Act 1 Lea 102
Act 1 Lea 102
Act 1 Lea 102
Activity 1
1. The student will explain the History of Law Enforcement from the earliest
beginning of policing.
-The first three features of policing were that it did not usually include
compulsion. Second, there was a significant distinction to be made between
those who were legally entrusted with policing tasks and those who really carried
them out. Last but not least, the police carried out a wide range of duties related
to crime control and prevention. The era of policing is reffered to as the “Political
Era of Policing. During the era the police represented the local politicians in the
neighborhoods that they patrolled and there was no civil service system. The
police in the United States had to keep the politicians pleased which led the
police to handle community crime problems that favored the local politicians.
During this era, police had limited supervision and an enormous amount of
discretion. Because police officers worked alone or in small groups, there was
ample opportunities to shake down peddlers and small businesses. Officers
allowed gamblers, pick pocketers and thieves to go about their business in return
for a share of proceedings. This structure led to a culture of police corruption and
a reform was needed.
2. What are the different policing models introduce in the earliest period?
- Security orientation—introduced in the period of Bow street runners,
- the parachial police, and the me chart police, as well as private detective and
- commercial police—introduced in the period of Anglo- saxon, Westminster,
and William the conqueror.
- During the time of the Habeas Corpus Act, problem-oriented policing was
introduced (1679), and the star chamber of enforcement's courtIn the period
of Oliver Cromuell's military police, justices of the peace, and old king Henry's
law, police professionalism was introduced.
3. What are the significant contributions of the different policing era which
contributed in the control of crime and felonies?
- The significant contributions of various policing eras to the control of crime
and felonies are that they all have the same mission of maintaining peace and
order in the country, where the police have reconsidered their fundamental
mission, the nature of core policing strategies, and the nature of their
relationship with the communities they serve. In order to manage crime in the
countries, investigations are conducted in order to hold offenders accountable
for their crimes in the hopes of establishing deterrence through arrest.