Who Is John Locke
Who Is John Locke
Who Is John Locke
- John Locke was born on 1632. He is British Philosopher and Realist views in
life. He’s Theory claims “at birth our minds are like a sheet of white paper
and he called this as “TABULA RASA” that children gain knowledge through
experience and John Locke is a popular Empiricist.
Is the main argument for Tabula rasa. John Locke a popular empiricist,
tell us that we are born with no innate knowledge or concepts
whatsoever, but only with the innate capacity for reason. Locke says
that knowledge and idea can only be gained via sensory experience of
the world.
-It philosophical doctrine that holds the view that knowledge is derived from our
experiences. John Locke posits that experience is of two forms.
-All knowledge begins with experience and that mind is like a blank slate or Tabula
-Empiricsim means knowledge comes from experience, and so by analyzing our
experiences we will come to know the truth about reality, and nothing should be
asserted unless it can be ratified by experience.
The more words caregivers use, the larger a child’s vocabulary will be.
Children with lower socioeconomic status tend to have smaller
vocabularies. Language develops better in children who are read to
regularly. A rich social environment helps build language skills.
-The environment has the ability to shape an individual’s mind and experience
serves as a stage of growth, expanding possibilities and gathering new knowledge.
So the words or language hear by the child from their environment will be the
words or language they will be use.
Parents’ Active role is Vital to improve their child’s language
acquisition and development.
Studies show that children who hear fewer words during their first
few years have a tendency to process language more slowly than
children who hear regular and more complex speech directed right to
-Locke was a big on parental involvement, and the parents audit their children to
invest their education and to discipline and correct their children not necessarily
in harmful way but more on how they fix their child, give the correction before it
-Give students time and space to practice useful phrases and
formulaic expressions, Use the student’s first language and
background. Support the student in continuing literacy development
in the first language.
-Also teacher helps to shape their student’s by language and attitude just pick-up
with positive, if the teacher has positive outlook on life, and the parents have
positive outlook on life, that will eventually shaping the children in that outlook as