
(b) All processes will be executed as if it is the only process in the system
(c) A process can enter the critical section when it has obtained the response from all other processes
(d) The system remains consistent before and after executing the process
Ans b
4. Which of the following constitute(s) as the main component(s) of the meta-data for a block in blockchain?
(a) Transaction ID
(b) Previous Block Hash
(c) Merkle Root
(d) Mining Statistics
Ans b,c,d
5. Which of the following is a wrong statement about a cryptographic hash function:
(a) given the same message the hash function would return the same hash
(b) it is difficult to generate the original message from the hash
(c) a small change in the message does not impact the hash
(d) it is difficult to find two different messages with same hash
Ans c
6. Considering Bitcoin, after a new block is mined it is appended to ---
(a) the longest chain with maximum total work done over all the blocks
(b) the longest chain with maximum number of blocks
(c) the longest chain with maximum total amount of transaction done over all the blocks
(d) the longest chain with maximum number of transactions for all the blocks
Ans a
7. Which of the following property ensures that all local copies in the blockchain are updated and consistent?
(a) Privacy
(b) Consensus
(c) Security
(d) Authenticity
Ans b
8. Which of the following is used to ensure consensus in a Permissionless Blockchain Environment?
(a) Proof of Work
(b) Proof of Stake
(c) Paxos Consensus
(d) Byzantine Fault Tolerance
Ans a,b
9. Suppose, you are using RSA algorithm based cryptosystem to securely share the number of marbles that you
have currently with you, among your friends. The private key that you are using is (3,15). Your friends know
the corresponding public key is (11,15). One of your friends wants to share the exact amount of marble content
only to you. What are the maximal possible marbles that your friend can have so that he/she can secretly share
that to you?
(a) 14
(b) 15
(c) 16
(d) No such limit exists
Ans a
10. How does the pseudo-anonymity of a user is maintained in bitcoin?
(a) using the generated unique identifier based on the user’s email address
(b) using the generated unique identifier based on the user’s private key
(c) using the generated unique identifier based on the user’s public key
(d) using the generated unique identifier based on the user’s private and public key
Ans c
11. What is/are the content(s) of the block header in bitcoin?
(a) Merkle root
(b) Previous block header hash
(c) Next block’s Merkle root
(d) Target threshold nBits
Ans a,b,d
12. In distributed consensus, all the non-faulty individuals’ decision must be identical. This property is
(a) Termination
(b) Validity
(c) Integrity
(d) Agreement
Ans d
13. Which of the following components of the block header has to be obtained to satisfy the difficulty posed by
the blockchain network (consider PoW consensus mechanism)?
(a) Merkle tree root
(b) Nonce
(c) Timestamp
(d) Previous block hash
Ans d
14. Considering the Proof of Elapsed Time (PoET) adapted in Hyperledger Sawtooth framework, which of the
following mechanisms is used to ensure that the miner (or block leader) is a legitimate participant and not an
attacker and has waited for the random amount of time assigned by the network?
(a) By verifying the acquired stake that the user has obtained by consuming the given random amount of
(b) By verifying the amount of bitcoins send to a verifiable un-spendable address
(c) By ensuring that the trusted regions of the code are run in Trusted Execution Environments (TEE) and
the user cannot tamper it
(d) By ensuring that the nonce is very difficult to obtain and the user wastes enough time for it
Ans c
15. What are the primary assumptions behind a permissioned blockchain network?
(a) No need of consensus
(b) Users are not malicious
(c) Users are known apriori
(d) The network is closed
Ans c,d.

Section B (CO-2)
16. Which of the following ensure ordered sequential execution of transactions in a permissioned blockchain
(a) The incorporation of domain specific language (DSL)
(b) The underlying consensus algorithm
(c) The broadcasted state information
(d) None of the above
Ans b,c.
17. Suppose in a distributed network, running Paxos as the underlying consensus algorithm, has 3 proposers and
5 acceptors and 1 learner. Say, 3 of the acceptors have failed, which of the following is true about the network?
(a) A value gets accepted by default
(b) Someone else becomes proposer
(c) None of the proposers get a reply
(d) A new value gets proposed
Ans c
18. You have deployed 4-nodes at your company for performing your task in a distributed manner. Although
you consider that machine failure (fully failed) is more effective than the compromised failure, you use BFT
model. But somehow an attacker compromises one node and simultaneously another node is permanently failed.
In this situation, does your system correctly work?
(a) Yes with the remaining nodes
(b) Yes with all the nodes
(c) No
(d) All above
Ans c
19. You are planning to deploy a system which will work in a distributed environment. Based on the system
requirement, you need some kind of node identity and fixed size message content representation. However, any
node can transfer the message of any size. Which of the following consensus protocol is extremely suitable for
your system?
(b) RAFT
(c) BFT
(d) PBFT
Ans d
20. In an asynchronous environment with at most f faulty nodes, the minimum number of the similar response
needed for concluding the decision is:
(a) 3f+1
(b) 2f+1
(c) f+1
(d) f
Ans c
21. How does the blockchain model for business differ from bitcoin?
(a) The blockchain based business model uses the append-only system for storing record whereas bitcoin
uses the update-only system. The blockchain based business model provides user-specific accessibility
and data security whereas bitcoin only supports the later part. Anyone can join the bitcoin network, but
only permissioned entities join the enterprise network.
(b) The blockchain based business model uses the append-only system for storing record whereas bitcoin
uses the update-only system.
(c) The blockchain based business model provides user-specific accessibility and data security whereas
bitcoin only supports the later part.
(d) Anyone can join the bitcoin network, but only permissioned entities join the enterprise network.
Ans b,c.
22. Suppose, you are planning to integrate your company’s business processes with a blockchain-based
platform. What are key benefits you would highlight to your business for why a blockchain-based system will
be useful?
(a) The model is used internally to the company so it doesn’t have any risk of fraud.
(b) Blockchain helps automate process and interactions with other businesses, thereby reducing time for
operations. It helps eliminate or reduce the cost of intermediaries.
(c) None
Ans b,c.
23. You are planning to deploy a blockchain solution for your company. For deciding the proper business logic
and the transaction format, you need:
(a) Blockchain Architect
(b) Blockchain Developer
(c) Blockchain Network Operator
(d) Blockchain User
Ans a
24. The data structure World state is used for storing:
(a) the output of all the transactions
(b) the most recent version of the state operated on by transactions
(c) all the information of the recent transactions
(d) all the information of the transactions
Ans b
25. At what stage(s) in the transaction flow can the endorsement policies be validated ?
(a) Proposal Submission to the peers.
(b) Submit Collated Responses to the Orderer.
(c) Orderer creates the block of transactions.
(d) Peer commits the block of transactions.
Ans b,d.
26. Here is the ordered sequence of transactions in a block – T1 (K1=V1, K2=V2), T2(K3=V3),
T3(K2=V4,K4=V4), T4(K5=V1,K6=V2). The (Ki = Vi) values denote keys and corresponding values written
by the transaction. Which of the following transactions in the block would be rejected during validation by the
(a) T1
(b) T2
(c) T3
(d) T4
Ans c
27. What are the keywords used in the modelling language to define resources?
(a) optional
(b) default
(c) concepts
(d) identity
Ans a,b
28. How many namespaces are allowed in the model definition file?
(a) One per cto file
(b) Many per cto file
(c) One across all cto files
(d) One across bna file
Ans a
29. What command is used to retrieve the certificates of a given user?
(a) composer identity request
(b) composer identity issue
(c) composer identity bind
(d) composer identity list
Ans a
30. What are the different components defined in cto file?
(a) description of events
(b) prototype of transaction processors
(c) description of assets
(d) All of the above
Ans d
Section C (CO-3)
31. The gossip-based data dissemination protocol performs which of the following functions on a Hyperledger
Fabric network :
(a) Manages peer discovery and channel membership
(b) Disseminates only transactions across all peers on a channel
(c) Brings newly connected peers up to speed
(d) Identify invalid blocks on the blockchain
Ans a,c.
32. What is the correct sequence of events to add a new organization to an existing Hyperledger Fabric
(a) channel update, update config, fetch channel genesis block, peer join channel
(b) fetch channel genesis block, update config, channel update, peer join channel
(c) update config, channel update, fetch channel genesis block, peer join channel
(d) update config, fetch channel genesis block, channel update, peer join channel
Ans c
33. Which of the following help in providing abstractions in Hyperledger Fabric allow to provide confidentiality
to individual ledgers ?
(a) Ordering Services
(b) Peers
(c) Channels
(d) Endorsement Policies
Ans c
34. Which of the following is not defined in the configtx.yaml of the Hyperledger Fabric Network ?
(a) Number of users per organization
(b) Type of Orderer
(c) Node endpoints
(d) Channel Profiles
Ans a
35. What function do the Orderer’s play in the Hyperledger Fabric Network ?
(a) Verify endorsement policy .
(b) Open and verify the ReadWrite set of transactions.
(c) Order transactions in a block.
(d) Send Block Events to client applications
Ans c
36. Which of the following chaincode transactions not update the ledger ?
(a) Instantiate
(b) Init
(c) Invoke
(d) Query
Ans d
37. What is the role of Hyperledger Composer in an Enterprise Blockchain application?
(a) Provides a way to define the MSP.
(b) Provides a way to define the business transactions.
(c) Provides a way to view the transactions blocks in the blockchain.
(d) Provides a way to configure the blockchain network nodes
Ans b
38. Which of the following is not a component of Hyperledger Composer software?
(a) REST Server
(b) Composer CLI
(c) Hyperledger Fabric
(d) SDK
Ans c
39. The mapping details of the participants and the Hyperledger Fabric identity is stored in:
(a) Participant registry
(b) Identity registry
(c) Access Control List
(d) An external datastore
Ans b
40. What are the examples of public Blockchain Networks?
(a) Ripple
(b) Quorom
(c) Ethereum
(d) Hyperledger Fabric
Ans a,c.
41. Which of the following is not a valid permission level in a Fabric network channel?
(a) Reader
(b) Endorser
(c) Writer
(d) Operator
Ans b
42. Which consensus algorithm is used by Hyperledger Indy?
(a) Redundant Byzantine Fault Tolerance
(b) Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance
(c) Proof of Stake
(d) Proof of Work
Ans a
43. Which of the following allow for privacy in Hyperledger fabric?
(a) Peers
(b) MSPs
(c) Channels
(d) Smart Contracts
Ans c
44. For performing rich queries on state data in Hyperledger Fabric, which of the following databases can be
(a) LevelDB
(b) CouchDB
(c) Postgresql
(d) All of them
Ans b
45. How the timestamp is maintained in the Audit Trails of the BigChainDB?
(a) By the creation of the transaction using the metadata of the input data
(b) By creating the transaction with a specialized hash
(c) By writing the transaction (created using a hash and metadata) to the blockchain
(d) None
Ans c
Section D (CO-4)
46. What makes a good blockchain use case?
a. There is mistrust between the business entities in the ecosystem
b. There is no transparency within the different departments within the same business entity
c. Current solution does not provide consensus and provenance required by the business process
d. Business network has a single entity for governance
Ans a,c
47. What are the advantages of using blockchain based solutions in Trade Finance?
(a) Automation of business workflow across organizations
(b) Selective view of contract terms and status of goods
(c) Restricted access to the documents used in the business workflow
(d) Inability to modify the contract terms
Ans a,c
48. How will blockchain help in solving the existing issues in KYC process?
(a) Avoid replication of effort
(b) Transition from weekly auditing to daily auditing
(c) Tracking changes to the documents
(d) Validation from Government authorities would not be required
Ans a,c.
49. What are the problems faced in Global Trade Logistics that blockchain can help address?
(a) A single of source information is available using the same format
(b) Stakeholders only have access to their own data
(c) Manual processes are cumbersome and inefficient
(d) Shipments get delayed in transit for a variety of reasons
Ans b,c
50. The Blockchain based solution for Food Traceability and Safety will give the following benefits:
(a) Optimization of business process flow
(b) Reduction of food recalls by increased traceability
(c) Food ownership and transparency
(d) All of the above
Ans d
51. The blockchain can address the errors in the current supply chain by:
(a) Automatically tracking the information and verifying it using the smart contracts
(b) Prevent member organisations from colluding to commit fraud
(c) Maintains synchronised information across member organisations
(d) Allows everyone including non-member organisations to view information and transact on data
Ans a,c
52. How can blockchain help manage data across different levels of governance?
(a) Provide different role-based access policies across different levels
(b) Provide centralized data management at the national level
(c) Provide a way for the data to be altered without colluding majority of the blocks
(d) Provide classification of data based on importance
Ans a,d
53. What are the issues faced during processing of Government Data?
(a) Data Redundancy
(b) Data Thefts
(c) Data Discrepancy
(d) All of the above
Ans d
54. How can blockchain help in resolving the Government’s information sharing system?
(a) All stakeholders have a copy of the entire database
(b) Controls access and verification of central database
(c) Prevents unauthorized alteration of data
(d) Users can directly access the central database
Ans b,c.
55. What are the pitfalls of storing data in a centralized database for Audit and Compliance use case?
(a) The centralized database server can be hacked
(b) The database administrator can tamper the data
(c) The access to the centralized database server can be prevented by putting it behind the firewall
(d) The centralized server will have poor data processing performance
Ans a,b
56. What are the advantages of using Blockchain for Identity Management?
(a) The record keeping agency can over-ride the user’s consent for sharing identity details
(b) User gives consent for sharing identity details
(c) The government controls user identity attributes and profiles
(d) Automated verification of identity through smart contract with revelation of the identity data
Ans b
57. What does non-repudiation mean in terms of security considerations in blockchain platform?
(a) A logic is executed only after it is requested by an authorized entity
(b) Correct and consistent transactions
(c) Entities are accountable and cannot deny transactions they have performed
(d) Scalable to large systems
Ans c
58. Each key block contains the previous block reference as:
(a) Previous key block
(b) Previous microblock
(c) Either previous key block or microblock
(d) Both the previous key block and microblock
Ans c
59. How is validation performed for data written to SideDB?
(a) The private read-write set contains the hash of the keys, and the version corresponding to them is
(b) The private read-write set contains the keys and not the value, and the corresponding version on the
keys is checked
(c) The private read-write set contains both the keys and their values, and the corresponding version is
(d) The private read-write set contains both the keys and the hash of the keys, and the version
corresponding to them are checked
Ans a
60. The smart contracts in CORDA:
(a) Can only be written in kotlin and java
(b) Contract can produce different results in different peers
(c) Can only access the data supplied in the transaction
(d) Transaction can have only a single state
Ans c
1. Which of the following industry can use blockchain technology for cybersecurity?
a. Logistics
b. Healthcare
c. Critical Infrastructure
d. All of the above

2. The block time is the average time it takes for the network to generate one extra block in the

c. Can be true or false
d. Can not say
 3. Public-key cryptography is also known as ?

a. asymmetric cryptography
b. symmetric cryptography
c. Both A and B
d. None of the above
4. In public key cryptosystem which is kept as public?

a. Decryption keys
b. Encryption keys
c. Encryption & Decryption keys
d. None of the above

5. Private key algorithm is used for _____ encryption and public key algorithm is used for _____ encryption.

a. Messages, session key

b. Session key, messages
c. can be used for both
d. None of the above

6. Who would be the blockchain network consortium members in the citizen Identity solution?

a. Insurance Companies
b. Government Identity Providers
c. Retail Stores
d. Health Care

7. What data should be the part of the blockchain ledger for property transactions?

a. Property Records (all clearance, certificates etc) along with proof of certification.
b. Bank account details of the buyer and seller
c. Sale deed of the property
d. All of the above
8. Which of these is not a valid example of identity fraud?

a. someone opens a social account using your social history

b. someone accesses an online shopping website using your personal information.
c. Academic institute accesses their student’s current academic record.
d. A banker uses your banking details for his own purpose.
9. How does storing data in blockchain help in audit and compliance use case?

a. any changes to the data will be logged in the blockchain.

b. records can be aggregated from multiple departments.
c. both a and b
d. None of the above.

10. Blockchain in energy markets helps in following ways:

a. provides a single view of demand and supply of power

b. provides secure and real time update of the energy consumption data.
c. ensures reduction in errors in the generation of electricity bill.
d. all of the above

11. How is energy assetized in Grid chain?

a. it is done by crypto token.

b. it is done by exchanging money.
c. it is not done by crypto token and exchanging money.
d. None of the above.

12. What are the advantages of using blockchain for GST collection?

a. automatic tax payment to the tax authority

b. tamper proof invoice generation based on the taxes already levied.
c. transactions are done in real time.
d. all of the above.

13. How does the blockchain ensure the tampered proof of the data in the defence scenario?

a. only privileged information(no one is accessing information which is not intended for them) has
been accessed by the respective authority.
b. the transaction information written once in the system cannot be modified in the blockchain.
c. None of the above
d. Both a and b

14. How can blockchain help manage data across different levels of governance?
(e) Provide different role-based access policies across different levels
(f) Provide centralized data management at the national level
(g) Provide a way for the data to be altered without colluding majority of the blocks
(h) Provide classification of data based on importance

15. What does non-repudiation mean in terms of security considerations in blockchain platform?
(e) A logic is executed only after it is requested by an authorized entity
(f) Correct and consistent transactions
(g) Entities are accountable and cannot deny transactions they have performed
(h) Scalable to large systems
Univ. Roll No:

KIET Group of Institutions

(Information Technology)
Btech, VI Sem

Q. No. Question Marks CO BL

1. Which of the following is popularly used for storing 2 1 1
(a) Pocket
(b) Wallet
(c) Money Box
(d) Full Stack

2. Which of the state of US introduced the BitLicense 2 1 1

regulation for cryptocurrency
(a) New York
(b) California
(c) Texas
(d) Washington
3. Cryptographic Hash Function transforms an arbitrary 2 1 2
length of a fixed length
string that act more or less as a Fingerprint of the
(b) False

4. What does the block in the blockchain consist of? 2 1 3

 (a) Transaction data
(b) A Hash point
 (c) A Timestamp
(d) All of these
5. After 10 Minutes a new block is formed that contains latest 2 1 3
(b) False
6. What is not a ledger type considered by users in 2 1 2
(a) Distributed Ledger
(b) Decentralized Ledger
(c) Both a and b
(d) None of these
7. What time did Bitcoin Network Start? 2 1 1
(a) January 2009
(b) September 2001
(c) November 2008
8. Where is the bitcoin central server located? 2 1 1
(a) Washington DC
(b) Undisclosed Location
(c) London
(d) None of these
9. What does a ledger in blockchain does? 2 1 2
(a) Mapping between owner and object
(b) Identification of objects owned
(c) Identification of owners
10.  Which of the following is important for Blockchain 2 1 2
(a) Database Security
(b) Auditing
(c) Planning

11. How often does Bitcoin ledger reconcile 2 1 3

(a) Every day
(b) Every 3 months
(c) Every 3 Minutes
(d) Every 10 Minutes
12. Which of the following is first distributed blockchain 2 1 1
(a) Bitcoin
(b) Ethereum

13. Bitcoin is based on ________ blockchain? 2 1 2

(a) Private
(b) Public 
(c) Public Permissioned
(d) Permissioned

14. Blockchain can be stored as which of the following? 2 1 1

(a) A flat file
(b) A Database
(c) Both of the above
(d) None of the above

15. In blockchain, blocks are linked ________? 2 1 4

(a) Backward to the previous block 
(b) Forward to next block
(c) Not linked with each other
16. The primary benefit of immutability is…................... 2 1 2
(a) Scalability
(b) Improved Security
(c) Tamper Proof
(d) Increased Efficiency

17. Hash identifying each block in the Blockchain is generated 2 1 2

using which of the following
cryptographic algorithm?
(a) SHA128
(b) SHA256
18. 2 1 4
Blockchain is the same as Bitcoin.
(a) True 
(b) False 

19. Blockchain forks can result in which of the following? 2 1 3

(a) Multiple parent blocks
(b) Multiple children blocks

20. Which of the following is asymmetric encryption 2 1 5

(a) Blowfish

(b) Twofish
(c) RSA
(d) Tripple DES

21. What is a node? 2 1 4

a) type of cryptocurrency

b) Blockchain

c) computer on a Blockchain network

d) an exchange

22. ____________ is a process which verifies the identity of a 1 4

user who wants to access the system.
a) Authentication
b) Non-repudiation
c) Integrity
d) None of the above

23. What does P2P stand for? 2 1 5

a) Password to Password
b) Peer to Peer
c) Product to Product
d) Private Key to Public Key

24. What is a miner? 2 1 3

a)A type of blockchain
b) An algorithm that predicts the next part of the chain
c) A person doing calculations to verify a transaction
d) Computers that validate and process blockchain

25. Which is NOT a part of asymmetric encryption? 2 1 2

a) Mining
b) Public key
c) Passphrase
d) Private Key

26. What is a dApp? 2 1 1

a) A type of Cryptocurrency
b) A condiment
c) A type of blockchain
d) A decentralized application

27. What is the term for when a blockchain splits? 2 1 3

a)A fork
b)A merger
c)A sidechain
d)A division

28. What is the purpose of a nonce? 2 1 3

a)Follows nouns
b)A hash function
c)Prevents double spending
d)Sends information to the blockchain network

29. What is a genesis block? 2 1 2

a)The first block of a Blockchain

b)A famous block that hardcoded a hash of the Book of Genesis
onto the blockchain
c)The first block after each block halving
d)The 2nd transaction of a Blockchain

30. What is a private key? 2 1 3

a) A key on your key chain

b) A key given to the public
c) A key NOT to be given to the public
d) A key that opens a secret door

31. Asymmetric encryption uses: 2 1 2

a) Public keys only

b) Private keys only
c) Public and Private keys
d) Proof of Stake

32. What is Proof of Stake? 2 1 3

a) A certificate needed to use the blockchain

b) A password needed to access an exchange
c) How private keys are made
d) A transaction and block verification protocol

33. What is the name of the research paper that brought Bitcoin to 2 1 4
the world?

a)Black Paper
b)White Paper
c)Yellow Paper
d)Green Paper

34. When a record is on a blockchain, who can access it? 2 1 2

a)Multiple people simultaneously.

b)One person at a time.
c)Only the people involved in the transaction.
35. Once records are submitted on a blockchain, can they be 2 1 3

a)Yes – the parties can go back in and alter them at any time.
b) Yes – but only within a certain time frame.
c) No – they cannot be altered.

36. Is it possible to program a blockchain to record transactions 2 1 2



37. What is the process of creating new bitcoins popularly known 2 1 2



38. Which of the following is the permissioned Blockchain 2 1 3

c) Hybrid
39. Which of the following is the permissionedless Blockchain 2 1 3



c) Hybrid


40. Hyperledger Fabric is an example of 2 1 3

a)Public Blockchain

b)Private Blockchain

c) Hybrid Blockchain

d)Federated Blockchain

41. IBM food Trust is an example of 2 1 3

a)Public Blockchain
b)Private Blockchain

c) Hybrid Blockchain

d)Federated Blockchain

42. Dragonchain is an example of 2 1 3

a)Public Blockchain

b)Private Blockchain

c) Hybrid Blockchain

d)Federated Blockchain

43. Litecoin is an example of 2 1 3

a)Public Blockchain

b)Private Blockchain

c) Hybrid Blockchain

d)Federated Blockchain

44. Ethereum is an example of 2 1 3

a)Public Blockchain

b)Private Blockchain

c) Hybrid Blockchain

d)Federated Blockchain

45. Is Blockchain Fully Public? 2 1 2

a) Yes
b) No
c) It Depends
46. In cryptography, what is cipher? 2 1 1
a) algorithm for performing encryption and decryption
b) encrypted message
c) both algorithm for performing encryption and decryption and
encrypted message
d) decrypted message

47. In asymmetric key cryptography, the private key is kept by 2 1 4

a) sender
b) receiver
c) sender and receiver
d) all the connected devices to the network
48. Cryptographic hash function takes an arbitrary block of 2 1 4
data and returns _________
a) fixed size bit string
b) variable size bit string
c) both fixed size bit string and variable size bit string
d) variable sized byte string
49. Public Key system is Useful Because 2 1 5
a) It uses two Keys
b) there is no key distribution problem as public key
can in a commonly accessible database
c) private key can be kept secret
d) It is a symmetric key system.
50. A digital signature is a mathematical technique which validates? 2 1 5

a) authenticity
b) integrity
c) Non-repudiation
d) All of the above

51. What is the core requirement for a business blockchain? 2 1 2

a) Optimized cryptographic mining

b) Technical services, business services and solution

c) A new cryptocurrency (x)

d) Shared ledger, smart contract, privacy and trust

52. What is the name of the open source blockchain technology to 2 1 3

which IBM is contributing code?

a) All of the above

b) Linux Foundation Hyperledger

c) IBM Hyperledger
d) IBM Blockchain

53. Which of the following statements are true about transactions in 2 1 3

a business blockchain?

a) Transactions are endorsed by a subset of business network


b) They are added to the ledger with appropriate confidentiality.

c) They cannot be modified.

d) All of the above

54. Which of these items are an example of an asset? 2 1 2

a) A digital music file

b) A mortgage

c) A car

d) All of the above

55. Which of these facts about a ledger is not correct? 2 1 1

a) A ledger is used purely for reporting of cash

b) A ledger is a system of record

c) A ledger consists of transactions, often governed by contracts

d) A ledger describes the inputs and outputs of a business

56. Which benefits of a blockchain-enabled business network 2 1 1

engender trust?

a) Scalable, reliable, secure, maintanable

b) Modern, ideally suitable to digital transformation, social

c) Consensus, provenance, immutability and finality
57. What is bitcoin? 2 1 2

a) SA private network

b) An unregulated censorship resistant shadow currency

c) Another name for blockchain

d) The technology that underpins Hyperledger

58. Which statement characterizes the core requirement for a 2 1 2

business blockchain?

a) Technical services, business services and solution

b) Optimized cryptographic mining

c) A new cryptocurrency

d) Shared ledger, smart contract, privacy services, and trust

59. What is a smart contract? 2 1 3

a) A legal contract written in constrained English

b) A cognitive contract

c) Business rules implied by the contract embedded in


d) None of these

60. Which of the following statements is false? 2 1 1

a) Blockchain can help improve provenance for an asset

b) Blockchain adds a cognitive analytics ability to the asset
supply chain

c) Blockchain captures a record of every committed transaction

in chronological order

d) Blockchain provides a smart contract feature that can be used

to model assets of any description

61. Which type of use case is a good place to start a blockchain 2 1 2


a) Citizen-owned identity

b) Digital currency

c) Compliance ledger, such as Asset Management

d) International equities exchange

62. What is the appropriate use of business blockchain? 2 1 1

a) A more efficient transaction processing system across a

business network

b) Modern, cognitive and transformational fabric for the 21st

century and beyond

c) To make low value, high volume micro payment systems

more efficient
d) None of these

63. Which of these areas IBM is not investing in? 2 1 4

a) Cryptocurrency: developing a currency suitable for


b) Making business blockchain real for customers

c) Hosting and support with value added services provision

d) Technology: contributing to the business blockchain

64. What is Ethereum? 2 1 2

a)The name of a public blockchain

b)The name of a peer to peer network

c)A commercial blockchain-based protocol featuring a smart

contract manager

d)An open-source blockchain-based distributed computing

platform featuring smart contract functionality.

65. What are the main cryptographic concepts in blockchain? 2 1 2

a)Hashing and public key
b)Login and digital signature
c)Hashing and digital signature
d)Pin code and hashing

66. When is there a consensus? 2 1 4

a)When, in a smart contract, the private key and the public key

b)When the value of a bitcoin proposed by a seller is accepted

by a buyer

c)When several nodes (usually most nodes on the network)

all have the same blocks in their locally-validated best

d)When a smart contract executes the rules agreed by all parties

67. What are the different types of blockchain? 2 1 3

a)Public, private, generic

b)Public, secret, consortium

c)Generic, secret, consortium

d)Public, private, consortium

68. What is an advantage of a public blockchain? 2 1 5

A) It does not use disinterested third parties to secure blocks, as

all participants have a vested interest.

B) It is more resilient against fraud, because it uses federated

nodes to combat fraud.

C) It is open to everyone in the world without permission

and licensing requirements.

D) Its networks are built by for-profit companies and the

working of the network is guaranteed.

69. What is an example of the use of cryptography in a blockchain? 2 1 4

A) Accessing private or hybrid blockchains by using a private


B) Creating cryptocurrency as a reward for mining nodes

C) Keeping blockchains secure from 51% attacks by corrupt


D) Securing transfers of cryptocurrency between recipients

70. How do hybrid blockchain networks combat 51% attacks? 1 4

A) Through a central controller ensuring the security of

each node in the network

B) Through a Proof of Work (PoW) algorithm, which

allows miners to secure the network

C) Through incentivization, where miners receive currency

for securing the network

D) Through Merkle tree roots, that allow the network

to restore itself to its last valid block

71. Which description fits only the Proof of Work (PoW) 2 1 5

consensus algorithm?

A) A collaborative consensus algorithm, where approved

accounts do the validation.

B) A collaborative consensus algorithm that is facilitated

by farmers, who offer leftover memory of their

computer to make transactions possible.

C) A consensus algorithm, where the validation is done for

the entire transaction flow, including not only

the correctness, but also the sequence of transactions.

D) An intensive and expensive, competitive algorithm

where each mining node on the blockchain is

competing to secure blocks.

72. How can information be secured in a blockchain? 2 1 3

A) By using a closed peer-to-peer (P2P) network, sharing

information across platforms

B) By using a distribution of cryptocurrencies over miners

through the network

C) By using asymmetric cryptography, consisting of a

public and private key

D) By using distributed ledger technology (DLT), which

records transactions at the source

73. In what way do blockchains use a public witness? 2 1 2

A) A digital courthouse or library acts as a public witness to
store information to reference.

B) A node on a blockchain network attests to the accuracy

and truthfulness of information.

C) A person sends a transaction over a public network to earn

rewards as a public witness.

D) A preferred node can be elected to attest to the accuracy and

truthfulness of information

74. An organization wants to develop smart contracts, based on 2 1 1

blockchain technology. The

organization does not wish to burden employees with

maintaining the security of the blockchain.

What blockchain technology fits the organization best?

A) A hybrid blockchain

B) A private blockchain

C) A public blockchain

75. Why is blockchain described as the technology that adds a layer 2 1 3

of trust to the internet?

A) It allows individuals and groups to work together without

having to trust each other or establish


B) It creates a dedicated virtual private network (VPN) tunnel

between two or more parties to carry out

online fund transfers.

C) It provides mechanism for the government to create their

own digital fiat currency as a replacement of

physical currency.

D) It provides multifactor authentication to create and update

records of cryptocurrency transactions

76. A hash function takes an input string with? 2 2 3

A. numbers

B. alphabets

C. media files

D. All of the above

77. The fixed-length output is called a ? 2 2 2

A. hash

B. bitcoin

C. data

D. value

78. In 2001, SHA-256 Hashing algorithm was developed by the ? 2 2 3





79. Which one of the following is not an application hash functions? 2 2 2

A. One-way password file

B. Virus Detection

C. Intrusion detection

D. Key wrapping
80. When a hash function is used to provide message authentication, 2 2 3
the hash function value is referred to as

A. Message Field

B. Message Score

C. Message Digest

D. Message Leap

81. A function that is second pre-image resistant is also collision 2 2 4



b) False

82. What is the number of round computation steps in the SHA-256 2 2 2


a) 80

b) 76

c) 64

d) 70

83. Transactions ar verified by network nodes through cryptography 2 2 3

and recorded in a public distributed ledger called a ?

A. cryptocurrency wallet

B. blockchain

C. nodes

D. cryptocurrency
84. To claim the reward, a special transaction called a? 2 2 2

A. nonce

B. online wallets

C. hardware wallet

D. coinbase

85. Bitcoin have a central authority? 2 2 2



86. Which hash function used in Ledger? 2 2 3

A. SHA-64

B. SHA-128

C. SHA-256

D. SHA-512

87. Which of the following statement is true about bitcoin? 2 2 3

A. There is no central server; the bitcoin network is peer-


B. There is no central storage; the bitcoin ledger is


C. The ledger is public; anybody can store it on their


D. All of the above

88. Where does bitcoin comes from? 2 2 3

a) Mining

b) we have to create one


d) NSA

89. How many bitcoins will world have? 2 2 3

a) 20 Million

b) 21 Million

c) 22 Million

d) 23 Million

90. Does Bitcoin require Bank Transaction? 2 2 3

a) Yes

b) No

91. Bitcoin is a _______ 2 2 3

a) Commodity

b) Asset

c) Cryptocurrency

d) All of the above

92. The network timestamp transaction by hashing them into 2 2 3

ongoing chain of hash based _________?

a) Method

b) Task

c) Proof of work

d) Troof of transaction

93. New transaction is broadcast into ? 2 2 2

a) Destination Node

b) Source Node
c) All nodes

d) None

94. Which on the following is a cryptocurrency 2 2 1

a) yen

b) euro

c) pound

d) ethereum

95. Smallest unit of bitcoin is ? 2 2 4

a) Microbitcoin

b) Millibitcoin

c) satoshi coin

d) None

96. Choose the odd one out 2 2 4

a)Marco Polo, Energy Web Foundation

b) Energy Web Foundation, IBM Food Trust

c)Hyperledger Sawtooth, Corda

d)NEO, Dragonchain

97. Proof of elapsed time is given by 2 2 5

a) Intel

b) Samsung

c) Google

d) None

98. Consortium blockchain and Hybrid blockchain have the same 2 2 5

concept of work?

a) True

b) False

99 Which of the following does not require any intermediaries to 2 2 5

a) public

b) private

c) Federated

d) Hybrid

100 Public and private blockchain have the same set of features 2 2 5
except the permission of peer to work on network.

a) True

b) False
Univ. Roll No:

KIET Group of Institutions

(Information Technology)
Btech, VI Sem
Online CT-1 Examination, (2020-21) Even Semester
(Blockchain Architecture Design)
Duration: 60 Minutes Max. Marks: 100

1) Each question carries 2 marks.
2) Every correct answer has a weightage of +2 marks and for every wrong answer -0.5 marks will be

Q. No. Question Marks CO BL

1. Which of the following is popularly used for storing 2 1 1
(a) Pocket
(b) Wallet
(c) Money Box
(d) Full Stack

2. Which of the state of US introduced the BitLicense 2 1 1

regulation for cryptocurrency
(a) New York
(b) California
(c) Texas
(d) Washington
3. Cryptographic Hash Function transforms an arbitrary 2 1 2
length of a fixed length
string that act more or less as a Fingerprint of the
(b) False

4. What does the block in the blockchain consist of? 2 1 3

 (a) Transaction data
(b) A Hash point
 (c) A Timestamp
(d) All of these
5. After 10 Minutes a new block is formed that contains latest 2 1 3
(b) False
6. What is not a ledger type considered by users in 2 1 2
(a) Distributed Ledger
(b) Decentralized Ledger
(c) Both a and b
(d) None of these
7. What time did Bitcoin Network Start? 2 1 1
(a) January 2009
(b) September 2001
(c) November 2008
8. Where is the bitcoin central server located? 2 1 1
(a) Washington DC
(b) Undisclosed Location
(c) London
(d) None of these
9. What does a ledger in blockchain does? 2 1 2
(a) Mapping between owner and object
(b) Identification of objects owned
(c) Identification of owners
10.  Which of the following is important for Blockchain 2 1 2
(a) Database Security
(b) Auditing
(c) Planning

11. How often does Bitcoin ledger reconcile 2 1 3

(a) Every day
(b) Every 3 months
(c) Every 3 Minutes
(d) Every 10 Minutes
12. Which of the following is first distributed blockchain 2 1 1
(a) Bitcoin
(b) Ethereum

13. Bitcoin is based on ________ blockchain? 2 1 2

(a) Private
(b) Public 
(c) Public Permissioned
(d) Permissioned

14. Blockchain can be stored as which of the following? 2 1 1

(a) A flat file
(b) A Database
(c) Both of the above
(d) None of the above

15. In blockchain, blocks are linked ________? 2 1 4

(a) Backward to the previous block 
(b) Forward to next block
(c) Not linked with each other
16. The primary benefit of immutability is…................... 2 1 2
(a) Scalability
(b) Improved Security
(c) Tamper Proof
(d) Increased Efficiency

17. Hash identifying each block in the Blockchain is generated 2 1 2

using which of the following
cryptographic algorithm?
(a) SHA128
(b) SHA256
18. 2 1 4
Blockchain is the same as Bitcoin.
(a) True 
(b) False 

19. Blockchain forks can result in which of the following? 2 1 3

(a) Multiple parent blocks
(b) Multiple children blocks

20. Which of the following is asymmetric encryption 2 1 5

(a) Blowfish

(b) Twofish
(c) RSA
(d) Tripple DES

21. What is a node? 2 1 4

a) type of cryptocurrency

b) Blockchain

c) computer on a Blockchain network

d) an exchange

22. ____________ is a process which verifies the identity of a 1 4

user who wants to access the system.
a) Authentication
b) Non-repudiation
c) Integrity
d) None of the above

23. What does P2P stand for? 2 1 5

a) Password to Password
b) Peer to Peer
c) Product to Product
d) Private Key to Public Key

24. What is a miner? 2 1 3

a)A type of blockchain
b) An algorithm that predicts the next part of the chain
c) A person doing calculations to verify a transaction
d) Computers that validate and process blockchain

25. Which is NOT a part of asymmetric encryption? 2 1 2

a) Mining
b) Public key
c) Passphrase
d) Private Key

26. What is a dApp? 2 1 1

a) A type of Cryptocurrency
b) A condiment
c) A type of blockchain
d) A decentralized application

27. What is the term for when a blockchain splits? 2 1 3

a)A fork
b)A merger
c)A sidechain
d)A division

28. What is the purpose of a nonce? 2 1 3

a)Follows nouns
b)A hash function
c)Prevents double spending
d)Sends information to the blockchain network

29. What is a genesis block? 2 1 2

a)The first block of a Blockchain

b)A famous block that hardcoded a hash of the Book of Genesis
onto the blockchain
c)The first block after each block halving
d)The 2nd transaction of a Blockchain

30. What is a private key? 2 1 3

a) A key on your key chain

b) A key given to the public
c) A key NOT to be given to the public
d) A key that opens a secret door

31. Asymmetric encryption uses: 2 1 2

a) Public keys only

b) Private keys only
c) Public and Private keys
d) Proof of Stake

32. What is Proof of Stake? 2 1 3

a) A certificate needed to use the blockchain

b) A password needed to access an exchange
c) How private keys are made
d) A transaction and block verification protocol

33. What is the name of the research paper that brought Bitcoin to 2 1 4
the world?

a)Black Paper
b)White Paper
c)Yellow Paper
d)Green Paper

34. When a record is on a blockchain, who can access it? 2 1 2

a)Multiple people simultaneously.

b)One person at a time.
c)Only the people involved in the transaction.

35. Once records are submitted on a blockchain, can they be 2 1 3


a)Yes – the parties can go back in and alter them at any time.
b) Yes – but only within a certain time frame.
c) No – they cannot be altered.

36. Is it possible to program a blockchain to record transactions 2 1 2



37. What is the process of creating new bitcoins popularly known 2 1 2



38. Which of the following is the permissioned Blockchain 2 1 3

c) Hybrid
39. Which of the following is the permissionedless Blockchain 2 1 3



c) Hybrid


40. Hyperledger Fabric is an example of 2 1 3

a)Public Blockchain

b)Private Blockchain

c) Hybrid Blockchain

d)Federated Blockchain

41. IBM food Trust is an example of 2 1 3

a)Public Blockchain

b)Private Blockchain

c) Hybrid Blockchain

d)Federated Blockchain

42. Dragonchain is an example of 2 1 3

a)Public Blockchain

b)Private Blockchain

c) Hybrid Blockchain

d)Federated Blockchain

43. Litecoin is an example of 2 1 3

a)Public Blockchain

b)Private Blockchain

c) Hybrid Blockchain
d)Federated Blockchain

44. Ethereum is an example of 2 1 3

a)Public Blockchain

b)Private Blockchain

c) Hybrid Blockchain

d)Federated Blockchain

45. Is Blockchain Fully Public? 2 1 2

a) Yes
b) No
c) It Depends
46. In cryptography, what is cipher? 2 1 1
a) algorithm for performing encryption and decryption
b) encrypted message
c) both algorithm for performing encryption and decryption and
encrypted message
d) decrypted message

47. In asymmetric key cryptography, the private key is kept by 2 1 4

a) sender
b) receiver
c) sender and receiver
d) all the connected devices to the network

48. Cryptographic hash function takes an arbitrary block of 2 1 4

data and returns _________
a) fixed size bit string
b) variable size bit string
c) both fixed size bit string and variable size bit string
d) variable sized byte string
49. Public Key system is Useful Because 2 1 5
a) It uses two Keys
b) there is no key distribution problem as public key
can in a commonly accessible database
c) private key can be kept secret
d) It is a symmetric key system.
50. A digital signature is a mathematical technique which validates? 2 1 5

a) authenticity
b) integrity
c) Non-repudiation
d) All of the above

51. What is the core requirement for a business blockchain? 2 1 2

a) Optimized cryptographic mining

b) Technical services, business services and solution

c) A new cryptocurrency (x)

d) Shared ledger, smart contract, privacy and trust

52. What is the name of the open source blockchain technology to 2 1 3

which IBM is contributing code?

a) All of the above

b) Linux Foundation Hyperledger

c) IBM Hyperledger

d) IBM Blockchain

53. Which of the following statements are true about transactions in 2 1 3

a business blockchain?

a) Transactions are endorsed by a subset of business network


b) They are added to the ledger with appropriate confidentiality.

c) They cannot be modified.

d) All of the above

54. Which of these items are an example of an asset? 2 1 2

a) A digital music file

b) A mortgage

c) A car

d) All of the above

55. Which of these facts about a ledger is not correct? 2 1 1

a) A ledger is used purely for reporting of cash

b) A ledger is a system of record

c) A ledger consists of transactions, often governed by contracts

d) A ledger describes the inputs and outputs of a business

56. Which benefits of a blockchain-enabled business network 2 1 1

engender trust?

a) Scalable, reliable, secure, maintanable

b) Modern, ideally suitable to digital transformation, social

c) Consensus, provenance, immutability and finality

57. What is bitcoin? 2 1 2

a) SA private network

b) An unregulated censorship resistant shadow currency

c) Another name for blockchain

d) The technology that underpins Hyperledger

58. Which statement characterizes the core requirement for a 2 1 2

business blockchain?

a) Technical services, business services and solution

b) Optimized cryptographic mining

c) A new cryptocurrency

d) Shared ledger, smart contract, privacy services, and trust

59. What is a smart contract? 2 1 3

a) A legal contract written in constrained English

b) A cognitive contract

c) Business rules implied by the contract embedded in


d) None of these

60. Which of the following statements is false? 2 1 1

a) Blockchain can help improve provenance for an asset

b) Blockchain adds a cognitive analytics ability to the asset

supply chain

c) Blockchain captures a record of every committed transaction

in chronological order

d) Blockchain provides a smart contract feature that can be used

to model assets of any description

61. Which type of use case is a good place to start a blockchain 2 1 2


a) Citizen-owned identity

b) Digital currency

c) Compliance ledger, such as Asset Management

d) International equities exchange

62. What is the appropriate use of business blockchain? 2 1 1

a) A more efficient transaction processing system across a

business network

b) Modern, cognitive and transformational fabric for the 21st

century and beyond

c) To make low value, high volume micro payment systems

more efficient

d) None of these

63. Which of these areas IBM is not investing in? 2 1 4

a) Cryptocurrency: developing a currency suitable for


b) Making business blockchain real for customers

c) Hosting and support with value added services provision

d) Technology: contributing to the business blockchain

64. What is Ethereum? 2 1 2

a)The name of a public blockchain

b)The name of a peer to peer network

c)A commercial blockchain-based protocol featuring a smart

contract manager

d)An open-source blockchain-based distributed computing

platform featuring smart contract functionality.

65. What are the main cryptographic concepts in blockchain? 2 1 2

a)Hashing and public key
b)Login and digital signature
c)Hashing and digital signature
d)Pin code and hashing

66. When is there a consensus? 2 1 4

a)When, in a smart contract, the private key and the public key

b)When the value of a bitcoin proposed by a seller is accepted

by a buyer

c)When several nodes (usually most nodes on the network)

all have the same blocks in their locally-validated best

d)When a smart contract executes the rules agreed by all parties

67. What are the different types of blockchain? 2 1 3

a)Public, private, generic

b)Public, secret, consortium

c)Generic, secret, consortium

d)Public, private, consortium

68. What is an advantage of a public blockchain? 2 1 5

A) It does not use disinterested third parties to secure blocks, as

all participants have a vested interest.

B) It is more resilient against fraud, because it uses federated

nodes to combat fraud.

C) It is open to everyone in the world without permission

and licensing requirements.

D) Its networks are built by for-profit companies and the

working of the network is guaranteed.

69. What is an example of the use of cryptography in a blockchain? 2 1 4

A) Accessing private or hybrid blockchains by using a private


B) Creating cryptocurrency as a reward for mining nodes

C) Keeping blockchains secure from 51% attacks by corrupt


D) Securing transfers of cryptocurrency between recipients

70. How do hybrid blockchain networks combat 51% attacks? 1 4

A) Through a central controller ensuring the security of

each node in the network

B) Through a Proof of Work (PoW) algorithm, which

allows miners to secure the network

C) Through incentivization, where miners receive currency

for securing the network

D) Through Merkle tree roots, that allow the network

to restore itself to its last valid block

71. Which description fits only the Proof of Work (PoW) 2 1 5

consensus algorithm?

A) A collaborative consensus algorithm, where approved

accounts do the validation.

B) A collaborative consensus algorithm that is facilitated

by farmers, who offer leftover memory of their

computer to make transactions possible.

C) A consensus algorithm, where the validation is done for

the entire transaction flow, including not only

the correctness, but also the sequence of transactions.

D) An intensive and expensive, competitive algorithm

where each mining node on the blockchain is

competing to secure blocks.

72. How can information be secured in a blockchain? 2 1 3

A) By using a closed peer-to-peer (P2P) network, sharing
information across platforms

B) By using a distribution of cryptocurrencies over miners

through the network

C) By using asymmetric cryptography, consisting of a

public and private key

D) By using distributed ledger technology (DLT), which

records transactions at the source

73. In what way do blockchains use a public witness? 2 1 2

A) A digital courthouse or library acts as a public witness to

store information to reference.

B) A node on a blockchain network attests to the accuracy

and truthfulness of information.

C) A person sends a transaction over a public network to earn

rewards as a public witness.

D) A preferred node can be elected to attest to the accuracy and

truthfulness of information

74. An organization wants to develop smart contracts, based on 2 1 1

blockchain technology. The

organization does not wish to burden employees with

maintaining the security of the blockchain.

What blockchain technology fits the organization best?

A) A hybrid blockchain

B) A private blockchain

C) A public blockchain

75. Why is blockchain described as the technology that adds a layer 2 1 3

of trust to the internet?

A) It allows individuals and groups to work together without

having to trust each other or establish

B) It creates a dedicated virtual private network (VPN) tunnel

between two or more parties to carry out

online fund transfers.

C) It provides mechanism for the government to create their

own digital fiat currency as a replacement of

physical currency.

D) It provides multifactor authentication to create and update

records of cryptocurrency transactions


76. A hash function takes an input string with? 2 2 3

A. numbers

B. alphabets

C. media files

D. All of the above

77. The fixed-length output is called a ? 2 2 2

A. hash

B. bitcoin

C. data

D. value

78. In 2001, SHA-256 Hashing algorithm was developed by the ? 2 2 3




79. Which one of the following is not an application hash functions? 2 2 2

A. One-way password file

B. Virus Detection

C. Intrusion detection

D. Key wrapping

80. When a hash function is used to provide message authentication, 2 2 3

the hash function value is referred to as

A. Message Field

B. Message Score

C. Message Digest

D. Message Leap

81. A function that is second pre-image resistant is also collision 2 2 4



b) False

82. What is the number of round computation steps in the SHA-256 2 2 2


a) 80

b) 76

c) 64

d) 70
83. Transactions ar verified by network nodes through cryptography 2 2 3
and recorded in a public distributed ledger called a ?

A. cryptocurrency wallet

B. blockchain

C. nodes

D. cryptocurrency

84. To claim the reward, a special transaction called a? 2 2 2

A. nonce

B. online wallets

C. hardware wallet

D. coinbase

85. Bitcoin have a central authority? 2 2 2



86. Which hash function used in Ledger? 2 2 3

A. SHA-64

B. SHA-128

C. SHA-256

D. SHA-512
87. Which of the following statement is true about bitcoin? 2 2 3

A. There is no central server; the bitcoin network is peer-


B. There is no central storage; the bitcoin ledger is


C. The ledger is public; anybody can store it on their


D. All of the above

88. Where does bitcoin comes from? 2 2 3

a) Mining

b) we have to create one


d) NSA

89. How many bitcoins will world have? 2 2 3

a) 20 Million

b) 21 Million

c) 22 Million

d) 23 Million

90. Does Bitcoin require Bank Transaction? 2 2 3

a) Yes

b) No

91. Bitcoin is a _______ 2 2 3

a) Commodity

b) Asset

c) Cryptocurrency

d) All of the above

92. The network timestamp transaction by hashing them into 2 2 3
ongoing chain of hash based _________?

a) Method

b) Task

c) Proof of work

d) Troof of transaction

93. New transaction is broadcast into ? 2 2 2

a) Destination Node

b) Source Node

c) All nodes

d) None

94. Which on the following is a cryptocurrency 2 2 1

a) yen

b) euro

c) pound

d) ethereum

95. Smallest unit of bitcoin is ? 2 2 4

a) Microbitcoin

b) Millibitcoin

c) satoshi coin

d) None

96. Choose the odd one out 2 2 4

a)Marco Polo, Energy Web Foundation

b) Energy Web Foundation, IBM Food Trust

c)Hyperledger Sawtooth, Corda

d)NEO, Dragonchain

97. Proof of elapsed time is given by 2 2 5

a) Intel
b) Samsung

c) Google

d) None

98. Consortium blockchain and Hybrid blockchain have the same 2 2 5

concept of work?

a) True

b) False

99 Which of the following does not require any intermediaries to 2 2 5


a) public

b) private

c) Federated

d) Hybrid

100 Public and private blockchain have the same set of features 2 2 5
except the permission of peer to work on network.

a) True

b) False
Univ. Roll No:

KIET Group of Institutions

(Information Technology)
B.Tech, VI Sem
Online PUE Examination, (2020-21) Even Semester
(Blockchain Architecture Design)
Duration: 60 Minutes Max. Marks: 100

1) Each question carries 2 marks.
2) Every correct answer has a weightage of +2 marks.

Q. No. Question Marks CO BL

1. Which of the following can define the concept of distributed 2 5 1

shared memory, in the context of distributed systems?

a) Combination (logical) of virtual memories of

the individual nodes

b) Combination (logical) of physical memories

of the individual nodes

c) Combination (logical) of secondary memories

of the individual nodes

d) All of the above

2. The smart contracts in CORDA: 2 4 1

(a) Can only be written in kotlin and java

(b) Contract can produce different results in

different peers

(c) Can only access the data supplied in the


(d) Transaction can have only a single state

3. How is validation performed for data written to Side DB? 2 4 5

(a) The private read-write set contains the hash

of the keys, and the version corresponding to
them is checked
(b) The private read-write set contains the keys and
not the value, and the corresponding version on
the keys is checked

(c) The private read-write set contains both the

keys and their values, and the corresponding
version is checked

(d) The private read-write set contains both the

keys and the hash of the keys, and the version
corresponding to them are checked

4. Each key block contains the previous block reference as: 2 4 4

(a) Previous key block

(b) Previous microblock

(c) Either previous key block or microblock

(d) Both the previous key block and microblock

5. What does non-repudiation mean in terms of security 2 4 3

considerations in blockchain platform?

(a) A logic is executed only after it is requested by

an authorized entity

(b) Correct and consistent transactions

(c) Entities are accountable and cannot deny

transactions they have performed

(d) Scalable to large systems

6. What are the advantages of using Blockchain for Identity 2 4 3


(a) The record keeping agency can over-ride the

user’s consent for sharing identity details

(b) User gives consent for sharing identity details

(c) The government controls user identity attributes

and profiles

(d) Automated verification of identity through

smart contract with revelation of the identity

7. The keyword used in the solidity to achieve Inheritance. 2 4 1

a) derived
b) extends
c) is
d) implements
8. Who is the founder of BitCoin? 2 4 1

a) Warren Buffet
b) Satoshi Nakamoto
c) Moto
d) IBM
9. The blockchain can address the errors in the current supply 2 5 5
chain by:

(a) Automatically tracking the information and

verifying it using the smart contracts

(b) Prevent member organisations from colluding

to commit fraud

(c) Allows everyone including non-member

organisations to view information and transact
on data

(d) None of above

10. The Blockchain based solution for Food Traceability and Safety 2 4 4
will give the following benefits:

(a) Optimization of business process flow

(b) Reduction of food recalls by increased


(c) Food ownership and transparency

(d) All of the above

11. How will blockchain help in solving the existing issues in KYC 2 4 3

(a) Avoid replication of effort

(b) Transition from weekly auditing to daily


(c) Validation from Government authorities would

not be required

(d) None of Above

12. What is the Miner in terms of Blockchain? 2 5 3

A. Transactions picking algorithm
B. Calculate to verify transactions
C. Computers that validate and process blockchain
D. A type of Blockchain

13. How does the backend Node.js application connect to the peers 2 5 5

A. Google RPC connection.

B. Http connection
C. WebSocket connection
D. Any of the above

14. The Data Structure used for storing the recent transaction output 2 4 1
A. Blockchain
B. Merkel tree
C. World State
D. Wallet

15. How the timestamp is maintained in the Audit Trails of the 2 4 4


(a) By the creation of the transaction using the

metadata of the input data

(b) By creating the transaction with a specialized


(c) By writing the transaction (created using a

hash and metadata) to the blockchain

(d) None

16. For performing rich queries on state data in Hyperledger Fabric, 2 4 3

which of the following databases can be used?

(a) LevelDB

(b) CouchDB

(c) Postgresql

(d) All of them

17. Which of the following allow for privacy in Hyperledger fabric? 2 3 2

(a) Peers

(b) MSPs

(c) Channels
(d) Smart Contracts

18. Which consensus algorithm is used by Hyperledger Indy? 2 3 4

(a) Redundant Byzantine Fault Tolerance

(b) Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance

(c) Proof of Stake

(d) Proof of Work

19. Which of the following is not a valid permission level in a 2 3 3

Fabric network channel?

(a) Reader

(b) Endorser

(c) Writer

(d) Operator

20. What are the states of a node in RAFT consensus protocol 2 3 5

a) Leader
b) Acceptor
c) Learner
d) Proposer

21. The mapping details of the participants and the Hyperledger 2 3 4

Fabric identity is stored in:

(a) Participant registry

(b) Identity registry

(c) Access Control List

(d) An external datastore

22. Which of the following is not a component of Hyperledger 1 4

Composer software?

(a) REST Server

(b) Composer CLI

(c) Hyperledger Fabric

(d) SDK

23. What is the role of Hyperledger Composer in an Enterprise 2 4 5

Blockchain application?

(a) Provides a way to define the MSP.

(b) Provides a way to define the business


(c) Provides a way to view the transactions blocks

in the blockchain.

(d) Provides a way to configure the blockchain

network nodes

24. What is a miner? 2 4 3

a) A type of blockchain
b) An algorithm that predicts the next part of
the chain

c) A person doing calculations to verify a


d) Computers that validate and process

blockchain transactions

25. Which of the following chaincode transactions not update the 2 4 2

ledger ?

(a) Instantiate

(b) Init

(c) Invoke

(d) Query

26. What function do the Orderer’s play in the Hyperledger Fabric 2 5 1

Network ?

(a) Verify endorsement policy .

(b) Open and verify the ReadWrite set of


(c) Order transactions in a block.

(d) Send Block Events to client applications

27. Which of the following is not defined in the configtx.yaml of the 2 1 3

Hyperledger Fabric Network ?

(a) Number of users per organization

(b) Type of Orderer

(c) Node endpoints

(d) Channel Profiles

28. Which of the following help in providing abstractions in 2 4 3

Hyperledger Fabric allow to provide confidentiality to
individual ledgers ?

(a) Ordering Services

(b) Peers

(c) Channels

(d) Endorsement Policies

29. What is the correct sequence of events to add a new 2 3 2

organization to an existing Hyperledger Fabric network?

(a) channel update, update config, fetch channel

genesis block, peer join channel

(b) fetch channel genesis block, update config,

channel update, peer join channel

(c) update config, channel update, fetch channel

genesis block, peer join channel

(d) update config, fetch channel genesis block,

channel update, peer join channel

30. What are the different components defined in cto file? 2 2 3

(a) description of events

(b) prototype of transaction processors

(c) description of assets

(d) All of the above

31. What command is used to retrieve the certificates of a given 2 2 2


(a) composer identity request

(b) composer identity issue

(c) composer identity bind

(d) composer identity list

32. How many namespaces are allowed in the model definition file? 2 3 3

(a) One per cto file

(b) Many per cto file

(c) One across all cto files

(d) One across bna file

33. Here is the ordered sequence of transactions in a block – T1 2 3 4

(K1=V1, K2=V2), T2(K3=V3), T3(K2=V4,K4=V4),
T4(K5=V1,K6=V2). The (Ki = Vi) values denote keys and
corresponding values written by the transaction. Which of the
following transactions in the block would be rejected during
validation by the peer?

(a) T1

(b) T2

(c) T3

(d) T4

34. The data structure World state is used for storing: 2 2 2

(a) the output of all the transactions

(b) the most recent version of the state operated

on by transactions

(c) all the information of the recent transactions

(d) all the information of the transactions

35. You are planning to deploy a blockchain solution for your 2 3 3

company. For deciding the proper business logic and the
transaction format, you need:

(a) Blockchain Architect

(b) Blockchain Developer

(c) Blockchain Network Operator

(d) Blockchain User

36. In an asynchronous environment with at most f faulty nodes, the 2 4 2

minimum number of the similar response needed for concluding
the decision is:

(a) 3f+1

(b) 2f+1

(c) f+1

(d) f

37. You are planning to deploy a system which will work in a 2 1 2

distributed environment. Based on the system requirement, you
need some kind of node identity and fixed size message content
representation. However, any node can transfer the message of
any size. Which of the following consensus protocol is
extremely suitable for your system?


(b) RAFT

(c) BFT

(d) PBFT

38. You have deployed 4-nodes at your company for performing 2 2 3

your task in a distributed manner. Although you consider that
machine failure (fully failed) is more effective than the
compromised failure, you use BFT model. But somehow an
attacker compromises one node and simultaneously another
node is permanently failed. In this situation, does your system
correctly work?

(a) Yes with the remaining nodes

(b) Yes with all the nodes

(c) No

(d) All above

39. Suppose in a distributed network, running Paxos as the 2 3 3

underlying consensus algorithm, has 3 proposers and 5
acceptors and 1 learner. Say, 3 of the acceptors have failed,
which of the following is true about the network?

(a) A value gets accepted by default

(b) Someone else becomes proposer

(c) None of the proposers get a reply

(d) A new value gets proposed

40. Considering the Proof of Elapsed Time (PoET) adapted in 2 3 3

Hyperledger Sawtooth framework, which of the following
mechanisms is used to ensure that the miner (or block leader) is
a legitimate participant and not an attacker and has waited for
the random amount of time assigned by the network?

(a) By verifying the acquired stake that the user has

obtained by consuming the given random
amount of time

(b) By verifying the amount of bitcoins send to a

verifiable un-spendable address

(c) By ensuring that the trusted regions of the code

are run in Trusted Execution Environments
(TEE) and the user cannot tamper it

(d) By ensuring that the nonce is very difficult to

obtain and the user wastes enough time for it

41. Which of the following components of the block header has to 2 3 3

be obtained to satisfy the difficulty posed by the blockchain
network (consider PoW consensus mechanism)?

(a) Merkle tree root

(b) Nonce

(c) Timestamp

(d) Previous block hash

42. In distributed consensus, all the non-faulty individuals’ decision 2 2 5

must be identical. This property is

(a) Termination

(b) Validity

(c) Integrity

(d) Agreement

43. How does the pseudo-anonymity of a user is maintained in 2 3 3


(a) using the generated unique identifier based on

the user’s email address

(b) using the generated unique identifier based on

the user’s private key

(c) using the generated unique identifier based

on the user’s public key

(d) using the generated unique identifier based on

the user’s private and public key

44. Suppose, you are using RSA algorithm based cryptosystem to 2 1 4

securely share the number of marbles that you have currently
with you, among your friends. The private key that you are
using is (3,15). Your friends know the corresponding public key
is (11,15). One of your friends wants to share the exact amount
of marble content only to you. What are the maximal possible
marbles that your friend can have so that he/she can secretly
share that to you?

(a) 14

(b) 15

(c) 16

(d) No such limit exists

45. Which of the following property ensures that all local copies in 2 3 3
the blockchain are updated and consistent?

(a) Privacy

(b) Consensus

(c) Security

(d) Authenticity

46. Considering Bitcoin, after a new block is mined it is appended 2 4 3

to ---

(a) the longest chain with maximum total work

done over all the blocks

(b) the longest chain with maximum number of


(c) the longest chain with maximum total amount

of transaction done over all the blocks

(d) the longest chain with maximum number of

transactions for all the blocks

47. Which of the following is a wrong statement about a 2 1 4

cryptographic hash function:
(a) given the same message the hash function
would return the same hash

(b) it is difficult to generate the original message

from the hash

(c) a small change in the message does not

impact the hash

(d) it is difficult to find two different messages with

same hash

48. Which of the following is the main principle behind the property 2 3 4
of isolation in multi-process execution over an operating

(a) Either complete execution or no execution

related to a process

(b) All processes will be executed as if it is the

only process in the system

(c) A process can enter the critical section when it

has obtained the response from all other

(d) The system remains consistent before and after

executing the process

49. Public Key system is Useful Because 2 1 5

(a) It uses two Keys

(b) there is no key distribution problem as public key

can in a commonly accessible database

(c) private key can be kept secret

(d) It is a symmetric key system.

50. A digital signature is a mathematical technique which validates? 2 1 5

(a) authenticity

(b) integrity

(c) Non-repudiation

(d) All of the above

51. Which of the following properties define the capability of a 2 1 2

system to adapt with the increase in the service load?
(a) Location Transparency

(b) Isolation

(c) Scalability

(d) Atomicity

52. User chaincode has four life cycle of 2 3 3

(a) “Install”, “Initiate”, “Invoke” and “Query”.
(b) “Install”, “Instantiate”, “Invoke” and “Query”.
(c) “Install”, “Update”, “Invoke” and “Query”.
(d) “Install”, “Verify”, “Invoke” and “Query”.
53. The digital signature algorithm used in bitcoin: 2 1 3
(a) Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm
(b) Digital Signature Algorithm
(c) RSA Algorithm
(d) All of above
54. Examples of hash functions are 2 2 2
(a) MD5
(b) SHA-1
(c) Both A and B
(d) D. None of the above
55. How can blockchain help manage data across different levels of 2 5 4

(a) Provide different role-based access policies

across different levels

(b) Provide centralized data management at the

national level

(c) Provide a way for the data to be altered without

colluding majority of the blocks

(d) Provide classification of data based on


56. The distributed Consensus mechanism works in an open internet 2 5 1

grade computing system.

(a) Shared memory

(b) Message passing
(c) PBFT
(d) None of Above
57. How does the blockchain ensure the tampered proof of the data 2 5 2
in the defence scenario?

(a) only privileged information (no one is accessing

information which is not intended for them) has been
accessed by the respective authority.
(b) the transaction information written once in the
system cannot be modified in the blockchain.
(c) None of the above
(d) Both a and b
58. What are the advantages of using blockchain for GST 2 5 2

(a) automatic tax payment to the tax authority

(b) tamper proof invoice generation based on the
taxes already levied.
(c) transactions are done in real time.
(d) all of the above.
59. What is a smart contract? 2 1 3

(a) A legal contract written in constrained English

(b) A cognitive contract
(c)Business rules implied by the contract
embedded in blockchain
(d) None of these
60. How is energy assetized in Grid chain? 2 5 1

(a) it is done by crypto token.

(b) it is done by exchanging money.
(c) it is not done by crypto token and exchanging
(d) None of the above.
61. Blockchain in energy markets helps in following ways: 2 5 2

a) provides a single view of demand and supply of power

b) provides secure and real time update of the energy
consumption data.
c) ensures reduction in errors in the generation of
electricity bill.
d) all of the above

62. How does storing data in blockchain help in audit and 2 5 1

compliance use case?

(a) any changes to the data will be logged in the

(b) records can be aggregated from multiple
(c) both a and b
(d) None of the above

63. Who would be the blockchain network consortium members in 2 5 4

the citizen Identity solution?

(a) Insurance Companies

(b) Government Identity Providers
(c) Retail Stores
(d) Health Care
64. Private key algorithm is used for _____ encryption and public 2 5 2
key algorithm is used for _____ encryption.

(a) Messages, session key

(b) Session key, messages
(c) can be used for both
(d) None of the above
65. Which of the following industry can use blockchain technology 2 5 2
for cybersecurity?

(a) Logistics
(b) Healthcare
(c) Critical Infrastructure
(d) All of the above

66. When is there a consensus? 2 1 4

A. When, in a smart contract, the private key and the public

key matche
B. When the value of a bitcoin proposed by a seller is
accepted by a buyer
C. When several nodes (usually most nodes on the
network) all have the same blocks in their locally-
validated best blockchain
D. When a smart contract executes the rules agreed by all

67. What are the different types of blockchain? 2 1 3

a) Public, private, generic

b) Public, secret, consortium

c) Generic, secret, consortium

d) Public, private, consortium

68. What is an advantage of a public blockchain? 2 1 5

A) It does not use disinterested third parties to secure blocks, as

all participants have a vested interest.

B) It is more resilient against fraud, because it uses federated

nodes to combat fraud.

C) It is open to everyone in the world without permission

and licensing requirements.

D) Its networks are built by for-profit companies and the

working of the network is guaranteed.

69. What is an example of the use of cryptography in a blockchain? 2 2 4

A) Accessing private or hybrid blockchains by using a private


B) Creating cryptocurrency as a reward for mining nodes

C) Keeping blockchains secure from 51% attacks by corrupt


D) Securing transfers of cryptocurrency between recipients

70. How do hybrid blockchain networks combat 51% attacks? 4 4

A) Through a central controller ensuring the security of each

node in the network

B) Through a Proof of Work (PoW) algorithm, which allows

miners to secure the network

C) Through incentivization, where miners receive currency for

securing the network

D) Through Merkle tree roots, that allow the network to

restore itself to its last valid block

71. A block in blockchain is pointed using: 2 4 5

A. Hash Pointer
B. User ID
C. Transaction ID
D. Timestamp

72. How can information be secured in a blockchain? 2 4 3

A) By using a closed peer-to-peer (P2P) network, sharing

information across platforms

B) By using a distribution of cryptocurrencies over miners

through the network

C) By using asymmetric cryptography, consisting of a public

and private key

D) By using distributed ledger technology (DLT), which records

transactions at the source

73. In what way do blockchains use a public witness? 2 3 2

A) A digital courthouse or library acts as a public witness to

store information to reference.

B) A node on a blockchain network attests to the accuracy

and truthfulness of information.

C) A person sends a transaction over a public network to earn

rewards as a public witness.

D) A preferred node can be elected to attest to the accuracy and

truthfulness of information

74. An organization wants to develop smart contracts, based on 2 4 1

blockchain technology. The

organization does not wish to burden employees with

maintaining the security of the blockchain.

What blockchain technology fits the organization best?

A) A hybrid blockchain

B) A private blockchain

C) A public blockchain

D) None of Above

75. Assume, a Blockchain based system is designed through RAFT 2 3 3

consensus mechanism and the system finds that the leader node
is Byzantine. What will be the system decision now?

A. Initiate for new leader selection

B. Based on the majority voting other nodes in the
network will reject the leader.
C. This problem cannot be solved
D. Continue with the previous leader

76. The nodes, which receive values from clients and try to 2 5 3
convince acceptors to accept their proposed values in PAXOS.

a) Proposers
b) Followers
c) Candidates
d) Learners

77. Which of the following is popularly used for storing bitcoins? 2 3 2

A. Pocket
B. Wallet
C. Money Box
D. Full Stack

78. Pros of Hyperledger 2 3 3

A. Open Source
B. Identities of parties must be known
C. Public channel
D. None of above

79. Which one of the following is not an application hash functions? 2 5 2

A. One-way password file

B. Virus Detection

C. Intrusion detection

D. Key wrapping
80. When a hash function is used to provide message authentication, 2 4 3
the hash function value is referred to as

A. Message Field

B. Message Score

C. Message Digest

D. Message Leap

81. Bitcoin blockchain have concepts of 2 3 4

A. Proof of Stake
B. Proof of work
C. Permissioned blockchain
D. All of above

82. What is the number of round computation steps in the SHA-256 2 2 2


a) 80

b) 76

c) 64

d) 70

83. Transactions are verified by network nodes through 2 4 3

cryptography and recorded in a public distributed ledger called a

A. cryptocurrency wallet

B. blockchain

C. nodes

D. cryptocurrency

84. ---------- was the famous Bitcoin exchange from Japan 2 4 2

A. Mt. Gox
B. Bitstamp
C. Both A and B
D. None of above

85. Which of the following is permissionless 2 3 2

A. Hyperledger Fabric
B. Etherum
C. Bitcoin
D. Corda R3

86. Which hash function used in Ledger? 2 3 3

A. SHA-64

B. SHA-128

C. SHA-256

D. SHA-512

87. Which of the following are responsible for consensus in 2 4 3


A. Full Node
B. Validate Node
C. Peer Node
D. Ordering Node

88. What is a genesis block? 2 1 4

a)The first block of a Blockchain

b)A famous block that hardcoded a hash of the Book of Genesis

onto the blockchain

c)The first block after each block halving

d)The 2nd transaction of a Blockchain

89. Pragma solidity ^0.5.2 2 3 5

A source file with the line above cannot compile with compiler

A. 0.5.0
B. 0.5.2
C. 0.5.1
D. 0.5.3

90. What is Proof of Stake? 2 2 1

a) A certificate needed to use the blockchain

b) A password needed to access an exchange

c) How private keys are made

d) A transaction and block verification protocol

91. What is nounce? 2 2 1

a) The transaction id number

b) A miners ASIC chip array.
c) The generator point used in elliptic curve cryptography.

d) The number miners run through to generate a

correct hash

92. Ethereum is an example of 2 2 2

a) Public Blockchain
b) Private Blockchain
c) Hybrid Blockchain

d) Federated Blockchain

93. When is there a consensus? 2 3 1

a) When, in a smart contract, the private key and the public

key matche
b) When the value of a bitcoin proposed by a seller is
accepted by a buyer
c) When several nodes (usually most nodes on the
network) all have the same blocks in their locally-
validated best blockchain
d) When a smart contract executes the rules agreed by all

94. Which description fits only the Proof of Work (PoW) consensus 2 3 2

a) A collaborative consensus algorithm, where approved

accounts do the validation.
b) A collaborative consensus algorithm that is facilitated
by farmers, who offer leftover memory of them
c) computer to make transactions possible.

d) An intensive and expensive, competitive algorithm

where each mining node on the blockchain

95. The fixed-length output is called a ? 2 3 4

a) hash
b) bitcoin
c) data

d) value
96. Which is not a part of asymmetric encryption 2 4 3

A. Mining
B. Public key
C. Private key
D. Passphrase

97. Which of the following are negatives of Bitcoin? 2 3 5

A. High Power Consumption

B. Repudiation
C. Cost
D. None

98. In public key cryptosystem based digital signature, the message 2 4 5

digest is signed by:

A. Sender’s private key

B. Sender’s public key
C. Sender’s private key
D. Receiver’s private key

99 In crypto-currency a lender records? 2 3 4

A. List of balance
B. List of transactions
C. List of accounts
D. None of above

100 Which of the following is/are decentralized system? 2 4 2

B. Bitcoin
D. None of the above

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