Activity 1.2 - Units, Quantities and Measurements in Analytical Chem

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Module 2
Units, Quantities and Measurements
Table of Contents

What This Module is About...........................................................................................................i

What I Need to Know...................................................................................................................i
How to Learn from this Module...................................................................................................ii
Icons of this Module....................................................................................................................ii

What I Know..............................................................................................................................iii

First Quarter
Lesson 1: Unit Conversion and Scientific Notation
What I Need to Know...................................................................................................................1
What’s In: Check It Out!.............................................................................. 2
What’s New: Pass the Message.................................................................. 3
What Is It: Learning Concept: Scientific Notation...................................... 4
Significant Figures.......................................................5
What’s More: Exercises............................................................................. 6

What Is It: Learning Concepts: Unit Conversion........................................... 7-9

What’s More: Exercises............................................................................. 10

What I Have Learned....................................................................................................................11
What I Can Do: Performance Task and Enrichment Activity........................ 12
Sample Format for the Performance task.......................... 13-14

Lesson 2: Accuracy and Precision

What’s In...................................................................................................................................... 15
What I Need to Know....................................................................................................................15
What’s New.................................................................................................................................. 16

What Is It: Learning Concepts: Accuracy & Precision.................................. 17-18

What’s More: Data Analysis..........................................................................................................19

What I Have Learned....................................................................................................................20

Assessment: (Post-Test).............................................................................................................................................. 21
Key to Answers................................................................................................................. 22
Appendices A &B............................................................................................................. 23
References................................................................................................................................................................ 24
Module 1
Units, Physical Quantities and

What This Module is About

This module demonstrates your understanding and skill in solving

measurement problems involving conversion of units as well as expressing it in
scientific notation. Since Analytical Chemistry and measurement are inseparable,
measurement entails accuracy and precision. This module emphasizes the difference
of the two; accuracy and precision and illustrates its equal importance in taking

This module will help you explore the basic concepts on topics that will help
you solve measurement problems in the succeeding topics in Analytical Chemistry.

This module has two (2) lessons:

 Lesson 1- Unit Conversion and Scientific Notation
 Lesson 2- Accuracy and Precision

What I Need to Know

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Solve measurement problems involving conversion of units, expression of

measurements in scientific notation

2. Differentiate accuracy from precision

How to Learn from this Module

To achieve the learning competencies cited above, you are to do the following:
• Take your time reading the lessons carefully.
• Follow the directions and/or instructions in the activities and exercises diligently.
• Answer all the given tests and exercises.

Icons of this Module

What I Need to This part contains learning objectives that

Know are set for you to learn as you go along the

What I know This is an assessment as to your level of

knowledge to the subject matter at hand,
meant specifically to gauge prior related
What’s In This part connects previous lesson with that
of the current one.

What’s New An introduction of the new lesson through

various activities, before it will be presented
to you

What is It These are discussions of the activities as a

way to deepen your discovery and under-
standing of the concept.

What’s More These are follow-up activities that are in-

tended for you to practice further in order to
master the competencies.

What I Have Activities designed to process what you

Learned have learned from the lesson

What I can do These are tasks that are designed to show-

case your skills and knowledge gained, and
applied into real-life concerns and situations.
What I Know


Directions: Read and understand each item and choose the letter of the correct answer.
Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
Unit Conversion and
1 Scientific Notation

What I Need to Know

Analytical Chemistry is an experimental science. Thus, experiments are performed in

order to test hypotheses. How do we make conclusions? Conclusions in experiment are
derived from measurements. Experiments are performed to measure physical quantities.
Physical quantities can be expressed in terms of a number of fundamental quantities.
Mass, distance, time are some of these fundamental quantities. A physical quantity will only
make sense if compared to a reference standard. For example, a cloth you bought from
Everbest Store means that the cloth’s length is times a meter stick (or a tape measure
that is 1-m long). Here, the meter stick is considered as our reference standard. Therefore,
stating that the cloth is 3.5 is not as informative.

Look at the figure to the right. How difficult will it be

without a standard?

To make sure that scientist throughout the world means

the same thing when referring to a measurement; standards
have been defined for measurements of time, mass and length.

In this lesson, you are to solve measurement problems

involving conversion of units, expression of measurements in
scientific notation.
What’s In

You have learned in your Chemistry the rules of significant figures. Recall that when
we say significant figures these are the digits in a number that indicates reliability of a

Check It Out!

Determine the number of significant figures of the values given below:

1. 0.0025 
2. 12. 00030 
3. 3.1416 
4. 20.20 
5. 0. 4 

Rules in Determining the Number of Significant Figure: (A short recall)

1. All nonzero digits are significant.

2. All zeros between nonzero digits are significant.
3. All zeros before the first nonzero digit are NOT significant.
4. All zeros to the right of the last nonzero digit are significant.

This concept which you learned in your previous science subject will be used in our
entire topic involving measurement. Thus, it is important to remember and apply these rules.
What’s New


A. Situation:

You received a text message from your service “You are nearing the end of your payment
provider as shown in the screen of your cellular phone. period and you only have one text message
left before you go over the limit!”
You need to send the message below but the
message is too long to send as one text message. Shorten
this to create the shortest text message possible.

“Hi Hannah and Adrian! Today, I got drenched in the

rain while walking home from school since I forgot to bring
my umbrella. I can’t believe it! My bag wasn’t zipped all the
way. When I got home all my papers got soaked.
I cannot read our homework to be passed tomorrow.
Kindly send it to me. Thank you so much!”

Write your message in the space provide in the screen of your cellular phone below.

What Is It

Scientific Notation

Scientific notation also called exponential notation is a convenient way of writing

values using the power of ten notation wherein we can determine the number of
significant digits as well as the place value of the digit. Place values are denoted by
prefixes. (See appendix A for the SI prefixes found in the last page of this lesson)

Rules converting scientific notation back to standard notation are shown below.

1. Move the current decimal point according to the number of places based on the
(+) positive exponent – move to the RIGHT

( ) negative exponent – move to the LEFT

Rules in Addition and Subtraction involving scientific notation

Rules in Multiplication and Division involving scientific notation

What’s More

Exercises: Write you answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Apply the rules in identifying the number of significant figures in each of the following:
(a) 0. 00054 (d) 0. 016500
(b) 830 (e) 32.0040
(c) 356, 000 (f)

2. Express the following numbers in scientific notation: (Answers should include three
significant figures)
(a) 65, 000 (c) 2, 450, 000
(b) 0. 001327 (d) 0. 00001997

3. Perform the indicated operations: (All ans wers should be expressed in scientific
notation. Apply the rules for significant figures in your final answer.)

What Is It
Unit Consistency and Conversion of Units

There are two major systems of units in the world namely; SI (derived from French
Syteme International) units also known as Metric system and the English syste m. Although
the system of units used by engineers and scientists is the metric system since 1960, some
countries continue to use the English system of units like for example the United States of
America. However, the conversions between the SI unit and English system of units have
been well-defined. (See appendix B found in the last page of this lesson for conversion

Multiplying and/or dividing units just like ordinary algebraic expressions give an easy
way to convert a quantity from one unit to another to be dimensionally consistent.

(a) Converting units with different prefixes (See appendix A for the SI prefixes found
in the last page of this lesson)

(i.) Example: convert 5 Megameter to meter

What’s More

Exercises: Write you answer on a separate sheet of paper.

What I Have Learned

II. Check your understanding!

1. Explain the importance of having a standard in measurement.

2. What’s the advantage(s) of writing quantities in scientific notation?

What I Can Do

Performance Task: Measurement


 Use appropriate measuring tool to take the measurement of physical

quantities such as height and weight.
 Convert the values to its equivalent units.
 Apply the rules of significant figures.

1. Measure t h e height (m) and mass (kg) of your family member using
appropriate measuring tool.
2. Gather the data and write it on the space provided for the data and results.
3. Take its equivalent height in cm and ft using conversion factor.
4. Take also its equivalent mass in grams and pounds.
5. Refer to the format provided in the next page.
6. Provide pictures on this task you performed.

Date Performed:

Performance Task #1:



Data and Results:

Name of your HEIGHT

members *Measuring instrument used: *Measuring instrument used:

Solution: (This is for the conversion of units)

Documentation: (Pictures)

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