Lesson 3 Accounting For Leases
Lesson 3 Accounting For Leases
Lesson 3 Accounting For Leases
Lease is a contract between a lessor and a leasse, whereby the lessor conveys to the
lessee, in return for the payment of specified rentals, the right to use an asset over an
agreed period of time.
In lease contract the lessor remains the owner
Leases are categorized into finance, operating lease and leveraged
1. Finance/capital leases:
This is a lease that transfers substantially all the risk and reward of ownership of the
assets to the lessee.
This leases are usually non-cancellable and at the end of the initial lease period title
may or may not be passed to the lessee.
The risks associated with asset ownership include losses from idle capacity, losses
from technical obsolescence and the variations in return due to changing economic
The rewards associated with asset ownership include expectations of profitable
operations over the assets economic life and gain from appreciation in value of an
asset, or realization of a residual value.
Criteria of categorizing finance/capital leases
1. The lessor often transfers ownership of the leased asset to the lessee at the end of the
lease period but till then the lessor retains the title of the asset
2. The lease agreement contains a bargain purchase option.
3. The lease period is equal to 75% or more of the estimated useful life of the asset
4. The present value of the minimum lease payments must be 90% or more of the fair
value of the leased asset
5. The lessee cannot cancel the lease without paying adequate compensation to the lessor
6. The lessee is responsible for repairs, maintenance and insurance of the asset.
2. Operating leases
A lease is classified as an operating lease if it does not secure for the lessor the
recovery of his capital outlay plus a return on the funds invested during the lease term.
This is a lease other than the finance lease i.e. it’s a cancellable lease
In operating lease assets are ‘rented out’ to many different lessees (users) over the
useful life of the asset and the lessee pays for the hire or the use of the asset.
Ownership of the asset remains with the lessor, who assumes all the risks and rewards
of the asset and takes responsibility for repairs, maintenance and insurance expenses.
Therefore, the asset should be treated by the lessor as a fixed asset and rentals
receivable should be included in his/her income over the lease term.
In case of operating lease, the following transactions is to be passed in the books of
the lessee. when rent is paid on the leased property DR Rent A/c and CR Cash A/c
In the books of the lessor the following transaction should be passed:
a) When rent is received under the lease contract. Dr: Cash A/c and Cr: Rental income
b) When depreciation is to be charged. Dr: Depreciation A/c and Cr: Accumulated
depreciation A/c
c) When insurance/maintenance/taxes are paid. Dr: Insurance/maintenance/taxes A/c and
Cr: Cash A/c
Distinction between an operating lease and a finance lease
Operating lease Finance lease
1 It is usually for a shorter duration and bears no It is usually related to the useful life of the asset
relation to the useful life of the asset.
2 It’s a revocable contract/cancellable It’s non -revocable contract i.e. non-cancellable
3 The lessor is responsible for repairs, The lessee is responsible for repairs, maintenance
maintenance and insurance of the asset and insurance of the asset
4 The lessee does not incur any risks associated The risk of the asset ownership is taken by the
with the assets lessee
5 The rentals are not sufficient to fully amortize The rentals would cover the lessor’s original
the cost of the asset investment cost plus a reasonable return on
6 There is no option to review or buy the lease It provides for an option to review the lease or to
buy the asset at a nominal price at the expiration
of the lease period.
3. Leveraged Lease
A leveraged lease is a finance lease and has all the following characteristics:
(i) It involves at least three parties; a lessee, a lessor and one or more long term creditors
(ii) The creditor’s recourse to the lessor in the event of default is restricted to the proceeds
from the disposal of the leased asset and any unremitted rentals relating thereto; and
(iii) The lessor’s investment in the lease declines in the early years of the lease and
rises in later years before its final elimination.
This is used in those cases where huge capital outlays are required for acquiring
assets. In this type also, the lessee makes contract for periodical payments over the
lease period and in turn is entitled to use the asset over the period of time.
Legal ownership of the leased asset remains with the lessor who is, therefore, entitled
to tax deductions such as depreciation and other allowances.
It is appropriate therefore, that the method of finance income recognition on leverage
lease should take account of the cash flows resulting from the tax benefits. The
following methods can be used to recognize finance income:
a) Net cash investment method
The net cash investment in the lease is the balance of the cash outflows and inflows in
respect of the lease, excluding flows relating to insurance, maintenance and similar
costs rechargeable to the lessee.
The cash outflow includes payments made to acquire that asset, tax payments, interest
and principal on third party financing while cash inflows include rentals receipts,
receipts from residual values and grants, tax credits and other savings or repayments
arising from the lease.
Under the net cash investment, a lessor recognizes finance income based on a pattern
reflecting a constant periodic return on its net cash investment outstanding in respect
of the finance lease.
Lease rentals relating to the accounting period, excluding costs for services, are
applied against gross investment in the lease to reduce the principal and the unearned
finance income.
Hence, this method usually involves using a net-of-tax basis for the allocation of
The net cash investment method is often considered to be the most appropriate
method of accounting for finance income from lease that have been entered into
largely on the basis of the tax benefits that are expected to flow from the lease