Proteus Mirabilis
Proteus Mirabilis
Proteus Mirabilis
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4 authors, including:
Ahmed Aljanaby
University Of Kufa
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A common cause of the urinary tract is Proteus mirabilis. This microorganism has many factors of virulence.
Proteus mirabilis may express adhesins, flagella, toxins, enzymes, quorum sensing, and factors for immune
avoidance. This pathogen is determined as an opportunistic pathogen responsible for many infections like
urinary tract infections (UTIs) and nosocomial infections in immunocompromised patients and who suffer from
various diseases.
Keywords: Swarming; UTIs; Virulence Factors; Immune System
2145| International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Jan - Mar 2021 | Vol 13 | Issue 1
Thualfakar Hayder Hasan et al / Proteus Mirabilis Virulence Factors: Review
2146| International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Jan - Mar 2021 | Vol 13 | Issue 1
Thualfakar Hayder Hasan et al / Proteus Mirabilis Virulence Factors: Review
2147| International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Jan - Mar 2021 | Vol 13 | Issue 1
Thualfakar Hayder Hasan et al / Proteus Mirabilis Virulence Factors: Review
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