365-Daily-Health 101 Natural Remedies Secrets

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101 Natural Remedies Secrets

Disclaimer .............................................................................................................. 4
Introduction ........................................................................................................... 6
Chapter 1: The Mind .............................................................................................. 7
Stress .................................................................................................................. 7
Anxiety................................................................................................................ 9
Depression ........................................................................................................ 10
Insomnia ........................................................................................................... 11
Chapter 2: Skin ..................................................................................................... 13
Acne.................................................................................................................. 13
Eczema ............................................................................................................. 15
Psoriasis ............................................................................................................ 16
Chapter 3: Respiratory Diseases and Illness’s ...................................................... 17
Common Cold and Flu ....................................................................................... 17
Laryngitis .......................................................................................................... 18
Sore throat........................................................................................................ 19
Strep throat ...................................................................................................... 19
Bronchitis.......................................................................................................... 20
Chapter 4: Digestive System ................................................................................ 21
Acid reflux......................................................................................................... 21
Indigestion ........................................................................................................ 22
Type 2 Diabetes ................................................................................................ 22
Constipation ..................................................................................................... 23
Chapter 5: Heart .................................................................................................. 25
Heartburn ......................................................................................................... 25

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Blood pressure .................................................................................................. 26

Heart Ache ........................................................................................................ 27
Chapter 6: Urinary System ................................................................................... 29
Urinating issues ................................................................................................ 29
Kidney stones.................................................................................................... 30
Cystitis .............................................................................................................. 31
Chapter 7: Aches + Chronic Pain .......................................................................... 33
Migraine ........................................................................................................... 33
Fibromyalgia ..................................................................................................... 34
Arthritis............................................................................................................. 35
Chapter 8. Personal Issues ................................................................................... 37
Hemorrhoids ..................................................................................................... 37
Chlamydia ......................................................................................................... 38
Herpes .............................................................................................................. 39
Chapter 9: First Aid .............................................................................................. 40
Insects bites ...................................................................................................... 40
Burns ................................................................................................................ 41
Cuts................................................................................................................... 41
Sunburn ............................................................................................................ 42
Chapter 10: Miscellaneous Issues ........................................................................ 43
Nose bleeds ...................................................................................................... 43
Mild strains ....................................................................................................... 43
Ear aches .......................................................................................................... 44
Bonus Material .................................................................................................... 45
Hypnosis ........................................................................................................... 45
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) ................................................................ 45
Conclusion ........................................................................................................... 47

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All the material in this E-Book has been carefully researched, using combinations of
health blogs, online video-hospital and other medical websites.

However, we must make this disclaimer:

The content and information provided in this E-Book, has been written for
educational purposes only.

Regarding natural health solutions, the information should never be used to self-
medicate or treat any form of physical or mental disease or health problem. It is
not recommended to use these products as a substitute for medical care.

The statements regarding health-related benefits of certain ingredients may not

been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are in no way intended
and should not be construed as medical advice to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent
any disease or health condition. As such it is not intended for you to disregard
professional medical advice or delay in seeking medical attention.

The information, which has been researched diligently is not meant to substitute
the advice provided by your personal physician or other medical professionals.

Please read the E-Book carefully and take note of all the ingredients listed. If you
are allergic or sensitive to any of the ingredients that may be contained in the
products natural food or drink, ask your doctor of any possible short or long term
affects. Even natural ingredients may cause sensitivities. Each person is different,
and since you may or may not have ingested a particular food or drink or used a
particular topical remedy, we cannot guarantee you will not get a reaction or

People with severe allergies should be diligent. If it is possible you may have any
type of anaphylactic-type reactions to any of the ingredients, do not consume

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The authors of this material are not liable for any medical situations that may arise,
as the disclaimer clearly states caution and self-responsibility.

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Mainstream doctors and scientists often have strong opinions about the use of
natural solutions to cure or help alleviate many common health problems.

Unfortunately, they tend to forget where some of the prescription medicines

currently being used, came from. Researchers spent thousands of hours going to
remote areas like the Amazon jungle to find plants with medicinal properties. Those
findings were used to create some of the pharmaceutical drugs.

Every country has a long history of civilization and their individual methods,
concerning how to deal with illness, developed after time. In North America, the
native Indians used sage, American ginseng and willow bark as medicine. In China,
cat’s claw was used for high blood pressure and in India, the use of turmeric was
key in fighting inflammation in the body.

It is hoped that one day, traditional North American medicine and ancient natural
solutions will find a common meeting ground as it is key to the health of all. While
exploring the use of natural herbs and spices, one does have to be cautious as there
may be those who are not entirely interested in their health. These people or clinics
could be involved in practices that are based more on the money that can be made,
than the actual healing.

Investigating natural methods takes common sense and the use of one’s own
research to ensure that no harm is caused. With that in mind, it is best to think
about whether the general practitioner should also be consulted. For example, if a
person is already prescribed a drug to combat an issue, it is best to check and see
if a particular spice or herb, may cause an adverse reaction.

The role of natural health solutions is to provide an overall healing to the body and
the mind. With that said, the material covered in this E-Book has been carefully
researched and the best solutions presented in concise form.

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Chapter 1: The Mind

Issues with the mind are often caused by overwhelm. In today’s society, the fast
pace is something that a large part of the population cannot deal with. Dealing with
negativity in the workplace and at home, can manifest any number of issues and
for the unfortunate few, even double down…such as being so stressed out, that it
leads to major depression.

While seeking the doctor’s advice is always the first step…one must be cautious and
have full trust in the doctor. Remember that doctors are also prone to overwork
and stress due to large numbers of patients. Engaging in the use of medical
prescriptions may help some, while others will find that the medication has side
effects that they are unable to deal with.

In certain cases, the idea of exploring natural home remedies is not only appealing
but necessary. Here are some of the issues related to your mind and the most
popular natural methods to deal with them.

This is something we all feel, although each person’s stress levels will be different
due to individual circumstances. Many instances of stress can be reduced quickly by
using deep breathing techniques. Getting massive amounts of oxygen into your
lungs and blood stream will help to slow the heart when it is beating too fast. As a
person focuses on deep breathing, it takes their mind away from what is causing
anger or frustration.

 Herbs have been used for centuries as medicine. Many people are astounded
at what archeologists find during excavations. Many discoveries have found
burial sites with important people from the times, buried not only with
treasures but specific herbs. Doing research on this, scientists have found
that even as far back as 50,000 years ago, people were using herbs as
medicine. In ancient India, the practise of Ayurveda began for treating the
ills of the people. Ayurveda healers found that Ashwaganda was very helpful
in reducing stress. This particular plant produces berries that are combined

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with the root of the plant. Ashwaganda can purchased in capsules or powder

 Lemon balm has been shown to reduce stress levels and it is easy to
consume. It is pleasant tasting and it belongs to the mint family, so it makes
a perfect tea for anyone feeling stress. When you purchase lemon balm
leaves, you can make tea or cut them in half and add to a large pitcher of
water. Plenty of water is also very beneficial to stress reduction and by
adding the lemon balm pieces, you can make a nice infused water to drink
throughout the day. If you have an indoor or outdoor herb garden, you can
grow your own lemon balm to use as described or even chop and add it to
your favorite foods as you would with basil or thyme.

 Stinging nettles have been proclaimed as one the best foods to eat for
health. It has many attributes and is used in fighting stress. It can be
purchased in capsule form or grown in the garden. This plant is also used in
cooking and it can be added to your favorite home soups. When handling
stinging nettle, you should wear gloves as you would a rose bush and its
particular type of thorn. There is a caution, that women who are pregnant
should not consume stinging nettles.

 Aromatherapy is not new. It has been used for centuries, in different ways.
In early days, certain smells invaded the living space and some oils were used
to mask the unpleasant odors. It was discovered that certain essential oils,
were able to work as mood altering therapies. Everyone reacts differently to
scents and in the case of using aromatherapy for stress relief, it is important
to test and find what works best for you. A few essentials oils to try first are,
lavender, jasmine or clary sage.

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The anxiety issue can be minor or even escalate to what some would call “crippling.”
When anxiety is not dealt with, it can lead to withdrawal from society and isolation.

 Skullcap may have a name that gives pause but it has been found to be very
beneficial in reducing anxiety. People who suffer from anxiety, report that it
can cause pain in various parts of the body. Skullcap is used when the type
of anxiety suffered, includes pain, muscle issues in and around the face or
overall body tension felt throughout the body and muscles. This particular
plant can be grown and consumed. It also is available in a massage oil which
can be applied during a relaxing home massage.

 Chamomile tea is something that many people have heard of. Chamomile
can be found in tincture form. Tincture are concentrated liquids of one or
more herbs. Tinctures can purchased or made at home if you have the
ingredients necessary. Soaking the leaf or root in vinegar will release the
necessary properties of the chamomile or other herb that you have chosen.
In treating anxiety, using chamomile will calm down the nervous system and
allow for a more relaxed sleep, as anxiety sufferers find their mind in

 In aromatherapy many have reported good success with frankincense oil,

which has been used for centuries and at one time was more valuable than

The brain is composed of many different systems, including the limbic. The
limbic controls the emotions, sexual arousal and your memories.
Frankincense has been shown to calm the limbic system and help to increase
the oxygen that is supplied to the brain. You can put frankincense in a
diffuser to allow it to scent the air or put it in a warm tub of water for you to
soak in and let your anxiety go.

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Depression is a common mental health problem that involves a low mood and a loss
of interest in activities.

 St. John’s wort is used to combat depression. It is a small shrub like plant
that produces flowers. It has been used for centuries in Europe to combat
the onset of depression. St. John’s wort may be consumed in capsule form.
Many people enjoy making a tea out of St. John’s wort. Typically, the wort is
combined with approximately ½ teaspoon of cinnamon in a boiling pot of
water. Once the mixture has boiled, use a piece of cheesecloth or a very fine
tea strainer to remove the leftover pieces of plant and pour into a cup. Add
honey as per your own taste buds, as some like the tea to be very sweet.

 Maca is a special root that comes from Peru. It has been compared to ginseng
for its healing properties. Maca is often combined with ginseng and most
health companies produce capsules of maca, mixed with a variety of ginseng.
There is also maca powder available and the vegan community will
appreciate these particular products. In addition to helping fight depression,
maca has been found to increase stamina and help the immune system.

 Try essential oils to combat depression. There are a wide variety that have
been used repeatedly over the years, and you can try lavender or rose oil for
example. One great thing about essential oils, is the different ways that you
can use them. Many people inhale the oil directly from the small bottles that
they come in. You can apply it to the skin, after mixing it with a carrier oil like
jojoba, which can be purchased from health food stores or Amazon. The oils
need to be diluted with a carrier oil to avoid irritation to the skin as oils, such
as lavender are quite strong.

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Having insomnia can cause other issues as a person is deprived of the deep restful
sleep needed. Once insomnia has been experienced, the best thing to do is address
it quickly.

 Saying a mantra once the head hits the pillow, has been shown to be very
effective. The simple mantra used in yoga is, “Om.” Using the phrase Om
repeatedly, is connecting yourself to the universe. As it is the only phrase
repeated, it induces deep peace within the body, allowing it to drift off.

Many people prefer to come up with their own mantra, which has a deep
meaning to them. Frequently they will journal their thoughts and narrow
phrases down until finding the perfect one for their needs. An example of a
personal mantra would be, “I am safe while drifting amongst the warmth and
light of the heavenly stars.” Along with the mantra, music very low in the
background is helpful for inducing sleep. The type of music used, should be
something along the lines of Gregorian chanting. The repetitive nature of the
music has a hypnotizing quality to it.

 Making your own healing tea can be an enjoyable time, as you learn what
mixtures work best for you. Even making tea just for general enjoyment, can
turn into a bit of a hobby with…different pots, cups and special tea bags to
fill with your choices. Herbal teas can certainly help with bouts of insomnia.
As insomnia needs to be worked on, it is best to make a quantity of tea and
store as needed.

For example you can combine one cup each of dried chamomile flowers,
dried passion flower, dried lemon balm and dried valerian root finely
chopped. Once you have your mixture, store it in a large sealable mason jar.
After you prepare your pot of tea, strain the mixture and add honey.

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 The magnesium that we get from our food, is often not enough. Magnesium
helps your tense muscles to relax and has also been shown to combat stress.
Both these issues can contribute to insomnia, instead of restful sleep.
Magnesium can be introduced several ways. Having a warm bath before
sleep is always good and why not try adding magnesium flakes to the
bathwater. Your skin can absorb the magnesium and get it into the blood
stream. The other method to try is magnesium in capsule form. Make sure
to read the prescribed dosages for males and females…as it differs.

 If your natural melatonin production is off, it could be causing issues with

your sleep. Melatonin is what the brain releases when we settle down for
sleep and the variety of sleep stages we go through. When using melatonin
capsules, take the lowest amount possible at first and watch for side effects
before increasing the dosage. Taking melatonin can cause dizziness or
headaches if the dosage is too high.

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Chapter 2: Skin

The skin is considered to be a large organ and at some point in time in their lives,
most people will be affected with a skin issue. Many skin issues are not severe such
as the pimples we get as teens. Other issues could be sunburns, exposure to certain
plants or minor chemical reactions. In many cases, skin issues are caused by
different factors we face, from eating the wrong foods to having a mental trauma
that activates an issue with our skin. There are genetic factors that can be involved
for some people that end up with a skin condition. Self-awareness of what we eat
and how we think can certainly help with many skin issues.

Acne can sometimes be influenced by genetic factors. Typically acne starts to set in
when the pores become clogged. Each pore is attached to a gland which will
produce sebum and that oil attracts the growth of bacteria. The body is designed to
protect itself and in that regard, white blood cells will start to wage war against the
bacteria, resulting in the red acne you see some people suffering from.

 Apple cider vinegar is known for helping in weight loss but it can also be used
as a facial treatment. Apple cider vinegar has organic acids due to being
fermented. Applying it to the afflicted area may kill the bacteria and reduce
inflammation that in some cases will be left after the acne has disappeared.

The proper way to apply apple cider is to first cleanse your face. Next take a
diluted solution of apple cider vinegar and apply to the face using cotton balls
or a folded piece of gauze. Never apply the vinegar without diluting it first.
The best ratio is 1 tablespoon of vinegar, mixed with three tablespoons of
water. The final step is to wait approximately 30 seconds to wash the face
with cool water and pat dry with a clean towel. Always pat the face dry as
rubbing it dry with a towel can irritate the acne.

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 Honey is one of the most amazing foods in the world. It also has a lot of
health properties and when paired with cinnamon, it can be a great
alternative to over the counter topical remedies. The bacteria fighting
abilities of both honey and cinnamon are shown to reduce acne and the
inflammation that occurs during a breakout.

To use this natural method, mix two tablespoons of honey with one teaspoon
of cinnamon. This mixture has a pleasant odour and the next step is cleanse
the face and to lather gently the mixture onto the affected areas. Sit back
and relax for 20 minutes while the mixture is absorbed by the skin.
Afterwards, gently rinse the face with cool water and again…gently pat the
face dry.

 It might come as a surprise but the green tea you drink, works well at
reducing acne flare ups. The green tea packs a double punch with its tannin
and flavonoid properties. To use green tea, make one cup and let it sit to
cool. Take a clean cotton ball and moisten it with the green tea, before
patting each acne point on the face. This is targeting the individual spots but
you can also put the green tea in a small spray bottle and apply it overall if
you wish. It would be best to lean over the sink and close your eyes before
using the spritzer as it will coat your face and run slightly. Just use a clean
washcloth to pat up the extra green tea.

 Stress can attack sensitive parts of the body and make things more painful.
For example, people who suffer from tendonitis find that when their stress
levels go up, so does the occurrence of severe tendonitis. Unfortunately
stress can also increase acne production as it make sebum production and
inflammation skyrocket. The acne lesions may have difficulty in healing as
well because stress has been shown to inhibit the body’s ability to close and
heal any type of wounds to the skin. Reducing the stress factor by drinking
special tea mixtures, will help in reducing acne outbreaks.

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 One solution that is available is the use of colloidal oatmeal. This is created
by taking oats and grinding it to a powder before boiling it down to release
the skin healing properties within. Colloidal oatmeal comes in a lubricant
form like many skin conditioners and is used for itchy skin. For tougher
problems like eczema, it is essential to get a good colloidal oatmeal from the
health food store. When purchasing from the health store, ensure that it is
powered colloidal oatmeal and does not contain any fragrance or has
anything else added to it. Use the powdered oatmeal in the bathtub. Fill the
bathtub with warm water, enough to be able to lay down in and cover the
entire body. The powdered oatmeal is placed in a large piece of cheese cloth
and tied off to prevent leakage of the oats. Once in the tub, begin gently
squeezing the cheese cloth to release the liquid from the oats. The water will
turn a mild milky color from the substance being released. Make sure to hand
mix the water and if not laying down in the tub, cup your hands and run the
milky water over your body.

 Tea tree oil is used in many ways. People suffering from extremely bad
breath find that the tea tree toothpaste helps to reduce the bacteria in the
mouth associated with bad breath. Tea tree oil is actually extracted from the
leaves of a tree found in Australia called the melaleuca alternifolia. To use
tea tree oil, it is best to dilute it with another oil that is considered to be a
“carrier.” One such oil would be olive oil. In a small bowl, thoroughly mix the
two oils and then apply to the affected areas, using a cotton ball and gently

 If you prefer creams over oils, then give calendula a try. This cream is a long
time herbal remedy and works in three ways. It has been found to combat
inflammation, skin infections and work to hydrate the skin. You can also use
it to sooth burns or help heal minor skin cuts.

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 There are a number of reasons why Epsom salts may work to reduce or
eliminate psoriasis. Epsom salts contain magnesium which the body is
usually lacking in due to the chemical treatments of the food we eat. By
soaking in a bathtub with the salts, the magnesium can be absorbed by the
body. Some skin conditions like psoriasis can arise from too much stress.
Epsom salts has been shown to be a great stress reliever as well as relieving
pain and inflammation throughout the body.

 Adding turmeric to a wide variety of the foods you eat, can help with
psoriasis relief. The healing properties of this yellow spice are vast and some
of them are, inflammation from arthritis and reducing bad cholesterol.
Turmeric can be easily added to the food you eat on a regular basis. Try some
in oatmeal, stews, soups, spaghetti and chilli. Hot turmeric milk is another
option and it is commonly called, “Golden Milk.” Be aware that you need
separate pots and glassware to drink from, as the turmeric will stain a pot or
porcelain cup.

 Try adding oats to a warm bath. The oats have a healing property that can
be released as the warm water works to dissolve them. The oats need to be
dissolved in the water in order to release a milky colored liquid. Many people
put a cup of oats in a blender and grind them slightly, before putting them in
piece of cheesecloth. The cheesecloth is then tied off and when in the bath,
it is held under water and hand squeezed. Squeeze the cheesecloth until,
there is an end to the milky substance coming from the cheese cloth. Hand
stir the water around to fully mix the cloudy milk colored substance with the
warm water.

 The psoriasis needs lots of moisture to heal up. Try putting your favorite
cream on the area and then wrap it gently with clear plastic wrap. To keep
that in place, you can use a flex bandage roll and then pin that to hold
everything in place. Do this before you go to bed, so that the affected area,
gets maximum moisture.

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Chapter 3: Respiratory Diseases and Illness’s

A large number of diseases and illnesses related to the throat and lungs, are due to
airborne pollution and germs. With any of the content below, the first thing to do
is stop smoking. Any form of smoking, whether cigarettes, vapes or marijuana, will
aggravate the symptoms. Depending on where a person lives, a mask may be
considered as a way to prevent pollution, smoke from large fires or air born germs
from entering the lungs.

Common Cold and Flu

 In this case we will be talking about natural ways to relieve the nagging
symptoms of colds and flu’s. The number one thing is drink plenty of water
to stay hydrated, especially if any vomiting occurs. There are a wide variety
of teas that can be consumed that are great for colds and flu like symptoms.
Try ginger tea to start. Cut up a piece of raw ginger and then chop it finely.
Add the ginger to a pot of boiling water and then strain the tea to remove
the bits of ginger. You can add a dash of honey or lemon if you like. Ginger
has amazing healing properties and if the taste does not bother you, chewing
on a piece of raw ginger will release the gingerol. This can help with nausea
and increasing your appetite for starters.

 In some circles, essential oils get a bad rap. However essential oils have been
used for thousands of years and they shouldn’t be dismissed. The ancient
Egyptian culture is known mostly for the amazing pyramids. In fact, many
scholars believe the Egyptians were at the forefront for the use of essential
oils for health and for beauty.

 For colds, eucalyptus oil is considered to the best to use because of its
antiviral and antimicrobial healing properties. When the flu hits, grab some
peppermint oil to reduce the congestion and aid in dropping your
temperature. Most people are extremely happy with the scent once they
apply the peppermint oil as the over the counter medicinal rubs, tend to be

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overpowering. Remember for all essential oils, you need to use a carrier oil
like olive oil, to aid in diluting.

A case of laryngitis can be really annoying, especially if your job requires a lot of
speaking. Laryngitis can stick around for a week or more, so it is important to get
on top of it with a treatment.

 Moisture is your friend here, so boil water and place it in a bowl. Grab the
biggest towel you have and place it over your head as you lean over the bowl
of steaming water. Close it off as much as possible so the steam can be
inhaled. If you find that you suffer from frequent dry throat/nose and
occasional laryngitis, consider purchasing a vaporizer. You can purchase
vaporizers that will diffuse essential oils and that will help add moisture to
the nose and throat area for relief.

 Chewing on candy ginger or drinking homemade ginger tea is another

method to work on getting rid of the laryngitis. Candied ginger has a pleasant
taste and is likely to be more effective than over the counter cough drops.
Adding honey to your ginger tea gives it a pleasant taste and the honey also
has antibacterial properties.

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Sore throat

 Plenty of liquids like water are essential to keep your throat moist. Try
fenugreek tea as a method to help a sore throat. This herbal tea has shown
to be a pain reliever. It also may work to kill the bacteria in your throat. The
pain and itching that you feel in the throat area, comes from bacteria, so
fenugreek tea may be the go to solution for you.

 If the sore throat becomes extremely painful, especially when swallowing,

then it may be time to hit the spice rack. Cayenne pepper can be used as a
pain reliever due to the amount of capsaicin it contains. Capsaicin has been
well documented in quieting the pain receptors in the body and will work on
the throat area. The recommended method of using cayenne pepper is to
add some honey and warm water to a glass. You can gargle a short time with
this solution and then swallow. Gargling will help coat the throat with the

Strep throat
This illness is always caused by a bacterial infection and unlike the common sore
throat, you will likely see white spots on the tonsil area at the back of the throat as
an example. Gargling is the best method to work on a strep throat as you need to
coat the afflicted area.

 Thyme oil has been used for centuries as a solution for this throat problem.
You can add one or two drops of this oil to a cup of warm water and gargle
2-3 times a day.

 Bone broth is something that is excellent for not only overall health but strep
throat as well. When bones are boiled they release minerals and collagen. It
is not hard to make bone broth but it takes some time, so it is best to prepare
a batch and refrigerate it. When you are recovering from the flu or have that
dreaded strep throat, reach for your bone broth. In simple terms, you can
boil five or six beef bones with a whole onion and piece of ginger for about 8

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hours. Then strain the mixture to capture the broth. If you are having
difficulty eating due to the flu or strep throat, bone broth is going to keep
your overall strength up.

It is essential to stay away from items that may enter your lungs and make the
condition worse, instead of allowing healing. This means staying out of dusty areas
or away from smokers. If you smoke yourself, now is the time to put away whatever
you are inhaling. Quitting altogether is the best strategy, yet some will find it
difficult, so that means at least stopping until the bronchitis has eased.

 Drink as much clear fluid as possible, such as water or homemade chicken

broth. This will help to loosen mucus and make it easier to expel. Making the
throat and lungs moist is the optimum thing to do. You can use a humidifier
or personal vaporizer to get moisture into your airway.

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Chapter 4: Digestive System

The food and liquids we ingest do not always agree with our digestive system. Most
of the digestive problems cause pain and in some cases can do damage to the body,
such as the acid reflux which can damage the esophagus. This occurs because the
backwash of foods are mixed with digestive fluids which are used by the body to
break down food. Type 2 diabetes has been included in this digestive segment as it
is caused by a lack of natural insulin which is normally produced in the pancreas. It
can also arise when the body becomes resistant to the insulin produced.

Acid reflux

 When you sleep with one pillow under the head, the stomach is either lined
up with or slightly higher than the head. This allows for stomach fluids to
backwash into the throat and mouth due to gravity. This can be extremely
dangerous as a small amount of this fluid can end up in the throat and lungs,
causing severe choking. There will be an extreme burning sensation in the
throat and you must clear the material and then dilute what remains in the
throat, by slowing sipping water. To avoid the backwash from the stomach,
you can purchase foam wedges to use instead of stacking pillows. Avoid
stacking pillows because this will cause neck pain, while a foam wedge gives
your upper back and neck, gentle support.

 Ginger is used for upset stomachs and nausea. It can also be used for acid
reflux issues, instead of using an over the counter pharmaceutical. Use a 2
inch piece of ginger root finely chopped. Add it to a pot of boiling water and
then reduce the heat to low for five minutes. Remove the pot from the stove
and let it cool to drinking temperature before straining it. Add honey to taste.

 The ancient Egyptians knew the value of aloe vera. Yes it is used in skin
treatments, but the juice of the aloe vera plant can help with acid reflux and
assist with proper digestion of the food you consume. To treat the acid
reflux, use a good pure organic aloe vera juice which can be found in your
local health food store or Amazon as examples. Make sure to check the labels

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for how the juice has been processed. Look for “flash pasteurization,” which
means it has not been subjected to extreme heat, reducing how effective it
will be.


 Try to determine what caused the ingestion for starters. If you think that you
ate too much acidic food, then baking soda is a go to solution. Dissolve some
in a glass of warm water and add a couple drops of lemon as a precaution.
The lemon is slightly acidic but it still needs to be added as baking soda can
be disruptive and the lemon drops will fix that.

 Head to the health food store and ask for DGL licorice. This comes in tablet
form and you need 1-3 tablets to work on coating the inside of your stomach
lining. DGL licorice is recommended for any type of stomach issue, including
those who suffer from acid reflux.

Type 2 Diabetes
Using a natural method to combat diabetes is desirable, as this disease requires two
to three types of pills to keep it under control. And it is possible that after a number
of years, you may have to incorporate a needle once a day, to cut down on the
dosage of pills and the damage that can occur to some organs with prolonged use.
That would of course be up to your doctor. The best thing to do, is once you have
been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, is to have a long conversation with your
doctor. It is important to ask if using some natural solutions may prevent you from
having to start on the pills used to combat these disease or allow you to use a
combination of both.

 Studies have been done on the idea of using American ginseng to reduce
blood sugar levels. This particular ginseng has shown better results than
ginseng from other parts of the world. Within the ginseng are compounds

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called ginsenosides. These compounds go to work on reducing the amount

of inflammation and oxidative stress found within the body.

 Cinnamon is tasty but most people consume it with sugar, as in cinnamon

buns and cinnamon/sugar on toast. It is healthier all round to consume it
without sugar, either ground up or in stick form. In addition to reducing
glucose levels in the body, cinnamon will work on dropping the triglycerides,
lipoprotein and cholesterol levels. The most exciting news is that studies
have shown consistent cinnamon use will help with weight loss and insulin
control within the body.

Cinnamon can be used in the same way as turmeric, which is another health
benefit spice. Just add between around ½ to ¾ of a tablespoon, to your
soups, stews and even your meatloaf…just for starters.

This issue affects many people even when they are young. The elderly tend to suffer
from it frequently and studies suggest that one cause may be the lack of hydration
as the elderly slow down and are not active enough. Not being active means less
water intake as the elderly may not feel thirsty, so they do not hydrate like a middle
aged person out playing tennis.

 Drinking enough water is an issue many people face. While doing sports, they
may consume water due to thirst, yet ignore the rest of the day. Having a
glass of warm water upon waking will help not only with constipation but
the overall health. Water consumption should be throughout the day and
evening, rather than blasting down 2 litres of water at once. Drinking a large
glass of water before dinner, will not only help with the digestive system but
also fill you up, so you eat less food, helping you with weight loss issues.

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 Constipation issues are more than the inability to eliminate waste daily. It is
often accompanied by bloating, pain and excessive gas. While fiber is good
for constipation, overdoing it can make the issue worse. Try small amounts
of added fibre and then increase as necessary. Once you find the right
balance, your constipation issues will lessen. If this solution does not help,
try a herbal supplement that you can use daily. Triphala is a special blend of
3 herbs, first used in the Ayurveda health systems centuries ago. The special
combination of herbs works to keep you regular, without causing harm to
your digestive system. You can purchase Triphala at your local health food

 Using prunes on a frequent basis will give you the fibre you need. While most
people believe this is why prunes are so effective, the real reason is that it
contains a natural laxative called sorbitol. The most common consumption
of prunes is the dried variety. Prune juice works, however as with any
product, you need to check the label for added sugar or any preservatives.
To combat constipation and the issues it brings, eat between 5-7 prunes per
day as needed.

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Chapter 5: Heart

It is extremely important to keep an eye on your heart health, even when you are
young and in tremendous shape. Any signs of heartburn on a frequent basis, means
you need to talk to your doctor. Undiagnosed high blood pressure can damage your
arteries. As long term damage occurs, the fat from your diet can come to rest in the
damaged areas and then it is possible for heart attacks to occur. Having a home
monitoring kit is a great idea to remind you to check your blood pressure on a
frequent basis. Young people may feel this in unnecessary but it is not. At the very
least, when you shop in a big grocery store that has a pharmacy, check it there. The
pharmacy likely has the machine that you can sit at comfortably and check your
weight, BMI and blood pressure. By entering your email, you can access all your
past tests.


 Heartburn often comes hand in hand with acid reflux. As mentioned before,
frequent heartburn means you need to ask your doctor what the issue might
be. Once you have heartburn off and on, try aloe juice. This can be bought
at most grocery stores and has been shown to be very helpful in reducing
heartburn attacks. Try drinking ½ glass before a meal, especially if you are
eating something that may have caused a heartburn issue before….like spicy
chicken wings.

 Bananas have proven to be very effective with reducing the amount of

heartburn attacks. Besides being a good source of potassium, bananas have
a natural antacid within them. Yogurt is another good choice. Bananas and
yogurt can coat the esophagus, reducing the acid that may be backwashing
from your stomach. Of course you can combine the two together and eat just
before your meal. This will help with any heartburn and cause you to eat less
of those tasty chicken wings, which are not the best food choice.

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 Herbs are good for heartburn and one company has combined 9 herbal
extracts, which have shown to be effective in heartburn management.
Iberogast comes in 100 ML bottles and can be used for a number of digestive

Blood pressure

 To start with, it is essential to exercise every day and hydrate with water and
water rich food, like watermelon, bean sprouts and cucumbers for starters.
Lower the salt intake and this means get rid of the salt shaker as most foods
have added sodium. In fact if you don’t prepare beans from scratch, the
canned beans you use in your tasty chilli need to be rinsed first to get rid of
the sodium laden juices they are packed in.

 Indian 3 spice tea with milk is delicious. One of the key ingredients in this tea
is cardamom. Cardamom can be used on its own to lower high blood
pressure. Two ways that you can use cardamom is add some to your
breakfast cereal, such as oatmeal. Green tea has a huge number of health
benefits and by adding cardamom to your favorite green tea, you can turn it
into a natural way to lower your blood pressure.

 There are a number of supplemental items, that are beneficial to blood

pressure and one of the best is fish oil. We are lucky that today, fish oil comes
in easy to swallow capsules, rather than the tablespoon of cod liver oil that
parents dished out 40 plus years ago. Back then children thought cough syrup
was a joy to take, in comparison to the taste of cod liver oil.

 Omega 3 fatty acids, such as that found in salmon and mackerel have been
found to reduce the blood pressure numbers and while eating those types of
fish, is wonderful, not many people are willing to have fish 7 days a week.
Fish oil is beneficial for reducing bad cholesterol as well and this makes using
a daily supplement a wise idea. However if you are currently on high blood

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pressure medicine, continue to take it and discuss using supplements as

secondary choice with your family doctor.

 Alcohol can cause many issues and one of them is increased high blood
pressure. Try skipping the after dinner beers or happy hour with friends.
Lowering or completely eliminating alcohol can have a major impact on
improving your overall health.

 Blood pressure is a sneaky thing. Most times, it is not apparent that the blood
pressure is high. Occasionally if it gets very high, you may feel some pressure
in the facial region and notice redness as well. Grab two bananas and eat
them, followed by water. The high potassium content in bananas will work
on dropping the blood pressure and the water will assist with that as well.
Eating more potassium in your diet is a good idea if you frequently have
blood pressure issues. Try snacking at night on nuts and seeds that have high
potassium content.

Heart Ache

 Heart ache is slightly different than heart burn. Of course with the heart, you
need to be careful. With a heart attack you may feel chest pain and pain at
the same time in the arm or lower back. Once you are positive that the
occasional heart pain you feel is not a serious issue, then look at what might
be causing the issues and the remedies. For example, pain in and around the
heart can be caused by muscle strain from doing chest workouts or working
in the garden. In this case, holding a cold compress bag over the heart region
will help to lessen the pain.

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 Acid reflux does cause a burning sensation in the esophagus and when a lot
of backwash occurs, there may be some choking until you are able to expel
any stomach liquids and rinse the mouth repeatedly. This may also cause
heart ache and if that is the suspected cause, you can gently sip some almond
milk or chew a few almonds. Be sure to chew the almonds into a fine paste
before swallowing to reduce any choking possibility.

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Chapter 6: Urinary System

Urinary issues can affect anyone, however most often as we age, then we begin to
see minor to major issues Women who have gone through childbirth, end up having
changes to the physical structure around the bladder area. This can cause frequent
urination and other issues. Older men who start to have prostate problems such as
increased size, will find urinating difficult.

Urinating issues
During the process of passing urine from the body, a person may feel a burning or
even a painful sensation. This is an indicator of a urinary tract infection. Due to
having a shorter urethra, women are much more prone to urinary tract infections.
In comparison, the bacteria which causes this infection has a much more difficult
route to travel when it comes to men. The bacteria from the skin around the testicles
and from the anal region, has to travel to the tip of the penis, making it more
difficult for the bacteria to take hold.

While antibiotics are frequently used to attack the bacteria, many people have
allergic reactions to the antibiotics and frequent use will lower the effectiveness of
the prescribed medicine.

 One natural solution is drinking cranberry juice which has antioxidants.

Many urinary tract infections come from E.coli bacteria found in the skin
around the anus. Improper cleaning of the area, is one way the bacteria can
produce and spread to the urethra. Some studies have shown that frequent
use of cranberry juice will make it much more difficult for the bacteria cells
to actually pair up with the urinary tract cells.

 Oregon grape root is a herb that has been shown to be very effective in
treating urinary tract infections. The root has a special alkaloid called,
“berberine.” It can be used on its own or combined with echinacea to help
repair the immune system and fight against future infections.

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 Do you love yogurt? If you suffer from urinary tract issues, yogurt can be a
great way to combat it. Purchase yogurt with probiotic properties. Check the
label and look specifically for probiotic with lactobacilli acidophilus. This
yogurt is a triple threat to the bacteria that may be causing the urinary tract
issue. Like cranberry juice, this yogurt can help prevent the bacteria cells
from connecting to the tissue cells. Secondly, the yogurt can help produce
hydrogen peroxide within the urine and it works as an antibacterial in this
regard. Lastly, the bacteria has a hard time surviving in low PH and the yogurt
can help reduce the PH levels in your urine.

Kidney stones
Unfortunately kidney stones are all too common, so taking preventive measures to
keep them forming is the best thing you can do for yourself. There are four types of
stones but in general terms, they are waste material that has become hard and then
turned into a form of crystal. Passing large stones in the urinary tract can be very
painful. As well the stones when released from the kidney area, sometimes travel
elsewhere and can end up lodged in tubes connecting to other organs. In this case
they are hard to spot on an ultra sound and a specialist may need to investigate and
remove them.

 Basil juice is a natural solution for making it harder to have kidney stones
form. The stones can form due to high uric acid levels. Basil juice has acetic
acid which goes to work on dissolving stones that are forming or already
present. The recommended dosage is one tea spoon per day.

 Acidic fruits like oranges, limes and lemons are your friend when it comes to
avoiding kidney stones or allowing them to increase in sizes that are very
difficult to pass. The citric acid in these fruits acts as a binder and attaches
itself to the calcium that is in your urine. When this happens, it makes it much
harder for the stones to form. If your body is already in the process of stone
production, increasing your acidic fruit consumption will bind the citric acid
to the calcium oxalate crystals in your body. These crystals will find it
extremely difficult to increase in size when that happens and will be flushed

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out in the urine elimination. Due to the very small size, you will likely not feel
anything when this occurs.

 Taking magnesium supplements or increasing the foods that contain

magnesium, can cut down the possibility of your body creating kidney
stones. Foods like spinach, kale and nuts all have good levels of magnesium,
so be sure to incorporate these into your diet.


 Perhaps you were born into a family that has home remedies passed down
from generation to generation. In this case, drinking warm water upon
waking and sleeping is considered to be very beneficial and something you
have heard of. When we think of warm water, we want to be able to put a
finger in the water and hold it there without discomfort. If the water is too
hot, it can damage the tongue and throat. Warm water can help in digestion,
constipation, weight loss and flushing out the bladder and urethra.

 A natural method you can try is D-Mannose, an extract from two types of
trees. While maple sap has high sugar content, D-Mannose does not and is
fine for your overall diet. The D-Mannose travels through your digestive
system and attaches itself to the bacteria causing the inflammation. Then like
a life raft, the D-Mannose flows with the urine out of the body. D-Mannose
is typically taken in capsule or powder form.

 Quercetin is an anti-oxidant which is found naturally in foods like dark

berries, such as blueberries, red grapes and cranberries. This anti-oxidant has
been shown to be effective in reducing bacteria and the accompanying
inflammation. As with over the counter medications, you should be prepared
to take Quercetin daily for approximately 3-4 weeks.

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 The hot and cold therapy is a method to try out and see what results occur.
Purchasing a vinyl hot water bag or heating pad is the first step. When the
pain occurs, place the bag or heating pad over it and leave it for 10-15. With
heating pads, start with a lower heat in case you drift off to sleep as you don’t
want to overheat the skin. Alternate back and forth with heat pads or cold
ice bags to gain relief.

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Chapter 7: Aches + Chronic Pain

With chronic pain, there can be a number of factors that cause it. Inflammation in
the body, is well known in regards to chronic pain, as is nerve damage. What many
people are unaware of…is how much emotions has to do with chronic pain. Many
people report that prior to a flare up with lower back pain or fibromyalgia pain, that
they were depressed or going through a difficult situation. To reduce the number
of aches and chronic pain that occur, it is a best practice to continue daily on
managing your emotions. Reducing anxiety, depression or anger, will go a long way
in keeping the pain monster toned down.


 It is always imperative to understand the food you eat and the benefits or
the drawbacks of what is ingested. Migraine sufferers need to avoid certain
foods as they can bring on the pain. One major type of food to avoid, is
processed meats due to the nitrates they include. While hot dogs may taste
great, they are definitely not the best meat to be eating. Other processed
meats to avoid are cold cuts and bacon. Pickled foods should also be avoided,
so if a person were to have salami sandwich and a couple of pickles, it is a
double whammy as far as a possible migraine is concerned.

 Acupuncture and acupressure are two natural methods that can be

considered for headaches in general and the tremendous pain caused by
migraines. Certain points are targeted on the body and once they are
accessed, most people find they get relief. Body charts show that there are
connections within the body that many people may not be aware of. For
example there is a spot on the hand, between the thumb and forefinger that
can be pressed to relieve pain and headaches.

 The moment a migraine starts to appear, apply peppermint oil to the

forehead and temples. Gently massage the peppermint oil in and continue
to gently massage while thinking about the pain melting away like snow on
a sunny day.

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 Coriander seeds have been used extensively in Ayurveda Indian medicine.

One method is to put coriander seeds in a bowl of hot water and inhale the
steam. To get the full effect, put a large towel over your head and lean
directly over the steaming water. The seeds can also be chewed or to make
a delicious herbal tea.

Fibromyalgia is a disease that is difficult to diagnosis and treat, as there is no known
cure for it. The symptoms are wide ranging and each person will have a different
reaction once this disease takes hold. It tends to affect the nerves and muscles of
the body, causing pain and discomfort, with some people reporting depression as
another symptom. There are approximately up to 15 symptoms that people can

 Fibromyalgia suffers do report that living or visiting a warm area, like Florida
or the Islands for instance, does have a healing effect on their overall body.
As that option is not available to everyone-using an infrared heat lamp can
bring relief from some of the pain symptoms. The lamps are adjustable, so if
the pain on a particular day is showing in the face and neck region, the lamp
can be adjusted to target that area.

 Sandalwood oil is used for the treatment of fibromyalgia. It is helpful in

calming down the central nervous system and also works as an anti-
inflammatory. Using it before sleep, will be beneficial as the oil contains
santalol which is a natural sleep sedative.

 5-HTP is a natural amino that has been shown to be helpful with

fibromyalgia. Some people report that it worked well in reducing pain and
fatigue. Another huge benefit is that it helps the body to produce serotonin,
which helps manage mood swings. This is important as sufferers of
fibromyalgia often report going from sad to happy, then to anger, without
being able to gather control over the swings.

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 When the pain of fibromyalgia hits, try using capsaicin cream. Capsaicin is
the heat element in the hot peppers or cayenne pepper that people love to
flavor food with. This cream goes to work calming down the nerve endings
in the body that produce pain. Be careful applying it to the facial area and
stay away from the eyes.


 Arthritis pain can be in the hands, knees and feet as examples. Weight
management is an essential natural method of reducing arthritis pain. Too
much fat in the abdomen region can overwork the lower back and glutes,
resulting in arthritis flare ups. With fat in the stomach area, it pulls the body
forward and the lower back has to compensate to keep a person upright. The
knees and feet, need to work to carry the body around and if a person is
overweight, it puts an extreme amount of pressure on those areas and
causes a great deal of pain. Look for a diet plan that works for you. Everyone
responds to weight loss programs differently, so it is imperative to do some
research, find a new eating pattern and stick to it.

 The spice we know as turmeric is beneficial in reducing the inflammation that

ramps up arthritis symptoms. The key ingredient in turmeric is called
curcumin. Turmeric can be consumed in many ways and that makes it very
popular as a natural health solution. It goes very well with most foods that
are consumed for breakfast, lunch or supper. It can be added to scrambled
eggs, soups, stews, mashed potatoes and much more. It can also be taken in
capsule form, if the taste is not to the liking. An extremely popular method
of consuming turmeric every day, is making golden milk. There are a variety
of recipes and one that can be used is to boil almond milk in a pan. Add in 4
teaspoons of turmeric powder, 2-3 teaspoons of cinnamon, 1 teaspoon of
black pepper and finally take about ½ inch of fresh ginger and chop it finely
before adding. The black pepper is necessary because it helps to activate the
curcumin in the turmeric.

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After heating and stirring, pour into a cup that is dark in color, as the golden
milk will stain white porcelain. Just let it cool a bit before sipping and if
needed after tasting, dust the top of your golden milk with a bit more

 Arthritis responds well to heat and cold therapy. Most sufferers find that
when they wake up, stiffness has set in. It is a good idea to take a hot bath
with Epsom salts added, first thing in the more. Throughout the day, if the
pain persists, apply gel packs that you can keep in the freezer. A warm
shower or bath before bed, will help ease the pain before you sleep.

 Try making your own herbal cream to apply where the arthritis is causing
issues. Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin which is well known for its pain
reducing properties. You can mix one tablespoon of cayenne pepper to 4-5
tablespoons of coconut oil. The method used, is gently heating the coconut
oil in a saucepan. Slowly mix in the capsaicin while leaning back slightly.
Capsaicin will irritate the nose, just like the juice of a ghost pepper and it is
best not to inhale it or a floating particle of cayenne pepper. Once it is
completely mixed, pour into a small mason jar and seal it tight. Let the
mixture sit until the next day and then begin applying to the affected spots,
three times per day.

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Chapter 8. Personal Issues

There are issues that people suffer from, that can cause some depression or cause
their self-esteem to take a hit. They are likely to avoid talking about these issues,
due to embarrassment. It should be noted that as humans, we are not immune to
personal health issues and if the conversation comes up, it should be treated with
respect. With some of the personal issues like chlamydia and herpes, it is essential
to tell any potential sex partners of the issue and spend time discussing and
reviewing safe sex to avoid transmitting the disease.

Hemorrhoids are very aggravating to deal with. Located in the anus region, they
can making sitting or walking difficult due to pain and itching. In some cases, these
hemorrhoids which are actually veins can break out due to stool elimination and
minor bleeding can occur.

 An alternative therapy for hemorrhoids, is the use of witch hazel. It has been
shown to work on both pain and itching that occurs during hemorrhoid flare-
ups. Aloe vera is typically used just for itching and it is possible to find
products that combine both witch hazel and aloe era. The products available
are treated wipes or in liquid form that can be applied to your own personal
type of wipe.

 Cold compresses have been used effectively in reducing the swelling that
comes with hemorrhoids. To use a cold compress in the anal region, make
sure to wrap it in a clean piece of cloth that can be washed. Typically a cotton
washcloth would be used due to the softness of the material. Make sure to
apply gently and do not rub the hemorrhoids in any fashion.

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 Soaking the hemorrhoid area in warm water and Epsom salts has been
shown to be very effective. Studies have shown that it is best to do this for
up to 20-30 minutes after each elimination. It is not necessary to run a full
bath. Most large drug stores or healthcare facilities will carry a small insert
that will fit over the toilet seat. The insert can be filled with warm water and
Epsom salts to provide welcoming relief from the pain and itching.


 This bacterial infection can be treated naturally using echinacea, which

comes in a lovely tasting tea or capsule form. Most people associate
echinacea tea with the prevention of colds and flu, however it has great
antibacterial properties. Sufferers of chlamydia should try taking echinacea
in one of the forms, five times a day for up to 10-14 days for relieve of the

 Olive tree extract is another natural solution that has been used for many
years. Chlamydia has been with us for a long time, however it was known by
different names in parts of the world. Olive tree extract can be applied to the
groin area once it has been thoroughly cleaned. Olive tree extract with its
active ingredient of oleuropein can be purchased in other forms such as
capsules or a concentrated liquid.

 Garlic is considered to be an all-round healer due to its high content of allicin.

Allicin had antibacterial and antifungal fighting abilities, which make it a
great choice for those suffering from chlamydia. The best method of using
garlic is eating two raw cloves a day. Other methods including baking a garlic
bundle which causes the garlic to become creamy in texture and can be
spread on toast or using garlic capsules.

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 Herpes shows as blisters, which are moist and itchy…usually in the groin area.
In order to dry out the lesions left by herpes, try making a paste from
cornstarch or baking soda. This will help with the itching. Unfortunately
herpes virus stays with the body once it has invaded. Outbreaks will come
and go, depending on many factors, including being under a lot of stress. To
slow down the number of outbreaks, you can make some dietary changes.
Try eating probiotic yogurt every day for starters, as the probiotics may help
slow down the bacteria production.

 It may also be wise to try zinc supplements as studies have shown that
increased zinc levels via about 30 milligrams per day, tends to slow down the
number of outbreaks. Coating a zinc cream to the affected areas has also
been described as a method for treating the herpes virus.

 A diet rich in vitamin C will work to speed up the process of healing herpes
sores when they appear. Make sure to eat plenty of raw yellow or red
peppers for side dishes at dinner or for a bedtime snack. Colorful fruits such
as raspberries, strawberries, kiwi and of courses oranges will really help
with the vitamin C you need.

 Some herbs have superior antiviral properties. Eating herbs such as

echinacea and elderberry are recommended. These two herbs may reduce
the symptoms of herpes or even prevent a new outbreak on the body.

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Chapter 9: First Aid

Everyone should learn first aid and it is important to get children involved at a very
young age as they can help in many ways, including learning how and when to call
911. Every household should have the basic first aid kit and it is a great idea to carry
one in the trunk of the car. Common first aid complaints can be treated with natural
solutions but remember to consider when and if a doctor or hospital should be

Insects bites
When speaking of insect bites, we are mainly discussing the type of bite that does
not leave a stinger in. For those, you need to immediately remove the stinger or the
actual bug like a tick right away.

 Mosquito and small fly bites can be treated for minor swelling and itching by
using a number of natural methods. If you have tea bags in the house, you
can make a cup of tea and remove the bag to cool. Once the tea bag is cool
enough to place it on the arm, let it sit for approximately 10-15 minutes to
draw out any fluid associated with the bite.

 Tea tree oil is another effective method to treat bug bites and this should be
used if it is possible for the bite to become infected. It is a triple threat in that
it also relieves the pain and itching associated with a bite like those issued by
horse flies.

 We hear a lot of the uses of coconut oil in terms of healthy eating, yet it can
also be used to treat bug bites. Coconut oil has antibacterial properties and
can help reduce the itchy feeling associated with bug bites. Coating a bite
with coconut oil will help keep dirt and dust from infecting any open bug bite
and it can be applied just like a sun screen.

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Burns, especially those that occur in the kitchen cause a fair amount of pain and
usually blistering afterwards. Hotel chefs swear by putting egg whites on the burn,
yet it has never been proven to be anything but a placebo. In fact, hospitals frown
on putting any heavy creams or essential oils on a burn.

 The best remedy to reduce the pain is to run cold water over the burn and
repeat the process. Once you have done that, gently wrap the burn in gauze
to keep out any dirt.

 Keeping a herbal cream at home or in your car may be just the answer. If you
are out hiking and get sunburned or suffer a minor burn while putting
together the camp fire, using the cream will help with the pain and blistering.
Calendula cream is made from a flower. It has anti-inflammatory properties
and has been shown to promote fast healing from burns.

 If the idea of putting something on a burn is weighing on your mind, put a

very light coating of aloe vera on it. Aloe vera has antibacterial and anti-
inflammatory properties. Growing your own aloe vera plant is wise and when
needed, snip off a leaf and squeeze the gel out. Lightly pat the burn by
applying the gel to a gauze pad and do not rub it in. Leave any gauze wrap
off for as long as possible. If you are headed out for the day, then it is a good
idea to wrap the burn gently first.


 Our friendly spice, turmeric is going to come into play again, when dealing
with minor cuts. Applying turmeric powder directly to the wound has been
shown to stop the bleeding quickly. The longer that you can leave the wound
open to the air, the better. If the bleeding does not stop quickly, apply a
gauze pad and apply pressure for approximately 3-5 minutes before
wrapping the wound and bandage with gauze. Do not remove the pad as it
may cause the bleeding to continue. Drink several cups of golden milk, (made

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with turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, pepper and milk) right up until bedtime.
Taking the turmeric internally will help the overall healing of the wound.

 Garlic can be used in a similar way to turmeric, to add in stopping the

bleeding. Take a large flat kitchen knife and once the garlic is peeled, lay the
blade against the cloves and flatten them out. Place the cloves on the wound
and gently wrap in gauze to hold them in place.


 Sunburns can be very painful and can sometimes blister quickly. Try putting
a stopper that has straining ability in your bathtub. Next up, add some cool
water and 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda. After you swirl that around to get
it mixed, add a cup of oats wrapped in cheesecloth, and again swirl it around.
The baking soda will help reduce the amount of damage the sun has done to
your skin. Oatmeal has been shown to reduce the amount of irritation that
accompanies a sunburn.

 Make sure you are growing that aloe vera plant in your dwelling. It has been
used for centuries as a natural remedy for sunburn. When you grow your
own plant, you know it is pure aloe vera you are putting on your sensitive
skin. Clipping the leaf and squeezing out the gel inside, gets you the relief
you need. Always remember to pat it on, instead of rubbing it into your skin.

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Chapter 10: Miscellaneous Issues

Nose bleeds

 The nasal passages need to be kept moist yet it can be difficult depending on
weather conditions and the type of heating used in the home environment.
Occasional nosebleeds due to dryness in the home environment can be dealt
with by using a cool mist humidifier in the bedroom at night. Another method
to keep moisture in the nose, is using cotton balls with a coating of petroleum
jelly. By gently inserting and slowly rotating the cotton ball in the nostril, it
will coat the walls without any discomfort.

 Frequent nosebleeds can be treated with nettle powder capsules or nettle

tea. Use either nettle leafs or ground up nettle powder to make your tea.

Mild strains

 If you do manual labor outside the house or are very active in home
gardening, there is a good chance you will occasionally suffer from strains in
the shoulders, back…or even the legs. Major strains and sprains should be
looked at by your family doctor, however a mild strain can be treated in
several ways at home. Use a cold pack off and on during your day to reduce
inflammation. Buying a reusable cold compact isn’t always necessary. You
can use a bag of frozen vegetables for 10 minutes and then return it to the
freezer. With either the cold compact or the frozen veggies, use a very thin
cotton cloth to wrap them first. It is better than putting the cold bag against
the skin and more hygienic.

 Arnica comes from the arnica plant and is a wonderful herbal cream to apply
to any muscle strain for relieve and to cut down on the amount of bruising
that accompanies a painful strain.

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 You can also consider purchasing a personal TENS machine. A TENS machine
issues electrical pulses which travel down to the pads that you place on the
area needed attention. The amount of healing pulse can be dial controlled
and the TENS works to active the muscle area and increase blood flow.

Ear aches

 Two oils that can be used to treat ear aches and minor inner ear infections,
are olive oil and garlic oil. With either oil, they need to be warmed but you
must be able to dip your finger in and not feel any discomfort. While laying
on your side, slowly drip the oil into the ear canal and then put in a cotton
ball to keep the cold air from hitting the oil while it works. You must stay on
your opposite side for 10-15 minutes to allow the oil to coat the affected
area and you can then get up while leaving the cotton ball in place.

 Alternative hot and cold therapy has been shown to work well. For the heat
part, you can purchase small cotton bags that have seeds inside. After
putting the bag in the microwave, lay down on your side and place a clean
washcloth over the ear and then place the heat bag on top. Monitor how
warm the ear is and if it is too hot, remove and then replace in 60 seconds to
test again. With the cold compress, you would start out the same way and
use the clean washcloth. With the cold therapy, you don’t have to worry
about burning the outside of the ear but if it becomes too uncomfortable,
remove for a short time and then repeat. Try using the hot and cold therapy
throughout the day.

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Bonus Material

In this E-Book we have covered a wide range of health issues and the natural
solutions to eliminate the issue or reduce the occurrences of such issues. There is
always the possibility that you want to take it a step further without the use of
prescription drugs and for that we will briefly cover two possible solutions that may
be the right fit for you.

The idea of going under hypnosis for relief of some issues should not be dismissed.
Many large scale health organizations have started offering hypnosis to their
patients as a way to deal with pain from an operation or the lingering effects of
chemotherapy. A qualified practioner of hypnosis can also work with patients who
are suffering from anxiety, stress or depression. As noted in this E-Book, stress is
often an underlying factor in some health issues like acne and other skin disorders.
Self-hypnosis can be done in the comfort of your own home, using guided hypnosis
MP3’s. You can also find subliminal messaging MP3’s that deal with a wide range
of issues. Subliminal messaging clears out negative thinking and replaces it with
positive thoughts. There are subliminal MP3’s specifically for pain management.
Here is a link to one such site, however you are not limited to this site, as there are
a number of them on the internet… including Amazon.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

NLP is Neuro-linguistic programming, the language of the brain. It was invented by
Richard Bandler and John Grinder. The most simplistic way of explaining NLP, is to
say that it is a computer code to rewire your brain where you want or must make
changes. It combines the use of words and physical movements in many cases. For
example, they teach the idea of “anchoring.” Using this technique, the new thought
that you put into your brain can be triggered at any moment by pressing your index
finger to your thumb. There are many ways to set a physical anchor to a thought
but in simple form, if you felt depressed, you could anchor your index finger to your
thumb, in order to recreate the exact moment that you felt happiness and joy in
the past.
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There are certified NLP practitioners around the world. Many life coaches,
incorporate NLP into their coaching business to give their clients the best service
possible. Always do research before you hire a life coach or NLP expert, to ensure
you are getting someone who has the right training and clients getting the right

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This E-Book has been carefully researched to bring the best information to your
fingertips. As a reminder, please do not hesitate to contact a medical professional
before attempting any home remedy or therapy. When you do employ a therapy,
give it your full attention and assess the results. Consider keeping a journal to
record your thoughts and progress. If you are not satisfied, move onto the next
suggested options and rinse/repeat until you find success. Natural solutions
worked for your ancestors and they can work for you as well.


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