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© Vocational Training Council

Hong Kong Institute

Vocational Education

1. The result of this examination will not be

counted if you do not meet the minimum
attendance requirement governed by the
General Academic Regulations of your HD in Building Services
programme unless approval from the Engineering
Campus Principal has been granted. (EG314702) /I

2. This examination paper contains 14 pages

(including this page).
Electrical Installation A
3. Answer ALL questions in Section A @SE4201)
(40%) and ANY THREE (3) questions in
Section B (60%).

4. The use of calculators not in the approved AY 201U13

list is prohibited. Summer Semester
5. Steps of calculations must be clearly
shown. 9 August 20 13
7:00 pm - 10:OO pm
6. Return both the question paper and answer
book at the end of examination.

PTDHD-Electrical Installation A (BSE.1201) Page 1 of 14

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Section A (40%)
Answer ALL 8 questions in this section.

Al. Briefly explain the functions of Supply Rules and Code of Practice for the
Electricity (Wiring) Regulation. (5 Marks)

A2. Compare the scopes of the five different types of registered electrical workers.
(5 Marks)

A3. According to Code of Practice for the Electricity (Wiring) Regulation, list the
requirements of circuit arrangement for the following types of loads:
a) Lighting fittings (3 Marks)
b) Air-conditioners (2 Marks)

A4. Briefly explain the aims of polarity test. (5 Marks)

AS. Determine a suitable conduit system based on the following information:

- 5 circuits, each consists of 3 x 6 mm2 single-core PVC stranded cables
- conduit length is proposed to be 8 m with one right angle bend
Given: Relevant tables are attached in Appendix (1) to facilitate calculation
(5 Marks)

A6. Determine a suitable size of trunking to enclose following cables:

Cable (1IC PVC) Overall diameter of the cable Ouantitv
16 mm2 8.0 rnm 16
25 mm2 9.5 rnrn 20
35 mm2 11.0 mm 12

Given: Relevant tables are attached in Appendix (1) to facilitate calculation

(5 Marks)

A7. A circuit breaker and an IDMT protection relay with standard inverse
characteristic are proposed to protect a circuit. A 100015 A current transformer
(CT) is connected to the IDMT relay. The current setting and time multiplier
(TM) setting of the protection relay is 3A and 0.5 respectively. If there is an
overcurrent of 2300 A, determine:
a) the plug setting multiplier (PSM);and (2 Marks)
b) the disconnection time of the protection relay. (3 Marks)
Given: Relevant formulas are attached in Appendix (1) to facilitate calculation

A£?. A 1.8 kW space heater is connected to a 220 V single phase MCB board
through a 2.5 mrn2 2/C PVCPVCS copper cable with as-installed current
carrying capacity (I3 of 17 A. Check whether a 15 A MCB is suitable to
provide overload protection for this circuit.
Given: The effective operation current of the 15 A MCB (I2)= 1.6 x I,.
(5 Marks)

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Section B (60%)
Choose ANY THREE questions from this section.

Bl. a) A 3-phase, 380 V power supply is available to a small shop. Find the
maximum demand of the following loads and determine current demand (per
phase) of the 3-phase MCB distribution board. (12 Marks)

25 numbers of lighting points;

40 numbers of 36 W fluorescent light fittings;
10 numbers of single phase 18 A air-conditioners;
4 numbers of 10 kW, 3-phase instantaneous water heater;
3 numbers of single phase cooking appliance with full load current of 15 A;
4 numbers of 5 kW, 3-phase motor with power factor and efficiency of 0.8
and 0.9 respectively;
3 numbers of 32 A ring final circuits of 13 A socket outlet;

Given: The total current is balanced among the three phases.

Relevant tables are attached in Appendix (2) to facilitate calculation.

b) Prepare a preliminary main electrical schematic drawing for a 15-storey office

building with the following idonnation: (Hint: no calculation is required)
(8 Marks)
- Power supply:
- 1 number of 1500 kVA 1 1 kV/380 V transformer located at G/F
- 1 number of 200 kVA emergency generator located at RIF
- Loads:
- Tenant's load : 100 A per floor (1/F - 15lF)
- Public lighting and power: 60 A per floor (GJF - R/F)
- 3 numbers of passenger's lifts and 1 number of firemen's lift:
60 A each (machine room located at RIF)
- Essential lighting and power: 40 A per floor (G/F - R/F)
- fresh water pumps: 30 A (located at GIF)
- flush water pumps: 30 A (located at G/F)
- Sprinkler pumps: 60 A (located at G/F)
- FS pumps: 60 A (located at G/F)

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B2. A 3-phase, 50 Hz, 380 V, 28 kW fresh water pump with power factor and
efficiency of 0.8 and 0.9 respectively is proposed for a domestic building. A 4/C
PVC/SWA/PVC to BS6346 copper cable is selected and a MCB is used as the
protective device. The distance between the main switchboard and the fresh water
pump is 150 m. For the first half of the cable, it is installed in a cable tray
touching with five other similar circuits in an ambient temperature of 30 "C. For
the remaining half of the cable, it is clipped directly on wall without grouping
with others and the ambient temperature is 40 OC.

i) a suitable cable size; (12 Marks)

ii) the corrected cable current carrying capacity; (2 Marks)
iii) the total voltage drop of the cable is within 2.5 % of total voltage and
propose improvement measures if necessary. (6 Marks)

Given: Nominal rating of MCB: 15 A, 20 A, 30 A, 50 A, 63 A ,80 A and 100 A.

Relevant tables are attached in Appendix (3) to facilitate calculation

B3. a) A 3-phase motor final circuit is protected by a 100 A BS88 fuse with 80 kA
breaking capacity. The line-to-neutral minimum prospective short circuit
current at the motor side is 600A. The distance fiom the fuse to the motor is
85 m. A 25 mm2 l/C PVC copper cable is specified for the motor circuit. The
resistance and k factor of the 25 mm2cable is 1.5 h 2 h and 115 respectively.

i) the disconnection time of the 100 A fuse under short circuit condition at
the motor side; (2 Marks)
ii) whether the cable is thermally protected under short circuit condition at
the motor side; (4 Marks)
iii) the system side impedance of the circuit; (3 Marks)
iv) the line-to-neutral maximum prospective short circuit current at the hse;
(3 Marks)
v) whether the lOOA fuse is capable to break the circuit under fault current
condition in iv) above. (2 Marks)
Given: Relevant tables and graphs are attached in Appendix (4) to facilitate

b) For the same circuit in B3 (a) above, given resistance of line conductor of
system side (Z,) is 0.056 R , determine:
i) the maximum 3-phase symmetrical short circuit current at the fuse.
(3 Marks)
ii) the minimum line-to-line short circuit current at the motor. (3 Marks)

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© Vocational Training Council

B4. a) As shown in Figure B4, there is a 220 V 1-phase installation with 2.5 rnm2
2/C PVCI PVC copper cable connected to a load. A 16 A BS88 fuse is
proposed to provide earth fault rotection for the circuit. The circuit protective
conductor (cpc) used is 1.5 mm 1/C PVC copper cable.

The installation is within equipotential zone.
Earth fault loop impedance, Zs = Z1+Z2+ZBand ZE=O.11 R.
The resistance of the 2.5 d 2/C PVCPVC copper cable is 6.5 R h .
The distance between the fuse and the load is 50 m.
The resistance of the 1.5 mm2 1/C PVC copper cable is 1 1 R h .
K factor of cpc is 115.
Relevant tables and graphs are attached in Appendix (4) to facilitate

i) Calculate the disconnection time of the 16 A fuse under earth fault and
justify its value. (6 Marks)
ii) Check whether the cpc is thermally protected against earth fault current.
(3 Marks)
iii) Calculate the touch voltage and comment on its value; and (3 Marks)
iv) Suggest measures to improve the touch voltage. (3 Marks)

V .

Figure B4

b) A residual current device (RCD) is proposed to enhance protection against

electric shock for the circuit in B4 (a) above. Discuss the operating principle
of the RCD and how it can provide earth leakage protection. (5 Marks)

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© Vocational Training Council

B5. a) In an office premise, the room dimensions are 10 m (L) x 8 m (W) x 3.5 m
(H). The design illuminance is 550 lux with working plane at 0.85 m above
the floor. The fluorescent lighting fitting with capacity of 36 W is proposed.

- maintenance factor (MF) is 0.77;
- reflectance at ceiling, wall and floor are 0.3,0.3 and 0.2 respectively;
- each 36W fluorescent tube gives a light output of 3000 lm;
- relevant data is attached in Appendix (5) to facilitate calculation

With the use of Lumen Method,

i) calculate the number of luminaires for the office. (6 Marks)
ii) sketch the layout drawing of the lighting system with dimensions
indicated. (3 Marks)
iii) calculate the revised illuminance level of the office. (2 Marks)
iv) calculate the space-to-heightratios. (2 Marks)
v) justify whether the design is acceptable. (2 Marks)

b) Compare the performance of fluorescent lamps with traditional incandescent

lamps in terms of lamp efficacy, lamp life and colour rendering. (5 Marks)

- End of Questions -

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© Vocational Training Council

Disconnection time of IDMT relay

Startdald laverse Char.acte~istic[SIl

' - - d.14
.$?*dl -1
Very Inverse Claa~tactel-istic
, - - - --

Extremely Inverse Characteristic [EIl

PTDHD-Electrical Installation A (BSE4201) Page 7 of 14

© Vocational Training Council

Appendix (1) Con't

Table la2)
Cable Factors and Conduit Factors for Straight Runs of
Conduit not Exceeding 3 m in Length
(6) Conduit Factor
(a) Cable Factor
Conduit Diameter
Imm) Factor

16 290
20 460
25 800
32 1 400

TmM* ue)
i Cable ~actwsand Condu,i ~actorsfor Conduif Exceeding 3 m m I P or in~ (b) Conduit Factor
Runs lncorporatmngBends or&&

(a) Cable Factor

- Conductor
Type of Condudor A m (mm Factor
1 16
1.5 22
2.5 30
Solid or stranded A 43
6 ' 58
10 105

Cable Fadm and Trunking Factors for T ~ n k l n gof any Length of Run
(a) Cable Factor


PTDHD-Electrical Installation A (BSE4201) Page 8 of 14

© Vocational Training Council

Appendix (2)

Allowance for Diversity

This table is applicable to installations having a current demand not exceeding

400 A in each phase.
Type of Prmka
Purpose of Individual Household
Conductors or Installations, Small shops, Stores, -1 Hotels,
Switchgear to which Individual Dwellings Officesand Business Boardmg Houses,
Diversity Applies of a Block Prcmisc~ Guest Houses, etc.
1. Lighting 66% of total current 90% of total current 75% of total current
demand demand demand
2. Heating and 100% of total current 100% f.1. of largest 100% f.1. of largest
Power (but See 3 demand up to 10 appliance + 75% f.1. +
applianoe 80% f.1.
to 10 below) +
amperes 50% of of re!Mining of 2nd largest
any current demand appl~anccs a p p m + 60% tl.
in excess of 10 of
-pm~ a p p z
3. Cooking 10ampem + 30% f.1. 100% f.1. of largest 100% El. of largest
Appbccs of connected cooking +
appliaace 80% f.1. appliance + 80% f.1,
appliances in excess of of 2nd largest of 2nd largest
loamperes + 5 +
appliance 60%f.1. appliance + 60% f.1.
amperes if& o u of repining of r e g
, incorporated in unit apphnces , ~PP-

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© Vocational Training Council

Appendix (2) Con't

Type of Premises
n di
o i
Ca uctorsor
Switchgearto which
Tndividual Dwe-
Small shops, Stores,
Oilices and Business
Small Hotels,
Boarding Houses,
Divemity Applies of a Block Pnmises Guest Houses, etc.
4. Motots(0tha -
tban lifi motors, lWK f*L
motor &hrpl(
+ 80% .I. of + Lr$
motorf.'- OfI of
= 8)
60%f ofltminiq

5. Water-Heaters 100%fl. of kgmt
(instantaneous f.1. a p p b + 100% f.1.
type) ofzndtargrest
pkce + 25% El.
6. Water-Haters
(~ogtatically No diversity allowable
Note: it is important to ensure that the distribution board is of
7. . M S t o r a p sufficient rating to take the total load connected to it without
W H - the application of any diversity.
i a s ~ n s
8. Lift motors Note: Sub'ect to requhments specified by the lift engineer registered
un r Cap. 327, Lifts & Bscalaton (Safety) Ordinance.
9. Water Pump 100% f.1. of the largest pump motor and 25% of the remaining motors
10. Air conditioners ..
100% f.l. of the
100% of cumnt
demand of lsrseJt
100% of culmllt
)-eht or in point ofu(ilptio. +
the ~ r a o m ( s ) , 75% ofcurrant 5% of alrmnt
w ~ i s ~
kmnddevcryother dunandofeveryother
and40Kf.Loftb pointdntitilahon pointofutiliPrboa
Q of 100% of current 100% of current demand of largest circuit +
l 1 hmdofltqcst 4O%ofcurrentdemandofeveryother~t
accodwewith Chlit+rn%of
&6D omrrmtrlam*ndof
crery other dropit
12. Ananguncnts of 100% ofcunent 100% of current demand of largest circuit +
Final Circuits in demand of largest 50% of current demand of every other h a i t
accordan= with +
circuit 40% of
code 6E current demand of
evcty other circuit
13. Fixcdeqrriprrraat 100% ofcumat 100% of-t 100% ofcmwlt
oftherramctype danaadoftargEst aernnndofkqpat ,dcInandoftsgest
c.g. IUigmtors point d utibtion + P t of utilidon $ t ofutiktian +
and h a e m 40% ofclvrent 5% of ournnt 5"
5% duu~cnt

Code 6D refers to 5A or 15A socket outlets to BS546.
Code 6E refers to 13A socket outlets and small power circuit to B S 1363.

PTDHD-Electrical Installation A (BSE4201) rage IU or 14

© Vocational Training Council

Appendix (3)

Table AS(1)
Correction factors for ambient temperature
Note: This table applies where the associated overcurrent protective device is intended to
provide short circuit protection only. Except where the device is a semi-endosed fuse to
853036 the table also applies where the device is intended to provide overload protection.

Note: Conectbn factors for flexlbk mrds and JOT 85°C or 150°C rubber )nsula&d flexble cables are given In the Mevant table
of anent carrying cqacity h 05 7671.
* These factors are appUcable onv to ra%ngsIn COIUmns 2 to 5 of Table Am 1.
Table A5(3]
Correction factors for groups of more than one ckuit of
singie-core cables, or more than one rnultiicore cable

* 'Spaced' means a clearance between adjacent surfaces of at least one cable diameter (De).
Where the horizontal clearances between adjacent cables exceeds 2De. no correction factor
needs to be applied.
# Not applicable to Mineral Insulated Cables. Please refer to 85 7671 for the required correction

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© Vocational Training Council

Appendix (3) Con't

Multicore arrnoured PVC insulated cables
BS 6346 Ambient temperature: M°C
CURRENT CARRUNG CAPACIlY (Amperes): Conductor operating temperature: 70°C

Reference Method 11
Conductorcross- Reference Method 1 (on a perfomled horizontal or vertical cable tray), or
sectional area (clipped direct) Reference Method 13 (fair) a
I t w m r e cable, 1 thm- or four-core cable, 1 two-coreable, I three- or fourcore cable,
single-phasea.c. or dc. three-phase a.c. singlephase a.c. or d.c. t b p h a s e a.c.
1 2 3 4 5
mmz A A A A
1.5 21 I8 22 19
25. 28 25 31 26
4 38 33 41 35
6 49 42 53 45
10 67 58 72 62
16 89 77 97 83
25 118 102 128 110
35 145 125 157 135
50 175 151 190 1 63
70 222 192 241 20'1
95 269 231 291 251
120 310 267 336 290
150 356 306 386 332
185 405 348 439 378
240 476 409 51 6 445
300 547 469 592 510
400 621 540 683 590

NOTE: Where the condmor is to be protected by a semi-enclosed fuse to BS 3036. see Appendix S(4).
TMLE A6(8) (Cont.)
I VOLTAGE DROP @r ampere p r metre): Conductor operating temperature: 70Y 1
cross-dona1 Twocore Two-core cable T h e - or fourcore cable
8rea cable d.c. single phase as. three phase a.c.
1 2 3 4

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© Vocational Training Council

Appendix (4)

fig 3.38 Fuses to BS 88-2.1 and BS 88-6

10 100 1WP

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© Vocational Training Council

Appendix (5)

Photometric data of fluorescent lighting fitting

Utilisation Factors - UF(F] Flow Renectilnce - 20%
ReRcatanoes Room l n d u
c w F an 1.m 1s LOO w am uo sm
B.70 6.50 010 0.48 0.47 0.11 0.53 0.50 0.57 0.N 0.W (ldl
0.m 0.43 0.+5 0.48 0.M 0.53 0.55 Om 0.59 0.M
L10 0.41 0.42 0.48 0.48 0.52 0.54 055 0.57 0.50

Flux Fraction Ratio = om ClE Flu Code = 75 1 d 100 i 1w w

SHR MAX - 1.a ~tOulputRatio = 09
SHR MAX[TR) = 5 55 KjownwardLOR = W
Upmrd LOR i OMI

- End of Paper -

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