Detailed Lesson Plan in P.E 8

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Department of Education

Republic of the Philippines

Division of Nueva Ecija

Lesson Plan in Physical Education 8

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
a. identify the origin and characteristics of the folkdances through various
b. appreciate and promote folk dancing as a physical activity especially them
family and for cultural cultivations, and;
c. execute and demonstrate dance steps and sequences appropriately.

II. Subject Matter:

A. Input/ Content
•Unit IV: Regional and National Dances with Asian Influence
Lesson 1: Philippine Folk Dances with Asian Influence
B. Reference
Physical Education and Health 8
Page 149-159
C. Instructional Materials
 Audio-visual presentation
 Pictures
 Laptop
 Speaker

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preparation

1. Greetings
Good Morning class?
How’s your day?
Good Morning, Sir!
It’s good Sir!

2. Prayer
Who’s in charge to lead today’s prayer?
Well then, let us stand and bow our heads in
Thank you__________________.
Please remain standing. A student raises his/her hand and lead the prayer

3. Checking of cleanliness and

orderliness of the room
Before you sit, kindly check you’re surrounding
for some pieces of paper and trash and arrange
your chair properly.

4. Sing a song
-Sua-ku-Sua chant
B. Review
Last meeting, we discussed about one of the
cultural treasures of our country, the Philippine
Folk dance.

As a recall of what you have learned yesterday,

what is the definition of Folk dance?

Sir, Folk dances are traditional dances of a

country which were evolved naturally and
Very good! As the word ‘’folk’’ means the spontaneously in connection with everyday
“people” that’s why “Folk dance” also means the activities and experiences of the people.
“Dance of the People”. And there is so called as
the Mother of Philippine folk dance, who was
she again?

Sir, the mother of Philippine folk dance is Mrs

Good! Now, what do you think are the benefits Francisca Reyes Aquino.
of having folk dance? How does it helps us?

Sir, it contributes to the promotion of one’s

health and fitness, particularly the development
of the sense of rhythm, grace, and body posture.
It also helps in improving balance,
coordination, strength, flexibility, and
Very good class! Therefore it is beneficial to every person’s
It’s nice to hear that you had a good recall of skill and health related fitness.
what we have studied yesterday. Let’s give
ourselves a Dionsia clap, go!

C. Motivation

Now, to dig deeper in our lesson, I want to

check if you have some prior knowledge
regarding some of the popular Folk dances of our
I will show you some pictures and let us
analyse one by one by looking at the costumes,
props, and other elements that make it unique
from the others. Ok! Let us take a look!

What can you say about the first picture?

*showing the image of the Binislakan dance.

Sir, in the first picture what I see is a group of

folk dancers, I think they are folk dancers
because boys and girls wear same colourful old
traditional Filipino costume same as what we
Amazing, thank you for that wonderful answer. wear during performing of some folk dances and
And what can you say about the second picture? they also have stick used as their props in this
*showing the image of the Pangalay dance. dance

Sir, in the second picture what I see is a

Very good! And what can you say about the last beautiful woman wearing a colourful costume
picture? and some gold accessories and an elaborating
*showing the image of the Sakuting dance. gold finger nails.

Sir, in the last picture what I see is same like as

Alright that’s it. Today we will continue our the first picture they are also a group of people
discussion about the Regional and National wearing colourful old traditional Filipino
dances with Asian influence. costume with some sticks on their hand.
So, are you ready to dance?

D. Lesson Proper
Yes sir, the student felt very excited
Philippine folk dances speak so much about
the heartbeat of our people to tell about our
culture, traditions, ethics, and events of daily
living in a certain community
The kind of music being used readily also
tells about the influences brought about the trade
and settlement of our neighbouring countries
such as China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Cambodia,
Thailand, and Japan to name a few. Truly evident
is the effect of acculturation in the country as
manifested by the kinds of costumes, props,
music, and dance terms that are used and
integrated in some of our regional and national
folk dances.
The first one is the Binislakan, what is the
historical background of this folk dance?

The lingayen in Pangasina means “having to

look backward and upward” which derived from
this folk dance where the dancer look backward
and upward in some of their movements
They also use two sticks to produce
rhythms, imitating the chopstics use by the
Okay thank you, to provide us more information Chinese in eating. Thus, the dance is also called
about this dance I have here an example of Binislakan, which in Pangasinan means “with
Binislakan performance video. the use of stick

*playing of the video clip Binislakan dance video

The next one is called the Pangalay dance. Will clip.
you read the brief historical background about
the Pangalay dance?
Pangalay is traditional “fingernail” dance of
Tausug people of Sulu Archipelago and Sabah.
This dance is the most distinctively Asian of all
the southern Philippine dances because dancers
must have dexterity and flexibility of shoulder,
elbows, and wrist- movements that strongly
resemble those of kontaw silat, a martial art
common in the Malay archipelago. The
Pangalay is performed mainly during weddings
or other festive events. The male version of
Pangalay is the Pangasik and features more
martial movements, while Pangalay that features
Thank you. The Pangalay is also translated as both a male and female dancer is called
“Finger nail”. A kind of wedding dance Pangiluk.
influenced by the country of Thailand,
Cambodia, Malaysia, Burma, and Indonesia
To provide us more information about the
Pangalay dance here is the sample video clip of
Pangiluk one type of Pangalay dance.

Okay, The last one is the Sakuting. It refers to the *playing the video clip of Pangiluk, one type of
rhythmic sticks producing the accompaniment of Pangalay dance.
the dance. A social dance that influenced China.
Let us read its historical background.

This is the dance of the ethnic people living in

the western side of cordillera way back before
the coming of the Americans. During Christmas,
young boys and girls accompanied by their
elders would go to the lowlands, especially in
Abra and Ilocos Norte tomdance in the front of
houses and ask for gifts, These young children
hold stick, one on each hand and strike them
together to make their dance livelier. The people
in the homes would give them money, homemade
To provide us more information about the delicacies and other things.
Sakuting dance here is its sample video.

And these are some of the Philippine folk dances

influenced by our neighbouring countries by *playing the video clip if Sakuting Dance
acculturation and help our own folk dances to
become more rich in costumes, props, music, and
dance steps that are used and integrated in some
of our folk dances
By making folk dance as on our daily
activities, we could somehow inspire others to
foster patriotism because we are proud to
practice this Philippine treasures.
As we already discussed some steps and
sequence of Sua-ku-Sua dance will you go in
front and recall the basic steps of this dance.
E. Generalization

*the student execute the basic steps of the Sua-

ku-Sua dance.

Open-ended Statements.
To assess your understanding on what you
have learned regarding to this lesson, here are the
following open-ended statements where you will
complete the following unfinished statements.

1. I learned that____________________.
2. Folk dance costumes tell about
3. Folk dance can be a way to enhance an
4. I feel I am _____________________ in
Performing folk dances.
5. Folk dances are beneficial in our health

In this lesson you discovered that just like

any other sport or game, dancing is also a
physical activity that can promote lifelong fitness
and wellness. It is a good source of exercise that
can help develop grace and posture. Also,
through the study of our own Folk dances you
also appreciate the value these different dance
that develop your nationalistic attitude.
I hope that through this unit, you have
become more acquainted with the significance of
folk dances, and somehow you could use the
knowledge you learned from this unit not only
during dance performance but also in
maintaining a well and fit body and a sustainable

IV. Evaluation
Since we already studied the first three
figures of the Sua-ku-Sua dance yesterday and
being able to practice it again today with music,
let us regroup yourself into three groups and
you’ll going to perform it today.
I will give you 5 minutes to prepare and
after that we’ll start.

V. Assignment

Practice the next figure of the Sua-ku-

Sua dance.

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