The Role of Technology in Students 1

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In the current era of globalization, humans have created many

technologies to support human survival. The technology created also varies, from
simple technology to highly sophisticated technology. Technology plays an
important role for students in carrying out daily activities. One technology that is
very influential on student life is a computer, now computers have become the
most vital part because if there is no computer, students will find it difficult to
carry out daily activities. Thus, information technology provides opportunities and
opportunities to be utilized in bridging and supporting lectures for departments
other than the field of informatics.

Information and communication technology is growing rapidly in the

21st century.
An era where information and communication is not a difficult thing to get. So
this century is known as the Information Age. Information technology that now
touches almost every aspect
Encourage producers of information and communication technology devices to
compete in creating information technology devices to satisfy consumers. The
same goes for telecommunication services or providers who are also competing to
offer a variety of service packages that are so varied. With the advent of
information technology that is so massively as if making information technology
as one of the basic needs and holds an important role in the life of modern society.
Technology is one tool that is very global or quite modern. Information
technology supports the dissemination of information including the education
sector including as a source of information. Besides requiring an understanding of
abstract concepts, it also aims to establish the character of its students.

An example is communication that is no longer constrained by distance,

ease of searching for information through the internet, news from various parts of
the world that are broadcast quickly even in real time. The above example is the
use of technology for students seen from the positive side. The present situation is
the current condition, namely the advancement of information technology. Along
with technological advancements, various information from various sources can
be easily accessed. Even the latest news at this time and time can be immediately
known at the same time, no longer constrained by the length of time of revision
and printing in the past. Geographical boundaries are no longer an obstacle, the
world increasingly feels without limits. Most students already have the tools to
access various information using smart phones and devices that are always in
hand, all knowledge can be easily obtained.

Talking about the use of information and communication technology, is

closely related to gadgets. Admittedly, developments in the world of gadgets are
now very rapid along with the development of information technology.
Fulfillment of information needs in order to improve the quality of life began to
be needed. Especially for people who are higher education participants such as
students. As students at a high level, they are required to be broad-minded and this
will be more easily achieved by meeting the information needs quickly and
efficiently using information technology tools. Students will be greatly facilitated
by the development of technology as it is today, they are no longer in the business
of doing their assignments. However, on the other hand, the positive side of
technology also has the negative impact that has led to the digital divide. As an
example of the negative impact of students on students, students can become
excessive cyber addicts, criminal acts, lead to an apathetic attitude towards each
individual, both the community and the student itself

Most students use the gadgets they have only limited entertainment such
as social networking, chatting, downloading music, video streaming and online
games. In fact there are some students who can be said to be anti-gadget in the
sense that they are reluctant to use information technology devices for various
reasons. This is what makes students become left behind because they cannot use
the technology they need. For example, people who use the internet just to chat
will certainly be left behind compared to people who use the internet more varied
and productively. Most students always use gadgets that they have in support of
their daily activities. The activities that use the most dominating gadgets are
cahtting and short messages, doing college assignments, and social networking. In
the aspect of usage application: number and diversity of data in the field shows
the low variety of applications used in gadgets owned by students. It can be said
that most students are still not able to maximize the functions and features of their
gadgets to support their daily activities. active and creative use of the internet
which is a form of content offer by the user itself is still a rare phenomenon
despite the lure and emergence of participatory media.

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