CAIIB Syllabus - Advanced Bank Management

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CAIIB Syllabus

The CAIIB syllabus is mentioned in detail in the official website of Indian Institute of Banking & Finance.
Candidates in the exam are asked questions based on knowledge testing, logical and analytical
exposition, problem-solving, conceptual grasp, and case study.

As per the syllabus given by IIBF, candidates have to study three papers for the Certified Associate of
IIBF exam.
2 Compulsory Papers-
 Advanced Bank Management
 Bank Financial Management
1 Elective paper (any one from the list given below):
 Corporate Banking
 Human Resources Management
 Rural Banking
 Information Technology
 International Banking
 Risk Management
 Retail Banking
 Central Banking
 Co-operative Banking
 Treasury Management
 Financial Advising
Each paper mentioned above comprises several modules. The detailed CAIIB syllabus of each paper is
as mentioned below -

CAIIB Syllabus - Advanced Bank Management

Topics covered in CAIIB syllabus Paper I are -

CAIIB Syllabus - Advance Bank Management

Module A - The fundamentals of Economics: Scarcity and Efficiency - Microeconomics &

Economic Macroeconomics in brief - Types of economies - Market, Command and Mixed
Analysis Economies - Macroeconomics: Business cycles - Money and banking -
Unemployment & inflation - Interest rate determination and various types of interest
rates, Indian Economy (a) Overview of the Indian economy including recent reforms
(b) Interaction between fiscal, monetary & exchange rate policies in India -
Financial Markets (i) Money Market (ii) Capital Market (iii) Foreign Exchange
Market - globalization and its impact - Challenges ahead - Banking & Finance -
current issues

Module B - Concept of time Value of Money - Net Present Value - Discounted Cash Flow -
Business Sampling methods - presentation of data - analysis and interpretation of sample
Management data - hypothesis testing - Time series analysis - mean/ standard deviation -
correlation - Regression - covariance and volatility - Probability distribution -
Confidence interval analysis - estimating parameters of distribution - Bond valuation
- duration - modified duration.
Linear programming - decision making-simulation - Statistical analysis using
Features of Spreadsheet - Macros, pivot table, statistical and mathematical

HRM in Bank Fundamentals of HRM, development of HRM in India, Relationship between HRM
and HRD, Structure and functions of HRD, Role of HR professional, Human
implications of organizations; training and development, attitude and soft skills
development, role and impact
of training, career path planning and counseling, employee behavior, theories of
motivation and their practical implications, role concepts and analysis, self-
development., Performance Management and appraisal systems; Reward/
punishment and compensation systems., HRM and Information Technology,
information and data management, knowledge management

Module D - Credit Principles of Credit Management Credit Appraisal Analyzing Financial Performance
Management - Relationship between items in Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account. Trend
Analysis, Comparative Statement - Common Size Statement, Preparation of
projected Financial Statements. - Ratio analysis - Interpretation and analysis of
different Ratios, Limitation of the use of ratios. Statement of Sources and
Applications of Funds.
Structuring a Credit Proposal - Working Capital Concept and Management
Appraisal techniques for different constituents - trade cycle - credit rating -
Technical and economic feasibility studies - Credit Rating - Rating Methodology -
Objectives and benefits of rating - Term Lending - Debt Service Coverage Ratio -
Cash Flow Analysis - Cash Budget - Bill Finance - Deferred Payment Guarantee -
Credit Scoring - Credit Delivery System - Documentation - Post sanction
supervision, Control and monitoring of credit - Consortium finance, Multiple
banking, Syndication of loans. Infrastructure financing.
Dealing with credit defaults, Stressed assets, Corporate Debt restructuring,
SARFAESI, NPAs, recovery options, write-off. Disclosure of the list of defaulters:
objectives and procedure. Appraisal methodology for different types of clients/

CAIIB Syllabus - Bank Financial Management

Topics that candidates are required to cover under CAIIB Syllabus Paper II is as mentioned below -

CAIIB Syllabus - Bank Financial Management

Module A - Forex Business; factors determining exchange rates, Direct and indirect
International quotations, spot/ forward rates, premium and discount, cross rates.
Banking Basics of forex derivatives; forward exchange rate contracts, Options, Swaps.
Correspondent banking, NRI accounts
Documentary letters of Credit - UCPDC 600, various facilities to exporters and
importers. Risks in foreign trade, role of ECGC, types of insurance and guarantee
covers or ECGC. Role of Exim Bank - Role of RBI and exchange control -
Regulations in India, Role and rules of FEDAI - Role of FEMA and its rules

Module B - Risk Risk-Concept - Risk in Banks - Risk Management Framework - Organizational

Management Structure - Risk Identification - Risk Measurement/ - Sensitivity - Basis Point Value
(BPV) - Duration - Downside Potential - Value at Risk, Back Testing - Stress
Testing - Risk Monitoring and
Control - Risk Reporting - Market Risk identification, Measurement and
management/ credit risk - rating methodology, risk weights, eligible collateral for
mitigation, guarantees; credit ratings, transition matrices, default probabilities,
Credit risk spreads, risk migration and credit
metrics, Counterparty risk. Credit exposures, recovery rates, risk mitigation
techniques, -Operational and integrated Risk Management - Risk management
and capital Management – Basel Norms - Current guidelines on risk management

Module C - Concepts and function; instruments in the treasury market, development of new
Treasury financial products, control and supervision of treasury management, linkage of
Management domestic operations with foreign operations.
Interest rate risk, interest rate futures, Mix/ Pricing of Assets, Liabilities - On-
Balance Sheet Investment and Funding Strategies - Stock options, debt
instruments, bond portfolio strategy, risk control and hedging instruments.
Investments - Treasury bills, money market instruments such as CDs, CPs, IBPs
Securitisation and Forfaiting; refinance and rediscounting facilities.
Derivatives - Credit Default Swaps/ Options.

Module D - Prudential norms - Capital Adequacy. Implementation of ‘Basel Norms guidelines:

Balance Sheet RBI guidelines. Banks Balance Sheet - Components of assets/ Liabilities/ ALM
Management Implementation - Gap Analysis - Mechanics, Assumptions, and Limitations -
Illustrations of Actual Gap Reports - The Relationship Between Gap and Income
Statement - Funding
Liquidity - Trading/ Managing Liquidity - Contingency Funding - Business
Strategies : Profit and profitability analysis, Asset Classification - provisioning -
effect of NPA on profitability, Shareholder value maximization & EVA- profit
planning measures to improve profitability.Disclosure guidelines

CAIIB Syllabus - Elective Papers

Candidates have to select any one subject out of the eleven given options for Elective paper by IIBF.
The topic-wise CAIIB syllabus for all elective papers are given below-

CAIIB Elective Paper I - Central Banking

CAIIB Syllabus - Elective Paper I

Module - A: Rationale and Functions of Central Bank

1. Evolution and Functions of Central Banking: Evolutions of Theory and Practice of
Central Banking, Development of Central Banks in Developed and Developing
2. Functions of a Central Bank: Banker to Government, Banker to Banks, Monetary
policy Functions, Currency Issue and Management, Payment system function,
Maintaining Internal and External values of currency, Regulation, Facilitation and
supervision of Financial System, Promotional Functions to support growth and other
National objectives, Development of Financial Markets, Institutions and communication
3. Contemporary Issues: Desirability, Autonomy and independence, Credibility,
accountability and transparency of a Central Bank, conflict with fiscal policies.

Module - B: Central banking in India

1. Reserve Bank of India: Organizational evolution, Constitution and Governance, Major
organizational and Functional Developments over time, Recent Developments, RBI
2. India Specific Issues: Banking Regulation Act, FEMA, Banking Ombudsman Scheme,
Financial Sector reforms, other financial regulators and division of functions.
3. Institutions set up by RBI; NABARD, IDBI, DFHI, IRBI, UTI.
4. Glossary of Central Banking Terms

Module - C: Monetary Policy and Credit Policy

1. Monetary Policy: Objectives, Reconciling dual objectives, The Taylor Rule, Indicators
of Policy, instruments of policy (Bank Rate, OMO, CRR, SLR etc.), policy
Transmission mechanism and channels, transparency of policies, Lags in policy.
2. Credit Policy: Objectives, Theory and Practice, Instruments.
3. An overview of Fiscal Policy: Importance of Budgets, Union Budget, State Budget,
Finances of Union and State Governments, Finance Commission.
4. Striking balance between inflation and growth through monetary and fiscal policies.

Module - D: Supervision and Financial Stability

1. Indian Financial System: Constituents of Indian Financial Markets and their
Regulation. Evolution of Bank Regulation and supervision.
2. Financial Stability: Financial Development Vs Financial stability, Risks to Financial
stability, Early warning signals and remedial action, Liquidity Management, Regulation
and supervision of Banks, Risk Management in Banks, The Basel Norms, Prudential
Norms, Effect of liberalization and Globalization on Financial Stability, Linkage to
International Financial Stability, International standards and codes. Role of Supervisor
under Basel Norms.
CAIIB Syllabus Elective Paper II - International Banking
CAIIB Syllabus Elective Paper III - Rural Banking

CAIIB Exam Syllabus - Elective Paper III Rural Banking

Module - A: Rural India

1. Demographic features: Population, occupation, literacy, socio-economic development
indicators, health, nutrition and education, - urban migration. Characteristics of Rural
society: Caste and power structure - rural social stratification,
2. Economic Features: Economic life of rural people, share in National income -Trends in
per capita income, rural money markets, rural indebtedness, rural poverty - main
causes and methods of measuring rural poverty.
3. Rural infrastructure: Transport, Power, Markets and other services.
4. Agriculture Economy: Structure and characteristics of Indian agriculture, Role of
agriculture in economic development, agriculture-industry linkages, Resources and
technical changes in agriculture, constraints to agriculture development, Emerging
issues in Indian Agriculture.
5. Rural Development Policy: Govt. policies and programmes for rural farm and non-farm
sectors. Economic reforms and its impact on rural economy. Rural Issues:
development issues, Management Issues, Marketing issues, Pricing issues.

Module - B: Financing Rural Development

1. Regulation of Rural Financial Services; Function and policies of RBI in Rural Banking,
NABARD Main functions, role, refinance support. Lead bank approach, State level and
District Level Credit committees.
2. Rural Credit Institutions; Co-operative Credit Societies and Banks, Land Development
Banks, Regional Rural Banks, Commercial Banks. Role of Information and
communication, technologies in rural Banking-Models, Financial inclusion & inclusive
growth for rural development banking, rural insurance micro insurance scheme,
concept of Business, Facilitators and Business Correspondents in rural financing.
3. Financing agriculture/ allied activities; Crop Loans Assessment, Sanction,
Disbursement, rephasement. Term loans for irrigation, Farm mechanization, Godowns/
cold-storage facilities etc. Financing allied agriculture activities like Horticulture,
Fisheries, Social forestry, etc.
4. Finance against Warehouse/ cold storage receipts.
5. Financing Rural Non-Farm Sector (RNFS); Importance of RNFS, Segments in RNFS,
Role of Development and Promotional Institutions in RNFS SME Finance; Definition of
SME. Importance to Indian economy. Financing of SME and small enterprise
Refinance from SIDBI. Project funding techniques and requirement assessment.
Cluster based approach and joint finance with SIDBI. MSMED Act 2006, CGTMSE,
Working capital assessment of SMEs. Risk rating of SME proposals, role of rating
agencies and rating methodology. Revival of sick units; revival package and
implementation, Stressed assets under rehabilitation. Debt restructuring mechanism
for SMEs.

Module - C: Priority Sector Financing and Government initiatives

1. Components of priority sector. RBI guidelines. Government initiatives; Poverty
alleviation programmes/ Employment programmes/ Production oriented programmes-
rationale and philosophy, progress and impact, problems and deficiencies. Rural
housing and Urban housing schemes under priority sector, their refinance, Educational

Module - D: Problems and Prospects in Rural Banking

1. Role of rural banking - Problems of Rural branches of Commercial banks - transaction
costs and risk costs. Technology based Financial Inclusion. Emerging trends in rural
banking-financing poor as bankable opportunity, Micro Credit, Self Help Groups/
NGOs, linkages with banking, latest guidelines of GOI and RBI.
CAIIB Syllabus - Elective Paper IV Financial Advising
CAIIB Syllabus Elective Paper V Corporate Banking
CAIIB Syllabus - Elective Paper VI Retail Banking
CAIIB Syllabus Elective Paper VII Co-operative Banking

CAIIB Exam Syllabus - Elective Paper VIII Human Resource Management

CAIIB Syllabus - Elective Paper IX - Information Technology
CAIIB Syllabus Elective Paper X Treasury Management
CAIIB Syllabus Elective Paper XI Risk Management

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