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Cost Estimates: 9.1 General

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9.1 General
The Burhi Gandak-Noon-Baya-Ganga link canal project envisages
construction of a barrage across river Burhi Gandak near Muriaro village in
Samastipur district, a 28.95 km long link canal and 26 cross drainage/masonry
structures on canal.
This chapter has been prepared as per the “Guidelines for Preparation
of Detailed Project Report of Irrigation and Multipurpose Projects-2010”
issued by MoWR Govt. of India. The cost estimate for the project has been
prepared based on the quantities worked out from the field surveys and designs
of the various structures. The rates have been taken from CSR, 2012 of Govt.
of Bihar. Wherever necessary, the rates have been escalated @8% per annum
to arrive at the cost for the year 2012-13.
9.2 Classification of units
The cost of the project has been worked out under following units:
1. Unit - I: Head works – Burhi Gandak barrage
2. Unit -II: Canal and canalization – Main canal, branch canal and
distribution system.
3. Unit - VI: Command area development
The cost estimate of the link project works out to Rs. 421374.92 lakh.
The unitwise cost of the project is given in Table 9.1
Table 9.1
Cost estimate of the link project Unit: Rs. in lakh
Unit- Unit-II(Canal and Unit-VI(Command Total
I(Headworks) canalisation) area development)
97054.72 302541.53 21778.68 421374.92

The unitwise estimation of cost of the project is described in

following paragraphs.
9.2.1 Unit-I Headworks
Unit-I consists of cost of headworks viz. Burhi Gandak barrage
including head regulator. The total cost of Unit-I Headworks works out to Rs
97054.72 lakh which includes direct and indirect charges. The abstract of the
cost of Unit-I Headworks is given in Annexure-9.1. Direct charges
The water is diverted through link canal to river Baya/Ganga for
reducing the flood damages in the lower reaches of Burhi Gandak basin.
Further, the link canal will also provide enroute irrigation during kharif season.
‘A’ Preliminary
A lumpsum Provision of 2% of I-Work has been kept under this sub-
head and works out to Rs. 1775.75. It covers the actual expenditure incurred
on detailed survey & investigation works viz. topographical surveys &
investigations, hydrological & meteorological surveys, geological &
geotechnical surveys, construction material survey, seismic studies carried out
construction of access roads to facilitate site investigations, charges for
consultancy works for various studies, for preparation of detailed project report
and the probable expenditures for establishing the final locations of different
project components at preconstruction stage.
‘B’ Land
A provision of Rs. 3907.52 lakh has been made under this sub-head.
Under this sub-head, compensation for land acquired for approach road, afflux
bund, borrow areas & quarries and for colony areas have been made. Land
rates obtained from Govt of Bihar have been enhanced 4 times for granting
compensation to the project affected person as per R&R policy of Govt. of
India. Provision for compensation of standing crops has also been made. The
details are shown in Annexure - 9.1.1.
‘C’ works
The estimated cost under this sub-head has been assessed to Rs.
71088.97 lakh. This covers the cost of construction of Burhi Gandak barrage.

Provisions have also been made for the cleaning of the construction site,
drilling work etc. The details of the ‘C’-works are given in Annexure-9.1.2.
‘K’ Buildings
A provision of Rs. 3977.58 lakh has been made under this sub-head.
Provision of building for office and residential accommodation for the staff of
Chief Engineer, Superintending Engineer, Executive Engineer and Assistant
Engineer offices of the project site have been made. The details are shown in
Annexure - 9.1.3.
‘M’ Plantation
A provision of Rs. 99.29 lakh has been kept under this sub head.
This includes plantation of trees in colonies, downstream of earthen portion
and along the approach road to the project site etc. Details of plantation for
barrage and bunds are shown in Annexure - 9.1.4
‘O’ Miscellaneous
A lumpsum provision of 2% of I-works has been made in this sub-
head which works out to be Rs. 1775.75 lakh. It includes provision for external
and internal electrification of the colonies, water supply and sewage disposal,
recreation facilities, medical and security arrangement, fire fighting equipment,
telephone facilities, visits of VIPs for inauguration ceremony etc.
‘P’ Maintenance
A lumpsum provision of 1% of I-works excluding “A” Preliminary,
“B”-Land and “Q”- special T&P for barrage has been made in this sub-head
and works out to Rs. 805.58 lakh.
‘Q’ Special T & P
Under this sub head, provision has been made at 25% of capital cost
of major construction equipment and other equipment. Cost of
inspection/transport has been added to above cost to arrive the total chargeable
cost under this sub-head. A provision of Rs. 2546.02 lakh has been kept under
this sub-head. The recoveries on resale value of Q-special T&P is considered
as 75% of chargeable capital cost of major construction equipment & general
purpose equipments and 20% cost of inspection/transport equipment which
works out to Rs. 1800.98 lakh. Details are furnished in Annexure 9.1.5.

‘R’ Communication
A lumpsum provision of 2% of I-works has been kept under this sub-
head and works out to be Rs. 1775.75 lakh. This includes construction of
approach roads upto the barrage site, approach to colony and quarries etc.
‘X’ Environment and ecology
A provision of 1% of I-works has been made in this sub-head and
works out to be Rs. 887.88 lakh. This includes soil conservation measures,
compensatory aforestation, preventive measures of forest fires, restoration of
land and public health measures etc.
‘Z’ Losses on stock and unforeseen
A provision of Rs. 201.40 lakh has been made @ 0.25% of cost of I-
works less cost of A-Preliminary, B land and Q special T & P, towards losses
on stock of material due to natural causes.
A provision of Rs. 8493.40 lakh has been made under this sub-head
@ 10% of I-Works excluding ‘B’ land.
III-Ordinary T & P
A provision of Rs. 887.88 lakh has been kept under this sub-head
@1% of I-works.
IV-Receipts and recoveries
A provision of Rs. 2160.65 lakh has been kept for receipts and
recoveries. Indirect charges
A total of Rs. 992.06 lakh has been kept for this sub head. An amount
of Rs. 888.41 lakh has been provided @ 1% of I-Works as audit and accounts
charges and an amount of Rs. 103.65 lakh @ 5% of cost of B-land (culturable)
for land revenue also provided.
The total estimated cost under Unit-I “Headworks” has been worked
out as Rs. 97054.72 lakh. General abstract of cost of Unit-I Works is given in
Table-9.2 and estimated cost of Unit-I is given in Annexure - 9.1

Table – 9.2
Unit-I :Head works” – general abstract of cost
Sl. Item(s) Amount
No Rs. in lakh
Direct charges
I Works
‘A’ Preliminary 1775.75
‘B’ Land 3907.52
‘C’ Works 71088.97
‘K’ Buildings 3977.58
‘M’ Plantation 99.29
‘O’ Miscellaneous 1775.75
‘P’ Maintenance 805.58
‘Q’ Special T&P 2546.02
‘R’ Communications 1775.75
‘X’ Environment and ecology 887.88
‘Z’ Loss on stock and unforeseen item 201.40
Total of I-works 88841.49
II Establishment 8493.40
III Ordinary tools and plants 888.41
IV Deduct receipt and recoveries (-)2160.65
Total direct charges 96062.66
V Indirect charges 992.06
Grand total 97054.72

9.2.2 Unit: II Canal and canalization
This consists of the main link canal with the provision for lining of
the canal system consisting of branch canals, distributaries, minors and water
courses in the enroute command. The estimated cost is Rs. 302541.53 lakh.
The abstract of cost is given at Annexure - 9.2. Direct charges
‘A’ Preliminary
This sub head covers the expenditure on investigations already done
and yet to be carried out such as soil surveys, investigation of foundation,
preliminary soil tests etc. and establishing of laboratories etc. A lumpsum
amount of Rs. 5603 lakh @ 2% on cost of I-works has been provided under
this sub-head.
‘B’ Land
Acquisition of private land for the main and branch canal as well as
for residential and non residential buildings have to be made under this head.
Solatium charges for compulsory acquisition, legal charges, diversion of
communication system etc. have also been provided. Provision of Rs.
132017.65 lakh have been kept under this sub-head. Details are furnished in
‘D’ Regulators
Under this sub-head the estimate for cross regulators/ head regulators
at branch canals, terminal point of link canal etc. are made separately.
Provision under this sub-head is Rs. 6207.61 lakh. The details are furnished in
‘F’ Cross drainage works
Cost of C.D. works like syphons, aqueducts, hume pipe culverts etc.
have been worked out and the cost of individual works have been derived.
Total provision in this sub-head is Rs. 36523.63 lakh. Details are furnished in
Annexure - 9.2.3.

‘G’ Bridges
Provision for 14 number of road bridges on the main canal only have
been kept in this estimate on the basis of the cost estimate derived after
necessary escalation in price level. An amount of Rs. 24653.03 lakh has been
estimated under this sub head. Details are shown in Annexure-9.2.4.
‘H’ Escapes
One canal escape has been provided at RD 7.35 km along the main
canal and the estimate of the same has been derived. Cost under this sub-head
is 1534.27 lakh. The details are shown in Annexure-9.2.5.
‘K’ Buildings
The cost under this sub-head amounting to Rs. 11155.23 lakh has
been arrived on the basis of rate of plinth area derived from the model
estimates of each type of buildings. The details are shown in Annexure-9.2.6.
‘L’ Earth work
A major share of the total estimated cost has been made under this
sub-head. Bush clearance, cutting of trees including its uprooting, stripping of
the seat of embankment, excavation in clay & sandy soil etc. compaction of
earth by sheep foot roller, construction of dowlah, transportation charges for
earth, for lining, tamping in canal bed and side slopes etc. Total cost has been
worked out as Rs. 34711.13 lakh. The details are shown in Annexure-9.2.7.
‘M’ Plantation
Under this sub-head a provision of Rs. 86.51 lakh for plantation in
the colonies and different offices alongwith the plantation of trees on the
embankment of the canal on both sides have been made. The cost includes the
price of the saplings and protective measures also. The details are shown in
‘O’ Miscellaneous
Under this sub-head a provision for external electrification of the
colonies, water supply and special lighting arrangements for construction
works have been included. A lumpsum provision of 2% of I-Works i.e. Rs.
5603.00 lakh is made under this sub-head.
‘P’ Maintenance
A provision for maintenance of water supply and sewerage of
colonies telephones, security arrangements, school buses and inspection
vehicles are kept under this sub-head. Maintenance cost is taken lumpsum as
1% of I-works Less ‘A’ Preliminary, ‘B’ land and ‘Q’ Special Tools and
plants. Provision under this sub-head has been made to the tune of Rs. 1419
‘Q’ Special T&P
Under this sub head a provision has been made at 25% of capital cost
of major construction equipment and other equipment. Full cost of
inspection/transport has been added to above cost to arrive the total chargeable
cost under this sub-head. A provision of Rs. 658.74 lakh has been kept under
this sub-head. The recoveries on resale value of Q-special T&P is considered
as 75% of chargeable capital cost of major construction equipment & other
equipments and 20% cost of inspection/transport equipment which works out
to Rs. 466.02 lakh. Details are furnished in Annexure 9.2.9.
‘R’ Communication
Cost of construction of quarry roads, temporary roads in the work
area are provided under this sub-head of the estimate. The amount under this
sub-head is 58.60 lakh. The details are furnished in Annexure-9.2.10.
‘U’ Distributaries and minors
A provision of Rs 6873.06 lakh has made under this sub-head. The
cost has been worked out on the basis of rate per ha of culturable command
‘V’ Water courses
Under this sub-head a provision of Rs. 9885.49 lakh is made in the
estimate. The cost has been assessed on the basis of rates per ha of CCA.
‘W’ Drainage
For this purpose, a provision is made under the sub-head X-
environment and ecology.

‘X’ Environment and ecology
A provision of 1% of I-Works has been made in this sub-head
including drainages and works out to Rs. 2801.00 lakh. This includes soil
conservation measures, restoration of land and public health measures etc.
‘Y’ Losses on stock and unforeseen
A provision of 25% of the cost of I-Works less ‘A’ Preliminary ‘B’
Land and ‘Q’ Special T&P has been made as losses on stock under this sub-
head. The amount arrived at this sub-head is Rs. 355 lakh.
A lump sum provision of 10% of I-Works less B-land i.e. Rs.
14812.83 lakh is made under this sub-head.
III-Ordinary tools and plants
A lump sum provision @ 1% of the I-Works i.e. Rs. 2801.46 lakh has
been kept for this in the estimate.
IV-Receipts and recoveries
Provision of Rs. 752.30 lakh for receipts and recoveries on the special
tools and plants and temporary buildings have been kept. Indirect charges
(i) Audit and account charges
A total provision of Rs. 2801.46 lakh @ 1% cost of the I-Works has
been kept for the audit and accounts charges.
(ii) Abatement of land revenue
A total provision @ 5% cost of B-land (culturable area) amounting to
Rs.2732.13 lakh for abatement of land revenue have been made under this sub-
The total estimated cost under Unit-II ‘Canals and canalisation’ have been
worked out to be Rs. 302541.53 lakh. General abstract of cost of Unit II is
given in Table – 9.3 and estimated cost of canal and canalization Units-II is
given Annexure-9.2.

Table – 9.3
Unit – II Canal and canalization – General abstract of cost
Sl.No. Item(s) Amount
Rs. in lakh
Direct charge
I. Works
‘A’ – Preliminary 5603.00
‘B’ – Land 132017.65
‘D’ – Regulator 6207.61
‘F’ – Cross Drainage Works 36523.63
‘G’ – Bridges 24653.03
‘H’ – Escape 1534.27
‘K’ – Buildings 11155.23
‘L’ – Earthwork including canal lining 34711.13
‘M’ – Plantation 86.51
‘O’ – Miscellaneous 5603.00
‘P’ – Maintenance 1419.00
‘Q’ – Special T & P 658.74
‘R’ – Communications 58.60
‘U’ – Distributaries, minors & sub-minors 6873.06
‘V’ – Water courses 9885.49
‘W,X’ – Environment and ecology including 2801.00
drainage (1% of I-work)
‘Y’ – Losses on stock & unforeseen item 355.00
Total I – Work 280145.95
II. Establishment 14812.83
III. Ordinary Tools & Plants 2801.46
IV. Deduct receipt & recoveries -752.30
Total direct charges 297007.94
V. Indirect charges 5533.59
Grand total 302541.53

9.2.3 Unit VI : Command area development
The total culturable command area covered under the project is
126034 ha. A provision has been made at the rate of Rs. 17280/- per ha for the
entire CCA amounting to Rs. 21778.68 lakh.
9.4 Total cost of the project
The total estimated cost of Burhi Gandak-Noon-Baya-Ganga link
project works out to Rs. 421374.92 lakh at the price level of the year 2012-13
including the cost of Unit-I Headworks ,cost of Unit-II Canal & canalization
and Unit-VI Command area development.


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